2005 DOCU 1977, the Colares UFO wave and the military Operation Saucer.

  • 2 days ago
2005 DOCU 1977, the Colares UFO wave and the military Operation Saucer.


00:00In the sky, there is something more than the stars.
00:30In the sky, there is something more than the stars.
00:34In the sky, there is something more than the stars.
00:58They were received by the beam of light
01:01and that prevented them from moving any part of the muscle, even to ask for help.
01:07And that from then on, the pain became unbearable,
01:13and they were taken with profound weakness,
01:18as if they were being doped.
01:23Other residents of the region also see the mysterious light
01:28and are attacked by it.
01:32It's me. I'm going to sleep here in the house.
01:35I need to go up there, it's full of mosquitos.
01:37Look, it's dawn, we'll take the bus.
01:40I need to get to Alcântara.
01:42What's up, Zé? Are you going to sleep in the caravan?
01:44I'm going to sleep in my caravan here.
01:46I need a good rest today, everything here is tiring.
01:49That's it. See you tomorrow. I'm going to lock the door.
01:51See you tomorrow.
01:53Do you keep the fish, guys?
01:54We don't keep anything.
02:01What's that?
02:22One of the fishermen is dead.
02:25What caught my attention is that when I was attending
02:28a person from a town called Airi
02:32and a person from a town called Candelba,
02:35they were more than 100 kilometers apart.
02:40And people told me the same story,
02:44without knowing each other,
02:46without ever having spoken to each other,
02:50and at the same time,
02:54and at the same time, or even at different times.
02:58Dozens of people go into despair.
03:01The fear of the unknown provokes panic.
03:04This happened, I looked at the roof
03:08and saw that, like a lamp, like this, lit.
03:12And it's right in my pocket.
03:16I slept under a balcony, at home,
03:19afraid, afraid of everything.
03:21I thought it was sent by God,
03:25that it was some castle, right?
03:28For one, it could be the devil,
03:33he would be attacking the Christians.
03:36But most people didn't really know what it was,
03:39they just showed favoritism.
03:59A film by
04:04A film by
04:09A film by
04:14A film by
04:19A film by
04:24A film by
04:29A film by
04:33A film by
04:38A film by
04:43A film by
04:48A film by
04:53Good evening.
04:54The Direct Mystery continues a series of reports
04:57about strange facts that challenge specialists
05:00and provoke fear.
05:01Today you will know an impressive story
05:04about flying saucers,
05:06in a region made up of 20 municipalities,
05:09known as Salgado,
05:10on the north coast of Brazil.
05:13It all started with a light in the sky
05:16and followed a series of attacks on people.
05:18Then, panic took over an entire region
05:22and the population armed themselves to fight extraterrestrial beings.
05:26Real facts or a collective delirium?
05:29In doubt, military and aeronautics
05:32were called to investigate the presence
05:35of these unidentified flying objects.
05:37For four months,
05:39the most important and secretive investigation
05:42carried out so far in Brazil was carried out,
05:44the so-called Operation Prato.
05:46The name Prato is the term used internationally
05:50by ufologists to designate a flying saucer.
05:54Operation Prato went as far as is known,
05:57at least until today,
05:59the only confirmed, documented occasion
06:04in which a team of military,
06:06the armed forces of a country,
06:08was directly involved in a process of approximation,
06:13identification and possible contact
06:16with non-terrestrial, non-human beings
06:18from other parts of the universe.
06:21Operation Prato is one of the most fantastic cases
06:25in Brazilian ufology.
06:27The commander of the secret mission
06:29was this man, the aeronautics colonel,
06:32the Irishman Orlando Lima, who at the time was the captain.
06:35He kept a secret for more than 20 years.
06:39But in 1997, the Dutch colonel decided to speak.
06:43He appeared in the fantastic program of Rede Globo
06:46and soon after gave an impressive interview
06:49to the UFO magazine,
06:50where he told details of Operation Prato.
06:53Let's go to the interview, colonel?
06:55Dad, the material you asked for is all here.
06:58This is my daughter Daniela.
07:00Good, how are you?
07:01My aunt Ana Paula.
07:03This is Marco.
07:04Where is Marco?
07:06This is Columbus.
07:08Just out of curiosity, colonel,
07:09why did you decide to speak only after so long?
07:12If I don't tell what I saw,
07:14my mother may be dead,
07:16and the story goes on.
