
  • 2 days ago


00:00I have got something that may help you.
00:06They're the notes Alan made when he was riding out at Chrispun Takes the Cakes.
00:11I found all the interviews he did when he visited the hotel.
00:14Imagine that, you can actually hear Alan's voice again.
00:16Algernon Marsh had no decency and no scruples.
00:20How dare you search through my desk?
00:22980,000 pounds.
00:24You can talk to Samantha, persuade her to divide it two ways.
00:28Why in God's name would I do that?
00:30Because there are things that Melissa told me about you, Lennon.
00:33Are you aware that your wife is having an affair?
00:35Yes, I strangled her in the bedroom.
00:40I need to see Katie.
00:42I'm worried about her, there's something she isn't telling me.
00:47Who's this?
00:48Craig Andrews.
00:49What are you doing?
00:50She was here last night and she left her phone.
00:58Oh my God.
01:28I love you.
01:58Come on.
02:28Come on.
02:59I love you.
03:00I love you.
03:01I love you.
03:02I love you.
03:03I love you.
03:04I love you.
03:05I love you.
03:06I love you.
03:07I love you.
03:08I love you.
03:09I love you.
03:10I love you.
03:11I love you.
03:12I love you.
03:13I love you.
03:14I love you.
03:15I love you.
03:16I love you.
03:17I love you.
03:18I love you.
03:19I love you.
03:20I love you.
03:21I love you.
03:22I love you.
03:23I love you.
03:24I love you.
03:25I love you.
03:26I love you.
03:27I love you.
03:28I love you.
03:29I love you.
03:30I love you.
03:31I love you.
03:32I love you.
03:33I love you.
03:34I love you.
03:35I love you.
03:36I love you.
03:37I love you.
03:38I love you.
03:39I love you.
03:40I love you.
03:41I love you.
03:42I love you.
03:43I love you.
03:44I love you.
03:45I love you.
03:46I love you.
03:47I love you.
03:48I love you.
03:49I love you.
03:50I love you.
03:51I love you.
03:52I love you.
03:53I love you.
03:54I love you.
03:55I love you.
03:56I love you.
03:57I love you.
03:58I love you.
03:59I love you.
04:00I love you.
04:01I love you.
04:02I love you.
04:03I love you.
04:04I love you.
04:05I love you.
04:06I love you.
04:07I love you.
04:08I love you.
04:09I love you.
04:10I love you.
04:11I love you.
04:12I love you.
04:13I love you.
04:14I love you.
04:15I love you.
04:16I love you.
04:17I love you.
04:18I love you.
04:19I love you.
04:20I love you.
04:21I love you.
04:22I love you.
04:23I love you.
04:24I love you.
04:25confessed to the murder of Melissa James,
04:27then took his own life.
04:29That was the opinion of Detective Inspector Chuck.
04:32He did not take his own life.
04:34You mean he was murdered.
04:38Oh, I don't know how much more I can take of this, Mr. Boone.
04:41It's not my intention to distress you further.
04:44If you prefer, we can talk of other things.
04:47No, no, no.
04:48I might as well know.
04:52John Spencer went upstairs to put on his coat and his shoes.
04:57And when he returned, he was indeed wearing coat and shoes.
05:04If he was intending to kill himself,
05:06why would it matter what he was wearing?
05:09He was an English gentleman.
05:10He'd want to look his best.
05:12Perhaps so, but consider the position of the dagger.
05:18It was near to the bottom of the stairs.
05:21Are you suggesting to me that John
05:23Spencer took the knife with him upstairs, stabbed himself,
05:27and then came back downstairs again?
05:30I don't know.
05:31And finally, to choose such a method.
05:33There were razors in the bathroom.
05:35He could have hanged himself with a tie.
05:37But to act like the Japanese and inflict Harry
05:40Kerry on himself is not, I think, the practice
05:43of an English gentleman.
05:46So where does this take us, Mr. Punt?
05:48Maybe we should find out who was in the garden.
05:50They caused a diversion.
05:51They could have done it deliberately.
05:53I already know who looked through the window, Miss Kane.
05:57So do you know who killed John Spencer?
06:00It's not just a question of who murdered John Spencer.
06:04We must ask ourselves why.
06:09Good morning there, Punt, Miss Kane.
06:13Oh, I'm glad I caught you.
06:15I just wanted to say goodbye before you went on your way.
06:17I think you'd better sit down, Detective Inspector.
