Anna of the Five Towns by Arnold Bennett | TV Miniseries Drama Episode 01 | Subtitles

  • 2 days ago
#byron #thebuccaneers #bethfreed25
On Anna's 21st birthday she learns of her large inheritance from her mother. Her father pushes her to start collecting rent on her property rented by the Prices's but he keeps control of all her money.
01:11Hey look, underneath that shaft.
01:20What is it?
01:23What have you found?
01:33Have you found him?
01:36Have you found that you?
01:40No, not him.
01:43What then?
01:45Some other poor bugger.
01:58Let's go and see what he's doing.
02:02Come on, boys, let's go.
02:05Come on, boys.
02:07Let's go.
02:09Come on.
02:11Come on.
02:13Come on.
02:15Let's go.
02:17Come on.
02:20It done a same possible, that if you had chose the worst,
02:24the most wicked thing it were possible to do,
02:28you could have happened upon anything more wicked than this.
02:32To stale from another pupil is bad enough,
02:36but to stale a Bible...
02:40A Bible.
02:42The very book which teaches you the sin you have committed.
02:51What do it see?
02:53What do it see, then, the Bible, a bite thieving?
02:57Well, answer now.
03:00What do it see?
03:04I'm sure.
03:08What does it see?
03:11Thou shalt not...
03:13Go on.
03:17Thou shalt not stale.
03:21Maybe you'll learn a lesson from this yet.
03:24I'm sure she has, Mr Price. I'm grateful to you...
03:26You may well be grateful, Miss Delright,
03:29but please let her be for a moment,
03:31for I are finished with this girl yet.
03:46Well, young lady, and what have we here?
03:49A prize.
03:51Well, I'm not sure if you deserved your prize.
03:54Let me see if it isn't too good for you.
04:00First in her class. Do you see this, Mr Price?
04:04Do you think this young lady could truly have been first in her class?
04:09Well, will you?
04:11Well, I don't know. I mean, I suppose if that's what it says.
04:14Now, tell me, honestly, do you deserve it?
04:18Yes, I do.
04:21Well, I suppose you must have it.
04:26Janie's sacrifice or the spool of cotton and other stories for children.
04:30Do you really think that's suitable, Mr Price?
04:32Oh, I don't. I'm sure if it were chosen, they would...
04:35Then it must be yours.
04:37Big sister isn't out of school yet.
04:39I've been waiting ever so longer.
04:43Mrs Sutton.
04:45I've just been making sure of some slippery folk for the sewing meeting.
04:48Oh, you'd be surprised the reasons people are fine
04:50for not giving an hour or two of their time.
04:53You had a good class this afternoon, Henry?
04:55Oh, yes, very good indeed.
04:57You doing all right?
04:59Oh, I'm fine, thank you.
05:01Oh, I'm fine.
05:04Oh, yes, very good indeed.
05:06You're doing fine work.
05:08We had over 70 present.
05:10Oh, I make nothing of numbers, Henry. I meant a good class.
05:12I mean, don't it say where two or three are gathered together?
05:15Well, I must be going on.
05:17The horses will be restless and have a call to make up at Hillport before tea.
05:22Anna, what ages you've been?
05:38Miss Tellwright.
05:40We were beginning to wonder if everything was all right.
05:43Oh, it's all right.
05:45It's all right.
05:47It's all right.
05:49It's all right.
05:52There was nothing serious, was there, Rob?
05:54I'm afraid so.
05:56One of my girls stole a Bible from another girl.
05:59So, of course, I had to mention it to the superintendent.
06:02To Titus Price?
06:04Of course, he gave her a lecture.
06:06But now he says he must take her home and talk to her parents.
06:08He says she must be dismissed.
06:14I know it is a serious matter,
06:16but it would be such a pity to dismiss her.
06:20In fact, I've always rather liked the girl.
06:23I wonder if...
06:27You might speak to Mr Price about it.
06:29I think only if he were to mention it to me first.
06:32Oh, yes.
06:34Yes, of course.
