WWF Monday Night RAW: June 3, 1996

  • 9 hours ago
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00:00The World Wrestling Federation, for over 50 years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.
00:10Mr. Johnson, last week you missed the lights, the cameras, and the action.
00:17I saved your life, but you were a bit perturbed.
00:21You're in big trouble!
00:23And now I hear that you want my Intercontinental title.
00:27Well, here it is.
00:29Come and get it.
00:31Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw!
00:57Vince McMahon here along with Jerry The King Lawler.
01:02And yes, it is official, Ahmed Johnson, based on what was seen last week,
01:07Ahmed will now go one-on-one with Goldust for the Intercontinental Championship.
01:13Dorella Monsoon delivers it at the King of the Ring.
01:16You saw what happened last week, McMahon.
01:18Remember the movie Kiss of the Spider Woman?
01:21You know about the kiss of death?
01:23Well, Ahmed, you can kiss your career goodbye when Goldust gets through with you.
01:28On his way to the Square Circle in a moment, ladies and gentlemen,
01:31will be the man opposing Bob Mark Plagg.
01:34Here he comes.
01:35Here comes Stone Cold Steve Austin.
01:38And conspicuous by his absence, Ted DiBiase,
01:41who is no longer associated with Stone Cold Steve Austin.
01:44As a matter of fact, Ted DiBiase, driven out of the World Wrestling Federation
01:47by Juan Savio Vega.
01:49We'll take you back now, ladies and gentlemen, and show you exclusive footage.
01:52Yes, Mother Nature did not cooperate at all
01:55with the first attempt of the WWF to deliver In Your House, Beware of Dog.
01:59Here we go, Savio on his way down to the ring,
02:01and then from there, the lights go out in South Carolina.
02:04Undaunted, this trap match took place,
02:07and Savio Vega was victorious,
02:09which then prompted Ted DiBiase to put his career on the line last Tuesday night.
02:13Should Savio be victorious?
02:15And he was.
02:16Ted DiBiase, driven out of the World Wrestling Federation
02:20as the capacity crowd sang.
02:24Oh, what rotten voices.
02:26But it matches their teeth, McMahon.
02:28All right, here we go.
02:29First round, WWF King of the Ring tournament action.
02:31Stone Cold Steve Austin against Bob Holly
02:33should be an outstanding matchup,
02:34kicking things off here tonight on Raw.
02:36Of course, last week, ladies and gentlemen,
02:38if you joined us, you saw two first round matches.
02:41Yeah, that was really something the way Goldust
02:43and The Warrior eliminated each other.
02:45Now, wait a minute.
02:46Warrior was on his way back to the ring.
02:47You got in his way.
02:48You eliminated The Warrior.
02:49Oh, come on, McMahon.
02:50Don't try to put the blame on me.
02:51Yeah, and Warrior's angry about it.
02:52Also, of course, you saw, ladies and gentlemen,
02:54the Ahmed Johnson fader match last week,
02:56in which Ahmed Johnson was knocked unconscious
02:59by Owen Hart's cast.
03:01More on that later on.
03:02And by the way, joining us right here tonight
03:04will be Goldust.
03:06More commentary, trying to explain his action.
03:08Well, his actions, McMahon, were heroic.
03:10What do you mean?
03:11I mean, Goldust actually probably saved the life
03:13of Ahmed Johnson with that CPR that he administered.
03:15That's mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, right?
03:18Yeah, right.
03:19I mean, Ahmed Johnson ought to be down on his knees
03:21thanking Goldust.
03:22He should be grateful that Goldust actually
03:24saved the man's life.
03:25How dare you?
03:26Instead, Ahmed Johnson is running around.
03:28I mean, he's like the movie Twister personified.
03:30He's incensed.
03:31He's enraged.
03:32Somebody's got to control this guy.
03:34All right, here we go.
03:35Ladies and gentlemen, back to the hammerlock now.
03:36Stone Cold Steve Austin.
03:38Spark plug Bob Holly.
03:40Looking for an opportunity here of an upset
03:42to kick things off here tonight on Raw.
03:43And by the way, in the event you just joined us tonight,
03:45a night of firsts.
03:46History will be made right here tonight on Raw.
03:49Ladies and gentlemen, after this first round matchup,
03:52we've got another one for you.
03:53Jake the Snake Roberts will battle Hunter Hearst Helmsley
03:57in action as well.
03:58The tag team of the Godwins and Sonny
04:00is scheduled to join us for commentary.
04:02Mankind in action, plus exclusive footage
04:05from In Your House.
04:06Beware of Dog, part one and two.
04:08Yes, we are breaking with tradition.
04:10We're going to show you exclusive pay-per-view footage.
04:12As a result of Mother Nature not cooperating
04:14and all the confusion that resulted in that
04:16from last Tuesday night as well,
04:17in conjunction with your local cable system,
04:20we're going to show you footage
04:21you've never ever seen before.
04:23The casket match involving Goldust.
04:25And who was planted in the casket?
04:27The Undertaker.
04:28Yeah, you're talking about a first.
04:30That was one.
04:31But wait a minute.
04:32From there, never ever in the history
04:33of the World Wrestling Federation
04:35have you ever seen the champion
04:36and the challenger pinned at the same time.
04:39Wait a minute, McMahon.
04:40We've got the exclusive footage.
04:42You're right, and it's going to show you.
04:43When you see the camera angles,
04:44it's going to show you that the British Bulldog
04:47should be the WWF champion right now.
04:49He pinned Shawn Michaels,
04:50and you'll see it later on.
04:51Well, we'll let the public decide that tonight.
04:53Well, speaking of deciding,
04:55I'll tell you what should be decided.
