Shortland Street 8023 7th October 2024

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00:00Previously on Shortman Street
00:02Drew and Nick, they kissed
00:04I'm so sorry
00:05Let's just draw a line in the sand, okay?
00:08She should be ranting and raving or giving me the cold shoulder, something
00:11Why is she being so forgiving?
00:13Hello? Hello?
00:16I'm meeting my friends
00:18Hi Nicole
00:20Where the hell is she?
00:21I want my baby back
00:22Are you serious?
00:24Give me my baby back or you'll never see Nicole again
00:30What are you saying, Louisa?
00:34What don't you get?
00:36It seems pretty clear from where I'm standing
00:37I want my baby back and you need to give him to me
00:40He's not your baby
00:41He's more mine than yours
00:42No, how do you figure that?
00:44If we're talking blood, you've got no claim on him
00:46Oh, and you do?
00:47Look, we could stand around talking about details all afternoon
00:49But honestly, I don't know how long Nicole will last
00:52What the hell have you done with her?
00:54I hope no one's watching
00:56If we get taken in by security, that's going to take time
00:58Time we do not have
01:06Tell me where she is
01:08Okay, sure
01:10I'm not doing anything unless you do exactly as I say
01:13Now you are going to get Joe a passport
01:16I'm not letting you take him
01:17Well, let me know if there's anything you want to pass on to Nicole
01:21That is if she's still breathing when I get to her
01:24Where is she?
01:26God, I can see what Nicole's talking about
01:27You really are quite annoying, aren't you?
01:29Louisa, please, you can't do this to us
01:33You did this to yourself
01:34But if you don't want things to get any worse
01:36You are going to go home and take a photo of Joe
01:38And get him an urgent passport
01:40And once you've gotten that sorted
01:42I will tell you where you can bring Joe
01:43And then you can get your wife back
01:44Got it?
01:48And if you think for one second that you can follow me
01:50Or have me followed
01:52I will take the long way back to Nicole
01:55I'm not a scientist
01:56But I think she's got enough oxygen to last maybe
02:00Half an hour?
02:0120 minutes?
02:03Give me a noodle of this
02:16There's a message
02:18From your cleaner
02:27Drew, um
02:29How long?
02:33How long?
02:35A couple of months
02:38How long?
02:38Okay, three months
02:41I tried to stop it, I did
02:45Jesus, Harper
02:47My genius surgeon
02:49Drew, I'm so, I'm so sorry
02:53So you're in love?
02:54I've read the text
02:57It was a mistake
02:58And it's over
02:59Oh, that makes it okay then
03:04I know I should have told you
03:11Okay, school
03:14Yeah, of course
03:15I'll be there in five
03:18Drew, I'm so sorry
03:20Love you
03:26Hey, have you seen Elliot?
03:35Is he in again?
03:35Yeah, beaten up pretty badly
03:36His dad said it was some kid at school
03:38Well, I doubt that's true
03:40Yeah, I know, poor kid
03:41I've tried to get them in
03:42Managed to call Oranga Tamiriki
03:43But Stuart's getting pretty antsy
03:45Elliot, what happened to your mate?
03:48Got into a bit of a rough and tumble at school
03:51Another kid did this?
03:52There was a group of them
03:53Oh, that's horrible
03:54So you've reported it then?
03:56Yeah, we've done all that
03:57What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, though, hey?
03:59How about I check you over, yeah?
04:00Make sure nothing's broken
04:01Yeah, the doctor saw him
04:03He wants me to stay in hospital
04:04No, we'll go home
04:06See how it goes
04:06Well, it always pays to be cautious
04:08if there's been a head injury
04:09You'll be fine
04:10I want to stay
04:12Then let's do that
04:12We'll get you up to a ward, yeah?
04:14I know what you're doing
04:15What's that?
04:16Trying to stall us for social services
04:18or whatever the hell they call themselves
04:20Oranga Tamiriki are on their way
04:22Let's not have to call security as well
04:23You can't do that
04:25Well, that's up to you
04:26Follow me, mate
04:26This way
04:37Hey, guys
04:39How was work?
04:41The usual
04:43Did you check down Nicole?
04:44Yeah, I did, I did
04:47She's working late
04:50Did Bailey get picked up for a sleepover?
04:53Yeah, Liam's dad says he can drop him off tomorrow
04:55Okay, it's good, it's good
04:58Is everything all right?
05:00You were kind of weird before with Louisa
05:03Right, no, I just, you know, just have a headache
05:05And you and Nicole?
