Servants British BBC TV Drama Romance Miniseries 2003 E04 | Subtitles

  • 2 days ago
#northangerabbey #byron #bethfreed25
Because he is a good athlete footman Frederick Matkin is chosen to compete in a race against a servant from a visiting family. Bets are laid and Frederick wins but failure would have cost him his job. Flora is amazed to discover that Jarvis has been stealing money from the Taplows over a lengthy period of time. She considers telling on him but ultimately decides that loyalty to other staff members comes above loyalty to the family.
00:00:00Ronny! The Earl likes his athletes. The Coliseum. By a local artist.
00:00:21If you want another kiss, you'll have to pull them closing.
00:00:26Maybe you'll have to get used to a few more scratches.
00:00:29Maybe I will.
00:00:31To those who serve, may their conduct be always exemplary.
00:01:29You two got your snouts in the trough again, did you?
00:01:57Better for us than fat Rosie. It's for you, mate.
00:01:59Oh, you're not going down there again.
00:02:01Hey, I've got two hours off.
00:02:02An hour there, an hour back.
00:02:04She was fat, she was beautiful, not a tooth in her gob.
00:02:07But she likes her young footed lad, so she charged her two bob.
00:02:11Yeah, well she's got teeth, mate. She gives them me for six pence.
00:02:14She never does.
00:02:16Six pence?
00:02:17Six pence.
00:02:22She charges you two bob?
00:02:26At once. I got drunk, once. Not every bloody week, like he does.
00:02:29Yeah, of course.
00:02:31I don't remember.
00:02:33There you are, then.
00:02:34Every clown has a silver lining.
00:02:38She was fat, she was beautiful, not a tooth in her gob.
00:02:41Six pence, my heart.
00:03:26Cook's creating a merry hell about his fire.
00:03:29I'm just about to go and do it.
00:03:31He's got all those menus to do and there's ice on his windows.
00:03:33All his menus. Stew Monday, stew Tuesday, stew Wednesday.
00:03:36He still needs a fire.
00:03:38I know.
00:03:39When I was under housemaid, I got up in the middle of the night to get it all done.
00:03:42Yeah, well you were a saint, weren't you?
00:03:45But you can't keep nursemaid hours anymore, can you?
00:03:48Got the message, thank you.
00:03:56I can do the old scullery for you.
00:03:58Oh, I love you, Charlotte Lewis.
00:04:07Mr. Lordship's waiting for us, sir.
00:04:12Has he whipped the bed?
00:04:14Been up for hours, Mr. Jarvis.
00:04:21Thank you, Mr. Adams.
00:04:25Is Lordship's waiting for us?
00:04:27Any news on his Lordship's cousin?
00:04:29Should be here this afternoon.
00:04:31Well, he needs to be someone else to rant at. We may escape the worst of it.
00:04:34I'm sorry, he's been very difficult.
00:04:36Three laundry maids, six days a week.
00:04:39Bloody hell, woman!
00:04:41Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but God don't pay the wages!
00:04:47The effect of grief on a loving father.
00:04:49Is there anything I can do, Mrs. Ryan?
00:04:52Thank you, Mr. Jarvis. I do know you're always there to turn to.
00:05:23Oh, Miss Maine, what a dusty little body you've got.
00:05:26Oh, Mr. Cosmo, better than a dirty little mine.
00:05:28Looks quite nice in a dirty little mine.
00:05:30Makes the hours fly by until our next afternoon of, what, six days' time?
00:05:34Oh, roll on the day.
00:05:36What do you want to do?
00:05:37Anything that don't involve coal.
00:05:39Bugger. I was going to cover you in coal dust and lick it off.
00:05:42Here, I've got something to tell you.
00:05:44I can't, George.
00:05:45I thought you wanted to bet yourself, Grace.
00:05:47Still room, Maine. She's leaving.
00:05:49Still room, Maine. She's leaving.
00:05:51Yeah, I know. Just getting wed.
00:05:55Is that it?
00:05:56I thought you wanted that job.
00:05:58Making jams and jellies for Mrs. Wright.
00:06:00In a couple of years, maybe.
00:06:02Well, why wait?
00:06:03How many fires are you going to stoke in two years, Grace?
00:06:05What, 17 a day, 365 days in a year?
00:06:08That's 12,000 fires, Grace.
00:06:11Still, black nails and skin like a coal miner.
00:06:14That'll do me.
00:06:24Dull bloody place, this, isn't it?
00:06:26We're in mourning, mate.
00:06:27Shoes on table.
00:06:29I'm not superstitious.
00:06:30I am. Get them off.
00:06:32And we're not in mourning.
00:06:33We're like a night out in the musical.
00:06:35Yeah, I eat fire and he juggles his balls.
00:06:37You're that runner.
00:06:39The Honourable James don't usually bring a foot, mate.
00:06:41I'm not here to wait.
00:06:43I like to wait.
00:06:45The Honourable James don't usually bring a foot, mate.
00:06:47I'm not here to wait.
00:06:49I'm here to rice.
00:06:53It's always been a cocky sod.
00:06:55Give me the hill, Grace.
00:06:56Up the hill to Neptune, the statue, and back down again.
00:06:59So I said,
00:07:00you'll have to let me go, Rosie.
00:07:02She said...
00:07:03I can't let my back.
00:07:04It's locked and we're stuck like this forever.
