• last week
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo fatto questo lavoro importante con Confindustria e Federmanager tramite 4.Manager, la nostra associazione, per capire qual è l'impatto sulle aziende e sulle persone. Su questo abbiamo rilevato che tantissime aziende non hanno ancora fatto nemmeno un’ora di formazione sull'intelligenza artificiale, mentre ce ne sono 10mila che stanno iniziando già ad utilizzarla”. Così Stefano Cuzzilla, presidente di 4.Manager e Federmanager, a margine della presentazione del VI rapporto dell'Osservatorio di 4.Manager "Intelligenza Artificiale. Cambiamento culturale e organizzativo per imprese e manager: nuove traiettorie della managerialità". L'evento si è tenuto in occasione dell'apertura dell'anno accademico della Pontificia Università Antonianum. Dai dati emerge che 10.000 imprese italiane hanno già adottato tecnologie di AI, con un balzo di circa 30% rispetto all’anno precedente.


00:00We have done this important work with Confindustria and FEDERMANAGER through FORMANAGER, our association,
00:12to understand what is the impact on companies, on people.
00:17On this we have found out, we will see it in detail later, the data are many.
00:22However, we have noticed that many companies have not yet done even an hour of training on artificial intelligence,
00:31while there are 10,000 that are already starting to use artificial intelligence.
00:37It is clear that it is a very different path, big companies have people to invest in artificial intelligence,
00:45small and medium-sized Italian companies, as always, have a shortage on this,
00:50but above all they have a shortage because there are no figures on the market.
00:55Therefore, one of the important issues that we will bring to the attention of the stakeholders
01:01will be to train, innovate, work on people both inside the company and outside.
01:08This is also for future reskilling.
01:10We cannot allow ourselves that when artificial intelligence will be a focal point for the company's life,
01:17for the company's governance, we have people not only unprepared,
01:22but people in the company who do not know how to do their job.
01:27This means having a problem with employment.
01:29Instead, we must take this as an opportunity, an important opportunity.
01:33Artificial intelligence is not a simple technological innovation,
01:39it is a radical change of all work systems.
01:42Therefore, we must intervene on this as much as possible,
01:46both on people who are still the focus and the main lever of companies.
01:51Therefore, we must do an exceptional job on this,
01:54in order to make the country system understand that a strong and transversal investment must be made.
02:00There are no obstacles, also because when there are such disruptive and strong innovations
02:06that for the global market there are no obstacles.
02:08There are obstacles on which we must question, instead,
02:12not to leave behind the weakest people.
02:15Because we know that many old people, even older people,
02:19have not yet entered the digital logic.
02:21Let's think about artificial intelligence.
02:23And we must be prepared for this.
02:26We must be prepared also for what can happen with artificial intelligence.
02:31We see reproduced speeches, faces and situations,
02:35also as a security system.
02:37In fact, even on the cyber system there will be important investments,
02:41because this must protect the person at all costs,
02:44especially the weakest people,
02:46both in the world of work and abroad.