05:06You're okay? You're not fighting?
05:08So many questions
05:10Sorry, but, you know, you can tell me if you want
05:14And if there's anything that I've done
05:15Oh, stop, no, no
05:16You haven't done anything wrong
05:18Everything is fine
05:19It's just work stuff
05:22Honey, this, um, this headache is really killing me
05:28Um, I can get you something
05:29Uh, paracetamol?
05:31Of course
05:32I can hang out with Knox
05:34Thanks, honey
05:40Hey, Knoxie
05:44All right
05:48Okay, buddy
05:50Come to Nana Mae
05:50All right
05:53Okay, wait, you want to do a photo?
05:56You want to do a photo?
06:00Okay, go
06:06I need more suction
06:07I need to visualize the field
06:10Drew, oh my god, thanks for coming in
06:12I was a mid-lap collie and I nicked the sister carterie
06:14Kyle, take a look
06:16Yeah, that's the one
06:17All right, now we're hemorrhaging
06:18You should have been more careful
06:20Pass me the artery forceps
06:21I'll take over
06:22I'm happy to stay with your help
06:23Well, I'm here now, so why don't I just finish it off for you?
06:26But it takes two to-
06:27Control the bleeding?
06:29That's right
06:31Only two
06:32Three would be a crowd
06:34Wouldn't you say, Phil?
06:36Uh, yeah
06:38Thanks for coming in
06:39Hold those swabs firmly
06:42It's just a tiny mistake
06:43That's all, these things happen
06:45Tiny mistake
06:46That has made one hell of a mess
06:49Sometimes arteries get nicked
06:52This patient will be fine
06:53I hope so, thanks Madonna
06:56Right, back to your mistake
06:59Uh, yeah, um, more swabs, thanks Madonna
07:06He shouldn't be in there
07:07The poor kid won't say anything
07:08Well, they've got their process
07:09They'll talk to Elliot on his own, too
07:11If they can get him out of there
07:13Okay, I feel like we're making things worse
07:15Look, it's out of our hands now, okay?
07:18I saw Elliot's x-rays
07:19There were way too many injuries for just one assault
07:22Maybe we could call the school and ask if Elliot was really in a fight
07:25They're not going to give out that kind of information
07:26Well, maybe if a highly regarded paediatrician voices concerns for a child's sake-
07:30Oranga Tamariki are on to him, okay?
07:32Now I have to get home to my family
07:34Okay, well, I'm not going anywhere
07:45Hey, you go down all right?
07:56Yeah, he did
07:57What are you doing?
08:00What the hell?
08:01Look, I can explain
08:06Just maybe it's better you don't know
08:10Tell me
08:15We're in trouble
08:19All of us
08:21Can you sit down?
08:23What the hell is going on?
08:31Are you happy with how the surgery went?
08:33Patient seems to be doing well
08:34They're finally repaired
08:36I think the jury's still out
08:37Cool, well, see you tomorrow, mate
08:40I'm not your mate, Phil
08:43You heard me
08:45I am not your mate
08:47Okay, I get it, you're my boss
08:50I was your mate
08:51Or I thought I was
08:52But I guess you thought we were something else
08:57I don't know what you're talking about
08:58Oh, you don't, do you?
09:01Look me in the eye and say that again
09:04Go on, lie to me one more time
09:08I don't know what you're talking about
09:10There you go
09:15True witness
09:21That's all right, buddy, I can do those
09:22No, I want to
09:24All right
09:25Nice one, the other one
09:28Good job
09:30All right, you get your PJs on
09:31and we have one story before bed, all right?
09:35Pick you in bed?
09:36Yep, so we might actually have fun, less to ourselves
09:45Are you still thinking about that patient?
09:47No, I'm at home with you
09:50We said we'd tell each other everything
09:52Okay, Sage thinks I should check with the school
09:55find out if there really was a fight
09:57and I know it's against protocol
09:59Don't worry, I won't do it
10:01I know what you're doing here
10:03I just told you I'm not doing anything
10:05You're putting it all on me
10:06You want me to tell you to go ahead with it
10:08so you can wade into a whole lot of stuff that you shouldn't
10:09and what I just turn a blind eye to it
10:12That's not fair
10:13Just quit doctoring and be a social worker
10:18I love that you care, okay?
10:20But you did promise me that you will stop over-investing
10:22and taking matters into your own hands
10:24I know that, but I need to see this one through
10:27You have, you handed it over to authorities, can't let it go
10:30Babe, it's one phone call
10:31It doesn't stop there though, does it?