06:36And what, Woolley?
06:38Not gone yet?
06:40Forgotten something?
06:42Yes. No, I mean Miss Fazer.
06:44Good day, Miss Tellwright.
06:50Agnes has been showing me a prize.
06:52I asked her if she really deserves it,
06:54and she says she does.
06:56What do you think, Miss Tellwright?
06:58I know how hard Agnes studies a Bible.
07:00I'm sure it were well earned.
07:04You know it in a polite or whispering company.
07:06I'm sure it was important.
07:08Agnes wants to go to the park to hear the band play.
07:11I'm going up there, too.
07:13Come along, Agnes. Tap me arm. Show me the way.
07:20Come on.
07:44What a load of people.
07:46It's like going to a football match.
07:48Football matches, Agnes.
07:54Anna, listen.
07:56Hear the band wonderful.
07:58Will you dance, then, Agnes?
08:00Dance in front of the band.
08:02You tease yourself.
08:04Nonsense. Why shouldn't she dance if she wants to?
08:06She's but a child.
08:14I can never believe town's all round us.
08:18You must remember, Agnes,
08:20the most beautiful things can flower
08:22in the midst of grime and smoke.
08:24Father says it's the smoke that stops me
08:26ghillie-flossing for him.
08:28The smoke that paid for this park
08:30and most things else you'd care to mention.
08:32Your father knows that as well as any man
08:34and better than most.
08:36Father knows everything?
08:38I suppose it's for being old.
08:48I saw him, Father, this morning
08:50at a quarter to seven,
08:52walking as brisk as a boy.
08:54Seems a pitcher of health.
08:56He's never ill.
08:58And yet he has no inclination to preach here.
09:00He used to preach in the Handbridge circuit, I believe.
09:02He'd stopped preaching long before we moved here.
09:04I wonder if he couldn't have been persuaded.
09:06He knows as well as I do we're short of local preachers,
09:08good ones, that is.
09:10I can't speak for Father.
09:12You'll have to ask him yourself.
09:14Well, I will do.
09:16Just one night this week.
09:18To ask Father if he would preach?
09:20Not exactly.
09:24It is a matter of some little business.
09:26Yes, business.
09:28But you will be in.
09:30Oh, yes. I'm always in.
09:32See? There's Miss Sutton.
09:40Good afternoon, Miss Tellwright.
09:42So you've come to see the park.
09:44I insisted, of course.
09:46How are you, Agnes? And you, I've seen before.
09:48You are not here alone.
09:50No. Father's down by the lake.
09:52He caught sight of you and sent me up to say
09:54that you're to be sure to come to supper tonight.
09:56You will come, won't you?
09:58Yes, thanks. I have meant to.
10:00Father says the park has sent up the value
10:02of that land over there enormously.
10:04Mr Tellwright owns most of it, doesn't he, Anna?
10:06Dare say he might. I really don't know.
10:08Of course, it'll all be covered in streets in a few months.
10:10Will he build himself or will he sell it?
10:12I haven't the least idea.
10:14If you're so interested in Mr Tellwright's business plans,
10:16Beatrice, perhaps you'd best ask him yourself.
10:18Here he is, you see, close against the bandstand.
10:20Henry, you know I have no such intention.
10:30Agnes, dear, we must go or we shall be late.
10:32She returns it this evening, Agnes.
10:34Take me to chapel.
10:36Save us.
10:38Well, we must go.
11:40Good evening.
11:42Yes, isn't it?
11:52I thought you'd be here.
11:54Sorry. I thought I'd shut her in the kitchen.
11:56So right, miss.
11:58You can't stop them when they know what they want.
12:02Say what I mean, miss.
12:04Now, you listen to her purr.
12:08So right,
12:10it'll be the fethest turn this Sunday, I expect.
12:14I shan't be spilling no milk
12:16on the step next week, I reckon.
12:18Cat or no cat.
12:20Ta-ra, miss.
14:28At last.
14:30I was in the garden.
14:32Were you waiting long?
14:34Only a quarter of an hour.
