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00:00Ten years ago, a dragon's horn was stolen.
00:11This horn, which was said to have mysterious powers, was a unique treasure, the likes of
00:17which the world has never known, before or since.
00:20The soldiers guarding this treasure had all been killed, and the incident faded into darkness.
00:29During this era, the peaceful passage of time was even more violently disrupted by
00:34the arrival of terror from the skies, a terror that could lead to the total destruction of
00:40all the land, the coming of dragons.
00:56Hey, did you hear?
00:58Shirino's in town.
01:01You mean THE Shirino?
01:02You think you can eat in here for free?
01:05Don't come back, you lowlife!
01:08What a cruel, heartless town.
01:11Kicked right out the door, to starve on the streets like a stray dog.
01:18It's Shirino, the master swordsman.
01:21They say he'd even give that guy the king a run for his money.
01:26Mr. Shirino, it's been so long!
01:29Well, what do you know?
01:32I never imagined I'd find you here.
01:34And I was sure I'd never get to see you again.
01:37Seven years it's been.
01:39My, how you've grown.
01:41I'm glad to see you're doing well.
01:54Oh man, that hit the spot!
01:56After five days, I forgot what food tastes like!
02:00That was exquisite.
02:01I will repay you someday, even if it costs me my life.
02:04It's okay, really.
02:06No, save my life.
02:07To renege on such a debt would be unworthy of a swordsman.
02:10Unworthy of a man!
02:11Yes, it must be done.
02:13Though the path of duty is a demanding one.
02:15It's the path I must walk.
02:17Wait, Mr. Shirino!
02:18She's ignoring me!
02:19My journey is long and my time short.
02:22I must be on my way.
02:24But I'm sure we'll meet again.
02:26Until then.
02:30Hold it right there, Mr. Mustache!
02:35Wait, what are you doing?
02:37Maybe you didn't notice, but just now your scabbard bumped into mine.
02:44Oh, did it?
02:46Terribly sorry.
02:48It wasn't on purpose.
02:50Forgive me if I upset you.
02:52A sword means life to a swordsman.
02:55You must realize that just saying you're sorry won't suffice.
02:59I hope you're ready to face the consequences.
03:01Hitting someone's scabbard is the same as challenging them to a duel!
03:05So draw your sword and fight me!
03:12Nice swordsmanship.
03:22You lost. Nice try.
03:24By what?
03:25This fight isn't over until one of us dies!
03:27When swordsmen duel, it's a duel to the death!
03:29So get back here!
03:31You cowardly piece of-
03:32Stop it!
03:34I obey my angel of mercy.
03:37How dare you be rude to Mr. Shirino!
03:40Did you see that?
03:42What kind of sword is that?
03:44Yeah, that thing is made out of solid bronze.
03:48And he cut right through it.
03:56Who is this Shirino?
03:58I've never heard of him.
04:00You've heard of the Great Surprise Attack seven years ago?
04:03Uh, yeah, of course.
04:05What happened exactly?
04:07A small village in the mountains was attacked.
04:09A dragon appeared without any warning and burned the whole place to the ground.
04:16The attack was completely unexpected.
04:19And because the village was surrounded by mountains, no one could get out.
04:23And nobody from the outside could get in to help.
04:26The whole world was shaken.
04:28It reminded us just how frightening dragons can be.
04:32It was assumed the whole village had been wiped out.
04:35Everyone in it was dead.
04:38But then, out of the ashes, a single swordsman emerged with a child in his arms.
04:46I made it.
04:48It was nearly the death of me, but I knew I had to save this child.
04:53That man was Shirino.
04:55He was already famous as a master swordsman.
04:58But he became legendary for stepping alone into the raging inferno,
05:02fighting off the dragon,
05:04and saving that child.
05:09The mountains around the village were blazing with flames.
05:12It's a miracle they both got out alive.
05:14Can you guess who the child was?
05:16The lone villager he saved that day?
05:20It was her, that's who.
05:24She's the survivor?
05:26That's Shirino. He's a great swordsman.
05:29You know what they say?
05:31He might even be as good as the king.
05:33They do? Really?
05:35Wow, the king.
05:37He's supposed to be the world's greatest swordsman.
05:40Then I'm sure he has the heart and soul of a true warrior.
05:43I know it sounds crazy, but...
05:46between you and me, I'd love to fight him someday.
