Anna of the Five Towns by Arnold Bennett | TV Miniseries Drama Episode 04 | Subtitles

  • 2 days ago
#byron #thebuccaneers #bethfreed25
As marriage plans progress, Anna finally stands up to her father. Feeling guilty, she does what she can to help Willie Price.
01:30Agnes, you'd better go straight in.
01:47I didn't give you up last night till nearly ten o'clock.
01:50I couldn't think why you didn't come.
01:52I'm sorry. You must know there was a reason after I'd promised.
01:55And I told Fay that you were coming.
01:57And you didn't arrive.
01:59What about Mr. Price?
02:01Mr. Price?
02:03What's happened?
02:05A very sad thing.
02:08He has committed suicide.
02:12He hanged himself yesterday afternoon at his works.
02:17Willie had gone...
02:20I was in my office going over some receipts before coming to your house.
02:40Willie Price.
02:44Whatever is it?
02:50Here, sit down.
02:54Now cover your breath.
03:03Drink this. Drink it.
03:11Now, you'd best tell me.
03:17Tell me.
03:19It's the dad.
03:21Oh, Titus.
03:23Oh, is he ill?
03:27It's all right. I'm...
03:29I'm all right.
03:33I went back to the works.
03:36He hadn't come home for his tea.
03:40It wasn't like him, I mean.
03:42He worked late, but only...
03:50He were in the loft.
03:52He were in the loft.
03:55I didn't see him at first, just his cap on the ground and then...
04:13Then I...
04:15Is he still there?
04:17I just ran. I couldn't have touched him. I couldn't have done anything.
04:20I couldn't think of where to go to.
04:25Oh, come!
04:33I thought I would tell you myself before you heard it from anyone else.
04:38Oh, everyone will be full of it, you may be sure.
04:41The prominent member of the chapel.
04:43It's an awful thing.
04:46Why did he do it?
04:48Business troubles, I suppose.
04:50It couldn't be anything else, Anna.
04:56We drove him to it.
04:58Father and I.
05:00Whatever are you saying?
05:02We drove him to do this terrible thing.
05:04You must never say it, Anna. Never think it.
05:07I'm sure you and your father never did any more than was right.
05:11Price's works have been in trouble for years and getting worse.
05:14Everyone knew that.
05:16It was no fault of yours.
05:31Whatever's the matter with thee?
05:34Mr. Price has hanged himself.
05:40I'm not surprised.
05:42Suicide's in that blood.
05:44Tarty's his uncle, Liger,
05:46tried to kill himself twice before he died.
05:52Guess we'll have to do something about that Edward Street works now.
06:14Now, Mr. Price, I must ask you some more questions.
06:18They may be inconvenient, even painful.
06:22But I'm here simply as the instrument of the law,
06:25and I must do my duty.
06:27And these gentlemen here must be told the whole facts of the case.
06:32Will you do me the honour, Mr. Price,
06:34of telling me the whole facts of the case?
06:38I'll do you the honour.
06:40That must be told the whole facts of the case.
06:44We know, of course, that the deceased committed suicide.
06:48That has been proven beyond doubt.
06:50But, as I say, we have the right to know more.
06:55As your late father's partner, you'll know about his debts in some detail.
07:00My place was on the bunk, not in the office.
07:03But you know something that'll give the court a clearer picture.
07:06I don't know.
07:10Were you in arrears with your rent?
07:14Yes, the rent, yes.
07:16Was the landlord pressing you?
07:18Not then. They have been.
07:20Her, I mean.
07:23The landlord is a lady?
07:26The pressure was less than it had been.
07:28Yes, we paid some debts and settled some other claims.
07:31But still, your father...
07:33If you must know, I think...
07:38If you must know...
07:42It was the smash of a London firm that owed us money
07:46that caused me further to wrang itself.
07:52We were dependent on it totally.
07:54And when did you hear of this failure?
07:56Our second post on the Moan Inn.
07:58Yes, very well, Mr Price. I think perhaps we may look no further.
08:03I think you may stand down.
08:05Mr Price, I think perhaps we may look no further.
08:09I think you may stand down.
08:35Oh, God.