14:38What was so special
14:40about the garden, Aces?
14:44Like planting flowers, I'll be bound.
14:46I forgot.
14:48Daydreams, Monarchs.
14:50I forgot the time.
14:54Girl's your age.
14:56Girl pass.
15:08Whatever time's it?
15:10It's early yet.
15:12But you didn't awake me.
15:14It's early.
15:16But you're already up.
15:18I couldn't sleep.
15:20Cos you're so excited, sis.
15:24Today, silly.
15:26Cos today's your birthday.
15:36Today's your birthday.
15:38Yes, it is, innit?
15:44What's it feel like?
15:46Feel like?
15:48Being grown up.
15:50Being a woman.
15:52But you do feel different, don't you?
15:54You do?
15:56I think I do.
15:58How old were you when your mother died?
16:00I were five.
16:02Then you remember her?
16:04A little.
16:06Yes, I think so.
16:08Tell us, what was she like?
16:10Was she like you?
16:12Do you look like her?
16:16She was always in the kitchen.
16:18Baking and cleaning.
16:22I can never forget her.
16:24Baking and cleaning.
16:28I can remember her.
16:30Standing over the fire.
16:34Smiling at some silly thing or other that I'd said.
16:38She were kind to me.
16:40Of course, silly.
16:42She was your mother.
16:44So you don't look like her?
16:46No, I think not.
16:48Who do you look like, then?
16:50Is it Father?
16:52Do you take after Father?
16:54Perhaps I do.
17:00I think you're so lucky, sis.
17:06Because I am 21?
17:08Because you don't remember your mother.
17:22Here, sis.
17:24For you.
17:26For your birthday.
17:28Do you like them?
17:30They're lovely.
17:32We shall have to find a vase for them.
17:38Could we use this old jug?
17:40We never use it at table any more.
17:42The very thing.
17:44Could we use this old jug?
17:46We never use it at table any more.
17:48The very thing.
18:00Is the bacon ready?
19:04What have we got here?
19:06Agnes gave them to me.
19:08She's grown them herself.
19:10They're for my birthday.
19:12Ah, they're 21.
19:14They're a woman now.
19:20Well, young lady.
19:26God sanctify this food to our use
19:28and us to his service.
19:30For Christ's sake, amen.
19:40I want you.
19:46Taters can wait.
19:58Sit down, wench.
20:06You thought you'd remind me of your birthday.
20:08I'd not forgotten.
20:10I've a mind to my responsibilities.
20:12You're of age today, Anna,
20:14and there's something for you.
20:16Your mother
20:18had a fortune of her own,
20:20and under your grandfather's will,
20:22it comes to you when you're 21.
20:24The executor's made me trustee.
20:26Your mother
20:28had 18,000 pounds
20:30in government stock.
20:32That was near
20:3425 years ago.
20:36Haven't I
20:38troubled it?
20:40What with good investment and interest accumulating,
20:42your worth this day
20:44is near 50,000 pounds,
20:46Anna, as makes no difference,
20:48and that's a tardy bit.
20:5050,000 pounds?
20:52Ha-ha, wench.
20:54Do you mean it's my own
20:56favour? It's thine,
20:58under the grandfather's will, Anna told thee.
21:00I'm bound by law
21:02to give it you this day,
21:04and you must give me a receipt for these securities.
21:06Here they are.
21:08And here's the list.
21:10Take it, Anna,
21:12and read it to me while I check it off.
21:14Take it, wench, you wanna bite you.
21:20Read it, then.
21:22Toft End Colliery
21:24and Brickworks Limited,
21:26500 shares of 10 pounds.
21:28They paid 10 last year. With call-up as it is,
21:30they'll pay 15 this.
21:32What's the arithmetic at worth, wench?
21:34What's 15% to 5,000 pounds?
21:38750 pounds.
21:40Right. That's more than two pounds
21:42a day.
21:44Just recollect.
21:46Go on.
21:48Five Towns Waiterworks Company Limited,
21:50consolidated stock,
21:528,500 pounds.
