All Hot Girls Are Conservative, Debate Predictions, & MORE! I Underreported Stories

  • 2 days ago
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00:55hey everyone welcome back to under-reported stories where I cover the
00:59news that CNN MSNBC and Fox News fail to report on or don't report on enough
01:04and I can't even get into the stories without starting off the show by
01:09expressing my true sadness about what's going on in the Middle East right now
01:12I'm gonna break it all down for you to better understand but as I'm recording
01:18this there are at least 500 rockets that have been launched into Israel from Iran
01:24which is really the sites are devastating there are already people who
01:27have lost their lives it has been confirmed that at least one of the
01:31people that is a Palestinian man as well so yeah we're gonna get into all of that
01:35as well as I was wake making the show today and I just completely forgot to do
01:41a docket so we're just going to fly by the seat of our pants today and you guys
01:47know it's wedding week it's wedding week it's wedding week so we're gonna talk
01:53about the sad we're gonna talk about the happy we're gonna talk about the stories
01:56we're gonna talk about the debate and that's the docket I have for you today
02:00so let's launch into the whole Israel thing so Israel over the last few days
02:07has been launching rockets into Lebanon now Lebanon good buddies with Iran okay
02:13they're very similar and we can get into all of that but Israel had launched a
02:19some rockets into southern Lebanon in hopes of killing top Hezbollah Hezbollah
02:25is a terrorist group located in Lebanon in hopes of taking out some of their
02:30infrastructure and then last yesterday which would have been Monday Israel
02:34launched a ground invasion into southern Lebanon and they are now currently under
02:39fire from rockets being launched into the country completely indiscriminately
02:45at civilians in Tel Aviv the biggest city there okay just not targeted at
02:49anything targeted just at killing people that's the rockets that are coming from
02:54Iran okay there have been 500 rockets launched into the country into Israel by
03:00Iran and there is a very common misconception that you're gonna hear in
03:04the news and I this is if I could ask you to take away one thing from today's
03:08show it would be this there is this long-standing myth I want to say that
03:15Hezbollah which is the terrorist organization that operates in Lebanon is
03:18just this affiliate of Iran it's not an affiliate the IRGC which is the Iranian
03:27Revolutionary Guard Corps or whatever they're called they are the their
03:33terrorist rank terrorist wing slash army of Iran they pay money to Hezbollah
03:43like Iranian leadership directly funds Lebanon if I was being directly funded
03:50by let's say the Republican Party I wouldn't be an affiliate of the
03:56Republican I would be part of the Republican Party because I am directly
04:02on their payroll I am directly getting resources from them we would have no
04:07qualms about saying that so it is quite the myth to say that Hezbollah is in the
04:11affiliate of Iran it is Iran and that's why it's not odd per se that Iran is
04:19shooting rockets into Israel now of course my heart hurts because this is
04:22like the Holy Land as a Christian I am in favor of Israel and its existence and
04:28as a moral person I also think that if you're gonna have to choose between
04:33countries that promote terrorism and a country that post promotes general peace
04:39in the Middle East and stands for pretty Western values I'm gonna pick the
04:43country with Western values but this isn't a debate about Israel versus
04:46Palestine this is just really really sad what is happening over there but I
04:51actually was going to talk about Israel on today's show before all of the
04:56rockets started launching that was just kind of a bonus thing I wanted to talk
05:00about with you guys because it's happening right now but this morning you
05:05guys know anybody that's watched the show for five minutes knows I love to
05:09talk about my morning news reading habits so I'm reading my morning news
05:12this morning and everything I clicked on every news outlet that they all started
05:18with Israel launches ground invasion into Lebanon now we started the show
05:23with with talking about that today of course it's a big deal okay obviously
05:29war in general is a very big deal but you would think that how do I put this
05:38the ground strike into Israel or the ground invasion of Israel into Lebanon
05:43is one thing rockets being fired in Israel from Iran is another that is
05:49borderline World War three Israel going in and doing like a on the ground
