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00:00:00Once upon a time, there was a village named Vishnupuram.
00:00:08In that village, there lived a man, Vinayan.
00:00:10Vinayan was very innocent.
00:00:12He was a pure man.
00:00:13He never sinned and hurted anybody.
00:00:16All he did was to help people and do lot of charitable works for poor and needy.
00:00:20His son, Peethambaram was very good person.
00:00:24His son, Peethambaram had two children.
00:00:26Peethambaram was also same like his father.
00:00:29He would really help poor and needy people and do lot of charitable works.
00:00:33One day, there was very deadly disease that took over entire village.
00:00:38So many people died out of this disease.
00:00:41It was very harmful.
00:00:42Peethambaram's wife and his daughter died from that disease and when Peethambaram got
00:00:48sick, he became very skinny and lost a lot of weight.
00:00:52Peethambaram then decided that he only had one child to look after and he had to make
00:00:58a living for his son and his father.
00:01:01He then decided to work as a laborer and make some money for his family.
00:01:06At that time, Vinayan looks at his son and he says this with concern.
00:01:11My son, you look very ill.
00:01:14How would you be able to work as a laborer in this condition that you are in?
00:01:19Let me go and beg for some rice and bring it back here for all of us.
00:01:24Then after hearing what his father said, Peethambaram doesn't listen and he says this.
00:01:29I am still alive, father.
00:01:31You need not beg for anything as long as I am here.
00:01:34Just now they have started asking for people to work in the fields.
00:01:37Let me go there and get the job myself.
00:01:39Peethambaram then left for the fields to work.
00:01:42Since he was so ill and weak, none of the people in the fields considered to give him
00:01:46a job.
00:01:47He was so weak that he was not able to hold the equipments required for the work.
00:01:52He then roamed around the fields till evening.
00:01:55He thought, how could I work with this weakness?
00:01:58And then he went back to the village.
00:02:00Coming into the village, he then begged to each and every house for some rice.
00:02:06After getting some rice from people, he went back to home by night.
00:02:10As soon as his father Vinayan looked at him, he said this.
00:02:13Didn't I already tell you about this, son?
00:02:15Nobody will give you a job in this condition that you are in.
00:02:19Tomorrow we shall both go and beg for some rice.
00:02:22Father, please do not think so negatively.
00:02:25Today we shall have what I have brought in.
00:02:28Tomorrow I will bring some good food for you all.
00:02:30Are you crazy, my son?
00:02:31We barely have enough for all of us to survive.
00:02:35And where are you going to find a good food for all of us?
00:02:39When Peethambaram was ill, his father brought in food by begging in the streets of village.
00:02:44Peethambaram did not like this incident.
00:02:47And since Peethambaram could only get a job after he had regained his strength, even he
00:02:52did not know what to do.
00:02:53He started thinking about doing illegal activities to make money.
00:02:57Even though he had never done anything wrong in his entire life, at the same time, his
00:03:02father also suspected that Peethambaram would do something wrong to bring in food into house.
00:03:08Because of this, that night Vinayan wasn't able to sleep at all.
00:03:11He then woke up at the middle of the night to see what is happening and he left the house.
00:03:17He saw his son is not there.
00:03:19He waited for one hour.
00:03:20He then hears a sound from outside the house.
00:03:24Vinayan, without making a noise, he slowly went outside and he saw his own son, Peethambaram
00:03:30chopping up and butchering a goat.
00:03:32He then thought of himself.
00:03:34Oh God!
00:03:35My son who has never done anything wrong in his life is now doing a very heinous crime.
00:03:41My God!
00:03:42Have you put me in this situation where I don't even know whether I should condemn my
00:03:47son for what he is doing, as I know the reason he is doing it to put food in the belly of
00:03:53his son and mine.
00:03:54What should I do, Lord?
00:03:55Vinayan then went back to the house and slept.
00:03:58He kept thinking about what his son did and he couldn't sleep at all.
00:04:02He didn't realize that his son was doing that, so he could not starve to death.
00:04:08Vinayan was thinking about the punishment that his son would receive for doing such
00:04:13a terrible act.
00:04:15His son took all the meat and then he butchered and put it on the top of the farm and he went
00:04:21to house and he cleaned himself and went to bed and slept.
00:04:26The next day morning, Vinayan woke up and looked at his son and he said this to his
00:04:32son Peethambaram.
00:04:33Come son, let us both go and beg for some food.
00:04:37We should go as early as possible, that will be helpful for us.
00:04:40We do not need to beg for food father, didn't I tell you yesterday that I would give you
00:04:45good food today?
00:04:46Today we shall have some meat for all of us.
00:04:48Where was this meat yesterday when we were starving for food?
00:04:51How did it come to you all of a sudden?
00:04:54I would rather die than eat food in an illegal manner.
00:04:58I want you to look me in the eye and promise me right now that you would never do such
00:05:03terrible acts just for food.
00:05:06This is absolutely wrong, you should never do it.
00:05:08Please do not talk about begging to me for today.
00:05:11Today we shall eat the meat that I have brought and we shall eat it tomorrow as well.
00:05:15By the time it is day after tomorrow, I will have regained my strength and I shall go and
00:05:20get some work.
00:05:21Until then, please do not talk about begging to me father.
00:05:25After listening to what son said, Vinayan could not control his anger anymore.
00:05:29He looked at his son with anger and said this to him.
00:05:33Do not try to fool me you idiot.
00:05:35You took the goat from our neighbor's house and you are butchering it last night.
00:05:39Yesterday you slept with me and you woke up so late.
00:05:42From where did you get this meat?
00:05:44I saw the whole thing with my own eyes when I went to see where you are.
00:05:49And now you are trying to tell me that you had bought this from somewhere.
00:05:53You are a liar.
00:05:55After listening to what his father said, Pitambram starts crying heavily.
00:06:00I am sorry father.
00:06:02I should have never stole that goat from our neighbor's house.
00:06:05If you feel guilty about this, we do not need to eat that meat.
00:06:08Let us both go and beg for food in the village.
00:06:11Vinayan felt very bad when his son spoke to him on that way.
00:06:16But at that time, the damage has already been done because of two guards were listening
00:06:22to this conversation from outside the house.
00:06:25Guards in the Ravi's farm informed him that goats are missing in the farm.
00:06:30Ravi went to leader of village and he told him like this.
00:06:34Sir, somebody had stolen a goat from my farm.
00:06:37I beg you to please find who stolen my goat and bring it back to me immediately.
00:06:42The leader of the village has assigned a few guards to search around the area nearby the
00:06:48farm of Ravi.
00:06:49So they can find who had stolen the goat.
00:06:52At that moment, few guards walked across Vinayan's house and they heard the conversation that
00:06:58they had.
00:06:59After listening to the conversation, the guards went to the place where Peethambaram had hidden
00:07:04the meat.
00:07:05But guards couldn't find the meat anywhere at all.
00:07:08But they were sure that Peethambaram only stole that.
00:07:12They were very sure that because his father himself told that.
00:07:16After the guards caught Peethambaram, as we know, Ravi has no mercy at all.
00:07:21He was very cruel and cunning.
00:07:24He found out the news from the guards.
00:07:26Ravi went to the leader and he said like this.
00:07:29I am so glad that you had caught the thief who stole my goat.
00:07:33I want you to punish him immediately.
00:07:35Give him a very severe punishment so that this man will never forget to do anything
00:07:40like this ever again.
00:07:41We do not need any witness whatsoever.
00:07:44His father is own witness.
00:07:46Since his father is a very innocent and pure man, we do not need any witness for this.
00:07:52Then the guards took all the evidence that they have collected from Vinayan's house and
00:07:56farm that they had.
00:07:58After that, they went to the city judge.
00:08:01The judge was very merciful and a kind man.
00:08:04After listening to the case, he felt very sad for Peethambaram.
00:08:08We live in a very sad situation where people are stealing not for money and greed, but
00:08:14they are stealing for food.
00:08:16I feel bad for Peethambaram as he has all the evidence stacked against him.
00:08:21And the person that is persecuting him also wants him to be punished severely as his own
00:08:27father is a witness to the entire incident.
00:08:30I am not sure what to do because I don't want to punish this boy so severely as he has already
00:08:36looks like he is starving.
00:08:38I do not want to punish a very innocent and kind family just because they were starving
00:08:44for food.
00:08:45I will not agree to your sympathy and your mercy.
00:08:49You are a judge and it is your duty to give the fair punishment to criminals.
00:08:53The judge entered the hall and he saw everyone that was related to the case in the place.
00:08:58The prosecutors mentioned the crime that they had occurred to them and guards had told everything
00:09:03that they had heard from Vinayan's house.
00:09:06The guards told that they had found a bag of meat on top of Vinayan's farm.
00:09:11Most important witness is his own father.
00:09:13The most important witness is his own father.
00:09:16So what are you waiting for?
00:09:18Let's start your testimony.
00:09:19Ravi says this with arrogant smile in his face.
00:09:22I want you to tell me everything that your son did and you have to promise that what
00:09:26you are telling is truth.
00:09:27Judge looks at Vinayan and says that, Sir, I beg you to spare my son.
00:09:33My son, since the time he was born, he has never uttered a single bad word or done a
00:09:40bad thing in his entire life due to starvation, poverty, and debt.
00:09:46We had no choice but to steal some food so that we can survive.
00:09:51On top of that, his wife and his eldest daughter had died due to the illness that had stuck
00:09:58our entire village.
00:10:00This had broken him and his heart into several pieces, which is why he did what he could
00:10:07make him to his son and to me to survive.
00:10:10We only caught the goat, but we did not eat it at all.
00:10:15What we did to the goat, we had kept it on the top of our farm.
00:10:20I did not see my son steal it, and I also saw my son butcher it.
00:10:26Please do not punish him anymore.
00:10:29I beg you, Sir, please give him another chance.
00:10:33He has promised me that he will not steal anymore, Sir.
00:10:36We shall never do this again, Sir.
00:10:39The old man says this with tears in his eyes, but Ravi starts smiling and looks at the judge.
00:10:45The entire room including the judges and guards looked at Ravi with a disgust and anger.
00:10:51At that moment, judge thinks this for a while, and he says like this to Ravi.
00:10:57There is not sufficient evidence to prove that Pitambaram was the man that stole the goat.
00:11:02Do you have any more evidence to prove your case?
00:11:06After listening to what judge said, Ravi becomes angry and says like this.
00:11:11Didn't you heard the testimony that his father gave?
00:11:13What else witness do you need for this?
00:11:15How I am supposed to know that the goat that was butchered was yours?
00:11:19Do you have any identifying features to claim that it is your goat?
00:11:23Where is the goat's skin?
00:11:25So far, there is no evidence that the goat that was butchered was yours.
00:11:29Someone else could have stolen your goat, no?
00:11:32The goat that you claimed to be yours could have run away.
00:11:35Ravi was shocked to hear what judge said.
00:11:38Ravi then looked at his workers.
00:11:40His workers then looked at the guards.
00:11:43In a helpless manner, Ravi said to judge like this.
00:11:47We tried to find the skin wherever we could, but we were unable to find the skin.
00:11:51I am pretty sure he is the man that stole my goat.
00:11:53We cannot do that unless and until you find me that skin and prove to me that it is your goat.
00:11:59I cannot punish Pitambaram in any shape or form.
00:12:03Pitambaram and his father are allowed to eat the meat as much as they want to.
00:12:08And they will not be punished whatsoever.
00:12:10Both Pitambaram and his father is allowed to leave right now.
00:12:15Both Pitambaram and his father folded their hands towards the judge
00:12:19and they thanked him for what he had done for them.