05:50Well, good luck.
05:52Just finding the guy could be difficult.
05:54No one knows who he is or even what he looks like.
05:57But what did you say about the heart and soul of a true warrior?
06:01Nothing like a full stomach to put a smile on your face.
06:05No more starving to death for this guy.
06:08That girl is something else.
06:10Her entire village was wiped out,
06:12but she doesn't let it show.
06:16Guess when Shirino saved her,
06:18he gave her the strength to keep going.
06:22You! Hold it right there!
06:25What on earth are you doing?
06:27Let go of me!
06:29What did I do to you anyway?
06:31You hit my scabbard with your...
06:37Are you insane? What have you done?
06:40Hold on. Wait a second. I didn't even touch you.
06:44You people are all witnesses.
06:46This man stabbed me for no reason.
06:48Or wait, maybe there is a reason.
06:50You know. You know, don't you?
06:52Yeah, you know what I've got and you want to take it.
06:55Well, I've got news for you, you dirty gut-stabbing bastard.
06:59I will never let you get your hands on it.
07:01Not in a million years.
07:03Did you really think you could get it by killing me?
07:05What a fool you are.
07:07If I die, I won't be dying alone.
07:09I'll be taking you with me.
07:11And not just you.
07:12This whole rotten town, they'll all die.
07:15Okay, cut the crap. I didn't even...
07:17I will never let you get the dragon's horn. Never!
07:28Did he say that's the dragon's horn?
07:31It sounded like that to me too.
07:33The one that was stolen ten years ago?
07:35And you can use it to summon dragons?
07:37That horn?
07:38Oh, if it can summon dragons.
07:41He blew on it. He blew on the dragon's horn.
07:43It's got to be a fake. It's got to be.
07:45Oh, believe me, it's real.
07:49Of course, everyone here is free to think the whole thing is a ruse.
07:52But that won't help you.
07:56He summoned the dragon! Run!
07:58The dragon is coming!
08:00The town is doomed!
08:01We're all going to die!
08:02Head for the hills! Run for your lives!
08:04None of this makes any sense.
08:06Is this a prank? It's got to be.
08:08This is all your fault!
08:10Yeah, why did you have to drag us here?
08:12This is all your fault!
08:13Yeah, why did you have to drag us into it?
08:15Just who the hell are you anyway?
08:17And why did you have to stab that guy in our town?
08:19I didn't stab anyone anywhere, you idiots!
08:21Oh, hey, you're right on time.
08:23Come here and help me out with these guys, will ya?
08:26Tell them they got it wrong.
08:28So it was you?
08:30No. Like I keep saying.
08:32Did you see that flare?
08:35Hey, that hurts! What was that for?
08:37If I'd known what you are, I never would have given you something to eat.
08:40I should have just let you starve to death, you murderer!
08:43Okay, now you're being downright rude!
08:45I don't care if you are my angel of mercy!
08:47You take that back!
08:48Oh, shut up!
08:50If you'd ever actually seen a dragon,
08:52even a fool like you wouldn't have done something as stupid as this!
08:56You have no idea how horrifying dragons are!
09:00Look, I don't know what the hell's going on here,
09:03but whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me.
09:06I take no responsibility.
09:10What would a murderer like you know about responsibility?
09:13That has said horn is fake! A dragon's gonna be here any minute!
09:16It's not on me! It's not my fault!
09:19Whose fault is it, then?
09:21It's real. Don't for a minute think it isn't.
09:25This is definitely the dragon's horn that was stolen that day ten years ago.
09:30Mr. Mustache!
09:31I know this because all those brave soldiers
09:35who gave up their lives defending it,
09:38all of them were under my command.
09:41Every time I ask myself why I wasn't there,
09:44I'm overwhelmed with guilt.
09:47Mr. Shirino.
09:48Whether it's this man's fault or not,
09:50the dragon will still come.
09:53Will you give me leave to fight the dragon once more?
09:58Hooray! One cheers for Shirino!
10:00We're saved! Shirino's gonna defeat the dragon!
10:03Stop it! It's crazy to think he can beat a dragon!
10:06No one can take on a dragon by themselves. No one!
10:09Not even Mr. Shirino.
10:12He'll never survive. He's no match for a dragon.
10:15I'm sorry, but you know that I'm right.
10:18This is completely insane.