21:54That's a tit-bit, but it's regular.
21:56Go on.
21:58Norris's Brewery Limited,
22:00600 ordinary shares of 10 pounds.
22:06I'll never ape at the doubt.
22:08The Zemmers would have talked me into selling
22:10them shares if I'd given them half a chance.
22:12But for all the temperance
22:14movements in the country, it's always them
22:16who's want to drink, and somebody's gotta make a profit
22:18out of that.
22:20Down here,
22:22Father, near the bottom, Bycast Pottery,
22:24Edward Street. Is that Titus
22:26Price's works?
22:28Works, wench. That's what he's doing there in the hand.
22:30Titus done a bit rent it from you.
22:32And you can be thankful most of your tenants are better payers than him.
22:34But, Father, he's the superintendent
22:36at the Sunday School. Aye, wench.
22:38But that don't mean he can
22:40manage his business any better nor worse
22:42than anyone else. And in Titus's
22:44case, it's worse.
22:46No wonder it didn't put him out in the street years ago.
22:48Father, you couldn't have?
22:50Couldn't have?
22:52Well, we'll never know, because now it's our business,
22:54and we should well have it. Now, let's get on with this.
22:56Well, he was £48,050,
22:58yielding a net income of
23:02or thereabouts.
23:04Aye, there's not many
23:06in this district that has gotten that to their names,
23:08Anna, no.
23:10For all they might ride to chapel in their own carriage
23:12every Sunday.
23:14Father. Well?
23:16What am I to do with it?
23:18Do with it, you say? Yes.
23:20Take care of it, my girl.
23:22Take care of it, and remember,
23:24you must take this list
23:26and these transfers and such to the bank.
23:28Tell Mr. Lovett I sent you.
23:30He'll give you a checkbook.
23:32I've told him all about it. He'll be expecting you.
23:34You'll have your own account, Anna.
23:36You'll be sure to keep it straight.
23:38It's no use talking, Father.
23:40I shan't know what to do.
23:42Not know what to do?
23:44You've come to Womanhood already.
23:46You've come to Womanhood already.
23:52Shall I keep these in the safe for thee?
23:54Yes, please, Father.
23:56It's not the word
23:58caters want intending to.
24:00When shall I call at the bank, Father?
24:02Better call this afternoon.
24:04Before three, mind.
24:06Very well.
24:08But I shan't know what to do.
24:10Well, you've got a tongue in that head, Anna.
24:46Good afternoon,
24:50Good afternoon, Miss Tellwright.
24:52May I trouble you
24:54to step into the manager's office?
24:56Good afternoon.
25:14Mr. Lovett? Miss Tellwright?
25:19Ah, Miss Tellwright.
25:21Your father told me I might expect you this afternoon.
25:28It is, of course, a great pleasure to meet you.
25:30And on such a delightful day.
25:35I knew your mother...
25:37I knew your mother naturally.
25:40That is to say, we only met on the one occasion.
25:43She left the management of her financial affairs to your father.
25:47And, of course, ourselves.
25:49And I suppose it will be the same in this case.
25:52Father says I must take an hand in managing me own affairs.
25:57Well, they do say that young women are becoming more independent nowadays.
26:01Though I trust the way your father managed your mother's investments
26:05suggests that these things are best left to the man who knows.
26:09Oh, I should never dream of doing anything without consulting favour.
26:15Now, would you be good enough to sign your ordinary signature just there
26:21exactly as you will write it on your cheques?
26:35Exactly so.
26:40Now, then, you already have £420 to your credit.
26:45Would you like to do anything out now?
26:47A new dress or hat to celebrate?
26:52Oh, no.
26:54No, thank you.
26:56Very well, then. Is that all right?
27:05You do realise you're a very fortunate young woman.
27:08Yes, I...
27:10For coming into so much money.
27:12It'll make you quite a catch.
27:30Here. That's our business.
27:32Whatever is it, Father?
27:34The best chance of finding out is to read it and see.
