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Cartoon Kadai - Your Destination for Quality Cartoon Entertainment

Cartoon Kadai brings you a delightful world of cartoon videos and entertaining animations. With a variety of cartoon shows that cater to audiences of all ages, Cartoon Kadai aims to provide high-quality content designed to entertain and engage. Whether you’re looking for fun cartoon clips, animated movies, or a range of videos filled with adventure, you’ll find it all in one place. Our content is specially curated to bring joy to children and adults alike, ensuring wholesome entertainment for the entire family.

At Cartoon Kadai, we believe in creating a space where viewers can immerse themselves in vibrant stories featuring their favourite animated characters. Our collection includes exciting episodes showcasing unique characters such as monkeys, elephants, rabbits, and lions, offering an engaging viewing experience for everyone. Cartoon Kadai focuses on providing an enjoyable platform with regular updates, ensuring there’s always something new to watch.

Our team of talented animators and storytellers works tirelessly to produce creative videos that spark imagination and fun. Whether you’re watching short funny skits or longer-form cartoon movies, Cartoon Kadai guarantees hours of entertainment and laughter. With a wide range of genres, from adventure to comedy, every video is crafted to ensure maximum entertainment.

We are committed to uploading high-quality cartoon videos that are not only entertaining but also suitable for all ages. At Cartoon Kadai, we strive to keep our viewers entertained with content that can be enjoyed time and time again.