07:20The involvement with Operation Prato
07:22started with the information given by the mayor
07:29of the region where these things were taking place.
07:33Even before the aeronautics arrived at the site,
07:36we could see that the population was scared.
07:39Songs of Fear
07:59Those damn guys showed up,
08:01we finish them.
08:03He will finish us.
08:08And if there was a little hole here, that light would go through and it would catch the person.
08:22And our weapon here, you know, is a stick, a stone, a spike, a line carried by the light.
08:38The people lived in fear because this beam of night light had already attacked several people.
08:50The whole community gathered in three houses only.
08:56They would pray, sometimes they would sing some religious songs.
09:02People in panic, the health unit of Colares became almost a Miracle Garden.
09:10After the attacks on residents, the only doctor in the region, Dr. Avelaide, tries to deal with so many injuries.
09:18Doctor, she doesn't speak, she can't get in.
09:21And where are you from?
09:22We are from Candeira.
09:24Will you save my wife?
09:25Look at her.
09:26Stay calm, you are more than 100 km from here.
09:28Look at this, Dr. Avelaide, what is this?
09:31Maria, go ahead and take care of the other people, let me take care of her, let me take a look.
09:35This light, this incidence, would come to the women, preferably to the women in the left breast.
09:41They were long lines, straight, long and wide, as if something had snapped.
09:52There were always, always, always two parallel holes,
09:57and that you pressed and they didn't disappear, and they were elevated, as if two needles had penetrated.
10:06The burns of a person need approximately 96 hours for the skin to go into necrosis,
10:14to get blackened and go into necrosis.
10:17But the burns that were made on people, the necrosis was immediate.
10:23I was really astonished to see what I saw in those people,
10:28what would be the result of the activity of this light, which he called chupa-chupa.
10:35And it became chupa-chupa, because he was sucking the blood, chupa-chupa.
10:40Dozens of families leave the city, including some authorities.
10:45The doctor, the mayor and the priest decide to stay.
10:49I can't do anything else.
10:50If it were up to you, I would also leave as soon as possible.
10:55Excuse me.
10:57The population of Colares was taken by a crisis, perhaps of panic,
11:02and the city went into a process of emptying.
11:05The fear was to reach a point where we would no longer have medicines,
11:10we no longer had food, because it was heading for a real chaos.
11:16And what was done?
11:18Well, the first providence was to send a local aeronautics group,
11:22to restore the order.
11:24And you were among them?
11:26No, no. In this first phase, I was in another operation.
11:30Open the door, please!
11:33Open the door, please!
11:36Open the door, please!
11:44Good morning.
11:45How are you?
11:46We are here on a mission for aeronautics.
11:49Thank God you arrived.
11:50Thank God. People are desperate.
11:52Who are you?
11:53She is Dr. Vilaide.
11:54I think we will need you very much.
11:56This is the mayor.
11:57Good morning, mayor.
11:58How are you?
11:59Well, I would like you to explain to us what is happening exactly.
12:02I'm just going to ask for a moment, because we need to set up the camp.
12:05All right? Can you follow me here in the shadow?
12:07No, no.
12:10I notice that some people can suddenly share an emotional situation,
12:15and this emotional situation spreads.
12:18This is typical, for example, in cases of panic,
12:22inside a cinema, inside a supermarket,
12:25where it is suddenly warned that there is fire, right?
12:28So people suddenly run away, some pass over others, there are deaths, etc.
12:33And suddenly the supermarket or the cinema were not even on fire.
12:37There are scientific explanations.
12:39There are several rare atmospheric phenomena,
12:42but interesting, I mean, flashes in the sun, in the sky, strange lights.
12:48Always, not only today, this scared people.
12:53But I also think that when you believe in miracles,
12:58you will see miracles with much more ease than if you were a person who did not believe in miracles.
13:03If it were really something of hallucination or hysteria,
13:07aeronautics would never highlight such a large team to make these types of observations.
13:14According to witnesses, the first observation post of aeronautics
13:18was set up here under this tree at Praia do Maitá,
13:21on the island of Colares, about 100 km from Belém.
13:24This region was considered the point of greatest incidence of the phenomenon,
13:28where the lights that appeared in the sky attacked people right away.
13:32At that time, civilians were forbidden to attend the military base set up by the aeronautics.
13:38They installed machine guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, anti-aircraft fire.
13:45For weeks, the military followed the appearance of luminous objects.
14:15It's been 20 years that I talk to people who say they have contacts with beings that call themselves extraterrestrials.