00:07:08No, she said,
00:07:10oh, don't leave me forever,
00:07:11cos I've never had a lover like you.
00:07:14I could do a silk, mate.
00:07:15I could take on a heart and me still one more.
00:07:17John Walters,
00:07:18the bloke that came second to you at Willowfield.
00:07:21John, what about him?
00:07:23He's in the service.
00:07:24He passed me on the drive.
00:07:26Hill race.
00:07:28You and him.
00:07:33Give us all something to do, won't I?
00:07:44BELL RINGS
00:08:35What are you doing?
00:08:39I sell keys, Mrs Ryan.
00:08:41Haven't you done that yet?
00:08:43I've done today's allowance, yes,
00:08:44but the chef requires it.
00:08:45Then you'd better stop wasting your time
00:08:46and fetch it for him, hadn't you?
00:08:55What are you doing with the wages sheet?
00:08:57It was on the floor, Mrs Ryan.
00:09:04BELL RINGS
00:09:20Come on, George.
00:09:22Meat for the Redders?
00:09:27Where's Redd, Tom?
00:09:28Oh, is that a nice fat, juicy steak,
00:09:30call it? Give it here, Susie.
00:09:36Right, John?
00:09:37Far too fit, Frederick.
00:09:40Never been better.
00:09:43Anyone want my fat?
00:09:52Just a pity you can't get rid of the blubber
00:09:55off your belly and bum so easily.
00:09:57It's muscle, mate.
00:09:59You'll wish it was, boy.
00:10:01It's not shit loves his races,
00:10:03but only when he wins.
00:10:05Embarrassing him in front of his cousin,
00:10:06and you'll be looking for another job.
00:10:10Mr Adams.
00:10:16Have we abandoned prayers before meals?
00:10:20I was just waiting for the stragglers, Mr Jarvis.
00:10:23I'll see you in the footman's room at half one.
00:10:29Are we animals in the jungle?
00:10:32Behave yourselves.
00:10:36Dinner gone, boy.
00:10:59And we strengthen us in thy service,
00:11:03and in the service of our earthly masters,
00:11:07and especially the athletes amongst us.
00:11:16Here you go.
00:11:28Doesn't seem proper to have a race when we're all still in mourning.
00:11:31Thank God, says I.
00:11:32Anything to save us from bloody solitaire and guessing games.
00:11:35I never thought I'd miss Lady Caroline's callers.
00:11:38Well, all I know is I'm just sick of black.
00:11:41Take a look at this.
00:11:43Oh, Fredbear.
00:11:44Give it a week and it'll just fall apart.
00:11:46Is that a promise, love?
00:11:49We'll all be out of black by the end of the month.
00:11:51You'll see.
00:11:52Oh, goody, goody.
00:11:53Who cares about Lord Harry anyway?
00:11:55It's only an idiot, wasn't he?
00:11:57Well, if he wasn't, he did a very fine imitation of one.
00:12:16Mrs Ryan.
00:12:17Grace, have you finished the fires at last?
00:12:19Yes, Mrs Ryan.
00:12:21This is your sewing time.
00:12:22Yes, ma'am.
00:12:23It was just...
00:12:24What is it?
00:12:26I thought I could make a start on the preserves.
00:12:29What sort of a start?
00:12:31I used to make all sorts of my mum.
00:12:33Jams and jellies and everything.
00:12:37Come along.
00:12:46Have you ever made apple jelly?
00:12:51Let's see.
00:12:55I've not rotted down yet.
00:12:57Oh, and there'll be lemons from the orangery.
00:13:00Mr Jarvis loves his lemon curd.
00:13:04Make a start.
00:13:05We'll see how we get on.
00:13:08Boil two dozen jars and chop up all the fruit.
00:13:10I'll be back.
00:13:18You seem to be selling rather a lot of items for repair,
00:13:20Mr Adams.
00:13:21I don't think so, Mr Jarvis.
00:13:24Am I wrong yet again?
00:13:27Well, there were some debts from the trip from Italy.
00:13:31I didn't know we took this to Italy.
00:13:35Well, the funeral was heavy on...
00:13:36Did we take this to Italy?
00:13:43No, Mr Jarvis.
00:13:51Get up to the kitchen.
00:13:52Collect those knives.
00:13:54Done them.
00:13:55Then take them back.
00:13:57I've still got these to do.
00:13:58Go on, boy.
00:13:59Don't sit there like some great sow at pudding.
00:14:14And that's how Mr Jarvis got himself a pair of garters
00:14:17consisting entirely of Scottish guts.
00:14:25If you're unhappy with the way I look after the silver,
00:14:27Mr Jarvis...
00:14:28I am unhappy with almost everything you do,
00:14:30Mr Adams.
00:14:31Was it necessary to threaten Frederick with the sack?
00:14:35I didn't think it would do any harm.
00:14:37Do you want Taplos to lose?
00:14:39Of course not, sir.
00:14:41But if I can shake them up a bit,
00:14:43I don't think you realise how troublesome and bored they are.
00:14:46We're in bloody mourning.
00:14:47We're supposed to be bored.
00:14:49It's practice for the eternal bliss that awaits us.
00:14:55I brought you down from Scotland
00:14:57because I thought you would fit in.
00:14:59Quickly and effortlessly.
00:15:01These are not the footmen I would choose.
00:15:03They are the only footmen we have.