06:20Mr. Punt has something to tell you.
06:34Can you move?
06:38Come on.
06:39Put them down.
06:40All right, mate.
06:41I'll see you down there, yeah?
06:43Bring your own time.
06:57Is your mum here?
06:59I haven't seen her.
07:01Right. Good.
07:01Well, then maybe you can tell me what's going on.
07:05What do you mean?
07:06Well, I drove past the house this morning, your house,
07:08and it's being sold.
07:14Why hasn't your mother mentioned it to me?
07:17Why would she?
07:18Because I'm her sister.
07:19We talk all the time.
07:22I don't know.
07:23Why don't you call her?
07:24Well, as if my life wasn't complicated
07:26enough at the moment, I've lost my phone.
07:27I've left it in London.
07:29So please, please, Jack, tell me what's going on.
07:36I can't talk about it.
07:38What do you mean you can't talk about it?
07:44Do you know when she might be back?
07:47She said 4 o'clock.
07:49OK, well, can you do me a favor?
07:50Could you call her, tell her I was here,
07:53and say that I'll look in around 4?
07:55Can you do that?
07:56She may not answer.
07:58Then leave a message.
08:02Are you all right?
08:07I'm fine.
08:13I'm fine.
08:23These are nice.
08:24They're for the church.
08:26The third Sunday after Trinity.
08:28Ah, of course.
08:36You know, I've been, um, I've been thinking.
08:40What about?
08:41About the money.
08:43I've been thinking about nothing else.
08:45You know, I wonder if we should accept it.
08:47There are others in much greater need than us.
08:51You know, I don't know anyone in the world as good as you.
08:58But actually, I was having second thoughts about what
09:01you said when we got the news.
09:03What was that?
09:04About Algernon.
09:06Maybe it is wrong of us not to include him.
09:11But I thought you said that's what Aunt Clarissa wanted.
09:13Well, yes, that is what she wrote in her will.
09:17But, well, she's no longer with us.
09:22And really, it's up to us what we do with the money.
09:26Up to you, I mean.
09:28I thought we decided.
09:31But he's your brother.
09:34Perhaps if we give him a share, he might find himself.
09:40What sort of share?
09:42Oh, well, I mean, that's not really for me to say.
09:50You don't know, Leonard.
09:52I'll say I'm surprised.
09:57What was it you said just now?
10:00People in greater need than ourselves.
10:04Well, that wasn't what I meant.
10:05I'll see you both at the morning.
10:09I'm taking these to the church.
10:11I haven't offended you, I hope.
10:12Not at all.
10:13You've just surprised me.
10:16And maybe you're right.
10:18I'll think about it.
10:30You absolutely sure, Mr. Punt?
10:32I do not believe John Spencer took his own life.
10:35He didn't kill Marissa Jameson, who did?
10:37That is indeed the question, Detective Inspector.
10:39But there is perhaps one person we've overlooked.
10:43What is that?
10:44Miss James wrote a letter of love,
10:46but she failed to address it.
10:48My darling darling.
10:49Indeed so.
10:50Do you know who she meant?
10:52I have an idea.
11:06Detective Inspector.
11:11My darling darling.
11:18Yes, she was going to send this to me.
11:21At least, I assume she was.
11:23You were more than her financial advisor.
11:26Now, what are you saying?
11:28Well, one thing led to another.
11:33Oh, don't look so shocked, Leonard.
11:35She was bored of John Spencer.
11:37You must have known that.
11:40What time did your relationship with Miss James
11:43begin, Mr. Marsh?
11:46About six months ago, I think.
11:49It's not against the law.
11:50Maybe so.
11:51But I'll tell you what is against the law.
11:56Is that your automobile parked outside?
12:02Can you explain the damage to the front fender?
12:05No, no, no.
12:06I, um, I hadn't noticed it.
12:10On Wednesday last week, a man by the name of Henry Dixon,
12:13an opera singer, was hit by a car as he was out walking.
12:17The driver did not stop.
12:21And what about it?
12:23A car similar to yours was seen by a witness.
12:26There was damage to the fender and evidence
12:28of a bloodstain, and we have a cigarette found
12:33at the scene of the crime.
12:38The same brand you're smoking now.
12:44For heaven's sake, Algernon, tell them it isn't true.
12:48You win some, you lose some, Leonard.
12:51Tell me, how is Mr. Dixon?