14:30And most of these people have a reputation that you can not go against.
14:38In any of these systems, there must be a planet with conditions
14:44that led to life on Earth.
14:47So I believe that.
14:49Now, the contact is very difficult, given the gigantic distances.
14:58You can go to another planet, let's say, 50 light years away from here,
15:02and there are some bacteria, some protozoa, some viruses,
15:07that have nothing to do with intelligent life.
15:10Just the fact that you have life does not mean that you come to have intelligent life.
15:15So how did you get involved with Operation Plate?
15:18It was not called Operation Plate, that name was given by me later.
15:23Let's agree that if the mission was secret, Operation Flying Disc would be too obvious, right?
15:30So you went to the Amazon and...
15:33At that time I was still a captain.
15:35I headed the Parasar, a rescue service in the jungle.
15:39I had just finished a course in Brasília,
15:42and the commander of the 1st COMAR called me.
15:45According to witnesses, the report sent by the military about the phenomenon of lights
15:51impresses the command of the aeronautics.
15:55Captain Landa, do you believe in flying discs?
15:59I believe in what I can see, Colonel.
16:02Unidentified objects were seen in this region.
16:06Most of the objects appeared here, near the island of Colás.
16:10It is a village with a lot of faith, but without any instruction.
16:14Most are fishermen and divers.
16:17And how are they reacting? Our team wrote this report.
16:20Read it, please.
16:23And a psychological analyst who was part of the operation itself,
16:27he came to write a report, signing below the following.
16:31That if that phenomenon did not cease,
16:34or if something was not done to prepare that population
16:39to live with that kind of situation,
16:41he feared that the weakest of spirits,
16:44these are the words of the report itself,
16:47would seek self-annihilation, that is, a mass suicide process.
16:55Impressive, Colonel.
16:57It looks like a film, Edirne, which is scientific, but it is not.
17:01Captain Landa, I want you to assume command of this mission.
17:05Understood? Rest.
17:08Yes, sir.
17:09Jürgen Landa was a very fearless guy.
17:12That's why he was chosen.
17:14He had a very clear notion that unidentified flying objects existed.
17:18He believed in life on other planets,
17:20and believed that flying discs were really a legitimate fact.
17:24But he did not believe that the phenomena that were happening
17:28in that region had anything to do with flying discs.
17:32Captain Landa arrives in the city.
17:34It's the majority of the region, Captain.
17:36There were some nearby cities here.
17:38Are the injuries all identical?
17:40It's always like this, burns, vertically, with two parallel holes.
17:45Your injuries must have been caused by some kind of insect.
17:48At first I also thought it was, Captain.
17:51But now there are so many people with the same characteristics that I don't know anymore.
17:56Doctor, do you believe in chupa-chups?
17:59Do you believe?
18:02They looked for me daily to know the number of people I had attended.
18:08I interviewed them.
18:10I saw that it was not to be afraid,
18:13that it must have come from heaven or a planet,
18:18and it comforted people.
18:22Can you tell me how it happened?
18:24It was the chupa-chups, Doctor.
18:26I almost died.
18:28I was in a procession.
18:30It was a rosemary.
19:16Doctor, save me!
19:19The sergeants who were in the operation,
19:22they played a lot with me because I always said I didn't believe in that.
19:30What is this, Doctor?
19:32It's a pack of firecrackers and they scream to defend themselves.
19:34They think that's how they scare the flying saucers.
19:36Nonsense, there are no flying saucers.
19:38Look, Captain, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
19:41I'll only be convinced when a ship passes over my head.
19:49The observation team commanded by Captain Hollanda
19:52was made up of more than 60 people,
19:55including military, secret service, doctors and even psychologists,
19:59who came to the city with the aim of calming the population.
20:02In this place, called Praia do Machadinho,
20:05Captain Hollanda lived an experience that I would mark for the rest of my life.
20:11It's no use. These lights don't convince me.
20:13This is no more than an atmospheric phenomenon.
20:15But, Captain, you photographed the lights.
20:18Exactly, I photographed lights, nothing more than lights.
20:21It's no use, Captain, you'll only believe when a ship like this passes over your head.
20:40There was a very large object above us,
20:42I believe about 30 meters in diameter,
20:45in a black squall shape.
20:48We were looking at it, terrified,
20:50scared, standing above us at about 200 meters high.
20:53What I saw didn't satisfy me until that moment.