00:12:22After Pitambaram and his father left, the judge looked at the guards and said this.
00:12:26Listen to me, my gods.
00:12:28If we need to find justice for Ravi, we need to make sure that you have to find the skin of that goat.
00:12:33So please make sure you go and search everywhere.
00:12:36After listening to what the judge said, everybody in the court left.
00:12:41Ravi couldn't do anything.
00:12:43He has to accept it and go.
00:12:45After everybody left, judge told his helper like this.
00:12:50Thank you so much for the idea that you have given me.
00:12:54If you did not hide the skin of the goat,
00:12:57I would have been forced to punish Pitambaram for stealing the goat.
00:13:01And I wouldn't have been able to live with myself for the rest of my life.
00:13:05Knowing that I had punished a man for quenching his hunger,
00:13:08thank you so much for your idea.
00:13:11Even though Pitambaram was the man that had stolen the goat that day,
00:13:15it is fair that he did only because of the situation around him.
00:13:19He had truly never stolen or done anything bad in his entire life before that.
00:13:24Even though he was at the brink of death due to starvation,
00:13:27his own father was able to tell the truth and not cause any harm to justice.
00:13:32What had transpired today was not right for justice,
00:13:36but was right for dharma.
00:13:38The decision that we made today was correct.
00:13:41Judge then alerted the guards to visit Pitambaram's house every month
00:13:45and provide them with groceries and food items.
00:13:49Pitambaram also got a job due to the help of judge
00:13:52and since that day onwards they have never starved for food ever in their life.
00:13:57Pitambaram and his family lived happily.
00:14:03Once upon a time, there was a king named Sushindran.
00:14:06One day, while Sushindran was along with his ministers in the palace,
00:14:11judge of the land named Giri comes to meet the king Sushindran.
00:14:15King says like this,
00:14:17What is it judge?
00:14:18Are you here because of some case that need to be solved?
00:14:20Is there an issue that we need to rectify?
00:14:22After listening to what king said, the minister smiles and he said this,
00:14:29Shall I bring the soldiers to capture the king and put him in prison, judge?
00:14:33My king, I have not come here for that.
00:14:36I am here to tell you a problem that I am facing.
00:14:38You are the man that solves everybody's problem,
00:14:40yet you are here because you have a problem.
00:14:43Please tell us what we should do.
00:14:44We will try our best to solve your problem.
00:14:46My king, I have been going through a lot of problems
00:14:49in giving out verdicts in several cases,
00:14:52because nowadays people are very smart
00:14:54while they are even committing heinous crimes.
00:14:57It is becoming very difficult for me to give out the correct verdict,
00:15:01which is just unfair,
00:15:03because it is hard for me to go through every detail
00:15:07and analyze each and every case along with the accusers and accusations.
00:15:13Therefore, I would kindly request you to allow me an assistant judge
00:15:19so that he can help me in solving these issues as soon as I can,
00:15:24and the judgment to the people will also become easier.
00:15:28It is difficult to find another judge so quickly
00:15:31because in order to be a judge,
00:15:33you need experience and you need talent,
00:15:35but most importantly, you need to be a righteous person.
00:15:38If we do not get the correct man for the job,
00:15:41then your problems will multiply into several amounts.
00:15:44Do not worry, judge.
00:15:45I shall get another assistant for you
00:15:47who can act as a judge as soon as I possibly can.
00:15:51Please give me some time so that I can find out a person
00:15:54that is suitable for the job.
00:15:55King said this to judge.
00:15:57Thank you so much, my king.
00:15:58I am looking forward to it.
00:15:59King looks at minister and says this.
00:16:02Minister, please send some of our soldiers in disguise
00:16:06towards the judge and see what kind of talent he possesses.
00:16:09See what he does on a daily basis
00:16:11so that we can understand what being a judge is like.
00:16:14That is a very good idea, my king.
00:16:16We can figure out which judge is aiding in justice
00:16:20and we can also make sure we find a new judge
00:16:23that can assist our judge.
00:16:25The minister immediately appoints few soldiers
00:16:28and disguise them with normal clothing.
00:16:30He then sends them towards the city
00:16:33to research and analyze as much as they can.
00:16:36And once they come back,
00:16:37they gave the minister a lot of information
00:16:40that is vital towards the research.
00:16:43The minister goes back to the king and he says like this.
00:16:47My king, as per the data that the soldiers has brought to me,
00:16:52I can assure you that there is a man named Ajayan
00:16:56who is a phenomenal judge in the land of Ramapuram.
00:17:00He has a lot of glory and honor to his name
00:17:04as he has solved the most difficult cases at most times.
00:17:08He is a person that gives people the right judgment
00:17:11at the right time.
00:17:12He has punished several criminals
00:17:15and he has found the truth
00:17:16in several false accusations as well.
00:17:20I believe that he would be a perfect assistant to our judge.
00:17:24Minister, what you said is a comment on his personality.
00:17:28In order for me to see how he operates as a judge,
00:17:31I have to go there and see it by myself.
00:17:34I am going to wear a disguise and I shall go there
00:17:38and I shall see what he is about by myself.
00:17:41The king immediately wears a disguise
00:17:44and travels towards Ramapuram by himself.
00:17:47As it keeps going, the journey gets longer
00:17:50and he finally reaches the destination
00:17:53after a lot of travel.
00:17:55When he finally reaches the destination,
00:17:57as soon as he gets into the land,
00:18:00a beggar looks at the king and says this.
00:18:02Sir, you look like a great man.
00:18:06Please help me, I am in need.
00:18:09The king felt bad for him
00:18:10and he gave few coins to the beggar.
00:18:13After that, king started riding his horse towards the village.
00:18:17But he still sees beggar chasing him and following him.
00:18:21King says like this.
00:18:22I gave you what you needed.
00:18:24Now why are you still chasing me?
00:18:25What more do you want?
00:18:27There is an event that is occurring in this village.
00:18:29My leg is broken, so it will take me a long time
00:18:33for a cripple like me to reach the event.
00:18:35If you can help me, could you please take me in your horse
00:18:38so that I can reach there a little early?
00:18:40After that, I shall never see you again.
00:18:42The king then takes a beggar towards the back of his horse
00:18:46and he starts riding and he takes him towards the event
00:18:50that he was mentioning.
00:18:51King says like this.
00:18:53You can get down now.
00:18:54The place that you were mentioning has arrived.
00:18:56Yes, this is the place that I mentioned.
00:18:59But first, I want you to get down.
00:19:01After listening to what beggar said,
00:19:03king assumed that he said because he couldn't get down by himself
00:19:08because of his broken leg.
00:19:09So king got down from the horse and said this.
00:19:12Come, hold my hand and get down from the horse safely.
00:19:15What? Why should I get down from the horse?
00:19:17Who are you to tell me that?
00:19:18I took pity on you and I took you in this horse.
00:19:22After listening to what beggar said,
00:19:24the king is absolutely confused.
00:19:27I felt bad for you and I took you on this horse
00:19:29and now you are insulting me.
00:19:31Be respectful and keep your mouth shut.
00:19:33First, get out of this horse.
00:19:35After listening to what king said,
00:19:38the beggar gets very angry and he says this.
00:19:41This horse belonged to me.
00:19:43Why would I leave?
00:19:44First, you get out of this place.
00:19:45This is too bad.
00:19:47I have never seen more injustice in my life like this.
00:19:50I felt bad for you and I gave you this ride with my horse
00:19:54and now you are taking my horse from me.
00:19:56That is fine.
00:19:57You can leave here with my horse
00:19:59but there is a judge in this town.
00:20:01I shall get my justice from him.
00:20:03No matter how intelligent the judge is,
00:20:05he will always think that a man who is a cripple like me
00:20:09will always have a horse.
00:20:10He will not think a man like you will have a horse.
00:20:13After listening to beggar,
00:20:15the king replies to the beggar like this.
00:20:18Let us see what judgment that will come for both of us.
00:20:21Let us go and visit the judge immediately.
00:20:24Let us go together.
00:20:26I have no fear whatsoever about this.
00:20:28The king and the beggar travelled towards the judge
00:20:31to meet him and to find the judgment for their issue.
00:20:34As they were travelling,
00:20:35they saw a large crowd gathering around
00:20:38Ajay and Solve case right in front of them.
00:20:41At that moment, they saw a man speaking to Ajay.
00:20:44Already there were some cases which Ajay was looking for.
00:20:48There was an officer who explains Ajay about the case.
00:20:53Sir, one of these men is accountant
00:20:55and the other man is a farmer.
00:20:56Both of them claim that this woman is their wife
00:20:58and that they have married her for a long time.
00:21:01But the problem in this issue is that
00:21:03this wife cannot speak and she is not mentally well.
00:21:06Because of this, we cannot really know from our side
00:21:09what the truth is.
00:21:10Therefore, how can we solve this issue, sir?
00:21:12After listening to what the man said,
00:21:14Ajay replied like this.
00:21:17Leave this woman here with me
00:21:19and I shall give you the judgment tomorrow.
00:21:22After both of these men left,
00:21:24after that man talks about the another case to the judge Ajay.
00:21:28Both the king and beggar was watching this as it was happening.
00:21:32This man is a labourer
00:21:33and he has an issue that needs to be solved.
00:21:36Tell us what your issue is immediately.
00:21:38Ajay looks at both of these men
00:21:40and he sees the difference between them.
00:21:42The labourer has few coins in his pocket
00:21:45whereas the oil manufacturer has oil in his hand.
00:21:48Sir, this man said that he wanted to purchase some oil from me
00:21:52and then he did not purchase anything
00:21:54and he just stole all the coins that I had in my pocket
00:21:57and he ran away.
00:21:59Please bring it back to me, sir.
00:22:01After listening to what the oil manufacturer said,
00:22:04the labourer replies.
00:22:06Sir, it is true that I went to speak to this man to purchase some oil.
00:22:10When I took out the coins in my pocket to count how much was in them,
00:22:13he immediately held my hand
00:22:15and he started saying that those coins were his.
00:22:17After listening to both of these men,
00:22:21judge replies like this.
00:22:24Give me the coins right now
00:22:25and I shall give you the verdict by tomorrow.
00:22:28The judge looks for the next case.
00:22:31After both of these men left,
00:22:33the king and the beggar walks towards the judge
00:22:36and they stand in front of him.
00:22:38The man looks at the king and the beggar
00:22:41and he says,
00:22:43Both of you please tell what your problem is.
00:22:45Sir, I came to this town to attend a very auspicious event.
00:22:48While I was in the outskirts of this town,
00:22:51I saw this beggar begging for some money.
00:22:53I gave him some money and then as I kept moving,
00:22:56he said that he wanted a ride because he could not walk.
00:22:59So then I gave him a ride.
00:23:01Once I reached the town,
00:23:02he started claiming that my horse was his.
00:23:05Please help me with this, sir.
00:23:07After listening to what the king said,
00:23:09the beggar also replies.
00:23:11Sir, as you can see, I'm a cripple.
00:23:14I can never move without a horse.
00:23:16I always have a horse.
00:23:17When I saw this man walking,
00:23:19he was having a hard time moving around.
00:23:22So he asked me for a lift.
00:23:24I gave him a lift.
00:23:26But after that, once I reached the destination,
00:23:29he started claiming that the horse was his.
00:23:31Please sir, you have to give me justice in this situation.
00:23:35After listening to what both of them said,
00:23:37judge thought for a minute and he said like this.
00:23:41Please leave this horse here for me
00:23:43and I shall evaluate it and give you a verdict by tomorrow.
00:23:46The very next day,
00:23:48every single person that their case to be solved had arrived.
