Shan e Auliya | Episode - 1 | H.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA | 8 Oct 2024 | ARY Qtv

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Shan e Auliya | Episode - 1 | H.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA | 8 Oct 2024 | ARY Qtv

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00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:29In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:36In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:44Respected viewers,
00:46today we are going to speak about the most pious and blessed personality of God,
00:52the Beloved of God, the Beloved of the Almighty,
00:58the Book of God,
01:01Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani,
01:05may God be pleased with him,
01:08we are going to speak about the most pious and blessed personality of God,
01:15and we are going to express our love and devotion to him.
01:22Every moment of the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,
01:30was a manifestation of the blessed life of the Beloved Prophet of God, peace and blessings be upon him.
01:40He spent his whole life fulfilling the commandments of God and his Messenger.
01:49Every moment of his life was a manifestation of the divine pleasure,
01:53sincerity to Godliness,
01:55zeal for righteousness,
01:57fear of God,
01:59divine love,
02:01and the love of the Messenger.
02:03Throughout his lifetime, he taught people
02:09how to build a strong relationship with God,
02:14how to build a strong relationship with the Beloved Messenger of God,
02:18and how to build a strong relationship with the servants of God.
02:23He was born in the famous city of Gilan in Iran.
02:28In this regard, he is called Gilani.
02:31His forefathers were extremely pious,
02:37extremely dignified,
02:39and extremely beloved to God and his Messenger.
02:43And they also spent their whole life fulfilling the commandments of God and his Messenger.
02:49When he was born,
02:52on the first day of Ramadan,
02:54it can be estimated that he was born
02:58with a face of light,
03:00and with his movements and actions,
03:02that he was born as a saint.
03:06With reference to his sainthood,
03:09the previous scholars and saints
03:14have already given glad tidings of his sainthood.
03:20If we look at his family traits,
03:24he is a two-sided saint.
03:27His mother is a beautiful saint,
03:31and his mother is a beautiful saint.
03:35And it is a great honour for him to be from the family of the Messenger of God.
03:41He has a relationship with the Sunni and Hamli sect.
03:47And his personality is known and recognized as the spiritual leader of the Qadriya.
03:56Respected viewers,
03:58if we study his biography,
04:02if we look at his biography,
04:04we find that all of his attributes are in compliance with the commandments of God
04:15and his beloved Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
04:21Every moment of his life,
04:25every corner of his life,
04:28was in compliance with the biography of the beloved Messenger of God.
04:34He served the creation of God all his life.
04:38And he taught people about this all his life.
04:42If you want to attain the nearness of Allah,
04:44you cannot attain the nearness of Allah without the creation of God.
04:49If we look at his attributes,
04:52he possesses great importance in righteousness,
04:54virtue, perfection, knowledge and practice.
05:03It is only through him that hundreds of thousands of people have benefited from him
05:09and his blessings continue to this day.
05:13If we look at the practical aspects of his biography,
05:18we find that he is hospitable,
05:27and fearful of God.
05:29These are the attributes due to which Allah has given him the status and rank
05:37that even after thousands of years,
05:40there has been no decrease in his status and rank.
05:44In fact, his Zikr is increasing.
05:47The fundamental reason for this is that the person who does Zikr of Allah,
05:52Allah increases his Zikr.
05:54The person who lives his life according to the beautiful biography of the Beloved of Allah,
06:00Allah revives his name and biography for the rest of his life.
06:05He used to do a lot of Zikr of Allah.
06:09There was not a single moment where he was unaware of Zikr of Allah.
06:14This is the identity of the Auliya-e-Izam.
06:17The Auliya-e-Izam are actually scholars.
06:20Regarding the scholars, the Beloved Prophet of Allah said,
06:24that the scholars are actually the inheritors of the knowledge of the Auliya-e-Izam.
06:32The relationship of sainthood is not without knowledge.
06:36He was a great scholar of his time.
06:40In thousands of people, people have obtained spiritual and intellectual blessings from him.
06:48If we look at his blessings, his teachings,
06:54we see that this is a very prominent thing.
06:57Sheikh Abu Abdullah Hasmi asked him,
07:02that tell me, the great status of sainthood that Allah has bestowed upon you,
07:09you have attained the status of Ghausiyat.
07:11How did you attain this status?
07:14He replied, I have never lied in my life.
07:18When my mother, Majda, was sending me to Baghdad for my primary education,
07:24when my mother came to bid me farewell at the door,
07:28she told me only one thing,
07:31that son, do not lie at any point of your life.
07:36I have followed my mother's advice.
07:40And by following that advice,
07:42Allah has given me that status and rank.
07:47Respected viewers, that story of yours,
07:50that story is very well known,
07:52in which 60 robbers attack a caravan in which you are also a part of.
07:59They start looting people's belongings.
08:02A robber comes to you and says,
08:05son, tell me what do you have?
08:07You reply, I have 40 dinars.
08:11I have 40 gold coins,
08:12which are hidden under my shirt.
08:16The robber thinks that he is a kid and is joking.
08:19After a while, another robber comes.
08:22He comes and asks you, what do you have?
08:25You tell him the truth and say,
08:29I have 40 gold coins.
08:31The robber goes back.
