Documental Gladiadores - Costa salvaje

  • 2 days ago
Costas bañadas por el sol, extensos bosques de eucaliptos, onduladas praderas, los animales que prosperan en estas tierras salvajes de Australia son algunos de los más icónicos y mortíferos del planeta. Pero es está produciendo una gran transformación, debido al cambio climático los incendios forestales y las inundaciones azotan el continente alterando el antiguo status quo y permitiendo que surjan nuevos líderes. A lo largo de un pequeño tramo de costa las condiciones cambiantes crean nuevas oportunidades para aquellos que lo suficientemente audaces como para aprovecharlas.


00:00Coasts bathed in the sun.
00:07Extensive eucalyptus forests.
00:15Wavy meadows.
00:21A vast ocean.
00:25Wavy meadows.
00:32The animals that thrive in this wild land of Australia
00:36are some of the most iconic
00:43and deadly on the planet.
00:54But a great transformation is taking place.
00:58Due to climate change,
01:00forest fires and floods are ravaging the continent.
01:09The old status quo is being altered,
01:17allowing new leaders to emerge.
01:21Along a small stretch of coast,
01:24changing conditions create new opportunities
01:28for those who are bold enough to take advantage of them.
01:33An opportunity for gladiator animals to conquer new territories,
01:37to settle old scores,
01:42and to fight for survival.
02:05Wild Coast.
02:20Among the coastal meadows,
02:23an Australian icon is in motion.
02:29Its species has existed here for 15 million years.
02:35The oriental gray kangaroo.
02:38A large and muscular marsupial.
02:44But this male has gone through difficult times.
02:51Last year, a forest fire ravaged his territory,
02:55forcing him and his flock to flee
03:02and take refuge in this new valley.
03:10The dominant male, who ruled over the flock,
03:13failed to do so.
03:17He was in charge of maintaining harmony
03:20in this highly social group.
03:24He kept the other males under control
03:27and was the main protector of the group.
03:31So now a new leader must ascend the hierarchy.
03:37And Gray has his eyes set on the highest position.
03:42But he is not the only one who aspires to the crown.
03:54Other males also apply for the position.
04:05Whoever achieves it will be responsible
04:08for the safety of the flock.
04:15Because his new valley is plagued with dangers.
04:43The cunning gangsters of these coastal meadows.
04:48Ferocious carnivores.
04:52And one of the few natural enemies of kangaroos.
05:09Two dingoes separate from the flock
05:12and move to ambush the kangaroos from the thick bushes.
05:24Gray's feline ear detects their approach.
05:29It is an opportunity to show their worth
05:32and protect the group.
05:37Hitting the ground with the hind legs
05:40indicates to the gangster that he must flee.
05:47But Gray does not give up.
05:51He is ready to fight.
05:59Gray runs out.
06:04And the crowd follows him.
06:07But the dingoes try to slow them down
06:10by taking them to an escarpment valley.
06:15They are looking for a young man.
06:21The huge tendons of Gray's hind legs
06:24work like springs.
06:26They absorb energy with each step
06:29and then release it with an explosive force.
06:34Choose a safe route for the crowd to follow.
06:41The dingoes can reach speeds close to 50 km per hour.
06:46But in open terrain.
06:49Kangaroos can reach 65 km per hour.
06:52Gray's claws hit the ground like a pneumatic hammer.
06:58Guiding the group beyond the rocky bushes
07:01and towards the open valley.
07:06From here it is a race on foot.
07:12The dingoes have no chance.
07:16Gray's mental speed has shown that he is a leader.
07:25But his greatest battle is yet to come.
07:46In this sand, animals of all kinds
07:49are adapting to life after the fire.
07:56For one in particular,
07:58extreme conditions have played in his favor.
08:08The wilderness where he lives
08:11is full of past battles.
08:15Victims who perished when fleeing forest fires.
08:28It is perhaps the most iconic of all Australian arachnids.
08:36Black widow.
08:39One of the most poisonous spiders in the world.
08:45Black widow.
08:51As this part of the coast has become hotter and more hostile,
08:55Black Widow has gotten used to the blows.
09:00Originally from the deserts of Western Australia,
09:03she has quickly adapted to the changing climate,
09:06entering a new territory.
09:11Black Widow is a newcomer here
09:14and is campaigning to increase her participation in this area.
09:21At this moment she is planning her plan.