00:23:53That time, the judge looks at the first case
00:23:56and he says this to the accountant like this.
00:23:59This woman is your wife.
00:24:01You can take her back to your house.
00:24:02This former had made a false accusation.
00:24:04So he is going to get whipped severely as that is his punishment.
00:24:07The judge looks for the next case.
00:24:10He then looks at the labourer and he says this.
00:24:13This money belongs to you.
00:24:14You can take it because the oil manufacturer had given a false accusation.
00:24:18He will be whipped several times.
00:24:19Judge gave the money to the labourer and sent both of them away.
00:24:23Then he called king and the beggar.
00:24:25I have taken your horse and I have hid it among 30 other horses.
00:24:29Will one of you be able to find out which horse that is?
00:24:32After listening to what judge said,
00:24:34king replied like this.
00:24:36Not just 30 horses,
00:24:37even if you put my horse among 100 horses,
00:24:39I would be able to find him.
00:24:41After the king said that,
00:24:43even the beggar said I could also find the horse.
00:24:45Alright then, you can come with me first.
00:24:47Judge immediately takes the king into the horse table
00:24:51where there are several horses.
00:24:53The king immediately identifies the horse that belongs to him.
00:24:57Now you shall go back to the place and ask the beggar to come here immediately.
00:25:01After the king goes,
00:25:02he brings beggar back to the horse table.
00:25:04The beggar also identifies the horse,
00:25:07just like the king did.
00:25:08After that,
00:25:09judge goes back to the tree
00:25:11and he says like this to the king.
00:25:14That horse belongs to you.
00:25:15You can take that horse and leave for making a false accusation.
00:25:19The beggar will be lashed several 50 times.
00:25:22After listening to the judgment that Ajay and Gabe,
00:25:26the king was very surprised.
00:25:28All the cases for the day was over and everybody left,
00:25:31but the king stayed back and he was waiting.
00:25:34Ajay in looked and said this.
00:25:36Why are you still standing here?
00:25:38Are you not satisfied with the verdict that I had given you?
00:25:40I am very glad that you have given me the just verdict.
00:25:43I do not know about the other cases,
00:25:46but I believe you would have done a great job
00:25:48and given the right verdict as well.
00:25:50But what I am not able to understand is
00:25:52how you are able to come up with these verdicts in such a short time
00:25:56and how were you able to find out
00:25:58who is telling the truth and who is lying?
00:26:01That is my confusion.
00:26:02It is very easy to give out verdicts if you think about it.
00:26:05Take the case of accountant's wife.
00:26:07Yesterday I took the accountant's wife into my house
00:26:09and I asked her to refill a pen.
00:26:11She did that in such speed
00:26:13that it made sense
00:26:15that she would be the wife of an accountant.
00:26:18There is no way that a foreman's wife would be able to do so.
00:26:22So that is her case.
00:26:24Then how were you able to find out
00:26:26who the coins belonged to among the labourer and the oil manufacturer?
00:26:29That is even more easier.
00:26:30The oil manufacturer had a lot of oil in his hand
00:26:33as that is his profession.
00:26:35If the coins actually belonged to him,
00:26:36the coins would have been stained with some oil.
00:26:39I took those coins and dipped into the water
00:26:42and there was not a single drop of oil left.
00:26:44Therefore, I realized that the coins belonged to the labourer.
00:26:47Then how were you able to find out
00:26:49whose horse did it belong to in my case?
00:26:51The beggar also picked the same horse.
00:26:53Am I right?
00:26:54He also picked the same horse that you picked.
00:26:57I also knew that both of you would be able to identify the horse at the same time.
00:27:00After listening to what the judge said,
00:27:03the king replies to him.
00:27:04How are you able to say that the horse belonged to me
00:27:06if both of us did the same thing?
00:27:08I did not take you to that place
00:27:10so that you can find the horse.
00:27:11I took both of you to this place
00:27:13so that the horse can find you.
00:27:14As soon as you went into the place,
00:27:16the horse immediately came after you
00:27:18and I wanted to be with you.
00:27:20That is how I was able to know that the horse was yours.
00:27:24Your talent is undeniable.
00:27:25Now I shall leave
00:27:26and I shall see you again soon.
00:27:28Thank you so much.
00:27:29The king immediately goes back to his palace
00:27:31and appoints Ajayan to be assistant judge to the judge Giri.
00:27:36Once Ajayan realized that he had actually given a judgment for the king,
00:27:40he felt very delightful.
00:27:42King also gave Ajayan several prizes and gifts to facilitate him.
00:27:46The judge Giri was also present there
00:27:48in front of king along with Ajayan.
00:27:51The king looked at both of them
00:27:53and king said like this to them.
00:27:56I have found one of the most talented judges in our nation.
00:28:00This man will help you solve all your cases.
00:28:02Make sure that you can make the best use of it.
00:28:06Giri takes Ajayan along with him
00:28:08and they both sit down together,
00:28:11solve several cases.
00:28:12That was pending
00:28:14and they were a good team for then on.
00:28:19Once upon a time,
00:28:20there was a king named Prabhu
00:28:22who had a Brahmin minister named Devaswamy.
00:28:26Devaswamy had son named Chandraswamy.
00:28:29Chandraswamy grew up into a kingdom since he was a child
00:28:32and he had grown into an adult.
00:28:34He was really a bright student.
00:28:36Everybody would say he would come to a good position.
00:28:39Chandraswamy becomes into an adult.
00:28:42Devaswamy brings Chandraswamy to meet king.
00:28:44When the king saw both the son and father,
00:28:46he then called both of them to come near him and said this.
00:28:51Good to see you, Devaswamy.
00:28:53Where have you been hiding your son all these years?
00:28:55There was no need for him to see you all these years, my king.
00:28:59But today is a good day for you to meet him.
00:29:02If you have not shown him to me all these years
00:29:05and you are showing him to me today,
00:29:06this means that you want some job to be done today.
00:29:09My son has finished all his education.
00:29:11I am here to ask you if you can give my son a job
00:29:14in this kingdom if it's possible.
00:29:16You do not worry about that, minister.
00:29:18You have been working for me loyally for so many years.
00:29:21Also, you have been with me in my tough and troublesome times.
00:29:25If this is the way I should repay you,
00:29:28I have no problem doing it whatsoever.
00:29:31The king immediately summons one of his commanders
00:29:34and he says this to him.
00:29:36This man named Chandraswamy is my minister's son.
00:29:39I want you to give him a job in the army
00:29:41and make sure that you train them very well for the job
00:29:44so that he can be efficient in it.
00:29:46After listening to the king's order,
00:29:48the commander looks at Chandraswamy up and down
00:29:51and he says this to him.
00:29:53Sure, my king. I shall do as you say.
00:29:55Listening to what the commander said,
00:29:57Devaswamy becomes very happy.
00:29:59Both Devaswamy and his son leave the place.
00:30:02After they leave the place,
00:30:03the commander comes to the king and he said this to him like this.
00:30:07My king, I want to tell you something that is very important.
00:30:10Tell me, is there any problem with the army
00:30:12that we are going through right now?
00:30:14By God's grace, there is no problem with our army or our team right now.
00:30:18But I am here to tell you another important thing.
00:30:20The son of our minister named Chandraswamy is not a good person
00:30:24and he is not eligible to work in the army.
00:30:26The reason why I am telling you this
00:30:28is because I have seen it with my own eyes.
00:30:31I have seen his behavior and how he acts.
00:30:34Just a few months ago, I caught him gambling
00:30:36along with the few rowdies in the nation.
00:30:39I also caught him fighting with them
00:30:41after gambling throughout the night.
00:30:43He is addicted to gambling.
00:30:44And once I caught him,
00:30:46I let him go because he is the minister's son.
00:30:49And now I do not think it's a good idea to have a man like him in our army.
00:30:54That is why I want you to reconsider your decision.
00:30:57I have never met Chandraswamy before.
00:30:59This is the first time I am seeing him.
00:31:01His father brought him to me for the first time
00:31:03and he has asked me for a favor.
00:31:05Chandraswamy looked like a strong and fit man in my eyes,
00:31:08which is why I gave him the job.
00:31:10But since you told me this,
00:31:12I will keep this in mind.
00:31:13And you have told me the right time.
00:31:15I shall talk to the minister and I shall get back to you.
00:31:18The next day,
00:31:19king summons the minister
00:31:21and he tells him everything that commander told him.
00:31:23After listening to what the king said,
00:31:25the minister was very sad
00:31:27and he became worried and said this to the king like this.
00:31:31It is my fault that I grieve my son very lovingly.
00:31:34I shouldn't have ever done that.
00:31:36I did know that he was addicted to gambling
00:31:38throughout my entire time with him.
00:31:40Now I shall go back to him
00:31:42and I shall scold him for what he had done.
00:31:44Thank you for letting me know my king.
00:31:47The minister immediately goes back to the house
00:31:49and he starts scolding his son.
00:31:52I took you to the king to get you a job
00:31:54so that you can live a respectful life.
00:31:56But now you are addicted to gambling
00:31:58and you are spoiling my name.
00:32:00Why are you ruining your own life like this?
00:32:03you do not know what you are talking about.
00:32:05Is it so wrong to have fun with the money that I have?
00:32:08You only know how to earn money
00:32:10using hard work and determination.
00:32:12But you do not know how to enjoy money.
00:32:14Is it wrong that I like to enjoy money?
00:32:17When the king offered me the job to be in the army,
00:32:19I thought of declining it.
00:32:21But when I saw your face,
00:32:23I decided to say yes.
00:32:24I am not interested in working, father.
00:32:26I do not feel like doing it.
00:32:28Work is like this backbone of a man.
00:32:30If you don't like working,
00:32:31at least start a business.
00:32:33I will fund the money for you to start the business.
00:32:35Are you going to ruin my name,
00:32:36glory and reputation
00:32:38that I have built throughout the years
00:32:40by working for the king?
00:32:41You cannot live like this anymore.
00:32:43You need to earn a living for yourself.
00:32:45You cannot take my money anymore.
00:32:47It seems like you yourself will destroy everything
00:32:50that I have earned.
00:32:51This is not the way to be a man.
00:32:52If you want to be a man,
00:32:54you have to work at something in life.
00:32:56If not,
00:32:56you will be a failure.
00:32:57Why do you care what I do for a living?
00:32:59You always think about me like I am a fool.
00:33:02How can I express what I can feel to you?
00:33:04I want to live my life
00:33:05the way I want to live my life.
00:33:07Stop interfering with my thoughts and opinions.
00:33:10My son,
00:33:11if you do not need me to tell you anything,
00:33:14then why do you need the father in the first place?
00:33:17I want you to get out of my house right now.
00:33:20If you don't want to listen to me,
00:33:22I do not need you to be here.
00:33:24I want you to leave right away
00:33:27and do not show your face
00:33:29until you have decided to obey my words.
00:33:31Go away from here
00:33:33and do whatever you want to do.
00:33:35Chandraswamy becomes very angry and upset
00:33:38and he leaves the house in rague.
00:33:40As soon as he left the house,
00:33:42he did not know how to survive.
00:33:44After weeks of staying away from his house,
00:33:47Chandraswamy was found beaten up and wounded.
00:33:50He was unconscious in the forest.
00:33:52Priest was walking towards the forest
00:33:54and he saw Chandraswamy beaten up body
00:33:57and he felt sad for him.
00:33:59He carried Chandraswamy and took him to ashram.
00:34:01I do not know who you are,
00:34:02but you seem like the man who has served my life.
00:34:05You are like God to me.
00:34:06I do not know how to repay you,
00:34:08but I shall give my gratitude to you too.
00:34:10There is no need to thank me, my friend.