27:41Titus Price reckons as though he cannot afford
27:44to pay the £25 rent as is due today.
27:47You'd best go there and get something out of him, even if it's only £10.
27:51Go to Edward Street? So it should seem.
27:54What am I to say? I've never spoken to Mr Price except at the chapel.
27:58You must see Mr Price and tell him as though you can't accept any excuses.
28:04Maybe he won't find him so iron-mighty as at Sunday school.
28:09How much does he owe?
28:11Is it just this £25?
28:13I wish it was. He's five quaters and a raise.
28:16He owes they £125 altogether.
28:20I can never believe it.
28:22Seem a sight different, maybe.
28:24Just this Sunday, he was wanting to have one of my girls dismissed
28:28for stealing another girl's Bible.
28:32Oh, Price is all right. He'll pay when he can.
28:35But to be so much in debt, isn't he ashamed?
28:38Like I said, why don't you have a word with him, get what you can.
28:46I want to do to be too barred, Anna.
28:49Suppose you sold old Titus up, what then?
28:52You reckon you could get another tenant for them ramshackle works?
28:56You could spend £1,000 and still not entice a tenant.
28:59That Edward Street property is one of the grandfather's little speculations that were none of mine.
29:08My advice is, go steady.
29:14Get what you can.
30:09Still all right?
30:11Afternoon, Willie.
30:13Cold. Cold afternoon, too, isn't it?
30:15Was you, er...
30:17I'm here to see your favour.
30:19Favour, yes. That of the chapel business, then?
30:21No, Willie.
30:23But I thought the teacher's meeting tomorrow night.
30:25The boy came with a note to the house.
30:27My father asked me to go.
30:29I'll take you to him.
30:33All right.
31:00Miss Tellwright, later.
31:04Come inside, Miss Tellwright.
31:06Come into the office, will you?
31:09Sit yourself down, Miss Tellwright.
31:14Get back down to the entry, will you?
31:18Shouldn't have expected to see you here, Miss Tellwright.
31:21Father asked me to go.
31:23I did, did he?
31:26This place belonging to you in your own right?
31:29Yes, it is mine.
31:31Mine from me grandfather.
31:33Ah, well, I'm sorry to tell you, I can't pay you anything now.
31:36I haven't got a penny, nor a penny.
31:38But if you can but wait a week,
31:40tell your father I'll pay 20 pines next week.
31:43Father said that was what you said last week, Mr Price.
31:46Ah, maybe I did say that, or something like.
31:51The truth is, I've been disappointed.
31:54One of our best customers has put us off
31:56and money's tight, very tight.
32:00Maybe you wouldn't realise that in your position,
32:02but it's got to be give and take these days.
32:05I sure hope your father would have understood.
32:11The truth is, Miss Tellwright, we're kind of steering along here.
32:15We'll be compelled to give you notice
32:17if you keep pushing us for money.
32:19What's amiss with this works is it wants pulling down.
32:24You tell your father what I've told him
32:27and say, as I said, 20 pines next week.
32:30I can't pay you anything now, I've nothing by me at all.
32:33Father said particularly I was to be sure
32:36and get something on account.
32:38I've told him, but not a penny.
32:51I'll tell you what I'll do.
32:53I'll give you 10 pines now and do what I can next week.
32:56I'll do what I can then.
33:05I hear as your father's going into partnership with young Marners,
33:08Henry Marners.
33:10Father has said nothing to me about it.
33:12Ah, maybe I said too much.
33:14If so, you'll excuse me, Miss.
33:16But he's a smart fellow, Marners.
33:19Now, you see, isn't it in the works?
33:21It isn't very much bigger than this,
33:23but there's everything you can think of there,
33:25all the machinery and dodges, and it's not over-rented, I'm told.
33:28But this fool in Bursley couldn't have helped but make money there.
33:31If your father could but see his way to come by here
33:34and see the state this place is in...
33:36Good day, Mr Price.
33:38I shall be sure to tell Father what you've said.
33:56Will you?
33:58Miss Turner.
34:11The old trumpeter's turned the town upside down.
