(Adnkronos) - “Stiamo per approcciare la più grande rivoluzione del mondo del lavoro attraverso l'avvento di quella che sarà l'intelligenza artificiale generativa. Credo fortemente che sia una sfida epocale che deve essere gestita dalla politica, deve essere incanalata dalla politica, non deve essere subita e ci deve essere un rapporto di sinergia tra politica, mondo sindacale e ovviamente le aziende, i lavoratori.” Sono le parole dell'On. Chiara Tenerini intervenuta a Bologna al convegno organizzato da Confsal “Presentazione rapporto – Salute e sicurezza sul lavoro nella contrattazione collettiva” all'interno della Fiera Ambiente e Lavoro.
00:00We are about to approach the greatest revolution in the world of work through the advent of
00:10what will be artificial intelligence, but above all generative artificial intelligence,
00:14because here a distinction must be made.
00:16I strongly believe that it is an epochal challenge that must be managed by politics, must be
00:22channeled by politics, it must not be underpinned and there must be a relationship of synergy
00:29between politics, the trade union world and, of course, companies, workers.
00:35It is a job that must be done all together.
00:38I am convinced that artificial intelligence will be able to expand the current capabilities
00:43of workers.
00:44It is an epochal challenge, but in my opinion, if well managed, it will also be able to expand
00:50the offer of the world of work.
00:52There will be jobs that will certainly be transformed, others will be lost, but other
00:57new professionalities will be able to have.
00:59So the challenge is that of a risky training of workers who are currently in the world
01:03of work and who must be prepared for this advent and, above all, the training of our
01:08new young people who must be prepared for these new forms of request from the world
01:14of work to be competitive also at the international level.