00:15:07As I am the only butler you have.
00:15:10I employed them just as I employed you.
00:15:14And I will decide who gets sacked.
00:15:18And when.
00:15:19And I'll decide that
00:15:21after the race.
00:15:58And we, the boys, are off to weekend.
00:16:01The race is on for three decks.
00:16:03Where are the boys?
00:16:04They're moing the Catholic island story.
00:16:07Three star.
00:16:09We have to win three times.
00:16:12We have to win three times.
00:16:14Or what?
00:16:15Third time...
00:16:17for France!
00:16:19If I had a watch in my mouth,
00:16:22I'm sorry, wasn't that what you were going to say?
00:16:24Why don't you let us have the show?
00:16:27Hey, hey, hey, there we are.
00:16:28Go on, what's up with you?
00:16:30Someone's nicked me bloody piss, can you believe it?
00:16:32Someone's nicked me bloody piss.
00:16:34Taking a piss, you think?
00:16:35Bloody marvellous.
00:16:37Look, just do some more, it's not as if it's hard to come by.
00:16:38Yeah, I've just done one, if you don't mind.
00:16:40Yeah, I might.
00:16:41Let's see, come on.
00:16:42My God, it's a bit dank, isn't it, your pee, it looks like.
00:16:46Hey, we could tip it into a whisky bottle.
00:16:49Put it under Andrew's nose.
00:16:50I think it'd smell all right.
00:16:52I think it smells perfect.
00:16:53Oi, lads!
00:16:56Come and see this.
00:17:04Oh, bloody hell, what a big girl.
00:17:08Mind, slapped me with his pigtails.
00:17:15Well, he's done that before, hasn't he?
00:17:19I've never seen you skipping, Fred.
00:17:20I can skip, anyone can skip.
00:17:23So if someone was to place a bet...
00:17:26Tell him, have I ever let you down?
00:17:28I've never been defeated.
00:17:30You're coming close, you have to know.
00:17:32I wasn't that close.
00:17:34I'm only asking cos the Lordship's got 20 quid on you.
00:17:38Should be about 50.
00:17:50Let's start clearing off now, Grace.
00:17:53That's the apple jelly draining and I...
00:17:54Yes, I can see that, thank you.
00:17:59So, shall I start on the lemon curd tomorrow?
00:18:01No, too heavy on eggs.
00:18:04Let's get these on before the mole gets them.
00:18:08The Highland Games at Fort William?
00:18:10Won that one.
00:18:12Up this mountain thing and down the other side.
00:18:14Scarborough, the races, 20 of us off down that course.
00:18:18Right out of a trap.
00:18:20Won that one.
00:18:22That's nothing.
00:18:24We fire a cannon to start the race,
00:18:25Fred runs off, runs the course,
00:18:27has a drink from his Lordship,
00:18:29turns around and catches the bloody cannonball
00:18:31before it's even landed.
00:18:36Fred told us you was a real runt.
00:18:39Whistling the wind, love.
00:18:41Get all the food I want.
00:18:42Wine, beer, spirits, you name it.
00:18:45You're very strong, aren't you?
00:18:48I could pick you up with one hand
00:18:50and I may just have to prove it.
00:18:54SHE SOBS
00:19:04Is it true you's at Ashfield Manor?
00:19:06What's it to you?
00:19:09We went there four every year.
00:19:10Never saw you there.
00:19:12Ah, well, I never saw you there.
00:19:14So I guess I wasn't unlucky all the time, eh?
00:19:24SHE SIGHS
00:19:32Esther Spicer, Five Guineas.
00:19:35You gave her not one penny and she left last month.
00:19:39Mary Elliot, she's been sacked for the last two years.
00:19:42Jonathan Wilton, dead.
00:19:44Christmas Day, the year I came here.
00:19:47They're not drawing their wages, so who is?
00:20:11I didn't start it. I don't offer that as an excuse.
00:20:14There's no excuse.
00:20:16I inherited, I don't know, 20 names, 15.
00:20:22It was a long time ago.
00:20:24And you've been drawing their wages ever since.
00:20:26People long gone, long dead.
00:20:28I tried to stop it. I even put them down as dead.
00:20:33But the steward kept sending me five shillings per head
00:20:35for the funerals.
00:20:36I couldn't get out of it whichever way I twisted.
00:20:39Esther Spicer, you did not inherit her.
00:20:43You'll get used to the money.
00:20:47I have a mortgage.
00:20:49Oh, well, it's well for some.
00:20:51It's just a small cottage.
00:20:54Well, perhaps you should have stolen more
00:20:56and then you could have afforded a mansion.
00:21:03Where is it?
00:21:07Very nice.
00:21:15You know the game, Flora.
00:21:21Mrs Ryan.
00:21:24After 30 years, if you last that long,
00:21:26you'll get nine pounds a year.
00:21:28I will get nine pounds a year and you will get nothing.
00:21:31Now you will get nothing.
00:21:33I will get a cart ride to jail.
00:21:36Is that what you want?
00:21:39You do know we're a matching pair, I suppose?
00:21:41Yes, so are George and Will.
00:21:43White lads, two a penny.
00:21:45The London Alps, remember Abraham and Matthew?
00:21:46Oh, I couldn't start, Matthew.
00:21:48Yeah, but when Abraham got the drop set,
00:21:50they hobbled them both.