00:34:12First, let your body heal from its wounds completely.
00:34:14Sir, please listen to me.
00:34:16I know everything about you, my friend.
00:34:18You left your father's house
00:34:20because he told you to leave.
00:34:22And then, while you were walking around,
00:34:24you saw a place where people were gambling.
00:34:27So you joined them and you started gambling.
00:34:30After you finishing gambling,
00:34:32they asked you for the money that you owned them.
00:34:35But you were not able to give the money that you owe them.
00:34:39This is because you lost all the money
00:34:41that you used to play with.
00:34:43Hey, give me the money that I owned
00:34:45and you can leave after that.
00:34:47If you would have told them
00:34:48that you are the minister's son,
00:34:50they would not have hit you so hard.
00:34:52But you did not want them to know
00:34:54that you were the minister's son
00:34:55because you did not want to embarrass his name
00:34:58in front of the entire nation
00:35:00knowing that you did not have the money.
00:35:03They started beating you up severely.
00:35:05After they beat you up so bad,
00:35:07you were unconscious and you did not get up.
00:35:10The shopkeeper of the tavern felt very scared
00:35:13because he thought you were dead.
00:35:16So he asked his co-workers in the middle of the night
00:35:19to carry you and dump you in the middle of the forest
00:35:23where there is a lake or a pit.
00:35:25Guys, take this body and dump it
00:35:27in a pit or a lake in the forest.
00:35:28Those men grabbed your body
00:35:30and they went towards the forest.
00:35:32As they were in the forest,
00:35:34they were unable to find a pit or a lake
00:35:37and your weight was too heavy on them
00:35:39and they started getting tired at that moment.
00:35:42They said,
00:35:42What is this?
00:35:43I am not able to find a single pit or a lake in this forest.
00:35:46What shall we do?
00:35:47I don't care.
00:35:48Let us just dump him here
00:35:49and let us go and tell our boss
00:35:51that we put him in a lake.
00:35:52They just dumped you
00:35:53in the middle of the forest out of nowhere.
00:35:55That is when I saw you and I saved your life.
00:35:58After that, I gave treatment to you
00:35:59and now you are speaking to me.
00:36:01After listening to what priest said,
00:36:03Chandraswamy was absolutely shocked to understand
00:36:05that priest knows everything about him.
00:36:07Enough of the conversation.
00:36:09Let me give you something to eat.
00:36:11Come over here, my friend.
00:36:13Chandraswamy was quite confused
00:36:14as how the priest would have food
00:36:16to give in the middle of the forest.
00:36:18While he was wondering,
00:36:20priest immediately used his powers
00:36:22and his magic to transport Chandraswamy
00:36:24into another realm.
00:36:26Chandraswamy was transported into a place
00:36:28which looked like a city.
00:36:30Right next to him, there was a house.
00:36:32He was shocked and confused
00:36:33to see all those things.
00:36:35Two beautiful women walked out of the house.
00:36:37They looked at Chandraswamy and said this,
00:36:40Sir, please come with us.
00:36:42It is an honor and a privilege for us
00:36:44to give your food.
00:36:45Chandraswamy went with those two women
00:36:47and he had very delicious meal.
00:36:49The delicious meal consisted of several different dishes
00:36:53and while he was having that meal,
00:36:55a beautiful woman sat near him
00:36:57and ate with him.
00:36:59Chandraswamy went into a bedroom
00:37:01which had a huge bed and slept in it.
00:37:04While he was sleeping in it,
00:37:05he thought of asking about the girl
00:37:07once he wakes up.
00:37:08After he slept for a while,
00:37:10he woke up and he was shocked to see
00:37:12that he wasn't in the place anymore.
00:37:14He was not in the palace
00:37:15and there were no two women to serve him.
00:37:18He came back to the priest's house.
00:37:21My friend, I hope you enjoyed your meal.
00:37:23Was it satisfactory to your taste?
00:37:24I hope that they gave you the respect
00:37:26that you deserve.
00:37:27Thank you so much for what you have done.
00:37:29I had a very delicious meal,
00:37:30but when I was there,
00:37:31I saw a beautiful woman.
00:37:32I felt like introducing myself to her.
00:37:34You idiot!
00:37:35You thought that everything that you saw was real?
00:37:38Those were just an imagination that I made for you
00:37:40so that you can have your meal.
00:37:43After listening to what priest said,
00:37:44Oh, I didn't realize that,
00:37:46but you can teach me how to create this illusion
00:37:48like you did.
00:37:49My friend, it is not easy to learn
00:37:51such a trick like that.
00:37:52What I have created is nothing but an illusion.
00:37:55This can only be achieved
00:37:56if you are immersed deep down in the water.
00:37:59While you are immersed deep down in the water,
00:38:01you have to fantasize about
00:38:03having a completely different life
00:38:05where you have a wife or a few children
00:38:07and why you are fantasizing it.
00:38:09You have to completely believe in it.
00:38:10You have to believe in it so much that
00:38:12real life should mean nothing to you,
00:38:14but the life that you are envisioning
00:38:16should be the real life in your mind.
00:38:18Only when you achieve such a thing
00:38:19could you get the powers that I have.
00:38:21You have to believe in what you think
00:38:23and then all your imaginations in dreams will be true.
00:38:26After listening to what the priest said,
00:38:28Chandraswamy becomes very stubborn and he says this.
00:38:31Priest, please believe in me.
00:38:33No matter how difficult it is,
00:38:34I shall find a way to solve it
00:38:36as soon as I possibly can.
00:38:37After listening to what Chandraswamy said,
00:38:40If I ever teach the tricks that I have learned,
00:38:42it will be a disrespect to the trick
00:38:44and it would be a disrespect for my hard work
00:38:46which I have done all these years.
00:38:48Things like this should not be taken lightly.
00:38:50Chandraswamy looks at the priest
00:38:52and he says this to him.
00:38:54Sir, I will make sure that you will not face
00:38:56any loss while teaching.
00:38:57After listening to Chandraswamy being so stubborn,
00:39:00priest decides to teach him the trick.
00:39:02He looks at him and says this to him.
00:39:04First I shall create the illusion of fire for you again.
00:39:08Once you go in there,
00:39:09let us see how long you can stay there
00:39:11and if you can stay there and believe in the illusion,
00:39:14then I shall let you know
00:39:15and I shall wake you up from it.
00:39:17But if you refuse to believe in it,
00:39:18you will stay there for eternity
00:39:20and you will not be able to get out of it.
00:39:22The priest takes Chandraswamy to the nearby lake
00:39:25and asks him to immerse into the lake.
00:39:28He then gives him a very holy chant
00:39:30for him to recite after Chandraswamy
00:39:33recited that holy verse.
00:39:35He then went inside the water
00:39:37and he started meditating after he meditated for a while.
00:39:40Chandraswamy got up from the lake
00:39:42and came back to the priest.
00:39:44First, why did you come back so soon my friend?
00:39:47If you would have stayed there,
00:39:48you would have been able to complete the trick.
00:39:50Nevertheless, what was the illusion that you had
00:39:53when you were deep down in that water?
00:39:55May you know what you were imagining?
00:39:56I dreamt a dream where I was the son of a Brahmin
00:39:59in a huge kingdom.
00:40:00I grew up into a very good family
00:40:02and I ended up becoming the king's advisor and minister.
00:40:05While I was the king's advisor,
00:40:07I started giving him several different ideas
00:40:10which he implemented and made the kingdom very prosperous.
00:40:13Everybody in my kingdom loved me and respected me
00:40:16and they treated me with kindness
00:40:18because of the great things that I had done.
00:40:21I also got married and had a lot of children.
00:40:24While I was living that life prosperously,
00:40:26I realized that this life was not a real life
00:40:29and this was an illusion that I was creating myself
00:40:33and when I decided to end it,
00:40:35I realized what would happen to all these dreams
00:40:38and these visions that I had with the king.
00:40:41My father, my wife, my children,
00:40:44all of them would go away if I stopped dreaming
00:40:48and that is when I immediately woke up
00:40:51and I came back to talk to you.
00:40:53Now I have decided to attend
00:40:55the full prosperity of this illusion.
00:40:58Didn't I tell you that this is exactly what would happen?
00:41:01But why did you get up from it?
00:41:03If that is what you liked so much and you longed for,
00:41:06why did you refuse it?
00:41:07The reason I wanted to get up from the illusion
00:41:10is because that is the life
00:41:12that I should be living in reality.
00:41:14Those are the dreams and wishes
00:41:16that my father had for me in my real life.
00:41:19Even though it felt pleasurable in my dreams and illusion,
00:41:22I needed to make these things happen in my real life
00:41:26and I am pretty sure that he knew about this.
00:41:28He showed the life that I could have lived
00:41:31right in front of my eyes to make a change in my character.
00:41:34Instead of lecturing me about how should I live,
00:41:37he showed me the life that I would have
00:41:39if I would have lived the right way,
00:41:41just like my father said.
00:41:43I thank you so much for enlightening me
00:41:45with your magic and your illusion.
00:41:48Now I shall make my illusion and dream come true.
00:41:51By living the life that I am supposed to live,
00:41:54I shall obey my father's words.
00:41:56Thank you so much, my priest.
00:41:58I owe to you throughout my entire life, my priest.
00:42:00Chandraswami immediately bowed down to the priest
00:42:03and he gave him his respects.
00:42:05After that Chandraswami left the forest
00:42:08and he went back to his father's house.
00:42:10He went and told everything to his father
00:42:12and his father felt glad
00:42:14that his son has finally decided
00:42:17to change from his old ways of living.
00:42:23Once upon a time, there was a man named Kannayya
00:42:26who had a mother named Seethamma.
00:42:28Seethamma was a woman.
00:42:29She was very hardworking and diligent,
00:42:32but her son Kannayya was opposite.
00:42:34He did not do any job
00:42:36and walked away from the job immediately.
00:42:38Seethamma was shocked to see her own son
00:42:41quit the job that she had got for him.
00:42:43And she said this,
00:42:45What has happened my son?
00:42:47Why have you come back from your work?
00:42:49They are not giving me an ounce of respect.
00:42:50I cannot bear this.
00:42:52If you are working under somebody,
00:42:54you have to understand that they are above you
00:42:57and you have to do what is right
00:42:59so that they can give you the money.
00:43:01If they order you something,
00:43:03you must obey them diligently.
00:43:05Since you are a boy that doesn't know how to study
00:43:08and your father did not give us a lot of money,
00:43:12this is what you have to do.
00:43:14Even if my father did not give me money,
00:43:17he gave me self-respect and dignity.
00:43:19I will never listen to people
00:43:21who want to scold me or disrespect me.
00:43:24I don't care if they have a lot of money.
00:43:27I will use my own brain and make money
00:43:30so that I can help you.
00:43:32I don't need to hear words of hurt from other people.
00:43:36I am my father's son and I deserve respect.
00:43:39So this is my state.
00:43:40In order to achieve in this day and age,
00:43:43you need a lot of money and glory.
00:43:45You do not have money, glory or education.
00:43:47No one is going to respect you or give you what you want.
00:43:50And if you cannot do any of that,
00:43:52there is no way you can look after yourself.
00:43:55And that definitely is no way that you can look after me.
00:43:59Mother, I don't want you to worry about me.
00:44:02I will look after you and I will take care of you.
00:44:05I know that working hard is what we'll get as money,
00:44:08but I know how to work smart.
00:44:11All I want you is to trust me and have some faith in me.
00:44:15It is easy to talk,
00:44:16but it is very hard to actually do this in action.
00:44:19Your father was the same.
00:44:20He also spoke a lot, but until he died,
00:44:23he never was able to earn anything.
