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01:10Hey, don't you just love the way your breath smells in the morning?
01:18Even my gross-out meter's impressed.
01:26Hey, Beetlejerk, I'm hungry!
01:29Uh-oh. Upset stomach.
01:31If you don't slide some bugs down here pronto, I'm gonna...
01:35All right, all right, don't bust your belly button.
01:40Let me mix up some bug bait from Concentrate.
01:47Oh, yeah.
01:56What's that?
02:06Is Beetlejuice bothering poor Bootsy again?
02:14What in tarnation?
02:17What in tarnation?
02:21It's called the Hippopotamus.
02:25Folks, this appears to be another dastardly scheme by Beetlejuice
02:29to create neighborhood mayhem and havoc.
02:31Aw, come on!
02:33I was just cooking breakfast.
02:36Cooking breakfast?
02:44Hit the slab, porters!
02:58And stay out!
03:03Let's see. The cube root of eight divided by the square root of nine.
03:10Babe, you gotta help me.
03:12My nose is running.
03:18I got a nagging backache.
03:22Why can't we go back to that nice warm room
03:25with a nice comfy bed, huh?
03:29It's all because I spent the night freezing in my Beetlemobile.
03:32Why don't you just sleep in your bed?
03:34Because his neighbors threw him out.
03:36Now I have to suffer.
03:38But does he care?
03:42Get back where you belong, quick!
03:45Come on, Beetlejuice.
03:47Jacques and Ginger are so nice, they should be easy to get along with.
03:50Well, maybe for you. Come on, babes.
03:53Go tell them what a great ghost I am.
03:55Get them to let me move back in.
03:57Come on, come on, come on, come on.
04:03Beetlejuice, I haven't got time.
04:06Look, if you're a good neighbor, Jacques and Ginger will want you around.
04:12I can't stand being a good anything.
04:14Just do something nice for them.
04:16Like, if they need help, give them a hand.
04:22No, no, Beetlejuice.
04:24You and I can no longer exercise our friendship.
04:28From that day you turned my jump rope into the rattlesnake,
04:32I've known you were hazardous to my health.
04:35Oh, come on, Jacques. Let me make it up to you.
04:37I'll give you a hand.
04:40Sacre bleu!
04:46How about a friendly handshake?
04:49Unhand me!
04:53No! No!
05:00Alouette, gentille alouette.
05:04I gotta hand it to you, Jacques.
05:06You never miss a chance to try new exercises.
05:09You are more revolting than the French Revolution.
05:13Hey, no need to thank me.
05:15I'm just being a good neighbor, know what I mean?
05:22I never realized being a good neighbor could be so much fun.
05:26Tell me more, babe.
05:28Well, you could do something to show them you care.
05:30Something to make them feel wanted.
05:36These wanted posters ought to make Ginger feel wanted.
05:52Excuse me, ma'am. Freeze.
05:54You're under arrest, you toe-tapping terrorist.
05:59But, officer, I'm a cutesy-wootsy tap dancer.
06:03I wouldn't hurt a fly.
06:06Uh-huh. Right. Let's go, twinkle toes.
06:19What's next on the good neighbor agenda?
06:22Well, why don't you have Jacques and Ginger for dinner?
06:26Nah, even I'm not that gross.
06:29Well, then just be friendly.
06:31Do things like, uh, be a good listener.
06:34Visit them often. Just drop in.
06:46Just try to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
06:52Oh, yeah! Billions of big, beautiful black beetles!
06:57I've been bugging my neighbors to do that unto me for years.
07:04Ah! Finished at last! Huh?
07:07Babes! My neighbors are gonna beg me to move back in.
07:11I heard them saying they'd like to tar and feather me
07:14and heap me into a vat of bat slime.
07:17Boy, they must love me.
07:22Uh, Beetlejuice, are you sure you're being a good neighbor?
07:27Sure, I'm sure, babes.
07:29Now get ready for smiling neighbors running to me with open arms.
07:35You scum!
07:39Hey, they're towing my beetle mobile away with a tow truck.
07:46Hey! Is this any way to treat a good neighbor?
07:50If you are a good neighbor, then I am terribly overweight.
07:55For my height.
08:00You buried us in beetles!
08:03Hey, I was just doing unto others as I'd have them do unto me.
08:06Just like Lyd said.
08:08Uh, I think you misunderstood.
08:11And you got Ginger arrested.
08:16Hey, I just wanted to make her feel wanted.
08:20Thank goodness you didn't have them for dinner.
08:23Look, everybody, this is my fault.
08:25I told Beetlejuice what to do.
08:30Her fault?
08:33But he, well, got the wrong idea.
08:36I did?
08:37So you've just got to give him one last chance to prove he's a good neighbor.
08:42Let him move it to some other neighborhood.
08:47We lost!
08:50Oh, no!
08:52It couldn't be!
08:53Yes, it is!
08:57It's the attack of the door-to-door salesman!
09:02Oh, yes, you lucky shoppers!
09:06I've got bargains galore in my portable store.
09:09Oh, you should give this a try.
09:11Though I don't know why.
09:13I've got boxes and cans and umbrella stands.
09:16Hey, hey, hey!
09:18Don't miss this exciting offer!
09:20Half price for 500 issues of Bones Illustrated!
09:28I cannot resist!
09:30Of course you can.
09:33I sell the worthless junk in this neighborhood!
09:36Then do something about it.
09:37Show him who's the ghost with the most.
09:43Leftover bug bait and...
09:48It's showtime!
09:54We've got some unbelievable deals on Bone Whitener and Spider Cider!
10:00Oh, no!
10:04How about some free bug bait?