04:56In a court of law,
04:57we're going to have court TV
04:58right here tonight on Raw, McMahon.
05:00What do you mean?
05:01Because I've got some exclusive footage
05:02of Clarence Mason being assaulted
05:05by none other than the WWF president,
05:07Gorilla Monsoon.
05:08He's not going to be able to deny that.
05:10He should be impeached.
05:11When do you see this footage?
05:12Well, we said it was going to be a night of firsts,
05:14and we will guarantee that.
05:15Wait a minute.
05:16Bob Holly now driving his calf
05:17down across the facial area,
05:19and the hold is broken.
05:20Holly, right back up.
05:21We last saw Bob Holly, as you recall,
05:23last week being held up against the wall
05:25by Ahmed Johnson by one hand.
05:28Ahmed Johnson incensed
05:30over the actions of Goldust right now.
05:35Oh, look out.
05:36Stone Cold Steve Austin
05:37hammering away to the back of the neck.
05:39Big forearm.
05:40Stone Cold Steve Austin
05:41a consummate athlete.
05:43Stone Cold Steve Austin,
05:44a heartless individual.
05:46If he gains an advantage,
05:47he is likely to keep it.
05:48Then again,
05:49it won't be the first time
05:50Bob Holly upsets somebody,
05:51and tonight,
05:52Bob Holly could advance
05:53in the King of the Ring tournament.
05:55Stone Cold Steve Austin.
05:57Not exactly on a winning streak as of late,
05:59of which, of course,
06:00he certainly gives a great deal of credit
06:02to his former manager,
06:03Ted DiBiase, for that.
06:05Stone Cold told me that
06:06he's not going to miss DiBiase at all
06:07because when it comes to managing ability,
06:10he said the Million Dollar Man
06:11had gone bankrupt.
06:12Oh, look at this.
06:13Bob Holly returning to favor
06:15Bob Holly with Stone Cold Steve Austin
06:16and knocks him out of the corner.
06:18Bob Holly
06:19leaning into Stone Cold Steve Austin.
06:22Bob Holly
06:23who would love to be able to advance
06:25in this King of the Ring tournament.
06:27The only individual that's far to advance
06:29is Vader.
06:30As a matter of fact,
06:31he's already advanced to the semifinals
06:33because Vader was to have faced
06:35the winner of the Goldust Warrior match,
06:37and thanks to you, Jerry Long,
06:38there was no winner.
06:39Hey, come on, McMahon.
06:40Quit trying to put the blame on me.
06:41Right where it belongs, I might add.
06:44Back to the standing position now.
06:45Stone Cold Steve Austin
06:46hooking the elbow.
06:47Nice takedown.
06:48And an elbow follow-up.
06:49There you go.
06:50You know, McMahon,
06:51Austin wouldn't have wanted
06:52Savio Vega as his chauffeur anyway.
06:54I understand that Savio Vega
06:56went to the Bob Holly school of driving.
06:5855 miles per fender.
07:01Bob Holly
07:02knows what it's all about
07:03to be on the racetrack.
07:04Two-sport superstar.
07:05Bob Holly certainly has won his share of races,
07:07and don't be surprised
07:08if Bob Holly wins this matchup.
07:10But right now,
07:11Stone Cold Steve Austin
07:12in complete control
07:13and drops him down across the knee.
07:15And Holly may have just hit the wall.
07:17Look, McMahon,
07:18he's not heartless.
07:19I actually saw a little smile there.
07:21Well, if you had asked Bob Holly,
07:22I think he would wholeheartedly disagree
07:24with your analysis.
07:25Bob Holly right now
07:26in trouble.
07:27Snapmare Stone Cold Steve Austin.
07:28Now, what's he gonna do?
07:30Drops the knee to the chest area.
07:32Stone Cold Steve Austin
07:35going to the corner.
07:38This is trouble for Bob Holly.
07:39Yeah, get ready with that chicken flag.
07:41Here we go, and...
07:43That could do it.
07:44Stone Cold Steve Austin
07:46with an opportunity to cover Bob Holly.
07:48Holly in a world of hurt,
07:49just as he was last week.
07:51Two in.
07:53Uh-huh, don't count your chickens
07:54before they hatch, King.
07:56King already had his head set off
07:57and his crown on.
07:58Elbow to the solar plexus.
08:00A follow-up, a right hand.
08:01Bob Holly with a little something
08:02behind that punch.
08:03And Steve Austin now
08:04down on the canvas.
08:05And now...
08:06To the outside.
08:07Bob Holly.
08:08By the way, ladies and gentlemen,
08:09of course, the winner of this match
08:10advances to the quarterfinals.
08:12Everyone tried to get to Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
08:14the site of the 1996
08:16WWF King of the Ring tournament,
08:19which is all sold out.
08:21Milwaukee, looking forward
08:22to the King of the Ring.
08:23We're looking forward to bringing you
08:24the King of the Ring.
08:25Yes, all the first-round matches,
08:27ladies and gentlemen,
08:28as well as the quarterfinals
08:29right here on Raw
08:30and the WWF Network,
08:31with, of course, the semifinals
08:33and the final, oh, my goodness,
08:35to take place at the King of the Ring
08:36in Milwaukee.
08:37Everybody wants to be the king, McMahon.
08:40I can tell you it's good to be the king.
08:42Good to be the king.
08:44Bob Holly.
08:45Still very much in this matchup.
08:48But nonetheless,
08:49the longer this match goes,
08:50the more methodical,
08:51the more Stone Cold Steve Austin
08:53wears down Bob Holly.
08:54Holly must mount an offense soon
08:56or this one's got to be history.
08:58Yeah, Holly will mount an offense
09:00about as soon as the ozone layer
09:01gets mended here around the Earth's edge.