00:44:25You have to understand that your dreams
00:44:27and your goals might be different from what the truth
00:44:30and the reality of life is.
00:44:32I know that my father tried a lot,
00:44:35but you also have to let me try a lot.
00:44:37It is easy to fail,
00:44:39but it is very difficult not to try at all.
00:44:41I will never have an opportunity in my life to succeed
00:44:45if you don't give me the chance to try.
00:44:47You do not want to work at a job.
00:44:49If you want to do a business,
00:44:50you have to get know people and mingle with them a lot.
00:44:53But since you are a very angry boy,
00:44:56there is no way I see you working with other people
00:44:58in a calm manner.
00:45:00And there is no way we can succeed this way.
00:45:02Mother, I never have fought with anyone else
00:45:05just for the sake of fighting.
00:45:07I only fight with people when they fight with me.
00:45:10That is my character and I cannot change it.
00:45:12Nobody in this world
00:45:13can become a huge businessman in one day,
00:45:16but we can start by doing small businesses
00:45:19with what we have.
00:45:20Right now, we have four ducks,
00:45:22which are male and female.
00:45:24I will start my business with these ducks first.
00:45:27After listening to what Kannaya said,
00:45:29his mother kept quiet and didn't say a word.
00:45:31After a few days,
00:45:32Kannaya looked at his mother and said this.
00:45:35Mother, I am going to sell these few baby ducks
00:45:37in the festival that is going on nearby.
00:45:40I'll come back soon.
00:45:41Kannaya takes his baby ducks
00:45:43and goes to the festival in hopes that he can sell it.
00:45:46But the festival has a lot of items in that lot of things
00:45:49selling at the same time.
00:45:50There was also a huge crowd of people all over the place
00:45:53and it was so congested.
00:45:55Kannaya looked at the place and said this.
00:45:57Thank God,
00:45:58I have showed at the right place at the right time.
00:46:01I shall take all the baby ducks that I have
00:46:03and I shall sell this immediately.
00:46:05Kannaya starts to observe the way
00:46:07everybody works in that festival.
00:46:08He looks around and he starts to make decisions on the price
00:46:12that he has to set in his order.
00:46:14After a few minutes,
00:46:15he decided the price
00:46:16that he was about to sell the baby ducks.
00:46:19At that time,
00:46:20there was another man watching the baby ducks.
00:46:23He comes to Kannaya and he says this to him.
00:46:26All these baby ducks all yours,
00:46:28are they for sale?
00:46:29If these baby ducks are in mine,
00:46:31why would I be selling it?
00:46:32Are you here to buy it or to do something else?
00:46:34You seem like a very young man,
00:46:35yet you are very disrespectful.
00:46:37First, tell me how much a duck costs.
00:46:39I want a pair of baby ducks.
00:46:41One baby pair of ducks costs two silver coins.
00:46:44If you buy two baby duck pair,
00:46:45I shall give it to you for three silver coins.
00:46:47I shall give you one silver coin for one baby pair of ducks
00:46:50because two coins are too expensive.
00:46:52I do not need two baby pairs of ducks.
00:46:54I just need one pair.
00:46:55The price that you are offering me is not sufficient.
00:46:57I will never sell it to you with that price.
00:46:59At that moment,
00:47:00another man named Veerasamy visited the shop
00:47:03and he observed everything what was happening there.
00:47:06So, what is the price that you are selling these baby ducks for?
00:47:09He is saying that one pair of ducks costs two silver coins.
00:47:12But I offered to give him one silver coin for a pair of ducks.
00:47:15Even that is too much for a pair of ducks.
00:47:17One silver coin is way too expensive.
00:47:19I shall give you two bronze coins for a pair of ducks.
00:47:22Will you accept that?
00:47:23The man does not even want to give me the pair of ducks for one silver coin.
00:47:26How is he going to give it to you for two bronze coins?
00:47:29You do not know how to negotiate at a festival.
00:47:31You better keep quiet and wait
00:47:33and watch and see how I negotiate with him.
00:47:36So, listen to me boy.
00:47:37Just give me two of your ducks for two bronze coins.
00:47:40I will not sell any of these pairs of ducks
00:47:42for anything less than two silver coins.
00:47:45If you don't want to give me that money,
00:47:46you can buy somewhere else.
00:47:48I have researched and done analysis on this.
00:47:50I know that anybody else is going to give you a cheaper price
00:47:53on a pair of ducks.
00:47:55So, go and try your luck.
00:47:56How dare you talk to me so disrespectfully?
00:47:58Do you know who I am?
00:47:59I am Veera Swamy.
00:48:00I am the richest man in this entire town.
00:48:02If I want to, I can buy this entire market at a minute.
00:48:05If you don't give me, you will face a lot of consequences.
00:48:08So, immediately give me a pair of ducks for two bronze coins.
00:48:10If you have so much money,
00:48:11then why are you negotiating with me for just two silver coins?
00:48:14If you are so rich, just give what you have.
00:48:17And on the top of that,
00:48:18you are disturbing me and wasting my time.
00:48:20So, get out of here.
00:48:21Veera Swamy was angry, looks at him and says this.
00:48:24You thief, how dare you disrespect me like that?
00:48:27Are you trying to tell me to get out of this place?
00:48:29See what I will do to you.
00:48:31Those are his ducks.
00:48:32If you do not want to buy it from him,
00:48:34you can leave anytime.
00:48:35But you are scolding him and you are being very disrespectful.
00:48:38It's because of men like you
00:48:39that all these young people are disrespecting the older people all the time.
00:48:43It is your choice to buy or not buy my ducks.
00:48:45But when you call me a thief,
00:48:47it is my right to call you an absolute idiot.
00:48:50How dare you say that again?
00:48:51Listen to me guys.
00:48:52Bring this man to the house and take all his ducks away from him.
00:48:56Those two henchmen of Veera Swamy grab Kannayya
00:48:59and bring him to Veera Swamy's house.
00:49:02And following Veera Swamy orders,
00:49:04the henchmen start beating up Kannayya severely.
00:49:08After beating him,
00:49:09Veera Swamy looks at him and says this.
00:49:12You see what I have done to you
00:49:14because you argued and disrespected me.
00:49:16So, do you want to get it more or is this enough for you?
00:49:19If I don't get my revenge against you
00:49:21and make you pay back to me three times over,
00:49:23my name is not Kannayya.
00:49:25After listening that,
00:49:26Veera Swamy makes his henchmen beat Kannayya again several times.
00:49:30Then he says this to Kannayya.
00:49:32I have said what I had to say.
00:49:34Now I will not tolerate you anymore.
00:49:35I will not give your ducks back to you.
00:49:37You try and do whatever you can but you will never succeed.
00:49:40Kannayya was still angry and frustrated.
00:49:43But he does not know what to do.
00:49:45So, he goes back home to visit his mother.
00:49:47As soon as his mother looks at him,
00:49:49she becomes shocked and scared and she said this.
00:49:53What is happened to you my son?
00:49:55Why are you hurt so badly?
00:49:57I would have got you a job in this village
00:49:59and you could have survived.
00:50:02But now you are so stubborn
00:50:03and you have got yourself into a lot of trouble.
00:50:07I don't know what to do with you.
00:50:09Don't worry mother.
00:50:10Each and every hit that was hit against me
00:50:12will be an investment to my success.
00:50:14I shall pay this man back severely.
00:50:17Kannayya settles his mind from the anger
00:50:19and he starts making plan to take his revenge on Veera Swamy.
00:50:23The next week, he sees Veera Swamy building a house
00:50:27next to his own house.
00:50:29He then decides to go into his house
00:50:31with a disguise as a builder
00:50:34so that he can get a job from him.
00:50:36He then goes and counts the logs kept there
00:50:40and as soon as Veera Swamy looks at Kannayya in disguise,
00:50:44Veera Swamy looks at Kannayya and says this to him.
00:50:47Hey man, who are you?
00:50:48Do you really know how to build a house?
00:50:50You seem to be clueless
00:50:51when you are looking at everything around you.
00:50:53Sir, I am a carpenter and a wood cutter.
00:50:56I know how to look at a wooden log
00:50:57and analyze its quality.
00:50:59Since you have already looked at the wooden logs,
00:51:01may I know your opinion on these logs
00:51:03and whether or not it will stick in my house perfectly?
00:51:06If you want your house to be strong and steady,
00:51:08these wooden logs will not help you.
00:51:10As they are white, we need wooden log.
00:51:12They are much drier and older than this.
00:51:14After listening to Kannayya,
00:51:16Veera Swamy thought for a while and said this.
00:51:18Alright, then fine.
00:51:20Let us both go to the forest nearby
00:51:21and in that forest you can spot a tree for me
00:51:24and I will realize which one to pick for my house.
00:51:26Sure sir, let us go.
00:51:28Kannayya, Veera Swamy and Hedgeman went into forest
00:51:31to cut some wood for Veera Swamy's house.
00:51:34After they walked for few kilometers,
00:51:37Veera Swamy and Hedgeman followed Kannayya.
00:51:39Kannayya spotted a tree and he pointed out towards it
00:51:43and said this to Veera Swamy.
00:51:44We need to use this tree to cut wood for your house.
00:51:47This tree would be efficient
00:51:49in building a strong house for your foundation.
00:51:51If you trust me,
00:51:52could you please check this tree for yourself?
00:51:55When Veera Swamy tries to hug the tree with his two hands,
00:51:59Kannayya takes a rope and he ties Veera Swamy's arms
00:52:02as he was hugging the tree.
00:52:04He then takes a branch out of the tree
00:52:07and starts beating Veera Swamy
00:52:09until his vengeance left him.
00:52:11After beating he said this.
00:52:13I am not that wood cutter that you know.
00:52:15I am Kannayya who was selling you ducks.
00:52:18Did you remember what I told the last time I met you
00:52:21that I will repay you back three times?
00:52:23This is the first time
00:52:24and there are still two more times to go.
00:52:26So I hope you wait for me every single day.
00:52:30After Veera Swamy was tired and hurt,
00:52:32Kannayya took money out of his purse and he ran away.
00:52:36The Hedgeman was looking for where Veera Swamy was
00:52:40and after few minutes they found where he was.
00:52:43Once they found him, they took him back home.
00:52:46The next day while Veera Swamy was bedridden in his house,
00:52:50Kannayya disguised himself as a doctor
00:52:53and went into Veera Swamy's house and he said this.
00:52:57I heard that your boss is very ill and sick.
00:53:00I am a doctor and I am pretty sure
00:53:02that I can heal your boss's injury.
00:53:04I can make sure that I have the best medicine.
00:53:06Hedgeman after listening to Veera Swamy,
00:53:09they were really happy that they took Kannayya
00:53:11inside Veera Swamy's house.
00:53:13Not knowing who is he,
00:53:14Veera Swamy looks at him and says this.
00:53:18Sir, please help me.
00:53:19I am not able to walk anymore.
00:53:21I have been injured and hurt by a man
00:53:24and I am unable to even sit properly.
00:53:26Please help me.
00:53:28If you do help me, I will be grateful for my entire life.
00:53:31Of course, I am going to help you.
00:53:33You shall walk again.
00:53:34I need to give you a very special secret medicine
00:53:37but unfortunately I don't have the ingredients for it.
00:53:40So I suggest you to give me the ingredients
00:53:43that are required for it.
00:53:45As soon as he said that,
00:53:46Veerayya became very happy
00:53:48and he ordered all his servants
00:53:50to bring the ingredients that is necessary to heal him.
00:53:53When all the servants left the house,
00:53:55Kannayya tried to execute his plan.
