People HATE Me For This Take I Underreported Stories

  • 2 days ago
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00:30Hey everyone, welcome back to underreported stories where I cover the
00:59news that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News fail to report on or don't report on enough.
01:05So you guys have probably noticed, heard me at least say the term story seeker a
01:10couple of times on this channel and on the podcast. And story seekers is a
01:15members-only channel on my Instagram. It's completely free. I know members only
01:19sounds like you gotta pay for it. No, completely free and it's a place where
01:23I'm just gonna ask you questions about what you're interested in me talking
01:27about on the podcast. It's really just the best way for us to communicate. So
01:30Jonathan in our story seekers community wanted me to answer a question and the
01:36question was how to reach the emotional voter. I'm gonna answer this question so
01:41thank you Jonathan for this. Let me start by how not to reach the emotional voter.
01:47And let's be honest, when we're talking about the emotional voter, yes we might
01:51be talking about a handful of men. Don't get me wrong, I definitely see that they
01:54exist. But nine times out of ten I think we're talking about women, right? Like
01:59it's the women that are very emotional voters. And I think it's, you know, the
02:06people asking these questions typically, like Jonathan, are men wondering how to
02:11convince women to see their point of view. Because oftentimes you're right.
02:15Like I'm a woman and I see the truth here. But a lot of the times emotions
02:20will get in the way of that. So let me start by just painting the picture for
02:23you. So the demographics, they tell us that 63% of women who are voting for
02:30Democrats are unmarried. And I'm sure a lot of you guys are blessed and older
02:35and married. But let me just describe the culture for you right now. The culture
02:40around dating, specifically to women, and you can disagree but this is how I see
02:47it. Online the culture is you hit 30, you're fugly, you're worthless, you're
02:51only hot in your 20s, and also don't complain that no man in their 20s wants
02:56to settle down with you. Deal with it. But if no man wants to settle down with you
03:00in your 20s and you're 30, doesn't matter. It's still your fault you're fugly and
03:03you're probably a slut or something. Like that is all the online discourse I see
03:07about this topic. And then you couple that with a couple of one-off jokes or
03:14poorly tasted jokes about being a sad cat lady.
03:19And it all just kind of culminates in woman or women, sorry, being told it's
03:26their fault. It's your fault you're a sad cat lady because the dating scene is
03:30awful. You have to take accountability for some of it as women. If you're not
03:33prioritizing dating in your 20s, please don't be confused when you're in your 30s
03:37and you're you're not married or you're not dating seriously, right? Or you don't
03:41have kids or you don't have a family. That's on you. But if you are genuinely
03:45and earnestly trying to date in your 20s, I do think that there's an
03:50untalked-about culture about this epidemic of a lack of intelligent and
03:56kind men. There are just men that go out there, they get belligerent drunk every
04:00weekend, and I just keep hearing this online discourse like, women are just
04:04hoes too, blah blah blah. And I'm like, maybe it's at least in my own life. I can
04:09think of ten beautiful, God-seeking women in their late 20s who couldn't get
04:15arrested to catch a man who is of their true value. Like, they are wonderful and
04:21beautiful and the men that they find are like ugly and awful to them. And I just, I
04:27wouldn't find, like, I can't find somebody for them. I wouldn't find one singular
04:31person I would set them up with because the ratio of awesome women to awesome
04:36men, at least where I live, is whack as fuck. So tee all of that up with, like,
04:42there are great women, there are even great Republican women out there that
04:45are single, that just have the hardest time in this dating scene, and then a
04:49culture that says, it's your fault for being 30 and single and barren. Okay, tee
04:54all of that up to women, the emotional voter, and just know that they're not
04:59gonna respond well when you kind of are combative with them, okay? Because the
05:03truth is the emotional voter, the woman, responds to kindness. We are receptive to
05:07truth through kindness, and the culture is really not kind to women. And you don't
05:12have to like my answer, but that is my answer. And I saw this really bear out a
05:18couple of weeks ago. I went on this podcast called whatever. There are clips
05:23of the show on my YouTube channel. You can go and watch them. But at one point
05:27we got to the topic of abortion, and the way the show is set up, the premise of
05:31the show is, like, the host, who's like 35 and single, and usually somebody that's
05:37gonna debate alongside him, and then a couple of conservatives, and then a
05:40couple of, like, potential, like, OnlyFans models, or, like, crazy people. And on the
05:46panel I was on, there was a singer-songwriter, her name was Riley, and
05:49she identified as Catholic with pro-choice views. Now, I know what you
05:55think. And I saw what was happening there. Andrew and the host, the men on the
06:00panel, were sitting there, and they were barraging her, wondering, how can you
06:04hold the view that you are Catholic and pro-choice? It doesn't make any sense. And
06:07they just started attacking, attacking, attacking. And nothing was getting
06:10through to her. Like, they thought they were, like, roasting her and winning, and
06:13like, that's totally fine. It was good for clickbait. It was, like, good for their
06:15show. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have done that. But it wasn't going to
06:19change her mind, because emotionally, and in the culture that she lives in, being
06:24Catholic and being pro-choice makes sense. You can be with me. You can be with
06:29Andrew. You can be with Brian, the host. You and I know that that is silliness.