10:34It will this time, okay? I promise
10:35No, Marty, just drop it
10:38Please, that's enough
10:39And then we jumped off the roof of the adventure playground
10:43Oh, good on you
10:44I thought you'd be mad
10:47Dad, guess what happened today?
10:49I heard, mate, you jumped off the roof
10:51How was your day, Billy?
10:54Today at school we were writing about whanau
10:58and I learned how to spell surgeon
11:00Great work
11:01Kids, you know what? I think it might be time for bed
11:03Dad and I have some things we need to talk about
11:05Are you guys going to be okay?
11:07Some things we need to talk about
11:08Are you guys going to yell again?
11:10Of course not, just go and clean your teeth, please
11:13Billy, come on
11:14Will you read me a story?
11:16Yeah, of course I will, go choose a book, mate
11:28I'm so sorry
11:31Sorry for what you did?
11:33Or sorry you got caught?
11:34Sorry I hurt you
11:36So you're not sorry for what you did?
11:37Of course I am, Drugs
11:40How did it start?
11:41Can you just let me explain?
11:43No, no, no
11:45First I need you to run me through every sordid moment
11:51Go on, tell me exactly what you were up to all the times you lied
11:58Actually, just give me back your phone
12:00and I'll cross-reference the messages and the dates
12:02and work it out myself
12:06Nothing to say
12:08That's fine, I've got some more questions
12:12How did you think this was all going to go?
12:16The three of us
12:18Because there have been three of us in this marriage
12:21the last few months, haven't there?
12:26At what point in your affair
12:29did you have the bright idea to renew our wedding vows?
12:33Was Phil taking too long to teach back?
12:37Explain that thought process to me
12:43It's called punks on fire
12:47Great choice
12:56We need to call the police
12:57No, honey, we can't do that
12:58I am not putting Knox at risk
12:59We won't, no matter what happens, I promise
13:02Then why are you making him a passport?
13:04Cassie, it's not real, okay?
13:06We just have to pretend to do what Louisa wants
13:08I don't believe it
13:10Louisa would never actually hurt anyone, would she?
13:12She kidnapped Nick
13:14But still, hurting her, that's different, right?
13:17Well, I mean, I don't know
13:20I don't know that we know what Louisa is really capable of
13:23But she's got a fixation on Knox
13:25She thinks he's her son
13:27It's not true, she knows he's mine
13:28She knows he's my baby
13:29Honey, Louisa is unwell
13:31Psychotic, maybe
13:33And she has Nick trapped somewhere
13:35And she said to me that if I don't do what she wants
13:38She is going to let Nicole suffocate
13:40Well, where is she keeping her?
13:42I don't know
13:44Oh, God
13:45Okay, well, we will call the police
13:47Because they will know what to do
13:48No, we can't risk it
13:52Who's there?
13:57Oh, my God
13:58It's like she's watching us, listening in
14:02She is just trying to get inside your head, okay?
14:04Yeah, well, I feel like I'm going crazy
14:06Maeve, please, just calm down
14:08I shouldn't have told you
14:23Louisa, please
14:26You want a drink or not?
14:28No choice
14:29Hey, no, no, no, no
14:31Just wait
14:44You know this won't work
14:47Maeve loves Knox
14:49She'll never give him up
14:50We'll see, won't we?
14:52Just, just, just let me go
14:56We can, we can work something out
14:58Yeah, like, like
15:00Shared custody
15:02Whatever you want
15:03You're right, Nicole
15:05Maeve won't bring him
15:07You're underestimating her again, aren't you?
15:10You bag her out
15:11You tell a bunch of strangers on the internet
15:13How awful you think she is
15:15How she doesn't support you
15:17You tell them
15:19Me, you tell me
15:21All about how you cheated on her
15:24Because she's not there for you
15:26And despite all of this
15:28She'll come through for you
15:32Shut up, Louisa
15:34You don't know us
15:35I know you better than anyone does
15:38You have shown me your true self
15:40And that is ugly, Nicole
15:44Life really is unfair, isn't it?
15:45I would give anything for my family back
15:49And yet you, you have a rotten heart
15:53And Maeve will still do anything for you
15:56You know that she won't bring Knox
16:01Oh, well
16:20Do you want to talk about this calmly?
16:23Oh, I need to be calm
16:26I didn't mean that
16:27You can feel how you want it
16:28I just don't want to wake the kids
16:31Are you in love with her?
16:32Jesus, Drew
16:33Answer me
16:34No, I'm not in love with her
16:35Were you?
