• 2 weeks ago
Interview with an executive from Picsart at World Congress on Innovation and Technology in Yerevan, Armenia
00:00So for my first question, what do you think PicsArt brings that brings out the
00:05creativity in people that use your service? Like so, what is the way
00:11that it makes people come up with really creative pictures and what can people do
00:15to take advantage of that, if that makes sense?
00:18Yeah, I think what makes it helpful to everyone is the combination we've got over the years.
00:25So instead of building something super niche or just one product or one utility
00:31tool, we build a platform which combines community, which combines content
00:37created by community and combined extensive set of tools, which again, very
00:43diverse and can help you to come up with different workflows at any point of time
00:48and solve your problem.
00:51Yeah, and what's, so say like I'm thinking from the point of view of our readers that use like AI
00:57generated stuff, what's the mistake that people make most with like prompts? Is it
01:01are they too specific? Are they not specific enough? What can, you know, what's
01:06the best way to get the best results?
01:08Yes, it's both, a combination of everything right now and it's not so easy to prompt, get the result that you
01:17expected to see. I think it's, first of all, matter of expectations. You expect
01:22whatever you write, AI will just take and generate super nice stuff, you'll be
01:26happy and just take and do it. That's one thing and second, it still requires a lot
01:33of efforts to come up with the right words, with the right stuff to generate
01:38something plus on top of it, not that you just generate and you are done.
01:43Usually, you need also to do post-editing and do something yourself without prompting and I think
01:50that these are the common mistakes. Expectations and how to prompt correctly
01:55and do not rely on it completely.
01:57Yeah, and so if someone say they've dabbled a little bit but they want to get a bit better at it, what would,
02:03what sort of is the best post, post, you know, generation effects? What sort of stuff
02:09should they look at to do to take the pictures to the next level?
02:12Yeah, next level, it depends on your needs. So, if you need to generate something and you need to
02:18replace something within the photo with your face or your object you are selling,
02:24that's one thing. Then, yeah, you generated something, then you need to polish it or
02:30refine it, then it's like filters, then you want to print it, then you need quality
02:37and because maybe the generated stuff is not the quality of printing, you need to upscale it.
02:43So, it's like depending on the needs, we provide all the tool sets for you to understand what to use,
02:50post-editing, if you're, of course, understanding and try to make it as accessible as possible for non-pros.
02:56Yeah, yeah, and so if someone hasn't tried PixArt yet, what's, what would you say to someone that's
03:04looking, oh, I want to dabble in that but I'm unsure, I feel a bit unfamiliar, what's sort of
03:08the first step they should do, what's a good way to get into that?
03:11I think it's super easy. So, first of all, if you have already some photo, start with it. So, easiest
03:18will be to experiment with filters, experiment with some retouch tools, experiment with remove
03:24backgrounds and generate backgrounds. So, that's the easiest. If you do not have any ideas in mind,
03:31you still can go there and be inspired by the list of community-created photos and in certain
03:37cases you can see how it was created and learn, and that's what we call replaying, learn what was
03:44done, which tools have been used and replicate the same but with your photos or with your ideas.
03:51And what do you think's next for sort of AI-generated pictures? Where is it going to go
03:55in the next, say, 12 months to 18 months?
04:00I think it will get more mature and mature, especially the video side of Gen AI. That's one
04:07thing. I believe everyone will work on optimising the performance and cost. That's another thing,
04:17which will get better and better. In terms of models, we're already seeing it's commoditised,
04:22so everyone has their model and there is no difference in many cases and there are too many
04:30models even right now, so that is not a differentiator anymore in the form we currently
04:35have it. But that's why I see the focus will be more on the video, how to make it better and also
04:41cost performance part. And probably the third thing, which I will mention in this list,
04:49which last year was not being discussed, that it doesn't matter whether it's your own model or
04:56you're just utilising any service, it's about solution. If it solves the problem of the users
05:01in the best and faster way, then just do it. Yeah, that makes sense. And finally,
05:08why should the readers of our website use PicsArt? What makes PicsArt so special?
05:14What makes PicsArt so special? First of all, the first three elements I've mentioned,
05:20community, content and extensive set of tools. That's super special. Second, that we always are
05:30on top of any technological advancements in the market and try to introduce to our users first
05:37thing before our competitors. That's the second thing. And third, I believe it's combination of
05:46automation plus manual work, which also will be more and more important over the years,
05:52because I see that now everyone is too much focused on AI and it becomes kind of not interesting,
05:59because everyone's content looks the same. So now you need to start thinking how to change
06:04something manually to differentiate yourself. Otherwise, it's also another problem, another
06:09extreme. Oh, and just on that, so sorry, another one final, another final question. So what are
06:18your tips for making image for sharing on social media? So say someone wants to have like a really
06:23good AI picture on their Instagram or an AI video on Instagram, what's your sort of tips for that?
06:30Yeah, we have an extensive set of tips on our blog, now writing more tutorials, etc. Not in
06:38particular about any specific tools, but how to differentiate yourself and what you need to do in
06:44terms of workflow, etc. So it's, again, depends on your use case very much. If you are in product
06:53photography space and selling on your marketplace something, that's one thing you need to have nice
06:59background, you need to have super clean and precise object visible in that photo. So that's
07:06the best way to win over the competition, which is more crowded. If you are in ad creation space
07:13or some advertisement, you are doing digital online marketing or whatever,
07:19then you need scale. To do many experiments, you need thousands of images. It doesn't matter
07:26it's good or bad or what to consider good or bad, because at the end of the day, numbers will show
07:30what is good and bad, and it's very subjective whether something is good or bad before it's
07:36being judged by the users. So there you need different set of tools and different workflow
07:41to start with. There you need the batch processing, you need to have more templates, because
07:47you need to have more similar kind of experiments. But there are another flow. And for all of those,
07:54we're currently working on creating proper tutorials and also we have a lot of stuff
07:59now mentioned on our blogs. Right, thank you.
