Home and Away 8370 7th October 2024

  • 7 hours ago
00:00Everyone wants to see me fail.
00:09Why should the tribunal be any different?
00:11Have fun spreading lies about me.
00:13I really wish this hadn't happened, Brie.
00:14I was checking my patient's blood results to ensure that the correct medication was
00:18being given.
00:19Dr. Fowler swoops in.
00:21He's an egotist who muscles in on everything and everyone.
00:24These are very serious allegations.
00:26Just as serious as the ones he's been throwing at me.
00:29You've been trying to warn me for weeks.
00:30If I'd done more, maybe we wouldn't have ended up here.
00:32Hello, you three.
00:33Hey, how'd it go?
00:34It was good to get it all out in the open.
00:36I think it went well.
00:37Hey, for what it's worth, I hope there's no hard feelings.
00:40Brie, I just got a very interesting call from the tribunal.
00:45Do you want to explain to me what you told them?
00:47Because I have to face them tomorrow morning.
00:49I was just so sick of being on my own.
00:51But you still had your mum and your sister.
00:53Yeah, but they had other things going on in their lives, especially Eden.
00:57It was like we were super close one minute, and then she forgot that I even existed.
01:00You know, if you wanted to talk about your session, I am right here.
01:03I don't want to talk about it.
01:04Babe, I am just trying to help.
01:06Just back off.
01:07What is your problem?
01:08You are!
01:21You should have seen how calm she was when she came out.
01:25Maybe she's glad it's over.
01:27She said to Levi, I hope there's no hard feelings.
01:30That's a good thing, isn't it?
01:31This has been a really big thing for Brie, and she's been really unsettled, and now she's
01:36There's something not right about that.
01:38No, that's why I was at Brie's hearing today, wasn't it?
01:42How did you know about that?
01:43A gentleman never reveals his sources, not for love nor money.
01:46Okay, well then this conversation is over.
01:49It was Marilyn.
01:50So what did the tribunal decide?
01:53They have not announced anything yet.
01:55Also, we shouldn't be gossiping about this.
01:56We'll be just dealing with him.
01:59She was expressing a concerned interest in the well-being of Collie.
02:02Yes, and he was worried about his flatmate.
02:05How very admirable.
02:06Honestly, John, there is nothing to tell.
02:08Well, I'll go enjoy my living peace.
02:14Where were we?
02:15Look, maybe Brie is just being nice because she realised she made a mistake.
02:20You had the nerve to come out of that room and shake my hand.
02:23You had a choice.
02:25We talked about this.
02:26We could have sorted this out between the two of us.
02:28You're the one that escalated this.
02:29Someone please tell me what the hell is going on.
02:31I've been called back by the tribunal about allegations against me.
02:34What allegations?
02:35That's a great question.
02:37What did you tell them, Brie?
02:38Nothing that wasn't the truth.
02:41The choices I made that day saved a patient's life.
02:45No, I had everything under control until you interfered and undermined me.
02:49You cannot honestly still believe that.
02:51When I gave my statement today, I expressed sympathy for the pressure that you are under in ED.
02:56Am I supposed to be grateful for that?
02:58You're supposed to act like a doctor and own your mistakes.
03:02That's rich coming from you.
03:03That's enough, mate.
03:06You gotta go.
03:08Forget what I said in the hospital earlier.
03:10She's not even close to taking responsibility.
03:12She has a long road to go.
03:21No, don't look at me like that.
03:23I haven't done anything wrong.
03:28Cash's car's gone.
03:30Must be on night shift.
03:32Good to be home, eh?
03:34Do you really think Jane's gonna be ready in two weeks?
03:37Well, she seemed to think so.
03:38She already proved she knows what she's doing at your bail appearance.
03:41But, mate, what you did with her today, laying out all those years of your dad's abuse,
03:45that took real guts.
03:46Yeah, but what difference does that make?
03:49That took real guts.
03:50Yeah, but what difference does that make?
03:51Well, you heard Jane.
03:52She's got a plan.
03:53She's gonna use that history to argue that you're acting in self-defense.
03:56We argued that before.
03:57Dad was found not guilty of being abusive.
03:59Well, bro, that's why she's the lawyer and we're not.
04:02How about I make us a feed?
04:06No, I'm not hungry.
04:12There you go.
04:14You know, calling me the problem is actually hurtful.
04:18You'll get over it.
04:20Can you at least tell me what you meant by it?
04:26Where's Levi?
04:27Should have been here ages ago.
04:29Okay, Abs, I have supported you all day.
04:31How about a little gratitude?
04:34Yes, because you are the perfect sister and you care so much.
04:38Okay, I get that you're probably tired,
04:40Okay, I get that you're probably tired,
04:42but that doesn't give you a reason to take it out on me.
04:44but that doesn't give you a reason to take it out on me.
