• il y a 2 semaines
00:16Payday! Payday!
00:22Yes, payday! Millions of dollars pouring into the hands of the American worker.
00:27Now in the mind of the average worker live two separate personalities.
00:32One, the thrifty.
00:35Wait a bit, laddie. You're going to save a bit of that, aren't you?
00:43Often times idle money burns a hole in your pocket, which brings out the other personality.
00:49The spendthrift.
00:52Hi, big shot. Come on with me.
00:55I'll show you how to spend your dough.
00:58Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!
01:02I got a couple of good dates.
01:05One more.
01:07But laddie, I've got some better dates.
01:10Important ones too.
01:12When every American should pay his or her income tax gladly and proudly.
01:18This year, thanks to Hitler and Hirohito, taxes are higher than ever before.
01:24Will you have enough money on hand to meet your payments when they fall due?
01:28Ah, we'll take care of that later. Forget it, forget it.
01:32But you don't want to forget our fighting men, do you?
01:35Yeah, sure.
01:37Then you'll have to start saving right away to meet your tax payments.
01:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:42Listen, chum. Spend it. It's your dough.
01:46Yeah, it's my dough.
01:48Aye, laddie. It's your dough. But it's your war too.
01:53You must save for victory.
01:56What's money for? Spend it. Shoot the works.
01:59Nay, nay. You must save it.
02:01Spend! Save!
02:03Spend! Spend! Spend!
02:16Bien. Maintenant, qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?
02:19Payer pour l'Axis ou sauver pour les impôts?
02:27Rappelez-vous que chaque dollar que vous payez pour quelque chose que vous n'avez pas besoin est un dollar que vous avez payé pour aider l'Axis.
02:39C'est vrai.
02:41Et chaque dollar que vous sauvez pour les impôts est un autre dollar que vous avez payé pour sauver l'Axis.
02:49Car c'est vos impôts, mes impôts, nos impôts qui gèrent les fabriques.
03:00Les fabriques américaines, qui travaillent jour et nuit.
03:12Les fabriques fabriquent des armes, des armes de machine, des armes anti-tank, des armes à longue durée, des armes, des armes, toutes sortes d'armes.
03:27Pour tirer les agresseurs des mers.
03:32Les impôts pour les fabriques américaines, qui travaillent à plein feu, qui fabriquent des avions.
03:44Les bombardiers, les bombardiers d'escalade.
03:50Les armes de mine, les intercepteurs, les stockings, les stockings, les stockings, les stockings, les stockings, les stockings.
04:01Stalk the birds of prey that fly by night.
04:19Taxes to bury the Axis.
04:23Taxes, taxes for ships, battleships, battlecruisers, destroyers, all kinds of battle wagons.
04:45Taxes to sink the Axis.
04:50Taxes to keep them flying.
04:52Taxes to keep them rolling.
04:54Taxes to keep them coming.
04:56Taxes to beat to earth the evil destroyer of freedom and peace.
05:09This is our fight.
05:11The fight for freedom.
05:14Freedom of the people.
05:17The fight for freedom.
05:19Freedom of speech.
05:21Of worship.
05:23Freedom from want and fear.
05:28Taxes will keep democracy on the march.