05:54operation I don't think that was necessarily like the premise for World
05:58War three the way that 500 rockets being shot indiscriminately at civilians is
06:03going to now start potentially World War three but the main story on every
06:10single news outlet today was all about Israel launching this ground invasion of
06:16course it's important but you'd think that there was nothing massive going on
06:22in the u.s. because this Israel story is the top story everywhere and to me this
06:28might just not observation it was almost like the media specifically this was
06:33happening in left-wing media was trying to use a story that they know is gonna
06:37piss every liberal off evil BBs attacking Lebanon right and they're
06:42using that to distract from the massive debate that's happening tonight between
06:47Tim Walz and JD Vance and more importantly the massive dock workers
06:52strike that's about to happen that is gonna destroy our economy if that if
06:56nobody changes anything it's it's wild and it's very clearly a distraction
07:03tactic like you see right through you don't think for a second I don't see you
07:07it was very interesting but let me know your thoughts in the comments do you
07:12think that I'm just getting this wrong and all Americans really care about the
07:16Israeli ground strikes or ground invasion honestly I don't think
07:23Americans care about that as much as they care about the dock worker strikes
07:26or the debate that's happening tonight whether I agree with that or not I just
07:32think that's the truth most Americans don't care about what's happening
07:35thousands of miles away from them but the media would love to divert your
07:41attention that way just noticing something but anyway like I said we were
07:47gonna cover some heavy topics at the front but I want to keep this uplifting
07:50as you guys notice if you're watching today's show on YouTube Rumble X or
07:54Facebook I'm wearing a bride shirt okay if you're in the listening audience well
07:59I'm wearing a bride shirt okay and that is because I'm getting married this week
08:04um it's the last episode of the week okay I am NOT gonna be doing the show on
08:09Thursday because why would I do that I have a party bus to go on guys
08:14priorities here in life I just think it's gonna be so much fun my family's
08:18already in town too so I like I said I prepped today's show differently because
08:23I'm just so excited to go be with my family we just put an offer on a house
08:28now mind you that could not work out at all we really lowballed them so we'll
08:32see but my life is just changing in ways that I can't even describe and there's
08:37just so much going on so I'm very anxious I'm very excited it's so crazy
08:43because anxiety and excitement they're the same emotion or they come out in the
08:47same way but they they're not the same emotion but I feel so much anxiety but
08:52so much excitement it's just crazy you know I've been planning this for so long
08:55Jake and I first went to look at rings together in December of 2022 so I've
09:01kind of had this been in bride mentality in some way shape or form since December
09:07of 2022 which is like almost two years ago so to see all of the hard work and
09:13all of the thoughts and energy and visions I've had start to come to life I
09:18am just I'm so excited okay well before we get into the stories there was one
09:24other topic I wanted to talk about sorry I'm like teasing you guys today
09:28real hard so I want to talk about this Newsweek article because it's everywhere
09:33on X right now it was titled how hot girls became the right to new obsession
09:40and the premise of this article is that conservatives are just so obsessed with
09:45hot women which is a really odd take because is our liberal men not obsessed
09:53with hot women our liberal men anti our liberals anti hot women like I don't
09:58really get this take it was a weird take and you can read the article just Google
10:05like hot girls Newsweek or something like that I don't think this is a new
10:10obsession I don't know if Newsweek art or music journalists never got out of
10:17the house but it's weird I posted to Twitter a tweet about this I was saying
10:21hot girls aren't inherently conservative it's just that hot girls
10:27take care of themselves they go to the gym they shave their armpits they you
10:34know they have there's a lot of upkeep that it takes to be an attractive person
10:39on males or females it takes a lot of work right you're going to the gym
10:43you're constantly keeping to upkeep it it takes time to do your eyebrows and
10:47for some women get Botox and color their hair all the all the things that
10:51keep you traditionally hot then couple that with you know hot people