09:03We said anything can happen here
09:04in the World Wrestling Federation
09:05unquestionably over the last couple of weeks.
09:07That has been proven to be true.
09:09Bob Holly back to his feet.
09:10Holly with a right hand.
09:11Bob Holly breaks the hold with another one.
09:13Bob Holly with a right hand, another one.
09:15Look at this.
09:16Bob Holly hammering away
09:17with rights and lefts
09:18on Stone Cold Steve Austin.
09:19Austin in a bit of trouble now.
09:21Austin set up for the ride.
09:23Coming off the rope back.
09:25A little telegraphing over there
09:26by Bob Holly.
09:28Just the way he drives, McMahon.
09:30He's such a bad driver,
09:31the cops issue him a season ticket.
09:33Bob Holly in trouble.
09:35Stone Cold Steve Austin
09:36off the rope and drops a knee.
09:38Stone Cold Steve Austin
09:39trying to put this away.
09:40One, two, and a kick out by Bob Holly.
09:43Holly still very much in this race,
09:45in this matchup.
09:46Bob Holly ready to put the paddle to the metal.
09:49Stay with us.
09:50The match continues.
09:54We're back, ladies and gentlemen,
09:55on a night of firsts here on WWF Raw.
09:57The beats of perspiration profusely pouring
09:59from the forehead of the Heartless Stone Cold
10:01Steve Austin,
10:02who finally is back in control.
10:03Bob Holly mounting a tremendous offense
10:05during the break.
10:06Yeah, McMahon.
10:07Steve Austin is sweating
10:08like he's working for Kathie Lee Gifford.
10:10But actually, all he's doing
10:11is putting everything he's got into this match.
10:13He wants to advance on to be the king of the ring.
10:16First round tournament action.
10:18Another first round matchup later on tonight.
10:20Jake the Snake Roberts
10:21against Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
10:22And look at this.
10:23Bob Holly still trying to turn this thing around.
10:25Bob Holly now to the buckle,
10:27and no, he blocks it.
10:28Stone Cold hands to the buckle.
10:30And again.
10:32Bob Holly with Stone Cold Steve Austin
10:34on the outside, but he has to get
10:35Stone Cold Steve Austin on the inside
10:37to do the damage.
10:39And now, uh-oh, look at this,
10:40going up to the top.
10:41Oh, yeah!
10:43Where's the referee?
10:44That's a disqualification.
10:46Bob Holly with Stone Cold Steve Austin
10:48just where he wants him.
10:50And Stone Cold in big time trouble now.
10:52Momentum going to Bob Holly.
10:54Back, ladies and gentlemen.
10:56Bob Holly with Stone Cold
10:58sets him up for the ride.
11:00From the far side now.
11:01Back off, and this time the elbow
11:03and the back of the jaw cover.
11:04One, two, three, go!
11:06So close.
11:07Come on, Austin.
11:08Austin now reaching for the rope,
11:09trying to find a little bit of safety
11:11there in the corner.
11:12No such doing.
11:13Bob Holly moving right in.
11:14Holly the aggressor now.
11:15Holly hammering away on the bald head
11:17of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
11:19And Austin shoving Holly off.
11:21Wait a minute.
11:22Here we go!
11:23Bob Holly being measured by
11:24Stone Cold Steve Austin.
11:26The Million Dollar Dream slapped on.
11:31Stone Cold Steve Austin
11:32with a sleeper rope on Bob Holly.
11:36Don't drive when you get drowsy.
11:39Can Bob Holly escape from this hole?
11:41And Stone Cold applies
11:42more and more pressure.
11:44Stone Cold has advanced.
11:45That's it!
11:46That is it, McMahon.
11:48Stone Cold Steve Austin
11:49will meet the winner
11:50of the World Heavyweight Championship
11:52and meet the winner
11:53of the matchup this weekend
11:54on WWF Superstars
11:56when Savio Vegas squares off
11:57against Barney Gianetti.
11:58Yes, everybody wants to be
11:59the king of the ring.
12:00In a moment, we're going to
12:01take you back and show you
12:02first round action
12:03from last week,
12:04ladies and gentlemen.
12:06The Warrior intent on advancing
12:07in against Silva's Goldust.
12:09Now the Warrior stalking Goldust.
12:10No, he's after Marlena.
12:11Look at that.
12:12Yeah, sure he is.
12:13He was going to swing her.
12:14Jerry, the King Lawyer.
12:15Look what happens.
12:16The King goes off headset.
12:17The King now gets in between
12:18the Lawyer,
12:19who was walking back to the ring.
12:20The Lawyer didn't want to be
12:21counted out, and look.
12:22The King stalls him
12:23just in time
12:24to get the job done.
12:25What do you mean, McMahon?
12:26Why blame me?
12:27Welcome Rebel Monsoon.
12:28Hey, what can you say?
12:29He is really busy
12:30making these matches
12:31for the King of the Ring,
12:32and now it's you.
12:33Wait a minute.
12:35This is not made yet.
12:36Oh, yes it is.
12:37It's you one-on-one
12:38with the Ultimate Warrior
12:39at the King of the Ring.
12:40I got nothing against
12:41the Ultimate Warrior.
12:42What's he so upset about me?
12:43All I tried to do, McMahon,
12:44was come to the aid
12:45of a damsel in distress.
12:46You saw what he was
12:47going to do to Marlena.
12:48If he was going to do that to you,
12:49I might even help you.
12:51If he's going to be in distress
12:52at the King of the Ring,
12:53it's going to be you
12:54when you face the Ultimate Warrior.
12:55I'm tired of hearing
12:56all about the Ultimate Warrior.
