Days of our Lives 10-8-24 (8th October 2024) 10-8-2024 10-08-24 DOOL 8 October 2024

  • last week
00:00So after Faith falls into the shark tank, I'm gonna have to figure out a way for Arrow to rescue her.
00:06Going somewhere?
00:08Well, yeah, I'm just headed to work.
00:11Oh, you're going to work. Because you have a job. Unlike yours truly.
00:17Listen, how do you-
00:18Hey, save it, Judas. Thanks to you, I am out on my adorable ass.
00:25Why don't you look at that?
00:30To the executive producers of Body and Soul.
00:37Wow. You have fans already.
00:41Who's that from?
00:44It's from me, you adorable people.
00:49It's a thank you for saving my life.
01:09Good morning, Dr. Johnson.
01:11Good morning, Seth. Can I do something for you?
01:16You've already done it.
01:18As you know, I initially had doubts about shooting Body and Soul here.
01:23And as it turns out, wow.
01:26It's been a fun experience so far.
01:31Exciting. Uplifting.
01:34Right. Well, I did think it would be a good thing for the hospital.
01:39Oh, I wasn't talking about the hospital. I was talking about me.
01:44I think I've been bitten by the acting bug.
01:53Now this is how I like to start my day.
01:57Yeah, me too.
02:00Yeah, Chanel, I'm sorry we fought.
02:04You know, I know there's no reason for me to be jealous of Alex.
02:11You sure about that?
02:17Alex? What are you doing here?
02:21What do you think I'm doing here, Johnny?
02:24I'm here to make mad, passionate love to your wife.
02:41No, no, no. Stop. Stop it. I said stop it.
02:55Honey, stop.
03:03Oh, Dana, I'm so happy to hear the baby's home.
03:09Well, I am not surprised that he is not the most cooperative patient,
03:14although I have no doubt that you can keep him in line.
03:19With me and Alex? Oh, nothing to report on that front.
03:24I didn't even see him on set yesterday.
03:28But probably for the best.
03:31Like I told you, Alex just wants to be friends, and I am totally fine with that.
03:38I love you.
03:54Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:09Jada, I have to go. There is someone at my door.
04:14Really, right yet. Talk soon.
04:17I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
04:20No, it's OK. Come on in.
04:26Uh, Jada was just giving me an update on Rafe. He is home from the hospital.
04:32Really? That's great news.
04:34I know, right?
04:36So, what brings you by?
04:39I just thought maybe you'd like a latte.
04:41I grabbed one for myself, and I figured I'd maybe brew one for my buddy next door, Pumpkin Spice.
04:46Oh, my favorite.
04:49How nice to live across the hall from a man who can anticipate my needs.
04:53Well, I just know how much we both appreciate our morning caffeine fix.
04:57So, sorry, I'm a little sweaty.
04:59I hit the gym this morning. I was trying to, you know, get the endorphins going,
05:02trying to work off some of these nerves.
05:05Are you shooting today?
05:06Yes, I am.
05:07I'd love seeing what you know.
05:13Here you go.
05:18So, you were yelling to stop it in your sleep.
05:21A bad dream, I assume?
05:23Yeah. Yeah.
05:26Tell me about it.
05:28Not really.
05:30Oh, come on.
05:40It was about you and Alex.
05:44Yeah. Yeah.
05:48He got into bed with us,
05:51said it was time to tape to your sex scene,
05:56and he started making out with you while I watched.
06:02I'm so sorry you had that dream.
06:05But I guess it kind of makes sense
06:07since you're going to be directing our love scene today.
06:13And, look, Chanel, I know that you've been a little upset with me
06:18for my jealousy issues.
06:21And I also know that I can't let my own irrational feelings
06:26get in the way of me doing my job.
06:29It's just, when I see you guys together,
06:32like I did at the photo shoot,
06:34it brings back these images to me
06:38of you and him actually together,
06:42like, for real.
06:44Okay, Johnny, I keep telling you this,
06:47but this time could you please just try and believe me, okay?
06:56I'm going to tell you this one more time,
06:58and I hope that this is the last time that I have to tell you.
07:02Alex and I, there are no feelings, okay?
07:07I have no feelings for Alex.
07:09That time that he and I and Allie were together,
07:12that is in the past.
07:14And unlike you, I never think about that anymore, okay?
07:19He and I are just co-workers now.
07:22And friends.
07:27I thought we were friends, Leo.
07:29At least we were drag race buddies.