34:14Do you mean the revivalist, Father?
34:17Ah, yes, the revivalist.
34:19The old trumpeter's turned the town upside down.
34:22Do you mean the revivalist, Father?
34:26Have you heard him before?
34:28Ah, when I was circuit treasurer over at Anbridge.
34:32He played that corner to me,
34:34like he was calling all the sinners home.
34:36Once you've heard that, you'll not forget it.
34:38Our teacher showed us his portrait after school this afternoon.
34:42I've never seen such a beautiful man.
34:44Beautiful, you say? Maybe he is.
34:46They say there's all kinds of beauty.
34:51What do you say, Anna?
34:54About what, Father?
34:56The revival. What part are you playing in all this?
34:59Nothing, really.
35:01Only, there's a teacher's meeting about it tomorrow night.
35:04I have to go to that.
35:07Young Mr Price mentioned it to me special today.
35:13Did you get anything out of Price?
35:17He gave me £10.
35:19He says he wants you to look over the works.
35:21He says they're falling to pieces.
35:23He always says that.
35:25If the works weren't in such a state,
35:27you'd have no excuse for making such a mess out of things.
35:30I hope you didn't go along with any daft ideas he had about repairs.
35:33No, Father, only it does... Only what?
35:37Nothing, Father.
35:41That, er, £10.
35:45It were a cheque, I reckon.
35:49He gave me two £5 notes.
35:51Did he? After claiming he didn't have a penny.
35:53Did he?
35:55Well, you'd better hand it over in case something happens to it.
35:58I'm going to the bank. I'll pay it into your account.
36:03Unless, of course, you've decided to keep it for yourself.
36:07Fancy money.
36:14I'm going to the bank.
37:03The success of the revival depends upon the work
37:06we are prepared to do beforehand.
37:08Each one of us.
37:10The town has been mapped out into districts
37:13and each of you knows which of these he or she is responsible for.
37:18It is our duty to speak with people
37:21and do our utmost to persuade them to attend.
37:24And here, I'm most especially concerned with the children.
37:29For them, there is a special service
37:32and we must endeavour to make certain
37:34all those who have become our responsibility attend.
37:40That's why I'm asking you.
37:42You ladies in particular,
37:44to go through the list of your scholars' names
37:47and find the time to call personally at every house.
37:55Now, will you ladies do that?
37:58Miss Maychin?
38:01Mrs Salt?
38:04Miss Dickinson?
38:08Will you, Miss Tellwright?
38:12I will.
38:16Thank you all.
38:18Shall we sing an old favourite before the meeting disperses?
38:21Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.
39:02Miss Tellwright!
39:05I thought I would never catch you.
39:07Father will be wanting his supper.
39:09Not just if ever.
39:11Next night, I'm coming to see him.
39:13You have business to discuss?
39:18I thought the meeting was very satisfactory.
39:22Is that your opinion?
39:24Oh, yes. Very.
39:26So much depends on our preparation
39:28and our sense of purpose, don't you think?
39:31I think it will be a great thing for our chapel
39:33and for those who come forward and declare themselves for Christ.
39:38I hope that you will come to the first service on the Friday night.
39:41Oh, yes, I shall come. I must.
39:45I particularly wanted your promise.
39:57They ever told me you were coming, Mr Miners.
39:59I've set supper only ten.
40:01Have you? Capital!
40:03You must let me give you a kiss for that.
40:15Ah, Mr Miners.
40:17I was just going to begin my supper.
40:19I don't wait, you know.
40:21Quite right.
40:23So long as you wouldn't hate it all.
40:25Would he have hated it all, do you think, Agnes?
40:27You need not to fear it.
40:29I'd have saved you the bone.
40:40Oh, hello.
40:41As soon as you'd gone, Fletcher told me Mr Miners was coming.
40:44Did you know before?
40:45Not until Mr Miners told me.
40:47Yes, and he told me to put out an extra plate.
40:49And I asked him if I should put the beef on the table.
40:52But Foster, he said no. Cross.
