Tucker Carlson ROASTS Kamala & RFK Talks Faith I Underreported Stories

  • 2 days ago
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00:55hey everyone welcome back to under-reported stories where I cover the
00:58news that CNN MSNBC and Fox News fail to report on or don't report on enough
01:04and today we have such good stories and such a good such good post stories too
01:11like if you are a real story seeker you love under reports like you are gonna
01:16love today's show okay more than you usually do okay also you guys have
01:20probably noticed heard me at least say the term story seeker a couple of times
01:26on this channel and on the podcast and story seekers is a members-only channel
01:31on my Instagram it's completely free I know members only sounds like we got to
01:35pay for it nope completely free and it's a place where I'm just gonna ask you
01:39questions about what you're interested in me talking about on the podcast it's
01:43really just the best way for us to communicate so you can join on Instagram
01:47when you go to my page at the Chrissy Clark it is linked below and speaking of
01:52story seekers Jonathan in our story seekers community wanted me to answer a
01:58question in our little pre 500 reported stories banter and the question was how
02:05to reach the emotional voter and I saw this question I was like damn what a
02:11great way Jonathan to start today's show by diving into such a hot topic that I
02:17don't think my audience will like the answer to but either way I'm gonna
02:21answer this question so thank you Jonathan for this my thoughts here let
02:26me start by how not to reach the emotional voter and let's be honest when
02:32we're talking about the emotional voter yes we might be talking about a handful
02:35of men don't get me wrong I definitely see that they exist but nine times out
02:40of ten I think we're talking about women right like it's the women that are very
02:45emotional voters and I think it's you know the people asking these questions
02:51typically like Jonathan are men wondering how to convince women to see
02:56their point of view because oftentimes you're right like I'm a woman and I see
03:01the truth here but a lot of the times emotions will get in the way of that so
03:06let me start by just painting the picture for you so the demographics they
03:11tell us that 63% of women who are voting for Democrats are unmarried and I'm sure
03:19a lot of you guys are blessed and older and married but let me just describe the
03:25culture for you right now the culture around dating specifically to women and
03:31you can disagree but this is how I see it online the culture is you hit 30
03:37you're fugly you're worthless you're only hot in your 20s and also don't
03:42complain that no man in their 20s wants to settle down with you deal with it but
03:46if no man wants to settle down with you in your 20s and you're 30 doesn't matter
03:49it's still your fault you're fugly and you're probably a slut or something like
03:52that is all the online discourse I see about this topic and then you couple
03:58that with a couple of one-off jokes or poorly tasted jokes about being a sad
04:03cat lady and it all just kind of culminates in woman or women sorry being
04:09told it's their fault okay it's your fault you're a sad cat lady because the
04:13dating scene is awful and there is some like you have to take accountability for
04:21some of it as women if you're not prioritizing dating in your 20s please
04:25don't be confused when you're in your 30s and you're you're not married or
04:29you're not dating seriously right or you don't have kids or you don't have a
04:32family that's on you but if you are genuinely and earnestly trying to date
04:37in your 20s I do think that there's an untalked about culture about this
04:44epidemic of a lack of intelligent and kind men there are just men that go out
04:49there they get belligerent drunk every weekend and I just keep hearing this
04:53online discourse like women are just hosed to blah blah blah and I'm like
04:58maybe it's at least in my own life I can think of ten beautiful God-seeking
05:05women in their late 20s who couldn't get arrested to catch a man who is of their
05:10true value like they are wonderful and beautiful and the men that they find are
05:16like ugly and awful to them and I just I wouldn't find like I can't find somebody
05:22for them I wouldn't find one singular person I would set them up with because
05:26the ratio of awesome women to awesome men at least where I live is whack as
05:31fuck so T all of that up with like there are great women there are even great
05:36Republican women out there that are single that just have the hardest time
05:40in this dating scene and then a culture that says it's your fault for being 30
05:44and single and barren okay T all of that up to women the emotional voter and just