20:56From then on, I had no more doubts.
20:59Hello? Hello, Captain?
21:00Yes, Sergeant?
21:01I'm here with a watchman from that house near the river,
21:05and he's telling me a story that I think it's important for you to hear.
21:08I'm here in the city to get a testimony.
21:10Captain, I'm sorry, but I think it's important for you to hear.
21:13Put him on the radio.
21:14No, I'll pass it to him.
21:17You can speak normally, tell me that story.
21:19Mr. Luiz, what do you have to tell me?
21:21I was by the river when I saw a seal.
21:25Then, Captain, I got ready to hunt the little animal.
21:47Can you take me to the place where you saw the lights?
21:51There again, Captain?
21:53We had the opportunity to get to a person
21:56who had had an impressive sighting.
21:59The agents went in to have coffee and eat a cookie or something there
22:04before entering a boat for us to go on a mission.
22:07And I, as the head of the mission, couldn't give myself these bruises.
22:11I kept looking outside, looking at the environment.
22:25The seal!
22:26What seal?
22:27The seal!
22:29The sea!
22:30The sea!
22:31But there was a very strong light, green and red,
22:34and it made a noise, as if it were a turbine.
22:36It wasn't the noise of a jet.
22:38It was that whistle, a whistle, a noise like that.
22:42And he dived on top of where we were, in the house where we were.
22:47No pilot would do such a thing, because you're dead, right?
22:54Captain Holanda goes to the place where the watchman would have seen the phenomenon
22:59and is disappointed.
23:01It was in this place that all the lights went off.
23:03I'm telling you, Captain, look at the light, that thing,
23:05it came from behind that window.
23:07Suddenly I saw that light above me.
23:09I came running, I got scared, and the light passed over me, a green light.
23:12We've been here for over three hours and nothing happens.
23:15Sergeant, let's go.
23:17Sir, thank you very much.
23:18Let's go.
23:39Look, Captain!
23:40Look ahead!
23:51Turn off the engine!
23:52Now we're going to spend the night here!
23:56Soldier, soldier!
23:57Light, light!
24:32We had the opportunity to shoot objects, flying, and of them, leaving.
24:35Some small lights that we called dissolvers.
24:38He would go into the woods, take out his razors, fantastic things.
24:42He used to play with us, it's true that he used to play with us.
24:46If they got here after such a long trip, such a long journey,
24:49the least I'd expect is for them to keep playing.
25:02Get out of the way, I want to hear the sound of the device.
25:08And he was in front of us, a scary thing, a very large object.
25:28He must have activated some propulsion that shouldn't have been activated close to us,
25:36because it would damage us.
25:38So there was some person, some intelligence in there that commanded this.
25:58And it shot at an incredible speed to the firmament and disappeared in the middle of the stars.
26:04There are hundreds of billions of other galaxies,
26:07so I always joke that there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on the beach of Copacabana.
26:13So you take a handful of grains of sand and you say,
26:15all this is a star spread throughout the universe, right?
26:19But so far there is absolutely no concrete proof
26:24that we were visited by another intelligent civilization.
26:30Here was the old center of Colares,
26:33where there was only the city hall, two schools, the church,
26:37in addition to a post office and a small health center.
26:41Colares looked like a ghost town.
26:43Most of its inhabitants had fled to the continent.
26:46The few people who remained on the island were locked inside the house, very afraid.
26:53When we were getting like 50 meters from my house,
27:00she hit me and pointed up.
27:04You have to ask the mayor to monitor this.
27:06Maria, what happened? What happened, Maria?
27:09Are you feeling sick?
27:20An object so close, so beautiful,
27:26until this moment, even having attended all this enormity
27:32of inhabitants attacked by this inexplicable being,
27:41I still doubted that it really was something that I could see.
27:51Another witness looks for the aeronautics in search of help.
27:56The resident Antonio Ferreira convinces the military to go to the place
28:01where he would have seen a flying saucer.
28:10He came in that direction.
28:12Ok, ok, we're going now, let's go, let's go to that direction he's talking about.
28:15It's a flight to the unknown.
28:21I got it, I got it, we're going there.
28:26And suddenly a surprise.
28:28What is this? What is this?
28:34The approach with the ship causes a breakdown in the helicopter,
28:38but the military manages to regain control of the aircraft.
28:45And at the time the pilot explained why the helicopter started to go down?
28:48It was because of the ship that stopped.
