दिल्ली: किसान नेता गुरनाम सिंह चढूनी द्वारा हरियाणा चुनाव में कांग्रेस की हार का ठीकरा भूपेंद्र सिंह हुड्डा पर फोड़े जाने को लेकर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता राशिद अल्वी ने कहा कि मैं गुरनाम सिंह को नहीं जानता ये कौन हैं, लेकिन इस तरीके के बयान का कोई मतलब नहीं है। हरियाणा के अंदर चुनाव न कांग्रेस हारी है, न हुड्डा हारे हैं, हरियाणा में इलेक्शन कमीशन और ईवीएम की वजह से कांग्रेस हारी है। मैं बार बार कहता हूं कि ईवीएम जब तक मौजूद रहेगी भारतीय जनता पार्टी जीतती रहेगी। वहीं चुनाव में चढूनी द्वारा किसानों को न पूछे जाने का आरोप कांग्रेस पर लगाने पर अल्वी ने कहा कि कांग्रेस हमेशा किसानों के साथ खड़ी रही है अगर देश के अंदर 70-72 हजार करोड़ रुपया किसानों का किसी ने माफ किया है तो वह कांग्रेस पार्टी ने किया था। इसके अलावा किसी ने नहीं किया। वहीं प्रियंका गांधी को कांग्रेस की कमान दिए जाने के बयान पर अल्वी ने कहा कि एक बाहर का आदमी खड़ा होकर कांग्रेस को विद्या दे रहा है, आप अगर किसान संगठन में हैं तो संगठन को देखिए कांग्रेस पार्टी में क्या होगा क्या करेगी यह कांग्रेस पार्टी और हमारा मामला है आप हमारा मामले में दखलअंदाजी ना करें। इसके अलावा बाबा सिद्दीकी की हत्या के मामले पर राशिद अल्वी ने कहा कि बहुत दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है, बहुत चिंता की बात है लेकिन एक ऐसा नेता जिसे सुरक्षा भी मिली है मुंबई में इस तरह मार दिया जाता है तो आम आदमी अपने आप को कैसे सुरक्षित महसूस करेगा। महाराष्ट्र में जंगलराज है।
#rashidalvi #congress #gurnamsinghcharuni #farmersleader #evm #haryanaelection #babasiddiqui
#rashidalvi #congress #gurnamsinghcharuni #farmersleader #evm #haryanaelection #babasiddiqui
00:00Look, I don't know who Gunaam Singh Ji is, but such statements have no meaning.
00:06In Haryana, the elections are lost because of Congress, not because of Hooda.
00:11In Haryana, the elections are lost because of the Election Commission and EVM.
00:17I repeatedly say that as long as EVM is there, the Indian People's Party will continue to win.
00:25And this is what happened in Haryana.
00:27Look, these are baseless allegations. Congress has always stood with the farmers.
00:32If anyone in the country had forgiven 70-72 crore rupees to the farmers, it was the Congress Party.
00:42No one else had done it.
00:44So, it is baseless to give such statements.
00:48Look, an outsider is standing and giving knowledge to Congress.
00:52If you are a farmer in an organization, then look at your organization.
00:55What will happen in the Congress Party? What will you do?
00:58This is a matter between the Congress Party and us.
01:01You are not saying to your organization that who should become the President and who should become the Prime Minister in the farmer's organization.
01:07You make it yourself.
01:09But you are sitting from outside and giving such statements at the behest of someone else.
01:15It has no meaning.
01:16Look, it is a matter of great misfortune and worry.
01:20He was a well-known leader. I had a lot of personal relations with him.
01:25But if such a leader, who has also been given security, is killed in Bombay like this,
01:34then how will a common man feel safe?
01:38There is a jungle rule in Maharashtra.
01:40And wherever there are BJP governments, this is the situation there.
01:45I am going to Amruha district, in Rehra village.
01:49They took a girl and drowned her in acid.
01:53This is the legal system.
01:56Yogi Adityanath says daily that in Uttar Pradesh, India has the best legal system.
02:02Just now, four people were killed by entering a house in Amethi.
02:06We have not forgotten that. This is the second incident.
02:10So, wherever there are BJP governments, there are incompetent governments.
02:15And there is nothing called legal system.
02:18There is a jungle rule there.
02:20All my sympathies are with Baba Siddiqui's family.
02:25Look, the Congress Party, he is the senior leader of the Congress Party.
02:30And they should explain the leadership of the Congress Party,
02:33that the leadership of the Congress Party will definitely think about their thoughts.
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