Invisible Invaders (1959) | Les envahisseurs invisibles | Invasores invisibles | Colorized Movie

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Invisible Invaders is a 1959 science fiction film directed by Edna Mae Wonacott. The movie revolves around an alien invasion where invisible extraterrestrial beings invade Earth, using the bodies of the dead to carry out their sinister plans.

Plot Summary
The story begins with the death of a scientist who had been researching a way to combat the invisible invaders. Shortly after his death, strange occurrences begin to unfold as the aliens take over the bodies of the deceased.

Alternative Titles:
Australia : Invisible Invaders
Brazil : Invasores Invisíveis
Canada : Invisible Invaders
Chile : Invasores invisibles
Finland : Näkymättömät viholliset
Finland : Osynliga fiender
France : Les envahisseurs invisibles
Italy : Assalto dallo spazio
Mexico : Invasores invisibles
Romania : Invadatorii invizibili
Soviet Union : Невидимые захватчики
Spain : Invasores invisibles
Sweden : Osynliga fiender
United Kingdom : Invisible Invaders
United States : Invisible Invaders

John Agar known as Maj. Bruce Jay
Jean Byron known as Phyllis Penner
Philip Tonge known as Dr. Adam Penner
Robert Hutton known as Dr. John Lamont
John Carradine known as Dr. Karol Noymann
Hal Torey known as The Farmer
Paul Langton known as Lt. Gen. Stone
Eden Hartford known as WAAF Secretary
George Bruggeman known as Technician
Dick Cherney known as Zombie
John Dehner known as Narrator
Rudy Germane known as Game Spectator
Don Kennedy known as Pilot
Jack Kenney known as Car Crash Victim
Chuck Niles known as Hockey Game Announcer
Edwin Rochelle known as Zombie
John Roy known as Game Spectator

Director : Edward L. Cahn
Writer : Samuel Newman
Genres : Sci-Fi, Horror
Certificate : A

#InvisibleInvaders #1959Film #ScienceFiction #AlienInvasion #CultClassic #EdnaMaeWonacott #SciFiHorror #BMovies #ClassicCinema #InvisibleCreatures #RetroFilm #AlienThreat #Horror
#Suspense #FilmHistory
00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:05© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:10Since the first revelation of the atom bomb at Hiroshima in 1945,
00:01:15the United States, England and Russia have been experimenting
00:01:19with more and more increasingly deadly weapons.
00:01:23Every day there's more concentration on the race for atom supremacy.
00:01:30Sometimes machines and men such as Carl Neumann
00:01:34are driven beyond the line of endurance.
00:01:38And when that happens...
00:01:47In Washington, the accident became the subject of an intense discussion
00:01:52by high-ranking officials.
00:01:55Dr. Penner, science is your business.
00:01:59Protecting this country is mine.
00:02:02You say we should call an immediate end to nuclear experimentation,
00:02:05but you know that's impossible.
00:02:07Then limit it to experiments for peace.
00:02:10Dr. Penner, we've been over all this before.
00:02:12After what happened, I thought you might think differently.
00:02:15That's why I flew here.
00:02:18General, since I can't change your mind,
00:02:22I am resigning from the commission.
00:02:24I want nothing more to do with the project.
00:02:27You're being panicked by one incident.
00:02:29Panicked? The area around Dr. Neumann's laboratory
00:02:32won't be livable for years.
00:02:35Every test made since the explosion yesterday
00:02:37shows pollution of our atmosphere, the air we breathe.
00:02:41Every precaution is being taken to protect the people in that district.
00:02:44Decontamination crews are...
00:02:46Are what? Cleansing the air?
00:02:49Straining it as you would dirty water?
00:02:53Radioactive particles have been blown into space.
00:02:56Who can tell when those particles will come down to Earth again?
00:02:59You don't even know what lasting effect
00:03:02they might have on the space around the Earth.
00:03:05Dr. Penner, please reconsider.
00:03:09The commission can't afford to lose its top man.
00:03:11I'm sorry, but I think my attitude now
00:03:15would be more of a hindrance than a help to the commission.