40:54You know the way he is.
40:56And then he called after me and said I could play to Miss M.
40:58So I put it on.
41:00Did I do right, sis?
41:02I'm sure that you did.
41:07Why has Mr Miners come, Anna?
41:09However should I know.
41:11Some business between him and Father, I expect.
41:13It's very queer.
41:15Why queer?
41:16You know it is, Anna.
41:18He's never been here before.
41:20And Father never has people to supper.
41:23But really, Anna, isn't he nice?
41:26I think he's lovely.
41:28Just as though the day you thought the revivalist was beautiful.
41:31No, silly, not like that at all.
41:58God sanctify this food to our use and us to his service.
42:01For Christ's sake, amen.
42:15Well, young lady,
42:17and how did you like the responsibility of getting supper ready in place of your big sister?
42:20It were lovely. Old place to do it.
42:22Oh, be careful.
42:24You'd talk your big sister out of a job and yourself into one.
42:26Oh, I wouldn't have mind.
42:28But whatever would Anna do?
42:35And what have you got for us, Agnes?
42:37Is the smoke still killing them as your father said it did?
42:40They aren't very good.
42:42But when it were Anna's birthday, I collected enough to sit and chug on the table.
42:45Didn't I, sis?
42:47You did. And they were beautiful.
42:49They were dead before supper time.
42:56And you, Mr Tellwright,
42:58how did you enjoy your stroll in the park?
43:00It were great enough.
43:02The land of yours up on the top be appreciating rapidly, I fancy.
43:07And your bill? Ah, I'll set them on.
43:09Big house up there, be a fine place to live.
43:12For some, maybe.
43:14For yourself, I was thinking.
43:16For myself? Whatever are you thinking on?
43:18What should I want with a place such as that?
43:20Why, I wish I didn't want to move away from here.
43:22Just a little small, perhaps.
43:24But if a man of your standing...
43:26Never mind my standing.
43:28There's nothing to be gained from living grander than you need.
43:31Look at old Titus Price and that great barn of a place.
43:33Needs a maid to look after it.
43:35Maid, Mr Tellwright? I should not have thought
43:37old Sarah Vaudrey could be classed as a maid.
43:39Whatever is she then? No more than another mouth to feed.
43:42And as for the size of the house...
43:44Osdentation and show.
43:48You're a good Wesleyan, I suppose.
43:50You should know.
43:52They're not the way.
43:59May I trouble you for a little more beef?
44:12Thank you. And...
44:15A morsel of fat.
44:23I was saying to Anna, Mr Tellwright,
44:25it seems strange that you've withdrawn from chapel life.
44:28And a shame you no longer serve as a circuit preacher.
44:31It's a shame you're so fit to mention it to her, not to me direct.
44:36I'm told as a preacher you were a firebrand indeed.
44:39And that when you were set to preach,
44:41the numbers of the congregation rose some 50%.
44:44You were told so? I was.
44:46Then you've been talking with fools.
44:48I was never no more of a preacher.
44:50I was never no more of a preacher
44:52than anyone else that trundled from pulpit to pulpit.
44:55I'll tell you what I did for Ambridge Methodists.
44:58I was circuit treasurer for 15 years.
45:00I lifted them out of debt and left them more than solvent.
45:03Every soul they saved,
45:05I could tell them how much it cost in shillings and pence.
45:08That were my service. And there's none can take it from me.
45:12Any more than the thems can make me serve.
45:15Any more.
45:51Yes, Father?
45:53Shut the door, sis.
45:55Father, the revival.
45:57Revival will wait.
45:59Tell me this.
46:01What's your opinion of young Henry Miners?
46:05Mr Miners, Father?
46:07Ah, Henry Miners. What do you know on him?
46:09A chapel, he seems to be.
46:11Chapel, chapel. Is that all you ever think on chapel?
46:14I'm not talking of chapel now.
46:16Then, Father, I know nothing.
46:18His parents died when he were young.
46:20Mrs Sutton's been as much a mother to him as anyone else.