07:32We still are.
07:34In fact, I just loaded up on pork rinds for our next drag race binge.
07:37You know what?
07:38We can forget about any of those.
07:41I'm swearing off pork rinds.
07:43I think they're leaving me bloated.
07:45They are.
07:46What about jelly beans or plant-based jerky?
07:49Oh, fuck!
07:50Okay, Patty, I know that you're upset,
07:52Okay, Patty, I know that you're upset,
07:56My so-called friend writes me off the show I was starring in?
08:01I thought that show was going to get me a daytime Emmy.
08:04But I didn't write you off.
08:05It wasn't me.
08:06Oh, because I thought you were the head writer.
08:08Look, I'm just the hired gun.
08:10Oh, that's not me in the back.
08:11No, no, it wasn't my call.
08:13The producers are the ones who make those decisions.
08:15Look, I would have loved for Charlamagne Delacroix to remain on the show.
08:18She is an amazing character to write.
08:21In fact, I am in full-blown mourning over her impending death.
08:24Yeah, well, you know you're propping for somebody else.
08:28I'm the one who's kicking the bucket without any notice at all.
08:32Okay, that was not my call either.
08:34I wanted to tell you, Hattie, I did.
08:37Why didn't you?
08:42Why didn't you?
08:48Eve and Kate were worried that if you knew about being fired,
08:51you would leave the set without finishing your scenes
08:53and then we'd all be screwed.
08:55And out of work.
08:57Out of work.
08:59Just like me.
09:04I kind of like the sound of that.
09:07Okay, maybe I went a little overboard saying you saved my life
09:11because it was actually Cassandra's life you saved.
09:14It's just that I feel like she's such a part of me now, you know?
09:18And when I heard that Cassandra was buying the farm,
09:21well, Bonnie carried on with this.
09:24She was putting down the down payment.
09:27And I know it sounds all wackadoodle, but I swear to God, it's the truth.
09:30It's like, I don't know what to do.
09:32And I know it sounds all wackadoodle, but I swear to God, it's the truth.
09:35It's like, Cassandra and me, we were definitely separated at birth, you know?
09:41Writing this script, and I saw that I was going to be a goner.
09:46Especially Wayne, too.
09:47It was so creepy.
09:49Flesh-eating disease, you know?
09:52But now, nothing matters.
09:53Because my hunky son brought me that miracle Crayola, thank God.
09:59And now Heddy's going to get the ex instead.
10:04Speaking of which, now that Charlemagne is dead,
10:08I mean, like, all her stuff's going to be up for grabs, right?
10:14Her stuff.
10:15Well, yeah, like her clothes.
10:18And her mansion.
10:21Oh, you know what? I know.
10:23I know.
10:24Cassandra could buy Charlemagne's mansion from her grief-stricken husband.
10:29Oh no, baby, yeah?
10:30I could get the grief-stricken husband.
10:33See, he could be all sad and lonely.
10:35And then Cassandra could come along and make him realize
10:39that she was his type more so than Charlemagne ever was.
10:44Or something like that.
10:45And then she would make him forget about his nasty, dead wife.
10:51And they would live happily ever after.
10:55Right? It's good, right? I know it's good.
10:58I should pitch this to Leo, right?
11:00Right? Am I right? I'm right, right?
11:04Oh, come on, right?
11:13Better yet, forget about Charlemagne's slappy seconds.
11:17I could marry the rest.
11:20And then I would be heir to the Manning fortune.
11:22And I could run Manning Enterprises.
11:25Okay, hold on, Madam CEO.
11:29Because you are not going to be controlling anything anytime soon.
11:33You are not going to be marrying Thrust.
11:35You are not going to be getting Charlemagne's mansion or her gowns,
11:39which you would just turn into matching outfits for you and your shouts.
11:43But Muffy is a shih tzu.
11:46Muffy is Cassandra's off-camera dog.
11:49No one's ever seen Muffy.
11:51No one cares what breed she is.
11:53So you, my dear, need to listen up.
11:56Body and Soul is an ensemble production.
12:00When Hattie didn't respect that,
12:03we had no choice but to buy her a one-way ticket to Soho for heaven.
12:08Well, don't you think Charlemagne naturally went to someplace a little hotter?
12:13Either way, I'm sure she would love to have Cassandra join her there.
12:20Got it.
12:22No, really, I'm just...
12:24I mean, Body and Soul is not a one-star vehicle,
12:30and I just went a little overboard.