10:56traditionally you say I'm gonna venture to say nine times out of ten they're not
11:02obsessed with politics they have other hobbies they have other things that they
11:07think about other than how the patriarchy is holding them down or
11:11random shit like that and so when I heard this I was like hot has just
11:17become synonymous with conservative not because every hot girl is conservative
11:22but because online liberals have become so fucking weird that if you're semi hot
11:28you look conservative I was just making this point not that long ago I did a
11:33whole video on this girl named Jordan is my lawyer she runs a podcast called
11:38unbiased and she does news from an unbiased point of view and she was
11:42getting wrecked online by social justice warriors and they were shitting on her
11:47for being conservative even though there wasn't a modicum of evidence to show
11:51that she's conservative I was just saying liberals are super biased towards
11:55pretty people because they associate pretty people with conservatives is not a
11:59conservative thing it's like a general feeling a general sentiment we have all
12:03felt in the culture and that's why videos asking people like who's hotter
12:08conservative or liberal those go mega viral because it's something we've all
12:11just noticed like hot women tend to be conservative it's just a thing let me
12:17know if you notice that as well but there was one other note I wanted to
12:20make about this article before we get into the stories there is a study I
12:27mentioned all the time and it's because the numbers are so easy to remember
12:31there has been a 26 point shift in men under the age of 26 who are now
12:37identifying as conservative so if you're under the age of 26 you're Gen Z
12:41you have seen 26 points or 26% basically shift in men now identifying as
12:48conservative yeah that's because men like hot women and if women hot women
12:53are conservative then they're gonna go be conservative like it's really not
12:56that hard to piece together Newsweek just a thought but let me know if you
13:03guys read the article now if you have any other thoughts please people feel
13:07free to share them all right without further ado let me stop teasing you
13:11let's get into the five underreported stories that you need to know and the
13:15five underreported stories that you need to know is brought to you by freedom to
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14:08let's get into our first story so a leading psychiatrist was fired for
14:13expressing concern about gender reassignment surgery for minors dr.
14:18Allen Josephson was terminated from the University of Louisville in 2019 for
14:23expressing concerns about gender dysphoria and the surgeries for gender
14:29dysphoric minors the weird part of this story is that the comments never took
14:35place in the classroom so it wasn't like dr. Josephson was saying to a classroom
14:41of students that gender dysphoric minors shouldn't have access to health care or
14:47that's not even what he said he said gender dysphoric minors should probably
14:51not be given life-altering surgeries and puberty blockers and whatnot which
14:55is really not a crazy take but those comments that he did make which that's
15:02kind of the gist of what he said they weren't made in the classroom he made
15:06those comments the professor on a panel for the nonprofit the conservative
15:10nonprofit the Heritage Foundation and this was outside and apart from his
15:15university work and then after those comments were made within a two-year
15:20span this professor was constantly being discriminated against from the school
15:24and the school ultimately terminated him and didn't even deny that it fired him
15:31over those specific comments so naturally all of us are like okay well
15:37that's a free speech violation quite clearly right because the university
15:43can't fire somebody for the free speech that they have their own opinions but
15:48secondly even if those comments were made in the classroom I still think
15:52that's his right to do so but they weren't even made at the classroom they
15:56were made at a Heritage Foundation panel where he was asked for his analysis as a
16:01well esteemed psychologist he's well within his rights to do that there's no
16:07academic contract that prohibits you from doing that and so obviously dr.
16:13Josephson proceeded to sue the university for this and a court very
16:18recently ruled in favor of dr. Josephson and it wasn't just a like a total oh
16:23yeah you won free speech win victory yay that's not what happened here
16:28basically a court ruled that his case can now go to trial so a jury can now
16:33come in and decide whether the university actually violated dr.
