Signs of the Swarm's Carl Schulz (feat. Bobby Crow) - GEAR MASTERS Ep. 518

  • 13 hours ago
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On this episode of DTB’s “Gear Masters”, Carl Schulz, guitarist of the deathcore band, Signs of the Swarm, shows off the gear that he uses onstage, while on the "Decade of the Swarm" tour with Cande Hill, Ov Sulfur, 156Sielnce, and A Wake In Providence. Signs of the Swarm is currently supporting their newest single, IWONTLETYOUDIE.

Enki Guitar Case -
Solar Type E Guitar -
Fishman Fluence Modern Active Humbucker -
Evertune Bridge -
D'Addario EXL140-8 XL Nickel Wound Electric Guitar Strings -
Solar Type A Guitar -
Orange PPC412-C - 240-watt 4x12" Straight Cabinet -
Neural DSP Quad Cortex Quad-Core Digital Effects Modeler -
Seymour Duncan PowerStage 200 -
Sennheiser Wireless System -
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface -

Film Date - September 4, 2024
Location - The WC Social Club in West Chicago, IL

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00:00Hey, what's going on? I'm Karl Schultz. I play for a deathcore band called Signs of
00:14the Swarm. We are in Chicago today at the WC Social Club and I'm going to show you
00:19some guitar gear while we're rocking. So over here I have a nice old case. It's an
00:26Enkei. We are not really sponsored by them, so Enkei, please answer your emails. I got
00:33my Solar guitars in here. I'm just going to show you my main one right out the gate. Might
00:37be a little gross and dirty. I promise I wiped it off last night. It is a Solar type E. Shout
00:45out to Solar, Ola, and Joel. Love you guys. Thank you very much. These guitars are from
00:50Sweden. They are fucking awesome guitars. They play super well. This is the Explorer
00:55version. So this one comes already with Fishman Modern Fluences, but I kind of changed out just
01:01to kind of give it a little bit of a different look. Put some gold hardware stuff on it. Some
01:05nuts and bolts and knobs. I am a Fishman artist. Shout out to Ken. Thank you to Ken. Fishman is
01:12great. They're in every single one of my guitars that I have, even at home. I also have an
01:17Evertune bridge, which keeps everything in tune. This guitar is a 24 1⁄4 scale length,
01:23so it's a little bit more traditional. It's not normal to really put this in drop G and the lower
01:28stuff that we do. So the Evertune really helps with that, kind of keeping the tension and keeping
01:33everything pretty held down. It's got locking tuners on the back as well. They're just Solar
01:38brand. Got a shout out to my son. I put Bluey stickers on everything, pretty much something
01:43to remind me of home. And just a local coffee shop back in Tuckerton in New Jersey. Shout out
01:49to Union Market. So with this one and pretty much all my guitars, I don't do a lot of pickup
01:55switching really. I don't do the push-pull stuff, but the Fishmans have multi-voices. So when you do
02:01a push-pull, it's got a voice too. That's passive or pretty much however you route it in the
02:05configurations. But yeah, for me, it's pretty much just balls to the wall, bridge, full volume all
02:10the time. I did try the newer Fishmans with the Voice 3 and it's got single coil function. That's
02:17in another Solar guitar of mine at home. And that sounds fucking awesome for all single coil stuff.
02:22But yeah, it's pretty much this guitar, man. I mean, it's just balls to the wall. Like I said,
02:27full volume all the time. Really, really straightforward, honestly. But that's the
02:33main one. In drop G, I'm using D'Addario strings. It's the eight string set that they have and I
02:39throw a couple of strings out in the middle. It's 64 to 13. So I think it's like a 64, 54,
02:4545, 30, 17, 13. So yeah, it's a really weird set, but it works. So this one's pretty cool. I've
02:56been getting asked a lot of questions about this one. This is a Solar Type A guitar that I sanded
03:04off the paint and kind of did this myself. So it really just started with like, oh, I want to paint
03:10this thing a different color. And then as I did it and kind of just threw this random color of
03:16paint on it, it turned into our album colors for Amongst the Low and Empty. I didn't realize that
03:22when I did it. So it was this color when I got it, just the natural wood. Yeah, I painted it to this.
03:29So this one's a little different. This is a 27 inch. I was using this for like the first two
03:36shows changing over. But if I'm being real, I just kind of fucking freaked out about changing guitars
03:42like mid show. So I'm like, I'm not going to do that for the rest of the tour. But this is in drop E.
03:46So this is a little bit thicker on the top, but it's the same pack of strings, the eight string
03:51set, but it's a 74 on top. So I kind of split the difference with the strings. So it's like a 74,
03:5864, 54, 40 something. And then 17, 13. So the high, the high strings are a little bit bendier,
04:06but I'm not really soloing or anything on this guitar. But yeah, this one, again,
04:11with the Fishman Modern Fluences, they're fucking awesome. It's just really my tone now. It just has
04:16a bite to it. And paired with these guitars and the orange caps, which we'll talk about in a
04:20second, it's just, it's got this bite to it and the sound that, I don't know, it's just become my
04:26tone at this point. Fishman's are just fucking awesome. And then yeah, this thing in particular,
04:30being 27 inches is kind of cool. Having the Evertune really, really helps with the low tuning.
04:36So like I said, it's in double drop E. So it's a whole octave lower from standard E and it holds
04:43the tuning perfectly. No issues ever, ever have to tune it. But yeah, now it's just kind of living
04:49as a backup just in case something happens. All right. So now we are up here in what I like to
04:54call Carl's Corral. We got my cab and we got the Rig of Doom, which Big Boss Hog Bobby's got to go
05:03over because he knows more than I do with that side of it. But this is our orange cab. We just
05:10have these cool cab covers on them for this tour that matches our backdrop. Just wanted to put