12:54Well, you didn't kill him, if that's what you mean.
12:58Well, it's not too serious, though.
13:01Maybe a rap on the knuckles?
13:03Maybe a fine?
13:05I don't need to worry about that, do I, Leonard?
13:07You'll take care of me.
13:21Mr. Pund.
13:23Mrs. Collins, you will forgive me for intruding?
13:26No, not at all.
13:27Everyone is welcome here.
13:29But I'm afraid I bring bad news.
13:32Your brother, Algernon.
13:33What's he done this time?
13:35He hit a man in a traffic accident
13:38and failed to stop or offer assistance.
13:41Has he been arrested?
13:43Inspector Chump is with him now.
13:47This is so typical of Algernon.
13:50I'm not going to give him anything.
13:54I'm sorry?
13:55I inherited some money from an aunt of mine.
13:59Quite a lot of money.
14:00I wanted to tell you from the start,
14:01but I wasn't sure it was relevant.
14:04And you were considering sharing it with your brother?
14:07Well, my husband was dead set against it to start with,
14:10but now he's saying we should.
14:12I just don't understand him.
14:15I'm not sure I want to keep any of it.
14:18There's something I wish to ask you.
14:21Were you aware that your brother was involved
14:24in an affair with Melissa James?
14:26An affair?
14:30An adulterous affair?
14:35I had no idea.
14:36Are you quite sure?
14:38He has admitted to it.
14:41It's such a wicked thing to do.
14:44She is a married woman, and to commit adultery
14:47is unforgivable.
14:48It's a crime.
14:49It's unforgivable.
14:50It's a crime against God.
14:55Sometimes I feel like St. Daniel,
14:58cast into the lion's den.
15:02Murder and wickedness.
15:04It's all around me.
15:06You blame Miss James for her weakness.
15:11I blame both of them.
15:12And at the same time, I find it hard to believe.
15:16Benjamin and Melissa?
15:19She was better than that.
15:22How could she have set her sights so low?
15:41Mrs. Endicott, my name is Susan Ryland.
15:43We met at Aidan's house.
15:45Yes, I remember.
15:46I wondered if I could have a word with Derek.
15:48Come in.
15:56Derek, you have a visitor.
16:01He's only just woken up.
16:03He was working last night.
16:05He had his shift at the hotel.
16:10Can I get you some tea?
16:12No, thank you.
16:13Do you have the day off?
16:15No, I only work part time.
16:18Yeah, and Roxanne is at a play date right now.
16:21I can't do more than that.
16:22I had a heart attack two years ago,
16:24and the doctor's told me to take care.
16:26Oh, I'm sorry.
16:27Oh, I'm fine now.
16:29Got Derek here.
16:31And Aidan and Cecily look after me very well.
16:34Do you enjoy working for them?
16:36Oh, they're lovely people.
16:39And they both live for that child.
16:42Oh, what Aidan must be going through right now.
16:47Sorry, don't bear thinking about it.
16:51What do you think might have happened to Cecily?
16:53No, I don't know.
16:55I try not to think about it.
16:57Aidan says it's something to do with that book of yours,
17:00Atticus Punt.
17:01You met Alan Conway?
17:04Yeah, he came here asking questions.
17:08He talked to everyone.
17:10He said it was for research.
17:12Who is it, Mum?
17:13This is Susan Ryland.
17:14You know, she's helping the police
17:16with finding Mrs. McNeil.
17:19Yeah, is there any news?
17:20No, I'm afraid not.
17:21She was just asking about Alan Conway.
17:24The writer didn't like him.
17:27Well, that's what I wanted to ask you.
17:30What actually happened when he came here?
17:32Alan recorded his conversations with everyone
17:35else except you.
17:36Why was that?
17:37Well, that's easy to explain.
17:39I didn't let him.
17:42Well, it's a lovely house.
17:45Have you been here long?
17:46My husband and I first lived here when we were married.
17:50So, Derek, you have been here your whole life.
17:55Oh, excuse me, Mr. Conway.
17:57What are you doing?
17:58Alan, please.
17:59I just thought I'd record this.
18:02Oh, I'd prefer it if you didn't.
18:04I'm sorry?
18:05I don't want to be recorded.
18:08Well, it's just for me.
18:09I have a terrible memory.
18:10I don't really want to talk about what
18:13happened at all, if you want the honest truth.
18:16I don't think you should be writing about it, either.