09:05Well, Mr... All right.
09:09I've buried him.
09:11He's gone.
09:14I'm very sorry.
09:17You must be relieved it's all over.
09:26You've come about the works, I suppose?
09:28Yes. Here's your father in. I want to say him very particular.
09:31He isn't in now. He'll be back at four o'clock.
09:34That's an hour.
09:36You don't know where he is?
09:40Well, I must tell you, then.
09:43I've come up to do it, and do it I must.
09:45Can't I come up again, and neither can I wait.
09:53Remember that bill of exchange
09:55as we give you some wicks back towards the rent?
09:59It's forged, Miss Terry.
10:03Mr Sutton's name.
10:05It's forged, ain't it?
10:08I've come to tell you, Faither, but you'll do as well.
10:13I feel I should like to tell you about it.
10:18Telling you? Yes.
10:26Mr Sutton really had given us a bill for 30 pint.
10:29But we'd paid that away
10:31when Mr Tellwright sent word, don't you remember?
10:33That he should have put the bailiffs in
10:35if he didn't have 25 pint next day.
10:39We were just turning the corner then, my dad and me.
10:42There was a goodish sum due to us from a firm in London
10:45if we could just stir old Ike till then.
10:48But me father knew there was no getting round Mr Tellwright,
10:51so he had the idea of using Mr Sutton's name.
10:54Just temporary luck.
10:56Just temporary luck.
11:00He sent me to the post office to buy her a bill stamp.
11:03And he wrote out the bill in her name.
11:05You tack this up to Tellwright, she says,
11:07and ask them to tack it and hold it.
11:09Then we'll redeem it and it'll be your rate.
11:12No harm done there, Will.
11:15But Father said he'd try Sutton's name on the back of an envelope,
11:18searching for a likeness.
11:20It's an easier signature than ours, but he couldn't do it.
11:23Here, Will, he says, my old hand shakes, you have a go.
11:28So he gives me a letter of Sutton's to copy from.
11:32I did it easy enough after a try or two.
11:36That'll be your rate, Will, he says.
11:39And I sent it to the bill.
11:43And I put on the hat.
11:46And I brought the bill up here.
11:48That's the truth on it, Miss Tellwright.
11:51It was the smash of that London firm that finished my poor old father off.
11:55Oh, Mr Price, whatever will you do?
11:59There's nothing they done.
12:02We were bound to be this way. It's no more than our luck.
12:07We hadn't a thought that we should bring you the 30-pounding cash,
12:10get that piece of paper back, rip it up, and on there was.
12:13No-one would have noticed.
12:15We were always unlucky, me and him.
12:45All you got to do
12:48is tell the Father
12:51and say, I'm ready for a good police station when he gives the word.
12:54It's a bad business, but I'm ready for it now.
12:58Talking to you about it here, I feel better already.
13:04Can't we do something?
13:08It's either our hands, Miss Tellwright.
13:11Is it?
13:12Your father keeps the bill, doesn't he?
13:16Not you.
13:24Dear God,
13:26please help me to do what was right.
13:29I know that what Willie Price and his father did was wrong.
13:33It was both a crime and a sin.
13:36And yet have they not suffered enough already?
13:38I do so truly feel that much of the fault is faith as a man
13:41and yet we are free from blame.
13:49Dear God,
13:52please give me the strength to make this act of charity and grace.
15:02Whatever's the matter, sis?
15:04Go back to sleep and don't bother her.
15:22Oh, mind me dirt if I know you meant to call at a time.
15:25It's all right.
15:26You needn't worry any more.
15:28It's done.
15:29What does it mean?
15:31I got that note
15:33and burnt it.
15:34You didn't, you couldn't have.
15:35I have.
15:36Does your father know?
15:37No, but I'll tell him this afternoon.
15:39He may still find out.
15:40He cannot do anything.
15:42I told you.
15:43It's burnt.
15:51I don't know.
15:56I don't know.
15:59I don't know.
16:04You've nothing to cry for now.
16:07Well, I don't know how to thank you.
16:11There's nothing to thank me for.
16:13I've only done what is right.
16:26I must go.