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Tamil cartoons, animated videos, short films, comedy clip
00:00Once upon a time, there was a village named Vishnupuram.
00:08In that village, there lived a man, Vinayan.
00:10Vinayan was very innocent.
00:12He was a pure man.
00:13He never sinned and hurted anybody.
00:16All he did was to help people and do lot of charitable works for poor and needy.
00:20His son, Peethambaram was very good person.
00:24His son, Peethambaram had two children.
00:26Peethambaram was also same like his father.
00:29He would really help poor and needy people and do lot of charitable works.
00:33One day, there was very deadly disease that took over entire village.
00:38So many people died out of this disease.
00:41It was very harmful.
00:42Peethambaram's wife and his daughter died from that disease.
00:46And when Peethambaram got sick, he became very skinny and lost a lot of weight.
00:52Peethambaram then decided that he only had one child to look after and he had to make
00:58a living for his son and his father.
01:01He then decided to work as a laborer and make some money for his family.
01:06At that time, Vinayan looks at his son and he says this with concern.
01:11My son, you look very ill.
01:14How would you be able to work as a laborer in this condition that you are in?
01:19Let me go and beg for some rice and bring it back here for all of us.
01:24Then after hearing what his father said, Peethambaram doesn't listen and he says this.
01:29I am still alive, father.
01:31You need not beg for anything as long as I am here.
01:34Just now they have started asking for people to work in the fields.
01:37Let me go there and get the job myself.
01:39Peethambaram then left for the fields to work.
01:42Since he was so ill and weak, none of the people in the fields considered to give him
01:46a job.
01:47He was so weak that he was not able to hold the equipments required for the work.
01:52He then roamed around the fields till evening.
01:55He thought, how could I work with this weakness?
01:58And then he went back to the village.
02:00Coming into the village, he then begged to each and every house for some rice.
02:06After getting some rice from people, he went back to home by night.
02:10As soon as his father Vinayan looked at him, he said this.
02:13Didn't I already tell you about this, son?
02:15Nobody will give you a job in this condition that you are in.
02:19Tomorrow we shall both go and beg for some rice.
02:22Father, please do not think so negatively.
02:25Today we shall have what I have brought in.
02:28Tomorrow I will bring some good food for you all.
02:30Are you crazy, my son?
02:32We barely have enough for all of us to survive.
02:35And where are you going to find a good food for all of us?
02:39When Peethambaram was ill, his father brought in food by begging in the streets of village.
02:44Peethambaram did not like this incident.
02:47And since Peethambaram could only get a job after he had regained his strength, even he
02:52did not know what to do.
02:53He started thinking about doing illegal activities to make money.
02:57Even though he had never done anything wrong in his entire life, at the same time, his
03:02father also suspected that Peethambaram would do something wrong to bring in food into house.
03:08Because of this, that night Vinayan wasn't able to sleep at all.
03:11He then woke up at the middle of the night to see what is happening and he left the house.
03:17He saw his son is not there.
03:19He waited for one hour.
03:20He then hears a sound from outside the house.
03:24Vinayan, without making a noise, he slowly went outside and he saw his own son, Peethambaram
03:30chopping up and butchering a goat.
03:32He then thought of himself.
03:34Oh God!
03:35My son who has never done anything wrong in his life is now doing a very heinous crime.
03:41My God!
03:42Have you put me in this situation where I don't even know whether I should condemn my
03:47son for what he is doing, as I know the reason he is doing it to put food in the belly of
03:53his son and mine.
03:54What should I do Lord?
03:55Vinayan then went back to the house and slept.
03:58He kept thinking about what his son did and he couldn't sleep at all.
04:02He didn't realize that his son was doing that so he could not starve to death.
04:08Vinayan was thinking about the punishment that his son would receive for doing such
04:13a terrible act.
04:15His son took all the meat and then he butchered and put it on the top of the farm and he went
04:21to house and he cleaned himself and went to bed and slept.
04:26The next day morning, Vinayan woke up and looked at his son and he said this to his
04:32son Peethambaram.
04:33Come son, let us both go and beg for some food.
04:37We should go as early as possible, that will be helpful for us.
04:40We do not need to beg for food father, didn't I tell you yesterday that I would give you
04:45good food today?
04:46Today we shall have some meat for all of us.
04:48Where was this meat yesterday when we were starving for food?
04:51How did it come to you all of a sudden?
04:54I would rather die than eat food in an illegal manner.
04:58I want you to look me in the eye and promise me right now that you would never do such
05:03terrible acts just for food.
05:06This is absolutely wrong, you should never do it.
05:08Please do not talk about begging to me for today.
05:11Today we shall eat the meat that I have brought and we shall eat it tomorrow as well.
05:15By the time it is day after tomorrow, I will have regained my strength and I shall go and
05:20get some work.
05:21Until then, please do not talk about begging to me father.
05:25After listening to what son said, Vinayan could not control his anger anymore.
05:29He looked at his son with anger and said this to him.
05:33Do not try to fool me you idiot.
05:35You took the goat from our neighbor's house and you are butchering it last night.
05:39Yesterday you slept with me and you woke up so late.
05:42From where did you get this meat?
05:44I saw the whole thing with my own eyes when I went to see where you are.
05:49And now you are trying to tell me that you had bought this from somewhere.
05:53You are a liar.
05:55After listening to what his father said, Pitambram starts crying heavily.
06:00I am sorry father.
06:02I should have never stole that goat from our neighbor's house.
06:05If you feel guilty about this, we do not need to eat that meat.
06:08Let us both go and beg for food in the village.
06:11Vinayan felt very bad when his son spoke to him on that way.
06:16But at that time, the damage has already been done because of two guards were listening
06:22to this conversation from outside the house.
06:25Guards in the Ravi's farm informed him that goats are missing in the farm.
06:30Ravi went to leader of village and he told him like this.
06:34Sir, somebody had stolen a goat from my farm.
06:37I beg you to please find who stolen my goat and bring it back to me immediately.
06:42The leader of the village has assigned a few guards to search around the area nearby the
06:48farm of Ravi.
06:49So they can find who had stolen the goat.