04:46Because it's always about you?
04:48What, so now I'm a narcissist?
04:50Where is this coming from?
04:52Abby, why am I suddenly the worst sister ever?
04:54Abby, why am I suddenly the worst sister ever?
04:56Abby, why am I suddenly the worst sister ever?
04:58Did Tim say something to you?
05:00Nothing I didn't already know.
05:02Nothing I didn't already know.
05:04Hey, what could possibly be more exciting than talking to me?
05:06Hey, what could possibly be more exciting than talking to me?
05:08Sorry, it's my course. They posted a new assignment.
05:10Sorry, it's my course. They posted a new assignment.
05:12Ah, or what new assignment?
05:14I need to come up with a business plan
05:16that shows my imaginary company's philosophical values.
05:18that shows my imaginary company's philosophical values.
05:20I thought the philosophical values of all companies
05:22I thought the philosophical values of all companies
05:24was just make money.
05:26Ah, a common misconception.
05:28Ah, a common misconception.
05:30You know what's less common, John?
05:32Is you butting out of my private conversations.
05:34I might regret this, but I'll buy it.
05:36What are you...
05:38Take JP's juice bar.
05:40Naturally, it needs to make money.
05:42But all the profit it does make goes
05:44back into the club.
05:46I don't get it.
05:48Well, the club also has financial realities.
05:50But primarily,
05:52it exists for the benefit of the community.
05:54Capitalism meets socialism.
05:56Capitalism meets socialism.
05:58And how does this help my assignment?
06:00Well, if my meal were to be on the house,
06:02Well, if my meal were to be on the house,
06:05I'd very happily share my expertise.
06:07As generous as that offer is,
06:09Dana is my go-to
06:11for advice on assignments.
06:13I am, yeah.
06:15I am, yeah.
06:17You're a loss, yeah.
06:19Oh, finally, we're even.
06:21Uh, something came up.
06:23We're gonna have to scratch that drink.
06:25Well, sure, are you okay?
06:27No, no, I'm not.
06:29I just found out what happened with Bree in the tribunal.
06:31She's making out like I'm the problem.
06:33Save her own skin.
06:35I knew there was something wrong.
06:37You don't think they're actually gonna believe her, do you?
06:39Well, we're gonna find out tomorrow.
06:41Oh, she made it official.
06:43Oh, wow. Get her away from me.
06:45What? What happened?
06:47It's all yours. Good luck.
06:49What was that?
06:51Can you take me home now?
06:53No, wait here.
06:59What just happened?
07:01Okay, I don't have the energy for this.
07:03Okay, well, help me out.
07:05Are you angry at Abby, or is it the other way around?
07:07Don't ask me.
07:09When I spoke to you last, everything seemed okay.
07:11Yeah, yeah, it was.
07:13And then since we left counselling, she's had some weird issue with me.
07:15Okay, what weird issue?
07:17How would I know? She's refusing to tell me.
07:19Her first session would have been pretty draining.
07:21I understand that,
07:23but that does not give her the right to take it out on me.
07:25Okay, can you please just wait here?
07:27I will go and talk to her
07:30You know what? Forget it. I'm just going to go home.
07:36You keep deflecting.
07:38No, you're not hearing me.
07:40I'm not taking back anything I said to the tribunal
07:42when it was the truth.
07:44Okay, just tell me something.
07:46What would have happened to Alf if Levi hadn't been there?
07:48I would have worked it out.
07:50If Levi hadn't stepped in...
07:52Okay, it sounds like
07:54you were taking too long to make a decision.
07:56I suppose Levi told you that
07:58when you had your little talk at the hospital today?
08:00You're my boyfriend.
08:02You're supposed to support me, no matter what.
08:04Of course I want to support you,
08:06but you are making that impossible right now.
08:08The Bri I know would not sell out a colleague
08:10just to save us.
08:12No, you don't understand.
08:14Levi's arrogance has put my career at risk.
08:16Who are you right now?
08:18Why are you attacking me?
08:20Hey, you two okay?
08:22No, not even close.
08:24Oh, come on.
08:27We're not done talking about this.
08:29Yes, we are.
08:41Look, Bri, running away from me isn't the answer.
08:43No, you made your point. Now leave me alone.
08:45Look, will you just stop?
08:47Please, just talk to me.
08:49Look, you need to realize
08:51that this is not who you are.
08:53You wouldn't lie about a friend to cover your mistakes.
08:56See, you really are taking his side.
08:58Yeah, he doesn't deserve this.
09:00I was standing up for myself.
09:02The way I see it is you should be thanking him,
09:04not treating him like this.
09:06Come on, he saved Alf's life.
09:08I kind of expected support from someone
09:10who says they love me.
09:12Are you kidding?
09:14Bri, I have always had your back.
09:18But not on this.