16:37Josephson's free speech so that's kind of the gist of the story I am very
16:43curious though like where do you guys think these universities get this
16:47audacity I mean I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the students are the
16:52ones complaining but there's this fine line that no one likes to discuss
16:58because it's I don't know it's down the middle and people don't like to discuss
17:02down the middle things but there is this very fine line between giving college
17:08students autonomy and control over their education because you want them to
17:12specialize things that actually matter you want to give them control of the way
17:16that they grow and flourish in those four years of college and explore and
17:21whatnot there's a difference between that and then letting the crazies run
17:25the asylum and really what we've realized over the last couple of years I
17:29would say the last 15 to 20 years is that the college kids probably don't
17:33deserve as much control and autonomy over their education as they think they
17:37do because it just results in professors getting fired for completely
17:42normal reactions and it's really not doing much for the college students
17:47actually it's a very interesting trend maybe I'll have to make a video on it a
17:50separate time but there's a interesting trend going on right now talking about
17:54how all the Gen Z'ers are getting fired and as a Gen Z'er who has been fired
18:02I've been laid off twice and fired once and I've held four four or five jobs
18:09I'm on my fifth job now which is crazy and I'm a conservative I'm a very very
18:13hard worker I'm not gonna defend myself some of them were extenuating
18:18circumstances so I don't hold it against myself but there is a trend where this
18:22is happening we're just Gen Z'ers are unable to say employed and a lot of it
18:29has to do with this idea that these crazy education systems allow the
18:34students to have so much control over everything that's happening in their
18:38four years of college that they get out into the real world and they're like
18:41everyone wants me to succeed everyone wants me to do good things like the
18:45world is set up for me I'm gonna come in I'm gonna bring my dumbass ideas into
18:49the workspace and everyone's gonna love them that's certainly not the case all
18:53these companies care about is the bottom line are you going to contribute to
18:56making the bottom line good are you gonna contribute to making the bottom
18:59line like lower that's all they care about and when you don't realize that
19:04you become a horrible employee because you think that the company cares about
19:08giving you mental health days or some crap like that they give that to you as
19:12like a handout type of deal there they're usually taking some sort of
19:16benefit away from you when they're doing that but people Gen Z just like hasn't
19:20woken up to that it's very interesting and they're pretty much unemployable and
19:26I think that the university systems that go about problems I'll say in the same
19:32manner that they're handling this where they're allowing the kids to just say oh
19:36we don't like that professor's thought get him out or we don't like this about
19:39the school change it we're paying for the school therefore we need to do it
19:43there is this fine line where you need to tell students no in some cases the
19:47universities need to have the balls to say absolutely not you're done we're
19:51keeping this professor this is his free speech you don't have to like it you
19:54don't have to take that class but we need to keep him in place and again I
19:58think it's it's kind of a circular argument though because a lot of the
20:01professors that are in these classes or the teaching these classes or our
20:05administrators at these universities they also hold the same beliefs as some
20:09of these crazy students and they've been given too much control as well I want to
20:13get to our second story which is another story about free speech one that is kind
20:18of an update of sorts actually so the satirical news outlet the Babylon B if
20:24you don't know what the Babylon B is what are you crazy how just type in
20:29Babylon B you'll thank me later anyway the Babylon B is a satirical news site
20:34and it filed a lawsuit against California on Monday so we talked about
20:39this on the show hmm maybe two or three weeks ago but a couple of months ago
20:46Elon Musk reposted this parody video it was a Kamala Harris campaign ad it
20:53couldn't have been more of a joke you guys if you go back to the show it was
20:56so funny I believe it was our Thursday September 19th show if you're looking
21:02for it it was very very funny so what it would have been one two three shows ago
21:07three shows ago we were talking about this story and in that show you can see
21:11the Kamala campaign ad that was it was clearly Kamala's voice as AI but Gavin
21:17Newsom saw this he's the governor of California and he thought that AI
21:22clearly parody ads should be illegal and so over the course between July and
21:28September he took action and passed a law that forbids political expression
21:35that is considered deceptive content and that includes parody videos this is
21:43temporary though I will add the parody video ban so basically what the bill
21:49reads is that parody videos and deep fakes are not allowed in California