06:52At that moment, few guards walked across Vinayan's house and they heard the conversation that
06:58they had.
06:59After listening to the conversation, the guards went to the place where Peethambaram had hidden
07:04the meat.
07:05But guards couldn't find the meat anywhere at all.
07:08But they were sure that Peethambaram only stole that.
07:12They were very sure that because his father himself told that.
07:16After the guards caught Peethambaram, as we know, Ravi has no mercy at all.
07:21He was very cruel and cunning.
07:24He found out the news from the guards.
07:26Ravi went to the leader and he said like this.
07:29I am so glad that you had caught the thief who stole my goat.
07:33I want you to punish him immediately.
07:35Give him a very severe punishment so that this man will never forget to do anything
07:40like this ever again.
07:41We do not need any witness whatsoever.
07:44His father is own witness.
07:46Since his father is a very innocent and pure man, we do not need any witness for this.
07:52Then the guards took all the evidence that they have collected from Vinayan's house and
07:56farm that they had.
07:58After that, they went to the city judge.
08:01The judge was very merciful and a kind man.
08:04After listening to the case, he felt very sad for Peethambaram.
08:08We live in a very sad situation where people are stealing not for money and greed, but
08:14they are stealing for food.
08:16I feel bad for Peethambaram as he has all the evidence stacked against him.
08:21And the person that is persecuting him also wants him to be punished severely as his own
08:27father is a witness to the entire incident.
08:30I am not sure what to do because I don't want to punish this boy so severely as he has already
08:36looks like he is starving.
08:38I do not want to punish a very innocent and kind family just because they were starving
08:44for food.
08:45I will not agree to your sympathy and your mercy.
08:49You are a judge and it is your duty to give the fair punishment to criminals.
08:53The judge entered the hall and he saw everyone that was related to the case in the place.
08:58The prosecutors mentioned the crime that they had occurred to them and guards had told everything
09:03that they had heard from Vinayan's house.
09:06The guards told that they had found a bag of meat on top of Vinayan's farm.
09:11Most important witness is his own father.
09:13The most important witness is his own father.
09:16So what are you waiting for?
09:18Start your testimony.
09:19Ravi says this with arrogant smile in his face.
09:22I want you to tell me everything that your son did and you have to promise that what
09:26you are telling is truth.
09:27Judge looks at Vinayan and says that, Sir, I beg you to spare my son.
09:33My son, since the time he was born, he has never uttered a single bad word or done a
09:40bad thing in his entire life due to starvation, poverty, and debt.
09:46We had no choice but to steal some food so that we can survive.
09:51On top of that, his wife and his eldest daughter had died due to the illness that had stuck
09:58our entire village.
10:00This had broken him and his heart into several pieces, which is why he did what he could
10:07make him to his son and to me to survive.
10:10We only caught the goat, but we did not eat it at all.
10:15What we did to the goat, we had kept it on the top of our farm.
10:20I did not see my son steal it, and I also saw my son butcher it.
10:26Please do not punish him anymore.
10:29I beg you, Sir, please give him another chance.
10:33He has promised me that he will not steal anymore, Sir.
10:36We shall never do this again, Sir.
10:39The old man says this with tears in his eyes, but Ravi starts smiling and looks at the judge.
10:45The entire room including the judges and guards looked at Ravi with a disgust and anger.
10:51At that moment, judge thinks this for a while, and he says like this to Ravi.
10:57There is not sufficient evidence to prove that Pitambaram was the man that stole the goat.
11:03Do you have any more evidence to prove your case?
11:06After listening to what judge said, Ravi becomes angry and says like this.
11:11Didn't you heard the testimony that his father gave?
11:13What else witness do you need for this?
11:15How I am supposed to know that the goat that was butchered was yours?
11:19Do you have any identifying features to claim that it is your goat?
11:23Where is the goat's skin?
11:25So far, there is no evidence that the goat that was butchered was yours.
11:29Someone else could have stolen your goat, no?
11:32The goat that you claimed to be yours could have run away.
11:35Ravi was shocked to hear what judge said.
11:38Ravi then looked at his workers.
11:40His workers then looked at the guards.
11:43In a helpless manner, Ravi said to judge like this.
11:47We tried to find the skin wherever we could, but we were unable to find the skin.
11:51I am pretty sure he is the man that stole my goat.
11:53We cannot do that unless and until you find me that skin and prove to me that it is your goat.
11:59I cannot punish Pitambaram in any shape or form.
12:03Pitambaram and his father are allowed to eat the meat as much as they want to.
12:08And they will not be punished whatsoever.
12:10Both Pitambaram and his father is allowed to leave right now.
12:14Both Pitambaram and his father folded their hands towards the judge
12:19and they thanked him for what he had done for them.
12:22After Pitambaram and his father left, the judge looked at the guards and said this.
12:26Listen to me my gods, if we need to find justice for Ravi,
12:30we need to make sure that you have to find the skin of that goat.
12:33So please make sure you go and search everywhere.
12:36After listening to what the judge said, everybody in the court left.
12:41Ravi couldn't do anything. He has to accept it and go.
12:45After everybody left, judge told his helper like this.
12:50Thank you so much for the idea that you have given me.
12:54If you did not hide the skin of the goat,
12:57I would have been forced to punish Pitambaram for stealing the goat.
13:00And I wouldn't have been able to live with myself for the rest of my life.
13:05Knowing that I had punished a man for quenching his hunger.
13:08Thank you so much for your idea.
13:11Even though Pitambaram was the man that had stolen the goat that day,
13:15it is fact that he did only because of the situation around him.
13:19He had truly never stolen or done anything bad in his entire life before that.
13:23Even though he was at the brink of death due to starvation,
13:27his own father was able to tell the truth and not cause any harm to justice.
13:32What had transpired today was not right for justice but was right for dharma.
13:37The decision that we made today was correct.
13:41Judge then alerted the guards to visit Pitambaram house every month
13:45and provide them with groceries and food items.
13:49Pitambaram also got a job due to the help of judge
13:52and since that day onwards they have never starved for food ever in their life.
13:57Pitambaram and his family lived happily.
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