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(Adnkronos) - "Una trasformazione tecnologica trasversale e generale, come quella che sta operando in modo specifico l'intelligenza artificiale, impone il mettere insieme saperi diversi. Questa trasformazione chiede non solo un approccio tecnologico, ma non solo un approccio scientifico, ma anche un approccio umanista. Solo mettendo insieme saperi diversi sapremo accompagnare questa transizione in modo tale che generi giustizia e attenzione alle persone". Così don Andrea Ciucci, segretario generale della Fondazione Vaticana RenAIssance, ha espresso il suo parere a margine della presentazione del VI rapporto dell'Osservatorio di 4.Manager "Intelligenza Artificiale. Cambiamento culturale e organizzativo per imprese e manager: nuove traiettorie della managerialità". Una rivoluzione che solo l'intelligenza umana può realmente governare questa rivoluzione, guidando l'integrazione dell'AI in modo responsabile e sostenibile e affrontando con determinazione le sfide etiche che ne derivano.


00:00A transversal and general technological transformation such as the one that is operating more
00:10comprehensively the digital transition and in a specific way the artificial intelligence
00:14imposes a putting together different knowledges. This transformation requires not only a
00:22technological approach, not only a scientific approach, but also a humanist approach.
00:27Only by putting together different knowledges, I believe, we will be able to accompany this transition
00:32in such a way that it generates justice and attention to people. The Catholic Church was born
00:36for a mystery of incarnation, that thing that is done at Christmas, when it is discovered that
00:40when a nice mess happened, God decided to make himself a man, to inhabit this earth. And therefore
00:44Christians live this time, this is the time of the digital transition, we live this time,
00:49it is the time of artificial intelligence, the Church lives this time and does so by keeping the
00:54Gospel, that is, the primacy of man, the common good and the attention to the fact that this thing
00:59happens in a world, on a planet, within a plot of relationships and responsibilities. I believe
01:05that artificial intelligence systems are very interclass, in the sense that they feed on
01:09everyone's data, they have had the ability to read them all, so this is true. After that,
01:14it is true, this is the challenge. In some ways, some technologies were born with a high ideal,
01:19that of reducing barriers, of reducing barriers. In fact, at this moment we are
01:24realizing that in reality these systems are generating oligarchies different from those
01:30of the past, objectively, and on this we must be vigilant, keeping together a healthy balance between
01:35what is scientific research and the right and necessary needs, otherwise it would not go
01:40on, and what is the custody of individual people and social ties. We must always keep them
01:46together, both. It is the challenge that is posed to us, and in some way the Christian community and the
01:50entire Church continuously pose this problem, that for everyone it is real and true and good.
