The Legend of Tarzan S01 Ep26 - Tarzan and the Lost Treasure

  • 2 days ago
Under the command of Count Nikolas Rokoff, Cossacks come to the jungle to fight Tarzan. It's a real battle of wits, as Tarzan pits his intelligence against master strategist Rokoff.


00:00Ah, yes. There you go. Ah, this will be a fine hiding place for me, treasure.
00:16Whoa, whoa, whoa, what was that?
00:28Ah, nothing more than a mousel wager. Now back to the ship, you scurvy sea dogs!
00:33And so the treasure of Mad John was lost forever. That was over 200 years ago, lads. No one has ever dared go back to that fearsome jungle.
01:02No one, until now.
01:07Nothing in this life comes for free, Mr. Rokoff.
01:11Count Rokoff! You will address him by his proper name and title!
01:15Still calling ourselves a count, are we? The way I hear it, you've been stripped of that title, lad. Insolent fool!
01:24Alexis, please. There is no need to resort to brutality. Pay the man, and let us be on our way.
01:32He should learn some respect.
01:35Yes, but we are not here to be his teachers. Now, pay him.
01:40I thank you, gentlemen. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
01:47Oh, but Count Rokoff, a word of advice. As I said, nothing in this life comes for free.
01:54And the price will be your life if you go trotting into that Valley of the Leopards.
02:01Just a friendly word of warning.
02:05Count Rokoff?
02:07Alexis, this Valley of the Leopards, it's nothing more than an old sailor's tale.
02:13But the treasure is real, and it will be mine. And heaven help anyone, man or beast, who dares get in my way.
02:30Twenty paces north at ten degrees.
02:35One, two, three, four...
02:39We are closer and closer with every step, Alexis. I can almost feel the treasure in my hands.
03:06It is time to end this monkey business.
03:10I'm sorry, my boy. I'm afraid you're doomed.
03:15No, I'm still thinking.
03:18That's the problem with this game. Too much thinking, not enough action.
03:25Oh, I wouldn't do that.
03:27And you can't do that. You see, or you'll put your king in check.
03:31I got two eyes, but I ain't seeing.
03:33And remember, try to think at least two moves ahead of your opponent.
03:37I'm still a little unsure of how some of the pieces move.
03:40Well, it's all quite simple. The pawn only advances one square forward.
03:44Unless it's en passant.
03:45Which can only occur in conjunction with the opponent's pawn.
03:47And the knight moves one up and two to the left or two to the right.
03:50Or two up and one to the right or left.
03:52Or one back and two to either side.
03:55Bottom line, how do you win this stupid game?
03:58The object of the game, which is not stupid, by the by, is to take your rival's king.
04:06Tarzan wins. Now let's go do something interesting.
04:08No, no, no. You can't win like that.
04:11Chess is a game of mental strategy.
04:13Mental strategy?
04:17What the blazes?
04:21I see one.
04:22Something's wrong.
04:29I have him.
04:41Who dares impede the actions of Count Nicholas Rokoff?
04:44I am Tarzan.
04:46This is my jungle.
04:47So I see.
04:49Well, please understand that I have no interest in harming your jungle friends.
04:54It's just that your cute little monkey stole my map.
05:16Thank you, sir.
05:18This is a very old map.
05:20Yes, it is.
05:23Now, if I may...
05:24What are you doing with it?
05:26It's a matter I usually wouldn't discuss.
05:29However, in this case...
05:32Can I trust you with a secret?
05:35It leads to a treasure beyond your wildest dreams.
05:39I could use a man like you on my expedition.
05:42I promised that you would be rewarded handsomely.
05:45Treasure doesn't interest me.
05:47Treasure interests all men, Tarzan.
05:50All men.
05:53Tarzan, is Manu all right?
05:55Why, Tarzan, it seems you are hiding a treasure of your own.
05:59Who might this gem of the jungle be?
06:02I'm Jane, Tarzan's wife.
06:04Madam, let me assure you that your adorable monkey is just fine.
06:08It was a terrible, terrible misunderstanding.
06:11We've obviously disturbed your afternoon.
06:13Please, Sabrov here is a formidable chef.
06:16Allow us to provide your dinner tonight.
06:19Well, it is a nice gesture.
06:27What a feast!
06:29Indeed! The crowned heads of Europe have never feasted so well.
06:33One should never be denied the finer things in life.
06:36Though, sometimes fate conspires to do just that.
06:40Mr. Rokov?
06:43I have encountered hard times in Russia.
06:46Lost quite a fortune.
06:48But I'll soon be getting it back in Africa.
06:52What's this?
06:55Does the man of the jungle know the game of kings?
06:58Yes, I've been learning.
07:00Well, then, by all means, let us test your skills.
07:10Shall we go again?
07:23Ah, Tarzan.
07:25You have fallen for the classic ambush.
07:28You have left your queen unprotected.
07:32With this move, I put you in checkmate.
07:35It's nothing to be ashamed of, Tarzan.
07:37Chess is a game of logic and strategy.
07:39Concepts not easily grasped by a man of your savage upbringing.
07:45Let me take you to your camp.
07:48So there is nothing I can say to make you reconsider?
07:51No, I'm not a treasure hunter.
07:53Very well.
07:54But before you go, would you look at the map?
07:57Tell me the best route to the treasure.
08:00The treasure is buried in the Valley of the Leopards.
08:03No one has ever escaped there alive.
08:05I've heard of this valley.
08:07I thought it was the stuff of legend.
08:09No, it is very real.
08:12Not to worry.
08:13I will make it the Valley of Dead Leopards.
08:16Your guns won't save you, Rokhov.
08:18If you go into the valley, you will die.
08:21They are that deadly?