05:52know that they're not gonna respond well when you kind of are combative with
05:56them okay because the truth is the emotional voter the woman responds to
06:00kindness we are receptive to truth through kindness and the culture is
06:04really not kind to women and you don't have to like my answer but that is my
06:09answer and I I saw this really bear out a couple of weeks ago I went on this
06:14podcast called whatever there are clips of the show on my youtube channel you
06:20can go and watch them but at one point we got to the topic of abortion and the
06:24way the show is set up the premise of the show is like the host who's like 35
06:30and single and usually somebody that's gonna debate alongside him and then a
06:34couple of conservatives and then a couple of like potential like OnlyFans
06:39models or like I don't even know crazy people and on the panel I was on there
06:45was a singer-songwriter her name was Riley and she identified as Catholic
06:49with pro-choice views now I know what you think and I saw what was happening
06:55there Andrew and the host the men on the panel were sitting there and they were
07:01barraging her wondering how can you hold the view that you are Catholic in
07:05pro-choice it doesn't make any sense and they just started attacking attacking
07:08attacking and nothing was getting through to her like they thought they
07:11were like roasting her and winning and like that's totally fine it was good for
07:14clickbait was like good for their show I'm not saying that they shouldn't have
07:17done that but it wasn't going to change her mind because emotionally and in the
07:22culture that she lives in being Catholic and being pro-choice makes sense you can
07:27you can be with me you can be with Andrew you can be with Brian the host
07:32you and I know that that is silliness but that is a very normal worldly view
07:38in female circles watch any of these shows any of these popular podcasts they
07:44will talk about how they're religious or how they're they're spiritual but
07:49they're very adamantly pro-abortion this is a view I myself once held like this
07:54is a very common view it is common among conservatives to take the Tommy Lahren
07:59example okay so in all of this story that I'm telling you I explained to
08:06Riley very calmly this is again the girl that is Catholic and pro-choice and I
08:10explained it to her through the emotional lens and what I said to her
08:15was there are general feelings and emotions that we have in society
08:20specifically to that abortion is like a normal thing it's a good thing that we
08:26should have because we want to keep women we want to allow women to have
08:29choice and like the government shouldn't have a say over our bodies because we're
08:33conservative therefore like we're for a limited government so that line of logic
08:37makes sense and the second thing is that you are that black people are likely to
08:42get shot by police and I was or unarmed black men are likely to get shot by
08:46police and basically my line of argument there to her was we feel like those
08:50things are true but if you actually go and dig into the data about what
08:55abortion is what abortion stands for what the history of abortion is and then
09:00similarly in terms of like the whole police thing if you go and look at how
09:04many unarmed black men are shot at the Washington Post like according Washington
09:08Post data it's not as many as the world in the media would like you to think and
09:13when I got her thinking like hey I understand you feel that way but the
09:18data actually doesn't align with that so when I checked out the data I felt those
09:23same things too but I realized that I was wrong when I read the data and I
09:30noticed and I she told me at the end that her mind was changed it wasn't
09:34changed from the rage-baiting it wasn't changed from being like how the hell
09:37could you be Catholic and pro-choice it wasn't changed by that it was changed by
09:42someone a woman calmly sitting down with her and explaining to her irrationality
09:47in her logic right so that was a long-winded answer but you wanted my
09:53honest answer and that's what I gave you and if you want to reach your
09:57emotional voter point them to strong women who can speak their language and
10:02perhaps stop taking dating advice or conversational advice from 35 year old
10:08single men who live stream for a living and have man boobs okay that's just my
10:13advice to my male audience I love you guys Jonathan thank you so much for your
10:18question I hope that answered it but now let's dive into the meat and bones of
10:22today's show so here's what I've got on the docket for you today we are going to
10:26unravel the trolling campaign between Kamala Harris and Tucker Carlson
10:32Democrats are suing in Georgia to make sure ballots can't be recounted in the