18:19Seriously, Gwenyth?
18:23I think you should go.
18:34Well, that explains why he put you in the book.
18:37He did that to Aidan, didn't he?
18:39He did it to anyone who annoyed him.
18:40I'm sorry.
18:41That's not your fault, dear.
18:44Some people just don't know how to behave.
18:47There was one other thing I wanted to ask you.
18:49I wonder if you know Martin and Joanne Webster.
18:52They just live up the road.
18:54We know them, all right.
18:55The odd couple.
18:56Say that again.
18:58Been here 20 years.
18:59Never once invited us into their house.
19:01And you'd think they'd be more hospitable.
19:03He knows us well enough.
19:05He was always in and out of the hotel.
19:07I used to help unload his vans.
19:09I'm sorry, we're talking about Martin Webster.
19:12He's got a laundry business in Woodbridge.
19:14He used to do all the sheets and towels at the hotel.
19:17Used to?
19:19Cecily fell out with him.
19:21She stopped using him.
19:23Let me get this straight.
19:25Martin Webster was the brother-in-law of Frank Paris,
19:28and he also knew Cecily Traherne?
19:31Well, of course he knew her, but they
19:34definitely weren't friends.
19:40I thought we asked you not to come back here.
19:42You knew Cecily Traherne.
19:44I met her a few times.
19:46You do know she's disappeared.
19:49Everyone knows that.
19:50In fact, we're all getting a bit fed up with it, to be honest.
19:53She used to use your laundry service.
19:56The two of you argued.
20:01Well, you don't think that's any of your business.
20:04Why does she keep coming here?
20:07That's a good question.
20:09I think she's becoming a bit obsessed about it all.
20:12What are we going to do?
20:14You want me to do something about it?
20:19Well, don't worry about it, dear.
20:21She doesn't know anything about us,
20:23and she's not going to find out anything, either.
20:27I'll make sure she doesn't find out.
20:30She's not going to find out anything, either.
20:33I'll make sure of that.
21:30Didn't realize you were back.
21:33You made me jump.
21:35After what happened, this, uh, this whole corridor
21:37can be a bit unnerving.
21:40Do you want to look at room 12?
21:41Uh, no.
21:42Nothing much in there.
21:44How was London?
21:45Uh, actually, it was useful.
21:47Uh, I got all of Alan's notes and the interviews
21:50that you did and everyone else.
21:52Um, what are you doing here?
21:55I'm trying to work something out.
21:59Derek Endicott was on reception the night
22:02that Frank Paris was killed.
22:04He heard the dog bark, and he came up the stairs.
22:08That was when he saw a figure in the corridor,
22:11someone he thought was Stefan.
22:13That's what he told the police?
22:16But it would have taken Derek less than five seconds
22:19to get from the dog basket into the corridor.
22:22And by that time, Stefan had already disappeared.
22:27Well, he'd already gone into the room.
22:29He had a key.
22:31He had a key for all the rooms.
22:33Yeah, but what happened after that?
22:34I mean, what would you do if a complete stranger
22:37came into your room?
22:39I'd shout for help.
22:40So why didn't Derek hear anything?
22:42Frank Paris could have been asleep.
22:44In which case, Stefan wouldn't have needed to kill him.
22:47He could have just taken the money and left.
22:50What are you saying?
22:52Just that whatever happened here,
22:56it wasn't what we think.
22:58Does that matter?
22:59Why did the dog bark in the first place?
23:02I'm afraid I can't help you.
23:04Actually, maybe you can.
23:06I listened to the recordings,
23:08and there's something that Cecily said.
23:10He wasn't the only young offender working in the hotel.
23:13My father was running a program.
23:15So what other offenders did you have working here?
23:18I don't think I should be sharing that information.
23:22Lawrence, I'm trying to help you find Cecily.
23:27The only way I can do that is to know what she knew.
23:31So, who was it?
23:43Liam, I need to talk to you.
23:45I'm busy.
23:46No, this won't wait.
23:47It's going to have to.
23:48Okay, I know you have a criminal record.
23:51You served 6 months in Long Bay Prison in Sydney
23:54for providing your clients with steroids.
23:57I'll talk to you, okay?
23:58Just not here.
24:00Testosterone, boldenone, anadrol.
24:02It's no big deal.
24:03I was getting it cheap from Thailand like everyone else.
24:05But then the police caught up with you.
24:076 months.
24:08I did 4.