08:28Then it seems I am destined for a pauper's life.
08:32Thank you for your help, Tarzan.
08:34We'll be leaving in the morning.
08:37No treasure is worth dying for.
08:42That depends on who is doing the dying, my jungle friend.
08:53Something wrong, dear?
08:55No, I just feel bad for Rokhov.
08:57Because he won't be rich?
08:59Tarzan, there are nobler pursuits in life.
09:01I know.
09:02But he wanted the treasure so badly.
09:04Yes, but not enough to risk his life.
09:06Perhaps I spoke too soon.
09:08He wouldn't have gone into the Valley of the Leopards, would he?
09:10He would.
09:22Cease fire!
09:23That will suffice.
09:25Rokhov, what are you doing?
09:27Drawing you here, Tarzan.
09:30The answer is twofold.
09:31First, we need you to retrieve the treasure from the Valley.
09:34I said I wouldn't help you.
09:36Ah, yes.
09:37And that brings us to the second reason for luring you here.
09:40To leave your queen unprotected.
09:52I've captured your queen, Tarzan.
09:55The only way you will ever see her again is by killing her.
09:58Your move.
10:04Lesson number one in chess.
10:06Always have your next move prepared.
10:09Release Jane.
10:10After you bring me the treasure.
11:56Put me down, I said!
11:57Will you please put me down?
12:01You, sir, are a cat!
12:04But given your present situation, you would do well not to anger me.
12:09Once Tarzan returns, I promise you we will report you to the authorities.
12:13Then there is only one solution.
12:15After I get the treasure, I shall have to eliminate you both.
12:20Sometimes I think I might do well just to keep my big mouth shut.
12:26Manu, thank heavens!
12:28Warn Tarzan!
12:31Oh, blast!
12:33My baboon is a little weak, but here goes.
12:42No, no, I'm sorry.
12:43I must have my syntax reversed.
12:51Well, it never hurts to learn the local tongue.
12:57Oh, blast!
12:58Oh, blast!
12:59I didn't say get Mango.
13:01I said get Tarzan.
13:03Tell him that they plan to kill us both.
13:14I give up.
13:19Since my attempts to teach Tarzan the game of chess have proved futile,
13:23I now turn my attentions to a new pupil.
13:26Namely, you, Tantor.
13:28I'm always up for the adventure of learning, Professor.
13:31I appreciate that attitude, Tantor.
13:34It's a shame others don't share your thirst for knowledge.
13:38Yeah, well, I got a thirst for water and juice and, you know, all the usuals.
13:43The object of the game is to take the other player's king.
13:47You mean like this?
13:49I won.
13:50You've been teaching him bad habits.
13:53Hey, it works for me.
13:54I'll stay.
13:57Slow down, Manu.
13:59I can't understand who you're saying.
14:04They're gonna what?
14:11What are you doing here?
14:13Manu told us that you were in the gravest danger.
14:15Rokoff plans to bump off both you and Jane when he gets the treasure.
14:20If I don't bring Rokoff the treasure, Jane dies.
14:24But if you do bring him the treasure, you're both done for.
14:28Dicey, it's a bit like a chess game.
14:31Yes, but what's my next move?
14:35Anticipating your opponents, I should say.
14:39Rokoff, I have your treasure.
14:41Bring it closer. I must see.
14:43Tarzan, wait, no!
14:47Free Jane first.
14:49Do you take me for a fool?
14:50The treasure first or no deal?
14:52I got the treasure, baby!
15:09At long last.
15:12You have your treasure. Now free Jane.
15:17Simple savage.
15:20Tarzan, run!
15:28Do not feel ashamed, Tarzan.
15:30Better men than you have fallen for the legendary Rokoff ambush.
15:34An understandable but fatal error.
15:43What a joy it has been watching your primitive mind in operation.
15:47Again, you have been lured into the promise of an easy victory
15:50without considering your opponents' every possible move.
15:56You should take your own advice.
16:01Get off me!
16:09Hit him again, big boy!
16:22Follow me.
16:36Congratulations, your little move took me by surprise.
16:39But you cannot win.
16:43Take me to the treasure and I will spare your lives.
16:49Flank right. Circle around.
17:08Top floor, everybody out. Enjoy the view.
17:17Something has gone wrong.
17:19Find Saburov.
17:20Take the left flank, circle and meet us in the middle.
17:41Net, net, net!
17:43Pantor, what are you doing?
17:45Tarzan told us to sit on him, so I'm sitting on him.
17:48But don't worry, I'm not squishing him. Much.
17:54Our comrades have been taken out of the game.
17:57Duh. Never send a pawn to do the work of a knight.
18:05Count Roko, I have found the treasure.
18:10Bring this up to king's knight form.
18:13Huzzah! It worked!
18:15Ha ha, well done.
18:17All your stratagems appear to have succeeded, my boy.
18:20Now, we capture the king.
18:35So, that is your game.
18:40And now, I am one move ahead of you, ape man.
18:51Hello, Tarzan. Surprised to see me?
18:53How did you get...
18:54Your trap? Please, that was child's play.
18:58But, how?
18:59Did I know you were here?
19:01Well, it was clever of you to pretend you weren't interested in the treasure.
19:05But I knew you would come back to its hiding place eventually.
19:09Now, give it to me.
19:15Do not be so hard on yourself, Tarzan.
19:18It was a game well played.
19:20But now, it is over.
19:23And I believe this time you will find it is mate.
19:28I still have a few pieces on the board.
19:49Well played, my boy.
19:51I doubt Rokoff shall look for a rematch anytime soon.
19:55But I have a question.
19:56What happened to the treasure?
20:01I don't know.
20:02I hid it over here, but now it's gone.
20:05So, where did it go?