09:20No, what you did today was wrong.
09:26Do you want another?
09:28Yes, please.
09:30Hey, any chance we can organize a time
09:32to reinstall my assignment?
09:34Oh, you were serious about that?
09:36I thought you were just saying that to put off John.
09:38Nah, you're smart, you're talented.
09:40Of course I'd want your help.
09:44Okay, sure.
09:48We don't have to talk about this now.
09:50But you should know that Eden was really upset.
09:52So this is us not talking about it then?
09:54Can you at least tell me how your session went?
09:56I don't know.
09:58It was a lot.
10:00But useful.
10:02Okay, that sounds positive.
10:04In what way?
10:06I don't know.
10:08It was a lot.
10:10But useful.
10:12Okay, that sounds positive.
10:14In what way?
10:16Well, um...
10:18Tim helped me realize
10:20that my family basically abandoned me
10:22before I was even a teenager.
10:24And that's hardly news, Abby.
10:26Do you want to talk about it or not?
10:28Because I can...
10:30So when you say family, you mean Dad and I?
10:32Do I?
10:34Eden didn't leave you.
10:36We already had this conversation.
10:38Yes, she did.
10:40She left when Remy and Kirby came along.
10:46You know what the really weird thing is?
10:48I used to blame them.
10:50But she made a choice.
10:52It can't have been easy for Eden.
10:54It wasn't easy for me either.
10:56And you know what?
10:58She knew how lonely and invisible I felt.
11:00Have you told her this?
11:02You know what?
11:04I'm done, alright?
11:06You're not my counselor.
11:08So count.
11:18Clearly you didn't
11:20miss the make-up, did you?
11:22Yeah, we know why I need a drink.
11:24What's your excuse?
11:26I put it this way.
11:28It wasn't the day from hell,
11:32Ooh, it was warm enough to burn.
11:36Actually, for once, no.
11:38Mmm. Mmm.
11:42Abby suddenly
11:44hates me, and she won't
11:46tell me why.
11:48Yeah, it's always hard when someone won't tell you
11:50what's going on inside their head, hey?
11:52Yeah, maybe her
11:54counselor said something to her.
11:56It's a shame, because he seems
11:58really, really cool.
12:00What are you gonna do about it?
12:02Nothing. I am
12:04over it.
12:06Anyway, what exactly
12:08did I walk in on earlier?
12:12Bree's not herself at the moment.
12:14Mmm. Still trouble with work?
12:16Yeah, now she's put Levi
12:18in a tough spot at the hospital with the powers that be.
12:20He mentioned
12:22something was going down at work.
12:24What happened?
12:26Come on.
12:30Very, very long story short.
12:34Bree won't take responsibility for a mistake
12:36that she made.
12:38But now she's told the tribunal
12:40that it's Levi's fault.
12:42Is that true?
12:44As far as I can tell, no.
12:48Come here.
12:50It's gonna be okay.
13:04Thank you for meeting me.
13:06Yeah, yeah.
13:08Still don't think this is a good idea.
13:10Just hear me out, okay?
13:12I was
13:14lying awake for most of last night
13:16thinking about everything that you said.
13:18I can't say I've slept much myself.
13:20It's just, uh,
13:22some of the things that
13:24you said, uh...
13:28I don't recognize myself either.
13:30And I haven't for a while now.
13:34what are you gonna do about it?
13:36I have a plan in place to make things right
13:38with the tribunal. It should clear Levi's name.
13:40I've scheduled a meeting for this morning.
13:42So are you just gonna tell them
13:44Levi did nothing wrong?
13:48And take responsibility for my own mistakes.
13:50I'm really hoping
13:52this means that you'll have my back again.
13:58I, uh,
14:00I just wanted to say that
14:02I'll leave it with you.
14:12Do you want me to come with you?
14:14Yeah. I'd really like that.
14:30I'm sorry we didn't get any of your assignment done last night.
14:32That's okay.
14:34You were too distracting anyway.
14:40Right-o, you two.
14:42You can come up for air now.
14:44You're such a mood-killer, John.
14:46I've been called worse.
14:48Can we help you at all?
14:50This is your early morning reminder
14:52that you've got a life-saving shift up shortly.
14:54I'm sorry.
14:56It's just, uh,
14:58this is your early morning reminder
15:00that you've got a life-saving shift up shortly.
15:02Yeah, I had not forgotten.
15:04I've actually already noticed two reps.
15:06You are a credit to how well I taught you.
15:08Did you just give yourself a compliment?
15:10Good to see Perry out and...
15:14out of jail.
15:16Yeah, it really is.
15:18Harper records Tana's fighting really hard for him.
15:20I wouldn't expect anything less.
15:28There you are.
15:30What are you doing down here?
15:34I just had a call from the police.
15:40The coroner's ready to release
15:42that body.