06:33But that is a very normal, worldly view in female circles. Watch any of these
06:40shows, any of these popular podcasts. They will talk about how they're
06:44religious, or how they're spiritual, but they're very adamantly pro-abortion.
06:49This is a view I, myself, once held. Like, this is a very common view. It is common
06:55among conservatives, too. Take the Tomi Lahren example, okay?
06:58No, I'm pro-choice, and here's why. I am a constitutional, you know, someone that loves
07:02the Constitution. I am someone that's for limited government, and so I can't sit
07:05here and be a hypocrite and say I'm for limited government, but I think that the
07:07government should decide what women do with their bodies. I can sit here and say
07:10that, as a Republican, and I can say, you know what? I'm for limited government, so
07:14stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well.
07:17In all of this story that I'm telling you, I explained to Riley, very calmly, this is,
07:22again, the girl that is Catholic and pro-choice, and I explained it to her
07:26through the emotional lens, and what I said to her was, there are general
07:32feelings and emotions that we have in society, specifically, too, that abortion
07:37is, like, a normal thing. It's a good thing that we should have, because we want to
07:41keep women, we want to allow women to have choice, and, like, the government
07:44shouldn't have a say over our bodies, because we're conservative, therefore,
07:48like, we're for a limited government, so that line of logic makes sense, and the
07:52second thing is that you are, that black people are likely to get shot by police,
07:57and I was, or unarmed black men are likely to get shot by police, and
08:01basically, my line of argument there to her was, we feel like those things are
08:04true, but if you actually go and dig into the data about what abortion is, what
08:09abortion stands for, what the history of abortion is, and then, similarly, in terms
08:13of, like, the whole police thing, if you go and look at how many unarmed black men
08:18are shot at the Washington Post, like, according to Washington Post data, it's
08:22not as many as the world and the media would like you to think.
08:26When it's in the womb, you know, no matter how long, like, do they, does the baby feel the abortion?
08:33You're talking about the gestation?
08:34Yeah, like, do they feel it in there, or, like, understand?
08:36It's actually one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through and, like, witness.
08:40I didn't have an abortion, I said that really wrong, but when I was your age, I
08:43had the same position as you, like, of course, I'm conservative, so, therefore,
08:47I'm, like, somewhat libertarian, and, therefore, I believe the government should not be involved
08:50in what I do with myself or my body, right?
08:52It's, like, actually a really normal line to come through, but, yes, that is why
08:57heartbeat bills are wildly important in states all across the nation.
09:02They're being passed because at a heartbeat, that is when the baby can feel pain, it's
09:07when they have a breathing heartbeat, and when I got her thinking, like, hey, I
09:11understand you feel that way, but the data actually doesn't align with that, so when
09:16I checked out the data, I felt those same things, too, but I realized that I was
09:21wrong when I read the data, and I noticed, and she told me at the end, that her mind
09:27was changed.
09:28It wasn't changed from the rage baiting, it wasn't changed from being, like, how
09:32the hell could you be Catholic and pro-choice?
09:34It wasn't changed by that.
09:36It was changed by someone, a woman, calmly sitting down with her and explaining to
09:40her irrationality in her logic.
09:43So, that was a long-winded answer, but you wanted my honest answer, and that's what
09:48I gave you, and if you want to reach your emotional voter, point them to strong women
09:54who can speak their language, and perhaps stop taking dating advice or conversational
09:59advice from 35-year-old single men who livestream for a living and have man boobs, okay?
10:05Thanks so much for watching.
10:06If you liked what you heard, please be sure to give this video a thumbs up and leave a
10:08comment about how beautiful, stunning, and funny I am, and if you want more content based
10:12in logic, be sure to click over here for more videos and clips of my show.
10:16If you have the means to financially support this show, consider purchasing from my merch
10:19line, Based Apparel, linked right below.
10:21I really appreciate it, and I'll see you back here next time.
10:24Bye, friends!