46:24He set himself to work as soon as he could,
46:26clerking, stuck at it,
46:28till he'd saved enough to start a business on his own,
46:31earthenware works down near Shoreport.
46:33Not much, but he's made it pay.
46:36Others, like Price, may be going under,
46:38but his order book's full all the year round.
46:43So, now you know so much you never knew before.
46:47Yes, Father.
46:48Only, I don't see what concern it is of mine.
46:53Well, it's this.
46:58Miners wants a partner worth £2,000.
47:02And he's come to me.
47:04He could get somebody to go in and share the work with him,
47:06but that's not what he's after.
47:08It's a sleeping partner he's after.
47:11He'll give a third share of his concern
47:13to someone who'll put up £2,000 a year.
47:16He'll put up £2,000 and keep out of the way.
47:18I've looked into it and there's money in it.
47:20He's no fool. He's on to a good thing.
47:22But I've not got 2,000 of me own idle just now.
47:26I thought you might like the investment.
47:29All miners wants is 2,000 capital.
47:33It's a rare chance. You best take it.
47:35Of course, if you think it's right, Father, that's enough.
47:38I've just been telling you, it's all right.
47:41You must tell miners when you see them in chapel.
47:44I say it's satisfactory. Tell them that, see.
47:47I say it's satisfactory.
48:20We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
48:26Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves.
48:33We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
48:40Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves.
48:47We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
49:04O Lord, help us find that path which will lead to the peace
49:13which alone dwells in the purity of thy heart.
49:17Help us to rejoice in the hope of gaining forever the glory of God.
49:24Let thy love be shed abroad in all of our hearts.
49:30Procure for us the blessed peace of thy grace through our faith,
49:34even as it was procured for all of us miserable sinners
49:38through the blood and righteousness of Christ.
49:43Ungodly soul that hears these words,
49:48helpless and miserable sinner,
49:52I charge thee before God to come to him in all thy unworthiness
50:00and crave his forgiveness and his grace.
50:04Come to thy God, no matter that thee be sinning,
50:08no matter that thee be sinning,
50:10even unto the very edge of the pit of hell itself.
50:15Come forward and accept the love of a merciful God.
50:24Let the Holy Ghost descend among us now.
50:31I see the Divine Dove.
50:35Let any of thee who feel the presence of the Holy Ghost
50:39step forth and declare their souls for God.
50:49The blood of Christ atones.
50:53The Spirit of Christ is working among us.
50:57I hear it now.
51:00I hear it now.
51:07Know that my Redeemer lives and ever prays for me.
51:17A token of his love he gives, a pledge of liberty.
51:35Standing by a purpose true, leading us from light,
51:42harder than the faithful, beautiful hair to daggers bright,
51:49dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone,
51:56dare to stand alone, dare to stand alone.
52:06Here's Mr. Arnold.
52:08Arnold, dear.
52:09Mrs. Sutton.
52:10I'm sorry I didn't...
52:12I know. It's all so intense.
52:14But you are all right, Miss Tilwright.
52:16Oh, yes.
52:17You didn't look afore with rest.
52:21I wanted to.
52:24At least I think I did.
52:26It's so difficult.
52:39Never you mind, my dear.
52:41We all come to the Lord in our separate ways.
52:43As long as you can humble yourself to it, Miss Tilwright.
52:46That is the most important thing.
52:48So easy, Anna.
52:49It's simple if you only submit.
52:55It's so simple, Anna.
52:57So easy if you only submit.
53:01As long as you humble yourself,
53:04that is the most important thing.
53:24Oh, God.
53:42Please help me to do what is right.
53:46If I am too willful and proud,
53:48help me to cast these failings aside.
53:52Show me the way to your grace
53:54and let me not disappoint those who care for me
53:57and wish me well.
54:08Give me the strength to do what is right.
54:11And if I must be humble,
54:13help me to be so.
54:15Yet let me be strong too.
54:18Let your strength be mine
54:19so that I may share the strength of those around me.
54:23Lord, help me find the way to your heart.
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