10:06What's going on?
10:14Hey, cut it out!
10:27He's gone.
10:29Yeah, well, guess I'll be moving on to a new disgusting neighborhood.
10:35Drop over and smell me sometime.
10:37Bietle Juice, wait!
10:44Bietle Juice?
10:45There must be somewhere we can thank you.
10:50You could let me move back into that filthy dump you live in.
10:53But you gotta promise to stop being a good neighbor.
10:59I'm home.
11:00Oui, oui.
11:01Stop trying to be something you are not.
11:04Just be your old tummy-turning self.
11:07Hey, I'm all for it, bonehead.
11:14And now that I'm my old self again...
11:39Now back to Bietle Juice.
11:44Though I know I should be wary,
11:48still I venture someplace scary.
11:51Ghostly haunting, I turn loose.
11:54Bietle Juice! Bietle Juice! Bietle Juice!
12:04Ah, camping!
12:06You know, I just love the wind in my face.
12:09Especially when it blows bugs in my mouth.
12:13Bietle Juice, how would you feel
12:16if I invited Bertha and Prudence along on our camping trip?
12:21Burp and prune?
12:23Their idea of roughing it is towel-drying their hair.
12:27Burp and prune?
12:29I mean, Bertha and Prudence have never been camping.
12:33A night in the rugged outdoors is just what they need
12:35to become strong women.
12:38I could help them smell strong.
12:40Bietle Juice.
12:41Oh, all right, lads.
12:43I'll go as that crusty campfire ghoul.
12:46Betty Juice!
12:48But we camp in the neither-woods just like you promised.
12:51I don't know. The neither-woods would scare Prudence.
12:54And who knows what kind of monsters Bertha would trip over.
12:57Hey, what better way to make strong women out of them?
13:04Well, all right, Bietle Juice.
13:07Uh, Betty.
13:11Oh, this is so cool.
13:15An outdoor slumber party.
13:17Well, I feel much safer in the woods
13:21with a few books to hold on to.
13:26I just love simulating reading material.
13:31To tell the truth, I'm scared of the woods.
13:35Never fear.
13:38Now I'm really scared.
13:46Ah, the sounds of nature are like beautiful music.
13:51Whoa, down by the bog.
13:55Where the bloodsuckers walk.
13:57Where the bloodsuckers walk.
13:59Where the bloodsuckers walk.
14:01Where the bloodsuckers walk.
14:03Whoa, down by the bog.
14:07Where the bloodsuckers swim.
14:09I sat on a crab and picked my scab.
14:14Ew, gross.
14:17Say, let's hold hands so we don't get lost.
14:20Know what I mean?
14:21Good idea, Betty.
14:23Bietle Juice, Bietle Juice, Bietle Juice.
14:34Gee, all of a sudden these woods seem a lot creepier.
14:40Hey, things were bound to improve.
14:45You were saying?
14:50A weeping willow.
14:52Man, those things just blow me away.
14:58See what I mean?
15:00That's not all I want to see.
15:14Keep off the grass.
15:16Yeah, beat it.
15:17Don't you just hate crab grass?
15:21Yeah, I should have known Lydia would take us to the weirdest part of the woods.
15:26Those crab claws will tear our backpacks to shreds.
15:29Why don't we...
15:30Never fear, Betty's here.
15:36They think they can walk all over us.
15:43Looks like it's all the crab you can eat night.
15:54Crab grass, you know it hates me.
15:56Start setting up the tent, Betty.
15:58We'll be right back with the firewood.
16:01I hope.
16:03Let's see, where's my pup tent?
16:10Hey, whoa!
16:16Okay, set up.
16:19Good pup tent, now stay.
16:29You sure you don't want to rough it and cook over the campfire?
16:32No, thanks.
16:35You know, you two should learn to live off the land.
16:41Like me.
16:44Oh, no!
16:46She's not gonna.
16:48Oh, yeah.
17:05My dinner!
17:08My chips!
17:14Come on, girls, let's show those hogs they can't hog our food.
17:19Never, dear.
17:21We know, we know.
17:23Betty's here.
17:26Takes a pig to catch a pig.
17:33You hedgehogs need a little trim?
17:50Betty, I wish I'd give Bertha and Prudence a chance to help out.
17:54Those two are helpless, Lids.
17:56They'll never be strong women.
17:58Like you and me.
18:06That does it.
18:08I'm finding a quieter place to sleep.
18:17Wait for me!
18:19That Betty is the absolute pits!
19:03If anything happens to them, I'll never forgive myself.
19:06Don't worry, babes.
19:08I know these woods like the back of my leg.
19:11Yeah, I see the resemblance.
19:14Hey, slow down, babes.
19:16I can't.
19:17I've got to find them before something else does.
19:28Never fear!
19:30Betty's here!
19:32This wolf pack needs to be repacked.
19:34Bag boy up front!
19:46One doggy bag.
19:48Ready to go.
19:49Have a nice day!
19:54Nothing scares moi.
19:56Nothing, not nobody.
20:25Hey, you big ugly worm!
20:31Feed it, you big polka!
21:03Where's Prudence?
21:07What are you doing?
21:08Teaching this overgrown worm a geography lesson.
21:13Go home, you ill-mannered annelid!
21:22This continent isn't big enough for the both of us.
21:30We make a good team!
21:33What the?
21:34Look out!
21:43Prudence, weren't you scared?
21:46If we can go camping with Betty, we can handle anything.
21:52I gotta admit, you girls were pretty brave.
21:55Of course, you learned it all from me.
21:58Because when danger's near, never fear!
22:02Berp and Prune are here!
22:21THE END