16:37I don't, I don't know what it was
16:40I think you do
16:42Is this really helping?
16:43Is it going to help you to hear every little detail?
16:46I'm trying to make sense of this
16:50Of this
16:52How you could do something like this
16:55Lie to me for so long
16:57I don't know, maybe you're still lying
16:58I'm not, okay?
16:59I swear, I'm not, I'm done
17:01How many times are you going to do this?
17:05Run away from me
17:07I'm not going to do it again
17:10Because I want you
17:13I want to be with you
17:14I love you
17:14No, no, no, no
17:16You don't get to say that
17:17I do
17:18You have been having an affair with our mutual friend
17:23My junior surgeon for months
17:26So do not lie to me about love
17:29Why, Phil?
17:32You know we could have worked something out, right?
17:36What do you mean?
17:38We're grown-ups
17:40Been married a long time
17:42I get it
17:43You could have just told me if you wanted to have some fun
17:46Okay, I don't think it really would have worked like that
17:51You don't trust me
17:53I don't know you, Drew
17:55Since Remus died, you have been different
17:58Do not talk about Remus
18:00Okay, so do you not think we should talk about everything that's led to this?
18:03Are you trying to make this my fault?
18:05No, I'm not
18:06It is your lies, Harper
18:08It is you and her sneaking around, hooking up in the encore room
18:14Did you hook up in our bed?
18:17You did, didn't you?
18:22I thought I had lost you
18:24You were so distant
18:27Stupid bloody me for thinking my wife would stick beside me
18:32I didn't leave, Drew, okay?
18:33I was never gonna leave
18:34Because having an affair is so much better than leaving
18:38You know, keep twisting this around, Harper
18:40I'm sure eventually you will find your way of explaining everything
18:43Why didn't you just tell me?
18:48Did you really think I wouldn't find out?
18:51I couldn't tell you
18:55You thought I couldn't cope?
18:58That's it
19:01You said you wouldn't lie
19:08So how much does he know?
19:09Seems like quite a lot, but Harper's not answering my calls
19:12Okay, maybe just give her some time
19:15What if she doesn't know that he knows?
19:16Well, she will figure it out pretty quickly
19:18But if he gets a hint that you guys are talking behind his back
19:22Is it over, you and Harper?
19:24You know it is
19:26Yeah, I'm just checking
19:27There still could be feelings
19:28Feelings don't matter
19:29It's over and I need to accept what happens next
19:32Look, you haven't done anything wrong, Phil
19:34Oh, I think I have
19:36Okay, yes, yeah, you have
19:38But falling in love with someone, that's not a crime
19:40I married someone
19:41Yeah, but that was on Harper's Navigator, telling Drew
19:45Maybe she has
19:45I mean, I don't know if she answered her damn calls
19:54What? What is it?
19:56It's Harper
19:59He knows and she has told me to stop contacting her
20:02Okay, don't panic
20:04This isn't bad, okay?
20:05Maybe some time apart
20:07Maybe some time apart, not talking
20:08Will be good for you two
20:11Look, let her clean up her own mess
20:13Her marriage is not your problem
20:15Even though it might feel like it
20:17This is so awful
20:20Did you really just want to live your life?
20:22Holding on to a secret this big forever?
20:24I might as well kiss my Craig goodbye
20:32I don't want to throw away everything we have
20:34You did that already
20:35No, I...
20:37It's done, okay? It's over between me and Phil
20:41That makes it okay, does it?
20:42Well, it means we can work on this
20:46I love our little family
20:47Can you just tell me what it is I need to do?
20:52Leave me alone
20:54Is that really what you want?
20:58You care about what I want all of a sudden
21:01I want the last three months to be over
21:04To never have happened
21:06The last year, just...
21:08Raise it all
21:09Don't talk like that
21:13I needed to feel wanted
21:17Then you never got that from me
21:19Not at the time
21:21Did she pursue you?
21:26But I wanted it too
21:29Finally, the truth comes out
21:30I wasn't happy, okay, Drew?
21:32I wasn't happy with us, with myself, with anything
21:35And I just...
21:37I just needed some excitement
21:39Because I hadn't felt any for so long
21:45It wasn't so hard now, was it?
