SEVEN LITTLE AUSTRALIANS - Episode 7 - "Into the Sun"

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SEVEN LITTLE AUSTRALIANS - Episode 7 - "Into the Sun"
Originally broadcast 7th October 1973

SEVEN LITTLE AUSTRALIANS was a 10 part television mini-series based on Ethel Turner's best selling 1894 novel that aired on ABCTV in 1973 between 26th August to 28th October 1973 winning a Gold Logie for Best New Drama in 1974.

Story synopsis - Klassic 1880s Australian drama concerning a strict army widower taking on a new wife & attempt to control difficult situations caused by seven mischievous children.

Cast - Barbara Llewellyn as Meg Woolcot
Mark Clark as Pip Woolcot
Anna Hruby as Nell Woolcot
Jennifer Cluff as Judy Woolcot
Tania Falla as Baby Woolcot
Mark Shields-Brown as Bunty Woolcot
Christian Robinson as The General
Leonard Teale as Captain John Woolcot
Elizabeth Alexander as Esther Woolcot
Ruth Cracknell as Martha

Produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in association with ETHEL TURNER PRODUCTIONS and the AUSTRALIAN FILM DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION
Television soundtrack composed by Bruce Smeaton
Arranged by Geoff Hales and Bruce Smeaton
Played by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Original story by Ethel Turner & Adapted by Eleanor Witcombe
Executive Producer - Charles Russell
Directed by Ron Way