12:57And what is the meaning of that?
12:58Well, I'm doing some artwork here.
12:59I'm tired of hearing
13:00about the Ultimate Warrior
13:01and his comic book, yeah.
13:02His comic book's okay, McMahon,
13:03but his comic book
13:04could have been a lot better
13:05if he had used me
13:06to do some of the artwork,
13:07because, you know,
13:08I'm an artist in and out of the ring,
13:09and I've been working on
13:10the cover to my old comic book
13:11that's going to be coming out.
13:12Wait a minute.
13:13Take a look at this.
13:14That's just the cover.
13:15I haven't colored it yet,
13:16but get a close-up.
13:17That's the Warrior?
13:18It's going to be called
13:19King Comics, starring me, of course,
13:20and the Ultimate Loser.
13:21What do you think, McMahon, huh?
13:22I think you're in trouble.
13:23What do you mean?
13:24This won't make you mad.
13:25We're going to get this
13:26all straightened out,
13:27I promise you.
13:28I might even do some artwork
13:29for the Warrior.
13:30The Warrior joins us next week
13:31for a very special interview
13:32right here on Raw
13:33as we head to the King of the Ring.
13:34All right, enough of your artwork, King.
13:35Let's talk about action.
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21:52Let's talk about action.
21:53Kane, Kane, Kane.
21:54What are you gonna do?
22:04Take him out.
22:05Take him out.
22:06Take him out.
22:07All right, here's Nationalems Senior MVP,
22:10The Yankees, the new york City Raiders,
22:14the new york Mister Rock!
22:17Rock, rock, rock, I've been rocked all night!
22:19Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock!
22:22the Bulldog and Shawn Michaels respectively.
22:25And that means only one thing.
22:26A rematch has been ordered for the King of the Ring.
22:31Welcome back everyone, the more WWF Raw.
22:33Sonny is on a ringside scheduled to join us for
22:36commentary during the next tag team matchup.
22:38And of course, ladies and gentlemen, we will continue to cover the controversy
22:41surrounding the World Wrestling Federation title.
22:43However, speaking of controversy, as we take you now to Goldust, where are you?
22:50I'm in my den.
22:52No doubt your den of iniquity, as we take you back to just last week.
22:56Owen Hart from the top.
22:57Yes, that cast crashing down to the head of Ahmed Johnson,
23:00rendering him totally unconscious.
23:02Ahmed on his back to receive more medical attention when his progress is stopped by
23:06Ahmed hadn't drowned, his heart hadn't stopped, yet
23:09Goldust performs mouth to mouth resuscitation.
23:11And Ahmed goes absolutely berserk upon regaining consciousness.
23:16Bob Holly got in his way, and then this bodyguard got in his way.
23:20Ahmed Johnson went ballistic last week trying to find you, Goldust.
23:24And when he does.
23:25I'm poor, black, I may even be ugly, but dear God, I'm here.
23:31I'm here.
23:33The color purple, 1985.
23:36All right, I understand you claim that you saved Ahmed Johnson's life?
23:41Have you ever heard of mouth to mouth resuscitation?
23:46I gave Ahmed Johnson the breath of life.
23:50I did what any other caring individual would have done.
23:57A man was in trouble and I simply ran to his aid.
24:01What did you want me to do?
24:03Allow him to expire?
24:06No, I didn't have it in my heart of gold to do that.
24:12I only did what came natural.
24:15All right, come on.
24:16Ahmed Johnson may have indeed been incapacitated, but
24:20he did not require mouth to mouth resuscitation.
24:24It gives me a great satisfaction, much like the same satisfaction
24:29in which chocolate gives one.
24:33The taste in the mouth is exhilarating.
24:39And now, Ahmed Johnson,
24:44I share that very taste.
24:52Well, congratulations, Goldust.
24:54I hear the Red Cross is gonna present you with a medal for your efforts.
24:57What? In their opinion,
24:58you acted in the same manner in which a trained registered nurse would have acted.
25:03Thank you, your royal highness.
25:05You see, some of the best nurses are male nurses.
25:10I have learned some of my best techniques.
25:14All right, come on.
25:14What about the matchup against Ahmed Johnson at the King of the Ring?
25:18That's King of the Ring, that's King of the Ring.
25:21It will be me and the Mighty Man Jingo, one on one, my goodness.
25:26And I will be holding that golden Wonka ticket, like fine Godiva.
25:32Ahmed Johnson will this time melt in my hands, and not in my mouth.
25:41And in the end, he will never,
25:46ever, forget the name of Jingo Dustin.
25:58The Godwin family.
26:00They'd like nothing better than once again to be tag team champions.
26:05They have their opportunity at the King of the Ring.
26:07You know, they can have any opportunity they wanna have.
26:09But they're not gonna take the belts from the smoking guns.
26:11The smoking guns are the tag team champions.
26:13And if I have anything to do with it, they're gonna stay that way.
26:16I understand.
26:17To me, I don't understand how you can do what you do.
26:22How I can do what I do well.
26:23I mean, you go from the body donnas, you jump to the Godwins.
26:25You're co-manager of the tag team champions.
26:28And then from now, now you're, it's the smoking guns.
26:32She's the woman of the world, McMahon.
26:34It's obvious, I go where the gold is, babe.
26:36Speaking of the body donnas, let's take you quickly.
26:38That is, they are on the way to searching, indeed, for a new manager.
26:44Impossible. We've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter who our manager is,
26:48that we can once again rise to the top in the World Wrestling Federation, right, Skip?
26:53Skip, I have given you my word that now my personal feelings are out of it.
26:56Evidently, Sonny, our relationship is over.