00:03:19I'm going to fly home in time for Carol Neumann's funeral,
00:03:23and I am not coming back to Washington.
00:03:27Goodbye, General.
00:03:33Carol Neumann and I were friends since childhood.
00:03:37We grew to manhood sharing the same goal,
00:03:41science for the benefit of humanity.
00:03:45Somewhere, our ideals were lost,
00:03:49and Carol Neumann died because of it.
00:03:53A deadly weapon he was helping to create killed him.
00:03:58But Carol Neumann hasn't died in vain.
00:04:03His death has served a purpose,
00:04:07to bring me back to my senses.
00:04:11I have found again the ideals Carol and I once had.
00:04:16From now on, my work will be devoted to the aid of humanity,
00:04:22not its destruction.
00:04:25I have made my pledge to you, Carol.
00:04:29May God rest your soul.
00:04:37How is he?
00:04:39Asleep. He's exhausted.
00:04:41I'm sorry your father resigned from the commission.
00:04:44Sort of puts us on opposite sides of the fence.
00:04:46It's become an obsession with him. I hope he gets over it.
00:04:49Oh, I'm sure he will. Well, I'd better get some sleep.
00:04:52I have to catch an early plane back to Washington the first thing in the morning.
00:04:57It's good seeing you again, Phyllis.
00:04:59It's been a long time, John.
00:05:02I'll drive you downtown. Wonderful.
00:05:05I'm glad you could fly in for the funeral. I know Dad appreciates it.
00:05:09Well, I'll call and see how he is before I leave in the morning.
00:05:14Good night.
00:05:44Good night.
00:06:17Adam Penner, you will listen carefully.
00:06:21You can't be, Carol. You can't be!
00:06:27No. No!
00:06:31This is the corpse of an Earthling.
00:06:34It's been a long time, John.
00:06:36It's been a long time.
00:06:38It's been a long time.
00:06:41This is the corpse of an Earthman who was known as Carol Neumann.
00:06:48I am from another planet, outside your galaxy.
00:06:53I'm sorry. I just don't understand.
00:06:56Adam Penner, you can save the people of Earth from total destruction.
00:07:01Unless Earth surrenders in 24 hours, we will begin a mass invasion.
00:07:08This is fantastic.
00:07:10You expect me to believe that you can overrun the entire world?
00:07:13Your scientists think that the moon is a dead planet.
00:07:18That it is uninhabited. It is not.
00:07:21You're a madman. We know it is.
00:07:23More than 20,000 years ago, my planet invaded the moon and destroyed the life that existed there.
00:07:30We have controlled the moon since then and made it an impregnable base for our spaceships.
00:07:36We'd have seen signs of life there.
00:07:38You would see nothing.
00:07:41We are invisible.
00:07:42We are invisible, Adam Penner.
00:07:45Long ago, we learned to change the molecular structure of our bodies.
00:07:51You cannot see us.
00:07:54I am using this dead man's body so that I can communicate with you.
00:07:59Why do you want her to surrender?
00:08:01What do you want of Earth?
00:08:03We have studied your languages and your many civilizations for thousands of years.
00:08:08We have never bothered Earth because of its slow scientific development.
00:08:14But now you are approaching the space age.
00:08:17You are testing nuclear and rocket devices for travel into space.
00:08:24As we have put the moon and many other planets under our rule, it is now time for us to put Earth under our rule.
00:08:31Dictatorship of the universe?
00:08:33We cannot be defeated.
00:08:35We have never been defeated.
00:08:39Just as I have done with the dead body of Carol Neumann.
00:08:44My people will come to your planet and inhabit the bodies of other dead Earth men.
00:08:50The dead will kill the living and the people of Earth will cease to exist.
00:08:58That is the message you will bring your people.
00:09:03But why me? Why did you choose me?
00:09:07Your voice has been the loudest for peace.
00:09:10You have demanded that the nation stop the manufacture of nuclear weapons for war.
00:09:15Adam Penner, if you want peace, you will tell your people to surrender now and avoid war.
00:09:23They will never surrender. They will fight.
00:09:26As fast as you can land your spaceships here, they will destroy them.