10:38November election and a court finally ruled on whether illegal immigrants have
10:43the right to bear arms in America so without further ado let's get into the
10:47five under-reward stories that you need to know okay first story Kamala put out
10:53a letter that looks like a fake little kid saying that he's a conservative but
10:58he wants to find common ground on gun violence with Democrats and this was put
11:05out not by the Kamala campaign it was put out by the official vice
11:11presidential X account so I want to read this letter to you because it's so funny
11:15this is from like I said the VP's account it says vice president Harris
11:21one of my absolute favorite things in America sorry is how people of different
11:26backgrounds and beliefs have a freedom to communicate with each other we are so
11:29blessed to live in a country where the greatest currency is the free-flowing
11:34exchange of ideas in America we are blessed with the ability to come
11:39together on common ground and this is written for the listening audience and
11:43like chicken scrawl or like little kid hair and like handwriting we're like
11:47they really uppercase their letters because they're learning their letter
11:50like it's just it's so funny the way it was written it goes on to say in the
11:55spirit of establishing common ground because every little kid talks like that
11:59even though I am fairly conservative and we may have our disagreements I am
12:03writing to express my gratitude for yours and President Biden's efforts to
12:07establish common sense gun safety laws this is so funny like who the fuck
12:12believes this okay this goes on to say owning firearms is every American's
12:21constitutional right like all things there needs to be what is this
12:27reasonable I guess reasonable legislation like age restriction
12:31background checks and mental health screenings thank you for heading the
12:35White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and for yours and President
12:39Biden's push for common sense gun safety laws I look forward to seeing what the
12:45Biden-Harris administration accomplishes in this regard all the best and God
12:50bless Tucker so some people think this letter is a troll meant to mock Tucker
12:56Carlson because the signature on this letter looks really similar to Tucker
13:01Carlson's actual signature and so Tucker actually he seems to agree with this
13:08philosophy because he put out a letter trolling Kamala right back okay so it's
13:14this Tucker Carlson's response it says letter from a fan that's the tweet from
13:20Tucker and it's written in like little girl handwriting with the little heart
13:26eyes it says dear Tucker I can't believe I'm writing you this letter but here
13:33goes honestly I never thought we had all that much in common since college I've
13:37considered myself moderately progressive in the sense that I don't
13:40believe in law enforcement national borders or the right of American
13:44citizens to exercise fundamental human autonomy you seemed like you were coming
13:49from a totally different place I thought I disagreed with you on everything boy
13:52was I wrong the other night I was looking on the internet and saw your
13:55conversation with Bobby Kennedy jr. there was a word I disagree or there
13:59wasn't a word I disagree with not one I turned to Montel and said I was very
14:06wrong about this man so so very wrong the way he talks he's so bold and wise
14:10and strong he's immovable like a towering oak tree in a windstorm he's
14:14gently but never breaks guys I'm sorry so funny his trunk is so broad and firm
14:23and rooted to the earth I can't imagine the size of his root ball it goes on to
14:33say so thank you you've shown me something about myself and about the
14:36world I will never forget it until we meet Oh XOXO Kamala crummy ass smiley
14:44face obviously I think the original letter was fake hi I don't have any
14:50doubt that this was like some of a troll towards Tucker like I see it but I just
14:56I take a step back because I find it well first off I find it hilarious that
15:01the Democrats literally campaign on being this party of maturity and then
15:07they put out fake stories trolling people but I actually think this is more
15:11akin it's less about trolling Tucker and more akin to Kamala's like weird freedom
15:17stories so if you don't know what this is she when Kamala was a little kid she
15:22allegedly was sitting in her stroller at a civil rights protest chanting freedom
15:28and like liberals do this all the time they have this weird ass phenomenon
15:33where they claim little kids come up to them and say profound things about
15:38politics I know I can see right through it it's so clearly fake but what I
15:44actually want to bring up the reason I actually brought this whole story is
15:47because I have to get a little conspiratorial with y'all but after this
