Chand Aur Tare | Episode - 1 | H.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA | 8 Oct 2024 | ARY Qtv

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Chand Aur Tare | Episode - 1 | H.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA

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00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, I am Imran Wadood with a brand new episode of Chand aur Tariq.
00:26Today I am not alone, I have a lot of kids with me in the studio.
00:37And I can see that they are not just kids, they are adults as well.
00:43And we have a lot of grown up boys and girls with us as well.
00:46We will talk to them, but first I would like to welcome you all.
00:50Assalam-o-Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:54Wa-alaikum-as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu wa maghfirah.
00:59How are you all?
01:00Alhamdulillah, we are fine.
01:03Is everything alright?
01:04Yes, Alhamdulillah.
01:05So today, all the people who are watching us, and especially the kids who are watching us,
01:10whether they are watching us in Pakistan, India, Europe, America, Latin America, America,
01:18we will say Assalam-o-Alaikum to all the kids who are watching us from all over the world.
01:25And I would like to welcome you all on behalf of the whole team who are sitting with me today.
01:33You know, I would like to tell the viewers and the kids as well,
01:38that the month that has started, which month is this?
01:42Who is this month related to?
01:45Do you know?
01:47You know, you tell me.
01:48Who is this month related to?
01:51Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
01:54Absolutely right.
01:55This month, Rabi-us-Sani, is related to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
02:02Do you know who he was?
02:04Who was he?
02:05He was a very good and close friend of Allah.
02:09A friend of Allah, a saint.
02:11In fact, a saint of saints.
02:12Who are the saints of Allah?
02:16They are friends of Allah.
02:17They are beloved people of Allah.
02:19Since this month is related to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani,
02:24we would like to listen to something from you in today's program.
02:28And we will tell you something as well.
02:30In fact, I am also a kid like you all.
02:33So, I would like to listen to something, learn something from you all.
02:36We will talk about some reforms as well.
02:38We will talk about some fun things as well.
02:40Is that okay?
02:40So, are you all ready?
02:41So, in the beginning, we will try to remember an incident of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
02:47So, I will start with that and tell you all.
02:50But you have to listen to the incident very carefully.
02:52You have to listen to the incident very carefully.
02:56And when the incident is over, I will ask you all to tell me what did you learn from this incident.
03:01Are you done?
03:02Let's start.
03:04As I told you, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is a very beloved person of Allah.
03:10So, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani used to live in Baghdad.
03:15Where did he live?
03:16He is also known as the King of Baghdad.
03:18And where is the city of Baghdad?
03:20It is located in Iraq.
03:21Where is it located?
03:22It is located in Iraq.
03:24He used to live there.
03:25Once, he saw that a person was very sad, very worried.
03:33Now, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is a friend of Allah.
03:36He is a very kind-hearted person.
03:38He said, why is this person so worried?
03:41Why is he so sad?
03:42Let's go to him and ask him.
03:45Sheikh, let's go.
03:47Let's go and ask him, what is your problem?
03:50Why are you so worried?
03:51Tell me.
03:51What do you know?
03:52Can I give you a solution to your problem?
03:55So, he said, I wanted to cross this river.
03:58There was a river there.
03:59The name of that river was Dariya-e-Dajla.
04:02It is also called Tigris in English.
04:04It is also called the River of Tigris.
04:06He said, I wanted to cross this river.
04:10But, I did not have money.
04:12So, Mallah dropped me off on a boat.
04:16Do you know who Mallah is?
04:18What do you call a driver?
04:21What do you call a boatman?
04:23Similarly, what do you call a boatman?
04:30So, that person said, Mallah dropped me off on a boat.
04:33I had to go for an important work.
04:35But, I do not have money.
04:37So, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani took out 30 Dinars from his pocket and gave it to that person.
04:42In those days, 30 Dinars was a big amount.
04:46You could book a whole boat by giving 1 Dinar.
04:50And, 15 to 20 people could go on that boat.
04:53How many Dinars did Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani give?
04:56He gave 30 Dinars.
04:57And, he said, take this money and this Dinar and give it to Mallah.
05:02And, tell him that from now on, if a poor person wants to cross the river in a boat,
05:07you have to take him across the river.
05:09You do not have to refuse him.
05:11That person is very happy and happily leaves from there.
05:14Now, tell me, what a good incident it is.
05:16What did you learn from this incident?
05:18That if a person is worried and does not even ask us a question,
05:22then we should go to him ourselves.
05:25Yes, you want to say something.
05:27We learned from this incident that we should always help others.
05:31Very good.
05:32We should always help others.
05:35And, we should help others by moving forward.
05:38We should not wait for a person to come to us and ask us a question.
05:43That I am worried, I am helpless, help me.
05:46We should also take care of people's self-respect.
05:49If we are helpless or worried,
05:52we feel so ashamed to ask someone for help.