00:30I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:32I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:34I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:36I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:38I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:40I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:42I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:44I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:46I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:48I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:50I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:52I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:54I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:56I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
00:58I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:02I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:04I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:06I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:08I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:10I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:12I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:14I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:16I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:18I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:20I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this.
01:22Poor little soul.
01:24When I saw that pale, drawn little face as John carried her up from the boathouse,
01:29I knew Judy was desperately ill.
01:32It seemed an eternity until the doctor arrived.
01:36Waiting for his verdict was almost beyond bearing.
01:52That hurts less?
02:23I understood you to say that you'd had this condition for some time.
02:27What, two weeks?
02:29I was not aware.
02:31Good God, man, just by looking at you, you should have been able to tell.
02:34Helen had run away from school.
02:36We didn't know until today.
02:38Be that as it may, our primary concern now is Helen's health.
02:41Quiet, quiet.
02:42I'll come straight to the point.
02:44The girl has a high fever.
02:46One lung is badly inflamed.
02:48There may be pneumonia.
02:51I'd like another opinion, a specialist.
02:53Whatever you think is necessary.
02:55Doctor, how bad is it?
02:57The girl is very seriously ill, Mrs. Alcott.
03:00There could be complications.
03:02She has youth on her side, but she'll need constant care and attention.
03:05Does that mean hospital?
03:06No, please.
03:08We'll look after her.
03:09We'll see.
03:11She'll need complete rest for some weeks.
03:13Complete rest, that's the key.
03:15No excitement, no family dramas.
03:18I trust that you'll both keep your eyes open and see to it.
03:36Do you see the way he wrote to the doctor?
03:38Father's certainly a good writer.
03:40He took two gates.
03:42Poor Judy.
03:43She won't die, will she?
03:49Is there no end to your deceitful ways?
03:59And you, sir.
04:01Is this the example you set your brothers and sisters?
04:06How is she, father?
04:08Helen is seriously ill.
04:10No doubt, largely ill.
04:12She'll be fine.
04:14Helen is seriously ill.
04:17No doubt, largely because of your misplaced loyalty.
04:20I'm sorry.
04:22But she'll be all right.
04:23I trust so.
04:27Why didn't one of you tell me she was ill?
04:39I'm waiting.
04:44We frightened of you.
04:50Henceforth, all of you will see to it that there is complete quietness in this house until Helen is well again.
04:55Is that understood?
04:56Yes, father.
05:14Good night, Helen.
05:44Good night.
06:09Tell your stepmother there's one for her.
06:11From up country, it looks like.
06:13Has Dr. Gormiston gone yet?
06:14Too busy eating my scones.
06:15But he doesn't take them off his bills.
06:17Doctors, I've had enough of them running my house these past weeks.
06:22Now, the important thing, of course, is to build a child up.
06:25Plenty of fresh air and good food.
06:27I take it, Beresford Fields, there will be no lasting effect.
06:30Well, far be it from me ever to disagree with a specialist.
06:34But in cases like this, one has to be careful.
06:37There could be complications.
06:38I've known young Judy ever since she was a child.
06:40Never had a very strong chest, you know.
06:43A ton of spirit, but underneath, a bit of the old weakness is still there.
06:47Then there could be further trouble?
06:49The mischief done to her lungs was serious.
06:53A possibility.
06:56You remember that her mother...
06:57Yes, there is that history to consider.
07:01I won't say that Judy will ultimately die of consumption.
07:04But she's such a wild, unquiet subject.
07:08With a perfect fever for living, it's quite unknown to slower natures.
07:13Take good care of her, Walcott, and she'll make a fine woman someday.
07:17A grand woman.
07:22My advice is to send her off somewhere for a few weeks.
07:24Away from river mists and damp.
07:27Send her away?
07:29Preferably somewhere north and dry.
07:32Let her run wild and grow brown in the sunshine.
07:34That's what she needs now.
07:36Well, I've got a whole platoon of Digby Smiths waiting for me with influenza.
07:41You should be thankful you've only seven, my dear.
07:43I'm all for populating the country, but...
07:48Commissar, I'm most grateful for your attention these last weeks.
07:52In your hands now, my dear fellow.
07:54Just keep an eye on her, and then send her away.
07:57Certainly, certainly. She shall go at once.
08:06I'll call in a couple of days.
08:08Thank you, Doctor.
08:09Is Mrs. Gormiston well?
08:11Oh, rheumatism, you know. Waste troubles at this time of year.
08:19Looks like more bad weather coming.
08:22Get young Judy away, that's all.
08:24Yes, of course. Goodbye, Doctor.
08:28What's the verdict?
08:31No good.
08:33They all say we must send her away.
08:35Send her away? They're mad.
08:37Don't they know how all this started?
08:43I've got a plan.
08:44I've got a plan.
08:46I've got a plan.
08:47I've got a plan.
08:48A plan!
08:50A plan!
08:52A plan!
08:53A plan!
08:54started he's gone yes hurry up your move you're too good for me did the doctor
09:16say I could go out not in this weather well when's the
09:21funeral not for years and years you're cured now you simply have to eat as
09:29much as bounty and according to the doctor you're to be allowed to run wild
09:32sounds exciting doesn't it where where what shall I be running wild not at
09:38Miss Burton's not at Miss Burton's ever again then it was worth it Judy
09:45all these weeks and weeks really I wouldn't have mind dying if I thought
09:49he'd send me back or anywhere anywhere anywhere away from here not even
09:56somewhere for a holiday not even anywhere by myself
10:04he's not going to Esther he's not darling your father will only do what he
10:10thinks best he is he is please you don't jump to conclusions
10:18promise me Esther promise you won't let him send me away again promise
10:26don't be so dramatic you're silly there's no need to worry about anything
10:31you're to be spoiled and fed and petted Esther is anything going to happen what
10:37matters surely is that Judy gets completely well now please you know dr.
10:42Gormaston said you're not to fuss please all of you
10:58I'm sorry my dear if she is to go at all she must go on her own John you know
11:04what it did last time separating her from the family dammit what else can I
11:07do we can barely manage to send her as it is
11:10Lord knows what with the doctor's bills and the chemist's bills and all the rest of it