24:09And then you came to London?
24:10It was easier to get new clients away from home.
24:13What sort of clients, Liam?
24:15What exactly were you doing?
24:17I was a personal trainer.
24:18What do you think I was doing?
24:20Did you come from Melbourne?
24:22No, Brisbane.
24:24So, why don't you tell me the truth
24:26about what was happening here with Stefan?
24:28I don't know what you're talking about.
24:30I think you do.
24:31The last time I spoke to you,
24:32you said that you felt sorry for the poor bastard
24:35because of the way they treated him here.
24:38What did you mean by that?
24:40He was a skivvy.
24:41He'd work a 12-hour shift.
24:42Toilets, gutters, the roof, the trash, you name it.
24:45You know how much they were paying him?
24:47I'm never trying to help him.
24:49Come on, darling.
24:50That so-called Youth Offender Outreach Programme,
24:53it's a rip-off.
24:54It's a way to get cheap labour
24:55to keep this stinking hotel running.
24:57You've stayed here long enough.
24:59Where else am I going to go with my conviction?
25:01Besides, it's not the half of it.
25:04So, what's the other half?
25:08Cecily Traherne was okay.
25:11But her sister Lisa's a devil.
25:13She had her claws into Stefan from the start.
25:15In what way?
25:16What way do you think?
25:17Nice hunk of 22-year-old Eastern European flesh.
25:24She was in a relationship with him?
25:26I wouldn't call it that.
25:27But they were having sex, if that's what you mean.
25:30Poor sod couldn't say no to her.
25:32After all, she was running the hotel.
25:34She had complete power over him.
25:39Did he tell you this?
25:41No, he didn't talk about that kind of stuff.
25:43But he was miserable whenever she was around.
25:47You know, I actually saw them once.
25:51Tell me.
25:53I'd gone out for a run.
25:55There's a circuit that takes you through the woods.
25:58And I'd just set out, and that's when I saw her.
26:01I mean, it was pretty obvious what was going on.
26:04I couldn't help but wonder who it was,
26:06and that's when I saw them.
26:09Stefan and Lisa going at it, hammer and tolls.
26:12When was this?
26:14A couple of weeks before the murder.
26:17Then it was definitely Stefan and Lisa.
26:20That's a fair question, Sue.
26:23It was night, and there was some distance between us.
26:26To be honest, my first thought was that it was Aidan having it away with Lisa,
26:30which would have been a laugh.
26:32Was Aidan like that? Promiscuous?
26:34No way.
26:36Cecily would have kicked him out if he did.
26:38And anyway, it wasn't him.
26:40Aidan has a tattoo on his shoulder. It's like a big tadpole.
26:43I could see quite clearly it wasn't him.
26:45Could have snuck away right then, but would you believe it, I stepped on a branch.
26:49Went off like a gunshot, the guy turned around.
26:53It was definitely Stefan.
27:02Did he see you?
27:03I don't think so.
27:04Well, he never mentioned anything.
27:08So why did Lisa fire him?
27:10Well, she accused him of stealing.
27:12But everyone knows it was Natasha. It wasn't him.
27:15Maybe you'd given her the old heave-ho and she wanted to get rid of him.
27:18I know what I'm talking about. She's doing the same thing to me.
27:21Any time she needs a root, I'm her first port-a-call.
27:26And do you?
27:28Yeah, I don't mind.
27:30Keeps her sweet. She pays a little extra on the side.
27:33Is there anything else you want to know?
27:35No. No. Definitely not.
27:38Mm. Great.
27:45Hi, it's Katie. Please leave a message.
27:47Katie, I've managed to lose my mobile, but I've been trying to get hold of you.
27:52Jack says you'll be home by four, so I'm going to come over now.
27:57Okay, bye.
28:43Hi. Did you get my message?
28:46Yeah, sorry. I was having a bit of a day.
28:51Can I come in?
28:53Of course.
29:00You didn't tell me.
29:02And you asked me to go to the garden centre so I wouldn't see the sign outside.
29:07You got a buyer, then?
29:10We've just exchanged.
29:12And you lied to me, Katie. You told me that you had decorators in.
29:15I don't see any sign of any decorators anywhere.
29:18And Jack.
29:20He's dropped out of university.
29:22He's a mess. He looks utterly miserable.
29:30Has this got anything to do with Gordon?
29:34Has this got anything to do with Gordon?
29:37You never talk about him. He's never here.