26:58Right now, the important thing,
26:59Zip and myself are on a worldwide search to find a brand new manager.
27:02We don't care who it is, man, woman, child, send your card, letters, or fax.
27:06We wanna find a new manager to take us back to the top of the World Wrestling
27:08Federation, right where we belong.
27:11What are they thinking?
27:12A replacement for me?
27:14I hate to tell you, but there is no replacement for me.
27:16Bring in Miss America if you want.
27:18We have Marlena, we have Sable.
27:20We have every, the chick of the evening as far as Hunter herself is concerned.
27:25No one compares to Sonny.
27:27There's no way they can find a replacement for me with my looks,
27:30my intelligence.
27:31I think they're on a wild goose chase.
27:32There's only one Sonny.
27:35He knows that.
27:37We have Travis in there of Techno Team 2000 against Henry Godwin.
27:41Nice elbow there by Travis.
27:43Travis coming off the rope.
27:44Caught him in there by that strong man, yeah.
27:46That strong country boy.
27:48And Henry Godwin trying to hold up Travis.
27:49He can't do it.
27:51Look at that.
27:52Techno Team 2000 coming into their own here in the World Wrestling Federation as
27:55of late.
27:56And a victory of the Godwin family.
27:58Would be a huge victory.
28:00That ain't the dinner bell you hear ringing right now.
28:02What is it?
28:03They're ringing in Godwin's ears there.
28:04I see.
28:06There you go.
28:07They like one another, that's for sure.
28:09Godwin family, former tag team champions, ladies and gentlemen.
28:13They would like to meet the title holders once again.
28:15Here we go with Troy.
28:16Now take a look at, like, take a listen to that.
28:18Not only can Phineas King keep his eyes off me, but
28:21the rest of the people in this building can't take their eyes off me.
28:23They're all chanting my name.
28:25Can you imagine?
28:26These morons have never seen anything like you, Sonny.
28:29By the way, King, I don't think that armrest, that chair is there for
28:32your arm, thank you very much.
28:34Sonny doesn't mind.
28:35I don't mind.
28:36Exactly. He is the king.
28:37There you go.
28:38He's the king, all right.
28:39Here we go now.
28:40We've got Troy locking up with Phineas.
28:42Phineas has often been distracted.
28:44I think it's pretty safe to say that he has been smitten with you, Sonny,
28:47all the way through his career here.
28:49No doubt, that's one of the reasons why the Godwins are obviously not any longer
28:54the WWF Tag Team Champions, you idiot.
28:57See, look again, Phineas can't keep his eyes off me.
28:59What am I supposed to do?
29:01I'm sitting here like an innocent bystander, and it's not my fault I'm being
29:05visually harassed by these hillbillies.
29:06Whatever you do, don't stand up.
29:08That would completely blow his mind, wouldn't it?
29:11And Phineas, obviously, distracted.
29:13Hey, you know, I didn't win Best Buns for nothing.
29:16Yeah, well, nonetheless, the match continues.
29:19And hopefully, Phineas can pay attention to the matter at hand.
29:25Phineas with Troy, clean break.
29:27Hugh, put those arms down.
29:28Stop it.
29:30By the way, ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing but contempt, utter contempt, and
29:35disgust on the part of Ahmed Johnson as relates to Goldust.
29:39And many state that Ahmed is in a rage, almost like that of a caged animal.
29:44Ahmed Johnson does not appreciate anything to do with Goldust.
29:47I don't know why.
29:49See, Phineas doesn't even know what to do next.
29:50He can't stop looking at me.
29:52You know why?
29:53His shoe size and his IQ are exactly the same.
29:56And Phineas now, look at this.
30:00To the buckle, and the referee almost caught it.
30:03All right, messing with the clothesline now.
30:04Phineas charged, yo!
30:06Forget about it.
30:07See, he is so dumb.
30:09He walked right into that.
30:10He couldn't have seen that coming.
30:11The smoking guns would have seen that coming, and
30:12it would have ducked right out of the way.
30:14That's right.
30:14Oh, Phineas is dumber than dirt, isn't he?
30:16Look at him.
30:20You know, there's nothing in that head that's not gonna make a bit of difference.
30:24You know what I was wondering, Sonny?
30:28How was that kiss from Billy Gunn?
30:30Well, did you see my reaction when I fell onto the apron in Gaga Land?
30:36I don't know, babe, but
30:37I think I've been calling him hot lips lately for some reason.
30:40Off the rope, underneath the double clothesline attempt, and
30:43look out, down to the canvas.
30:45And Phineas in a world of trouble, and
30:46obviously part of his problems has become a 32 and almost a count of three.
30:51All right, let's go back, take a little look now at the double feature action
30:55happening as we speak on the right side of the screen, and look at that.
30:57My goodness.
30:58Techno Team 2000 landing.
31:00I would suggest that you might latch on to Techno Team 2000.
31:03They're quite impressive here this week.
31:04Well, let's see if they can beat the Godwins, and
31:06then maybe I'll chat with them later.
31:08Let's see how they kiss, huh?
31:10Wait a minute, Hillbilly Jim.
31:11Wait a minute, I think Sonny's gonna be slopped.
31:15We're back, and the referee has moved Hillbilly Jim,
31:17who had that slop bucket over here, back into the corner.
31:20Yeah. And look at this maneuver.
31:21Tag was made, and- Look at that!
31:22Across the, right into the knee.
31:23Nice maneuver by Phineas, Phineas using his head for sure.
31:28All right.
31:28And your assessment, Sonny, of the tactics of Phineas, what do you think?
31:32See, he's too stupid to even make the tag.
31:34He has no idea what he's doing.
31:35Look, why did you bring the Tag Team Championship belt out here?