11:14she'll be fortunate if we can send her any farther north than Newcastle in any
11:16case you know I wrote to my parents about yes yes I've received a letter
11:21today oh mother wants me to go up to Yarrahapony for a few weeks and and take
11:26the general with me I see I haven't been home for nearly four years and and
11:31they've never seen the general of course you have every right to go they want me
11:39to bring the others too the others all of them yes all of them the climate
11:44would be perfect warm and dry and there'd be space and freedom John don't
11:48you see this could be the solution I see that it will simply be shifting my
11:52responsibilities onto your father it would be cold-blooded imposition but
11:55they'd love to meet the children my dear Esther do you think that I would consider
11:59saddling a busy man like your father with a tribe of unruly irresponsible
12:02oh they're not and I'm sure they'd behave there'd be no trouble at all
12:07please dear can't you bend that silly stiff pride just a little please let us
12:16go listen we did it for a fortnight why can't we do it again what hide me away
12:22Judy no only until he agrees not to send me away that cave we used to play in up
12:28the end of the gully give it up Fiz it can't be done again all right then I'll
12:33just run away that's all I'll run away and I won't care children Judy you
12:42should be in bed Esther you're crying not really you let him win you let him
12:49Judy your father loves you dearly why does he want to send me away why Helen
12:54why are you not in bed and the little ones make I'm sorry father the doctor
13:06left strict instructions bed every night before eight John well perhaps it is as
13:12well you are all still up your stepmother and I have been talking I
13:16have come to a decision as you may know Helen the doctors are all of the opinion
13:21that although they pronounce you cured you should not spend the rest of the
13:25winter by the river so I have decided father I won't be sent away again I
13:29won't I won't be alone you don't know what it's like then let me hasten to
13:37inform you my dear child that I soon shall the only person to be sentenced to
13:42the obvious horrors of loneliness is me father what do you mean your stepmother's
13:49parents have been kind enough to invite the whole family to spend the winter on
13:52their sheep property up a jar of happening all of us except me of course
14:07consequently as there appears to be so I am told no earthly reason to refuse this
14:13over generous offer except my own comfort I shall write this evening
14:43I thank you thank you very very much not at all you must also thank the
14:54hassles for being able to provide something I could not now I suggest you
14:58stop exciting yourselves and go to bed you will not be leaving for a week no I
15:06good night father good night my dear girl
15:36yes sir I'd like some reading material my girl
16:05come along my man. hurry up. there you are
16:26I can't leave you alone I can't come my dear
16:36my respects to your parents there's some reading matter how could I be so
16:43selfish John I... confounded woman get aboard
16:52goodbye children be sure to do as you're told behave yourself and get well
17:35Esther is a station homestead like a moated grange? I doubt it no moat no water at all except a billabong will that do? what is a moated grange? what a bunch of new chums I'll have my hands I don't suppose any of you have ever really been into the country before we have too when I was
18:05four we went to Katoomba honest you don't remember that stupid I don't too
18:10anyway you were three are there bush rangers oh I hope not I don't think
18:15there are any left sounds a bit tame to me oh wait until you see it it's like
18:21nothing else in the world great flocks of birds of all colors of the rainbow a
18:27sky so wide and blue it hurts your eyes and sunsets of gold and dawns of silver
18:34and the stars at night making you feel as if you are far out there in space
18:38yourself within the reach of heaven oh that's beautiful it sounds quite quite
18:44enchanted like fairyland I suppose it is enchanted in a way oh we'll have such
18:51fun poor father he always seems to miss out on all the fun doesn't he
19:05good heavens Wolcott you still here I'm finishing some work sir just on my way
19:12of the mess saw the light get the family out safely yes thank you sir
19:16well nothing to hurry home for now come and join us in the mess thank you sir
19:21but I will finish these requisitions and then I think catch the next ferry if
19:26you don't mind me saying so Wolcott you're a dashed unusual cove you know
19:30indeed sir well any other chap get all those young imps off his hands had the
19:35missus kick up his heels chuck his hat over the windmill remember in day red
19:41doom couldn't wait for the memsides to go to the hills I will admit sir to some
19:45slight feeling of relief however look here mind a piece of advice good
19:50efficient chap like you should have your majority now you've got the chance get
19:55to know the chaps come to the mess have some drinks I attend sir on every
19:59formal occasion not what I meant dash it all men loosen up let the men see a
20:06human I was not aware sir they considered me otherwise if you will
20:12forgive me sir the last ferry leaves in 35 minutes very well very well don't
20:18miss it thank you sir good night
20:29you all right Juju cold we're going over the mountains is it much father we
20:55won't reach Yarrahapony siding until about dawn try to get some sleep
20:58so should you I'm too excited full of memories let me take the general for a
21:05while oh no he's comfortable it's only four years since I was out here and it
21:12seems like a century here I am returning mother of seven Esther why did you marry
21:22father what a thing to ask well you were young and beautiful on everything and he
21:31had all of us for one thing and and he's old Oh Meg truly sometimes I feel he's
21:38much younger than I am when we first met I thought he was so mature and safe and
21:44dependable everything one is supposed to look for in a husband of all that's what
21:49I thought my aunt was determined to marry us off and I was determined she
21:54wouldn't then I I somehow started thinking he was rather gallant and brave
22:00I suppose it was because of his uniform no it was because he was trying to bring
22:06all of you up by himself when he could have sent you away to schools or homes
22:09or relations and because I realized he must love you more than his own comfort
22:15and advancement and wealth because he is a gentleman I suppose he is and before I
22:24knew it I was loving him
24:45what's the betting ladies and gentlemen no kerosene
25:15where are they they're probably bogged at the crossing or something they'll be
25:25here if we've landed at the right place of course we have don't be silly Judy
25:29but what if I did forget about us and it started to rain again they just kept
25:33raining and raining and raining and no one knew we were here shut up Bunty and
25:38don't be a goat like the Bible we'll all drown and bloat up like that dead cat we
25:43saw in the river stop him stop him I'm going to bit you
26:24princess McGill
26:28I thought you'd forgotten
26:30forgotten you
26:32half a night ploughing through floods
26:34getting bogged in creeks almost going over
26:36you see McGill
26:38welcome home
26:43thank you