21:48You know, the thrill
21:48It was empty because it meant nothing
21:50And all I learnt was that I wanted to be with you
21:58Not behind that
22:00Because if that were true
22:02You would have come to me and told me-
22:04I know I should have told you, okay
22:05But I just... I couldn't put it on you
22:10I couldn't
22:12And Phil was saying that she would blow the whole thing up
22:15If I said anything
22:16So I just couldn't take that risk either
22:19Jesus Christ, Harper
22:21Keep telling yourself whatever story you want
22:25You're gutless
22:28That's all there is to it
22:29But you know you made me feel like I was crazy
22:40I really want to work this out
22:44It's not about what you want anymore
22:49Get out
22:53No, come on, please don't do this to the kids
22:55Hey, let's get one thing straight here, Harper
22:59You did this
23:04I want you gone
23:18Morning, Na
23:20Oh, you're changed already
23:24When did you come to bed?
23:25Pretty late, I didn't want to wake you
23:27And you're nearly done
23:29We are on the ball this morning
23:30I can take them
23:34To kōhanga, kura
23:35Uh, Kiwa's got a teacher's only day today, did you forget?
23:38Is that today?
23:40Yeah, you said that you'd have him?
23:42Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course I will
23:45Um, mate, we're gonna...
23:47We're gonna drop by my work today and do some paperwork
23:50That'll be fun
23:51And then we'll swing by the park on the way home, okay?
23:55Okay, what's next, son?
23:56Morning, Horne, so off you go
23:59Good job, buddy
24:03Are you sure you're okay to have him?
24:05Yeah, of course
24:07Good, because it'd be nice if you could focus on your own partner for once
24:12All right, picky, let's get you sussed, eh?
24:18Okay, I talked to Liam's dad
24:20Bailey's gonna stay there another night
24:23Oh god, leave
24:24It's okay, I can talk her down
24:28It is way too risky
24:29Yeah, I know, but what other option do we have?
24:32Okay, well, you can't go without me
24:33You can't
24:34There is no way I am letting you come with me
24:37But I can't, I can't let you go alone
24:38What if something goes wrong?
24:40Cassie, I am still responsible for your safety
24:42That's the end of it
24:44Oh god
24:45Honey, I'm sorry, okay?
24:46But you just have to trust me
24:47We are running out of time
24:49Okay, yeah
24:53Okay, I have the directions
25:08Please let me come with you
25:09Stop it
25:12Be safe
25:13Hey, everything's gonna be fine, I'll make sure of it
25:17You just, you keep the door locked
25:20And I will be back soon
25:24All right
25:38That's enough for you, you've already had enough sweet treats
25:41There's something different about you today, Marty
25:43I don't know what you're talking about
25:44Maybe it's this extra pair of legs
25:46Yes, I think it is the legs
25:48How odd
25:48Silly, a sneaky one
25:50Oh, I didn't see you there
25:52I'll see you later
25:55Um, Marty, Stuart's taking Elliot
25:57Oranga and Tamariki have talked to the school
25:59There's a whole thing underway and they want to leave
26:01But I just don't think that...
26:04Yeah, I've been stuck here all night because of you
26:06Well, I'm sorry, but you can't leave now
26:08Try and stop me
26:09Okay, okay, look, it's fine, you can go
26:12I just need you to sign out at the front desk
26:14Sage, can you get a discharge form for Mr Stanmore, please?
26:17You're taking the piss, right?
26:19Come on
26:20I don't want to
26:22Okay, um, Sage, can you please take Elliot back up to his ward and Kiwa?
26:26And you and I can just talk, yeah?
26:27He's my kid and he's coming with me
26:30Oranga and Tamariki haven't released you
26:32Get out of my way
26:33There's no need to get angry, okay?
26:34You're trying to take away my son, I'm supposed to just let you?
26:37Not in front of the kids, yeah?
26:39Piss off, mate
26:40Take the kids, Sage
26:42Get them out of here now
26:52I'll need you to pick Marley and Billy up from school, too
26:56No, Harper won't be home, so if you wouldn't mind staying on
27:00Great, thanks
27:08I owe you an explanation
27:10Can we go somewhere and talk?
27:15Me and Harper, um, I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened
27:18It was genuine, but it's completely over now
27:21This is work
27:22I know, I know, um, but we work together and I just want you to know that-
27:26Stop talking
27:27Okay, just stop talking
27:33Emmett, I need your help
27:36What the hell?
27:37Stab wound to the abdomen, active bleeding
27:39Clear, call theatre, get them on standby
27:42Refuse bleeding, I'm gonna need large combines and fluids, thanks
27:47Stay with me, Marty
27:48Stay with me
27:51We're losing him
28:19Are you alone?
28:21And you have my baby?