10:21I've always known that this would happen again someday.
10:26I did what I could to prevent it.
10:28I've spent many years trying to find that horn,
10:31but I have failed.
10:33All I've gained are a few meaningless military victories
10:37and the empty title of Master Swordsman.
10:40That's not true.
10:41It is time.
10:42I just want one last chance to end this once and for all.
10:46Oh, that's very impressive and very touching.
10:49But if you don't want a repeat of the great surprise attack,
10:52just evacuate the town.
10:54If there's nobody here, you won't have any reason to fight the dragon,
10:57unless you want to defend a bunch of empty buildings.
11:00This is all your fault!
11:01You could have at least had the decency to commit seppuku and kill yourself!
11:04Who's going to make me commit seppuku, huh?
11:07Don't do it. Committing seppuku would be a mistake.
11:10As if I was gonna!
11:12Now then, the dragon will be here soon.
11:14Everyone must leave the town at once, no exceptions.
11:18I will do everything in my power to protect your homes,
11:21even if it costs me my life.
11:24If I should fall in the battle,
11:27if I'm killed,
11:29forgive me for failing you.
11:45You know, everyone else has already left.
11:49Shut up.
11:50So you survived the great surprise attack.
11:55Was it really that scary, the dragon?
11:59I guess Mr. Mustache must be some kind of swordsman, huh?
12:14Hey, where are you going?
12:16One man against a dragon. I can't let him do it.
12:20It is time. I just want one last chance to end this once and for all.
12:25He'll never survive.
12:27You're gonna try and stop Mr. Mustache, huh?
12:31I don't think you can help him.
12:33Hey, hold on!
12:35You mock him, but he's risking his life for this town.
12:39This is a man who wants to save people's lives, not murder them.
12:49Come on. Don't go.
12:52Just come with me and let's get out of town.
12:56No! Don't look!
13:04Mr. Shiranami?
13:07And isn't that the man who...
13:10I will do everything in my power to protect your homes,
13:13even if it costs me my life.
13:16If I should fall in the battle,
13:18forgive me for failing you.
13:20No way.
13:22Get out of there!
13:23If they see you, they'll kill you.
13:26They convinced everyone to leave town so they could loot the place.
13:31I feel so bad for her.
13:33I don't even know what to say.
13:35Words seem useless.
13:37Ha! That samurai!
13:39I almost burst into laughter!
13:41It was just like you said.
13:42As soon as I bumped his scabbard, he went berserk!
13:45It'll be like seven years ago all over again.
13:48We just call in the dragon,
13:49and by the time it gets here, we'll be long gone.
13:51Yeah, and rich.
13:52Plus, with a hall this big,
13:53we can live in luxury for the next 25 years.
13:59And that kid I saved seven years ago?
14:01She wound up living in this town.
14:03She was so glad to see me.
14:06Poor girl.
14:07How many people get their hometown destroyed by a dragon twice?
14:10I almost feel pity for her.
14:12Well, I guess it is thanks to her
14:14that I'm held up as a shining example of chivalry.
14:17At least this wasn't a surprise attack.
14:20We didn't have to kill everyone like we did last time.
14:23I believe we've gotten much better
14:25at putting on a very convincing act.
14:28It's a dragon!
14:29Everyone, wake up!
14:31We have to get out of here!
14:33Burn it! Burn it!
14:36Burn it down to the ground!
14:38Where can we go?
14:39We're surrounded on every side!
14:41There's no way out.
14:42There's no way for us to escape.
14:44It's better you don't escape.
14:47That way, no one will ever know what happened here.
14:50It will be one of life's little mysteries.
15:03Help me.
15:06Help me, please.
15:10My mother and father are trapped.
15:12Trapped underneath our house.
15:15Please, save them.
15:26Oh, thank heavens.
15:28She's alive.
15:29My flair's alive.
15:34Can you please help me get out of here?
15:37DR, you take the treasure and go on ahead.
15:43Well, seeing as how we've managed to destroy the village
15:46and get our hands on a decent amount of loot,
15:50I'm thinking, why not get some fame out of it as well?
15:56If that girl ever learned the truth,
15:58she'd fall into a pit of despair.
16:01Imagine finding out that the man you've always looked up to
16:04Imagine finding out that the man you've always looked upon as your savior
16:07is the one who burned your village and killed your parents!
16:11Are you awake?
