Joe Rogan emotional over Linkin Park Tragedy (Chester Bennington )

  • 2 days ago


00:00Lost a lot of fucking people this year when you stop and think about George Michael
00:04Prince who is the latest one? There was some big one like in park Chester Bennington. Yes. That's right Chester
00:10That was a big one and horrible Chris Cornell both in the same way
00:13Yeah, and then Chester committed suicide on his birthday
00:18Dude, yeah, that was a really that was a weird one man
00:21That guy was 41 on top of the world the lead singer one of the biggest rock bands of all time
00:28But it's it's hard to say like what caused him to be so fucked up
00:32but most people point to he was like very sexually abused when he was a young kid and
00:37That just he never he just never recovered from that and then you know yeah
00:42I never knew him, but I had friends that really close to them
00:43And they just said he was like the most gentle sweet guy fucking powerful voice man. Oh, yeah, yeah, I got shred whoo
00:52Yeah, no, it's horrible
00:54It's so hard for people to understand that you could be the lead singer of like I mean arguably one of the biggest bands of
01:01Our generation yeah giant huge arena
01:05Filled up there was a photo of him
01:07Standing on stage with no shirt on in this massive arena show and everybody had their cell phone lights on you know people
01:15Do that now instead of lighters?
01:17We didn't have cell phones we burned our bodies we had fire
01:21Yeah, we had fucking fire hazards, but he was he was standing on stage
01:25I was like yeah, that's the photo like look at that shit, man
01:28That's sick. No one could ever possibly imagine that that guy would not be
01:33Insanely happy I mean look how many people love that guy you're just getting a tiny
01:40Fraction of the love that my guy must have gotten and it still wasn't enough yeah
01:47So hard to understand I mean yeah that level of just inner sadness and darkness. I mean good Lord
01:53It's just awful to think of that guy went through to get to that point and he had six kids
01:58Yeah, so I mean it's just like it had to be so much that even having kids and being with his kids wasn't enough
02:05Fuck man
02:07That's a crazy picture though. That's a sick photo. Oh my god up in the rafters
02:13Yeah, I mean that's probably like 30,000 people or something crazy
02:18Yeah, look at all the people that don't have phones. Yeah, what's their deal losers?
02:24Maybe they're just cheap maybe like Ari
02:26Maybe they just went flip phone. I can't handle it can't handle the apps. It's just too much too much temptation
02:34Ari's resisting and he's gonna be chopping his own wood soon Ari's gonna have a well
02:38I guarantee you always got he told me he wanted to buy land and I was like you want to like build a house
02:43He goes no no no I just want to camp there. It's like what buy land to camp on
02:47Yeah, he's gonna buy like land, but he's not gonna build a house
02:51Like land land or like a lot camping. He's kids was can't they were calling it glumping which is camping with come it was him
03:01Big J. Oakerson big J. Posted it on his Instagram page, but he loves being outside
03:05He loves nature. They just I mean I get it look if you can camp if you really don't need a house
03:11What do you need you need a trailer to keep your shit in you like a trailer to put pots and pans in if yeah
03:16Yeah, if you still want shit, you know what I mean you can't
03:20Can't have posters anymore
03:22Yeah, no posters can't put Farrah Fawcett on the roof of your tent can't put the youth gone wild
03:32Yeah, how many fucking fucking go camping why do you have to like buy that to me?
03:37That's not camping if you're if you own a plot of land, and then you're just sleeping on it is that technically camping
03:44That's a very good point. That's sleeping on your land
03:47That's like if you're hunting and there's a fence around the animals, and you're only on one acre exactly is that really hunting fucking hunting
03:54Chasing down shit that can't run away. Yeah
03:57You're not camping. No bears are gonna. Just wander up by your campsite. Nope. That's part of the thrill of being a camper
04:03Yeah, you're out there for real in the wild yeah, you can't be on your own little land unless your land is huge
04:09But then if your land is huge and yet
04:10It's like say if you have like one of those ranches in Texas right you ever see those
04:13You know Texas is like something insane amount of Texas is private land. It's not a lot of public land in Texas
04:20It's just all giant ranches and some of them are like
04:2410,000 plus acres like 20,000 100,000 like you could camp there
04:28I guess cuz it takes you like three hours to drive across it. That's weird. Yeah drive to your house
04:33That's too much land. It's too much. It's too much. Why do you need that much land?
04:37How about Ted Turner doesn't that guy own like the most land of anybody in the country here today King Ranch sprawls?
04:45825 thousand acres of South, Texas land an area larger than the state of Rhode Island. Oh my gosh
04:52Are you kidding me as the home of?
04:5535,000 cattle and over 200 quarter horses King Ranch is one of the largest ranches in the world today
05:02I wonder if they hunt on that ranch who owns that which King some fucking baller
05:07He might as well be a keys the king of Rhode Island Burger King
05:10Maybe it's a Burger King guy. That is insane man. That is insane. No gay bars. I'll get three or four in there for sure
05:21No gay bars, but there's plenty of Trek stops
05:24Rest stops are like where they're at now. They haven't really gotten to the full-on gay bar not full admittance
05:29They just wanted them meet at the rest stops
05:31Yeah, remember we were kids that was like the thing like you'd always know that dudes would try to bang dudes at a rest stop
05:37100% like if you're at a rest stop and someone knocks on your door, and it's a dude. He's looking to get a blowjob
05:42Yeah, there's no rest there
05:44Nobody's resting you're resting or wide awake dicks wide awake and in your mouth