05:55We do not like it.
05:56You all try to ask only your parents for help.
06:00Or if you have an elder sister or an elder brother,
06:03if you do not like it,
06:05then think about how painful it is for us to ask someone we do not even know.
06:10So, we should think the same for others.
06:12We should also take care of them.
06:14Okay, kids?
06:15I would like to tell you another small incident with this.
06:19He also had a very good habit.
06:21Whenever he would sit to eat at his desk,
06:26do you know what he would do?
06:27He would always make a guest sit next to him.
06:31Sharing is caring.
06:32He would always make a guest sit next to him.
06:35And this,
06:36in fact, I remember this is also a Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
06:39Whose Sunnah is this?
06:40It is the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
06:43Whenever he would sit at his desk,
06:45he would try to make a guest sit next to him.
06:48This way, Allah the Almighty would give blessings in their livelihood.
06:51Allah the Almighty would expand their livelihood.
06:53They would never get into trouble.
06:55So, we get this lesson that we should feed the hungry.
06:59If someone is in trouble other than hunger,
07:02we should help them.
07:04And this is the only thing that makes Allah the Almighty happy.
07:08Okay, kids?
07:09So, they will remember this.
07:10When you go home today, you should share this incident.
07:13Share it with your friends.
07:14And when you go to school,
07:16do you know who Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was?
07:18What if those kids know?
07:20This is also possible.
07:21And if they don't know, then you should tell them.
07:23Listen to me, I know this incident.
07:25I know about him.
07:26I know about him.
07:28Who was he?
07:29What was his lifestyle?
07:30How did he live his life?
07:32So, let's go.
07:33Now, these were some things that happened from my side.
07:35But you are also sitting here.
07:37And you are sitting with a lot of preparation.
07:38Look at her.
07:38She is so well-prepared.
07:40What is your name?
07:41Give her the mic.
07:43What is your name?
07:44Midhat Fatima.
07:46Look at the name, how nice it is.
07:47Midhat Fatima.
07:49The one who praises Fatima.
07:50Midhat is sitting with us.
07:51Midhat, tell us.
07:52The incident that I just narrated,
07:54Whose incident was this?
07:56Which personality's incident was this?
07:58Tell me.
07:58What was his name in this?
08:01Abdul Qadir.
08:02Oh, wow!
08:02All the kids will say together.
08:04Glory to God.
08:06Okay, Midhat is with us.
08:07But there are many other kids besides Midhat.
08:09There are girls, boys and girls.
08:12But we would like a cute girl to be in our program today.
08:16And she was talking a lot to me off-air.
08:19First of all, I would like to ask her,
08:20what is her name nowadays?
08:23Her name is Anabia.
08:24Name her something else.
08:25This is her name.
08:26Anabia, if you get a chance,
08:29to select your own name,
08:31what name would you name yourself?
08:32I don't know.
08:33You don't know?
08:34Mom has named you.
08:35Dad has named you.
08:36Grandpa has named you.
08:37Grandma has named you.
08:38You don't know anything.
08:39They just named you and gave you.
08:40Here, this is your name.
08:42Whatever it is, this is Anabia.
08:44You are fine now.
08:46If I give you a chance,
08:47if I give you a chance today,
08:48what name would you name yourself?
08:51Name yourself Hasmukh.
08:53Okay, Anabia, tell me.
08:54What have you prepared today?
08:56I have to tell a story.
08:58You have to tell a story?
08:59Whose story?
09:00Huzoor's story.
09:00Sheikh Abdul Qadir's story.
09:01Absolutely right.
09:02Tell me.
09:03When you left for Huzoor-e-Ahmad,
09:06your mother sewed 40 dharams for you.
09:10And advised you not to lie.
09:14You were going with Huzoor-e-Ahmad,
09:17you were going with a cart,
09:19which was being looted.
09:22But Huzoor-e-Ahmad didn't see the child.
09:24Huzoor-e-Ahmad didn't see the child.
09:26So, Dattu thought,
09:28what is happening to him?
09:29He is just a child.
09:30So, Dattu asked Huzoor-e-Ahmad,
09:33do you have something?
09:35Huzoor-e-Ahmad said, yes, I have 40 dharams.
09:38So, Dattu told Huzoor-e-Ahmad
09:41that he has 40 dharams.
09:43So, Dattu took his chart,
09:46and it turned out to be 40 dharams.
09:47So, Dattu went to Huzoor-e-Ahmad,
09:48and told him the story.
09:50Huzoor-e-Ahmad said,
09:51bring that child to me.
09:53So, when Huzoor-e-Ahmad asked,
09:56why did you say that you have 40 dharams?
09:59So, he said,
10:02my mother advised me not to lie.
10:05So, Huzoor-e-Ahmad had tears in his eyes,
10:09and started thinking,
10:10he is fulfilling his mother's promise,
10:13and we are not fulfilling Allah's promise.
