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01:00But I don't want to have dinner with our boring relatives.
01:16I want to videotape the 17-year locusts.
01:19I've been waiting for them my whole life.
01:21Relatives are more important than locusts, Lydia.
01:25No matter how boring they are.
01:27Charles! Now come downstairs and help us welcome them.
01:33Beetlejuice, what are you doing here?
01:35You know my relatives are coming to dinner tonight.
01:38I know. That's why I'm here.
01:41If the rest of your relatives are as funny as your parents,
01:44I'll bust the gut laughing.
01:51I hate to disappoint you, Beetlejuice,
01:54but Uncle Clyde and Aunt Zepora are the biggest duds in the universe.
01:59Yeah? Well, maybe we can, you know, loosen them up.
02:02I could sure use it.
02:04Just say the magic B word, babes, and well, you know the rest.
02:08Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
02:14So what are you going to do?
02:16Haunt the cat? Beetlejuice Mom's sculptures?
02:19Make the roast turkey do aerobics?
02:21Nothing as ordinary as that, my dear.
02:23I'm going to come as one of the family!
02:31I can't wait to see this.
02:42Really, Danforth?
02:44My arm's getting tired.
02:47How you doing, Danforth?
02:52Zepora, I'm so glad you could make it.
02:55Delia, dear, how do you survive so far from the city?
03:01Go inside and make yourselves at home.
03:04It won't be easy.
03:08Hello, Aunt Zepora. Hi, Uncle Danforth.
03:11You're too pale, child. You could use some orange juice.
03:14And you could use some Beetlejuice.
03:19Your sister hasn't changed, Delia.
03:22I hope you can't say the same for your brother, Clyde.
03:30He hasn't changed!
03:36Clyde, how was your trip?
03:38Don't like freeways, Charles.
03:40Preferred the good old days.
03:42Dusty dirt roads with potholes so deep
03:45the cars fell in and were never seen again.
03:48But we liked it.
03:50We liked it just fine.
03:58Courage, dear.
04:08Why, if it isn't Cousin BJ.
04:11Cousin BJ?
04:13Uncle Charles! Wow! My hero!
04:16Well, uh...
04:20Golly! I'm never gonna wash this hand again.
04:23I can guarantee it.
04:25Aunt Delia, how have you been?
04:31I was saving this guy as a surprise.
04:33You know, a little mouse-warming present.
04:36Uh, come on, Cousin BJ.
04:38I'll show you my bug collection.
04:40Great! I love snacking between meals.
04:43What a horrid little boy.
04:45Oh, I don't know.
04:47Hey, where's my wristwatch?
04:50So tell me, Sister Dear, what's new in the city?
04:53Not much. There was another power blackout
04:56and they're digging up our street again.
05:01I can't tell you how I miss it.
05:06Oh, look at all the electric doodads.
05:15Come on down to Massey Jesse's.
05:27Why, back home, we've got nothing better to do
05:29than just sit around and listen to the crickets in our pajamas.
05:33We like crickets in our pajamas.
05:37We like them just fine.
05:40Hey, let's have some fun.
05:43Beetlejuice, don't say fun around Uncle Clyde.
05:45Why not, babe?
05:47Say, you wanna have some real big old-fashioned fun?
05:50Too late.
05:52Oh, boy, everybody, it's time for Beppo.
05:59Ventriloquism! My favorite!
06:03All right, everybody, Beppo would like to say
06:06he's glad he was invited, but he isn't.
06:09You said it, Uncle Clyde.
06:16Whoa, this guy's the worst.
06:19And he's just getting started.
06:21So, Beppo, why did the chicken cross the road?
06:25This guy ought to throw his voice out.
06:29Wanna know why the chicken crossed the road?
06:31Because it was pinned to the punk rocker's ear!
06:34That's why!
06:36What did you say? What did I say?
06:40Look, I'm taking over this act.
06:42Drink some water, Clyde.
06:44Just drink it!
06:46By a waterfall I'm calling you
06:51We can share it all beneath the ceiling of blue
06:57A magic melody Mother Nature sings to me
07:01By a waterfall with you
07:08Watch it, Zippy-daves.
07:10Looks like you're starting to have a good time.
07:17Gee, Uncle Clyde's act is really improved.
07:20Let's serve dinner before he does an encore.
07:24I like your new act, Clyde.
07:27I like it just fine.
07:29But me, I didn't...
07:31To be honest, dear, if I hear one more of those corny old jokes of yours,
07:35I'm gonna feed Beppo some termites.
07:38Hey, you're making me hungry.