16:27I've only slept out for a moment.
16:31Please stay there.
16:34And remember,
16:35it will be all right.
17:02What are you doing here?
17:03What are you doing here?
17:05What are you doing here?
17:07Father, I was just going back home.
17:10Then I'll come with thee.
17:18Now, what's all this carrying on
17:20between thee and Will Price?
17:23I'll have it out of you.
17:25There's no carrying on, Father.
17:27Oh, why you still got secrets?
17:29Why you just go sneaking about to see him?
17:31Sneaking and creeping like any brazen mole.
17:33He's not one man enough for you.
17:35You kind of think.
17:36Kind of not.
17:37You've asked me something else to think about and quick.
17:40Willie Price came here yesterday to see you.
17:43But you weren't in.
17:44So he saw me.
17:46He told me that the bill of exchange you'd given us
17:48for thirty pounds was forged.
17:51He said he'd forged Mr. Sutton's name on it.
17:54He said he was ready to go to prison
17:56as soon as you gave the word.
17:58But I told him
17:59that must not happen.
18:01I told him to leave it to me.
18:03I told him it must be settled quietly.
18:06He was driven to the forgery and I thought that...
18:10Does that mean to say
18:12that that blasted scoundrel came here
18:15and told thee he'd forged a bill
18:19and that God told him to leave it to thee, does that?
18:24It isn't there.
18:26It isn't there, Father.
18:29I may as well tell you.
18:31I got up early this morning and burnt it.
18:35Burnt it?
18:37It were mine, really.
18:42Burnt it.
18:45Shame on thee, Anna Tellwright.
18:48A doubter of mine
18:49and just promised to another man
18:51and for the sake of someone else
18:53thus become a common forger's accomplice.
18:58Let thou speak of this to him and remind us.
19:01I will tell him if you like.
19:02Luke here.
19:05If thou breathes a word of this to him
19:08remind us or any other man.
19:13I've cut thee tongue out.
19:17A doubter of mine.
19:23If thou breathes a word...
19:25I shall not, Father.
19:31If thou breathes a word...
19:33I shall not, Father.
19:47What is it, Father?
19:49A sovereign, I should think.
19:51A sovereign for housekeeping.
19:53But I...
19:54I want you to take charge on it.
19:57And mind you, make it go as far as you can.
20:17Fortunately, the balance of orders from the Manchester area
20:20has maintained its improvement.
20:21And after that, we hired a carriage and drove right across the island.
20:24I'd draw out every penny
20:26if it didn't come my way a bittersweet.
20:28It's unfortunate that you made a good recovery.
20:30Sometimes these things go on and on.
20:32So many folks speak well but keep their purses shut.
20:35Did you see the report in the Signal
20:37about the actress who was washed up on the beach?
20:39We were absolutely there at the time.
20:41We even saw the corpse just after it was brought ashore.
20:47But wasn't it terrible about Titus Price?
20:51You can never be sure.
20:53You can never tell what's going to happen next.
20:57Only some things are maybe more predictable than others.
21:00But surely not...
21:05I've been asked to be trustee
21:07under a deed of arrangement for Price's creditors.
21:10There's some hope the business might even be
21:12shifted into a going concern.
21:14But it's going to need careful management.
21:16Will Willie Price manage it?
21:18I think not.
21:19Willie Price may be fairly good in the works
21:22but in the office I imagine he's worse than useless.
21:26I had a talk with your father
21:28at the creditors meeting yesterday.
21:31You won't lose much.
21:33For one thing you've got a preferential claim
21:35for six months rent.
21:37So you can rest easy.
21:39You'll end up coming out of the all affair well enough.
21:42Now mother can we send for some fresh tea
21:45to help these last few mouthfuls down?
21:47A few mouthfuls down?
22:04Do you remember that day we went up to the park?
22:07That Sunday.
22:10That evening after we'd been there
22:13I came out of chapel after the first hymn.
22:16I walked past your house.
22:19I couldn't help it. Something drew me.
22:23I nearly called in to see you
22:26knowing that you would be on your own.
22:29But I thought I'd better not.
22:31I know.
22:35You knew?
22:38I saw you crossing the road.