12:33I'm really sorry.
12:35It's okay, Bonnie.
12:38Just remember, now and into the future,
12:44that Body and Soul has no stars.
12:48We all, we all work together in harmony.
12:53With a modicum of humility.
12:56Oh, of course. No, I got it. I got it.
12:59I would not ever want to be like Hattie.
13:02I mean, she doesn't even know the meaning of the word humility.
13:05Or modicum.
13:08Actually, I don't know the meaning of modicum either,
13:11but I'm guessing it means a little.
13:15It does. Kind of.
13:18But I think we should aim for more than a little.
13:22I promise I will.
13:24Again, I will.
13:26Although, I was thinking, you know, now that Hattie is gone,
13:31I'm sure you have a little extra cash,
13:33and I thought maybe I could have a little, right?
13:38Or maybe not.
13:40No, it'll be fine.
13:42So, I know you guys got a lot of work to do,
13:45so I'm going to leave you at it,
13:47and enjoy the fruit.
13:49It's fabulous. You're fabulous.
13:51I'm just going to head on out.
13:53Sayonara. See you later.
13:55Love you all. Toodles.
14:04So, they wrote you in another scene for today.
14:08The producers were apparently impressed with my performance yesterday.
14:13I mean, who knew I was a gifted thespian, right?
14:17Well, you are obviously a man of many talents.
14:22Well, I won't give up my day job just yet,
14:26but since we're talking about my budding acting career,
14:30Taylor, if you have any influence with the B.S. producers,
14:34maybe you could let them know
14:36I wouldn't be adverse to a romantic interest.
14:41Maybe a love scene or two.
14:50So, you're shooting your love scene with Janelle today?
14:54I thought you were talking to Kate about putting it off.
14:57Yeah, and we did talk to her,
14:59but apparently there's been too many actors asking for so many script changes
15:03that now Kate is afraid to ask Leo to do any more rewrites.
15:07So, unfortunately, this scene cannot be postponed, and it's a go.
15:12Hmm. You must be disappointed.
15:14I am disappointed. I mean, like I said, it's just happening too soon.
15:18Faith and Arrow's characters shouldn't be sleeping together this fast.
15:22It's like rushing the whole story, you know?
15:24Yeah. Oh, I get why you think that.
15:28Well, how do you feel playing opposite Janelle in general?
15:31I mean, since you two don't seem to get along, right?
15:35Actually, it's not that much of an issue anymore.
15:39Janelle and I, we just decided to call a truce,
15:41and we thought that it would be best if, now that we're working together,
15:45we, you know, just try and start fresh.
15:51Well, it's very mature of you.
15:54I know. Thank you. Thank you.
15:57Now that this whole huge love scene is happening today,
15:59I'm just praying that we can get through it without any problems.
16:02Well, sure, you'll be fine.
16:04Since, obviously, you and Janelle have worked things out.
16:09But how does Johnny feel about all this?
16:17I thought you and Alex couldn't stand each other,
16:20and now all of a sudden you're friends?
16:23Oh, you know what's so shocking about that?
16:25I mean, we obviously have to work together,
16:27so we decided that it would make things a little less awkward if we just got along.
16:33Okay, okay.
16:35Yeah, you know what? You're right.
16:37You're right. The less backstage drama, the better.
16:41Yeah. I wish we could get enough drama on screen.
16:47No, you know what?
16:48Speaking of which, we should probably move on.
16:51I don't want to be late for rehearsals.
16:54Yeah, yeah.
16:56I got to run, too, because Alex and I are going to run those hospital scenes before we get started.
17:02Hospital scenes?
17:04I thought all the hospital scenes were between Alex, I mean, Arrow, and his mom.
17:11Yeah, it starts with the mom in the bed, and then Figs and Arrow.
17:16Oh, no, right. Yep, yep, got it. How could I forget?
17:21Well, that's great. I need to get to set anyway, because we're shooting Charlemagne's death scenes first,
17:26which I have a feeling is going to be a little tricky.
17:33The way I see it, you know, is that you are an accomplice after the fact of getting my character killed off.
17:40What? How's that?
17:42How's that? You know exactly how that is.
17:46Look, I'm just feeling kind of tricked and duped, you know, because I thought, you know, when I read the script,
17:53I thought that Bonnie was the one being killed off.
17:56That's because I thought it would be more of a shock to the audience,
17:59and we both know that shocking the audience equals a rise in ratings if they thought that Cassandra was not wrong for the world,
18:05only to have Charlemagne give up the ghost instead.