28:23Uh, yeah, yeah, I've got him with me
28:26Nox, it's okay
28:27The door on the left
28:38Okay, where's Nic?
28:42I'm not moving any further until I see her
28:44Drop your phone in the box
28:46I want to see Nicole
28:49Drop your phone in the box
28:52Then bring him in
28:55Louisa, I need to see Nic
28:57Don't waste time talking, babe, she won't thank you for it
28:59No, Louisa, please, just-
29:22I'm right here, babe, you just keep hanging in there
29:25Here's Drew
29:25Yes, what do you need?
29:26Um, a stab wound and severe blood loss
29:29Okay, we got you, Marty, I'm on it
29:30Well, who else?
29:32Because I really wish Chris was here
29:33I can't do this, Drew, I really can't
29:35I'll get Phil
29:36We're a great team, okay?
29:36Madonna, can you get her? I need her to scrub in
29:38Is she here?
29:39I've just seen her
29:39Don't worry, he's- he'll be in the best hands, don't rely on him
29:41Go, go, go, go, go
29:44Oh my god
29:45Oh my god, oh my god
29:46Oh my god, oh my god
29:46Oh my god, oh my god
29:47Oh my god, oh my god
29:48Oh my god, oh my god
29:48Oh my god, oh my god
29:50Oh my god
30:06Louisa, I'm here
30:09And I've got Knox
30:12I've got the passport
30:15I've got everything you asked for
30:19All right, go
30:32Don't lie to me, mate
30:33No, no, no, I didn't lie, I didn't lie
30:35He's right here
30:39Louisa, please open the door
30:43Louisa, I-
30:44Look, I-
30:46I know you love this baby
30:48you want what's best for him but he's he's scared. Louisa!
31:09You're so stupid. This is what she wanted.
31:14What are you talking about? He could have died.
31:16Louisa's in here, right? You know what? She's going to get knocked.
31:20You played it right into her hands.
31:24Help me find a way out of here.
31:27Just... Nick, just...
31:37He's still bleeding from somewhere.
31:39His vitals aren't good. I think we need to turn him.
31:44He must have missed a stab wound. It must be somewhere. Maybe in his back?
31:47There's not. We're not turning him.
31:49And if we turn him and you're wrong, we could lose him.
31:51Drew, don't let what happened...
31:53Bill, you can trust he's been checked thoroughly in ED,
31:56and you can trust that saving Marty is my number one priority.
31:59That's what we're here to do, okay? Nothing else.
32:03Right, there it is. Plamp?
32:09Bleed controlled.
32:11But we're not out of the woods yet.
32:14The knife penetrated his liver.
32:16Use a patch of Omentum to repair it?
32:18Yeah. Good call.
32:20Let me help you get better visuals.
32:24Okay. The window will open, but...
32:27It's too high.
32:32That's the way she... She meant for this to happen.
32:35She knew that you would come and help me and leave Knox.
32:40I tried to make her think I had him with me.
32:42Well, she's not stupid. She's evil.
32:44She's been manipulating me for months.
32:48Yeah. My grief grip.
32:51She's all those men.
32:55Yeah, all of them.
32:57The email from Jimmy, that was Louisa.
33:01She's been playing me for months and feeding me lies and turning me against you.
33:06Oh my God, no, she's insane.
33:08Yeah, and now she's gone after Knox.
33:11Well, I'm sorry. I tried to do the right thing.
33:14You don't make this about you.
33:17We have got... I'm pissed off with myself, too.
33:21Okay? I feel like a complete idiot.
33:24I hate myself.
33:27Can we just... Help me see if we can move this.
33:32You ready?
33:33Yeah, just...
33:35One, two, three.
33:41Okay, um...
33:43Just here. I'll get on your shoulders.
33:46No, I should go, because then I can pull you up, because you won't have the strength to do it.
33:50At first.
33:53All right.
33:55One, two, three.
34:00Come round to the front door.
34:02She's locked it.
34:04I mean, if she has, just come back round to the window, yeah?
34:06Then we can figure it out.
34:19Here she is.
34:21Are you okay?
34:25Kiwa has been such a brave boy, haven't you?
34:29I am so sorry that you had to see any of that, son.
34:32Why was the man angry?
34:35We don't know yet, but the Pahimana are going to make sure he doesn't hurt anybody else.
34:39Even the little boy?
34:41Elliot? Yeah, especially Elliot.
34:45He's with people who are going to keep him safe and give him a good home, just like Daddy Marty wanted.
34:50We're all going to be okay.
34:52Is Dad going to be all right?
