Days of our Lives 10-7-24 (7th October 2024) 10-7-2024 10-07-24 DOOL 7 October 2024

  • last week
00:00I hope this isn't a bad time, man.
00:05It's fine, but since when does the D.A. make house calls?
00:10He does when it's a personal matter.
00:12What's this?
00:15A signed statement from my brother.
00:17As you'll see, Stefan is not going to be a problem anymore.
00:30You brought me flowers?
00:40One of the nurses asked me to bring them to you.
00:43They were on the desk and, well, no one could bring them in, so...
00:56I'm from the assistance, Gabby Sheik.
01:00Wishing you a speedy recovery.
01:02T.S., sorry for what happened.
01:06We were worried that Connie was a psycho, and we're relieved that you're going to be okay.
01:17Everyone could see how insane that woman was except me.
01:24So, what are you doing here?
01:30I just wanted to let you know that I just spoke to my lawyer.
01:40Your lawyer?
01:48I'm filing for divorce.
02:01Why are you so surprised, Gabby?
02:05Given the fact that you told me you were going to take me for everything I'm worth, you divided the house into his and her halves, and I'm surprised that you didn't file first.
02:20Yeah, well, it's just kind of ironic, you know?
02:26Since you once said you were going to fight tooth and nail for our marriage.
02:33And yet here you are, at my bedside, eager to deliver the news that you're acting in.
02:43Why the sudden rush to divorce me, Stephanie?
02:56Thomas, Thomas, hold up. What's the rush, darling?
02:59Well, it's getting late.
03:02My friend Gage and I are supposed to have a battle at four o'clock.
03:06A battle?
03:07A video game battle. You know, online.
03:11Oh, yeah. Darling, I'm afraid you're going to have to tell your little friend you have to postpone today.
03:21Because when we get home, your daddy has a very special surprise for you.
03:27And you, too, Charlotte.
03:36Thanks for getting here so quickly.
03:39Of course.
03:41Does that mean the kids aren't here?
03:43No, none of them. Julie took them to Sweet Bits.
03:47Oh, good.
03:51That's actually why I wanted you to come by.
03:56When the kids get here, I want us to tell them the truth.
04:02I want to tell them that their mother's alive.
04:07You want to tell them now that I'm alive?
04:09Yeah. It's time.
04:11No, no, no. It's not time, Chad. We can't. No, we cannot. Absolutely cannot do that.
04:27As time extends through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:48Hey, Elder.
04:49Hi, Ava. Hey, listen, I've been meaning to talk to you. I'm sure you'll say something new.
04:55I've got three cameras around, and I'm having a watch change, so I'll give you a new set of keys.
05:03Okay. Is this because of what happened upstairs?
05:07Yeah, that psycho kind. I feel really bad. What you went through.
05:13Okay. The pub is a public space, obviously, and anyone can go upstairs.
05:20There's nothing you could have done.
05:24And, Roman, I know that I am still behind on my rent, and since I walked away from the job that you so graciously offered me,
05:34I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to pay it back.
05:38Well, I thought you just turned me down because you got a better job.
05:43Oh, well, that was then, and this is now.
05:47You're aware of how fast things change in this town.
05:56I'm not in a rush to divorce you, Gabby.
06:00I'm just thinking, what's the point of dragging this on, of perpetuating this pathetic game of cheating, one-upmanship?
06:22I'm miserable. You're miserable.
06:28So, why not cut our losses and end things?
06:35Fair enough.
06:39Still seems kind of sudden. Why now? Why today?
06:46Well, because any normal run-in with my brother will always be running for the park cart, and he and I got into it earlier today,
06:59and he said something that really resonated with me, even though he was probably just trying to goad me at the time.
07:13What did he say?
07:18That I'm never going to be able to erase the image of you and him together.
07:32And he's right.
07:36Well, I can relate.
07:40Because ever since I found out about you and Ava, those mental images, I can't get them out of my head either.
07:54You understand.
07:57I do.
08:01So then, you also understand there's no fixing this.
08:17You can't get over me and Ava. I can't get over you and EJ.
08:24So there's nothing left to fight for.
08:28I see.
