THE ADVENTURES OF THE SEASPRAY - Episode 17 - "The Treasure of Ruala"

  • 3 months ago
THE ADVENTURES OF THE SEASPRAY - Episode 17 - "The Treasure of Ruala"
Originally broadcast 17th April 1967 in Queensland, Australia.

MOPPY-KUN TV was previously on you tube originally to keep the memory of THE ADVENTURES OF THE SEASPRAY alive and now here on both Dailymotion and you tube)

Synopsis -
The Seaspray crew encounter a dictatorial missionary who wants to protect the local inhabitants from modernism.

"These are the adventures of a charter schooner, of its Captain - journalist Dan Wells - and of his children as they roam the South Pacific"

Starring - Walter Brown as Captain Daniel Wells
Susanne Haworth as Sue Wells
Gary Gray as Mike Wells
Leone Lesianawai as Willyum

Featuring: -
Lyndall Barbour
Edward Hepple

Written by Bill Strutton
Music by Eric Gross & John Egginton
Story editing by Bill Strutton
Directed by Eddie Davis
Produced by Roger Mirams

A Pacific Film Production in association with Screen Gems Filmed entirely in the South Pacific


00:00You would want to do me another favor.
00:06Well, when we get out of here, why don't you book me a shore around the other side of the
00:12Nice and quiet, please.
00:13Are you crazy?
00:14We only just got you out of there by the skin of your teeth.
00:18Captain Lawrence!
00:19Herb's coming!
00:31Oh, Billy!
00:41Oh, she don't give up!
01:01Captain, I demand you hand over that piece to my people.
02:31Excuse me.
03:00It's Mary McCune.
03:01Where can I find her?
03:05Thank you.
03:21That man, why are you chasing him?
03:27What's it all about?
03:29Let's find out.
03:50Miss McCune?
03:52That means you're no excuse now for not coming to Sunday school.
03:55Off you go.
03:56Captain Wells at the sea spray.
03:58I saw your schooner.
03:59What's the trouble out there?
04:01The islanders are hunting a European.
04:04I thought so.
04:05Sit up there.
04:06They mean business.
04:07They're armed.
04:08Any insect bites?
04:10Yes, they mean business, but it's none of yours, Captain.
04:11But they're out to kill him.
04:13I told you it's...
04:14Miss McCune, he's heading for the gate.
04:16Like a rat to a trap.
04:17He's got a shotgun!
04:19And use this.
04:20Miss McCune, are you the law here?
04:21If we waited for the law to come here, that man would be gone.
04:22No, we could deal with him.
04:23What do you intend to do?
04:24What do you do with evil?
04:25You exterminate it.
04:26a shocker. And
04:32you think it's going to use
04:34a lawyer if we waited for the Lord to come here that man would be gone now we can
04:39deal with him what do you intend to do what do you do with evil exterminate.
04:43it. What
04:54this man's done. He's been corrupting my people your people tempting them
05:01teaching them greed Mike. Takes you back to the dinky when she's ready that
05:07a whole lot of people surrounding that cave you do as I say. That's none of your
05:14business Mr if you want your daughter treated in my dispensary you will not interfere
05:19is that what you teach in your Sunday school that Christian charity has got strings to
05:31What's going on doing here we'd like to load some water and buy some food not today
05:36you can't why Sunday no trading no loading of ships who's rule is that.
05:44It's a murder.
06:07Our our our our our.
07:10Hear me?
07:32Listen to me!
07:35I'm trying to help you!
07:44I'm risking my neck to get you out of here!
07:53Keep away from me!
07:55All right, you can stay and rot in that hole!
08:00Whoever you are!
08:02Stay away!
08:05Hear me?
08:11Stay back!
08:17Stay away from me!
08:19Whoever you are!
08:52Keep away!
08:55Hear me?
09:04Gave up?
09:52You let me go!
09:53I ain't got nothing!
09:54I will when I get you out of here.
09:57Because otherwise you're a dead man.