18:09Well, that's very clever of you, and very hurtful, Leo.
18:14I mean, you killed me off before I even had a chance to have a week under contract.
18:20And I mean, I was kind of thinking that maybe I would get a Daytime Emmy nomination, at least have a fan club started.
18:27Do you know how that makes me feel?
18:34I'm really sorry, Hattie. I am. I hate that things turn out this way.
18:40But, um, look on the bright side.
18:44The bright side? You mean that I don't have a job and I'm a loser?
18:48Oh, come on. Don't talk like that. You are a winner, Hattie. You're a total babe.
18:53You are charming and spirited. And even when you were bloated on pork rinds, you managed to be a whole lot of fun.
18:58Well, right. Right now what I am is I'm a whole lot of miffed.
19:04I get that. Believe me, I do.
19:07But to quote the sagacious Roman Brady, this is called show business, not show friendship.
19:14So even though we're not going to be working together anymore, I really hope we can still hang out.
19:19Let me think. No. No.
19:24I don't want to watch the drag show with you anymore, and I don't want to eat pork rinds with you anymore.
19:30I just, I just, I want, if you see me coming down the street, I want you to go the other way.
19:36Because if you don't, Leo, I will end you.
19:56Hey, I'm hoping Johnny would be cool with, you know, directing my love scene with Chanel.
20:01And I even suggested to the guy that if he feels uncomfortable, maybe we could hire another director to shoot just those scenes.
20:07And he didn't go for that idea? No, no. He wants to prove that he's Mr. Professional.
20:12Right. Well, good for him. And I hope it all works out.
20:17Yeah. Fingers crossed. Anyway, I should probably go get cleaned up.
20:22I really don't want to make Chanel work too hard trying to act like she's attracted to me.
20:28We certainly wouldn't want that. Right.
20:33I don't see. Hey, do you want to ride a set?
20:37I don't have to do that. Consider it a thank you for the latte.
20:41All right, then. Fair enough. We're back a little bit.
20:45We need a shower.
20:51I could use a cold shower myself.
20:58Hey, Leo, glad you're here.
21:00I was just reading over your long story.
21:03And unfortunately, we don't have the budget for a shark tank.
21:06We're going to have to scale down. How do you feel about Goldfish Bowl?
21:11That's fine.
21:15I was expecting a fight. Something wrong?
21:19I'm just hating on myself.
21:22Feeling like a bad friend and a rotten, insubstantial person in general.
21:26Confirming everything my mother thinks about me, even though she's all of those things.
21:30Which is probably why I'm this way since she passed down half of her future DNA to me.
21:34Do you think you could just possibly tell me what you're upset about?
21:39I ran into Hattie. She blames me for killing her off, even though I said it was your and Abe's idea.
21:44Oh, well, thanks for that.
21:46And I get the feeling that Hattie has a Ph.D. in grudge holding.
21:50And she can be spiteful and vindictive.
21:53Well, it's more than a feeling. Her last words to me were,
21:56You better watch out because I will get you.
22:02I'm sure at some point she'll calm down.
22:05Yeah, maybe when we're all killed off in real life.
22:08Like at the turn of the 22nd century.
22:11Oh, come on. Really?
22:14Don't be so mad.
22:16I'll tell you what.
22:18They are about to tape the death scene as we speak.
22:22Do you want to watch it on the monitor?
22:25No. I'm too reclumped to even think about it.
22:31Okay, everyone. We are shooting item one today.
22:35Um, Abe, I wasn't expecting to see you on set today.
22:39Yeah, well, you know, I thought it would be best to have one of the producers here on set.
22:44For Hattie's death scene. Just in case.
22:47Right. Yeah, good call.
22:50Um, okay. Can I please get background set?
22:54And I need a Dr. Lemore.
22:57Blake Lemore, M.D. At your service.
23:00Fantastic. You're going to be over there.
23:03And Cassandra, you are also going to be over there.
23:08And now we just need a Charlemagne.
23:28Where are you?
23:43Chanel, are you all right?
23:47No, not really. I think I threw my back out.
23:51Well, let me check it out.
23:55What happened?
23:58I was I came over to go to the hospital with Johnny.
24:02And when we got there, I was supposed to rehearse with Alex.
24:06But I had a little bit of time, so I decided to stop by Sweet Bits and check in.
24:10Did you lift anything heavy?
24:12No, I wish.
24:14Then I feel a little less stupid.