08:38Chad, we discussed this. We determined it is too soon for the kids to meet me. We were on the same page. What happened? What changed?
08:45What changed is it's too important to keep putting off.
08:50The kids, they need you. They miss you, and they've gone long enough without you.
08:56We've kept this under wraps long enough, and the longer we do it, the more likely it is that they're going to find out from some rando.
09:04And that would be a disaster. I think you'd agree.
09:06I agree. Of course I do. And they've been through so much, but Chad...
09:10Look, I've kept this out of the paper. But you're living at the mansion, all right?
09:15And there's a ton of people that come in and out, including my niece Rachel.
09:18If she blabs about something at school, then it's over.
09:22I understand that, but the mansion is huge. I am steer clear of Rachel, okay? She barely even knows I'm there.
09:27Okay, first of all, she knows a lot more than you think.
09:31We need to control what Thomas and Charlotte hear and how.
09:37Okay? Which is why it's important that we tell them, and they don't find out from someone else.
09:46So surprise him, Julie.
09:48Well, if I told you, Thomas, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, would it?
09:52Ooh, I love surprises. Hello, Mrs. Williams.
09:56Mr. Stark.
09:57Charlotte, Thomas, the two most adorable children on the planet.
10:01Well, we're really in a bit of a rush here.
10:03You know, when I used to work for your dad, he was so proud of you two, he couldn't wait to show me photos of you two adorable bundles of Joy Hub, which he had about two million of on his phone.
10:14Wait, do you look like my daddy anymore?
10:17No, I do not. Please excuse the shameless braggadocio, but now I'm the head writer of Body and Soul.
10:24Breaking in the big box, soon my pictures will be all over Soap Opera Digest.
10:28Yes, well, we really must be on our way.
10:32Can I ask you one more question?
10:34One. Just one.
10:36Are you still the tooth fairy?
10:39Tooth fairy?
10:41Oh, I've got a loose tooth, see?
10:45And I was wondering if I could get an advancement on my 50 bucks.
10:50Nice try, kid, but I'm really not a fairy after all.
10:54I mean, anyway, it is a lovely day and hey, great news about your mom, huh?
11:02Mom? She's dead.
11:05What's so great about that?
11:10I want to protect Thomas and Charlotte too, so of course I don't want them finding out about me from some stranger.
11:25Of course not, but if I'm starting to remember, what is the harm in giving it a little more time?
11:31How much more time?
11:32A week? A month? A year?
11:38I mean, every day that goes by that we don't tell them is another day that they have to go on missing you in their lives.
11:45Our kids are smart, alright? They're more capable of understanding than you think.
11:52Okay, you know what? How about...
11:55Forget about our children for a minute and what's best for them and what they need.
12:01What do you need?
12:05What do you want?
12:07What do you want, Abby?
12:09I mean, aren't you tired of being a virtual prisoner in my father's mausoleum?
12:14Avoiding us?
12:16And don't you want your life back?
12:18Yeah, you have no idea how much.
12:20Okay, when you remembered our vows, I naively expected the floodgates to just open.
12:27And they didn't.
12:29They didn't just open magically, Chad.
12:32And you were terribly disappointed.
12:34Yeah, sure.
12:36But I was also a little bit encouraged because what brought that memory back was something very specific.
12:41It was when I showed you our wedding album.
12:43So maybe...
12:46Just maybe seeing our children will bring your memories back with them.
12:50I mean, have you even thought of that?
12:55I think that this is what's best for them.
13:00And for me.
13:03And for you.
13:07So let's tell them the truth, Abby.
13:10Yeah, it's time.
13:16What are you talking about, Leo?
13:18There's no news about Abigail.
13:22Oh, well, actually there is news.
13:27Your mom just got her angel wings and was promoted to Chief Guardian Angel.
13:33Which is a real title and not at all made up.
13:35And I'm telling you, it is all the talk of Fairyland.
13:39It is?
13:42Yeah, it sure is.
13:44And despite my denial before, which is only because I'm a very modest person and I didn't want to flaunt it.
13:50I am indeed a fairy.
13:52And Thomas, I have an advance for you on that loose tooth.
13:57Here you go.
13:59You're welcome.