15:52story went out this this letter or whatever within 24 hours of that post
15:58again put on the vice president's page not her campaign page 20 within 24 hours
16:04of this the Department of Health and Human Services put out a surgeon general
16:09notice about the mental health of kids and families because of gun violence in
16:14America and a big chunk of the report blames guns for people's declining
16:20mental health okay interesting I think maybe we talk about the crappy food in
16:28our country maybe the rampant use of social media the pressure to have it all
16:35maybe we talk about those things before we blame a fundamental American right to
16:40bear arms possibly so where my logical line of thinking was was like it's very
16:46logical that this dumb-ass letter about the same topic was posted as part of a
16:55coordinated effort to blame guns for the mental health decline in America and I
17:00just want you guys to keep your eye out for it because I feel like this is gonna
17:03become the new talking point of the left to help get rid of mental health
17:07problems we have to get rid of gun violence through gun control just watch
17:11when I'm right you just let me know okay and the Democrats they're not just
17:17pushing new talking points before this insane election they're pushing for a
17:21new lawsuit as well yes Democrats are suing in Georgia to block a new GOP
17:27backed election certification rule they're basically suing to stop people
17:33from double-checking ballot counts before elections are certified reading
17:38the Federalist this there's like a hair flying around my studio okay so this is
17:45a this article does a really great job of breaking it down so I'm gonna try and
17:49make this as easy to understand as possible so the Georgia State Election
17:53Board so this is a board that is tasked with doing all things election okay they
17:57recently passed a rule that county election boards so the each board on
18:05each County in Georgia can fulfill their certification responsibility so
18:10they can certify an election after reasonable inquiry okay so this is an
18:17amendment that allows people to how do I put it it's an amendment that allows
18:23people to go okay I'm not a hundred percent sure whether the ballot counting
18:27and ballot tabulation in this area were accurate I'd like to call for a recap
18:32and it allows the election boards to do that it says the SEB which is again the
18:40state election boards approved another amendment which requires permits board
18:48members oh yeah permitted that this was a typo which requires permitted board
18:52members to review all election related documentation created during the conduct
18:57of election prior to the certification result so it allows specific board
19:01members to just review and make sure that the election was done properly
19:06before certifying it basically it's just a double check okay like I said at the
19:11top it's just a double check but a lawsuit lodged by the DNC is arguing
19:17that this basic basic provisions over the election are discriminatory and they
19:25are problematic essential I mean that's essentially this is what the the actual
19:31case reads courts across the country have expressly acknowledged that giving
19:35election officials the discretion to refuse certification would threaten to
19:39disenfranchise voter and create opportunities for election fraud on the
19:42part of all those officials the DNC sue alleges the rules would also delay the
19:49election results and the certification of the election okay I'm gonna give you
19:52the facts from each side now okay Republicans they want the election board
19:58to receive all the ballots and if a board member a permitted board member
20:04has a reasonable inquiry to believe that something went awry in the ballot
20:10counting process they can delay certifying the election not inevitably
20:15just until a recount happens or maybe just the hiccup that they saw is
20:20rectified okay so it's not stopping certification it's just delaying it
20:25until hiccups that are identifiable and reasonable are rectified now I want to
20:31take this from the Democrat side they want to ensure that Republicans or
20:36honestly on on this I'm gonna have to say anyone in power isn't forcing
20:42recounts for partisan reasons and delaying the results of the election now
20:47I know what you're gonna say because I'm thinking it too Democrats have had no
20:51problem delaying elections to get mail-in votes so why the hell are they
20:55all of a sudden taking issue with delaying elections to make sure the
20:59ballot counts are accurate like come on let's let's not be hypocrites here but
21:03I'm gonna let you make up your own mind on this lawsuit but I am telling you
21:08guys we need to be cautious here Democrats are smart about suing before
