Married Assassins realize they're ORDERED to KILL each other...

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Hello everyone, today we will be recapping an action, romance, comedy movie titled Mr.
00:04and Mrs. Smith.
00:06Sit back, enjoy, and take care.
00:08In the beginning, John and Jane Smith are sitting with a marriage counselor, admitting
00:12their relationship is so dull and lifeless that they can't even remember how long they've
00:16been married.
00:17Maybe five or six years.
00:19They can't recall the last time they had sex.
00:21When the counselor asks about their first meeting, they reminisce about Columbia.
00:25Both were traveling alone, but pretended to be a couple to avoid police scrutiny of solo
00:30During those early interactions, John claimed to be a construction executive, while Jane
00:33said she worked in tech support.
00:35They quickly fell in love and decided to get married.
00:38John Smith's friends couldn't understand.
00:40They had only known each other for six months.
00:42Jane's friends thought the marriage was too rushed.
00:44Jane believed John was a contractor, and John thought Jane was a computer engineer, both
00:48unaware of each other's true professions.
00:51Their friends predicted the marriage would last six months at most, but before they knew
00:54it, five or six years had passed.
00:56A package was thrown at John's doorstep.
00:58They had enjoyed a happy life, but now it felt dull and lacked the passion of their
01:02early years.
01:03They argued over trivial matters.
01:05Every morning at seven o'clock, they left the house together, and even the path by their
01:09door could ignite a conflict.
01:11Every evening, Jane would come home first and cook a table full of dishes.
01:15John would reverse the car into the garage and then put on his wedding ring.
01:18John and Jane Smith seemed very loving, but tension simmered beneath the surface.
01:23John would show off his ball skills while taking out the trash in the rain.
01:26When John wasn't around, Jane moved as if she could leap across rooftops.
01:30At night, they would each read the newspaper in bed, talking less and less, both hiding
01:34their own secrets.
01:36One evening, John reminded Jane they were invited to the neighbor's for dinner.
01:39Jane assured him she wouldn't be late.
01:41She had something to attend to as well.
01:43Jane got out of the car at a hotel, while John headed to a bar.
01:46Jane was escorted by bodyguards to a luxurious room.
01:49Meanwhile, John entered a casino inside the bar, joining a poker game that was one player
01:55Some players tried to send him away, flashing a gun, but John showed his money and insisted
01:59on playing.
02:00In the hotel, Jane visited Marco Raisson, undressing her trench coat and letting down
02:04her seductive hair.
02:05At the casino, John was losing happily when the intended player arrived, revealing John's
02:10true identity as the top assassin for an assassin company.
02:13Jane, in the same room with a tied-up but ecstatic Marco Raisson, was also an assassin,
02:18working for a rival company.
02:20Dressed in her black trench coat, Jane made her escape just as she was about to be discovered.
02:24Her backpack hanging from a metal lamp stand.
02:27She jumped out of the building, landed next to a taxi, fixed her hair, and headed home,
02:31looking so good.
02:32They attended the neighbor's party, where the men talked business and the women discussed
02:36their husbands.
02:37One woman mentioned her husband's promotion and asked Jane to help take care of the children,
02:41but Jane seemed not quite cut out for it.
02:43After that, John Smith went to the garage and opened a hidden basement that served as
02:47his secret base.
02:48Here, surrounded by weapons and cash, he packed a box for a mission.
02:52Meanwhile, Jane Smith sprang into action.
02:54The kitchen was full of hidden mechanisms.
02:56Her dishwasher was actually her secret arsenal, stocked with pistols and daggers.
03:01John's office held another secret.
03:03Two screens rose, revealing his new mission.
03:05He was to eliminate Benjamin Danz, who was being transferred to a federal prison across
03:09the border.
03:10Jane's work environment was more upscale, with subordinates at her command.
03:14Her target was also Benjamin Danz.
03:16The plan was secret, and there was only one chance to strike.
03:19As Benjamin Danz was being escorted, Jane was ready in her shooting position.
03:23Suddenly, a man appeared in the deserted wasteland.
03:26Using her binoculars, she saw the man bump into her infrared gear.