05:15something cool on it, some artwork for Decade of the Swarm. So in the orange cab, we have V30s,
05:20just the stock speakers that they come with. They're fucking awesome. Shout out to Orange.
05:24Thank you for being awesome and making great cabs, but also very heavy cabs. So pretty much
05:30what we're doing, Mike and I both, is we're running Neural DSP Quad Cortex. Shout out to Neural. Thank
05:37you. They hook us up and they've been hooking us up for a bit now. So pretty much we're running
05:42these quads for everything. This is not my signal chain. So pretty much for every single song,
05:48I have a patch that does something different everywhere. So this is a song, Echelon,
05:54that we play. It's a drop E song. So I use a drop G guitar for it and I just put a transposed patch
06:01up in the front and it drops it down three semitones. But that's besides the point. Pretty
06:06much every song has its own change. It's all in scene mode and I run everything through MIDI. So
06:13I pretty much program everything on the computer. There's a little scene that just has all my MIDI
06:18control and I go through every song, type all the patch changes and all that. So like I said,
06:22every song has about eight changes in it, whether it's a drop tune part, whether it's
06:28activating a swollen pickle, some kind of effect, some kind of cool thing that happens to the song,
06:33happens all here in all MIDI. In my quad, I tried to keep everything as dummy proof as possible. So
06:40all my tones and every song has exactly the same template, just little tweaks here and there within
06:47the noise gate and stuff. So pretty much every song just has a transpose, a gnarly swollen pickle
06:54that I have that's called the guitar snarl. I've named that because why not? And then just a normal
07:01tube screamer. It's the green 808, the Ibanez tube screamer. And then I can't leak all my settings in
07:09here, but you know. But yeah, I got a 5153 as my head. That's just the 100 watt version with the
07:17EL34s. And then kind of per song basis, there's different effects here and there. Some songs have
07:25a couple clean parts. There's a song called Shackles Like Talents. It's got some cool clean
07:30stuff in the middle and the beginning. So I have a whole separate patch that changes a whole
07:35different head and just has some cool washy reverb and delay stuff going on. But yeah, we
07:40are running out of this quad cortex into, or I guess vice versa, however you want to look at it.
07:46We're going to Seymour Duncan Power Stages for all of our power directly into the cabs because
07:52they aren't inward. So both Mike, the backtracked guitar, and myself, we all go through those just
08:00to have cab sound and stuff on stage. And yeah, that's pretty much all the quad cortex stuff,
08:07all of our tones. Mike, again, does the same stuff as me. Same patches, same quad cortex stuff.
08:13Pretty simple for what it is, but yeah, that's pretty much about it. Bobby's going to show you
08:19guys the in-ears and all the other fun stuff. How's it going? I'm going to show you through
08:24our rig here. This is our new live rig we just put together a couple months ago with Josie at
08:29Sweetwater and Neat Audio. So I'll start from the top. We have our show file. We run everything
08:34through Reaper. We do MIDI controls for the quad cortexes as well as for a backing guitar we run
08:41Neural DSP Gojira Live so we can adjust the tones every day, which is wonderful. We also run tracks,
08:50click, timecode for our lights as well. We have all Sennheiser wirelesses. We have two guitar,
08:58and then we split these out stereo so we only use two for four people. It takes a left and right,
09:04super easy, and it's the cheapest way to go. Come down here. They kind of went over the quads with
09:08you already. I'll show you the back here in a second how that's all working. And then yeah,
09:12it's a very basic Scarlett Focusrite. I think it's an 18i20. Very simple. This is a really
09:20beautiful thing here. This is a split from, it's from Neat Audio. I think they just got
09:24the faceplate from Trace Audio. I don't know who that company is, but Neat Audio is amazing. We
09:29have a pin out here, 16 channels, basically drums, tracks, vocals, all that kind of stuff.
09:34And that all runs to our power amps for guitars and out of this tail to front of house. I can
09:42show you the back if you want to come around safely. It's a little bit of a mess, but it's
09:46actually better than it used to be. So everything's labeled. We just have punch outs for guitar
09:53wirelesses, vocal wirelesses. This is power here. Antennas, super easy. That all runs down to the
09:59next level, which we have guitar into guitar, et cetera. We have MIDI in and out here on this
10:04side. So we run two lines that go DI straight to front of house. So that's how you get our DI
10:11guitar and bass tones. And then we have another set over here as well. That's what goes to the
10:15cabs. So we have stage power for cabs. We don't use them. We don't mic them or anything like that.
10:21It's just for the front row and it helps fill out the sound and it looks cool. And you come down
10:27here to the bottom is the last set here. MIDI. This is our Behringer XR-18. It's just kind of
10:35like a cheaper version of the X-32 that everybody loves. And it stays plugged in all the time with
10:40that neat audio split. So I never have to touch any of this stuff, which makes my life absolutely
10:44amazing. And yeah, that's pretty much the rig. Super easy, super clean. Hey, thank you guys for
10:50checking out the rig. This has been Signs of the Swarm. Just want to let you guys know that we're
10:53on the Decade of the Swarm tour right now. And we have VIP tickets still available and tickets. If
10:58you haven't bought it, you're a nerd, please do that. Yeah, thank you so much. We are working on
11:03new tunes always. We have another tour coming up in Europe at the end of the year, Faces of Death
11:08with Vail Amaya to the Grave and Burials. So if you happen to see that, please come out and see
11:12that as well. Thanks for checking everything out. It's been great.