22:41Then I heard you stop outside the door.
22:43You saw me.
22:47You knew I was there.
23:13Mr. Sutton was telling me of Price's house at the tuft end.
23:17Of course he was mortgaged up to the yield.
23:20But Sutton says it might be let go cheap in the circumstances.
23:24Willie and their old housekeeper will have to clear out.
23:26Oh but you cannot think of it.
23:29Don't you not think it large enough, Price?
23:31No. I mean that Willie Price
23:33and old Sarah Vowdry should leave because of us.
23:36Perhaps everyone is out.
23:38Well, Willie, possibly.
23:40But I doubt if Sarah Vowdry strays anywhere
23:42other than to chapel.
23:45Let's walk round the house.
23:57I'm sorry.
24:00It's all right.
24:02It's all right.
24:18Miss Vowdry.
24:20We rang the bell but there was no answer.
24:22Willie's not in.
24:24He's at the works as usual. It was him you wanted to see, I imagine.
24:28Here, Miss Vowdry. Let me do that for you.
24:30It may take me an age with my rheumatics
24:32but I have to do for meself what I can.
24:35Though there's times when I can scarce move about
24:38and that house is a regular barracks for Cape Clean.
24:41Must be lonely for you, Miss Vowdry.
24:44Lonely, you say?
24:46Well, I reckon us'll be flitting soon.
24:50Me lived here these eight and twenty years.
24:53Praise me to God there'll be a mansion up there for me at last.
24:56I'm not sorry us'll be when he calls.
24:58It's a pity you never married.
25:00Me? Marry?
25:03What would Titus Price and his boy have done without me all these years?
25:08That William.
25:10I nursed him almost from a babby when his mother died.
25:13He took some nursing, I'll tell thee.
25:17You're no one for marriage and I never was.
25:20It'd be a shame to be like some I've seen
25:22always hanging round Chapel Yard on the off chance.
25:25Sign of a hard winter, Miss Tellwright.
25:28When the hay runs after the horse, that's what I say.
25:31Miss Tellwright and meself are looking for an house.
25:35An house?
25:36We heard that you and Willie were thinking of leaving
25:39so we came up here to look the place over
25:42if it's quite convenient to you.
25:46This house, you say?
25:48For the pair of you?
25:52Well, it...
25:55It wouldn't have ate everyone's taste.
25:57It's too big to keep warm and keeping it clean's a...
26:03Well, you can take it as you find it, Miss Tellwright.
26:06Most often they sit in the kitchen.
26:08This room's too big to keep warm through the winter
26:11and just a standy I could to chill through me bones.
26:14It's a good large room though, Anna.
26:16With some new carpet, some wallpaper, some new furniture.
26:19It could be splintered or just a bit of a mess.
26:22I'm not going to tell you.
26:24I'll tell you.
26:25I'm not going to tell you.
26:27I'm not going to tell you.
26:29I'm not going to tell you.
26:31I'm not going to tell you.
26:33I'm not going to tell you.
26:35Mr. Fletcher, it could be splendered, don't you think?
26:42Yes, I suppose so.
26:44But wouldn't it be very expensive?
26:46No more so than starting off a new place from scratch.
26:49I've got things to begin on with.
26:51You luke round as you like.
26:53If you gain upstairs, you can do that without me anyhow.
26:56The least times I have to climb those stairs the better.
26:59Very well, Miss Baudry.
27:01We'll be sure to say goodbye before we leave.
27:03plays. the best bedrooms right above this one. it's a rare big room but it is no
27:11use now. he slept there. when he sleeps at back. he could have moved into his
27:18father's room but he didn't like to and the connoisseurs blame him. gives me the
27:22shivers every time I open the door. I'm glad he hanged his own at the works and
27:26not here. I'll be going on.
27:33what do you think?