29:40Why do you want to know?
29:42Because I care about you, Katie.
29:45And we don't have any secrets from each other.
29:52Gordon's left me.
30:07Six months ago.
30:09I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to be worrying about me.
30:12You've got enough on your plate. And anyway, there's nothing you could do.
30:16I could have been there for you.
30:18I didn't want you there. I wanted you here.
30:21I couldn't ask. And anyway, I didn't want to.
30:24Why not?
30:26Why not?
30:28Because I felt so bloody stupid.
30:31And I still do now.
30:35He started working late.
30:37In London, first one night a week, then it was two nights.
30:41And then he sweet-talked me into renting a flat
30:46near the bank to save money. Can you believe that?
30:49Our money. Our joint account.
30:51All to support his sordid little love nest.
30:55Do you know who it is?
30:59It's his secretary.
31:01How pathetic is that?
31:03Her name's Naomi.
31:05She's 20 years younger than him.
31:07And she's barely older than his own daughter.
31:11Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry.
31:13Please, Susan, don't. I don't want your pity.
31:15It will only make things worse.
31:18You may as well hear the rest of it.
31:26He was lavishing money on Naomi.
31:29Trips to Paris.
31:31And at the same time, he was maxing out on his credit card.
31:35It was the company credit card,
31:37so, of course, eventually they found out.
31:40And he lost his job.
31:42He's lucky they didn't decide to prosecute.
31:45They're letting him pay it back in instalments.
31:48Anyway, the upshot of it all
31:50is that he's not going to get away with it.
31:53I think the upshot of it all
31:55is that we couldn't afford the house.
31:57But you both own it.
31:59Yeah, well, it's a 50-50 split,
32:01but it still means downsizing.
32:03It's a mess.
32:07And as for Jack and Daisy...
32:09Daisy doesn't want to know.
32:12She's furious.
32:14She thinks he's having some pathetic midlife crisis
32:18that he's inflicting on all of us.
32:20And as for Jack...
32:22Well, you've seen.
32:24He always was the more sensitive one.
32:28I've promised I won't cry, and I'm not going to,
32:31but I can tell you what's upset me the most
32:34is that I feel so stupid.
32:37Like I've been somehow inadequate,
32:40and I'm the one to blame.
32:42But you know that's not true.
32:44Of course it's not. It's all down to him.
32:46All of it. But it's still how I feel.
32:49And that's another reason why I didn't want you to know,
32:52because I've always been the sensible one, haven't I?
32:55Married with two children, a nice house in Suffolk
32:58and a job in a garden centre.
33:00Well, you, you've been gallivanting around London
33:03and now Crete, and where's it got me?
33:05I'm not gallivanting any more.
33:07You're thinking of leaving Andreas.
33:09I couldn't believe it when you told me that.
33:12You two are wonderful together.
33:15He's a good man, and he loves you to bits,
33:17and you should be grabbing on to him
33:19and holding him with both hands.
33:21You don't know how lucky you are.
33:23What can I do? Oh...
33:25There's nothing you can do.
33:27I'll be fine. I'll get through it somehow.
33:30All I'm saying is, think again.
34:36Get off of her!
34:40What are you doing?
34:42Oh, my God!
35:17What is it?
35:32The body of a young woman's been found in Rentalsham Forest.
35:38I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, Mr MacNeil,
35:42but we have every reason to believe that it's Cecily.
35:51It'll have to be a formal identification,
35:54but in the meantime, I...
35:56I wonder if you recognise this.
36:03It hurts.
36:11How did you find her?
36:13Well, we hadn't stopped looking,
36:15but in the end, it was a dog walker.
36:17Oh, my God.
36:20Oh, my God!
36:44What happened?
36:46I thought I told you to leave!
36:48Oh, God!
36:53We found the body of Cecily Trehearne in Woodland, not far from here.
36:57She'd been strangled, just like the actress in that book of yours.
37:00Oh, I suppose you're going to try and make something out of that.
37:05Funny, innit?
37:07Now, real murder isn't quite as much fun as those stories of yours.
37:10They're not my stories.
37:12A husband in there, sobbing his heart out.
37:14Two parents who've just lost a daughter,
37:16and an eight-year-old girl who's about to find out she no longer has a mummy.
37:19But I suppose they're you. Oh.
37:21That's all entertainment.
37:23How can you be so cruel?
37:25Because this is my life, and you've got no place in it!