00:53:58Kannayya took a stick which was in that home
00:54:01and said this to him.
00:54:02I have fooled you again.
00:54:04I am not a doctor.
00:54:05I am Kannayya, the duck seller.
00:54:07Didn't I tell you that I would meet you
00:54:09for a second time here?
00:54:11I am.
00:54:12And I have met you for the second time.
00:54:15Now it's time for me to repay you the second time.
00:54:18Kannayya then proceeds to beat him mercilessly with that rod.
00:54:22Kannayya beat him up so bad
00:54:23that Veerasami did not even know what to respond.
00:54:26He was in so much of pain that he was almost shocked.
00:54:29At that moment, Kannayya took all valuable things
00:54:32that was there in the house.
00:54:33I have repaid you the second time.
00:54:35I shall repay you the third time in a very few days.
00:54:37Don't worry.
00:54:38I am a man of my word and I will keep my word.
00:54:41Kannayya used the money that he stole from Veerasami
00:54:44and started a business.
00:54:45He started making lot of profits
00:54:48and his mother was very happy about Kannayya's success.
00:54:51Meanwhile, Veerasami was still on lot of pain
00:54:55but he started to walk fearing that
00:54:57Kannayya might meet him again for third time.
00:55:00He never forgot that.
00:55:01He started roaming around in ten men along with him
00:55:05so that nobody can attack him.
00:55:07But Kannayya still wanted to take revenge
00:55:09for the third time as well.
00:55:11So one day, Kannayya went into festival
00:55:14to see whether Veerasami is attending the festival.
00:55:18Kannayya looked at the man who was selling horses.
00:55:21Kannayya thought to buy the horse and went to him.
00:55:25Is this horse of a good breed?
00:55:27Can it run very fast or it is very weak?
00:55:29This horse is the greatest horse of all breeds.
00:55:32If you start using this horse,
00:55:34it can run for miles and house without even stopping.
00:55:37At that moment, Veerasami enters the festival on bullock cart
00:55:41along with ten men surrounding him.
00:55:44As soon as the Kannayya looks at him,
00:55:46he gets an idea.
00:55:48He says this information to horse seller.
00:55:50If you do as I say, I promise I shall buy your house.
00:55:54Please tell me what I need to do.
00:55:55Can you see that man over there?
00:55:57He is Veerasami.
00:55:58I want you to go to him and tell him
00:56:01that you are the duck seller Kannayya.
00:56:03As soon as you say that,
00:56:05I want you to run back towards me.
00:56:07The horse seller then gets on his horse
00:56:10and goes towards the Veerasami and he says this.
00:56:14I am the duck seller Kannayya.
00:56:16The hedgeman were quite unsure of what to do.
00:56:19At that moment, Veerasami gets frustrated
00:56:22and takes his bag of diamonds and shows this to them.
00:56:25Veerasami then says this.
00:56:27Hey guys, listen to me.
00:56:28That is Kannayya.
00:56:29Go and catch him immediately and beat him up.
00:56:31Whoever catches him, I shall give him two silver coins.
00:56:34The hedgeman looked at Veerasami and stood like that.
00:56:38Veerasami understood the situation.
00:56:40He then took the diamonds from his pocket.
00:56:43All right then.
00:56:44If you go and catch him, I shall give you two diamonds.
00:56:46Is that sufficient for you?
00:56:48Catch him immediately.
00:56:49As soon as they heard the word from Veerasami,
00:56:51hedgeman ran behind a person who was running on the horse.
00:56:55Veerasami walks into the festival with his bullock cart.
00:56:59At that moment, Kannayya goes towards him
00:57:01and slaps him several times in front of entire festival
00:57:05and says this.
00:57:06That man was the not duck seller Kannayya.
00:57:08I am the duck seller Kannayya.
00:57:10Now I have given you the third punishment that you deserve.
00:57:13Now you can do whatever you want.
00:57:14Kannayya then takes the diamonds from Veerasami.
00:57:17Kannayya says this.
00:57:18Youngsters like me are like the volcano.
00:57:21If you irritate us, we will burst out on you.
00:57:23Next time keep your mouth shut and be respectful
00:57:27or else I will destroy you and kill you.
00:57:29Kannayya then goes back to horse seller
00:57:32and buys the horse from him and he leaves from there.
00:57:35And Veerasami once very disrespectful individual
00:57:39and who was very arrogant is now ashamed by himself
00:57:42because of getting slapped by a young man like Kannayya.
00:57:49Once upon a time, there was a man named Krishna
00:57:52who lived in a village called Rangapuram.
00:57:55He was a man that grew lot of pumpkins in his farm
00:57:59and instead of selling the pumpkins to distributors,
00:58:02he started selling it himself by visiting
00:58:04various other villages, cities and towns.
00:58:07One day a stranger looked at him and said this to him.
00:58:11Dear sir, my boss has a huge shop in which he intends to sell pumpkins.
00:58:16We realize that you are a man that grows pumpkins in your village.
00:58:21If you were willing to do business with us,
00:58:23we suggest you name your price so that we can purchase pumpkins from you.
00:58:28I am very sorry.
00:58:29I have always desired to sell my own pumpkins by myself.
00:58:32Hence I do not wish to sell the pumpkins to a distributor.
00:58:34I cannot understand what you are saying.
00:58:37Everybody all around these villages always sell their vegetables and fruits to my boss.
00:58:41They sell it with no issues and they get a lot of profits to themselves.
00:58:45They do not seem to have a problem with it at all as it is very easy for them.
00:58:49Respected sir, I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
00:58:52I am a farmer.
00:58:53Working hard is something that I do on a daily basis.
00:58:56I do not want to give my vegetables to a distributor
00:58:59because I know that he will increase the price in his shop.
00:59:02My job is to give the best quality of vegetables to every single common person at a very cheap price.
00:59:07In that way, I increase my profits and at the same time I give them a very healthy product.
00:59:13If I give it to a distributor, not only would my profits be less,
00:59:16but also the people would not be able to purchase it in a convenient price.
00:59:19This country is a country that respects farmers and I hope you respect me.
00:59:23After listening to what Krishna said, the man immediately left.
00:59:27Krishna then went to the pumpkins that he had and put those in the bullock cart.
00:59:31He then started travelling all around other villages and he reached the village named Udaigiri.
00:59:37It became very late at night and Krishna had decided to take some rest so that he can wake up tomorrow.
00:59:44As he was roaming around the village trying to find some shelter,
00:59:48an old man was standing outside of his house.
00:59:51He stopped Krishna and said this.
00:59:54You do not look like from this village. Are you a new here?
00:59:59Sir, my name is Krishna. I am from Rangapuram village.
01:00:02I am a man who sells pumpkin to people all around this town.
01:00:06I was going towards a village named Udaigiri and I reached here.
01:00:10Since my cows are very tired and I am also here at night,
01:00:14I decided to find a shelter so that I can sleep and wake up tomorrow morning.
01:00:18You seem like a very influential man.
01:00:20Could you find me a place where I can sleep for the night?
01:00:23After listening to what Krishna said, old man replied.
01:00:26Don't worry about that. This village is too big.
01:00:29It can't have place for men like you since you seem like a very nice person.
01:00:33Why do you have to look around to find a place to sleep?
01:00:36You can sleep at my own house. I have a very big house.
01:00:39Krishna felt very glad that the old man was allowing him to stay in the house.
01:00:44The old man then prepared some food for him.
01:00:47Krishna ate all the food that he could.
01:00:50Krishna then kept his cart and pumpkins next to the old man's house.
01:00:55After that, Krishna and old man sat outside of their house and they were talking to each other.
01:01:01Thank you so much for your hospitality.
01:01:03It is because of men like you that there are a lot of good things happening around the world.
01:01:07Otherwise, I would have been roaming around this village trying to find a place to sleep.
01:01:11I really appreciate what you have done for me.
01:01:13You look like a man who makes whole slaving and you also a very hardworking farmer.
01:01:17It is the duty of men like me to help people like you.
01:01:20It would be a privilege and an honor for me to get some goodwill by helping other people in need.
01:01:26By the way, are these pumpkins from your farm that you made yourself?
01:01:29Or these pumpkins bought from another place?
01:01:32I would like to let you know that these pumpkins have grown in my own farm.
01:01:35I do not have that much money where I can buy pumpkins from other people.
01:01:39As they both were talking like that, after listening to what Krishna said,
01:01:44the old man looks at him and says this to him like this.
01:01:48What are you doing seems to be a very noble and righteous thing.
01:01:52Nowadays, people are forced to buy unhealthy products,
01:01:55vegetables and fruits from these retail businessmen.
01:01:58They buy the raw materials from men like you and they increase the price
01:02:03and they sell it in very harsh conditions.
01:02:06This forces the customers to purchase very ineffective products which causes them harm
01:02:12and they also spend a humongous amount of money for it is men like you have existed.
01:02:17It is because of the goodwill of the people and I hope you can continue what you are doing.
01:02:23Yes sir, you are absolutely right.
01:02:25This is the exact reason why I have decided to sell my pumpkins
01:02:29directly to the people instead of giving them to the distributors.
01:02:33It is because of men like you that there are few people in this world
01:02:37that can be healthy and have good food for their children.
01:02:40With this mindset, even our nation will prosper and everybody in our country
01:02:45will also be much more healthier than they are.
01:02:49Anyway, it has become very late.
01:02:51After saying like this, old man gets up and goes into his house
01:02:55and Krishna decides to sleep.
01:02:57When he was sleeping, he thinks like this.
01:03:00Wow, what a great man this person is.
01:03:03His words and his generosity and kindness has deeply moved me.
01:03:07This man's opinions and views on things are also very noble and righteous.
01:03:12I hope a lot of people can encounter men like this in the future.
01:03:18Krishna immediately went to sleep.
01:03:20The next day, sun rose very lately as it is a cold season.
01:03:25Krishna also woke up.
01:03:28Krishna got up and Krishna decides to give his few pumpkins to the old man.
01:03:34But as he was moving around to see where his pumpkins were,
01:03:39he was shocked to see that only half of his pumpkins were there.
01:03:44He then went to the old man and he said this.
01:03:49Last night, I kept all my pumpkins outside of your house.
01:03:51But unfortunately, today morning as I was checking,
01:03:54I am not able to find half of the pumpkins.
01:03:56How dare you ask me such a question?
01:03:58I slept exactly when you went to bed last night.
01:04:01And how can you question my intentions?
01:04:03Is that what you are doing right now?
01:04:05I suggest you to leave from my house.
01:04:07At that moment, Krishna had decided that the old man was the one who stole all the pumpkins.
01:04:14He then gets very upset and says this.
01:04:17How can you do this to me?
01:04:18I thought you were such a good man.
01:04:20But you took all my pumpkins while I was asleep.
01:04:23How could you be such a cruel man?
01:04:25You are acting like a good man.
01:04:26But you are really a cheater.
01:04:28This is what I get for trusting strangers who are outside of this village.
01:04:32I should have never invited you to my house.
01:04:34And I should have never fed you dinner last night.
01:04:37How could you sleep at my own house and accuse me of something this terrible?
01:04:41When you spoke to me last night, I thought you were a great farmer who had great intentions.
01:04:47But today, I realized that you are nothing but a snake.
01:04:50The old man starts scolding him terribly.
01:04:53Krishna looks at the old man and says this.
01:04:56The more you keep lying, the more harm it's going to bring you in the future.
01:04:59I don't want to fight you anymore.
01:05:01Just give me all my pumpkins that you stole from me and I shall go on my way.
01:05:04Is that so?
01:05:05First, I suggest you to leave my house immediately.
01:05:08If you stay here outside of my house any longer,
01:05:11I shall call my people to come and strangle you and throw you out of this place.