09:28She prepares a chemical weapon.
09:32In the glands located around the mouth
09:35she is combining a deadly mixture of enzymes and toxins.
09:40When injected,
09:42this poison will cause extreme pain and paralysis.
09:51But Black Widow is not bigger than a gizante
09:54and will remain in the same place for most of her adult life.
10:01So her plan is to get an unprepared victim to approach her.
10:10A few days later.
10:18While the fires and rising temperatures are raging,
10:22the effects can also be felt in the waters.
10:29The warming of the ocean and overfishing
10:32have made it more difficult to find food here,
10:35making the battle for resources underwater tougher than ever.
10:46Even for one of the most efficient hunters.
10:52The great white shark.
10:59Evolution has turned its species into such effective predators
11:03that they have remained unaltered for millions of years.
11:13But the world around it is changing.
11:26With fewer fish in the ocean,
11:29the colonies of seals that it hunts have shrunk.
11:38So it travels thousands of kilometers through open waters
11:42to find better areas.
11:49It has reached the right place.
11:54A stretch exposed to the coastline.
12:00This is the home of another elite predator.
12:08The sea lion.
12:15This female was born on this beach 15 years ago.
12:22The changing ocean has also affected her.
12:25She must swim further from the coast
12:28to reach the populations of increasingly smaller fish.
12:41The shallow waters near the coast
12:44are a safe place for the sea lion.
12:49But 30 meters from the coast,
12:52a pronounced unevenness gives way to a labyrinth of algae and dark ravines.
13:03The best food is beyond.
13:10But there is also the great white,
13:13which is already stepping on its heels.
13:18The smell of sea lion is unbearable.
13:23And the smell of great white is the most powerful of all sharks.
13:30Other senses of great precision bring it even closer.
13:37Some detectors around the nose
13:40sense the electromagnetic currents
13:43emitted by the muscles of the sea lion.
13:47And as it gets closer, it focuses on the heartbeat of its heart.
13:55The sea lion is equipped to avoid it.
13:58As in the felids, the coating of its large eyes
14:01reflects and amplifies the weak light.
14:08Flexible joints between its vertebrae
14:11allow its spine to bend over itself.
14:14It beats its powerful front fins
14:17to propel itself away from the shark.
14:21And it throws itself to the safety of the shallow waters.
14:28Perhaps this is not the best time to go fishing.
14:33But sooner or later it will have to do it.
14:45Not only is its own survival at stake.
14:49Up on the rocks is its cub of months.
14:57Up here, too, there are dangers.
15:05Aggressive males or reproducers
15:08have a carefree attitude towards the colony's young.
15:15This fiery male could easily crush its young.
15:28It moves to divert the male's attention from its vulnerable pup.
15:32The male triples its weight.
15:36But what it lacks in volume
15:39it compensates with skill and courage.
15:45It opens its jaws
15:48to show the male its curved canines.
15:55The male's dense fat acts like an armor.
16:00But it has a heel of agility.
16:05The sea lion sinks its canines
16:08into the exposed neck of the male.
16:15Its painful bite has the desired effect.
16:24With its pup watching,
16:27the sea lion has shown a vital rule.
16:34The bigger it is,
16:37it doesn't always have the chance to attack.
16:41The bigger it is,
16:44it doesn't always mean better.
16:59While the harshest conditions
17:02continue to exert pressure on this sand,
17:05there is a resolute wanderer in the arboreal vegetation
17:08who has found great benefits.
17:14This is Bull Ant.
17:17When the fire ravaged the area,
17:20it left an abundance of dead insects
17:23for its colony to feed on.
17:26Every day it is stronger,
17:29more in shape and bigger.
17:33Evolving in the extreme Australian environments
17:36for millions of years,
17:39Bull Ant is a giant of the world of ants.
17:42It is 4 cm long
17:45and has an impressive arsenal.
17:48On the front,
17:51giant jaws like guava trees.
17:54On the back,
17:57a stinger full of venom.
18:03Most ants have a deficient vision.
18:06But the enormous eyes of Bull Ant
18:09provide it with superior vision,
18:12exceptional for moving around
18:15and finding food at all levels of light.
18:21Its vision rivals that of a dog.
18:26It uses its extra large eyes
18:29to scan and memorize reference points
18:32in its environment
18:35and detect its next meal
18:38up to a meter away.
18:43It is one of its favorites.