03:30Fearing disruption, she checked again and recognized the man's pose.
03:33It looked like someone she knew well.
03:35As the target neared, John shouldered a bazooka.
03:38Jane raised her rifle, ready to act.
03:40But then, an unexpected explosion disrupted both teams' plans.
03:44Jane decided to flee on a motorcycle, while John found only the remains of a computer
03:48in the cabin.
03:49Both missions failed, and they returned to their respective companies to report.
03:53Tracking the computer's dealer led John to Jane's workplace.
03:56The recipient was his wife, leaving John puzzled.
03:59Jane Smith sat in her office, looking at her mission.
04:01The party pooper looked so familiar.
04:04The stance, the confident smile.
04:05Oh my god, she whispered.
04:07It's my husband.
04:09After that, John Smith put on his wedding ring and quietly came back home, shocked that
04:13his wife of six years was an assassin.
04:16Jane was realizing the same thing.
04:17Her husband was her rival.
04:19That night, John eyed the wine Jane poured for him, his mind racing.
04:23He pretended to sip it, but secretly got rid of it.
04:26If they were really working for rival companies, this could only end one way.
04:29Jane went to the kitchen, and John felt nervous, watching her pick up a dinner knife.
04:34She turned and smiled, handing it to him.
04:36John stood up, taking the knife, only to see Jane pull out another one from her pocket.
04:41The tension was high until they both put their knives down.
04:43As they ate, they talked about work.
04:45Jane said someone was stealing their clients, only to find out it was John.
04:49John picked up the wine bottle and poured Jane a full glass.
04:52She raised it to her lips but paused, sensing something was wrong.
04:56In that moment, they realized the tricky balance they had to keep, juggling marriage and their
05:00secret jobs, never fully trusting but unable to let go.
05:03The red wine spilled onto the carpet, a crimson stain spreading.
05:07Both John and Jane grabbed towels, but their true intentions were far from cleaning up.
05:12John, claiming to fetch a towel, picked up a handgun instead.
05:15Meanwhile, Jane had already sped away in her car.
05:18Though assassins on opposing sides, they had been married for six years and were in love.
05:23If they had to kill each other, it wouldn't be easy.
05:25In his anxiety, John accidentally fired a bullet, hitting Jane's windshield.
05:29Now, there was no chance to explain.
05:32Jane drove straight at him, trying to clear things up, but it was too late for words.
05:36John jumped into the car.
05:37Jane leaped out.
05:38John sought refuge with a friend who always mistrusted women.
05:42Jane turned to a colleague who advised her not to hesitate in their deadly game.
05:45That night, they were both in agony.
05:47John lay awake in his friend's bed, tormented by the situation.
05:51The next morning, Jane, with her team, searched their house.
05:54Mixed emotions moved within her as a colleague tore up her doll and looked at her wedding
05:58photos before driving away.
06:00John didn't go straight home.
06:01Instead, he called over a neighbor, unaware that he would now serve as his shield.
06:06John went to his garage and into his hidden basement, only to find all his guns, ammunition,
06:11and money gone.
06:12The showdown with his wife, Jane, had officially begun.
06:15Jane Smith had her team dig into John's background, but John had already arrived at her company's
06:21Be careful, she warned him.
06:22As they spoke, alarms sounded.
06:24Intruders were on the rooftop, forcing Jane and her team to start their escape plan.
06:29They blew up documents, deleted hard drives, and equipped their escape gear, then shattered
06:33windows and ziplined down to the building opposite.
06:36John approached through a secret passage, determined to catch up.
06:39John reached Jane's secret office, but she had already escaped to the rooftop opposite.
06:43He had a clear shot, but chose not to take it.
06:46Instead, he quickly traced her next likely hideout, a real estate company.
06:50John entered the building and took the elevator, which suddenly malfunctioned.
06:54He realized it was a trap set by Jane.
06:56Suspended 70 floors high, John spoke into the elevator's intercom.
07:00You have no idea what I'm capable of.
07:03Jane replied, offering him a chance to leave or face the bomb she had rigged.
07:07As they spoke, one of Jane's team members pressed the detonator.