00:21:51Yeah, well, fair enough.
00:21:52Two pot dogs and a mantle, one gets bust,
00:21:54you ain't got to pay no more.
00:21:55Will you stop mucking about, you bloody thickhead?
00:21:57If you get sacked, I go too.
00:21:59Oh, you see me in training, you know how fit I am.
00:22:01I've seen him too.
00:22:02Look, he's a fart in the car, isn't he, right?
00:22:04But anyway, I need some encouragement,
00:22:06a little bit of the old, you know, we know you can do it.
00:22:08No, Fred, you...
00:22:09No, just give it a rest, Joe, right?
00:22:11There's only so much one man can take.
00:22:17I'm a good butler.
00:22:19I serve my master well.
00:22:20I know what he wants before he knows it himself.
00:22:24You're a thief.
00:22:25Pro rata, Mrs. Ryan.
00:22:27Do you not allow a little Christmas gift
00:22:29from the draper to the master to slip into your belongings?
00:22:32One sheet, Mr. Jarvis, as well you know.
00:22:35Pro rata, Mrs. Ryan.
00:22:38I'm sure next year it'll be two sheets.
00:22:40Then there's tea from the grocer...
00:22:42It is not the same.
00:22:45I guarantee that everyone in this house
00:22:47is on the mate one level or another!
00:22:51What do you want?
00:22:53The vicar's leaving, sir.
00:22:55Damn it.
00:23:04We'll finish this when I get back.
00:24:48Where were you this afternoon?
00:24:51That's what we was all wondering.
00:24:53Mrs. Ryan made me do a load of jams and things.
00:24:55Poor Susan and Lizzie were running around,
00:24:57tending your house all afternoon.
00:25:00Well, that's why you've gone all red, Susan.
00:25:02Yeah, but it wasn't exactly having a day off, was it?
00:25:05Wait, I think poor Susan's having a swoon.
00:25:07Shut up.
00:25:09That all the extra work or someone else, do you think?
00:25:12SHE LAUGHS
00:25:14The point is, Grace, it's your job to tend the fires for no servants.
00:25:18And we've got enough to do as it is.
00:25:20Really? My fires have to be lit by six.
00:25:22You don't have to worry till eight.
00:25:23I get the big old scullery house
00:25:25and you get pretty little bedrooms.
00:25:27I get complete...
00:25:28You'll get the back of my hand, miss.
00:25:29You don't shut your mouth and let me read.
00:25:32Thing is, Andrew, she forgets we've all had a turn at her job.
00:25:36I said enough!
00:25:38God almighty, if I'd wanted this,
00:25:40I would have stopped at home with a wife and her brats.
00:25:43Yeah, exactly.
00:25:46How'd your training go, John?
00:25:47Not bad. Down the road, up the hill, back again.
00:25:51Four minutes dead.
00:25:53Very good.
00:26:04You can't hide in here forever.
00:26:06I'm not hiding.
00:26:08I had my supper on a tray.
00:26:10Rather than face me.
00:26:11And why would I be afraid to do that?
00:26:14I haven't done anything wrong.
00:26:17If you were not ashamed of what you were about to do,
00:26:18you'd have had supper with your colleagues.
00:26:20And if you were not a thief, I would be able to do so.
00:26:39I wish I hadn't found you out.
00:26:41But now that I have, if I keep my silence,
00:26:44then I'm as bad as you are.
00:26:46Everyone will suffer.
00:26:49My life will be gone.
00:26:52I'll grow old in jail.
00:26:53Taplos will be a laughingstock, so will his lordship.
00:26:55I will not be bullied, Mr Jarvis.
00:26:58Do you think they'll thank you for this piece of good news?
00:27:02You'll be out on your ear too.
00:27:04Look at his lordship, keep a servant who knows him for a fool.
00:27:08But at least I will go with a good character.
00:27:14Very well.
00:27:17Let us treat this as a business matter.
00:27:21As I don't know how to stop this income,
00:27:23maybe I should share it instead.
00:27:29How can you share what isn't yours?
00:27:31Look at this room.
00:27:38Will this be all you ever have?
00:27:43We'll have a cottage in Brighton, or...
00:27:48Where do your family come from?
00:27:50The moon, Mr Jarvis.
00:27:53We come from the moon.
00:27:55We're childish and naive,
00:27:57and we believe in people who should never, ever be poor.
00:28:01And you should never have been believed in.
00:28:05Now will you please go?
00:28:31My master's finest brandy.
00:28:33Only the best for yours, Trudy.
00:28:35Every evening around this time.
00:28:38Half of it, half a pig for breakfast,
00:28:40and half a dairy for your supper, so stuff you, mate.
00:28:46It's been raining all morning.
00:28:47It'll be like running in shit tomorrow.
00:28:51You might get a nasty shock.
00:28:53I might.
00:28:57I'll be back.
00:29:02But I don't think so.
00:29:05And I did half her work for her.
00:29:08She hasn't even stacked the kindling. She's useless.
00:29:11Take no notes of her.
00:29:14Don't blame me. I sort of pushed myself forward for the jam-making.
00:29:17Good for you.
00:29:20Yeah, but Charlotte was housemaid for two years.
00:29:22Two years of getting up at five and...
00:29:25She was daft enough to do that. You're not.
00:29:27You've got to look after yourself, Grace.
00:29:29Because no-one else will.