28:01she seems so very frail. it's a wonder she can do anything much at all. I mean
28:06the house. this room for instance. it could be splendid I suppose. rather like
28:14the Suttons but it will take a lot of money. are you sure we need something
28:19this large? now you sound like your father again. I didn't mean to. you're
28:24very sweet and I know you mean well but Anna we're doing famously you and I. this
28:32little partnership we've entered into will be worth far more than it is now
28:36within a 12 month. and I suppose we shall have to entertain. oh nothing like the
28:42Suttons. we'll be very modest on that score I can assure you but a position in
28:47business demands a certain standard. now trust me Anna I do know what is best and
28:57if you like the place well I've taken quite a fancy to it I don't mind telling
29:06you. but we won't be forcing them out. Willie and Sarah. good heavens no. we
29:15shan't be gaint at all. that's been settled and even then it will take some
29:18time. there's a good deal to be done.
29:22oh but you're so good. always thinking of others before yourself.
29:31Anna I would marry you this very minute if it were possible.
29:45perhaps we should look at the rest of the house.
30:04sis. inner Henry's the nicest man. what would he say if he heard you calling him
30:10Henry? but he told me to. did he? well that must be your rate then.
30:17Anna give me a hipney. Anna kiss on the cheek. you'll have to be careful not to
30:21spoil you. and Anna? yes. well it's just that he said something to me I didn't
30:31understand. Henry did? yes. he said... go on. you sound so serious. well he said that
30:41when you're both married and living at Toft End. yes. that if I wanted to I could
30:49come and live here with you. oh Anna is that true? tell me tell me. is that true?
30:56do you want it to be true? oh yes. yes but I'd never have thought it. what would you
31:02have thought? thought I'd have to stay here and keep house of Faith until I got married like
31:06you. I just don't know. should you mind not keeping house for Faith? I don't
31:11think so. I quite like it of course. especially when he tells me I've done it
31:16well. but I'd far rather be with you and Henry. then so you shall. oh Anna I'm so
31:24happy. so very happy. and you must be even happier than I.
31:41miss Tara I didn't know... the child you sent to mr. Sutton about Sarah. mr. Sutton
31:45were busy and asked me to come instead. why are you outside? I don't like being here.
31:49it's not on me own. I've known her best sick. not like this. you best see for
31:56this then.
32:04come on I'll find this. I'll find this. I wanted her to have the doctor yesterday
32:14but I wouldn't have any of it. ever since you and mr. Miners come she's been
32:18cleaning the Eistein. I wouldn't have stopped. fainting, moaning, scrubbing,
32:23cleaning. never looked any cleaner. her hands didn't have the strength. but still
32:28I couldn't have stopped. she kept saying you'd be coming again soon. the place
32:31wouldn't fit me saying. no use me arguing with her. you better fetch the doctor. she won't stay here.
32:36William! she will see him now. but hurry. fetch dr. Henderson and call her in our
32:49house and say I shall stay here all night. wait a moment. eat this as you go.
33:00I can't. it'll choke me. let it choke you. you've got to swallow it.
33:15I don't know what you will as well.
33:30what's that light?
33:35William will be home soon if he wanted it.
33:41why miss Tellright? what's amiss? you're not quite well miss Fouldry. not well? if you show me to your
33:47room I'll see you to your bed. you won't have to tap me anyway. I can manage.
33:56I can manage.
34:02come now. let me help you.
34:26you best get a woman in for tonight. some neighbor. I'll send a nurse up from the
34:41cottage hospital early tomorrow morning. not that it'll be the least use. she must
34:46have been dying for the last two days at least. she's near worn herself into the
34:50grave. she's got pericarditis and pleurisy. she's breathing I don't know
34:55how many to the minute and her temperature is just about as high as it
34:58can be. it all follows from the rheumatism then taking cold. pushing her
35:03body to keep going when all it wanted to do was lie down and rest. oh gross
35:09neglect and carelessness all through. I've no patience with such work. I don't
35:15know what you were thinking of mr. Price. not to send for me earlier. mr.
35:20Price wanted her to have the doctor but she refused. he's out at the works from
35:24first thing in the morning till late at night. how was he to know how she was?
35:28seemed until today that she could still get about and do her work. ah that's a
35:34curious thing. passes me how she managed to get about for so long. but then there
35:40is no knowing what an obstinate woman won't force herself to do. I'll send the
35:45medicine up tonight and come along myself early tomorrow morning. meantime
35:49keep carefully to my instructions.