34:55Yeah, he was really brave.
34:58And the other doctors are going to take the very best care of him.
35:05So who's operating on him?
35:07Um, Drew and Phil.
35:10Both of them together?
35:13No, nothing, nothing.
35:14Just both excellent surgeons, very good.
35:17What am I missing?
35:19Sorry, nothing. I trust them completely.
35:21You're right.
35:24Sorry, I think I'm being paranoid.
35:27No, you're not. You're just worried about him. We all are.
35:31Well, Marty is going to pull through.
35:34I know he will.
35:36Yeah, right.
35:39Hi, it's May. Leave me a message and I'll call you back. Thanks.
35:44Hey, Noxy.
35:46You want this?
36:12Okay, we've got another bleed.
36:15Let's go.
36:17Flexion in place.
36:19Torn cleft.
36:21BP down to 80 over 50. Take a cardiac at 120.
36:24Put up another unit of blood.
36:25Increase in norage.
36:26I will work on the mesenteric artery repair.
36:29End to end anastomosis?
36:31Yeah, if you could.
36:32Prepare to irrigate the wound site?
36:34On it.
36:36We got you, Marty. No matter what you throw at us.
36:44I just got out of surgery. Is there any word?
36:46I think he's going to be out soon.
36:48You're not okay.
36:54Is he all right?
36:55He has sustained some serious damage, but he's in a stable condition.
36:59Okay, that sounds like good news.
37:01He's been transferred to ICU. We did our very best in there.
37:05Is my dad going to be all right?
37:07He is going to need lots of rest and lots of hugs when he's up to it.
37:12Do you want to go see him?
37:15Um, thank you. I know I've been a bit...
37:17It's okay. You were freaking out. It's understandable. Go.
37:21I'll take you up to HDU.
37:28Well, apart from my little wobble, that was amazing.
37:32You were great. Thank you for calling me in.
37:35And look, I know I've got a lot of apologising to do for all of it, everything.
37:40But maybe we could go somewhere and talk about it?
37:44Right. Yeah, you'll need more time.
37:46I can't work with you.
37:48Well, we just worked really great together.
37:50Listen, there's no need to work out your notice.
37:52I'll make sure you're paid out in full.
37:54What do you mean?
37:55You're fired. Effective immediately.
38:07Where's John?
38:08Louisa, what have you done?
38:09What have I done?
38:10Where is Maeve?
38:11Oh, like you care.
38:12Of course I do.
38:13You three are so toxic.
38:16Where is Maeve?
38:17Always undermining each other. Always lying to each other.
38:20Do you really think I'd let my boy grow up surrounded by that?
38:22He is not your boy.
38:24He has always been my boy.
38:27Thank God I'm able to get him away from you before you fall off the wagon again.
38:30Don't say that.
38:31You are lying to yourself if you think that's all behind you.
38:34If you had any love for that baby, you would want him as far away from you as he can get.
38:39It's only a matter of time, Cassie.
38:41Shut up.
38:42Only a matter of time until you are back on the streets.
38:44Shut up, Louisa.
38:48Expecting a phone call?
38:50You can go ahead and hand that over to me.
38:53I don't want to have to use this.
38:59Just hand over the phone, Cassie.
39:02You've got a chance to survive this.
39:06My boy is waiting for me.
39:08My boy is waiting for me.
39:10And I am starting to run out of patience.
39:18It's okay, Jo. Mama's coming.
39:25He what?
39:26It's probably for the best.
39:28He has absolutely no grounds to fire you.
39:30I don't know. I do kind of get it.
39:32He's pissed off, understandably.
39:35Honestly, I thought we were going to be fine.
39:37I mean, not immediately.
39:39But in surgery we were good.
39:41He calmed me down after a little freak-out.
39:43And then I came through. Like, really came through.
39:46And we were great.
39:47I don't have that kind of working relationship with anyone else.
39:50And I don't think he does either.
39:52That's why he called me in.
39:53And he's just going to chuck that all away?
39:55Look, he's lashing out because you slept with his wife.
39:59Yeah? So just give him a minute and I'm sure he will take it back.
40:02He seemed pretty certain.
40:03He's not going to want anyone to know.
40:05And if he does something as, well, frankly illegal, like firing you,
40:09everyone is going to know what went down.
40:13So not only am I going to get fired,
40:15I'm going to be written off as the slutty junior
40:17who wreaked the marriage of two highly respected HODs.
40:20No, no.
40:21People around here are a lot smarter than that.
40:23People around here love Harper and Drew.