14:00And Charlotte, some news for you on whichever tooth of yours happens to become loose next.
14:05Very generous.
14:07As we fairies tend to be.
14:09And I'm sorry, Mrs. Williams, I would offer you a loose tooth advance.
14:13But I have run out of cash.
14:15Well, I've run out of patience.
14:17So children, let's get going right now.
14:20See you soon, Sperry.
14:21Yeah, I'll see you soon, I hope.
14:23And hey, don't forget to floss.
14:31Jeez, how was I supposed to know?
14:37So, Stefan DeMera, a.k.a. your brother, has officially recanted his claim of you admitting to him your role in the baby switch involving Eric Brady, Snow Peterson, and your ex-wife, Nicole Walker?
14:53Indeed he has.
14:55And he has also stated, though not officially, that he will cease and desist with his baseless campaign to undermine me.
15:05And also extremely gratifying for me, as you can imagine, since now, Madam Mayor, you have no reason to fire me.
15:13Oh, but you gave me plenty reason to fire you, E.J.
15:18Baby switch, whatever baby switch.
15:21However, since for some unfathomable reason, Melinda Tress likes working for your sisters, so I don't have a lot to replace you with yet.
15:34Then I will continue happily working as D.A.
15:38And I won't take up any more of your time.
15:41Hold on, hold on one sec.
15:44I do have one concern.
15:47And what is that?
15:49We both know that this claim is a lie.
15:52So tell me, exactly how did you coerce your brother into signing it?
16:03You know, when time around the bomb was taking down, I was sure I was going to die.
16:11I thought of all the things I wish I'd done or said in my life.
16:19And the one thing I wish I'd done most was to tell you one more time that I loved you.
16:28I loved you.
16:33And when you came to see me that night in the hospital, I thought maybe staring death in the face was exactly what we needed.
16:50I wanted to forgive you.
16:55And then I found out about you and Eva.
16:59And how you tried to have sex with her again as revenge for my revenge sex with E.J.
17:06Okay, but it didn't happen. We didn't sleep together again.
17:09And I didn't sleep with E.J. again either.
17:13But you wanted to.
17:17Gabby, E.J. told me that he turned you down.
17:21It's true, he did.
17:25I was hurt and I wanted to hurt you.
17:30Same for you, obviously.
17:35So, it was both of us wanting to inflict pain on each other.
17:41It was both of us wanting to inflict pain on each other.
17:50And that's not just something that you do to someone you love with your heart, is it?
18:09Sorry to contradict you, Ma'am Price, but Stephen's statement was completely truthful.
18:17Don't insult my intelligence, I mean.
18:21The man changing his tune for no reason.
18:24When he came to see me, he was determined to bring you down.
18:27So he was, until I threatened to sue him for defamation, which would have brought him down.
18:36Let's see.
18:39Tell me, tell me, E.J.
18:42What are you two brothers going to do when you run out of things to blackmail each other over?
18:49Oh, that'll never happen. Endless supply.
18:53Well, I won't take up any more of your time.
18:56I'm looking forward to working with you again, Ma'am Price. Take care.
19:07And you were taken from me.
19:10And I thought you died.
19:13It felt as though my heart had been ripped out.
19:19I didn't think I'd ever feel whole again.
19:23And then you came back, and it was a miracle.
19:29And I wanted nothing to do with you.
19:32And it was like losing you all over again.
19:36And it was like losing you all over again.
19:51Then, we were finally together again.
19:59We were so happy.
20:02Then I went to prison.
20:05And the only thing that got me through was knowing that you were waiting for me.
20:12I kept telling myself, I have to stay strong.
20:18For him.
20:21For us.
20:24And then when I found out about you and Ava...
20:29Biggest mistake of my life.
20:32So you kept saying.
20:37But still.
20:39I couldn't handle it, obviously.
20:49I'm so sorry.
20:54And I would give anything...
20:56And I would give anything...
21:00To go back and erase that terrible mistake.
21:07Because when we were good, when we were happy...
21:17Say it.
21:18I love you.
21:24I've never loved anybody...
21:27The way I love you.
21:32You were...
21:35Everything to me.
21:38Just like I wrote you on our anniversary.
