Aventuras bíblicas 9. Jonas

  • 22 hours ago


00:00Jonas and the Whale
00:10The Whale
00:30I was sleeping when God spoke to me.
00:35Jonas! Jonas! Wake up, Jonas!
00:42Go to Aníbal and the great city. Pray to the Whale.
00:47His evils will come to an end.
00:50Order those who follow the sins.
00:55While God spoke, I could see the weaknesses of the city.
01:05Aníbal! Aníbal!
01:27I didn't want to go to Nineveh.
01:32The people are polytheistic. They don't know the true God.
01:37They are enemies of Israel. They won't listen to me.
01:44I'm not going to Nineveh.
01:46I'll go to Job on the coast of the great sea...
01:48and I'll take a boat in the opposite direction.
01:50Maybe I'll be so far from God...
01:53that He won't send me to preach to Nineveh's sinners.
02:31Who is the captain of the boat?
02:33It's me.
02:34I'd like to buy a ticket to Tarsus.
02:38You're lucky. We leave for Tarsus in an hour...
02:41when the cargo is on board.
02:43You can board now.
02:52It looks like he's running away from someone.
02:55It must be the woman.
02:59As you can see, my friends, I was running away from God...
03:03and I thought that if I stayed well at the bottom of the boat and slept...
03:08I could hide from Him.
03:45Get out of here now!
03:58Grab the ropes. We have to get out of here.
04:16The God of the sea and the wind is with us.
04:20Throw the cargo into the sea as a sacrifice to God...
04:23so that this torment may end.
04:43Get up. Call your God to remember us and free us from death.
04:52What the devil has found us and caused all this?
04:55Let's try our luck to find out.
05:03Who are you? What people do you belong to?
05:06What God do you worship? What have you done?
05:10My name is Jonas, a Hebrew.
05:13I worship the mighty God who created the sea and the land.
05:16I disobeyed God and was running away, trying to hide.
05:20What must we do to calm the sea?
05:23It is because of my sin that God created this storm.
05:26Throw me into the sea and the storm will stop.
05:29No! We will row until we succeed.
05:32Hold the ropes tight to get out of this storm.
05:42Captain, it's no use.
05:45God, forgive this man's sins.
05:49We will do as he says if this calms the storm.
06:06The sea began to calm down and I was wrapped in seaweed.
06:10I went down deep and prepared myself to drown.
06:14When a great fish that God had prepared reached me and swallowed me.
06:30I stayed inside the great fish for three days and three nights.
06:44I prayed to God and asked for his forgiveness.
06:47If I came out of the belly of the fish, I would do as he said.
07:00My God, have mercy on me.
07:03If I get rid of this suffering, I will do what you want of me.
07:14I will do what you want of me.
07:34Jonas, get up.
07:38Go to the big city.
07:41And I preached repentance to Jonas, as I told you before.
07:49I don't even have to say that I started my long journey to Nineveh.
08:11What do you think of this man?
08:14I think it's your fault.
08:27You owe me money.
08:29You owe me money.
08:32You owe me money.
08:35You owe me money.
08:38You owe me money.
08:47People of Nineveh.
08:53I was sent by our Lord to warn you...
08:57that Nineveh will be destroyed by your wickedness.
09:01I was sent by our Lord to warn you...
09:04that Nineveh will be destroyed by your wickedness.
09:07I walked around the city telling them that God was angry...
09:10because they had sinned against him.
09:13They should repent, or they would be destroyed.
09:16God would not be satisfied.
09:19I don't believe you.
09:22I knew he was a prophet sent by God to warn us.
09:26You want to destroy Nineveh at a height of 90 kilometers and 30 meters?
09:31It's wide enough for three wagons to walk on.
09:35But he said that his God can destroy the city in an hour.
09:40I think we should tell the King about this man and his predictions.
09:50Your Majesty will see them, but be brief.
09:53The King is busy with state affairs.
10:01So, what happened?
10:04Your Majesty, we think you should know...
10:07that there is a man wandering around the city preaching repentance.
10:11He said that we have sinned against your God.
10:14And because of that, our great city will be destroyed in 40 days.
10:22Who is this man?
10:25His first name is Jonas, Your Majesty.
10:28He is called the Prophet.
10:30The Hebrew prophet Jonas?
10:32King Jehovah of Israel believed in this man's words.
10:36Let us do as he says...
10:39and prevent your God from destroying us for our sins.
10:43It is my decree that everyone in Nineveh...
10:46should dress in sackcloth and fast for a long time...
10:50without drinking or eating...
10:52and that they should stop all evil and violence.
11:17I left the city to watch its destruction by fire and flames.
11:22I was furious with God.
11:24I had prophesied the destruction of Nineveh.
11:27They were enemies of Israel, and God had forgiven them.
11:36I left the city to watch its destruction by fire and flames.
11:40I was furious with God.
11:42I had prophesied the destruction of Nineveh.
11:46As I sat outside the city with my fury...
11:50the sun burning me and the hot wind of the desert blowing over me...
11:55a wild jacket opened, covering me and refreshing me.
12:02I was happy with God's gift.
12:04I thought that He had repented and wanted to appease my anger.
12:16But in the middle of the night, the worms ate the jacket.
12:28And the hot sun and the wind of the desert punished me...
12:32and I was angry again and even wished to die.
12:36It was when God spoke to me.
12:39I was angry again and even wished to die.
12:43It was when God spoke to me.
12:46Joras, did you want to see the jacket die?
12:50Yes, so much that I wanted to die.
12:53Did you feel sorry for the jacket, which you did not plant or grow...
12:57which arose and perished in one night?
13:00I should not blame Nineveh.
13:03Such a great city of 120,000 inhabitants...
13:06who do not distinguish the left hand from the right...
13:09and so expensive.
13:14And that's when I learned a great lesson.
13:17God loves all His children.
14:36© BF-WATCH TV 2021