40:25I'm always going to come off as the bad guy, you know that.
40:27Yeah, but you shouldn't give up.
40:29What's the alternative?
40:31If this all gets out,
40:32I'm just going to be dragged through the mud, even overseas.
40:35It's not for you.
40:37Yeah, maybe that's just how it is.
40:41The opinion of a surgeon like Drew carries a lot of weight.
40:45Yeah, maybe.
40:46But that's not a good enough reason not to push back.
40:48Look, if you think you're already done for, then stand up for yourself.
40:51What have you got to lose?
40:57When will he wake up?
41:00Not for a wee while.
41:02Why did the man hurt him?
41:05Well, some grown-ups are mean,
41:08and they don't know how to take care of people like Daddy Marty does.
41:13You know you can hold his hand if you want to.
41:16Does he know we're here?
41:21Well, he's sleeping, but you can talk to him.
41:25He might hear you.
41:28You know, sometimes when people wake up,
41:30they remember who was around them and all the aroha they felt.
41:33What should I say?
41:36You can say whatever you want to say.
41:41Babe, it's just me and Kiwa here,
41:44and we love you so much,
41:48and we're really grateful for you and your big heart.
41:54I love you, Daddy.
41:56You're the bravest dad in the whole wide world.
42:06How's he doing?
42:10Hold on.
42:13I've thought about what you said,
42:15and I'm sorry, but I am not done with my career,
42:17and I'm not done with this hospital.
42:18Too bad.
42:20It's done, Phil.
42:21No, it's not.
42:23You have to think about how it's going to look,
42:25firing me after weeks of sexual harassment.
42:28Excuse me?
42:30I've got the text here to back it up.
42:33Hey, Phil.
42:34Fancy a wank?
42:36Going to whip off your top again?
42:38I was kidding around.
42:39Still waiting for my wank, buddy.
42:41You know I was kidding, Phil.
42:43You know that.
42:44You think Esther is going to see it that way?
42:46Have you planned this the entire time?
42:49I'm just saying, you're not going to fire me, okay?
42:53You evil woman.
43:07It's okay, my boy.
43:09We'll be clear of this place in a minute.
43:12Oh, look.
43:13Cassie's finished her little lie down.
43:15You can't take him.
43:16Don't listen to her, Jo.
43:17Don't call him that.
43:18Oh, she's a silly girl, isn't she?
43:20She's forgotten what your name is.
43:22But she's got her own problems,
43:24and we're not going to judge, are we?
43:25Shut up, Louisa.
43:26Just give him back.
43:27This will happen with people like her, Jo.
43:30She'll lose her temper.
43:32But I won't let her hurt you, I promise.
43:35Please, Louisa, please.
43:36Just give him back.
43:37If you take so much as one step towards us,
43:39I'll kill you.
43:40It's okay, honey.
43:46Jack, no!
43:53I hear Marty was transferred.
43:54Where did it go?
43:55No, no, no, no, no.
43:57Don't come at me with questions.
43:58You don't get to do that.
43:59Drew, I'm asking about Marty, our friend.
44:01Who I had to operate on with your girlfriend.
44:04She's not my girlfriend, okay?
44:05And couldn't you have found someone else?
44:08You think I should have compromised Marty's surgery
44:10because of something you did?
44:12You do realise there is no escaping this for me.
44:15It's at home.
44:16It is at work.
44:17You have broken all of it.
44:20And you need to tell me the rest.
44:23We've been through this, okay?
44:24That is not going to help.
44:26You want to help me, you will give me some answers.
44:28Now, I've figured out some of it on my own.
44:30The trip to the batch.
44:32Now, that all makes sense.
44:34The bust-up you two had.
44:36Lying to me and Ehia.
44:38How about you shooting off to have lunch with Nicole?
44:41And Monique, she's been awfully nice to me lately.
44:43I wonder why that is.
44:44Of course she feels sorry for stupid old Drew.
44:46I did not tell Monique.
44:48Somewhat he did.
44:49Well, I guess Sarah and Phil are close.
44:51I don't know.
44:53I'm sorry.
44:54I can see how that must make it so much worse.
44:57So who have you told?
44:59I haven't told anyone.
45:02Stop lying to me.
45:03Drew, don't.
45:04Tell me.
45:07When Boyd was here, he saw something.
45:11I'm so sorry.
45:13Jesus Christ, okay.
45:15Look, he told me I had to tell you.
45:17And I just, I wanted to.
45:18I just, I couldn't.
45:23He didn't either.
45:37He didn't either.