00:09:29Hold out your hand.
00:09:37What is it?
00:09:39The material from which our spaceships are constructed.
00:09:43We have made everything on our planet invisible.
00:09:48That sound.
00:09:50Look closely.
00:09:51Look closely.
00:09:57You are holding the material from which we build our ships.
00:10:04Without this device, you cannot see it.
00:10:13Now that you know you cannot find our ships to destroy them,
00:10:17you will bring the message to your people.
00:10:22They won't listen.
00:10:24Nobody will believe me.
00:10:27Adam Penner, you have had your warning.
00:10:52Don, please be patient with him.
00:10:54Of course.
00:10:55I know that this won't interfere with your plans to return to Washington in the morning.
00:10:58Oh, we'll see. Besides, it gives me a little more time to see you.
00:11:01When I came home and found that he actually believed that fantastic story, I had to turn to someone.
00:11:07Well, I'm glad you came back to the hotel for me.
00:11:09I'm sure all he needs is a little rest.
00:11:13You brought John back?
00:11:15Yes, I'm here, Adam.
00:11:17Phyllis told you about it?
00:11:21This has to be just something in your mind.
00:11:24A nightmare. You know that, don't you?
00:11:26The corpse of Carol Neumann.
00:11:29Yes, I know.
00:11:31I know.
00:11:33I know.
00:11:35I know.
00:11:37I know.
00:11:39I know.
00:11:41Carol Neumann was in this room.
00:11:43It was no nightmare.
00:11:46And I'm not insane, Phyllis.
00:11:48I'm not having a breakdown.
00:11:50Try to understand.
00:11:52There's no time to argue.
00:11:54Don't ask me to get proof.
00:11:56I can't explain what happened tonight.
00:11:58I'm not going to try.
00:12:00All I know is that we're all just 24 hours away from destruction.
00:12:05Adam, in heaven's name.
00:12:06Phyllis told me that you want me to go back to Washington
00:12:09to alert them about this crazy idea.
00:12:12You must.
00:12:14Do you expect them to believe such a thing?
00:12:16Not from me.
00:12:18Not after the things I said to them about the nuclear tests.
00:12:21But they might believe you.
00:12:23You're asking me to make a fool of myself.
00:12:25In 24 hours, John,
00:12:28you might not be alive to enjoy that precious career of yours.
00:12:32Please, John.
00:12:36Adam, I owe you a great deal.
00:12:38Everything I know, you taught me.
00:12:41I don't want to do this for both our sakes.
00:12:45But if that's what you want,
00:12:47I'll go back to Washington and tell them what you said.
00:12:50Then hurry.
00:12:52Every hour counts.
00:12:54Now make them realize that.
00:12:56I'll be in Washington in a few hours.
00:12:58I'll try.
00:13:00That's all I can promise.
00:13:03Goodbye, Phyllis.
00:13:07Carol had only left me some proof.
00:13:10Something to convince them.
00:14:00Dear Lord,
00:14:02I pray that I am insane,
00:14:05that all that happened is only in my mind.
00:14:09I pray that tomorrow the sun will shine again on living things,
00:14:15but not on a world where only the dead walk the earth.
00:14:21Well, John?
00:14:23I see you've read the papers, Adam.
00:14:26Wasn't there anyone who'd listen to you?
00:14:29He tried, Dad. John really did try.
00:14:33All you've succeeded in doing is making laughingstocks out of both of us.
00:14:39I hope you're satisfied.
00:14:42I'm not.
00:14:44All you've succeeded in doing is making laughingstocks out of both of us.
00:14:48I hope you're satisfied.
00:14:51I want to believe that I'm out of my mind, John, but I can't.
00:14:57You've been with me all day, hon.
00:15:00Was I rational?
00:15:05He was, John, every minute.
00:15:08I know.
00:15:10He's not sick.
00:15:15I don't know what to say, Phyllis.
00:15:18At 11.30, the 24 hours will be up.
00:15:23We need time.
00:15:25They must give it to us. They must.
00:15:34You honestly believe you can contact these, um, invisible things again?
00:15:41I don't know.
00:15:43But we have to try.