15:44I need to know what I want to do with it.
15:48So you are continuing
15:50with counselling?
15:54For now.
15:56For now.
15:58Just don't keep asking me about it.
16:02Bad news?
16:04No, no.
16:06Just work stuff.
16:08Well, at least my job's fun.
16:10Miley is a great boss.
16:12Before you
16:14bite my head off, I deserve to know
16:16why you have such an issue with me.
16:18I'm late for work. Thanks for breakfast.
16:22I can see that
16:24she didn't chill overnight.
16:28I say we get another counsellor.
16:30I think she's going to keep crushing me.
16:36I think she's got some real problems with you.
16:38Over some abandonment issues.
16:40Is she mixing us up?
16:44For once, this is all about you.
16:46Okay, you don't have to sound so happy about it.
16:48Well, she's rewriting history
16:50and I'm going to send her straight.
16:52Well, hang on a second.
16:56She feels like you didn't care
16:58how lonely she was after the divorce.
17:04I didn't know that.
17:06Why don't we both just take a step back
17:08and let the counsellor
17:10do his job?
17:16Hey, um,
17:18I heard what happened with Brie.
17:20Yeah, actually,
17:22I need to get to the hospital now.
17:24Face the music.
17:26Good luck.
17:32How am I meant to decide
17:34what happens to Dancer?
17:36I'm being charged with this murder.
17:38It's crazy.
17:40Well, I guess you could refuse to get involved.
17:42So I wouldn't have to do anything?
17:46Or if you want, we could call someone
17:48and talk them about making some arrangements.
17:50I don't know. I don't know. I just...
17:52I don't know what to do.
17:54Okay, this is the last thing you'll be dealing with.
17:56It's not an easy decision.
17:58So what would you do?
18:00Look, I'll support
18:02whatever you decide,
18:04but this has to be your call.
18:12How'd it go?
18:14Pretty much like I expected.
18:16Yeah? They believe you?
18:18Yeah. I rescinded all of my accusations.
18:22What does that mean for you?
18:26I was hoping to avoid... Levi, wait.
18:28I have already spoken
18:30to the panel and withdrawn all my accusations.
18:34Yeah. You're in the clear.
18:36I'm sorry. I should
18:38never have put you in that position,
18:40and I really hope that we can move past this.
18:42What the hell
18:44was all that about?
18:46I don't even know how to explain it.
18:48Look, they're waiting for you in there.
18:50They'll be able to tell you themselves.
19:00You, uh, didn't answer my question before.
19:02What does this mean for you?
19:04I'm on leave
19:06as of today.
19:08Do you believe that you should take some time
19:10and sort things out?
19:12No, there's nothing to sort out.
19:14Uh, then why are you on leave?
19:16Because they can't suspend me
19:18if I'm not here.
19:32I can't do it.
19:34I actually can't do it. This isn't right.
19:36Hey, just relax.
19:38I killed him. I made this happen.
19:40That is the only reason why I need to make
19:42a decision about what to do.
19:44He's dead because of me.
19:46Yeah, I know he was a jerk.
19:48I know that.
19:50But he was still my dad.
19:52You know what?
19:54I haven't seen much of Asia.
19:56What do you think?
19:58No, right?
20:00Of course. I mean, you've probably seen half the world with your parents.
20:02Where haven't you been?
20:04Hey, come on.
20:06Just stop, Brie.
20:08Taking a holiday is not going to fix things.
20:10And taking leave isn't going to fix things either.
20:12But it already
20:14has. The tribunal accepted
20:16my explanation. Case closed.
20:18What explanation?
20:20Does it matter? You wanted me
20:22to fix things on the Levi front and
20:24I did. That's only half the battle.
20:26Okay, what are you talking about?
20:28All this talk about
20:30owning your mistakes, yet somehow you still avoid
20:32the issue. No, but taking leave
20:34was the smart thing to do. No, taking
20:36leave was the easy thing to do.
20:38Okay, okay. I
20:40will go and speak
20:42to my counsellor. Do you actually mean it
20:44this time? Because that was lie number one.
20:46Yeah, but I apologised for that and
20:48I went to the tribunal.
20:50I thought that you would be proud of me.
20:54It's not about me.
20:56It's about you.
20:58Okay, how are things going to change
21:00if you don't take responsibility for what's happened?
21:08How did you
21:10go to the tribunal? Brie withdrew the charges.
21:12I just don't understand why
21:14she suddenly changed her mind. No, Brie,
21:16just stop dodging this.
21:18I want you to own your mistakes
21:20and I want you to fix things. You want me to fix it?
21:22Yes. Okay, right, then that's what I'll do.
21:24I will make it up to you.
21:26I will find a way. I just need
21:28to know that we can get past this. Sure.
21:32If you see Benny, can you just let him
21:34know that we've had this conversation?