16:12Where are they?
16:14My mom and dad?
16:16I'm sorry.
16:17I wasn't able to save them.
16:19Please forgive me.
16:25So that's what really happened.
16:28Then I'm sorry that I called you a murderer.
16:31You don't seem too shook up.
16:34I'm not going to wallow in self-pity.
16:37I won't give them that satisfaction.
16:40Besides, I would have sooner taken my own life
16:43than sit around here and mope.
16:46But you should get out of this town.
16:49The dragon's coming, there's no stopping it.
16:52Get out of here and forget about us.
16:54I wish you good fortune.
17:03Get out of here.
18:04It sounds like the dragon's already here.
18:07We haven't finished plundering this podunk little town of all its treasures yet.
18:12It's here. Shiranui's our last hope, our only hope.
18:16What did our town do to deserve this?
18:18It's all because of that man.
18:20That damn samurai from who knows where.
18:23We have to trust him.
18:26Trust Shiranui.
18:30The fact that you didn't give a damn about bumping into another man scabbard,
18:35that's proof that you don't have, and never have had,
18:38the heart of a true warrior.
18:41We've been found out, D.R.
18:43Looks like somebody didn't leave town when they were supposed to.
18:47Well, you're right, kid. No heart of a warrior here.
18:50If I even have a heart, it's the heart of a villain.
18:52I don't care about all that honor and duty and fighting for the sake of others crap.
18:56The great surprise attack seven years ago, we were the ones behind it.
19:00That's Shiranui. He's a great swordsman.
19:03And those men of mine who died guarding the dragon's horn,
19:06we slaughtered every single one of them.
19:08And then we stole the horn.
19:10We're saved. Shiranui's going to defeat the dragon.
19:14I'm making a killing as a villain, and I'm not about to give up now.
19:18The way I see it, I can kill you and set you up to take the blame.
19:22Mr. Shiranui is risking his life for this town, for all of us.
19:28You scumbag!
19:52You're joking! No, no, no, there's no way he could have been defeated just like that!
19:56Shiranui? He may be rotten to the core, but he's still Shiranui, the master swordsman.
20:01What did you do to him, you cheating, backstabbing bastard?
20:04You stay right there! Don't come any closer!
20:07That other horn, the one that I broke, was a fake, but this one isn't.
20:10This one's the real one.
20:12There's still time to call the dragon off.
20:14But the thing is, not just anyone can control the dragon with this horn.
20:17It's harder than you think.
20:19I can do it, but it took me three years to even begin to master it.
20:23What I'm saying is that I'm the only person around here who can stop the dragon.
20:27So you see, if you kill me, this whole town will be completely destroyed.
20:30Save it.
20:33It's not my town.
20:52It's huge!
21:06Our town!
21:08Nothing can save it now, not even Shiranui!
21:52I'm ready.
21:56If this town dies, I'll die with it.
22:05It's him!
22:54That is an insanely big lizard.
23:05You're still here?
23:07I was sure you'd run off.
23:09No, I took cover.
23:12I thought you...
23:13Stop thinking.
23:15At least about ending your life.
23:19I hear it's no fun.
23:21Being dead, I mean.
23:24Who are you?
23:25I don't even know your name.
23:27Why did you do it?
23:29Fight that dragon?
23:30Why did you risk your life to save a town you don't even live in?
23:35I told you before.
23:37You saved my life, remember?
23:39I told you I'd pay you back someday, even if it killed me.
23:43Actually, when I think about it, I fought twice for you.
23:47So now you owe me.
23:49I expect my next meal to be on the house.
23:51Don't forget.
23:53Don't worry, I won't.
23:58I can't believe Shiranui and that weird guy were working together.
24:01He had us fooled the whole time, that master scumbag!
24:04Did that one day where I really do this?
24:07Now I remember.
24:09Yeah, Ryuma the King.
24:12That's what people call him.
24:14The people whose lives he saved.
24:16I don't think he knows it, though.
24:18The King?
24:21A swordsman with the heart of the world's greatest warrior.
24:26That's him.
24:35I'm sorry.
24:48As long as you feel shame, that's enough.
24:51Your true swordsman in body and spirit.
24:54Wish I could have met you in your own era.
24:59I'll take the sword, all right.
25:01But let's pretend like this fight never happened.
25:05Okay with you, samurai from Wano?