21:54within 120 days before the election day so November 5th and then 60 days after
22:00election day but the Babylon B is now suing to stop this they're suing to stop
22:07the state because it appears that they've targeted satire the state has
22:12targeted satire and parody outlets so they're arguing basically that
22:17California is targeting their news outlet now obviously you guys know my
22:23thoughts on Newsom's law and in the regulations or restrictions around AI's
22:29and deep fakes I understand the problem about it but we have laws in place for a
22:34reason when it comes to free speech and our ability to express ourselves if you
22:39are so dumb that you can't figure out that a Kamala Harris campaign ad that
22:44calls herself a deep state puppet isn't a joke you probably aren't smart enough
22:50to vote and I would just venture to say please don't vote in this election
22:53you're not smart enough if you can't figure out the difference between that
22:56and I think that's what's irritating about Gavin Newsom is he needs to baby
23:00and coddle people if people can't figure out between real news and fake news yes
23:06I know it's become increasingly difficult in this new age of digital
23:10media trust me I know I would love to not have a podcast I would love to just
23:13be able to go into the ether and never talk about under reported stories
23:17because the media was just doing their job and doing it incredibly but trust me
23:21I understand but Gavin Newsom's inability to let people think for
23:27themselves or figure things out for themselves is like the nanny state times
23:31a thousand right I will say I wanted to pose this question to the audience
23:38because I am curious if the left knew how to mean hypothetically obviously
23:46they can't and the right was the one taking the barbs for deep fakes do you
23:54think it would change your opinion on this do you think you'd be like yeah we
23:59should outlaw this because if if there were just all these videos of fake
24:03Trump campaign ads do you think that conservatives would be on the opposing
24:09end of this I don't know or like would they be willing to change this and
24:13implement this although to be fair California is not the only state putting
24:16out laws like this I think there are like 14 other states California is just
24:19the only one that's taking a step further and said something along the
24:23lines of we're outlawing parody and they don't say that expressly but they are
24:26outlawing parody but we'll see how this plays out because I don't the Babylon
24:33bees lawsuit I think they have a really good case don't get me wrong this is a
24:36violation of free speech they also it's not just like the Babylon be suing
24:39there's a bunch of conservative organizations backing this so I
24:43definitely think they have a shot at winning the question is do they have a
24:46shot at winning it's something like this in a timely manner because this is
24:50already enacted this law and it is going to impact the election and so I just
24:56have my doubts that the court is going to move quickly enough to warrant any
25:02change in behavior or action before the election comes I guess it's always good
25:08to take action because it's it's not like they knew well in advance like they
25:12took action when they saw a problem and they're trying to rectify it but I'm
25:16just I don't know if a judge can issue an injunction and say hey you can't do
25:22that you're gonna nix the law while we're waiting in the interim for this
25:27lawsuit to go through it will be very interesting to see but I definitely have
25:32my doubts about whether this is actually going to be whether this is
25:38actually going to do anything or move the needle writ large but anyway
25:42something I would love to something I would love to see change is our illegal
25:49immigration crisis and we talked about this probably every show but this number
25:53is going to blow your freaking mind actually so I was reading this report
25:59from the Federalist this morning turns out more than 647,000 that's over half a
26:07million it's almost to a quarter of a million illegal immigrants who are
26:12convicted or suspected of assault homicide or other heinous crimes let me
26:19underline emphasize bold heinous these are not just crimes these are assault
26:24homicide heinous crimes these people 647,000 of them are roaming free
26:30throughout the United States and we don't even know this from our federal
26:34government we know this because the deputy director of ice wrote a letter to
26:39a congressman disclosing this information and then that congressman
26:43made it public to us which is just pathetic that our federal government
26:47wouldn't do anything about this what they are truly but here's the
26:52information here's a story so July of 2024 this is the data that we have 425,000
27:02431 non-citizens who are convicted of criminal offenses as well as 222,000 141
27:12non-citizens with pending criminal charges are roaming free through this
27:18country they're not in the custody of ice they're just out there I am truly
27:25when I say this putting politics aside I do not see in any world where a normal
27:34liberal would look at those numbers and say yeah those people should be here no
27:41absolutely I talk about this a lot and I'm I even talked about at the top of