21:44So beautiful.
21:48And I see you in the stars.
21:51You're the brightest one by far.
21:55I love...
22:00Everything you are.
22:07And I need you right beside me.
22:14With your most pure light to guide me.
22:19You're a poet.
22:25I'm a fool.
22:30I'm a damn fool.
22:33I screwed everything up.
22:40You kind of did.
22:43You kind of did.
22:50And then I screwed it up even worse.
22:55That's such a shame.
23:04I'm so sorry.
23:11I'm so sorry.
23:16I'm sorry too.
23:28Like you said...
23:31Those mental images...
23:36Are the images that we both see now.
23:43Damage is done.
23:47And there's nothing left to fight for anymore.
24:01I filed for divorce.
24:07I just want it over with. Same as you.
24:26Goodbye, Stephen.
25:09So, when Stephen offered me the job at the bistro, he insisted that his marriage was over.
25:15And he didn't care what Gabby thought of me working there.
25:18So you accepted his offer?
25:21I did.
25:23But then I gave it some thought and I realized that it might be a little more complicated than I had bargained for.
25:30So I quit before I started.
25:36And you know that Stephen came and he saved me from everyone's favorite whack job, Ms. Connie Eveninsky.
25:43Yeah. Thank God he did.
25:46Yeah. Thank God he did.
25:50You know, we haven't had a chance to discuss what happened.
25:54Because he found out that Gabby had been hurt and he ran off to check on her.
25:59And for all I know, they could be back together again.
26:04Listen, Ada.
26:06If you want the job here, you get yours.
26:10But before you decide, maybe you should figure out where things are with Stephen for me.
26:19Are you saying you want me to take more time to make good on what I owe you?
26:23Hey, I've waited this long.
26:26Roman, you are the best. The best, best.
26:34I will keep you posted.
26:46Hey, Roman.
26:48I know you're closed for this shoot that didn't happen, but is there any chance of getting a drink around here?
26:53It has been a day and it's not over yet.
26:55Okay. How about a beer?
26:57I think I would prefer three dirty martinis, a slice of rum cake followed by a chocolate bourbon tart, but I'll take it.
27:07I know that soap opera life is crazy, but real life just leaves it in the dust, crazy wise.
27:14Well, worst thing that's going on in real life is that it's so crazy.
27:18Uh, it seems that Chad's kids still don't know that Abigail is alive.
27:23Just found that out the hard way.
27:31Chad, I do not want to turn our children's lives upside down on the off chance
27:40that it might help with my memories coming back.
27:43But I feel terrible enough disappointing you, I will not be able to handle disappointing them too.
27:49Okay, look, I'm not trying to upset you.
27:51I don't want to argue.
27:57Okay, if you don't want to tell the kids, then we won't tell the kids.
28:03Thank you. Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate it.
28:07I just have to go, Julian.
28:10And tell her not to bring the kids.
28:14That's not good.
28:17Julian sent me a text that said that they were on their way home.
28:27Who are you?
28:40So, after I stupidly blurted great news about your mom and got dagger eyes from Julie,
28:46I covered by telling those adorable kids that what I meant was that their mother had just gotten her angel wings
28:51and was promoted to chief guardian angel.
28:54Then I was just going on and on about fairies. The kind that are in heaven.
28:58But the kids bought it, right?
29:01I mean, they seem to, but God, I would have just assumed that they would have been told by now
29:07that their mother is alive and well and living in Salem.
29:10I mean, how long do they think they can keep a secret like that under wraps?
29:20Why are you scaring me?
29:24Why haven't you answered my question?
29:29Thomas, I think your father is collecting his thoughts.
29:35Give him a moment.
29:42I'm sorry, Thomas. I'm sorry to stare.
29:46And Charlotte, you two, I heard so much about both of you.
29:51I was not expecting to meet either of you today.
29:56I am a friend of Daddy's. We work together at the newspaper.
30:06Hi, you guys. I want to hear about your day.
30:11I do, but we have to finish up our business meeting.
30:17Do you think you can take the kids while we finish? We have stuff to discuss.
30:22Of course. We'll go into the kitchen and have our little treats and perhaps some milk, too.