01:05:15You are talking way too much and you are disrespecting me now.
01:05:19Krishna realized that he will not get justice by standing outside of his house.
01:05:24So, Krishna took all the pumpkins that he had and he went directly to the city's leader.
01:05:29Krishna spoke to him and told him everything that he had occurred until then.
01:05:34And he filed a case on the old man.
01:05:37Listening to this, the leader looked at the Krishna and said this.
01:05:41If all you want is the pumpkins that was stolen from you,
01:05:44I can provide those pumpkins immediately.
01:05:46But that old man seems to be a very rich and wealthy individual.
01:05:50There is no reason for him to steal all the pumpkins.
01:05:53I do not understand why he would commit such an act.
01:05:56Therefore, I will call him and I will talk to him so that I can get to the bottom of this.
01:05:59The leader calls the old man to visit his house so that he can talk to him.
01:06:04As soon as the old man entered the house, he says this.
01:06:08Respected sir, there is no way that I had stole those pumpkins
01:06:12and I have no use in stealing pumpkins as well because there are several pumpkins in my own form.
01:06:19I have no idea why this man has accused me.
01:06:22Knowing my status and my wealth, I would never do such a thing.
01:06:25Even I believe what you are saying.
01:06:27But either way, those pumpkins were stolen at your house.
01:06:30So, it is on you to prove that you haven't stolen those pumpkins.
01:06:33To solve this issue, I request you to bring the pumpkin
01:06:36that you have grown in your own form so that I can evaluate it.
01:06:39The old man immediately left to bring the pumpkin from his own form.
01:06:44Krishna and the leader were talking to each other at the time.
01:06:48The old man brought the pumpkin back to the leader's house
01:06:51and Krishna took one of his pumpkins and gave it to the leader as well.
01:06:57Apart from the leader, there were two-three people there.
01:07:00Now both the pumpkins are in the leader's hands
01:07:03and he is evaluating it along with the other people.
01:07:07Leader then says who are they.
01:07:09This man's name is Dhanaya.
01:07:10He is an expert in crops, vegetables and fruits.
01:07:13He can be able to make several suggestions in how to solve this issue.
01:07:18Dhanaya, please figure out and find which pumpkin belongs to which form
01:07:22or if they are very similar or not.
01:07:24Dhanaya watches both of these pumpkins and he analyzes it.
01:07:29Looking at it from the outside, there is no difference.
01:07:32I think I would have to taste it to find the difference or it is similar.
01:07:36Fine, then I hope you can figure out which pumpkin belongs to who by tasting it.
01:07:39Dhanaya took the pumpkin that the old man brought
01:07:42and he cut it into several pieces.
01:07:45He then ate one of his pieces of the pumpkin
01:07:48and he started falling into the ground and shivering insufferably.
01:07:52Leader was shocked and said this.
01:07:56Could somebody please help Dhanaya?
01:07:58I am not sure what has happened to him.
01:08:00He seems to be suffering and he looks very ill.
01:08:02Please help him.
01:08:03One of the people there takes the pumpkin and he evaluates it.
01:08:07He then says this.
01:08:09So, this pumpkin has been poisoned.
01:08:11Dhanaya has been poisoned.
01:08:13After he ate this pumpkin, he must be treated immediately or else he shall die.
01:08:18The doctor takes Dhanaya and he goes to treatment.
01:08:21After that, the leader gets very upset and he says this to the old man.
01:08:26Sarabhaiya, is this the business that you do with the pumpkins in your farm?
01:08:31Recently, there has been a lot of cases of people dying due to eating pumpkins.
01:08:36Recently, a businessman also died because somebody gave him a sweet that had pumpkin in it.
01:08:42Is this what you were trying to do by killing other people?
01:08:45If Dhanaya dies and he passes away, the blame would be on you and you will be hung to death.
01:08:52After this, even God won't be able to save you.
01:08:55After listening what leader said, the old man becomes very scared.
01:08:59He brought the leader aside and said this to him.
01:09:02Respected sir, I would like to let you know that this pumpkin does not belong to me.
01:09:07I had stolen it from the Krishna.
01:09:09He would have to punish him for selling these poisoned pumpkins to everybody.
01:09:13He is the reason why Dhanaya is sick.
01:09:16Please make sure that I do not get any punishments.
01:09:19If you make sure of that, I shall give you anything and everything you need.
01:09:23Not only a young doing at criminal activity,
01:09:26but you are also trying to get me to be criminal just like you.
01:09:30It is already a crime to steal from other people's property.
01:09:34But now you are telling me to accept a bribe from you.
01:09:37I will never do that.
01:09:39Do I look like a man who accepts bribes?
01:09:42You are a terrible person for this society and I wonder what else have you done in the past.
01:09:49How dare you try to bribe me?
01:09:51So, I will never ever forgive you, Sarabhaya.
01:09:54After a while, Krishna, the doctor and Dhanaya walked towards the old man.
01:09:59Old man was shocked to see Dhanaya and he said this.
01:10:03Finally, as you can see, Dhanaya is alright.
01:10:06He is not sick anymore.
01:10:07Even if he was sick and he did pass away, the blame would not be on me as it is not my pumpkin.
01:10:13I had stolen these pumpkins from Krishna.
01:10:16Since everything is alright, let us all go back home.
01:10:20Please forgive me as I just did a small crime of stealing.
01:10:24Finally, I have made you admit for the crime that you have committed.
01:10:27Dhanaya is not a person who is an expert with vegetables.
01:10:31Neither is that doctor an actual doctor.
01:10:34These both men are nothing but actors who work at the theatre.
01:10:37Krishna did not accuse you of being a thief without evidence whatsoever.
01:10:42In fact, he knew exactly the person that you are after.
01:10:45You stole it from him because you are servant and your associate had met him several weeks ago
01:10:51and asked that if he could have some of his pumpkins.
01:10:54Krishna refused to give you his pumpkins.
01:10:57Therefore, you decided to take everything from him by keeping him as a guest in your own house.
01:11:03Now your crime has been exposed by yourself.
01:11:06If you cannot help farmers like me, at least don't steal from us.
01:11:09We are innocent people who barely make a living to survive.
01:11:12All we want to do is provide vegetables and fruits for people so that they can survive.
01:11:17We do not want to have a lot of money neither or be greedy.
01:11:20It is unjust and unfair for you to treat me like this.
01:11:23I hope no farmer goes through the situation that I am going through.
01:11:26I thank you for being such a fair and noble man.
01:11:29I will make sure that I punish this man for the crimes they have done against as well.
01:11:34After that, leader takes all the pumpkins that was stolen from him and gives it back to Krishna.
01:11:40If I hear another crime where a farmer has been cheated,
01:11:43I will punish them much more severely than before.
01:11:46No businessman or retailer or distributor can ever cheat a farmer again.
01:11:50After the story became famous all around the village,
01:11:54every single farmer decided to do what Krishna does.
01:11:58They started selling all the vegetables and fruits directly to the people.
01:12:05Once upon a time, there was a man named Venkat who lived in a village.
01:12:10He was a man who was very ambitious and he wanted to travel all around the world.
01:12:15He wanted to visit each and every city and experience everything around him.
01:12:20One day, his dead grandmother came to him in a form of ghost and said this to him.
01:12:25Listen to me my grandson.
01:12:28I understand that you want to travel all around the world and visit each and every place.
01:12:35But you have to make me a promise that you will not visit the village named Vichitrapuram.
01:12:42You can visit anywhere you want.
01:12:44Expect for Vichitrapuram.
01:12:47That you have to promise me.
01:12:49Please don't go there.
01:12:51As soon as he heard the voice in the dream,
01:12:53he woke up to see who is there in his room.
01:12:56But no one was there.
01:12:57Then he realized that all he heard was nothing but a dream.
01:13:01Then he said to himself.
01:13:03I don't know why my grandmother is troubling me so much.
01:13:07She won't even let me sleep peacefully nowadays.
01:13:10He then woke up from his bed and went to the picture of his grandmother
01:13:13and said this to the picture of the grandmother.
01:13:16What is wrong with you, grandmother?
01:13:18Why won't you even let me sleep at peace?
01:13:20I don't even know what village you are referring to.
01:13:23I have never even heard of a village named Vichitrapuram.
01:13:26But since you told me and you troubled me without letting me sleep,
01:13:30I am immediately going to find where that village is.
01:13:33And I am going to visit Vichitrapuram at once.
01:13:36And if you come to my dreams one more time,
01:13:38I will strangle you and kill you one more time.
01:13:41Be careful, grandmother.
01:13:42Venkat is now absolutely intrigued about the village named Vichitrapuram
01:13:46because his grandmother came to him in a dream and warned him not to go there.
01:13:51He starts believing that there is something secret and special in the village.
01:13:55He tries his best to find out the information about Vichitrapuram.
01:13:59But he was unable to gather any resourceful information.
01:14:02But he wants to know about this village and go there.
01:14:05So he finds an idea.
01:14:06Venkat travelled along and he finds an old man.
01:14:10And he says this to him.
01:14:12Sir, am I right in assuming that your age would be 97 years old?
01:14:16Yes, I am old.
01:14:18But why do you care about how old I am?
01:14:20Why do you want to know my age?
01:14:22Sir, you have mistaken me.
01:14:24I have no concern over your age.
01:14:26The only thing I am concerned about your experience.
01:14:28You have lived a very long life.
01:14:30I would like to know if you have ever visited the village named Vichitrapuram.
01:14:33Old man listened to Venkat's question and he says this to him.
01:14:37I don't know anything about Vichitrapuram.
01:14:40But I will be soon leaving to Yamapuri.
01:14:42If you want, you could come with me as well.
01:14:45He thinks that this old man is trying to act very smart and make fun of him.
01:14:50Even though he is frustrated, he looks at the old man and Venkat says this.
01:14:56All of us would be going to Yamapuri one day.
01:14:58That is for certain.
01:14:59The older we get, the more closer we are to go to afterlife.
01:15:03Even if I would not want to come with you to Yamapuri,
01:15:06eventually I would have to go there as I get old.
01:15:10But I want to go to Vichitrapuram as I am alive and well known.
01:15:15Could you please help me go to Vichitrapuram?
01:15:17I have never heard of the word Vichitrapuram.
01:15:19I have never even visited that once.
01:15:22If you can find that place and go there, take me with you as well.
01:15:25Because I have no idea about what you are talking about.
01:15:28Venkat started to ask each and every person in that village about Vichitrapuram.
01:15:32But all the villagers denied the existence of such a village.
01:15:36They in fact told him that there is no such village as Vichitrapuram.
01:15:40But Venkat did not lose hope or faith.
01:15:42He kept believing that there is a place named Vichitrapuram.
01:15:46As he was roaming around the village, he visited to lot of mountain hilltops.
01:15:51One day when he was walking back to the village, it was raining heavily
01:15:55and there was lot of thunder.
01:15:56He went under a tree to take shelter from the rain.
01:16:00After a while, he met a man who was walking right beside him and he asked this.
01:16:07Sir, I would like to let you know that I have lost my way.
01:16:10I don't know where I am.
01:16:11Could you please tell me what place is this?
01:16:13Man listened to Venkat's question and he replied by saying this to him.
01:16:18This is Vichitrapuram.
01:16:20I don't care if you lost your way.
01:16:22But I beg you to never go anywhere near Vichitrapuram.
01:16:25Venkat listens to what man said.
01:16:28But he did not heed to his words.
01:16:31He was very happy that the place named Vichitrapuram actually exists.
01:16:36And he had accidentally stumbled to that place himself.
01:16:40He was right now at the border of Vichitrapuram.