00:15:45Where? How, Dad?
00:15:49The one I talked to was using Carol Neumann's body.
00:15:55Perhaps if we go to the cemetery.
00:15:59We've nothing to lose, John.
00:16:03Like I told you, he's not sick.
00:16:07I'll drive.
00:16:14If you are here,
00:16:16if you can see me or hear me,
00:16:20please, I must talk to you.
00:16:44I beg you.
00:16:46I plead with you in the name of humanity.
00:16:49Please let me have this one chance to speak.
00:17:13I beg you.
00:17:43I beg you.
00:18:14Speak, Adam Penner.
00:18:20I tried to...
00:18:22to do what you wanted.
00:18:24You failed, Adam Penner.
00:18:27No one would listen.
00:18:29We must have time.
00:18:31Please give me time to try again.
00:18:35Your voice is not enough.
00:18:38You are alone, Adam Penner.
00:18:41You cannot succeed.
00:18:44But the people of Earth will have one more warning.
00:18:48How? What will you do?
00:18:51One more warning, that is all.
00:19:05I don't hear anything.
00:19:08I don't hear anything.
00:19:13That rasping sound.
00:19:16The breathing.
00:19:19It's stopped. They're gone.
00:19:25What do you believe now, John?
00:19:30Adam, I...
00:19:34What can we do?
00:19:36What can we possibly do?
00:19:40The warning will come.
00:19:42Then it'll be up to the world.
00:19:46It's out of our hands.
00:19:54The first warning came in the wake of a fatal air crash...
00:19:57outside Syracuse, New York.
00:20:06The pilot had been killed.
00:20:09But within minutes, his lifeless body was inhabited...
00:20:12by one of the invisible invaders.
00:20:19Montaigne. Montaigne shoots.
00:20:22The pod is deflected. It hits the cage and goes off to one side.
00:20:26The invader, using the pilot's body...
00:20:29had come to issue the first warning.
00:20:32The invader, using the pilot's body...
00:20:35had come to issue the first public threat...
00:20:38to the people of Earth.
00:20:45Icing has called.
00:20:47They'll have to bring the pod all the way back to rover ice.
00:20:59People of Earth, this is your last warning.
00:21:03Unless the nations of your planet surrender immediately...
00:21:07all human life will be destroyed in a war you cannot win.
00:21:21The invader, finished with the corpse, left it...
00:21:25and again became invisible.
00:21:35The second warning came in California.
00:21:51People of Earth, this is your last warning.
00:21:55Unless the nations of your planet surrender immediately...
00:22:00all human lives will be destroyed.
00:22:21And the entire world has felt the shock...
00:22:23of the sudden and very strange warnings...
00:22:25delivered by some sort of invisible life from another planet.
00:22:28At this very moment, every capital in the world...
00:22:31has called an emergency meeting...
00:22:33to discuss a unified defense of the Earth.
00:22:36Apparently, there is no indication that any of the nations...
00:22:39intend to surrender, as demanded by the invaders.
00:22:46People of Earth, this is your last warning.
00:22:49People of Earth, our warnings have been ignored.
00:22:53The invasion of Earth has started.
00:23:05Within three days, the dead will destroy all the living...
00:23:10and we will rule the Earth.
00:23:13For the human race, this is the end of existence.
00:23:20By late that same afternoon, the invaders had instigated...
00:23:24a worldwide reign of terror with sabotage.
00:23:29Buildings and industrial plants were hit by explosions.
00:23:33Large dams in the United States, Holland, Finland and Russia...
00:23:39were blown up, flooding the areas around them...
00:23:43inundating towns and cities...
00:23:46killing thousands.
00:23:49Bridges leading to key military installations were destroyed...
00:23:53stopping all traffic to these vital centers.
00:23:59Throughout the entire world, the dead are leaving cemeteries...
00:24:02to attack the living.
00:24:04Walking dead who kill, but cannot be killed.
00:24:08Horror, fear and panic have turned the civilized peoples of the Earth...
00:24:12into howling mobs.
00:24:15It is impossible to estimate the death toll...
00:24:18since many of our news headquarters in other nations have been destroyed.