31:38Where I go, the belts go.
31:41I look better in gold anyway, so why not have them with me at all times?
31:45Billy and Bart and I have this agreement that since I am the manager,
31:49I get the belts, I get the money, I get the prestige, I get the publicity,
31:53I get everything.
31:54Billy gets a kiss every now and then, right?
31:55Hell yeah, Billy will get the kiss every now and then when I let him.
31:58There are a lot of aye, aye, aye, ayes there.
32:01By the way, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna show you that-
32:03Wait a minute, stay with us.
32:04Coming in, wait a minute, Bart, just maneuver now.
32:06Techno Team sets up, and no, nobody there.
32:08Ooh, and a clothesline by Henry Conlin, devastating.
32:14Henry means business.
32:16So does Phineas, and a look on Sonny's face, and there it is, the slop drop.
32:19And joining us right now, ladies and gentlemen,
32:24Clarence Mason, Mr. Mason, are you there?
32:29Yes, I'm the next big man out there, and you have to excuse my voice.
32:33Let's take you now, ladies and gentlemen, to footage applied by Clarence.
32:36But here's exhibit A, and- That's it, that's it.
32:39Did you see that?
32:40Well, yes, he just simply touched you in the back here.
32:41Here's exhibit B. No, he did not.
32:42That was aggravated assault and battering, Mr. McMahon.
32:46He purposely tried to take me out of that particular point in time.
32:49And we're looking at exhibit C here in the same thing.
32:52As you see right there, Mr. McMahon, there I suffered the loss of the ability,
32:56I'm so embarrassed to admit this, to consort with my mate, Mr. McMahon.
33:01This is so terrible.
33:02When we last saw you six days ago, you had a neck brace on, and
33:06you were walking on crutches and things of that nature.
33:08Are you any better?
33:09And as a result of that, Mr. McMahon,
33:11my injuries have progressively gotten worse as a result of that.
33:14Well, we thank you for joining us, and
33:15hopefully this matter will be cleared up very soon.
33:18Clarence Mason takes great exception to Gorilla Monsoon's-
33:20So there you have it, McMahon.
33:22You gotta admit that was aggravated assault.
33:23What? Maybe even assault with a deadly weapon.
33:26Or at the very least,
33:27reckless endangerment on the part of Gorilla Monsoon towards Clarence Mason.
33:30Lost the way you and Clarence see it.
33:32Nonetheless, Hunter Hearst Hemsley ready to walk up with Jake the Snake.
33:35Roberts, what a matchup that's gonna be right here tonight,
33:37ladies and gentlemen, on RAW.
33:38Matter of fact, RAW is brought to you by the U.S. Army.
33:41Look for the Army hyperlink on the WWF AOL site and
33:44the TV Zone section to find out where you can be all you can be.
33:48And is it a chocolate chip cookie or a hockey puck?
33:51Depends, have you got milk?
33:55All right, here he comes from Stone Mountain, Georgia.
33:59He means business.
34:00The master of something known as the DDT, Jake the Snake Roberts.
34:06Jake the Snake Roberts against Hunter Hearst Hemsley.
34:09And the winner of this match, ladies and gentlemen, advances.
34:12If in fact there is a winner again,
34:13remember now you must win in any fashion in order to advance in the tournament.
34:19Jake the Snake Roberts, hoping to be the man who squares off against
34:22Justin Hawk Bradshaw, who advanced this past weekend in first round action.
34:27I wish he'd get a job at a zoo or something, McMahon.
34:31He wants to hang around with those creepy snakes.
34:33Quit bringing them around here.
34:35Jake the Snake Roberts with a psychological advantage as he always has
34:38coming into these matches.
34:40And you can bet Hunter Hearst Helmsley is just as afraid of snakes as you are, King.
34:44I'm not afraid of snakes.
34:45Are you more afraid of a warrior?
34:47Give me a break.
34:48Jake the Snake Roberts now ready to lock up with Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
34:52Helmsley, although experienced,
34:55has never faced anyone quite with the experience of Jake the Snake Roberts.
34:58Now locking up.
35:00Hunter with a standing side headlock.
35:02Helmsley, who has had problems and
35:03continues to have problems with wild man Mark Merrill, as well as Sable,
35:07the one that got away, so to speak, from Hunter.
35:09Come on.
35:10Off the rope and out back goes Jake the Snake Roberts.
35:11There you go.
35:13Yeah, but Jake the Snake looking up at Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who thinks,
35:17well, yeah, I got the best of you in the first bit of the exchange, didn't I?
35:21Without Wiley veteran, no problem.
35:24He's just gonna sit back, coil up, and get ready to strike.
35:28Yeah, Hunter's gonna slap that silly grin off the face of Jake the Snake here in
35:31just about ten seconds.
35:33Jake the Snake Roberts, who can coil around an opponent,
35:36much like the pythons he brings into the ring, and choke him right out.
35:39Jake the Snake now locking up again with no standing side headlock.
35:43Hunter Hearst Helmsley trying to grind it out.
35:46What sort of attack, what sort of plans do you think and
35:48strategy Hunter Hearst Helmsley would have for Jake the Snake, King?
35:52Well, I would think that Hunter would, without a doubt, outsmart the Snake.
35:57Let's see what he's gonna try now.
35:58Double leg, nice knee lift on the part of Jake the Snake.
36:00Here comes the DDT.
36:02No, Hunter, Hunter just packed into that bag.
36:03Here comes, no.
36:04Get away, get away.
36:05Look out behind you.
36:05He's packing it back again.
36:06Whoa, whoa, whoa.
36:07I don't give you the willies.
36:09Wait a minute, DD, almost again.