07:44I have to admit, you have loosened up Uncle Clyde.
07:47Of course, he was a little bit loose to begin with.
07:50But Aunt Zipporah is gonna be a tougher nut to crack.
07:53All she needs is a change for the better.
08:08Zipporah, what happened?
08:11Danforth, look at me.
08:14I am you, you wild woman.
08:17I can't take my eyes off of you.
08:19Well, you'd better.
08:21You can't?
08:24Danforth, you spoke.
08:27My, my, doesn't she realize how foolish she looks?
08:31Yay, lighten up, will you, Aunt Delia?
08:33Here, you owe me one.
08:37Calm down, Delia.
08:38Aunt Zippy's new look isn't that bad.
08:41Dinner is served on the sun deck.
08:44Hey, where'd it go? Whoa, hey!
08:47Whoa, what a great sweater.
08:51Real moe hair, right?
08:53Must have taken the hairs of a hundred moes to make that sweater.
08:59When I grow up, I want to be a snazzy dresser just like you, Uncle Charles.
09:04Oh, well, thank you, B.J.
09:06Delia, dear, this salad fork has been improperly placed.
09:10Oh, the raccoons must have moved it.
09:14Those little stinkers get into everything.
09:17I knew it wouldn't last.
09:19Aunt Zipporah is as snooty as ever.
09:22Delia deets.
09:24Now, what in tarnation is this stuff?
09:26Is it something new?
09:28Uh, it's bouillabaisse, Uncle Clyde.
09:31Fish soup.
09:32Fish soup?
09:34Why, fish should be eaten with your bare hands over a blazing campfire.
09:38Old-fashioned as ever.
09:41Guess they'll just never change.
09:43Oh, yeah?
09:45Well, they haven't yet experienced Operation B.J.
09:55Many's a time round the old campfire,
09:58May turned to me and she'd say,
10:00Hey, bud, you got any beetles?
10:04Short ones, fat ones, stick them in your hat, bud.
10:08I want to eat them just a little.
10:12Short ones, fat ones, stick them in your hat, bud.
10:16Hey, man!
10:18Tally up me beetles.
10:20Short ones, fat ones, stick them in your hat.
10:24La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la,
10:28La-la-la-la-la, stick them in your hat.
10:31Ah, dear, Charles, some sort of new-fangled remote control?
10:37This would never be accepted in the city, Delia.
10:42But I love it!
10:47Who has more fun than us?
10:50They look like they're having fun, but it's just your magic.
10:53Well, that's how much you know, babes.
10:55I stopped using my magic 20 seconds ago.
10:58La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la,
11:01La-la-la-la-la, stick them in your hat.
11:11They're destroying our dinner!
11:14Loosen up, Delia. Bugs gotta eat, too.
11:17Yeah, Delia don't eat something weak.
11:20A dream? Me?
11:23I'm flying!
11:26Hey, man, let's be nice to beetles.
11:30Locusts, roaches, love them just a little.
11:34La-la-la-la-la, stick them in your hat.
11:42Now back to Beetlejuice.
11:46We had so much fun.
11:56Beetlejuice, get out of my bed.
11:59I'm going to sleep.
12:01I'm going to sleep.
12:03I'm going to sleep.
12:05I'm going to sleep.
12:07I'm going to sleep.
12:09I'm going to sleep.
12:11I'm going to sleep.
12:13Beetlejuice, get out of my video and get off of my Aunt Zepora.
12:18Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
12:24Your relatives sure are a bunch of wackos.
12:27Bye now!
12:29Don't forget to write.
12:30I'd like to meet some of your wacko relatives.
12:35Your parents have got to be totally freaky and gross.
12:39I wish.
12:42My mom and dad are so dull.
12:44Their pictures are in the neither-rule dictionary.
12:48Next to the word boring.
12:52Well, I know one thing for sure.
12:54They enjoy a good joke.
12:55After all, they had you.
13:03Hey, why don't we pay your parents a visit?
13:11I just saw them three or four hundred years ago.
13:15I mean, I don't want to make a pest of myself.
13:18No, not you.
13:22Come on!
13:24Bowling for Parasites is on in three hours.
13:26We don't want to miss that.
13:32Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
13:42Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
13:56I just remembered.
13:57I got to go to the bathroom.
14:00We're almost there.
14:03No, I mean, I got to go to my bathroom.
14:05I left the water running in my tub.
14:07My beetles will drown!
14:09Beetlejuice, you haven't taken a bath in your life.
14:12I did when I lived there.
14:16I see.
14:18No wonder you're so nervous.