21:15elections like what we just ran through right Republicans I'm not a Republican
21:21so I can say this they talk a big-ass game about ensuring election integrity
21:26and they don't take action until after the election happens if you're a
21:31Republican and I know I have a lot of Republican viewers you can't really do
21:35anything you can't take action after the election you need to do it before so you
21:40should really advocate on behalf of well you should advocate to your local
21:45government officials to take action preemptively that is how you will have
21:49and ensure real and accurate vote tabulations but if you want to take
21:54action that helps this here podcast please consider purchasing from my based
21:59apparel collection this show is independent it's free and it's kept that
22:05way by people like you who support my merch line we have two hats out now so
22:10we launched first with the based hat super cute you see me in it a bunch of
22:14times if you don't know what based is based is the opposite of woke okay and
22:18then this week we just introduced our new line of conspiracy theorist hats
22:22these are for the free thinkers they come in black and white the base hat
22:25also comes in black and white they're adorable and they really help this
22:29channel out so check out the link below or head over to based in logic apparel
22:33calm to get your hat be sure to tag me on Instagram when you get yours okay
22:39let's move on to our next story we've got some Democrat hypocrisy yes the
22:45Biden-Harris official who is behind the green airplane push just revealed that
22:50he owns an oil well yeah this man is forcing all of us to buy into the green
22:56agenda while he profits off of oil wells what a hypocrite what a freaking
23:03hypocrite this is an article from the Washington Free Beacon just doing a
23:07quick little dive through this isn't a crazy long story but it says the Federal
23:11Aviation Administration administrator a lot of AAAs but it's the FAAs
23:17administrator his name is Michael Whitaker and he is in charge of the
23:21Biden-Harris administration's goal of transitioning planes into being green
23:28planes not oil reliant but the problem here is that he owns an oil well in
23:33Wyoming which he leases to Hillcorp Energy the largest privately held oil
23:38company in the United States this is according to a financial disclosure that
23:42was just made public excuse me this month my gosh I always eat before this
23:47show and then sometimes I get a little out of breath that's so lazy of me but
23:52it's true okay anyway the article goes on to say
23:55according to Whitaker's financial disclosure filed with the Federal Office
23:58of Government Ethics it was made public this month that this guy's oil well is
24:04located in Wyoming in his worth up to $100,000 he only reports an annual
24:10income of $5,000 in royalties from the energy firm that he rents it out to
24:15which is small relatively speaking because his total assets are worth
24:21millions of dollars and this is about like what $5,000 a year but what it does
24:27showcase is that the top Biden administration official who is pushing
24:32this climate agenda isn't fully bought into the climate agenda it says since
24:38taking office in 2021 the administration including the FAA has pursued policies
24:43to transition the nation from fossil fuels to green energy I'm not gonna
24:48ruminate on this story for too long because I think it's pretty plain and
24:51simple it's just hypocrisy so let's just move it that was quick let's just move
24:56on to our next story so a pregnant woman who is 28 weeks along called two
25:01different abortion clinics in Colorado and both clinics approved her for a
25:05late-term abortion with no medical or health reason required she just needed
25:11$10,000 for an abortion when her child is more than viable outside of the womb
25:18so I want to pull up a Twitter thread detailing this item went super viral 5.3
25:23million views but before we do that I do want to preface this by saying I don't
25:28have I'm a journalist that's what I my profession is and right now I've got to
25:33admit to my audience I have no way of proving that this person 100% called
25:37these clinics but I did my best my gut check reviewing this person's timeline
25:43this is an individual who's a former atheist a former feminist who became a
25:46Christian and is wildly in favor of traditional values so I'm just gonna put
25:51some stock into her experience explain it to you and if you come away saying oh
25:55I'm not convinced I totally understand so this reads from the feminist turned
26:00housewife on X I'm 28 weeks pregnant out of curiosity and for the sake of not
26:06just assuming this is possible in America I called two different random
26:11clinics in Colorado about late-term abortion both said I could come in and