35:53be still right.
37:10I fought the fight. I fought the fight. I kept the faith. in that box you'll find a purse.
37:29there's 17.6 in it. that'll pay for the funeral and will he must have whatsoever.
37:37there would have been more for the use but his father paid me no wages. these
37:44last two years passed and I never troubled him.
37:50don't tell Willie about the wages. hey bless you know.
38:06there knows he has to be looked after.
38:36how is she?
38:53neither her nor me will be here much longer I reckon. what? mr. Sutton has
38:59arranged to sell our business as a going concern. some people in Turnhill are
39:03buying it. I shall go to Australia. I've been thinking about it all night long.
39:11hour and hour. there's nothing for me here. creditors have promised to allow me
39:1925 pines and get an assisted passage. there's nothing in Bursley for me. I shall
39:27always remember you and what you've tried to do for me and what you've done.
39:47some of us will miss you.
39:57those of us who have ruined you. who have driven your father to cheating his servant, to crime and to suicide.
40:04those who have driven you to forgery, to crime and to suicide.
40:12those who have driven you to forgery, to crime and to suicide.
40:23those who have driven you to forgery and turned you out of the house that your old servant has killed herself in making clean for me to step into.
40:41I have wronged you and I love you like.
41:17well as I said to Father the other day if Beatrice had been at home when that
41:21note came about poor Sarah Vowdry I'd have had to send her anyplace. I'm sure Beatrice
41:27would have been only too pleased to have gone. Anna there's a world of difference
41:32between being pleased and being able. and I've been anxious to help. where is she
41:38this afternoon? she should be here helping me with the sale of work. there
41:42must be a good reason. with Beatrice there always is. as you Anna you've got the
41:48best reason in all the world. I'm surprised you can even think of a sale
41:52of work with you. your wedding coming so fast. you must be getting dizzy.
41:59how is it Anna? is everything as you think it should be? is there anything I
42:10can do to help? advise? there were some things I wanted to ask. I mean before the
42:20wedding. oh of course dear of course. when you've got no mother of your own.
42:29Father. what's afoot now? I must have 200 pounds. I must have what? of my own money.
42:47that's not thinking straight. I must buy things for the wedding. clothes and things. clothes
42:53clothes. all of a sudden that clothes mad. what clothes you need? ten pounds would cover them.
42:58they'll be all the linen for the house. linen? it's not that place to buy that. yes
43:03father it is. it is now. I've asked mrs. Sutton and she says it is. what cause have
43:08you? for to go blabbing their affairs Oliver Bursley. I say it is not that place to buy the
43:12house linen. let that be sufficient now. go and get the dinner. it's my own twelve now.
43:17what? that's defying me. I must have that 200 pounds. I really must. I mean it. that means it
43:30what? I mean I must have 200 pounds. I should advise thee to take care of that tongue my
43:42wench. that means it indeed. you needn't give it to me all at once. I shouldn't give it to you at all.
43:50it's Henry Miners place to buy the house linen. father it isn't. I'm asking for my own money not
43:55yours. why do you want to make me miserable before my wedding? wedding? wedding? I wish I'd never heard of the wedding. I wish to God I'd never seen Henry Miners this
44:07scathingly pride and made thee on duty. I'm asking for my own money. here take thee traps. I'll never speak to you again. I'll wash my hands of thee. take them and do whatever you ever mind to.
44:35chuck them money into the canal for all I care.
44:58a very tidy bit. you have something over 350 pounds so you can draw checks at your ease.
45:05after we're married Henry I shall want you to take charge of all this. yes of course I shall. but the money will be yours.
45:20you've never shown any interest in it Henry. but as we're talking of money I may as well tell you that
45:32Father says I'm worth 50,000 pounds. surely not. that's what Father tells me and he made me read a list of shares and
45:44properties and so on. 50,000 pounds? will it make a difference to us Henry? well we'll go slow to begin with but if things come out the way I think they
45:58might make a little investment here and there. I think a few years might see us sitting very pretty. very pretty indeed.