36:11And to the outside, Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
36:14McMahon, this has gotta be my lucky day.
36:15Yeah, I see. First Sonny, and now Ginny Lee.
36:18Ginny, it's great to have you here.
36:19Watch it, you may have to go over and help out Hunter.
36:22Not afraid of snakes, are you?
36:23No, no, uh-uh.
36:25I've got a question.
36:26Do you want me to help him?
36:27I've got a question for Ginny Lee, King, if you don't mind.
36:29Hang on a second, McMahon's got a question.
36:31What does Ginny Lee think of Hunter's rather protruding proboscis?
36:38You're talking about his nose?
36:40McMahon wants to know what you think of Hunter's nose.
36:43His protruding proboscis.
36:45He said a protruding proboscis.
36:47Hunter's perfect.
36:48He's the man.
36:50Yes, you heard that, didn't you, McMahon?
36:51Hey, what do you think of McMahon's toupee?
36:53There you have it.
36:56The King speaking with the rocket scientist of the week candidate.
37:01Brought to the ring by Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
37:03Ginny, pay no attention to him.
37:05And listen, this capacity crowd, you know what they want.
37:07They want the DDT.
37:09Jake the Snake Roberts working on the arm, winds up working on the wrist area now.
37:13And thus far, Hunter Hearst Helmsley has been somewhat in awe of the skills of
37:18Jake the Snake and down to the canvas.
37:21Jake the Snake Roberts in control as he has been psychologically all the way
37:26through this matchup.
37:27I would think that Hunter's just pacing himself, biding his time.
37:31Biding his time?
37:31Yeah, he's in no hurry to polish off Jake the Snake.
37:34I see.
37:35He wants to impress Ginny.
37:37Look at her, look how pretty she is, McMahon.
37:38All right, come on, let's keep our mind and our eyes right here on this matchup.
37:42And here we go, up again and down again.
37:45Jake the Snake Roberts working on the left arm and shoulder.
37:48Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
37:51Into the arm bar now.
37:54Jake the Snake Roberts would like nothing better in his career to be the King of
37:59the Ring.
38:00Jake has made a triumphant comeback to the World Wrestling Federation thus far.
38:04Despite, by the way, his 43 years of age.
38:07Yeah, well, he better hope he wins King of the Ring because for
38:10sure this is his last hurrah.
38:12And speaking of last hurrah, of course,
38:14Ted DiBiase is at his last hurrah here in the World Wrestling Federation.
38:16But likewise, a number of other individuals also have had their last hurrah.
38:20No longer associated with the World Wrestling Federation in any manner.
38:24Big Daddy Cool Diesel, as well as the bad guy, Raze Ramon.
38:27And it has been reported that both of these individuals intend to pawn
38:31themselves off as the stars they once were here in the WWF.
38:35And to furthermore, perpetuate some sort of ruse that they're still representing
38:39the World Wrestling Federation while actually under contract to a rival
38:44And right now, Hunter Hearst Tomsley is taking an exit as it relates to Jake
38:48the Snake Roberts.
38:49And Jake the Snake thus far has befuddled one Hunter Hearst Tomsley pretty much all
38:53the way through this match so far.
38:54Well, Jake the Snake keeps going for that DDT, but
38:56Hunter's gonna have none of it.
38:58Look at that, none of it.
38:59By the way, for more information on that reported ruse from former WWF superstars
39:04Diesel and Razor, check us out on AOL tonight and the Superstar Live.
39:08Well, Jake the Snake's flirting with disqualification, but
39:11he threatens to open that bag up.
39:13Hunter Hearst Tomsley at a psychological disadvantage.
39:17Keeping his distance against Jake the Snake Roberts and
39:19the wily veteran Jake the Snake wanting him to come out.
39:22Come out to the middle of the ring.
39:23Jake now locks up with Hunter Hearst Tomsley.
39:26And Tomsley better do something to change his game plan quickly, or
39:29Tomsley will bow in defeat.
39:32And again, with an advantage, Jake the Snake Roberts, he's been working on that
39:36left arm and shoulder, trying to bring him up to the bag.
39:38And again, psychological developments continue to be employed by Jake
39:42the Snake Roberts and Helmsley to the outside again.
39:44Can Helmsley figure out Jake the Snake Roberts?
39:47Look at him, he's getting angry.
39:49So is the snake, the snake wants to come out.
39:51No. Will he come out?
39:54We're back with more WWF Raw.
39:56Hunter Hearst Tomsley hammering away on Jake the Snake Roberts,
39:58who's in a pretty bad way in the corner.
40:00Hunter Hearst Tomsley pretty much having his way now, and
40:03Jake slumping down to the canvas.
40:05You can't imagine a crown on a snake, could you?
40:07On this one, I certainly could, and it would be quite appropriate.
40:11Jake the Snake Roberts, the King of the Ring of Magic.
40:13Do you think he would have a little bitty crown made for
40:15that little snake of his?
40:16What a comeback story that would be.
40:18And a little robe.
40:19Would you stop it, please?
40:19But he wouldn't have plenty of sleeves on it.
40:21But I can tell you this, talk about crowns,
40:24your crown's gonna be knocked off by the Ultimate Warrior, I'll guarantee that.
40:27I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about the Ultimate Warrior.
40:30You said he's gonna be here next week?
40:32Warrior's gonna join us for the very special interview, and
40:34Hunter finds a mark with an A.
40:36If he's such a big comic book superhero,
40:37shouldn't he be out fighting crime somewhere like Batman or-
40:39Wait a minute, cover your one, two, and a kick out by Jake the Snake.
40:43We don't need him here.
40:44Yeah, Warrior's gonna fight crime here next week, all right,
40:47when he gets his paws on you.