00:29:31Apart from me.
00:29:32Shouldn't you be in bed, Grace?
00:29:34The rate you were finished, you'd better get up again at three.
00:29:37The rate she was going, she might not go to bed at all.
00:29:54Never learn, do you?
00:29:55Will you shut your face?
00:29:58Take no notice.
00:30:00It's just... They've got filthy minds.
00:30:03They don't understand on the eve of a race,
00:30:05an athlete has to be single-minded.
00:30:09And impure. He's got...
00:30:19And, er... Stemios. Stemios.
00:30:30How was it?
00:30:31Moon's gone in me, I can't really see.
00:30:33Yeah, but it was a bit faster, wasn't it?
00:30:35The ground's a bit wet and you can't see where you're going.
00:30:38It was slower.
00:30:39Let's call that a day.
00:30:41Have you been up and down there like a monkey on a stick?
00:30:44It was slower.
00:30:48Will, what am I going to do?
00:30:58I think you'd better go bed, right?
00:31:00I think you'd better not go to bed at all.
00:31:02I think you'd better go to Mr Cosmo's bed, actually, isn't it?
00:31:05And I think if we get caught, we'll both be sleeping under the stars.
00:31:09I think you'd better not go to bed at all.
00:31:11I think you'd better go to Mr Cosmo's bed, actually, isn't it?
00:31:14And I think if we get caught, we'll both be sleeping under the stars.
00:32:09I'll do it. I'll go for it.
00:32:11That's every penny I've got.
00:32:13You should get yourself to bed.
00:32:15I'll do what I can.
00:32:20What is it to you if you lose?
00:32:22I'm not throwing the rice.
00:32:24The thing is, it's a darkie.
00:32:26So what?
00:32:27Well, he won't get another place.
00:32:29I'm not throwing the rice.
00:32:31I'm not throwing the rice.
00:32:33I'm not throwing the rice.
00:32:35I'm not throwing the rice.
00:32:37What? Well, he won't get another place that easily.
00:32:40Well, I would. If you throw the rice, it's worth a pound to you.
00:32:44By only a few pennies.
00:32:46And if I win, I get a fibre.
00:32:49Ooh! Let me see. Which one do I go with?
00:32:53Let's bugger off and let me sleep.
00:32:55He can't afford to lose, and neither can I.
00:32:57So why don't we let the rice settle it for us?
00:32:59What the hell's going on in here?
00:33:03You dirty boys!
00:33:05No, we're not!
00:33:07Well, what secrets are we whispering?
00:33:08More mischief, Mr Forrest.
00:33:10I just didn't want to wake the boy up.
00:33:12Very kind.
00:33:22You're all right, Jethro. Nothing to worry about here.
00:33:37Come on.
00:33:50Look, I'm the one who's got you hooked up there.
00:33:53He's Forrest.
00:33:55Now, come on.
00:33:57What's the offer, you?
00:33:59I don't know what you mean, Mr Adams.
00:34:01Don't be one of them, John.
00:34:03This is a crossroads for you. Did you even know it?
00:34:08You win that race like a good lad.
00:34:10Frederick gets kicked out,
00:34:12and I bring in someone of my choosing.
00:34:14Some bright boy that wants to get on.
00:34:17You'd like tableaus.
00:34:19Would I?
00:34:21I can guarantee it.
00:34:24You and me could run rings around this lot.
00:34:27Excuse the pun.
00:34:30Didn't I? I was one.
00:34:37What did you say to him?
00:34:41Oh, don't come here. Andrew. Just now.
00:34:44I didn't.
00:34:46He did all the talking.
00:34:48Did you say anything?
00:34:53How come I never saw you at Ashwell Manor?
00:34:58I don't know.
00:35:00I don't know.
00:35:02I don't know.
00:35:04I don't know.
00:35:06You've got a funny colour, Georgie.
00:35:09You'll go sight funnier, son.
00:35:11So, come on, then.
00:35:13What's the answer?
00:35:15Don't you sing any other songs?
00:35:17How come I never saw you at Ashwell Manor?
00:35:22Every dance we had, they put me in the orangery
00:35:24looking after ladies that fainted and them too old and fat to dance.
00:35:28All right?
00:35:32That must have pissed you off.
00:35:34No. The tips were very generous.
00:35:38Now, get away from me
00:35:40before I stuff your balls down your frightened little throat.
00:35:54How'd it go?
00:35:56Did you know he gets a fiver if he wins?
00:36:04Come on. We don't know he's not gonna win, do we?
00:36:07He might.
00:36:09I mean, who's to say?
00:36:23But Mr Pritchard's put three pounds of sugar.
00:36:25And I'm issuing two.
00:36:27You can tell Mr Pritchard I'm not a fool.
00:36:29And two dozen eggs.
00:36:31The lemon curd, Mrs Ryan.
00:36:33Can you forget the lemon curd, Grace?
00:36:35Two dozen.
00:36:37You'll just all have to resign yourselves to a new regime
00:36:39of prudence and responsibility.
00:36:41Nine o'clock, Mrs Ryan.
00:36:44Have you no interest in daily prayers?
00:36:46Not quite nine o'clock, Mr Jarvis. I think you'll find.
00:36:49Joseph, best be on your way.
00:36:52My men at least will not keep His Lordship waiting, Mrs Ryan.
00:36:56Perhaps when you have halved, quartered,
00:36:59or tied the supplies as women dictates.
