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Full Video: Career and Anxiety || Acharya Prashant, at IIT-Bombay (2022)


00:00Somebody said, action is the antidote to despair. Action! Don't just sit and brood, work and life will become intolerable
00:08if you are not a worker. Action is the central message of Bhagavad Gita.
00:15Arjun, no time to sit and weep. You have to do what is needed to be done.
00:20Think about a fellow who is being exhorted to kill his brothers, his relatives, the loved and fabled patriarch
00:29and so many other acquaintances. Arjun probably knows more than half of the Kaurava warriors standing that side
00:40and he is being told to fight. If he begins to think, there will be no end to thought.
00:46There must be a point when you start seeing the uselessness of further thought.