18:47Full of energy.
18:52But the larvae of its colony
18:55need proteins to grow.
18:58It has to find something a little more carnivorous.
19:01It must walk carefully.
19:08There are larger predators
19:11prowling through the forest.
19:29Bull Ant's jaws are about to burst.
19:32A thousand muscle fibers
19:35of rapid contraction
19:38shoot together
19:41to squeeze its mucous membranes
19:44with force around the jaw.
19:47It is a giant of the world of ants.
19:50It is 4 cm long
19:53and has an impressive arsenal.
19:57But the jaw defends itself.
20:03It releases a cloud of powdery scales
20:06to mislead Bull Ant.
20:09It is momentarily blinded,
20:12but it recovers and uses its superior strength
20:15to place the jaw just where it wants.
20:27Then it shoots its hypodermic stinger
20:30sharpened like a needle
20:33to release a deadly poison injection.
20:42The jaw is not dead.
20:45Only paralyzed.
20:48Bull Ant must drag it back to the colony
20:51where it will be torn to shreds
20:54to feed the larvae.
20:57It weighs three times more than Bull Ant.
21:00But Bull Ant is a weightlifter.
21:03It can bear loads
21:06up to 50 times its own weight.
21:13It drags the prey to its nest.
21:24It is the only one left.
21:34Beyond the arboreal vegetation,
21:37Gray is gaining prestige within the flock.
21:48But it is a male rival
21:51who makes the first move.
21:58Flexion is an unmistakable sign of dominance.
22:06With this scorching heat of 40 degrees,
22:09everyone is at their limit.
22:13Gray must remain calm.
22:17The kangaroos can't sweat at rest,
22:20so they quickly yawn and lick their arms.
22:27Worse still,
22:30the extreme temperature has unleashed
22:33a wave of annoying flies.
22:40Disobedience begins to emerge in the flock.
22:47They need a new leader
22:50who will provide calm and security,
22:53now more than ever.
22:58Even the novices are showing their muscles.
23:01They have just come out of their mother's womb,
23:04but they are already eager
23:07to show their jaws to anyone.
23:11Or to anything.
23:17A kick here,
23:20a blow there.
23:23These are additional points
23:26if your opponent runs away.
23:31These skunks are just harmless fights,
23:34a playful way to practice
23:37their boxing skills
23:40and develop their muscles.
23:45These young men are still far from being leaders.
23:51But Gray is wearing the seal
23:54of a true leader of the mafia.
23:58He is big.
24:01He has voluminous biceps.
24:05And he is full of arrogance.
24:09He weighs 70 kilos,
24:12half of which is a pure muscle
24:15and is almost two and a half meters tall.
24:19But his opponent is no match for him.
24:26Gray emits a serious guttural grunt.
24:29It is an attempt to assert his dominion.
24:34His opponent replicates with a flexion of the whole body,
24:37trying to scare Gray to submit.
24:43If Gray wants to become a leader,
24:46he will have no choice
24:49but to reach out to his opponent.
24:53This will not be an inoffensive fight,
24:56this will not be an inoffensive fight.
25:08The fighters face each other face to face.
25:16Gray, in the left corner,
25:19looks at his opponent.
25:23But the aspirant holds his gaze,
25:26trying to intimidate him.
25:29Neither of them is willing to retreat.
25:37It is time for Gray to be smart.
25:40He pushes the challenger back,
25:43trying to make his heavyweight credentials count.
25:47But he must not get caught up in the battle too soon.
25:53These fights for dominance can last for days.
25:57And the challenger's low blows show that he is willing to fight.
26:11At nightfall, the fighters retreat.
26:14But the war has only just begun.
26:22A few days later.
26:47From the security provided by the mainland,
26:50the sea lion has diligently raised its calf
26:53during its first four months of life.
26:58Its milk is one of the most nutritious in the animal kingdom.
27:06But in order to continue producing it,
27:09the sea lion needs to feed.
27:13However, the bonefish, squids and octopuses it hunts
27:16are more difficult to find,
27:19and they are further away from the coast than ever.
27:25In order to reach them,
27:28it must face Great White.
27:43On land, the sea lion is clumsy and clumsy.
27:57But in the water,
28:00it is a consumed athlete.
28:07In just one day,
28:10in search of food,
28:13it is able to travel up to 200 km from its base.
28:18Its plan is to dodge attacks from Great White,
28:21feed on fish and squids,
28:24and return safely with its calf.
