Boxer MGS First Impressions - Mobile Sniper Event - War Thunder

  • 2 days ago
Today we take a look at the Boxer MGS, which is the main prize of the Mobile Sniper event.

So join me as we take a look at its stats, give it a quick test drive and give my overall thoughts on how good of a prize it is in War Thunder.

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#warthunder #boxer #mgs #firstimpressions #mobilesniper
00:00Hello everybody, Trano here, and today we're going to be taking our first look at the Boxer MGS,
00:05which is the main prize of the Mobile Sniper event.
00:08So this is coming to the German Tech Tree at rank 7, battle rating 10.3,
00:13so the same battle rating as the Leopard 2A4.
00:16And as you can see, you've got your standard MG3 coaxial machine gun,
00:20and for your main armament you've got this 105mm Cockerill HP cannon.
00:25So it's got a 2-plane gun stabiliser, pretty good targeting speed,
00:29so 27 degrees in the horizontal to 26 degrees in the vertical,
00:33a reload rate of 5 seconds, and it fires 4 different ammunition types.
00:37So you've got your DM-12 HEATFS shell, the DM-512 HESH shell,
00:42and then your DM-33 and 63 APFSDS rounds.
00:46So you've got a good spread of ammunition types that you can use.
00:49The DM-33 is probably the odd man out because it just seems an inferior variant of the DM-63,
00:55but with the DM-63 in the HESH and HEATFS shell, you should be able to take down
00:59pretty much any enemy.
01:01And then looking at your modifications, it's got a laser warning system laser rangefinder,
01:06you've got thermal vision devices for the gunner and commander, and night vision for the driver.
01:11It can carry a scout UAV, and it carries smoke grenades to conceal the vehicle.
01:16Now moving on to the armour, it's not the most heavily armoured vehicle in the world.
01:20It's 15mm all round for the hull, but it does have some external armour.
01:25So at the front, you've got this high hardness rolled armour,
01:27but it's only 6mm thick, maybe 8mm in some areas.
01:32And for the sides, it seems to be fitted with quite thick composite screens,
01:37but they're only really effective against HEAT shells, against kinetic shells.
01:41It has a really bad multiplier, so this actually provides less than 38mm protection.
01:47The turret is a little bit better protected, about 25mm all round,
01:51but this is aluminium alloy.
01:53And although it does have some external armour, again composite screens,
01:57but it's not really going to protect you much, except against maybe IFV weapons,
02:01and even then it's going to be a bit of a stretch for it to provide that much protection.
02:06Looking inside the tank, there is a little bit more internal armour,
02:10about 5-15mm of RHA.
02:13You've got spool liners at the top here.
02:15You've got a front mounted 637hp engine.
02:19You've got 7 gears going forward, giving a top speed of 64mph.
02:232 gears going backwards to give a top speed of 11.7mph.
02:27And then you've got your standard crew of 3.
02:30So you've got your 2 guys in the turret,
02:32and then you've got your driver down here at the front.
02:35And then as for the optics, you've got your gunner with 3x to 10x zoom,
02:40and your commander with the same time zoom.
02:42And this does also come with a whole bunch of camouflages.
02:46So we're going to take this out for a quick test drive, just to see how it performs.
02:50So as you can see, it's got a very quick turning speed in the horizontal and the vertical.
02:55And we're going to just quickly test out the rangefinder.
02:57As you can see there, it does automatically adjust for the range.
03:01So that's always helpful.
03:02I'm going to take a shot at that tank over there.
03:06Quite good for long range shooting.
03:08Got our commander view as well.
03:11I've got that scout UAV which I mentioned earlier,
03:14so we're just going to set that to orbit.
03:16Put your coaxial machine gun.
03:18Carries quite a few smoke grenades, and they reload...
03:20Well, they don't even reload.
03:21You can just use them all very quickly.
03:24I've restarted just so we can show how the smoke grenades work when on the move,
03:28because we're going to take this up to a decent speed hopefully.
03:31We'll see how it performs on cross-country terrain.
03:33And it seems to be performing pretty well so far.
03:35So we're already up to 35 miles an hour,
03:39even though it's going over muddy terrain.
03:41Lose a bit of speed, but don't lose that much speed
03:44and quickly regains most of it.
03:46We can test out smoke grenades while moving at speed.
03:50Unfortunately, if you're firing them at speed,
03:52you're just going to quickly outrun them.
03:54So they're only really going to be useful if you're standing still.
03:58And it does seem to be a very stable gun platform on the move.
04:02Not much movement, a tiny minuscule amount of movement
04:06while we're going at full speed, but it's barely noticeable.
04:12We can hit up there quickly.
04:14We can, doesn't do much damage.
04:16And yeah, you can see even though we're on muddy terrain,
04:18we're already up to 45 miles an hour.
04:20So this is a very quick vehicle.
04:23Very quick to turn the turret to engage enemies.
04:27Turning's a bit wonky at times,
04:29but it is a wheeled vehicle going at high speed.
04:31That is to be expected.
04:35Here is the driver's view.
04:37Yeah, so that is the Boxer MGS.
04:40And we take this back to the hangar.
04:42And so that is the Boxer MGS.
04:44And yeah, honestly, this seems like a pretty good prize.
04:47It's got a very good gun, very stable gun,
04:50very good firing platform, very fast.
04:53It's not got the best armour in the world,
04:54but it is an IFV type vehicle, so that is to be expected.
04:58And yeah, I think this will be a pretty decent prize for the Mobile Sniper event.
05:02Anyway, that's just a quick video looking at the Boxer MGS.
05:06I've been Tereno, and I'll see you next time.