00:37:03You will join us?
00:37:07Yes, well, what are you all dawdling here for?
00:37:10The master's waiting. Go along.
00:37:17My men at least.
00:37:19Not quite nine, Mr Jarvis.
00:37:21I think they're right in the middle of the morning.
00:37:23Can't do nothing right.
00:37:25Oh, stop being so bitchy.
00:37:27You were just as bad.
00:37:29We was not.
00:37:31That weren't my fault, Lizzie.
00:37:33Who set fire to the bakehouse?
00:37:35You did. And the chimney.
00:37:37And the outhouse roof.
00:37:39That was the most exciting moment.
00:37:43Settle down, now.
00:37:50Take your places.
00:37:59Let us pray.
00:38:01All set for the race, are we?
00:38:03My lord.
00:38:04Another triumph for Taplays, I trust.
00:38:06Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
00:38:09Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
00:38:12Give us this day our daily bread.
00:38:14And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them the trespass against us.
00:38:17Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
00:38:20For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
00:38:26Mrs Ryan, did you wish to speak to His Lordship?
00:38:29Do I suggest you run after him now?
00:38:31I think I'll wait until there's rather more time for the matter, Mr Jarvis.
00:38:37If you must prolong the agony.
00:38:43Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
00:38:45You are all excused duties at 11.15 for the duration of the race.
00:38:52He put them in his bag. So where's he put his bag?
00:38:54How do you know they're the ones he's going to be wearing?
00:38:58Wanting them near to touch like they're his knack.
00:39:00Shall I bring you a knuckle, all right?
00:39:02Maybe we should just leave her.
00:39:04I'll take my cloud, so will he.
00:39:06Oh, yeah, very proud. And fine.
00:39:08I'll be just as proud when we end up on the street, you half-wit.
00:39:11You agree, Fred. This isn't just about you. It's about Joseph as well.
00:39:15God, what are we going to do if we get sacked? Who's going to have us?
00:39:18Oh, you're going to be sideshow, stark, bollock, naked.
00:39:20Yeah, waving his bearers.
00:39:22Rolling your eyes.
00:39:24If that's what you want.
00:39:26All right, well, get the bull, bring it over here.
00:39:34What will it be if I'm late this morning, lad?
00:39:37Never mind. Don't drop that.
00:39:47I was only just saying, what if we get the wrong person, wasn't I?
00:39:50I said no, it's Joseph. I heard him coughing.
00:39:52I said leave it. It's not as bad as it looks.
00:39:55You said I have to wear it with me.
00:39:57Yeah, it's just got bits of bloody egg in my hair.
00:39:59I said leave it. Sorry, mate.
00:40:01We're really sorry.
00:40:03Look, you got another shirt?
00:40:05If you stop boring me, I'll go and put it on.
00:40:07Well, you dry off in the footman's room and we'll get your things.
00:40:10Move your bum.
00:40:23Got one of the girls twine it for you.
00:40:27You're very popular with the ladies, aren't you?
00:40:29I get enough.
00:40:31Yeah, well, so do I.
00:40:37We don't want to cripple him, right?
00:40:39It's a little skinny thing, not a cutthroat.
00:40:45Make sure he knows to put them things back so he doesn't notice.
00:40:48Shut up, George. We had to muck it up when we got the shirt, didn't we?
00:40:51Keep an eye out, will you? And don't worry about us.
00:40:56Watch it.
00:41:02Sorry, Charlotte.
00:41:04Have you seen Frederick anywhere?
00:41:06Frederick? I think he was doing breakfast things.
00:41:08Well, if you see him, tell Mr Jarvis once.
00:41:10What for?
00:41:12To walk the course with him and see how wet it is.
00:41:14Oh. Yeah.
00:41:21Carry on.
00:41:26Hurry up. I've got to do it properly.
00:41:28I can't let him feel any as soon as he puts it on.
00:41:33Give me a second.
00:41:37Go away.
00:41:40You're away with the gentleman, Grace.
00:41:42Did you know that?
00:41:44No, Mrs Ryan.
00:41:46I don't mean to.
00:41:48First Frank and Ellie, and then a few weeks ago that business with George.
00:41:52That was nothing, Mrs Ryan.
00:41:54Just Esther Stice being spiteful.
00:41:56I have eyes in my head, Grace.
00:42:00I'm sorry, Mrs Ryan.
00:42:02George Cosmo is...
00:42:04He's just...
00:42:06He's a charmer and a trickster.
00:42:08Well, he means nothing to me in a particular way.
00:42:11He's a friend and a colleague.
00:42:15A young girl and a barely civilised man.
00:42:18You and Mr Cosmo were the only ones who understood how I felt about Lord Harry.
00:42:23Loyalty, Miss May, will serve you not at all in this house.
00:42:27Except, of course, to your superiors.
00:42:30Well, I'll be watching you.
00:42:33Yes, Mrs Ryan.
00:42:38There are no angels in this life, Grace.
00:42:40No, Mrs Ryan.
00:42:48You'll start in a still room tomorrow.
00:42:50Betty from laundry can be fifth housemaid.
00:42:53Now, don't let me down.
00:43:02It's muddy.
00:43:04But no worse than last Easter.
00:43:07You'll manage very nicely.
00:43:10Just do your best.
00:43:12I know there have been all sorts of temptations to cheat.