01:16:44He slowly walks into the village to see a huge cart filled with bananas.
01:16:50There was a man standing there and selling bananas.
01:16:53Venkat goes to the man and asks this.
01:16:57May I know what is the price of this banana?
01:16:59How many bananas do you want?
01:17:01Venkat replies to the banana seller.
01:17:03I am actually very hungry right now.
01:17:05I will just starting it right away and once I am done eating.
01:17:08You tell me how much I have eaten and I shall pay the price.
01:17:10Venkat starts eating as much as bananas he could possibly eat.
01:17:14After a while he moves on and he suddenly realizes that he didn't pay for the bananas.
01:17:20He immediately goes back to the banana seller and says this.
01:17:23My friend, I would like to apologize.
01:17:26I ate all your bananas and they were so delicious.
01:17:29And I absolutely forgot to pay you the price for the bananas.
01:17:33I had eaten over five bananas and I would like to know what the price of the bananas are.
01:17:38He apologized to the banana seller and he puts his hand in his pocket to get ready to
01:17:43pay whatever the banana seller wants him to pay.
01:17:46Banana seller starts laughing at Venkat and said this.
01:17:49I know a lot of people like you.
01:17:51Most of you come here, eat my bananas and never pay money.
01:17:55Because of that we have learned how to make money from people who are trying to cheat us.
01:17:59The depth that you owe me is now paid.
01:18:02Venkat was quite confused when he listened to what banana seller said.
01:18:06He put his hand in his pocket and he realized that one rupee was missing.
01:18:10Then he said this to banana seller.
01:18:12In my recollection is I never gave you a single penny.
01:18:15But you are telling me that I have already paid that money.
01:18:18But I am not able to find one rupee which was there in my pocket.
01:18:21What is the explanation for this?
01:18:23I can't believe you are shocking at a simple thing like this.
01:18:26The more mysterious and unimaginable things are there.
01:18:29That is why we have named this village as Vichitrapuram.
01:18:32Venkat was quite confused about the situation.
01:18:35He convinced himself that he had given him one and he just doesn't remember it.
01:18:40He then leaves that place to roam around the village to see what is there.
01:18:44He then sees a man walking towards him with a leg of other man.
01:18:49Venkat looks at the man and says this to him.
01:18:53Sir, if you don't mind, may I please know what's your name is?
01:18:57My name is Vavval.
01:18:59If you want to keep my name, why do you keep asking me what my name is?
01:19:04I won't give.
01:19:05Venkat was again confused with what this stranger said to him.
01:19:09He was thinking to himself what a stupid village this is.
01:19:13It shouldn't have been named Vichitrapuram.
01:19:15It should be an idiotpuram because of stupids living there in the village.
01:19:20Venkat thought how can I take somebody's name.
01:19:23Then Venkat looked at the man and said this.
01:19:26Don't be mistake.
01:19:27What kind of a name is Vavval?
01:19:28Who named you that?
01:19:29If you don't like my name, I do not care.
01:19:31Just because your opinion is different, that doesn't mean my name is stupid.
01:19:35You can name yourself Rama and Krishna.
01:19:38And why can't we name ourselves with the name that we want?
01:19:41You might think that you are very smart and intelligent.
01:19:43But let me tell you something.
01:19:45If you stay in this village for a long time, your brain will be squashed.
01:19:49That is why we all live in Vichitrapuram and we are very proud of ourselves.
01:19:53As soon as Venkat heard what Vavval told him,
01:19:56he was quite surprised that he had read his mind.
01:19:59He thought to himself that village is such a terrible village
01:20:02that you cannot even think by yourself.
01:20:05Everybody is able to read your mind somehow.
01:20:07Then Vavval says this.
01:20:09You might think the ability to think within your brain is freedom.
01:20:12But let me tell you something.
01:20:14The people in Vichitrapuram are the most honest people in the entire world.
01:20:18Because we do not say something and think something else.
01:20:21What is in your mind, that we will say it.
01:20:23But we won't be like you.
01:20:25Vavval sir, I apologize.
01:20:27I like your name very much.
01:20:29It is a very good name.
01:20:30And I also like this village very much.
01:20:32I would promise to never ever think bad about someone again.
01:20:36I just have one question.
01:20:38I have seen people taking chicken and goat to cook something.
01:20:42But you are taking a human leg to do something.
01:20:45May I know why you are carrying a human leg?
01:20:48My brother was playing with his friends just a week ago.
01:20:51While he was playing with them, he fell down and he got hurt.
01:20:54As soon as he got hurt, I realized that he cannot be able to walk again.
01:20:58So that is why I took the leg from him.
01:21:00And now I am taking it to the doctor so that he can stretch his leg and fix it for him.
01:21:04As soon as Venkat heard what the man said, Venkat thought this to himself.
01:21:09Why can't you all go to the sun and play your games?
01:21:11You will all burn and turn into ashes.
01:21:13I heard exactly what you thought.
01:21:15Didn't you just promise me that you wouldn't think bad about something again?
01:21:18How could you break that promise so fast?
01:21:20I know that I have made a promise and I have broken it.
01:21:23I am not from this village.
01:21:25I am from outside of this village.
01:21:27But let me ask you a question.
01:21:29How can it be possible that you and your brother play in the moon and fall down from it?
01:21:34If your brother would have gotten hurt in his head, would have cut his head,
01:21:39how could you be so stupid?
01:21:41There is no way you can fix somebody's leg if you already took it from them.
01:21:45We will be able to go wherever we want and do whatever we want.
01:21:49As they both kept walking and conversing with each other,
01:21:52they reached the doctor's hospital.
01:21:53Then Vabbal says this.
01:21:55This is the doctor's house.
01:21:56He is a doctor for the entire village.
01:21:58Let us go inside.
01:21:59He shall explain to you everything that occurs here.
01:22:02As soon as Venkat went inside the doctor's house,
01:22:05as he saw something that was absolutely shocking.
01:22:08He saw the doctor standing behind a table and there was a human head on the table.
01:22:14Doctor picked up the human head with one arm and said this to the man who was standing beside him.
01:22:20Here, take it.
01:22:21I have made some changes in his brain so that he would never forget anything in his life forever again.
01:22:26All I have done is make some cuts in his nerves and transfer all the information into his brain.
01:22:30From now onwards, he will never forget anything.
01:22:32Doctor gave the head to the man.
01:22:34Then Venkat thought to himself.
01:22:36How is this even possible?
01:22:37How can a man live without his head?
01:22:40This is unbelievable.
01:22:41After a while, the doctor looked at the Venkat and he immediately called him.
01:22:47Hey you, why are you here?
01:22:49Didn't your grandmother tell you not to come to Vishitrapuram?
01:22:52Don't you listen to anybody that is around you?
01:22:54Why do you keep disobeying everybody else's orders?
01:22:57As soon as Venkat heard what doctor said, he was absolutely broken down.
01:23:02He ran towards his doctor, fell on his feet and said this.
01:23:05Sir, you seems like a very intelligent man.
01:23:07You have know everything about me and everything that is in my brain.
01:23:10Please tell me how the future of my life is going to be.
01:23:13I would like to know how successful and rich I could be.
01:23:15Please sir, help me.
01:23:16If I tell you the future of your life, you will die out of fear and cowardice.
01:23:20But I am not a fortune teller.
01:23:21I am a doctor.
01:23:22I will not give you any information.
01:23:24You have to leave this village right away.
01:23:26Sir, I beg you.
01:23:28Please tell me about my future.
01:23:30Venkat keeps begging to the doctor to tell him about the future.
01:23:34I will tell you about the future but not right now.
01:23:37I have been working all the day and I am very tired.
01:23:39You go back and come tomorrow.
01:23:41I shall tell you tomorrow.
01:23:42Right now, I am not in a mood to tell about your future.
01:23:45After the doctor said that, he operated on the leg which Babal brought to him.
01:23:50That day, Venkat did not know where to stay and who to stay with in the village.
01:23:55Is there any place for me to stay in this village for tonight?
01:23:58I shall leave in the morning after I hear about my future from the doctor.
01:24:02Could you please help me?
01:24:04Babal listens what Venkat said and he replies to him.
01:24:08Why are you thinking about staying in another house?
01:24:11You can stay at my place with my family.
01:24:13Venkat spends the night with Babal.
01:24:15The next day, the next day, Venkat wakes up and goes to visit the doctor.
01:24:20As soon as he enters the hospital, he sees the doctor lying on the bed without his head.
01:24:25He becomes scared.
01:24:27Sir, what happened to you?
01:24:28I told you that I wanted to meet you today to learn about my future.
01:24:31But the way you look, it seems like you are not going to have a future yourself, sir.
01:24:35Why are you screaming like a madman?
01:24:37You want to know about your future, right?
01:24:39Just wait a minute. I shall be back.
01:24:40The doctor then goes into a room and grabs his head which was on a bed and fits into his neck.
01:24:46He then turned his head left to right to adjust himself.
01:24:50Venkat was shocked, looks at the doctor and says this.
01:24:53What is this?
01:24:54How were you sleeping without a head?
01:24:56I was absolutely scared.
01:24:57When I looked at you without a head.
01:24:59Didn't I tell you yesterday that my head was in a lot of pain?
01:25:02That is why I removed my head and kept it there.
01:25:04So you want to know about your future, right?
01:25:06Let me tell you something.
01:25:07If you keep roaming around these villages and these areas like this, your life will be worthless.
01:25:12You will not have a wife.
01:25:14You will not have a child.
01:25:15And there will be nobody there to cry for you when you are dead.
01:25:18And there will be nobody to bury your body.
01:25:21If you stay in this village for any longer, the entire village will start eating you alive.
01:25:26They will take your body parts one by one because you did not belong to this village.
01:25:31Another thing is your mouth.
01:25:32You talk way too much.
01:25:34You shouldn't be talking like this to anybody.
01:25:36Keep your mouth shut and find a job and work and stop roaming around these villages.
01:25:41If you don't listen to my words, your future is doomed.
01:25:44After listening to what doctor said, Venkat becomes really scared and afraid.
01:25:49Venkat then frightfully looks at the doctor and says this.
01:25:53Sir, I apologize.
01:25:54I came into this village accidentally.
01:25:56I should have listened to my grandmother when she came and told me in my dream.
01:26:00Please tell me the way to get out of this village.
01:26:02Please help me, sir.
01:26:03After Venkat says that to doctor, suddenly his grandmother appears in front of him.
01:26:07Why don't you ever listen to me, Venkat?
01:26:10I told you this for your own good.
01:26:12But you still kept disobeying me.
01:26:14I only care for you.
01:26:15Which is why I told you not to visit Vichitrapuram.
01:26:19As soon as Venkat heard his grandmother's voice,
01:26:22he opened his eyes to see himself sleeping in a bed.
01:26:26And then he looks around to see that it was his own house.
01:26:30And he was glad that he was back home.
01:26:32He goes near the picture of the grandmother hung on the wall.
01:26:35I should have never disobeyed you, grandmother.
01:26:37I should have listened to your words and never visited that village, Vichitrapuram.
01:26:41From now onwards, I will be a responsible grandson who does his job and his work.
01:26:46And I shall earn a living instead of roaming around villages and cities.
01:26:50Please give me your blessings, grandmother.
01:26:52I shall start my journey to live a good life from now onwards.
01:26:56Venkat fold his hands towards the photo of his grandmother and gets blessing from her.
01:27:01Venkat realizes how valuable old people's advices are.
01:27:05He understands that he should always value the words of the older people as they are wise.
01:27:11And then they have lot of wisdom towards the world.
01:27:14From then Venkat was happy.
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