00:24:22Just a moment. We have a bulletin from Washington.
00:24:26Dr. Adam Penner has again taken charge of the Atom Commission.
00:24:31He and other top scientists are being sent to laboratories...
00:24:34in underground bunkers throughout the United States...
00:24:37where they will try to find methods of fighting the invasion of the universe.
00:24:41Well, that must be John now.
00:24:47I was afraid you weren't going to make it.
00:24:49Oh, we just about did.
00:24:51Well, Miss Penner, Major Jay, Dr. Penner.
00:24:54The Pentagon had assigned Major Bruce Jay of the Air Force...
00:24:58to escort the group to one of the underground bunkers...
00:25:0227 miles outside of town.
00:25:04And you said there was fighting in the Lonehurst area.
00:25:07Bunker number four has been cut off. We'll try to reach number six.
00:25:10Can't we stop them at all?
00:25:12They've started to sabotage large installations.
00:25:14It's our job to find some sort of weapon.
00:25:16What about the rest of the men on the commission?
00:25:1827 other scientists have been moved successfully...
00:25:20to other underground bunkers.
00:25:22We're working on this project also.
00:25:25Here, can I help you?
00:25:27All right, hang on.
00:25:38Major Jay, who had been briefed thoroughly...
00:25:41in the operation of the complex underground bunkers...
00:25:44was to afford whatever protection he could for the scientists.
00:25:49The walking dead were everywhere now.
00:25:52A vast army of destruction that could not be killed.
00:26:01Just get your hands up where I can see them.
00:26:08I got no way of getting out of this part of the country except on foot.
00:26:11I want that jeep you're driving, soldier.
00:26:13This is an official mission. Get off the road.
00:26:16You think you're better than I am, soldier?
00:26:18You think you got a right to live and I ain't?
00:26:20I seen them walking dead things. I seen them.
00:26:23Joe Anderson and his wife drowned it two weeks ago.
00:26:25Now walking through the fields again, walking and killing.
00:26:28I give you three to get out of that car, then I'm shooting.
00:26:31One. All right, get out.
00:26:33Don't do anything to make him nervous.
00:26:35He's out of his head.
00:26:37What are you gonna do?
00:26:39Just get out. Two.
00:26:59You killed him!
00:27:01Maybe you've got some answers this country needs.
00:27:04Anyway, we're only a few miles from the bunker.
00:27:06I wasn't gonna let him stop us.
00:27:08Everybody get back in the jeep.
00:27:10I said get back in the jeep!
00:27:34Oh, my God.
00:28:05The jeep arrived without further incident...
00:28:08at the camouflaged entrance of bunker number six...
00:28:11which had been built to be bomb-proof...
00:28:13in the event of an all-out atom bomb war.
00:28:22Control panel's over there. Everything's marked.
00:28:24Shut the door. I'll meet you in the lab.
00:28:34All right.
00:28:53Abel Fox, Niner Six on Mayday Channel One...
00:28:56calling Mayday Homer.
00:28:58Mayday Homer, this is Abel Fox, Niner Six. Over.
00:29:02This is Niner Six. Just a moment, sir.
00:29:05General Stone, it's Major Jay. He's on number six.
00:29:08And he got through all right?
00:29:10Yes. Major Jay, Dr. Lamont, Professor Penner and his daughter.
00:29:13Good. Good.
00:29:15Major Jay, listen carefully, all of you.
00:29:18A worldwide state of extreme emergency exists.
00:29:21The federal government has been evacuated from Washington.
00:29:24Total military and scientific mobilization has been ordered.
00:29:27Attempts to negotiate with the invaders has proven hopeless.
00:29:31Continuing efforts by the military to destroy the invaders has failed.
00:29:38Hold on, General. I'll be right with you.
00:29:44Remote Geiger counter shows high radioactivity outside.
00:29:48All of you, turn off those white switches, quick.
00:30:02We're all right now. Those switches are medically sealed to bunkers.
00:30:05They get bomb-proof, safe from almost anything.
00:30:08But why the high radioactivity outside?
00:30:10We'd hear or at least feel any nuclear explosion...