00:43:14I haven't cheated, Mr Jarvis.
00:43:16Come on.
00:43:24Hungry for it, are you?
00:43:26Mr Jarvis?
00:43:28Of course you are.
00:43:30Fighting for your livelihood.
00:43:32It's lordship's honour.
00:43:34Lordship's 20 pound.
00:43:36And that.
00:43:38Everything's tipped in your favour.
00:43:40I don't see it that way, sir.
00:43:42You should.
00:43:45That's all get it.
00:43:51You're an honest man.
00:43:54A credit to us all.
00:43:57I know you'll do your best.
00:44:06Off you go, then, Macken.
00:44:08Time to get changed.
00:44:14Come on.
00:44:45Mrs Ryan.
00:44:49You've forgotten the bandages.
00:44:51They're not Jack and Jill.
00:44:53You won't need vinegar and brown paper.
00:44:55Yes, well, just in case.
00:44:57I thought you were happy here.
00:44:59Fond of this house.
00:45:01These people.
00:45:05Do you really think you need to tell me
00:45:07how much I am throwing away?
00:45:09If you knew how much this place means to me,
00:45:12then put me out of my misery!
00:45:15Get the thing done!
00:45:29I'll get the belly thing, you know.
00:45:31Oh, yeah, I've been in the privy for a while.
00:45:34I'll get the belly thing.
00:45:36I'll get the belly thing.
00:45:38I'll get the belly thing.
00:45:40Oh, yeah, I've been in the privy all morning.
00:45:43As soon as I get to the start, I'll throw up.
00:45:46I always think if I could just sleep the night before...
00:45:50I thought that brandy was gonna knock you out.
00:45:53Oh, well, got to put on a show, haven't you?
00:46:00Good luck.
00:46:04Same to you.
00:46:07Lads who job this, eh?
00:46:09They think it's all beer and skittles, but...
00:46:25Oh, those are my shoes.
00:46:27Do you wear those?
00:46:29Last night? Nice and supple?
00:46:33Do you mind?
00:46:39Those beggars.
00:46:42Look at that!
00:46:55Fill me up top, sir, to make sure they touch old Neptune.
00:46:58Mr. Jarvis?
00:47:00Yes, sir.
00:47:03Fill me up top, sir, to make sure they touch old Neptune.
00:47:07Mr. Jarvis?
00:47:09Shall I go up there and make sure they give him a good slapping?
00:47:12And that's a matter of great importance to you, is it?
00:47:15Well, I...
00:47:17You think they'll cheat, do you?
00:47:19Is that what you think of your fellow servants?
00:47:22And if they do,
00:47:24then you're so pure and blameless that you'll throw the first stone?
00:47:30God help you on Judgment Day.
00:47:39Take it easy on the way up, mate. Use your weight.
00:47:42The fatter you are, the better you take hills.
00:47:45Are you all right?
00:47:47HE COUGHS
00:47:51HE COUGHS
00:47:53HE COUGHS
00:47:55HE COUGHS
00:47:57HE COUGHS
00:48:00HE COUGHS
00:48:02HE SIGHS
00:48:04Look at Andrew.
00:48:06Go on, my son.
00:48:08If you took so much pleasure in another man's pain, you'd hate yourself, wouldn't you?
00:48:12He's underbuttoned.
00:48:14When I'm underbuttoned, I won't be like that.
00:48:19I'm gonna be the steel room maid.
00:48:24You're a maid, aren't you?
00:48:30I can't have any sweethearts.
00:48:36Especially you.
00:48:38Take it steady. Keep taking it reserved.
00:48:41You've got a long way to go, a long way to come back.
00:48:46Mrs Ryan thinks we fancy each other.
00:48:49Don't be mean.
00:48:53I lost my day off.
00:48:55Oh, you can't have...
00:48:57I'm sorry.
00:48:59I just really want this job.
00:49:01I know.
00:49:03I won't ruin it for you.
00:49:07I'm glad for you.
00:49:10Are you?
00:49:14I'm trying to be.
00:49:27I'm trying to be.
00:49:45Up the hill!
00:49:47Around the statue and back to the start line!
00:51:28Come on!
00:51:33When's it gonna start working?
00:51:35Just give it a chance.
00:51:37You said it'd be half crippled.
00:51:39That's the cunning of it.
00:51:41It doesn't happen straight away.
00:51:43Come on, Fred! That's it, lad!
00:51:45Go on! Go on, Fred!
00:51:49Right, when is it gonna start working?
00:51:52A week next Wednesday.
00:52:27Don't be so sure.
00:52:31Oh, man!
00:52:36All right!
00:52:38Find your tail!
00:52:40What's he doing?
00:52:42I don't know.
00:52:44Take it.
00:52:46Where's his tail?
00:52:48I don't know.
00:52:50He's not going anywhere, man.
00:52:52He's not going anywhere!
00:52:54It's all over.
00:52:56My friend!
00:53:05You lads.
00:53:07Hey, boy.
00:53:09What's his name?
00:53:11The runner, sir.
00:53:17That's Fredrick Matkin.
00:53:18Oh, huh.
00:53:19You've got yourself a half day, Malcom.
00:53:22Now, where's me beasts?
00:53:25Oh, we're all here, my lord.
00:53:27Get over here!
00:53:28Come on!
00:53:29Come on, come on!
00:53:30Come on!