26:15get the procedure done there wasn't a limit on gestational age both said I
26:21didn't need any medical or health reason simply a personal decision $10,000
26:27and I could go unalive my baby who at this stage is more than viable outside
26:33the womb simply because I wanted to she says this is evil and she goes on to say
26:41she cites the Guardian where the Guardian claims that abortion is legal
26:48with no limit in Colorado and there are 1.4 million women of reproductive age in
26:53the state she commented on this and said and for the in for the pro-aborts who
26:59are mad why isn't it a woman's choice why does it upset you that this is legal
27:03and possible if you're pro-choice and mad at this then maybe it's time to
27:07reevaluate your position on abortion every time we talk about abortion I do
27:12like to remind people that the majority of Americans do not believe that this is
27:17an acceptable timeline these unfettered abortions the majority of people in
27:23America believe in a 10 to 15 week limit and that is not what Democrats advocate
27:29for they are not reasonable on this issue okay I keep hearing this line from
27:34like the top brass of Democrats party or Democratic officials or whatever they
27:38say they don't want abortion up until birth and then if you go and look out
27:41there there isn't a single fucking law out there where Democrats have put
27:44together that says they should stop abortions on demand from happening at
27:48any point they're just liars they're just liars it's patently absurd and I
27:53think this this story only showcases that further but let's move on to our
27:58final story okay this one I think will draw some ire cuz it's crazy but a three
28:04judge panel ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to keep
28:08and bear arms in the United States yes that means there are judges out there
28:12who initially ruled that people who break our laws are allowed to keep and
28:18bear arms in this country like these are the people who want to take away your
28:24guns but they're totally cool with an illegal immigrant having one fucking
28:27crazy so I went and did research on this and usually I'd pull up an article but
28:32like no article did a good job of explaining this I linked the Breitbart
28:36one below but in all honesty it required like way too much background knowledge
28:40to actually read it to like normal people even I was a little lost and I do
28:46this literally all day every day so anyway I just wrote my own little
28:50rundown that I'm gonna read to you it says this all started back in 2022 when
28:55an illegal immigrant was charged with possession of a firearm so the immigrant
28:59or the illegal immigrants lawyer claimed that the Constitution allows the people
29:04to keep and bear arms not just citizens which is quite the line of thinking and
29:10then at the same time or about two years earlier an Obama appointed judge had
29:16ruled that there was an illegal immigrant who quote hadn't broken laws
29:21at the time he was caught with a gun which is quite the take given that he
29:25was illegally in the country so that's a law that he's broken but excuse me but
29:31the Obama appointed judge argued that this individual this illegal immigrant
29:37deserved to have a gun in 2020 because of the race riots happening in Chicago
29:41so let's unpack all that first off she says that like I said illegal immigrant
29:47hadn't broken law had broke law okay cool then he deserves to have a gun he
29:51deserves to have access to a firearm because of the race riots in 2020 maybe
29:57if you shut down the race riots in 2020 the illegal immigrants wouldn't feel so
30:01fucking unsafe in our country that they would need a firearm what the hell and
30:05so finally in the Lord's year 2024 the Fifth Circuit Fifth Circuit of Appeals
30:11decided and confirmed what we all need to need to be true that no illegal
30:17immigrants cannot own firearms so sanity has returned freaking insane oh my gosh
30:23okay well I guess since we're talking about lawsuits I saw in the story seekers
30:30channel that people are wanting me to address the new Trump indictment so
30:34let's get to that but before we do that do you know how horrible your tap water
30:39is or even your Brita filter water is water quality is going down the drain in
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31:12my bio to get your agua all right so here's what's going on with the Trump
31:19indictment all right to bring you up to speed if you're like Chrissy I have a no
31:23idea what's going on let me bring you up to speed as best I can so the Department
31:28of Justice under the name of a man named or under the auspices of a man
31:32named Jack Smith Jack Smith and the Department of Justice filed an indictment
31:37against Donald Trump legal filing against Donald Trump alleging that he