08:33When people's belongings are looted,
08:36and they gather near their chief,
08:39then both the robbers say to their chief,
08:43today we have seen something very strange.
08:45We asked a kid, what do you have?
08:49He said, I have 40 dinars.
08:52I have 40 gold coins.
08:54The other robber said,
08:55this is strange,
08:56this has happened to me as well.
08:59The same kid has said the same thing to me.
09:03The chief of the robbers said,
09:05do one thing, bring that kid.
09:08Respected viewers,
09:09you were brought to the chief of the robbers as a child.
09:15The chief of the robbers asked you,
09:17what do you have?
09:19You said, I have 40 gold coins,
09:22which are hidden under my shirt.
09:27When the kid was checked,
09:29he saw that he had 40 gold coins.
09:31Respected viewers,
09:32the chief of the robbers was surprised to see this.
09:35He asked you,
09:37what is it that forced you to tell the truth?
09:42You could have kept your things safe by lying.
09:46You said,
09:48when my mother said goodbye to me,
09:52she said, son, never lie in life.
09:54I have obeyed my mother's words.
09:59as a Muslim,
10:02I do not allow a Muslim to lie.
10:07I have followed the teachings of my religion.
10:11The chief of the robbers was so impressed by what you said,
10:14that he announced his repentance.
10:17He said, I will return all the loot that I have looted.
10:22The chief of the robbers,
10:25he also said,
10:27if you were our chief in robbery,
10:31today you are our chief in the path of goodness.
10:34We do such things that we repent.
10:37Respected viewers,
10:38this is the truth,
10:39not only did the chief of the robbers come to the path of guidance,
10:44but along with the chief of the robbers,
10:46all the robbers also came to the path of guidance.
10:50And the biggest thing is,
10:51the people of the caravan also got their loot back.
10:56You have taught this to your followers in life.
11:00My followers,
11:02those who have faith and love for me,
11:04remember this,
11:06the beloved Prophet of Allah said,
11:08that lies have nothing to do with faith.
11:11If you have faith and love for me,
11:15the one who has true faith in me is the one
11:18who protects himself from lies,
11:21and in every situation propagates the truth.
11:24And you have also taught your followers,
11:28remember that truth is the source of all goodness.
11:31And similarly,
11:33your chief of the robbers was the chief of the robbers.
11:37He used to like to sit with the poor.
11:41Your morals are very high.
11:43You are very high on the level of good morals.
11:46You meet people with a smile,
11:49greet people,
11:51respect them,
11:53meet them,
11:55and if someone falls ill,
11:58you go and visit them.
12:00If someone invites you to their party,
12:02you go to their party.
12:05Despite the fact that Allah has given you such a high status.
12:09My dear followers,
12:10this is the same teaching
12:12that we get from the noble character of the beloved Prophet of Allah.
12:17All your life,
12:19you used to carry the burdens of orphans and poor people.
12:22You used to help them.
12:25If you were invited to a party,
12:27you used to go to the party of the poor.
12:30And the beloved Prophet of Allah also said,
12:32that if you want to find me,
12:34then find me among the poor.
12:35And this is the same practice
12:37that we see in the noble character of the beloved Prophet of Allah.
12:42You say to your followers,
12:45my followers,
12:46remember this,
12:47if you want to find me,
12:49then find me among the poor.
12:50I will meet you there.
12:53If we look at your teachings,
12:55you teach this to your followers.
12:58My dear followers,
12:59remember this,
13:01it is a great virtue to pay the debts of the poor.
13:04It is a great virtue to fulfill the needs of the needy.
13:08You have fulfilled the needs of people all your life.
13:12You have paid the debts of the poor.
13:15You used to help those who were not in need.
13:19You used to help people.
13:23For this reason,
13:23the title of helping people is also very famous in your titles.
13:27You have not returned empty-handed to anyone who has come to your door.
13:31And similarly,
13:32there is a title in your titles,
13:35Muhyuddin means the one who revives the religion.
13:38The teachings of the religion of Islam were being destroyed.
13:41When your blessed personality came into the world,
13:45through your teachings,
13:47you strengthened people's relationship with Allah and His beloved Prophet.
13:52You strengthened people's relationship with the companions of the Holy Prophet.
13:57And you invited people to say,
13:59if you want to attain the pleasure of Allah,
14:01then mention Allah in every situation.
14:03If you want to express your love for the beloved Prophet of Allah,
14:06then end your tongue with Durood and Salam.
14:10And similarly,
14:10if you want to attain the nearness of Allah and His Prophet,
14:13then serve the creation of Allah.
14:15If you serve the creation of Allah,
14:18this is the only thing that gives a person the nearness of Allah.
14:23If we look at the teachings of the religion,
14:25we see that Allah's beloved Prophet said,
14:29The best of people are those whose existence is beneficial for others.
14:36If you look at the blessed personality of Huzoor,
14:41his blessed personality teaches us that his existence was beneficial for people.
14:48He served the creation of Allah all his life.
14:51His door was always open for people.
14:55Whoever came to his door,
14:57whether a Muslim or a non-Muslim,
14:59he never left his door empty.
15:02Respected viewers,
15:03these are the teachings of Huzoor,
15:06which I have presented to you.
15:08In the presence of Allah,
15:10may Huzoor grant us the opportunity to follow the good deeds of Huzoor.