30:28Treats and milk are a surprise for us.
30:30Later. Okay?
30:33Okay. Come on.
30:48Did that trigger anything?
30:51No, it didn't.
30:56Well, I don't know where we go from here.
31:03I... I might have an idea.
31:17Hey, hey, hey.
31:21Is he?
31:23Dinner service hasn't started yet.
31:26Right, right.
31:28Listen, I'm just gonna dive right on in.
31:33I was talking with Roman, and he encouraged me to follow up with you on your job offer.
31:41The one you offered me.
31:42Oh, the one that you quit?
31:45Yeah, that's the one.
31:47Wait, you're gonna unquit?
31:50Well, it depends.
31:56On whether you and Gabby are back together.
32:03Oh, God, no.
32:09Because when you found out that she was hurt and you ran off after her, I thought that maybe...
32:17No, there was a split second there that I, uh...
32:23I held out hope that we could work things out, but no, Gabby and I do not have a future together.
32:30I'm happy.
32:40Well, I, uh, I hope everything is well with you and Chanel.
32:45We'll catch up when I see you.
32:48All right. Bye-bye, Johnny.
32:52Hello, Gabby.
32:54Hey, Jay. What are you doing here?
32:58Well, I just thought you should know that I had a call from your brother a little while ago, and he warned me to stay away from you.
33:09So, since we do live in the same house, I was wondering how you would like to handle the situation once you're discharged.
33:18It'll be fine. It's a big house. I'm sure we'll respect each other's boundaries.
33:24And Rafe is just being protective.
33:33I assume they're through, Stefan?
33:37Nothing says I'm groveling here than a bouquet trashed from the grocery store.
33:43Those aren't from Stefan, and he and I are way past the groveling stage.
33:49In fact, he was just here to tell me that he's filing for a divorce because of you.
34:07Did Stefan say he's filing for a divorce because of me, or is that just your assumption?
34:14It's not just my assumption.
34:17You basically said you taunted him, told him that he would never be able to get the image of the two of us out of his head.
34:27Yes. Yes, I did tell him that, because I know my brother, and he tends to obsess a little. OCD, if you will.
34:38So I was only stating what I know to be true.
34:44And what I know to be true is what your son Johnny once told you, as I recall.
34:51And what is that?
34:54Ah, in essence, it is about misplaced anger.
34:59He apparently said that since your marriage to Nicole is ruined, instead of directing that anger toward her or Eric, you took it out on your brother and me.
35:10Tried to ruin our marriage.
35:14And now you've succeeded.
35:19You and Gabby are getting a divorce.
35:25Yeah, that was my idea. I thought we talked and Gabby and I are on the same page.
35:36Look, um, you know that I am no fan of Gabby's.
35:45But I care about you, and I really hope that you are not jumping the gun and doing this because your feelings got hurt.
35:54No, it's not it at all.
36:06It is part of me that will always love Gabby.
36:12But neither of us can get over what we did, so.
36:20I'm so sorry, Stefan.
36:23Don't be.
36:26This is not your fault.
36:29You did not make any promises to Gabby.
36:33Gabby, I did.
36:36I'm the one who's sorry.
36:40So, what do you think?
36:48My God, you too.
36:51What's going on?
36:53I thought this was the day, the day we were going to tell the children the truth about their mother.
36:59Gabby wasn't ready.
37:01I shouldn't have assumed that she would be, and I didn't get your text.
37:04Otherwise, I would have told you how to come home.
37:06Well, too late about that now.
37:08All right.
37:10This is my chance to meet you.
37:13Finally, Abigail.
37:16I'm your cousin, Julie.
37:21So nice to meet you, Julie.
37:23I have heard so much about you and your husband, Doug.
37:27And I'm really grateful for all you've done to help us with this situation.
37:34Of course.
37:36Gee, if you remembered me, you would realize that sometimes I can be a little blunt.
37:47Abigail, dear, surely you don't believe you can continue with this charade indefinitely.
37:54Listen to me.
37:55I was just at Horton Square and ran into Leo Stark, and he just about blew the whole secret out of the water.
38:03He said, well, I've heard the good news about your mother.