28:50The helicopter stopped.
28:52It only worked when we were going down, down, down.
28:56When he saw that we were getting closer to the ground,
28:59he started our lever and it worked.
29:02According to the ufologists, in a report for Aeronáutica,
29:06Captain Holanda gives up the evidence.
29:09He even draws the shapes of several unidentified flying objects
29:14and ensures that they fly over the skies of the north of Brazil.
29:18About nine shapes, nine or more, a little more.
29:21It's all written, all drawn, all photographed in the report.
29:26More than 500 photographs and four films were made.
29:29One was from the Air Force, from the FAB.
29:32It's not a material coined by a civilian ufologist,
29:36someone who is enthusiastic about it.
29:39No, it was coined, it was registered in the military fashion
29:43with all the necessary rigor.
29:53Captain Holanda becomes a man obsessed with luminous objects.
30:25It is difficult for a person to go through everything he went through
30:28without having changed internally deeply.
30:31According to Captain Pinnon, a friend of Captain Holanda,
30:35Aeronáutica called him to the end of the operation.
30:38I believe we should...
30:40Good afternoon, gentlemen.
30:41Good afternoon, Captain.
30:42Do you read my last report?
30:43We read it, Captain.
30:44Incredible, isn't it? The ship landed almost on top of the ship.
30:47Captain, Operation Prado is over.
30:52It's over?
30:54It's over?
30:56But we made extraordinary discoveries, Brigadier.
30:58Aeronáutica is no longer interested in this operation.
31:02Bring your men back.
31:05We already have another function for you.
31:08But we are about to make contact with the aliens.
31:14Operation Prado is officially suspended, Captain.
31:18Are you okay?
31:19Yes, sir.
31:20Excuse me.
31:24And what is Aeronáutica going to do with all this information?
31:28Captain, nothing prevents us from continuing to investigate this.
31:34That's exactly what I'm going to do.
31:37Excuse me.
31:38The ship stopped for four months and Operation Prado stopped.
31:42Then we continued.
31:43I continued.
31:47According to witnesses, in March 1978,
31:52the phenomena ceased to amaze the Paraíso coast.
31:56The Paraíso coast.
32:02Still looking for the ships, Captain?
32:05You don't give up, do you?
32:07Have you forgotten, Doctor?
32:09What happens is that they never left here.
32:12To this day, they continue to appear.
32:15I strongly believe that they are among us.
32:17Living like us.
32:19Some of them.
32:21Looking for a way to get to know us better.
32:24You don't know if the person you're talking to is an alien or not.
32:30As revealed to friends,
32:32Captain Holland, even after the end of Operation Prado,
32:36continues to make new contacts.
32:54The Paraíso coast.
33:16How are you?
33:18I think there has to be a...
33:19How did you get here?
33:21In the presence of an alien, we send an AT
33:25and we can bring him here to interview him.
33:29Then we will really believe.
33:31But that doesn't mean that alien life is not possible.
33:36It is possible.
33:38Tonight, in Colare, we only see stars.
33:40Few people, who at the time were victims of the phenomenon,
33:44who still live here,
33:45say that the burn marks have disappeared over time.
33:49Captain Holland kept his mission a secret until 1997.
33:54Then he decided to give an interview
33:56and told everything he knew.
33:58Colonel, what was made of all this material?
34:01Films, photographs?
34:03I don't know.
34:04The aeronautics collected everything.
34:08Everything was delivered.
34:10It was delivered to the commander,
34:11from there delivered to the command in Brazil.
34:14I don't really know where it is.
34:16I even played.
34:17Where's my movie?
34:18It's saved.
34:21It's been saved until today.
34:24Colonel, you don't know how important this interview was.
34:29I know.
34:31I know.
34:32Many ufologists say that aeronautics has secret files
34:38about aliens, about identified flying objects.
34:42Does that really exist?
34:43No, this is a fictional object.
34:47In reality, it doesn't exist.
34:50The Air Force even has a document
34:52saying how its military should react
34:57in case of a possible contact.
34:59And how the contact with the press should be.
35:01And the first thing they say is, look, deny it.
35:04I was part of the secret commission of the Brazilian government.
35:09The president was Brigadier-General José Bastasilva.
35:12The first question I asked him was,
35:14why is the interest of the military in ufology?
35:18He said, because this is a national security issue.
35:24And we are interested in knowing
35:28from the ufo strategy
35:34their intentions.
35:43Dad, come see the movie with us.