00:30:13close enough to give a reading like that.
00:30:18The radioactivity isn't constant. It goes up and down.
00:30:22Cyclic pulsation doesn't make any sense at all.
00:30:25As if the wind were blowing radioactivity in and out and in.
00:30:29Or a line of something going past one at a time.
00:30:33We'd better take a look.
00:30:39The full-circuit TV wasn't affected by the jamming.
00:30:52They've found us.
00:30:54No, not yet, they haven't. But they're looking.
00:31:00And that's the reason why.
00:31:03The walking dead, inhabited by the invisible enemy...
00:31:07had left their spaceship nearby to search for the scientists.
00:31:14So far, it looks like they don't know the bunker's here.
00:31:16You were right, Major.
00:31:18The invaders occupying those dead bodies are highly radioactive.
00:31:23Table clocks nine or six to Mayday-Homer. Over.
00:31:27What happened, Major Jay?
00:31:29Invaders outside the bunker looking for us, sir.
00:31:31We picked them up with the Geiger counters.
00:31:33We've already discovered they're highly radioactive.
00:31:36Dr. Penner, Dr. Lamont...
00:31:38unfortunately, we can't give you any help.
00:31:41No one's been able to come up with a single clue...
00:31:43as to how to stop the invaders.
00:31:45We don't know how you're going to do the job...
00:31:47but you must find some weapon...
00:31:49to stop the invaders.
00:31:50Major Jay, you'll use Mayday-S.O.X. for your reports.
00:31:55Good luck to you. Good luck to all of us.
00:31:58Over and out.
00:32:00Roger. Wilco. Over and out.
00:32:05Well, you heard him. Any ideas?
00:32:08Every scientist in the world must be working on this.
00:32:11How do they expect us to hold out long enough in this prison...
00:32:14while those things out there are practically dead?
00:32:17We're all scared, Dr. Lamont. You're not alone.
00:32:20I'm sorry, but when I saw that farmer you killed...
00:32:22walking past the bunker, I got...
00:32:24Well, Major, I don't see any point in you being insulting about it.
00:32:27Miss Penner, I'm in charge of this outfit.
00:32:29We've got a job to do, and we're going to do it. Now.
00:32:32Well, I'm sure that Dr. Lamont and my father realize that.
00:32:35Since this thing started, I've seen a lot of men crack up mentally.
00:32:39Like that farmer out there.
00:32:41But we need you.
00:32:43You can't afford to lose him.
00:32:45But we need you. You can't afford the luxury of cracking up.
00:32:51John, the Major is right.
00:32:57We're all going to need sleep by tonight.
00:32:59The work can't stop, so we'll have to sleep in four-hour shifts. Agreed?
00:33:04You going to need your daughter, sir?
00:33:06Not until she has to take some notes for us.
00:33:08All right, Professor. You'll find everything you need here.
00:33:11If it isn't here, it doesn't exist.
00:33:13All right.
00:33:20Meanwhile, the sabotage by the invaders...
00:33:23went on in ever-increasing fury.
00:33:27Government buildings...
00:33:29communications units...
00:33:34army supply depots...
00:33:37railroad and air terminals...
00:33:40were the victims of incendiaries...
00:33:43completely demoralizing the high commands...
00:33:46of the armed services of every nation in the world.
00:33:52Mayday, Homer, to Able Fox, Niner Six.
00:33:55Mayday, Homer, to Able Fox, Niner Six.
00:34:02This is Able Fox, Niner Six. Major Jay, over.
00:34:06Major General Stone. Is Dr. Pender there?
00:34:09Sir, right next to me.
00:34:11We can't hold out here much longer.
00:34:14Any progress there?
00:34:16Nothing definite, sir.
00:34:18Well, maybe this will be of some help.
00:34:21We've been able to establish a definite pattern.
00:34:24The invaders either have no weapons of their own, which is unlikely...
00:34:28or the ones they do have won't work in our atmosphere.
00:34:32General, this is Dr. Pender.
00:34:34What about the sabotage, the explosion, the fire?
00:34:38All created by our own weapons against us.
00:34:41Then their only weapon, actually, is the fact that they're invisible.