28:29It passes the ravine.
28:32Its only respiration lasts about 10 minutes.
28:36Then it will need to breathe,
28:39when it will be most exposed.
28:48The seaweed beds provide Great White
28:51with ideal coverage.
28:54Its dark body mixes with the dark depths,
28:57making it difficult to see it from above.
29:01So its tactic is to find distracted seals
29:04near the surface and ambush them from below.
29:10Sea lion remains close to the bottom.
29:13It has memorized several food search routes,
29:16passing through each rock and ravine
29:19in these seaweed beds.
29:22It is as if it had an incorporated GPS
29:25that allows it to find a safe path.
29:29It has overcome the first obstacle.
29:33But to return with its calf,
29:36it will have to dodge the shark a second time.
29:42It regains its breath.
29:51Now is the time to feed.
30:01In deeper waters,
30:04it finds a huge bank of fish.
30:12Its thick and nervous moustaches,
30:15full of nervous determinations at the base,
30:18are very sensitive to movement,
30:21allowing it to locate a single fish
30:24and make millimetric adjustments to hunt its prey.
30:28After an hour of feeding,
30:31it is time to return to shore.
30:42But Gran Blanco is on high alert
30:45and this time captures the approaching sea lion.
30:49It is designed with precision for this scenario.
30:56Small structures scattered all over its skin
30:59work to reduce resistance,
31:02allowing it to swim quickly and silently.
31:07Sea lion zigzags in the water,
31:10but it is not afraid.
31:13Keeping a low profile
31:16makes it less likely to be ambushed by surprise.
31:25But its oxygen supply is decreasing
31:28and soon it will be forced to come to the surface.
31:37It is a very dangerous predator.
31:41It is a very dangerous predator.
31:52From the depths,
31:55Gran Blanco is the target.
32:01As it accelerates, it creates a wave of pressure.
32:04The sea lion perceives it and zigzags.
32:11It dodges the shark's jaws by a few centimeters.
32:21Gran Blanco's muscular body
32:24gives it a lethal speed,
32:27but it is not designed to resist.
32:30Its failure to seize its first blow
32:33has drastically reduced its chances of success.
32:37The sea lion quickly heads to the bottom.
32:43But it is in a dead end,
32:46unable to escape.
32:49Gran Blanco has it cornered.
32:52So the sea lion uses the underwater orography in its favor.
33:01It stays close to the rocks.
33:04Gran Blanco can see it,
33:07but it is too big to maneuver so close to the steep shore.
33:13If it manages to stay out of its reach,
33:16it will tire Gran Blanco
33:19and he will be forced to give up.
33:23But the sea lion goes one step further.
33:26It turns around
33:29and dives into Gran Blanco's blind spot.
33:32Gran Blanco is disoriented
33:35and loses energy.
33:38This gives the sea lion the opportunity
33:41to make its way through the rocks.
33:44But the sea lion is too big
33:47and can't do it alone.
33:50Gran Blanco has it cornered.
33:53But it is too big
33:56and can't do it alone.
33:59But the sea lion has it cornered.
34:02But it is too big
34:05and can't do it alone.
34:15Gran Blanco regains strength
34:18and heads in deeper waters
34:21to a group of less experienced seals.
34:29Four huge muscles
34:32work to close its jaws
34:35while 50 sharp teeth pierce the body of its prey.
34:51The sea lion meets its prey.
35:00Gran Blanco may have defeated
35:03a member of the colony.
35:06But the sea lion has shown
35:09that its species is capable
35:12of defeating a larger and stronger enemy.
35:15And when it enters the water,
35:18it is able to defeat
35:21a larger and stronger enemy.
35:24And when it enters the water,
35:27it is able to defeat
35:30a larger and stronger enemy.
35:33And when it delivers another delicious meal to its young,
35:36it helps to ensure
35:39that its colony continues to grow
35:42and prosper on these shores.
35:57Back to the mainland,
36:00among the dry forests of the coast,
36:03the strategy of the black widow
36:06enters its next stage.
36:09It begins to wander
36:12among the trees
36:15and the trees
36:18and the trees
36:21and the trees
36:25It begins to roll silk
36:33Descending into the rapel,
36:36it pulls the thread from behind
36:39and places it in its place
36:50Then it returns to its hole
36:54And he fixes the other end of the thread.