24:16I was cutting through the park on my way back to the hospital.
24:20And I bent down to tie my shoe.
24:22And then I just felt this nasty twinge in my back.
24:25I don't think it's anything serious.
24:27I think you might have pulled a muscle.
24:29Oh, that's good.
24:31Because I have to get to set.
24:33I have a big scene with Alex.
24:36You know what? I think what you need to do is rest a little bit, okay?
24:40Relax, nice chest.
24:42So you have some time before the scene, okay?
24:48Thanks for giving me a ride.
24:50I can get in that extra rehearsal time with Chanel.
24:53Not a problem.
24:54And I will go check and see where they're shooting at.
24:56All right. I'll see you.
24:58Oh, damn.
25:01What now?
25:03Chanel's running late.
25:05Damn it.
25:07Oh, my God. I just wanted to run through our scenes a few times.
25:09That way I was off book before blocking, you know?
25:14I don't suppose you'd want to run some lines with me?
25:18Uh, sure.
25:21I mean, the production probably doesn't need me right this minute.
25:23So, yeah. I don't have a script, though.
25:26That's all right. Take mine.
25:28I'm supposed to have these all memorized by now, anyway.
25:31Um, okay. So, jars.
25:34Yes, darn. Raise your feet, sis.
25:37Oh, here. I just heard the news about your mother.
25:41All right.
25:43Hey, uh, have either of you seen Addie Adams?
25:59And Addie had just left.
26:01No idea.
26:03Talk about unprofessional.
26:07Addie's not in the dressing room.
26:09And no one in the green room has seen her, either.
26:12Well, that's just what I was afraid of.
26:16Are we going to shoot Addie's death without Addie?
26:20Did I hear my name?
26:24Jeez, this place is like a maze.
26:26Anybody ever thought that maybe they could paint each floor a different color?
26:31Yeah, I would take that under advisement.
26:33Okay, great. Everyone, we have our Charlemagne, so let's go.
26:47Would you stop looking at me like that?
26:51For Pete's sakes.
26:54It's not like I asked them to kill you off.
26:57Not that you weren't thrilled that they were willing to kill off Cassandra in a miserable death so you could be the star of the show.
27:07Can we just get this show going, please?
27:12You know, these scenes at their shooting stay were really, really well written, Leo.
27:21Yeah, well, as horrible as Addie feels about being written off and as rotten as I feel that she now hates me with a vengeance, I guess she's going out with a bang.
27:32Yeah, pretty dramatic, Exit.
27:34It sure is. And I would love to take credit for the idea, but I can't.
27:38See, I knew that I had to come up with a fitting ending for one of Pineview's leading ladies.
27:43But we're so pressed for time that I remembered how they got rid of a very memorable character on L.A. Law.
27:51And action.
28:07I must say, in all the years of wishing each other dead.
28:13I do. I do celebrate your survival.
28:18You and me both.
28:20And I must say that I do admire your generosity of spirit, Charlemagne.
28:27But even more so, the medical prowess of Dr. Lamore here, who administered the miracle serum that saved my life.
28:35Today, we've all witnessed a miracle.
28:37Yes, of course, we all agree with that.
28:39I was wondering, since you've been fortunate enough to have a second chance, I was wondering if perhaps you and I could have a second chance.
28:48What are you saying, Charlemagne?
28:51Well, I'm wondering, Cassandra, if you and I could wipe the slate clean.
28:57Well, I think that's a brilliant idea.
29:17Uh, great.
29:19Hattie, go ahead and press the button to the elevator now.
29:29So, there was this character on L.A. Law, her name was Rosalind Shays, and she's just, you know, standing there and talking to Leland.
29:35Turns to get on the elevator and splat.
29:39Well, yeah, I'm easy up to that.
29:53Okay, Hattie, so now you turn, you wave to Cassandra, and step in.
30:02Hattie, go on, step into the elevator.
30:18Any better?
30:20Not really, but I don't want to hold up production.
30:24I need to get to the hospital.
30:26I agree, but not to the set.
30:28I am taking you to the E.R.
30:30What about my scenes with Alan?
30:31They can wait.
30:33Come on.
30:34Doctor's orders.
30:35Let's go.
30:36Nice and easy.
30:37Nice and easy.
30:45All right, Steph, that's your cue.
30:50I just heard the news about your mother.
30:53Oh, no!
30:54Am I too late?
30:56Is Cassandra dead?