00:34:45Apparently that's right.
00:34:47Dr. Harkov in Moscow believes there must be a weakness...
00:34:50in the molecular structure of their basic materials, their metals...
00:34:53in Earth's atmosphere.
00:34:55It might also indicate a weakness in the molecular structure of their bodies.
00:34:59Thanks, General. This might help.
00:35:04We'll report back in two hours, sir.
00:35:07Right. Over and out.
00:35:11Shall I wake up Lamont and your daughter?
00:35:13Not yet. They've only had a little over an hour's rest.
00:35:16I want to work on this new aspect alone for a while.
00:35:22Dr. Pender.
00:35:24Do you still feel the same way about the testing of nuclear weapons?
00:35:29Yes, Major. I think I do.
00:35:32If the Lord wills it, we'll come out of this alive.
00:35:36Then perhaps the nations of the world will realize...
00:35:39it's possible to work together, as they're doing now...
00:35:42instead of trying to destroy each other with nuclear bombs.
00:35:55You didn't sleep much.
00:35:57I thought I heard the radio.
00:35:59General Stone had something for us.
00:36:01Your father thought it might be a lead.
00:36:03Can I help?
00:36:05He wants to work on it alone.
00:36:11You hate my guts, don't you?
00:36:15You killed a man in cold blood this morning.
00:36:18I keep seeing his face.
00:36:22So do I.
00:36:24I fought all the way through Korea.
00:36:27Probably killed a lot of men.
00:36:29But I never saw their faces.
00:36:32Dropping a bomb from a plane isn't quite so personal.
00:36:38Can I make you some coffee?
00:36:40No, thanks. I've had enough already.
00:36:44It was either your father or the man with the shotgun.
00:36:47I had to make a choice.
00:36:52Perhaps I was wrong about John, too.
00:36:54What about him?
00:36:56The way you insulted him. You had to make that choice, too.
00:37:00He was going off the deep end.
00:37:02It worked, didn't it?
00:37:04At least it was better than slugging him.
00:37:08I majored in psychology at college,
00:37:11but I'll take a few lessons from you, Major.
00:37:14Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:37:16If there's anything left of this world after we get out of here,
00:37:20we'll talk about it.
00:37:22About Lamont. You two majoring in each other?
00:37:25Lamont and I...
00:37:31Get John for me, please. Hurry.
00:37:34Find something?
00:37:36I'm not sure it'll work.
00:37:38It's going to take some courage to find out.
00:37:41Major, one of us will have to leave the bunker.
00:37:52What is it, Adam?
00:37:54I told you of the device used by the invader who contacted me.
00:37:57The thing that made the metal ore visible?
00:38:00Yes. Well, since this morning,
00:38:02I've been working on the theory
00:38:04that the device may have projected a ray of some sort.
00:38:07Now, only two theories seem to make any sense.
00:38:10That the ray changed the light spectrum,
00:38:13or that it temporarily changed the molecular structure of the ore itself.
00:38:17Dr. Penner, you said one of us should have to leave the bunker.
00:38:23I'm getting to that, Major.
00:38:25Before I can test either of the theories,
00:38:28we'll have to capture one of the invaders to test it on.
00:38:32That's a pretty tall order.
00:38:34We have no choice.
00:38:36We'll have to bring one of the creatures into the bunker.
00:38:39Adam, how can you possibly capture something you can't see?
00:38:42There's a fire-foam spray among our equipment.
00:38:45Can you convert it to handle an acrylic spray?
00:38:48Acrylic spray?
00:38:50A liquid plastic mixed with a catalyst
00:38:53and solidifies on contact, forms a hard shell.
00:38:56Stuff used to mothball Navy equipment and tanks.
00:39:00If I can convert the gun, then what?
00:39:03I believe the invisible creatures
00:39:06enter a dead body through the pores of the skin.
00:39:09Sort of an osmosis process.
00:39:11And the acrylic spray will seal the body so the invader can't get out?
00:39:15It's only a theory. I said it might not work.
00:39:18Adam, we can't take such a chance.
00:39:20One of those things might escape here in the bunker.