10:17So, he repented to Huzoor-e-Ahmad.
10:22This teaches us that
10:24we should always speak the truth.
10:27In this way, Allah helps us.
10:32All the children will say,
10:33Subhan Allah!
10:36So, you saw,
10:38the truth of the children is such a good thing,
10:41that they did not lie to save their money from the dacoit.
10:45In fact, they spoke the truth.
10:46And what was the reward?
10:48That the dacoit was so embarrassed,
10:49and then he came to faith.
10:51He repented.
10:52He said, when he is such a small child,
10:55he is speaking the truth.
10:56He is fulfilling his mother's promise.
10:59Not only is he speaking the truth,
11:00but he is also following his mother's words.
11:04And we are not following Allah's words.
11:06His mother must love him,
11:08but Allah loves more than 70 mothers.
11:11So, we must follow Allah's words.
11:14This is what is in his heart.
11:15When he spoke the truth,
11:17it was good for him.
11:19It was not bad.
11:20And not only was it good for him,
11:22but it was good for all the people there.
11:25And we got a lesson for the rest of the world.
11:27We have many more lovely children with us.
11:31A child is holding the mic for a long time
11:33and wants to say something.
11:33I think you are getting something and you want to say it.
11:36But first of all, I want to know,
11:38what is your name these days?
11:39Mohammad Afan.
11:40Mohammad Afan is your name these days?
11:43Is there anything else?
11:44Only one name?
11:45Mohammad Afan, what have you prepared?
11:47I will recite a couplet for you.
11:48You will recite a couplet?
11:49Come on, let us listen to the couplet.
11:50The secret of truth has come to you.
11:54Nothing is beyond you.
11:56The secret of truth has come to you.
11:59Nothing is beyond you.
12:02You are aware of everything.
12:04You are the master of your ego.
12:06Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
12:07You are the perfect leader and the leader of the world.
12:12You are the perfect leader and the leader of the world.
12:17You are the beginning of saints,
12:19Sayyidi Ghosh Sultana.
12:21Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
12:22You are the beginning of saints,
12:24Sayyidi Ghosh Sultana.
12:26What do all the children have to say?
12:29But when someone recites a couplet,
12:31they also say wow!
12:32Do you know that?
12:33Yes, this is important.
12:35If you understand the couplet,
12:37then you have to say wow!
12:40And if you don't understand the couplet,
12:42then you have to say wow!
12:44Do you know what happens with this?
12:45The person sitting next to you,
12:47thinks he is an educated person.
12:50He is sitting next to me.
12:51He understands all the couplets.
12:53Does everyone understand?
12:54Has everyone understood the couplets he has recited?
12:56Isn't it?
12:57Look, how many intelligent children are sitting with us today.
12:59A very cute girl is sitting here.
13:00And the mic is in her hand.
13:02I already know her name.
13:03I know your name.
13:05Should I tell you?
13:05Your name is Asmat.
13:08Is this your name?
13:09Tell me, how do I know?
13:11I told you.
13:12Who told you?
13:17I told you.
13:18Very good.
13:18Okay, Asmat, you recite it.
13:19What will you recite?
13:20A couplet.
13:21Recite the couplet.
13:22God has created such a status of Gosi Azam,
13:27which is adorned on the lips of mankind.
13:30The couplet of Gosi Azam.
13:32All the saints have come to this world.
13:36All of them are great people.
13:38But the talwa of Gosi Azam is on the neck of all the saints.
13:43Wow, Asmat.
13:45Wow, wow, wow.
13:45How do you remember such couplets?
13:48Who makes you remember?
13:49My mom.
13:49Your mom makes you remember.
13:50So hats off to you and your mom as well.
13:53Okay, our program for today is coming to an end.
13:56We have talked about a lot of fun things in today's program.
13:59We have learned a lot of good things as well.
14:01Some people have participated and some have not.
14:04It's okay.
14:04We have a lot of episodes to come in the next episode.
14:07God willing, we will have them participate in those episodes.
14:11We have a very cute kid with us.
14:13I have heard that he will recite a couplet in today's program.
14:16Your name is Sherbaz.
14:18How is it?
14:19My eyes are like a lion.
14:20I recognized Sherbaz just like that.
14:22How is it?
14:23Did you like it?
14:24Okay, we are taking today's program to an end.
14:27With this prayer.
14:28But before we leave, we will hear a couplet from Sherbaz.
14:31May God give you such a height, such a height,
14:34which will never be destroyed.
14:59May God give you such a height, such a height,
15:05which will never be destroyed.
15:11May God give you such a height, such a height,
15:17which will never be destroyed.
15:24Fill my cup,
15:31or the world will say,
15:37Fill my cup,
15:43or the world will say,
15:50Such a friend's request,
15:56Such a friend's request,
16:02is repeated again and again.
