Tales of Magic - Hansel and Gretel

  • la semaine dernière
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01:00Never! Never! Never!
01:04Although I won't be able to feed them if they stay here.
01:07Exactly, you fool! Now listen to me!
01:12Do as I say!
01:13Oh! Yes, yes.
01:20Leaving them in the forest will be the best thing for them.
01:23The children had been awakened by the screaming and had heard the stepmother's plan.
01:31Don't cry, Gretel. I'll think of something.
01:46Hansel took a walk in the night air to try to think of a solution.
01:51He noticed that the moonlight shining on the pebbles in the forest made them sparkle like diamonds.
01:58He had an idea.
02:01That's it!
02:04The next morning, the children were told that they were to come along into the forest to help gather wood.
02:10But they knew the real reason.
02:16What's this? What's Hansel doing?
02:18What? He's dropping pebbles behind him as he walks.
02:23How strange.
02:32Now don't stray from the fire, children. We'll be right back.
02:37Oh, my poor Hansel. Gretel.
02:41Oh! Oh!
02:43The evil stepmother and her reluctant husband left the children and headed for home.
02:50Hours passed and soon the exhausted children fell asleep by the fire.
03:00The children were awakened by the hooting of an owl and began to scream for help.
03:04Help! Help us!
03:10Father! Father!
03:17Poor children. They screamed and screamed, but there was no one around to hear them.
03:22Then Gretel began to cry.
03:26Don't cry, Gretel. I'll get us back home.
03:32When the moon was at its fullest and brightest, there appeared a trail of diamonds sparkling along the ground.
03:38They were pebbles reflecting the moonlight, the pebbles that Hansel had dropped behind him on the journey from home.
03:44Clever Hansel knew that by the light of the moon he could follow the sparkling trail back to their doorstep.
03:53Oh, children! You're safe!
03:56Oh, Hansel! Gretel! You're safe! You're safe!
04:04That night, Hansel had tried to collect more pebbles.
04:07But his stepmother had locked the bedroom door.
04:10So Hansel lay awake all night worrying about tomorrow.
04:15And soon it was morning.
04:17At breakfast, the children were told that they once again would have to go into the forest to help gather wood.
04:25Hansel watched his stepmother carefully.
04:27And when she wasn't looking, he slipped some bread into his pocket.
04:31I wonder why.
04:34Poor Hansel and Gretel! How will they ever find their way back?
04:42The bread! Why, Hansel was leaving a trail of breadcrumbs!
04:48Oh, dear! The birds are eating the bread. There'll be no trail left at all.
04:53Hansel and Gretel will never find their way back home.
04:56Those poor children! What will become of them?
05:00When their father and stepmother left, Hansel and Gretel tried to find their way back home.
05:10The children were frightened by the creatures of the night.
05:13But they knew they must keep searching for the way home.
05:19They bravely pushed onward, walking and walking.
05:23They were so exhausted.
05:25Gretel was so weak that Hansel had to carry her on his back.
05:28And soon Hansel became just as tired and they had to rest in the hollowed-out trunk of a tree
05:34where they slept soundly through the night.
05:41The next morning, Hansel and Gretel continued their search for the path home.
05:45They were so tired and so hungry.
05:48But then...
05:52Suddenly, they saw a beautiful candy house.
05:56Wow! It's candy!
05:58They raced to the house.
05:59Come on! Let's go!
06:03Wow! Real milk chocolate!
06:05Yes! And gingerbread, too!
06:08The children began to nibble on the house.
06:13Nibble, nibble, gnaw. Who is nibbling at my little house?
06:17Oh! I have two little hungry visitors. Please come in, won't you?
06:22Wow! This is the most delicious house I've ever seen!
06:29So you like it?
06:31You may eat all you want. I love healthy little children.
06:35What would you like to eat first? Some candy? Some cake?
06:39What's this?
06:40By the light of her lantern, the old lady cast a frightening shadow on the wall.
06:46Something wrong?
06:50Oh, no! A witch!
06:53The candy! The cake!
06:58The house!
07:02I've tricked you, my lovelies!
07:10You see, I eat little children.
07:13You see, I eat little children.
07:16But for now...
07:19Those poor children.
07:21Rattled slaves while Hansel was being fattened up.
07:24Come on! Eat your dinner. It's good for you.
07:26It'll put some meat on you. Come on! Eat up!
07:31Hansel! You should be nice and plump by now.
07:34But I don't feel fatter.
07:37But you must have gained weight.
07:39Non, je pense que je gagne.
07:42Hansel had noticed that the witch had very poor eyesight.
07:46My eyes are too weak to trust. Let me feel your finger.
07:50Clever Hansel took an old chicken bone from his pocket
07:53and presented it as his finger.
07:57I can feel his bones.
07:59He's certainly not ready for cooking.
08:02The old witch soon tired of trying to fatten Hansel.
08:05She just couldn't wait any longer.
08:08Oh, that boy's skinny.
08:10But I'll bet he'll be a tasty little morsel.
08:14Oh, dear Hansel. My poor, poor brother.
08:19Gretel was forced to build a fire.
08:25Hurry, Gretel. The fire seems to be coming along very nicely.
08:29Now see if the oven's at the proper temperature.
08:33How? What's wrong with you, girl?
08:35Haven't you ever done any baking?
08:36I haven't.
08:39You stick your head in like this.
08:48Help me! Help!
08:52While the witch was burning in her oven,
08:54the evil stepmother was busy cooking.
09:06Ah! Ah! Ah!
09:14Oh, Hansel!
09:16Gretel, you saved us. We're safe now.
09:25Hansel and Gretel were free.
09:27And they both wished with all their might
09:29that they could be at home with their father.
09:34It was their father.
09:36He had been searching for days, trying to find his children.
09:39He had realized that he had made a terrible mistake.
09:43Oh, it's father!
09:46My children, please forgive me. I'll never leave you again.
09:50Father! Father!
09:59They began their long journey home.
10:01As they walked, the children told of their adventure with the evil witch.
10:05Their father listened intently and promised that from then on,
10:08he would always protect them.
10:10And that he had banished his evil wife from the house forever.
10:14Now nothing could stand in the way of the family's happiness.
10:17And when they reached home,
10:19a joyous celebration marked the beginning of their everlasting happiness.
10:31THE END