37:39Oh, God.
37:41Is he here?
37:43I've just heard the news. I'm so sorry.
37:45Sorry that my sister's been found dead?
37:47Or that your all-expenses-paid visit to the hotel is now over?
37:53Well, I don't think there's any further reason for you to stay here, do you?
37:58What is wrong with you?
38:00The hotel is fully booked out next week. We need your room.
38:02I'm just doing my job.
38:04Does your father know you're talking to me?
38:06Well, actually, my father wanted me to have this conversation.
38:09We want to bring an end to his arrangement with you, and we think you should leave.
38:12When? Tomorrow.
38:14Check-out's at 12.
38:16Derek will help you with your luggage.
38:27What are you doing here?
38:29What is it? What's wrong?
38:31You tell me.
38:37Where were you last night?
38:41Why are you even asking me that?
38:43Because I need to know if you want to see me.
38:49I want to see you more than anyone.
38:52I have asked you to return here today because,
38:55well, it seems that events at Clarence Keep did not occur quite as we believed.
39:01Are you telling us that the detective inspector was wrong all along
39:05and it was not her husband who killed Melissa?
39:08Oh, it is only thanks to the detective inspector that I was able to solve the case.
39:13It was he who put me in charge of the case.
39:16It is only thanks to the detective inspector that I was able to solve the case.
39:20It was he who made the observation that unlocked everything.
39:24Thank you, Mr. Punt. What observation was that?
39:27You compared the murder of Melissa James to the death of Desdemona
39:31in William Shakespeare's tragedy of Othello.
39:34Beware the green-eyed monster.
39:38Let us return to the beginning.
39:42We know that Miss James was killed very shortly after 6.28 in the evening.
39:486.28, yes, that's when she called me.
39:51Miss James?
39:52Please, please, please come round.
39:54I don't know what to do. I'm so frightened. Please.
39:57He wants to kill me. Please help me.
40:00He wants to kill me? But to whom was she referring?
40:04It was her husband. It had to be her husband.
40:08That would indeed seem to be the case, Miss Kane.
40:11John Spencer was not at the opera. He lied to us.
40:15I came to the house that evening. As I told you, I did not see him.
40:19In the moments before he died, Mr. Spencer was obliged to explain to us exactly what occurred.
40:25He never left?
40:26No, I left. I drove as far as the village.
40:29But I was in no mood for the opera.
40:32I came back.
40:33And you confronted your wife.
40:35We had a terrible row.
40:38She told me she was leaving me.
40:40That argument must have taken place after the Chandlers had left to see their relatives in Biddeford.
40:49We never heard them argue.
40:51Of course we didn't. We kept our distance. That was our place.
40:55When did you leave the house?
40:57At ten past six.
41:00So, Mr. Berlin arrives, he leaves, the Chandlers also depart, and what of Algernon Marsh?
41:08I'm in the pub. Lots of people saw me.
41:11Several of them saw you leave.
41:13I'd had enough to drink. I walked home.
41:17So, Mr. Berlin arrives, he leaves, the Chandlers also depart, and that is when John Spencer returns.
41:25He was who she was scared of.
41:28He was who she was scared of when she called us.
41:30Evidently. And yet, we have a problem.
41:36All the evidence suggests that the telephone call was made from this room.
41:40We found the tissues with her tears down here, and the phone in her bedroom was torn out the wall.
41:45And yet, it is in the bedroom that Dr. Collins discovered the body.
41:48That's right. She was on the bed.
41:50You see, it does not work.
41:53I'm so frightened. He wants to kill me.
41:57Where is Melissa when she says this? And where is her husband?
42:00They were both in here.
42:02If Melissa really believes herself to be in danger, why does she return to the bedroom?
42:07And where is John Spencer? Why does he allow her to make a telephone call for help?
42:13Maybe they argued upstairs after all.
42:15And what time is the telephone cord pulled out of the wall?
42:18Does Melissa come down to the living room, call for help, and then return to the bedroom?
42:23He's right. It makes no sense.
42:25All I can tell you is she was definitely dead.
42:28She was definitely on the bed, and she had definitely been strangled.
42:32I saw the ligatures.
42:34I'm so glad that you chose to mention that, Dr. Collins.
42:37You see, it reminds me of a most interesting piece of information that was shared with me by my good friend, Detective Inspector Chubb.
42:44She must have put up quite a fight.