30:59My mother is right down the hall right now getting a life-saving serum made from a begonia that I found in the jungles of Iguaza.
31:06Against all odds, I brought back a flower that can cure my mother's disease and save her life.
31:12Oh, Arrow.
31:14How heroic.
31:16How brave.
31:17It's a miracle.
31:19I thought I was going to lose my precious mother, but she's going to live, Faith.
31:23Thank God.
31:27All this has just made me realize life is short.
31:35My time here on Earth is precious.
31:44What are you saying, Arrow?
31:49I'm saying that if you found the person that you love, you mustn't squander a single second of that precious time.
32:21This is going to be a time of love scene, huh?
32:25Glad it is.
32:42Hattie, you need to get onto the elevator.
32:51I can't.
32:53Why not?
32:55Well, there's no elevator there to get onto.
32:59Yeah, that's the point.
33:01You're supposed to fall down the shaft.
33:04Well, that's easy for you to say.
33:05I'm the one taking the great leap into beyond.
33:09It's perfectly safe.
33:11It's only three feet deep.
33:14You have an air mattress to fall on.
33:19That's not it.
33:21What is it?
33:26It's just...
33:29It's just that I don't...
33:32I don't want to die.
33:37In the elevator shaft.
33:39I thought I remembered that.
33:41Yeah, I'm not the first person to pay homage to that scene.
33:44In the 90s, there was a sitcom.
33:46I can't remember the name of it.
33:48Anyway, there was an actor on that show and he didn't want to get on the elevator because he knew he was being killed off.
33:53Just like Hattie.
33:57Look, come on, Hattie, you can do this, okay?
34:00You're a professional actor.
34:05Yes, I am.
34:07I'm a professional actor.
34:10Okay, then.
34:11So, let's just, um...
34:13We'll take it back from the handshake and maybe try it this time a little less...
34:26Okay, and...
34:43Why don't you come with me?
34:48Come with me.
34:49I'd like to buy you a drink.
34:51Or two.
34:52Or three.
34:54To celebrate our truce.
34:58All right, Ivy?
35:06Doctor, maybe you should get that elevator because I think I heard them pacing it down one floor.
35:16I'm not gonna do that.
35:18I'm gonna stay here and monitor Ms. Lovegood's vitals.
35:23That elevator is just for you.
35:39Okay, Hattie, get on now.
35:43Hattie, that's your cue.
35:57I won't do it.
35:59Let's go again.
36:00No, we're not going again.
36:03I'm not doing that again.
36:07You can kill off my character if that's what you want to do.
36:09I can't stop you from doing that.
36:13But my God, I will not help you do it.
36:35Bonnie, how'd it go on set today?
36:38Did Hattie take the plunge?
36:40No, she refused to do the stunt.
36:44Oh, no.
36:46Well, if she didn't go down the elevator shaft, how did they end the scene?
36:49They didn't.
36:50They had to end early.
36:52See, that moody diva just stormed off the set in a huff.
37:03So Hattie just stormed off the set, huh?
37:06Pretty soon.
37:07So what are we going to do?
37:10There they are.
37:12My two favorite backstabbers.
37:14Okay, if you're here for your paycheck, people who break their contract do not get paid.
37:19Why don't you keep your money?
37:22I don't want anything from you two traitors.
37:25In fact, I think I'm going to blow this one horse town.
37:29Oh, Hattie.
37:35You're going to regret the day you crossed me.
37:39I'm going to make sure you pay for it.
37:41I'm going to make sure that you are cursed.
37:45And everything that comes along with this production, from the offices to the cast and the staff and the crew.
37:54In fact, I think I'll even make sure that Pineview goes up in flames.
38:13First day of the shooting and it's like we're cursed.
38:17I think I'm doing better now, though.
38:19Could you please help me over to the hospital room set?
38:22No one would expect you to do your scenes in this condition.
38:25I'm going to call Abe and Kate and let them know that you're going to call in sick.
38:28What? No.
38:29Yes, I'm going to give you an anti-inflammatory. You'll be much better by tomorrow.
38:33But my scene with Alex.
38:34Well, it's going to have to wait.
38:36I'm sorry, there's going to be no love scene today.
38:47I don't think you want to go in there.
38:50Why not?
38:51Well, Aaron and Faith got a little carried away.
38:56What do you mean?
38:58I poked my head in there a little while ago and at first I thought, well, they're rehearsing.
39:03But then I realized they were in a steamy love scene for real.
39:21Oh, my God.