00:53:31Come on!
00:53:32Come on, come on!
00:53:33Come on, come on!
00:53:34Come on, come on!
00:53:35Come on!
00:53:38Let's be silent.
00:53:40You must be very disappointed.
00:53:42But it was a good race.
00:53:44Had worse?
00:53:46That was a good race, was it?
00:53:48That's the thing, Mr. Adams.
00:53:50Impossible to tell from the sidelines.
00:53:53This one will never work in Douglas.
00:53:59Hell of a life!
00:54:08Fresh from doing your righteous duty.
00:54:18I've told Johnny Boots to come and get your shoes.
00:54:20If you leave them out there, they'll be ruined.
00:54:23What do you want?
00:54:27He didn't even know Frederick's name.
00:54:30Do you think he knows your name?
00:54:33Jarvis was the name of his favorite dog when he was a child.
00:54:39What do you want, Mrs. Ryan?
00:54:42I decided that informing his lordship will not serve anybody's interests.
00:54:49Mr. Jarvis.
00:54:51Mr. Jarvis!
00:54:52That is not my name, Mrs. Ryan.
00:54:56That's not my fault.
00:54:58It is not my fault that you have been given a dog's name.
00:55:02And I have been given a husband that I do not have.
00:55:05A dead husband you do not have.
00:55:16I've just done something very silly.
00:55:19I was upset. I was not thinking.
00:55:22The pages from your ledger, I broke them.
00:55:27Then where is your proof?
00:55:34I see.
00:55:36And then I thought, I thought, what will you do next payday? Will you remember them?
00:55:41Engraved on my heart.
00:55:44I have no pension.
00:55:49I thought maybe your kind offer.
00:55:54Maybe ten guineas a year.
00:56:05Ten guineas.
00:56:08Ten guineas.
00:56:10Ten guineas.
00:56:11Ten guineas.
00:56:15Ten guineas to Mrs. Ryan.
00:56:23Sell your soul very cheap.
00:56:28You have disappointed me.
00:56:30That makes two of us.
00:56:42Right, and you all owe me a lot of money, right?
00:56:45And there's some people that doubted me.
00:56:47No, I didn't. I just said to me...
00:56:49And there's them that thought that I needed a little help.
00:56:51And you didn't. He was shaking in his boots.
00:56:54Yeah, but I tell you what, it was easy. It was a doddle.
00:56:56I could have done it standing on my head.
00:56:58Go on.
00:57:03And ask me what I'm going to do on my half-day.
00:57:06Or who I'm going to do.
00:57:08And ask me what I'm going to do on my half-day.
00:57:11Or who I'm going to do.
00:57:12Go on.
00:57:13Hey, Rosie!
00:57:20They tell me you've been sacked.
00:57:23Surplus to requirements.
00:57:25I'm sorry to hear about that.
00:57:27Five years I gave that fat arse.
00:57:31What the hell?
00:57:32I was sick of it anyway.
00:57:35You'll be glad to see the back of me.
00:57:37Back makes no odds to me, mate.
00:57:39For future reference,
00:57:41the eye injury at Ashwell burnt down in 43.
00:57:45They never rebuilt it.
00:57:51Please don't pour my father any more porter
00:57:57Please don't measure him any more wine
00:58:03Fancy a walk, Rosemary?
00:58:05I've been on my feet since five o'clock this morning.
00:58:08Well, there are nowhere to sweep you off them.
00:58:10I've already told you, you mustn't come chasing after me.
00:58:13There it is.
00:58:15So give it a couple of minutes.
00:58:23I knew I had him right from the start.
00:58:25No, you didn't.
00:58:27Right from the hill, then.
00:58:29I thought you loved him.
00:58:31I thought you loved him.
00:58:33He said he was going to win the race for me.
00:58:35Oh, well, I won it for you instead.
00:58:37Zack and me is rolling hay.
00:58:39There's old Fred.
00:58:41I loved him.
00:58:42Oh, did I get nothing for winning?
00:58:44That was about a little cuddle, Susie.
00:58:51Mrs Ryan will be angry if she knew.
00:58:53She's all locked up in her room.
00:58:54And I trusted you, ma'am.
00:59:01You're not throwing everything away, George Cosmo.
00:59:04I know.
00:59:08You're not going all the way with me.
00:59:12I know.
00:59:16I hope you do.
00:59:20I do.
00:59:25I'm not having a baby for any man.
00:59:28Well, not until you get a ring on your finger, eh?
00:59:31If I'm going to be a housekeeper.
00:59:33That's years off.
00:59:37No one must ever know about this.
00:59:41We've got to be really clever about this.
00:59:52Sounds like one long round of pleasure to me.
00:59:55Well, it's that or nothing.
00:59:59I'll take what I can get.
01:00:05And I'll go as far as you let me.
01:00:18Good night, then, Mrs Ryan.
01:00:20Good night, Mr Fraser.
01:00:22Good night, then, Mrs Ryan.
01:00:23Good night, Mr Jarvis.
01:00:46Just don't go throwing your weight around as soon as my back is done.
01:00:49I'll lift them like a daddy.
01:00:53Happy New Year!
01:00:55Why are you always on my back?
01:01:04Perhaps some time apart will put a new perspective on things.
01:01:08Between us, I mean.
01:01:10You just step across that line.
01:01:12Come on.
01:01:13Come ahead.