27:46the show and I was saying that you know not all hot people are conservative it
27:50just feels that way not all Democrats are crazy not all liberals are crazy and
27:55I genuinely wholeheartedly believe that the two things I will just go go to the
28:04top of the hills go to my grave on is that most liberals don't think that
28:09illegal immigrants who are criminals should just be roaming our streets and
28:13they also don't believe in this whole like trans ideology crap they just are
28:16going along with it to get along okay those are my two hills I'll fucking die
28:20on and when it comes to illegal immigration if you don't know this if
28:26you are a legal citizen as someone who came and immigrated to this country you
28:30get in so much trouble with the law in any minor offense nonetheless a major
28:36offense oh your ass is on a plane home why is the same not true of illegal
28:41immigrants I mean I know everybody knows everyone feels frustrated I want
28:44to be another conservative commentator being like oh my gosh illegal immigrants
28:48where I get it's fucking annoying it's so fucking annoying to constantly hear
28:54about the influx and influx and influx of criminals into this country stop
28:59fucking deport them if they if they hit a major crime if they are assaulting
29:06people if they are murdering people if they're you know committing massive
29:10heinous crimes you're gone why is that so hard we can disagree about a lot of
29:16things when it comes to illegal immigration but this this should be
29:20really easy to agree on you commit a crime you're gone it's so simple and I
29:26know that the average liberal agrees with me so I know I'm not out of touch
29:31here talking about this from some like wool wool conspiracy conservative place
29:35no that's not what's happening no other people who are on the left feel this way
29:41to Democrats are so freaking out of touch with their their base they have no
29:45idea what's going on they're living in la la land oh my gosh and did you guys
29:49see that Kamala finally went to the border ooh congrats you're a little late
29:52you're a little late I was listening to one of my friends his name's Lou Holly
29:56who's talking on his YouTube channel and it was so funny he put it in such a
30:00great way saying that Kamala Harris is like an ex or a soon-to-be ex where
30:05you're in a relationship and you just want that person to pay attention to you
30:10and you're like please please and so you threaten to break up with her or him and
30:14all of a sudden she or he starts to change and show up and do the things you
30:20wanted them to do all along because they're toxic and that's exactly what
30:24Kamala Harris is doing the border she realizes it's one of her weakest issues
30:28even though she's been a border czar for like four years and all of a sudden
30:32she's like okay I'm gonna do something about it okay Kamala you could have
30:36done something about it the whole time you could do something about it right
30:38now but she doesn't want to she doesn't want to it's very evident anyway I'm
30:45gonna sweat out of my damn sweatshirt and you can see pit stains and white so
30:52I guess I gotta move on clearly clearly I need to move on all right guys let's
30:58get into our next story so much for a happy and uplifting I'm full of shit
31:02today right okay for real next story I have decided to coin a new phrase and
31:06I'm sure I'm not like the first person to do this but in my mind I am so I'm
31:10coining the phrase the climate industrial complex because it's like a
31:14riff off of the military industrial complex everybody right left center
31:18we're all bitching about the military industrial complex except for Nikki
31:21Haley right but I have my question for you where are the complaints for the
31:26climate industrial complex because it exists and this story that I'm about to
31:30bring to you it really gives such good insight into the way that DC is
31:34operating and climate change has just become this new way to funnel money to
31:39democratic activists so here's the story bear with me it's kind of difficult but
31:44I feel like I've per usual I'm trying my best to explain it to you in a very easy
31:49to understand manner so this is exemplified this climate industrial
31:54complex growth is induct is exemplified should say sorry by a woman named Carol
32:01Browner and Carol used to work for the Obama administration and now after
32:07working in the White House she advises for a company called blue whale
32:12materials it's a recycling company that pushes for green initiatives if you're
32:16looking for you know another example think of it as Nikki Haley works in
32:22White House Nikki Haley now advises for Boeing okay everybody found that to be
32:26problematic and so this Carol character is kind of doing the same thing the
32:30problem with Carol is that while she works for as a lobbyist she also works
32:37for or sorry while she works for a nonprofit she's also lobbying the
32:44government for legislation that ultimately funds the clients that she
32:50has like blue whale materials okay so what's happening is that Carol uses her
32:56connections to the White House to push for legislation that gives money to her
33:01clients and we know this because the Biden-Harris administration just
33:05announced a fifty five point two million dollar grant to blue whale materials so
