• last year
Ronald Carabay (Ronnie Carabay) is a Brisbane based SEO consultant specializing in digital marketing, analytics, SEO and Social Media. Ronald Carabay work with clients from a range of industries including Law, Medical, Trades, Finance, Tourism and Ecommerce – the list goes on.


00:00Interested in search engine optimization or internet marketing may have heard of the term social media
00:06It is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot nowadays in the search engine marketing world
00:10But upon questioning many people do not know what social media actually is and what types of websites are classed as social media websites
00:19So what is social media?
00:21Essentially social media incorporates the online technology and methods through which people can share content personal opinions swap different perspectives
00:29And insights into world issues and generally discuss the evolution of media itself
00:34Social media website content can come in many shapes and forms
00:38Text text is often used to put across opinions or write blog posts
00:43Images images and photos can display anything from holiday photos to shots by professional photographers
00:49Audio social media lets you create podcasts for users to download
00:54Video video sites mean that you'll be able to record a video of your child's birthday for friends all over the world to see
01:00The most popular types of social media websites are huge at the moment a few example of these social media websites are social networking
01:09Websites that allow you to create a personal profile about yourself then chat discuss and share information with others such as friends and family
01:17Prime examples of social networking sites are myspace Bebo and Facebook
01:23Wikis wikis are websites that allow you to create edit and share information about a subject or topic
01:30Wikipedia for instance is one of the most popular wikis
01:33video sharing video sharing sites allow you to upload and share your personal videos with the rest of the web community a
01:40Perfect example of a video sharing website is YouTube
01:44photo sharing photo sharing websites allow users to upload pictures and
01:48Images to a personal account which can then be viewed by web users the world over
01:53Flickr acts as a great example of a successful photo sharing site
01:58news aggregation
01:59News aggregators provide a list of the latest news stories published by users from a range of different websites
02:05Dig for instance is one of the web's largest news aggregators with one of the most dedicated communities
02:12social bookmarking
02:14Social bookmarking sites allow users to publicly bookmark web pages they find valuable in order to share them with other internet users
02:22Online gaming online gaming is often based around communities World of Warcraft is a prime example of online gaming
02:30Presence apps these websites allow you to post micro blog like posts to announce what you are currently doing
02:37Twitter is a good example of a presence app
02:40This list is by no means exhaustive and there are many more types of social media sites available on the internet and
02:46Because the social media front is moving so fast
02:49even if it was possible to list all the varieties of social media websites that exist