09:59Well, I'm that anyway.
10:00If I can get in here past 23 June's, we can get out.
10:04That way.
10:06You crazy? That's the sea!
10:08I got a boat. Come on.
10:09Who said I could trust you?
10:12You'd rather trust those spears and clubs? Come on!
10:15You won't need that.
10:16All that.
10:17Shut up!
10:18If I don't take it, I don't move.
10:20All right, come on. Hurry.
10:33There's a boat. You said there was a boat.
10:35There we swim.
10:36We can't make it.
10:37We've got to.
10:38What if I shot?
10:39It's on an emerald spear through your back. Now get going.
11:03Don't move!
11:08Don't move at all!
11:33Mike, it's dead! He's swimming!
11:43William, let go of the dinghy!
12:33Birds this night.
12:35All the birds.
12:38Ah, good boy.
12:41Now why were they chasing me like a dog?
12:45Why don't you tell me?
12:49It's that old harpy, Mary McCoon.
12:52Yeah, she's the self-appointed goddess of the islands.
12:56She was the queen of the islands.
12:58Mary McCoon.
13:00Yeah, she's the self-appointed goddess of the islands.
13:03She runs the dispensary, the Sunday school and everything.
13:06And because I get in the way trying to do some honest trading, she...
13:09She's such a whiny zombie.
13:11Just for trading?
13:13With a gun?
13:16Well, uh...
13:21For what?
13:24Yeah, it's a nice transceiver, isn't it, Captain?
13:26What sort of range?
13:28Good enough for our needs.
13:32You wouldn't like to do me another favor?
13:35Well, when we get out of here,
13:37why don't you put me ashore around the other side of the island?
13:40Nice and quietly.
13:43Are you crazy?
13:44We only just got you out of there by the skin of your teeth.
13:47Captain Lewis!
13:48The bird's coming!
13:57The whole village!
14:07Oh, boy, she don't give up.
14:27Captain Wells?
14:29Captain, I demand you hand over that seat to my people.
14:34What's he done?
14:35He plundered our church.
14:37Stolen the ornaments placed there by our worshippers.
14:40Hold him, Mike.
14:41Let go!
14:43Sue, hop down and get his bag.
14:45Captain, I'll give you one minute.
14:49Miss McCoon, I'm the captain of the ship,
14:51and I'll decide what to do with this matter.
14:54Captain, I've got to tell you something.
14:57Now, listen.
14:58You've got to listen to me.
14:59It's about them two vases.
15:03Is this all?
15:04That's enough.
15:05You scratch it.
15:06See what's under there.
15:07What for?
15:08It's theirs.
15:09Go ahead and scratch it.
15:23You see what I mean?
15:25Solid gold.
15:27And that old witch masquerading as the Holy Rose
15:30sitting on a mountain of it.
15:40Are these what you're after?
15:42They are.
15:43Take them.
15:53As to this, ma'am,
15:55if you want to prefer charges,
15:56I'll call the police at the poker.
15:58We need no police here.
16:02Go back.
16:04Get below, Mr. Burns.
16:06Captain, I want a word with you.
16:08Get below.
16:12You can play on deck.
16:23So that's what you were after.
16:25Now, Captain, you don't understand.
16:27That old girl's sitting on more gold than you ever dreamed about.
16:30It's not yours to take.
16:31Not hers either.
16:32She's just got all the natives bluffed.
16:34And you too.
16:36Where did they get it from?
16:37Captain, I've looked.
16:39I've asked.
16:40That's all she heard about me.
16:42Prospect Music.
16:45Now, Captain, you be smart.
16:48Maybe you could talk her out.
16:50Try and upstand a man like him.
16:52Now, why would I do that?
16:54To find out where she hides the stuff.
16:58Then you could leave everything else to me and my partners.
17:01You've got partners? Where are they?
17:03Oh, they're around.
17:05Now, they eat Old Mother Macoon for breakfast.
17:08And far better for you too, Captain,
17:10to deal with a reasonable man like me.
17:15You mean you'll do it?
17:17Yes, but not for you.