31:42illegally interfered in the 2020 election Trump pushed back through his
31:47legal team and said nah I have presidential immunity which means
31:52because I am president I have immunity or the ability to kind of do more than
31:57the average citizen and so when Trump pushed back about this this ended up
32:02going to the Supreme Court so the Supreme Court had to rule on whether
32:07Trump has immunity in specific acts and the court ruled that Trump does have
32:12immunity but only over actions that are considered official acts so official
32:17presidential acts acts that otherwise if he were an average citizen he could not
32:21do so that ruling came out and then the Justice Department under Jack Smith had
32:2860 days to refile charges so they had initially filed the indictment Trump
32:34fought back went up to the Supreme Court Supreme Court rules and now Jack Smith
32:38had 60 days to refile those charges and with just three days left the Department
32:43of Justice and Jack Smith refiled those charges so cool you're up to speed okay
32:48like what was that maybe 30 40 seconds right you're up to speed but story
32:53seekers Dave and Raymond chatted and asked about the updated indictment so
32:59what what's in the indictment now that's different than it was before I'm gonna
33:03take you through a couple of key takeaway takeaways takeaways and the
33:09first one being that these are slimmed down significantly not crazy
33:13significantly but nine pages significantly so that's I mean 45 to 36
33:18pages that's nothing to complain about right so the new documents were slimmed
33:23down significantly and the language was reworked so what the language here does
33:30is it specifies that the charges that the Department of Justice are filing
33:35against Trump are as Trump the private citizen Trump the presidential candidate
33:40not Trump the president so it says it argues Trump acted as a private citizen
33:47and not as president when he undertook the alleged scheme to sway the election
33:52the 2020 election right there's also somebody else who got their name dropped
33:59from the suit it says the fresh indictment also drops the claim that
34:03Trump tried to pressure DOJ officials to work to overturn his defeat so there was
34:09an initial claim that said Trump was pressuring the Justice Department to do
34:14illegal things and the high court since they ruled that Trump has presidential
34:18action this would have been a presidential action and so the Justice
34:22Department dropped this and moved on they we also uncovered and we heard
34:28because of the refiling that there's going to be a brand new grand jury
34:32that's going to oversee this that is new information as well and then the final
34:37point that I think even the BBC the article that we're reading even they
34:42realize is that this is going to be a very uphill battle it says the new
34:47indictment leaves in place several key allegations against Trump including that
34:51he attempted to persuade then VP Mike Pence to obstruct the election
34:55certification this is despite the fact that conversations between Trump and
35:00Pence would probably fall under the category of official acts for which
35:05Trump has immunity from prosecution because a conversation between the
35:09president and the vice president about the certification of an election as the
35:13current sitting president is probably not illegal it's covered under immunity
35:18so in short it's just a more refined version but Jack Smith I feel like Jack
35:24Smith is now on the defense as opposed to on the offense when it comes to this
35:29I also think you know you're not going to see any of this happen until after
35:34the election so it's not pressing it's still interesting but it's not a
35:39pressing matter it could all go away if Trump is winning this election or wins
35:44the election in November and speaking of election there's another underreported
35:49story worth covering and chatting about pretty quickly so Democrats are trying
35:55to keep RFK who already dropped out from the presidential race on the ballot in
36:01swing states there are Democrats in Michigan there are Democrats in
36:06Wisconsin who are fighting to keep RFK on the ballot specifically to draw votes
36:13away from Trump after RFK endorsed him over Kamala so Democrats think that they
36:19can just like keep RFK on the ballot and people will vote for him anyway and that
36:23will take votes away from Trump but this is the party of democracy right
36:28fucking clowns you guys they're fucking clowns not only did they they didn't
36:34just disenfranchise their voter base by putting Kamala in in this little
36:38switcheroo they're manipulating now swing state elections to their advantage
36:43like part of me is like I don't know if I'm like respect like that's genius or
36:49if I'm like that's downright awful you fucking assholes but Ben Shapiro