42:46The sheets were crumpled, one of the laps was broken, and there was two sets of abrasions around her neck.
42:51Why two sets of abrasions?
42:56Miss James was only strangled once.
42:58Well, she was struggling, you know? Maybe the cord slipped and the killer had to apply a second toy.
43:03That is exactly what I believed until the moment that you referred to the drama of Othello.
43:09I don't understand.
43:13What happens in that play?
43:15Desdemona is strangled by her jealous husband.
43:19And just like John Spencer, he confesses to the crime.
43:24She is dead, he says.
43:27Still is the grave.
43:30I have no wife.
43:33But then she recovers.
43:35She's not dead after all.
43:39Strangulation, it kills by restricting the flow of blood or oxygen to the brain, this I've noted in the landscape of criminal investigation.
43:47But although unconsciousness will take seconds, death may take several minutes.
43:53So John Spencer didn't kill her.
43:56He believed that he had.
43:59She had fallen, struck her head, there was blood.
44:03She was not moving.
44:06You can imagine his horror.
44:09He believed that he had killed the woman he most loved.
44:16He ran out of the room, out of the house, leaving her behind.
44:20Then she woke up.
44:21She woke up.
44:23The telephone cord had been pulled from the wall.
44:26So she had to make her way downstairs to call for help.
44:30And it was Dr. Collins who answered.
44:35I said I'd be around straight away.
44:37But in fact it took you ten minutes, during which time Miss James returned to her bed, which is where you found her.
44:45So who killed her?
44:51Dr. Collins, of course.
44:55That's not possible.
44:57Not Leonard.
44:59Melissa James was a friend of mine.
45:02And a patient.
45:03What possible reason could I have to kill her?
45:06My darling, darling.
45:08We must be brave and tell the world about the love we share.
45:14This letter was addressed to you.
45:17Wait a minute.
45:18Algernon Mars told us the letter was addressed to him.
45:21He was lying.
45:22Why would I do that?
45:24For a simple reason.
45:25You did not wish us to discover that the true lover of Miss James was your brother-in-law, Dr. Collins.
45:29It was all about the money.
45:31Exactly, Miss Kane.
45:32The money.
45:35Left to Mrs. Collins by her aunt, her brother.
45:38He wanted a share of it.
45:40And he knew that he could blackmail Dr. Collins with his knowledge of the affair.
45:44But that meant shielding him, pretending that it was he and not Dr. Collins who was the true lover of Miss James.
45:50This is nonsense.
45:53You have a wife who is deeply religious, who told me herself she could never forgive the sin of adultery.
46:00Had she discovered the truth about you, she would have left you, which is exactly why you had to kill Melissa James.
46:08She was threatening to tell the world about your affair.
46:12They've already seen each other, and suddenly Mrs. Collins gets the inheritance.
46:18He will have control of the money, but only if she remains his wife.
46:22980,000 pounds.
46:25How did you learn of the affair, Mr. Marsh?
46:28Melissa told me.
46:30She couldn't stop herself. She was besotted with him.
46:34So it's true.
46:38Her husband attacks her, and Miss James, she calls her lover for help.
46:47In so doing, gave him the perfect opportunity to silence her, knowing full well that it would be John Spencer that would take the blame.
46:59You're a monster.
47:02I can't bear it.
47:07I'm sorry, Samantha.
47:09I really am.
47:13I mean, Melissa was a star.
47:17She said she was going to go back into the movie.
47:19She talked about Hollywood, and I thought she was my ticket out of this boring village.
47:26My boring life.
47:30But then when you got the money, I realized what a fool I'd be.
47:34I have nothing to say to you, Leonard.
47:38I'll tell you what else is true.
47:41He was blackmailing me.
47:45You should arrest him, too.
47:49Take them both away.
48:04Go on, then.
48:18Dr. Collins.
48:19I'd never have believed it.
48:21Because he was the least likely suspect?
48:23Because he wasn't a suspect at all.
48:26There's one thing I don't get, Mr. Ponder.
48:29If Dr. Collins killed Melissa James, who in the blazes killed John Spencer?
48:35That is the second part of the puzzle, Detective Inspector, and I have a confession to make.
48:42The person who killed John Spencer was me.
49:04I should not have taken this case.
49:06I started all this, and now I'm going to finish it.
49:09Why won't you take note for an answer?
49:11Don't you want to know who killed her?
49:12I know who killed her.
49:13He's hiding something.
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