07:10The elevator exploded and plummeted, turning the surveillance feed to static.
07:14It hit the ground with a violent crash.
07:16Jane, thinking her husband of six years was dead, rushed out of the office.
07:20But John had anticipated this move.
07:22He had disabled the surveillance on the exploding elevator and hidden in a different one.
07:26Safe and alive, he felt a chill in his heart, realizing how close he had come to death and
07:31how deep the conflict with his wife had become.
07:34After the incident, Jane wasn't having an easy time either.
07:36She went to the restaurant where John had proposed to her, tears streaming down her
07:41Just then, a gentleman appeared and poured her a drink.
07:44She knew it had to be John.
07:45This time, it wasn't for a proposal but for a divorce.
07:49They began to speak honestly, each sticking to their own side.
07:52Unable to change the situation, John invited Jane to dance.
07:55As they danced, they talked about revenge.
07:58John disarmed Jane of her hidden weapon, but as she knelt down, John realized she was disarming
08:02him as well.
08:03They talked about their marriage and betrayal.
08:06Jane said she needed to use the bathroom, but John knew it wasn't that simple.
08:09Moments later, the women's restroom exploded, just as he had suspected.
08:13Chaos erupted, and Jane took the opportunity to slip away.
08:17John chased her outside the restaurant.
08:18An old man stopped him to ask.
08:22John realized a timed bomb had been placed in his clothes.
08:25If it came to ruthlessness, women were indeed formidable.
08:28John stole a car and called Jane, who had already tried to kill him twice.
08:32As he prepared to end it all, he reminisced about their first meeting, feeling that Jane
08:36was like Christmas morning.
08:38Jane's heart was also breaking.
08:40She mocked that John was the most handsome target she had ever seen.
08:43They were about to return home, ready to settle things once and for all.
08:46John drove up to the house, and Jane crashed into him.
08:49She raced to the garage first, with John scrambling out of his car and running towards their luxurious
08:55Jane was already prepared, waiting for him to burst in.
08:58John climbed to the third floor, where he found the decorative toy guns, which turned
09:02out to be real.
09:03He attached a silencer and began his move, while Jane mercilessly fired at the staircase.
09:08The couple engaged in a fierce battle.
09:10John reloaded his gun with practiced ease, while Jane charged down the stairs.
09:14During their intense confrontation, bullets miraculously missed their targets.
09:18Jane, wielding dual guns, looked powerful as she watched both sides.
09:22They destroyed the kitchen, the fridge, and their cozy home.
09:26What could drive a couple to fight like this?
09:28Watching him off guard, Jane shot the gas cylinder John had disassembled, setting the
09:32kitchen on fire.
09:33They fought in close quarters, hitting each other with fierce blows.
09:37John threw Jane to one side, and she grabbed a large iron pan, refusing to back down.
09:42The close combat intensified, with Jane landing punch after punch.
09:46John grabbed her hair, kicking her with no mercy.
09:48In the end, they picked up each other's guns, but neither could bring themselves to shoot.
09:53John was the first to put down his weapon.
09:55He couldn't do it.
09:56Neither could go on with the fight.
09:57Instead, they chose to kiss passionately and physically destroy each other by having the
10:01best clap of their life.
10:04Their bosses had ordered them to eliminate each other within 48 hours, but John and Jane
10:08couldn't bring themselves to do it.
10:10Instead of taking each other out, they found themselves growing happier.
10:14Drinking juice from a half-broken glass and having breakfast on the only clean spot left,
10:18they were honest with each other once again.
10:20Their bosses, however, didn't agree with this truce.
10:23Since John and Jane hadn't eliminated the assassin from the rival company, both were
10:26marked for death.
10:27A smoke grenade was thrown into their room, and John quickly led Jane to the basement.
10:32Unwilling to harm each other, they decided to face the external threat together.
10:36A robot entered, signaling an imminent explosion meant to level the villa and take them both
10:41They managed to escape just in time.
10:43Part of their enemies were engulfed by the flames, not knowing whose bomb had been set,
10:47causing casualties on both sides.
10:49John and Jane crawled out from under a plank, looking at their destroyed home with mixed
10:54It was time to turn against their bosses.