36:54responded to this by saying in response Republicans should move to keep Joe
36:59Biden's name on the ballot as well in as many swing states as possible would you
37:06let me know in the comments if you agree and speaking of RFK I am trying to I was
37:12thinking I'm like I want to end today's episode I'm like a happier note most of
37:15you guys are gonna listen to this like Thursday night Friday morning Saturday
37:18so I want this to be uplifting as you're headed into your weekend right so I
37:23teased RFK but he was on Tucker Carlson show and there's this I would call it an
37:29underreported section of that interview that I just found to be incredibly
37:34wholesome like I was just obsessed with listening to it so RFK was talking about
37:38why he got into environmentalism and I just think it's so beautiful let's roll
37:42the clip I got into the environment because I wanted you know this connection
37:48to the fishes and the birds and the wildlife and the whales and and the purple
37:55mountains majesty and that you know I understood that the way you know God
38:00talks to human beings through many vectors through each other through organized
38:03religion through the great prophets or the wise people the great books of those
38:08religion but nowhere with the kind of detail and texture and grace and joy as
38:15through creation and when we destroy nature we diminish our capacity to sense
38:21the divine like come on you can't tell me that wasn't touching and I do it made
38:26me think like a little bit more critically than just like oh you know
38:29like there's clearly this movement going on in the conservative movement that's
38:34pushing back against Big Pharma and it's represented in part by RFK and we're
38:39pushing back against Big Pharma we're pushing back against scream time we're
38:42pushing back against couch rotting whatever and I think there are some more
38:45like traditional neocon conservatives skeptical of a populist movement like
38:50this but I just want to remind you that even when the movement is about the
38:55environment or healthy eating at the end of the day those maybe more populist
39:00ideas are about bringing life back to how God intended us to live and I just
39:06can't think of anything more conservative than that that was so
39:11mushy for me so much she's squishy for me but that's okay I do have one final
39:16segment before I sign off for the day or for the weekend I should say this is a
39:20fan favorite truly you cannot be serious Kamala Harris wants to build a border
39:29wall could that possibly be real or is that absolutely satire well it's real
39:35baby I'm like I don't believe it's real because she hasn't had a single policy
39:41issue that she's solidified in writing but apparently Kamala Harris actually
39:47wants to close the border the Washington free weekend love them so much they put
39:53out this hilarious montage it's all credit to them I did not put this
39:57together it's all the free beacon let's roll it and the idea that we would have
40:01a president of the United States that vilifies immigrants that wants to build
40:05what I call his vanity project a multi-billion dollar wall which by the
40:10way will never get built you cannot hold the American people hostage over your
40:14vanity project on the subject of transnational gangs let's be perfectly
40:18clear the president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop them the
40:25president at this point is holding the American people hostage over his vanity
40:28project it's absolutely the height of irresponsibility that this administration
40:33is holding them and the American public hostage over the president's vanity
40:37project I was a prosecutor for many years including the Attorney General
40:40California I specialize on transnational criminal organization yeah that's that
40:45wall ain't gonna stop them we don't need a multi-billion dollar wall that wall
40:50ain't gonna stop them let me be very clear I'm not gonna vote for a wall
40:54under any circumstances Harris said that she supports the bipartisan border bill
40:59which includes requiring the Trump border wall that's so funny like how is
41:09that not satire I don't know all right that's all for me this week on the
41:13podcast front if you made it to the end will you drop the letter emoji to
41:17hearken back to our conversation about Tucker and Kamala's fake letter exchange
41:21be sure to check out the YouTube and rumble channels tomorrow and Monday for
41:26new video drops and I'll see you back on the podcast Tuesday bye friends
41:30thanks so much for watching if you liked what you heard please be sure to give
41:32this video a thumbs up and leave a comment about how beautiful stunning and
41:35funny I am and if you want more content based in logic be sure to click over
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