• 2 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo immersi nella quinta rivoluzione industriale e l’intelligenza artificiale è sicuramente uno strumento molto importante. Ci sono rischi etici e di privacy, ma i vantaggi sono superiori. L’intelligenza artificiale può aiutarci a delegare alla macchina tutta una serie di attività ripetitive lasciando spazio alla nostra creatività” Così Erika Mandraffino, direttrice comunicazione esterna Eni, in occasione dell’evento di presentazione dei risultati della ricerca ‘Corporate reputation: tendenze emergenti e implicazioni strategiche’, svoltosi a Milano e organizzato da Icch - International corporate communication hub.


00:00What are the advantages of artificial intelligence?
00:04Let's say that we are immersed in the fifth industrial revolution.
00:10Artificial intelligence today is certainly a very important tool.
00:16Yes, it is true, there are risks, which can be the ethical risk,
00:20and risks, clearly, on privacy, which must be taken into very serious consideration.
00:24But I think the advantages are much more.
00:27Because artificial intelligence can help us to delegate to the machine
00:33a whole series of repetitive activities,
00:35leaving room for our creativity, our relationships and our choices.
00:40We have been investing in data analysis for a long time,
00:43and artificial and generative intelligence has allowed us to go from monitoring
00:47to reputational intelligence, which in a moment of crisis can be fundamental
00:53to make very quick choices.
00:55But the choices must be made by us.
00:58So I believe that the human factor is always fundamental
01:02also in the construction and defense of reputation.