14:21Well, you're a grown-up now.
14:23So you don't have to take a bath if you don't want to.
14:30What is that smell?
14:34It's you!
14:39Let me take a look at you, dear.
14:42Mothers, don't you just...
14:44Still haven't washed behind your ears, have you, son?
14:48Oh, all right.
14:50Wipe your stinky feet and come in.
14:58This place is spotless!
15:00Yeah, disgusting, isn't it?
15:03Who's your clean little friend, Junior?
15:06Oh, yeah.
15:07This is Lydia.
15:08Her mother drives her crazy, too.
15:10Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Juice.
15:13My, my, how courteous.
15:15And your mother does a wonderful job keeping your hands clean, dear.
15:18Oh, I wash them myself, ma'am.
15:20You could take a lesson from her, son.
15:26It's like a zoo in there.
15:28Do me a favor, babes.
15:30Try not to be so...
15:32clean and courteous.
15:35And so the haunted housing shortage continues,
15:39leaving many of our neighborhood freaks
15:41with no place to ghost.
15:43Oh, Nat, dear, you'll never guess who's here.
15:46Not now, Bea.
15:48I'm watching the Neitherworld News.
15:51Employment figures, however, are very good,
15:55with only one lazy bum still without a job, Beetlejuice.
16:01Is my timing great or what?
16:04What's happening, Pops?
16:07Junior, when are you gonna get a job?
16:12I have a job, Pops.
16:14I'm a waiter.
16:15I wait around for people to give me their money.
16:19There are plenty of jobs, Junior, right here in the Wantads.
16:24Yeah, but I don't want them.
16:26Ha, ha, ha!
16:28No, but seriously, Pops,
16:30I could get a job if I wanted to.
16:32Beetlejuice is very talented.
16:34Yeah, I can do anything!
16:38Why, I could be a foot doctor...
16:41or a fireman...
16:44or a garbage man!
16:47Oh, my!
16:48Rubbish, you say?
16:50Then how about a big-game hunter?
16:53Why, hey, there goes some big game now!
17:01We don't really care what he does, dear,
17:03as long as he does it cleanly.
17:07Son, I think you should come to work with me
17:10at the Neck Bolt Factory.
17:12Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
17:16You see, son, there's a certain pride you feel
17:20from having a job,
17:22knowing you're doing something important for others.
17:26Ha, ha, ha!
17:28Ha, ha, ha!
17:30Ha, ha, ha!
17:32Ha, ha, ha!
17:34Ha, ha, ha!
17:36Ha, ha, ha!
17:38Ha, ha, ha!
17:40Ha, ha, ha!
17:42Ha, ha, ha!
17:44Ha, ha, ha!
17:54No wonder you're a member of the board, Pops.
17:59You need to put a little life in your work!
18:14What's going on here?
18:29Look out, she's going to blow up!
18:42Look out, she's going to blow up!
18:55Knut, get your one ghost-wrecking crew out of here, or you're fired!
19:02As my first grade teacher told me several years in a row.
19:05Beetlejuice, you do not work well with others.
19:09Oh, you better just go home, son.
19:15Thanks for showing me around your house, Mrs. Juice.
19:18I've never seen so many broom closets.
19:22Can't have too many brooms, Lydia dear.
19:25Come on, Liz, the visit's over.
19:31See you, Mom.
19:32Oh, dear, well, don't forget to wash between your toes.
19:38I won't.
19:44Attack in the neck-bolt factory!
19:47Your father's trapped inside!
20:02Oh, no!
20:04I'll never see my wacko son again!
20:14I've been working on the sandworm all the live-long day.
20:37Deathly blue!
20:41Thank you, thank you!
20:59Oh, Nat, are you all right, dear?
21:02Yes, we.
21:03Our son showed that sandworm who's boss.
21:10Good work, Beetlejuice.
21:12He may be unemployed, but he did a great job.
21:17And you may be stinky, but we love you, son.
21:20You do?
21:22But why are you always nagging me to do stuff like...
21:26Get a job and...
21:28Clean between your toes.
21:31Because we love you.
21:33Everyone has a different way of showing love, Beetlejuice.
21:36Gosh, I guess you're right, Wally.
21:39Kind of like the way I show it by going...
21:47That reminds me, dear.
21:48There's something we've been dying to show you.
21:51Now, Bea, I don't know if we should.
21:55Oh, come on now, Nat.
21:57Don't be such a fuddy-duddy, dear.
22:00Very well, dear.
22:06What do you know, lids?
22:08I'm a chip off the old blockheads after all.
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