40:49How do you get him here?
40:49Has he got some sort of signal, like the Bat-Signal?
40:52Commissioner Gordon gotta call him out to get him here?
40:54You've been reading his comic book, huh?
40:55Big comic book, yeah, right.
40:57Comic book's a little deep, too, I'll tell you that.
41:00Well, you have to understand all about the planes of destrucity.
41:02Do you understand that, King?
41:03I don't even understand what destrucity means.
41:05I looked up every dictionary.
41:07I looked at every encyclopedia.
41:08I can't find the word destrucity.
41:10What about the word coward?
41:12No, exactly, silence, silence of the lambs.
41:17All right, coming back to his feet now, Jake the Snake, uh-oh.
41:20And Hunter Hearst Tomsley continuing his attack on Jake the Snake Roberts.
41:25Wait a minute, were you talking to me, McMahon?
41:26I was, Jenny had nudged me here.
41:28I was talking to Jenny, yeah.
41:29Come on, almost a count of three again.
41:32And you have been distracted by Jenny Lee,
41:35much like Hunter Hearst Tomsley has been distracted by Sable, if not from by Jenny Lee.
41:40Well, I'll tell you this,
41:41next week I'm gonna have a little special surprise for the Warrior.
41:44What do you mean by that?
41:45Well, he's so into this comic book stuff, and he's a big comic book hero.
41:48He's revolutionized the comic book industry.
41:50No comic book has ever sold like the Warrior.
41:53Look at this, Jake the Snake now, series of left hands, and sets him up.
41:57Yeah, shake out, ha-ha, there you go.
41:58Uh-oh, missing with that short close line, and connecting, oh my goodness,
42:00right in the chops, Hunter Hearst Tomsley with a hard right hand.
42:03You wait till King Comics come out.
42:05King Comics?
42:06I wonder if the Warrior ever gets asked out by like Mary Worth or anything.
42:09Mary Worth?
42:10Well, yeah, comic book guy.
42:12And now, now with the hand around the throat, and come on, ref, get in there.
42:16What if those word balloons cause pressure on his head?
42:20Well, you just keep it up.
42:21You can bet he's listening to everything he's saying right now.
42:23You think he knows how Garfield smells?
42:26Okay, all right.
42:27By the way, in addition to the Lawyer joining us in,
42:29would you say you have some sort of presentation planned?
42:31Yeah, I'm trying to be pals with the Warrior.
42:33You know, we're gonna smooth this whole thing over.
42:35As a matter of fact, I've been thinking about my artwork and everything.
42:37I may just draw the Warrior a special picture next week, bring it to him, and
42:42present it to him.
42:43Right up against the chin.
42:45And that's one way to break the hold the hard way.
42:48Jake the Snake Roberts.
42:49See, I think the Warrior's probably got a good sense of humor.
42:51Anybody that likes comic books.
42:53Look out, Jake now with another right hand, a left, a left, another left.
42:56And right now, Jake the Snake with a hard right hand.
42:58And down goes Hunter Hearst Tomsley.
43:00That's the fist, McMahon.
43:02Yes, it was.
43:04Nothing wrong with your vision.
43:05What a clothesline.
43:07Jake the Snake.
43:08Yeah, go ahead, let's see it.
43:10Here comes the DDT.
43:13Congratulations, it's about to come out of the bag.
43:15Here we go, sets him up.
43:17Here we go, no.
43:18Tomsley drives his way out of it.
43:19Nicely done by Hunter Hearst Tomsley.
43:21Hunter Hearst Tomsley, Jake the Snake Roberts going at it.
43:24One individual advance here this week.
43:26Whip to the buckle, nicely done.
43:28Tomsley drops the Snake down to the canvas.
43:30One, two, no.
43:33The World Wrestling Federation Superstar Line is always open and open right now.
43:38Just call 1-900-737-4WWF.
43:41And on option six, find out what Vince McMahon has to say
43:44about the latest corporate raids by Billionaire Ted.
43:47The call costs only $1.49 per minute.
43:49Kids under 18 must have parent's permission before calling.
43:52Call now.
43:55We're back with more WWF Raw.
43:57Hunter Hearst Tomsley against Jake the Snake Roberts.
43:58First round WWF King of the Ring tournament action.
44:01Ladies and gentlemen, next week, we continue with the first round.
44:04Wait a minute, there it is, out of nowhere with DDT.
44:07Jake the Snake Roberts just caught Hunter Hearst Tomsley.
44:09No way.
44:11A cover, two, yes, yes.
44:13My goodness.
44:15Jake the Snake Roberts has advanced, ladies and gentlemen.
44:18Look at this.
44:19He's gonna be facing Brad Shaw in quarter round action.
44:23And next week, right here, Owen Hart, the South Pro Fest King of Harts.
44:28One-on-one against his former Tag Team Championship partner, Yokozuna.
44:33And, my goodness, I think- I can't believe this.
44:35Snick's looking at Jenny.
44:36Jenny, I think Hunter's gonna need some extra special consoling this evening.
44:41A little TLC.
44:42A little TLC.
44:43I can't believe it.
44:45I thought he had him, he was coming back strong.
44:49Whoa, watch this now, watch.
44:52No, look at this, Jenny, the snake.
44:58Yes, Jake the Snake Roberts.
45:01The look on Jenny's face as Adam Helmsley wakes up.
45:04Don't look, Jenny.
45:05My goodness.
45:08Jake the Snake Roberts, victorious.
45:11My goodness.
45:13Well, anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation.
45:17Jake the Snake.
45:19Don't tell me.
45:20Next week, ladies and gentlemen,
45:22join us for a World Wrestling Federation action right here on Raw.