17:23Yes, sir?
17:24Get the thingy.
17:26Well, well, well.
17:29Now, double cross, eh?
17:44Prospect Music.
17:49By what right do you decide to take away their gold?
17:55Riches do not guarantee them happiness.
17:58Nor does poverty.
17:59Don't lecture me.
18:01Who are you to decide whether they shall prosper or starve?
18:04Who appointed you to keep them in ignorance?
18:07Where's the gold that schools could give them learning with
18:11and they could buy boats with for trade?
18:13My people have no need of such things.
18:16Your people?
18:18When enough your people lay your slaves.
18:21How dare you?
18:22I've spent a lifetime serving them and asked nothing for it.
18:25Except that they live life your way.
18:27Who is it that treats children on the condition they go to your Sunday school?
18:31Who is it that discourages strangers from calling
18:33in case your people realize that the world's outside your island?
18:36And when you're gone, who will it be to take your place?
18:40Oh, don't you care?
18:42Please, no.
18:45I just wanted to protect them from...
18:48From what?
18:50The wicked world?
18:52A few pills, an ointment, a Bible lesson?
18:54When they can have teachers and decent hospitals?
18:57But they need me.
18:59To help them, not to stand in their way.
19:02How will you help me do it?
19:04First, return the gold you've taken from these islanders.
19:07Give me a sample.
19:08Be sure the governor says they're advised.
19:11If you trust me.
19:14Very well.
19:19Hey, sea spray!
19:21That's us!
19:23I've got a message for Captain Wells.
19:25It's not on board.
19:27You'll take it, Will?
19:28Yes, I will.
19:33Where's the message?
19:35Oh, the message.
19:37Here it is.
19:39Stay right there.
19:46You in there, Burns?
19:47I am.
19:49Who's got the key?
19:51Oh, no, I shut the lock on it.
20:06Where's the key, Burns?
20:11I tell you, they got a real good radio in there.
20:13Or it was.
20:14You were right smart answering it.
20:16Come on, miss.
20:30You ought to take it easy with that gun.
20:32You know, you might kill somebody.
20:34I might.
20:55In there.
21:05In there.
21:31A war club in here.
21:32Let's go.
21:33There's more in the other cave.
21:35That'll be enough for now.
21:51Stay right where you are.
21:53Oh, boy.
21:55Thank God.
21:56Get out of the way, you idiot.
22:03Let me have it.
22:05Give me that.
22:10You've taken over my dear's body.
22:13That's the whole idea.
22:15And we'll have all of it.
22:18Back up, you two.
22:27Now turn around.
22:34See if I'm covered.
22:40Give me that.
22:42You won't get as far as the next island.
22:44That's a lot further than any of you will be going.
22:47We've got enough for this.
22:49It ain't worth the risk.
22:51It's not the risk, just a nasty accident.
22:56You've got to get involved in this kind of thing.
22:58You shut up.
23:04You going to let him get away with it?
23:06I'm not going to let him get away with it.
23:14Get him.
23:16Now kill him.
23:18Shut up.
23:44Well, how's my favorite patient feeling?
23:46Really good, Mr. Coon. Thanks to you.
23:48That's part of my job. Where's your father?
23:50He's getting a report on the radio from our brother.
23:52You mean there's another one?
23:53Noah. He's a boarding school.
23:55Well, he passes his exams applying colors.
23:57Well, hello there.
23:58Hello there.
23:59Captain, the people of my island want to give you a small token of their appreciation.
24:08Will you accept it?
24:10We'd be deeply grateful.
24:12So am I, Captain.
24:19How long do I have to stay here?
24:21Two years.
24:23You're paroled in Mr. Coon's custody for turning Queen's evidence.
24:26What will I ever do to the Queen?
24:28Walter, are you coming?
24:29Yeah, right away.
24:32I could be better off in jail.
24:34Some of the wardens there are human.