33:11that's interesting she's basically helping to funnel using her government
33:16connections to funnel money to her clients and as a cherry on top I'm not
33:19saying that that's illegal I'm just pointing out that this has been
33:22considered problematic when the military industrial complex does it right cherry
33:27on top Carol's nonprofit also spent fifty five million dollars in ads for
33:31Kamala Harris so that's so interesting huh I just it's interesting because the
33:37liberals love to play this like holier-than-thou game while also creating
33:43another industrial complex to enrich their preferred groups to get rich off
33:48of the climate ideology wars which are the very thing they claim to hate just
33:55how have we let it get this far how did we not learn from history that the
34:00climate change thing was a whole scam like I know conservatives were talking
34:04about it but we weren't looking at in like the industry or the I'm trying to
34:11think of the right word sorry I'm not your podcast didn't stop I'm just trying
34:14to think of the right word I just think the infrastructure is the right word the
34:17infrastructure for something like this we just let everything that happened
34:20with the military industrial complex copy and paste happen in the climate
34:24world now they're using climate change as a way to enrich each other it's
34:28ridiculous and I by the way I could probably see this happening in the DEI
34:32sphere as well it's a way to manipulate money we see it in small scales with
34:35like you know five or fortune 500 companies enriching organizations that
34:41one of their sibling or one of their HR managers siblings runs or something
34:46crazy like that we see that happening all the time but when it comes with
34:49taxpayer money and federal money 55 million of which is going to recycling
34:54cleanups something just feels off it seems off and I'm just gonna take my gut
35:01feelings I'm just gonna listen to my gut feelings cuz they're usually right
35:04yeah and speaking of gut feelings somebody have a bad gut feeling about is
35:10Tim Walz I always have I always will this guy is a beta weenie he is truly
35:16the weenie of my life right now so that brings me to our final story which is
35:23about Tim Walz and also after that I want to get into my debate predictions
35:27and I want to hear yours as well so final story the Washington Free Beacon
35:32uncovered an old video where Tim Walz claimed he was in Hong Kong when the
35:38Chinese Communist Party was indiscriminately killing students back in
35:431989 as part of the Tiananmen Square Massacre so here's a clip of Tim Walz
35:48saying he was in China as a young man I was just going and going to teach high
35:54school in in Fosun in Guangdong and was in Hong Kong in May of of 89 and as the
36:00events were unfolding several of us went in and I still remember the train
36:05station in Hong Kong it was a large number especially European I think very
36:09angry that we would we would still go after what had happened but it was my
36:13belief at that time that the diplomacy was going to happen on many levels
36:16certainly people the people and the opportunity to be in a Chinese high
36:20school at that critical time seemed to me to be really important and it was a
36:24very interesting summer to say the least because if you recall as we moved in
36:29that summer and further on and the news blackouts and things that went on you
36:33certainly can't black out news from people if they want to get it and I can
36:36still clearly remember the fall when the Berlin Wall fell and what was happening
36:40the problem here is that through extensive investigation it was
36:44ultimately uncovered that Tim Walz was in Nebraska when he claims to be in
36:49China and in case the investigation was enough there's also an article from
36:54April of 1989 saying that Tim Walz had accepted a volunteer teaching position
36:59in China and was leaving for that position in August not April which was
37:06after the Tiananmen Square massacre I think when I hear these stories one of
37:11the things that comes to my mind is like how is it so easy for this guy to lie
37:15you know the the left took so much umbrage with George Santos and I'm not
37:19saying that Tim Walz is as bad as George Santos but like George Santos was
37:23he's being criminally prosecuted for lying and lying and lying and yet we
37:28have no problem when Tim Walz lies I'm not advocating for indicting the guy I
37:32don't think his lies were nearly as bad as George Santos or nearly on the the
37:35level but they're not that far off and the left just takes so much umbrage when
37:40it happens to somebody on the right but when somebody on the left lies lies
37:43lies lies lies there's no problem like how can you beat Kamala Harris and sit
37:47there and be like Trump has an over-exaggeration problem he's a liar
37:51when your own VP pick is such a liar but anyway VP talk that's what I want to be
37:58talking about now debate predictions drop yours in the comment if you can I
38:02would love to hear your debate predictions or if you've already watched
38:05the debate because you're listening to this episode on a Wednesday or Thursday
38:07or you're like missing me on Friday the whole weekend whatever you need a dose
38:12of Chrissy well then let me know your debate thoughts post right so here are
38:18my initial thoughts I am so over debates I can tell you personally that I have a