46:11Anna since we're talking of money I was not going to mention it yet but these
46:19things have a way of getting out. what is it Henry? you know that Titus Price was
46:25treasurer of the building fund. I think so what of it? well someone had to go
46:30through the accounts and mrs. Sutton asked me if I might have the time. go on.
46:37well there's no way of getting around it Anna. there's 50 pounds missing. but you
46:43can't think. well there's nothing else to think. but surely a simple mistake. I'm
46:47afraid not. it's all clear enough.
46:55of course it would be a terrible thing for young Willie if he got about. it's a
47:05sort of tale that would follow him out to Australia. that and well everything else.
47:14Henry that must never happen. we mustn't let it get about. not ever. you just said
47:21how much we have. how much I have myself. against that 50 pounds it's such a small
47:26amount. well I suppose I could try and get the affair kept quiet. very few
47:37people need know. for that matter I could find the 50 pounds myself. I could pay
47:42half. if you like. and I don't think we need worry over much about the missing
47:53sum being made public. would create such a frightful scandal for the chapel. poor
48:03old Titus. I suppose he was hard run and meant to put it back as they all do.
48:11yes we will do what we can. thank you Henry.
48:30money finds money. he knows what he's about doesn't he. you'd have thought as Henry
48:37mine is to find someone with a bit more class. class? what he wants is a woman who
48:42capers for him and wouldn't bring him any grief.
49:07I just wanted to say goodbye. goodbye? you're leaving now? I left for Liverpool in the
49:18morning and I'm on the steamer. will you wish me luck? of course.
49:27do you know what they're saying Anna? about what? they say old Titus price embezzled 50
49:40pounds from the building fund and Henry made it up privately so there shouldn't
49:43be a scandal. just fancy. do you believe it? I don't know who would say such things.
49:53please accept this as in some way repaying the debt I feel towards you. I hope it will
50:02help set you on your way to an honorable and successful career in Australia.
50:53I did nothing to say you again miss Torrey. I could not let you go without saying goodbye.
51:00properly I mean. last evening there were so many people. their words chased me on and
51:07kept me from sleeping. William. you know of course about me poor father. I was
51:15hoping you would never know. never know? they took care to tell me you may be
51:21sure on that. I am sorry.
51:32is that all your luggage? yes someone in emigrant. I have a note for you here. I
51:40meant to give it to you before only it never seemed to be the right time.
51:44tack it now. promise me you want to read it till you're on the boat and out to sea.
51:51very well. why didn't you tell me about my father? if I'd hear it I'd sooner heard it
51:59from you. you must try to forget it. you were not your father.
52:14I wish I'd never been born. I wish I'd gone to prison.
52:21be a man. be yourself. I shall pray for you and I shall always think of you in
52:32Australia getting on. I shall always remember you. always.
52:51I love you.
53:21I love you
53:51I love you
54:21what is it?
54:24what have you found?
54:32have you found him?
54:35have you found that you?
54:39no not him.
54:42what then?
54:45some other poor bugger.
54:48it had been stuffed down into the bottom of his bag and never opened.
54:54of course when we saw your wife's name on the note it were not sure for bringing it here.
54:58no sense in mrs. Marner's being upset like.
55:02of course sergeant.
55:04and I'm very relieved that you did.
55:06though there'll be an inquest and I dare say I'll get your ear on it then.
55:10yes but now that I know I can prepare her for the shock.
55:16I might even suggest another day.
55:19the island man is very nice this time of year.
55:33my thanks again for your discretion.
55:36seems a pitiful thing to do.
55:38chuck yourself down in a shaft with a ticket to Australia in your pocket.
55:43what kind of a fellow worry this brass?
55:46oh much as you'd expect.
55:48a poor thing really.
56:06I don't know what you see looking out of that window so often.
56:14what is it Anna?
56:16what were you thinking?
56:18it doesn't matter. oh but it does.
56:21you're me wife.
56:25I don't know why but I was thinking of Willie Price.
56:29off in Australia
56:31making a new life for himself.
56:33must be so exciting.
56:39and I do like to think
56:41without being proud
56:43that in some little way we were able to help him.
56:50are you happy Anna?
56:54yes Henry of course.
56:56of course I'm happy.