37:05Thread by thread he weaves his web.
37:15When he finishes, he has placed 70 strands of thread.
37:31The web is finely designed.
37:46Ant Bull has gone on a new incursion to feed the young of his colony.
37:56The Black Widow's lair is the typical place where there could be an appetizing prey.
38:08Impulsed to look for food for his colony, he tries to make his way through the labyrinth of wires.
38:30The trap moves like an elastic band.
38:36It is trapped.
38:39The high-voltage lines are more resistant than the Kevlar,
38:43and are covered with liquid silk that acts as an instant glue that adheres them to the ant's body.
38:54The vibrations indicate to Black Widow that her trap has failed.
39:00Using brute force, Ant Bull is able to break free of some of the ropes.
39:07But Black Widow's trap is too extensive.
39:28Black Widow goes on the offensive.
39:33Ant Bull tries to grab her with his jaws, but he comes across another sticky trap.
39:41He tries to break free of the line using the strength of his legs, but it adheres quickly.
39:48Black Widow attacks her.
39:52It is an opportunity for Ant Bull to catch her with his jaws, but Black Widow surrounds them with silk.
40:12Combing the thread with his hind legs, he ties the ant's mouthpiece like a dog's muzzle.
40:21Each new thread wraps his jaws more tightly, neutralizing his main weapon.
40:29But Ant still has his deadly trap.
40:33He arches his back, trying to reach his enemy.
40:39He can inject six times more poison than a bee.
40:49If he manages to get close enough.
40:54But his strength runs out.
41:03Escaping is almost impossible.
41:14In a last attempt, Ant Bull tries to nail his stinger.
41:45But he is overwhelmed by the silk.
41:57Only now Black Widow can get close.
42:04To nail his fatal sting.
42:12With two sharp fangs like pins, he injects his neurotoxic cocktail.
42:21Its effect on Ant Bull's nervous system is almost instantaneous.
42:36Slowly, Black Widow begins to feed.
42:48Her reward, a vital food that will sustain her for the next few weeks.
42:58And as the climate of the northern coast becomes increasingly extreme,
43:03the species of Black Widow will continue to expand its distribution area in this territory.
43:28While Black Widow savors her victory, Gray prepares for another assault.
43:48The night before, he served for his opponent to withdraw.
44:01But today he is back.
44:04And he shows himself more willing to engage in combat.
44:10A battle without a barracks for dominance is now inevitable.
44:17The prize, become an undisputed champion.
44:25And become the head of the mafia.
44:39The opponent attacks first.
44:44But Gray counterattacks with a burst of flying kicks.
44:51And a bunch of punches.
44:58His muscular front legs with sharp claws at the tips are the American fists of nature.
45:07If Gray hits with his blows, he could blind his opponent.
45:16The aspirant throws his head back to keep him out of his reach.
45:21So Gray changes tactics.
45:24He moves to grab his opponent.
45:29And knock him down with his legs.
45:36His opponent does not seem to be immutable.
45:39So Gray starts another march.
45:44Using as support his tail of a meter long, he hits with both legs.
45:53His double kicks hit with the force of a heavy weight.
45:59A single of these claws kicks could gut a human.
46:05However, the thick skin of his opponent's belly allows him to resist multiple blows.
46:13Until Gray chooses his moment.
46:18And assists a devastating blow.
46:29His opponent is trembling.
46:36Gray, in the left corner, has gained an advantage but must maintain pressure.
46:43Now it's a battle of wear and tear, a real test of guts.
46:50Gray's opponent is out of breath from the blow received in the belly.
46:55And he seems tired.
46:58Still, he will not back down.
47:03Gray throws one last blow.
47:11This time, it's too much for his opponent.
47:22Gray has won the title of Mafia Chief.
47:32The loser must decide whether to stand in line as a lower-ranked male or leave and move to another place.
47:55The void of power has been filled.
48:01With Gray in command, security and order can return to the group.
48:20Throughout this stretch of Australian wild coast, some brave animals have risked everything.
48:29An invalid seal has outdone its ancestral enemy.
48:36A boxing champion has been crowned.
48:42And the patient strategy of Black Widow has doubled its prey.
48:51Extreme conditions and hunger will continue to be a challenge for all the creatures that live here.
48:59But they have proven to be true survivors.
49:05They have earned the right to live and fight one more day.
49:12In the inhospitable lands of wild Australia.