38:23sushi reservation at 7 and that's where I'll be tonight I won't be watching this
38:27I will catch the highlights on Twitter or X or whatever don't get me wrong and
38:31I will do my research but even if I wasn't getting married this week I still
38:37just wouldn't pay that much attention to this because these have become
38:40increasingly stupid they're just an inc they've increasingly become an
38:47opportunity for left-wing journalists to become part of the narrative and so I
38:51think that this is already going to be incredibly slanted against JD Vance and
38:55I can see that because I'm going through and I'm looking at some of the questions
38:59that it's anticipated the moderators are going to ask and they're fucking stupid
39:04okay first off why Vance was spreading misinformation about the pet situation
39:12in Springfield Ohio I personally have debunked some of what was happening in
39:19Springfield Ohio as a conservative commentator made no qualms about the
39:22fact that I thought what they were doing wasn't the best on a national debate
39:26stage do I care about what was happening with migrants in a small town like this
39:31is such a you have to be in the zeitgeist to understand it and these
39:36debates are supposed to be for people who don't turn on politics regularly
39:40they're not gonna normal people don't understand this story normal people
39:45think that like that they know about this whole debacle very in like a very
39:51small amount of information they're not consuming this and so the idea that JD
39:56Vance spread misinformation after Tim Wong's lies and lies and lies and lies
40:01and lies it's just a dumbass question and you already know that they're gonna
40:04ask that it's already slanted another question they're gonna ask JD Vance why
40:10have you made past remarks about Donald Trump why did Kamala Harris make past
40:13remarks about Biden was able to be his VP perfectly fine what a retarded
40:17question that's so dumb like you you have to be mentally challenged to think
40:24that that is a good this is an opportunity to ask such a dumb question
40:28JD Vance has also been interviewed so many times I believe like 60 something
40:32plus times since he's been announced as the VP candidate back in June and he has
40:37time and time again explained his change in heart over Donald Trump and his
40:42evolution in the last like how long has it been like eight or nine years since
40:48he first made those comments if the media held Kamala Harris's feet to the
40:52fire over what she said in 2016 or sorry 2020 when she called Joe Biden
40:58racist or insinuated he was racist and then took on a role as his vice
41:02president sure by all stretch of the means ask JD Vance this question but
41:05they didn't do that so don't come on the stage and ask people about or use this
41:11as an opportunity to be like actually JD Vance hates Donald Trump because that's
41:15all you're doing you're you're portraying your narrative to an audience
41:18that doesn't pay as much attention and so I just I think this is slanted from
41:22the get-go I don't trust these people there suck ass at their job they're not
41:26really interested in doing journalism they're interested in pushing their
41:29narrative and I'm I'm kind of at a place where I understand why people don't want
41:33to do these debates anymore I think it's imperative that we do them and we have
41:37them because it is necessary for our democracy but journalists need to be
41:41actual journalists in order to be taken seriously and be granted with the
41:45opportunities for this I really do see both sides of this I think it's gonna be
41:48a shit show tonight I think Tim Walz is gonna come off as
41:51sympathetic I think JD Vance is a very confident man and women are gonna take a
41:56umbrage with that because they don't like the idea that he comes across as
41:59like a confident alpha male they're gonna call him you know yucky or whatnot
42:03I just don't think it's gonna play that well so I'll be interested to see
42:07whether from the recaps or not I'm right but let me know your thoughts again as a
42:12heads off as a heads off that would be quite the same as a heads up I'm gonna
42:17be off for the rest of the week and I'm gonna take off Monday so yeah I deserve
42:23it guys I'm gonna go enjoy my wedding week and celebrating with my friends it
42:27feels really weird because when this podcast is over and like a couple of
42:32minutes I'm out like I'm out the door I'm going to celebrate it's crazy but
42:37I'm gonna be back Tuesday the podcast is the first content I'm gonna be making as
42:42a married woman so yeah anyway if you're a real one and you made it to the end of
42:48the show will you drop the fire emoji in the comments and let me know your debate
42:53night predictions or thoughts if you watch this after the debate thank you
42:57guys so much I'll see you here next time thanks so much for watching if you liked
43:02what you heard please be sure to give this video a thumbs up and leave a
43:04comment about how beautiful stunning and funny I am and if you want more content
43:08based in logic be sure to click over here for more videos and clips of my
43:11show if you have the means to financially support the show consider
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43:18appreciate it and I'll see you back here next time bye friends
