APBN Bergerak dan Berfungsi Secara Efektif

  • 2 days ago
Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati memastikan peran APBN dalam pembangunan nasional ke depan tetap akan menjadi pendorong utama pertumbuhan ekonomi secara nasional. Untuk itu, Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) berharap optimalisasi fungsi dan tugas pengelolaan keuangan negara harus efektif dan transparan.


00:00Thank you, Mr. President.
00:05Thank you, Mr. President.
00:07Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati,
00:09ensures that the role of the PBN in the future national development
00:12will continue to be the main driving force for economic growth nationally.
00:17Therefore, the Minister of Finance hopes
00:19that the country's function and management functions
00:22must be effective and transparent.
00:24MNQ Sri Mulyani wants the government to come
00:27and can make maximum use of all economic potential
00:31to increase the strength and solidity of income
00:35and country spending in an inclusive way.
00:40In fact, the PBN must be managed in a synergistic way.
00:44If those who run it themselves do not understand,
00:48I am worried that we will not know how to manage,
00:52how to use it for national purposes.