35:46Dad, are you okay?
36:26Daughter of the Air Force, call for the father.
36:30He suffocated with the cord of his uniform.
36:35He tied it to a high part of the bed.
36:40He had been suffering from a depressive process
36:43that was periodically established in a more accentuated way
36:46for many years.
36:48Everyone can say that Holland committed suicide.
36:51I will not believe in suicide in any way.
36:54And I believe that for any reason
36:59something happens to people who go beyond their knowledge.
37:03Or say something that they are not allowed to say.
37:07The rebirth of this issue came around the end of the 19th century
37:11with an American astronomer called Percival Lowell
37:15who had a certain fascination with Mars.
37:17And at the time, 1870, 1880,
37:19the telescope showed Mars as if there were some lines
37:23that he interpreted as being channels.
37:26Channels built by an intelligent Martian civilization
37:30that was dying of thirst.
37:32A kind of irrigation channel.
37:34This made a tremendous success.
37:37And this idea that the Martians were not only intelligent,
37:40but also aggressive, then took over.
37:46Operation Silver became an event studied by international ufology.
37:51Holland was sought after by ufologists from several countries.
37:55Among them, the American Bobby Pratt,
37:58one of the greatest specialists in UFOs
38:01and who has been to Brazil 13 times to do research.
38:06There are specific cases of attacks by unidentified flying objects
38:13in various parts of the world.
38:15But in the intensity, with the gravity, with the proximity,
38:20and the number that we verified in the Amazon,
38:23nothing like this has ever happened anywhere in the world.
38:28In various parts of the planet,
38:30people continue to be surprised by unidentified flying objects.
38:36Now, the phenomenon that you have,
38:39which is recorded in video or recorded in photo,
38:43it is very difficult for you to put a hypothesis
38:46that is not fraud, a misinterpretation,
38:49because you just do not have the control of the time that it is being done.
38:55So this is a problem.
38:56If there is nothing that you arrive and say,
38:58no, this is unquestionable, this does not exist.
39:01Why did they come to the land of blood?
39:04Of Brazilians and not of Africans?
39:06I do not know.
39:08Ufology is a package of questions,
39:12and this is what should be brought to the knowledge of the new generations,
39:19because we have excellent young people, super-endowed.
39:24We would love to have contact with extraterrestrial civilization,
39:29because we are precisely the people who like the mystery,
39:32to explore the unknown.
39:34So when this great surprise of discoveries comes to us, it is the maximum.
39:38But we also have to be careful,
39:40because we can not deceive ourselves with false evidence.
39:43Everyone is afraid of this.
39:46This is not a legend, Mr. Monsignor?
39:50Because legend is a lie, right?
39:52No, but this is not a lie.
39:54This is the truth.
39:55This is the truth.
39:57Look at me.
39:58Look at the antennas.
40:00Look at me.
40:01Look at the antennas.
40:03In May of this year, for the first time,
40:05Aeronáutica accepts to receive ufologists in its headquarters in Brasília.
40:09The purpose of the visit is to ask for the opening of the files on flying saucers.
40:15The command of Aeronáutica did not want to record an interview about Operation Silver,
40:19but agreed to answer questions in writing.
40:22The direct line sent 30 questions.
40:25In response, the Aeronáutica Social Communication Center
40:29refused to send a note to the program.
40:32According to Aeronáutica, the visit of the group of ufologists
40:35was made to show them the work of the Brazilian Air Force
40:39in the area of ​​defense and control of the national airspace.
40:43About Operation Silver, Aeronáutica continues.
40:46You can imagine that Aeronáutica conducts scientific investigations
40:50about all kinds of aerial phenomena.
40:53In fact, the command of Aeronáutica does not have a specialized structure
40:58to undertake such activities.
41:00Regarding Operation Silver,
41:02the command of Aeronáutica has only records based on data
41:07that have been reviewed by one of the participants of this activity.
41:11A report was produced with several testimonies,
41:15apparently without scientific basis.
41:18In the whole world, many people believe and even expect
41:21a contact with beings from another planet.
41:24Some even say they were taken by extraterrestrial beings
41:28and then managed to return to Earth.
41:30Others doubt that there is intelligent life on other planets.
41:34If ETs exist, after all, where do they come from?
41:38Who are they? And what do they want?
41:41These questions still await answers.
41:44And you, do you believe?
41:58Transcribed by ESO, translated by —
42:28Translated by —