10:56They found a car at their neighbor's and hit the road, bumping into a minor character.
11:00John took his gun and magazine, with three cars closely following.
11:03Jane moved to the back seat to open the trunk, and they decided to switch roles due to the
11:07excessive shaking, making things more harmonious.
11:10The enemy's car had bulletproof glass.
11:12John mentioned he had been married once before, prompting Jane to slam on the brakes, something
11:16she couldn't forgive.
11:18John climbed out of the sunroof, picked up a golf club, pulled the pin from his grenade,
11:22and urged Jane to speed up, taking care of the car just like that.
11:26Another assassin underestimated them, wanting a duel with John, but ending up going in one
11:29door and out another.
11:31Jane revealed that her parents had died when she was five, and the parents at their wedding
11:34were actors she had hired.
11:36Two more cars continued to follow closely.
11:38Jane swerved, causing the van to drift and turn around.
11:42She then took up her handgun and eliminated the two enemy vehicles.
11:45John had underestimated her.
11:47After the calm, they continued talking.
11:49John had actually invited his real parents to the wedding.
11:52They met with John's friend, who thought John had taken out Jane.
11:55Seeing the couple so affectionate, the friend suggested they split up and run since both
11:59assassin companies were after them.
12:01Separating might give them a chance to survive, albeit a slim one.
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12:09Jane called her friend.
12:10They decided to start with the last target assigned to both of them, Benjamin Danz, now
12:14under high alert.
12:15Using forces, John continued through the pipes, with Jane directing from the outside.
12:20After taking out the guards, they easily abducted Benjamin.
12:23They rented a room to interrogate him, wanting to know why both their companies wanted him
12:28But when it came to interrogation, John seemed a bit lacking, while Jane was blunt and violent.
12:33Benjamin had a letter on him, revealing he wasn't the target but the bait.
12:37Both companies knew John and Jane were married and saw them as a threat.
12:40They set them up against each other, believing a family of rivals was too dangerous.
12:44The plan was simple, have their agents kill each other, but since they hadn't, both
12:48John and Jane were marked for death.
12:50John pulled out Benjamin Danz's belt.
12:52The enemy was only two minutes away, arriving in helicopters and luxury off-road vehicles.
12:57Dozens of fully equipped squads stormed into the hotel.
13:00They found the bait, Benjamin Danz, but no trace of John and Jane.
13:04They assumed the couple had run away, not realizing they were hiding in the most dangerous
13:09Jane thought their chances of survival would be better if they split up, but John felt
13:12running would mean running forever.
13:14He believed they should stay and fight together, facing reality to solve everything.
13:18Jane agreed.
13:19They sneaked into a mall but were quickly spotted by the enemy's drones.
13:23With no time to waste, they geared up as the enemy closed in, bracing for a big battle.
13:28They donned sleek suits and night vision goggles, blending into the crowd.
13:31The mall was soon infiltrated by several enemies, who tried to stay quiet to avoid drawing attention.
13:36But Jane had a plan.
13:38As a group of enemies approached, she skillfully threw her knives, each finding its mark except
13:42for a few that deliberately missed.
13:44Gunfire erupted.
13:46John and Jane rushed into an elevator, preparing for whatever came next.
13:50The next floor seemed even more dangerous.
13:52Jane apologized for the knife incident, but John brushed it off.
13:55They had bigger problems.
13:57Exiting the elevator on another floor, John charged ahead while Jane took a high vantage
14:01point to snipe.
14:02When Jane was spotted, John's face turned red with fury.
14:05He wouldn't let anyone harm her.
14:07They readied their weapons and burst through a door for the final showdown.
14:10Back to back, they dodged bullets and grenades, then stood up to fight furiously.
14:15They faced each other, extended their arms, then turned to stand back to back.
14:19Bullets and explosions missed them by inches, but they hit one enemy after another.
14:23The enemies seemed less like foes and more like the problems in life.
14:27In the end, only the two of them remained victorious.
14:30Afterward, they redecorated their house, rekindling their passion for life.
14:34They continued to live happily ever after, stronger together than ever before.