38:06Of course, the idiot covered pretty well, I'll give him that.
38:10But how long before somebody else says something like that?
38:13Somebody else will.
38:16And we both know that.
38:18And Abby was actually just telling me about an idea that would address that eventuality.
38:25What is it?
38:29I want us to go to Paris.
38:32Abby, I'm sorry if you blame me for the end of your marriage.
38:52But when you and I shared that night of passion, I was under the distinct impression that it was already over.
39:07I know.
39:15I don't mean to blame you.
39:17You're right.
39:20I only lash out at you because it was easier than blaming myself.
39:25But I am to blame.
39:26I know that.
39:31I was the one who came on to you in the first place.
39:35And when I wanted to have sex with you again, you turned me down.
39:44And I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
39:48You were a perfect gentleman.
39:53Well, I, uh... Do you have my moments?
40:11I've never seen you back down from a fight.
40:16So if you don't want your marriage to be over...
40:19It's not a fight.
40:21Not anymore.
40:25Whatever I feel for Stefan, too much has happened.
40:31And he agrees with me.
40:36What we had is truly dead.
40:40But good this time.
40:44You know, I should have known all along that, uh...
40:48Things were gonna end up like this.
40:54What's that saying?
40:58Nothing that burns so bright can last too long.
41:07I never really heard that, but...
41:10Sounds about right.
41:15Well, I hope you'll consider coming back to work at the bistro without having any concern over Gabby or my future behavior, which will be impeccable, by the way.
41:31I'm not worried about your behavior, Stefan.
41:35But I really do need this job, so I thank you.
41:41And I want you to know...
41:43I would gladly...
41:45Buy you a trade and apron at the Brady Pub.
41:49And that the things could be different for you with Gabby.
41:55Nice of you to say.
41:57I mean it.
42:02And as they fall into each other's arms, it is clear they are going to make mad, passionate...
42:09Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was talking out loud.
42:11No problem. You know what, Leo? You're talking out loud is, uh...
42:16Very entertaining. Most of the time.
42:20Well, let's hope the audience finds it entertaining.
42:22I'm sure they will. Have the shoes at the, uh, hospital, though.
42:26The nutshell version?
42:28Hattie, in her diva grandiosity, gave the producers an ultimatum about not wanting to work with Bonnie.
42:34And since Abe and Kate weren't having any of that, I had to write Hattie's crash landing.
42:40So Miss Addams is now in the soap opera graveyard, I'm afraid.
42:46And I feel really terrible, because I knew about it before she did, obviously.
42:50But it was instructive that I couldn't say a word until after she had shot her last scenes with Bonnie,
42:55because Abe and Kate were concerned that if she knew about it beforehand, she might have a hissy fit and storm off the set.
43:00Yeah, well, knowing Hattie, I'm pretty sure she would.
43:05Yeah, probably.
43:08But still, I consider Hattie a friend. I hate that she was blindsided like this.
43:14Yeah, well, that's why they call it show business and not show friendship.
43:20Yeah, I know.
43:24Still, I just feel like such a heel.
43:27You know when you try to justify an awful lie for a good reason, but it's still a lie?
43:35It doesn't make you feel any better about it in the end.
43:45Well, Chad said that's where we went after we got married, and that it was one of the most romantic special times of our lives, so.
43:53I'm aware.
43:55And since it was the wedding album that initially triggered the memories, she's out there.
44:02Maybe if we went back there, it would, you know, being there would trigger something else.
44:07She's been under so much stress and pressure in Salem.
44:10Oh, yes.
44:14Are you planning on taking your children with you to France?
44:17No, no. I was thinking that we should leave them in Boston with Jack and with my parents.
44:24That way, we don't have to worry about someone else slipping up and saying something to them.
44:32Well, I'm sure Jack and Jennifer would love to look after the children.
44:38What if you get to France and you look at the Eiffel Tower and you still don't remember anything?
44:43If I don't remember anything, if this doesn't jog the memories, we're not going to keep this charade going on forever.
44:51We will come back here and we will absolutely tell the children the truth.
44:56Telling the truth is sensible.
45:00Well, you're not on board with all of this, Jack.
45:11Paris, here we come.