00:39:23Maybe there's some other way.
00:39:25Maybe there's something else.
00:39:27If there is another way, we haven't got time for it.
00:39:30All right, Dr. Penner, you get on with the spray.
00:39:33I'll try and convert the gun.
00:39:35Phyllis, they...
00:39:37They've no right to put you in such danger.
00:39:40Haven't they, John?
00:39:43By 11.30 of the first night,
00:39:47the nations of Earth were close to total defeat.
00:39:51All through the night,
00:39:54Dr. Penner and Dr. Lamont
00:39:57labored to manufacture the acrylic formula.
00:40:00Meanwhile, Major Jay, with the help of Phyllis Penner,
00:40:04converted the fire-foam gun
00:40:07so that it could use the liquid to make the gun.
00:40:10By dawn, they had succeeded.
00:40:14Remember, if I don't make it, you'll have to try again.
00:40:18They won't quit now.
00:40:20You asked about John and me.
00:40:23We're just old friends, that's all.
00:40:26Glad I asked.
00:40:33All clear?
00:40:35All clear.
00:40:37All clear.
00:40:39All clear.
00:40:41Okay, open the door.
00:40:43There's enough radiation out there to kill you.
00:40:46Please be careful.
00:40:48This suit's tough. I'll be all right.
00:41:07The Geiger counter. Something's coming.
00:41:38He got him.
00:41:40Wait. He didn't finish the spray.
00:42:15We can use the truck to get to him.
00:42:31He's leaving.
00:42:34If he gets far enough away, we won't need the truck.
00:42:57Thanks. I'm all right.
00:42:59The spray gun won't work. It's not fast enough.
00:43:04However, I still think the acrylic spray is the answer.
00:43:08When I hit the body with it, the invader took off fast.
00:43:12He was afraid of it.
00:43:14But how can we use it?
00:43:16Well, that depends on Lamont's nerves.
00:43:19Look, Major, you've been trying to...
00:43:21All right, all right. Take it easy. Relax.
00:43:23I need your help. I'm asking for it.
00:43:26My life's gonna be in your hands,
00:43:28and I don't want to go into this thing with two stripes against me.
00:43:31What do you want me to do now?
00:43:33I'll tell you in a minute.
00:43:35Dr. Penner, can you make up a large amount of this spray?
00:43:38We might.
00:43:40All right. We're gonna have to move fast now, after what's happened.
00:43:43Have any of you wondered why I wasn't killed by that invader out there?
00:43:46You said the invader was frightened by the spray.
00:43:49That's right. The spray was more important than I was.
00:43:52He probably went back to his spaceship
00:43:54to report we were getting pretty close to something that might bother them.
00:43:58That'll mean they'll double their forces to find this bunker and knock it out.
00:44:02But it will also mean the entire area around here will be filled with these creatures.
00:44:06That's why only two of us will leave the bunker.
00:44:08Phyllis and Dr. Penner will stay here.
00:44:10Then if we don't get back, there'll be somebody left to keep working.
00:44:13But there's only one radiation suit.
00:44:15That's all we need. You'll stay in the cab of the truck. It's protected.
00:44:18As you say.
00:44:20All right, let's get busy on the spray. I'll explain what I have in mind.
00:44:24Knowing the invader's spaceship must be in the area,
00:44:28Major Jay chose a likely spot to set his trap for catching one of the enemy.
00:44:42Okay, this looks like the spot.
00:44:46They're around here, but not too close.
00:44:48Remember, don't get out of the truck.
00:44:51I understand.
00:44:53Major, there's one thing you haven't said.
00:44:58You're actually making yourself the bait and the trap to catch one of the creatures.
00:45:02No better way to go fishing?
00:45:04No. No, I don't.
00:45:06All right, stay with that Geiger counter.
00:45:09In case I get company, single over that horn, and fast.
00:45:13One long, one short.
00:45:21Let's go.
00:45:40A deep hole had been dug,
00:45:42and now it was being filled with the acrylic liquid.
00:45:45The next step was to set a noose beneath the liquid,
00:45:49for once the acrylic hardened,
00:45:51the encased corpse would have enormous weight.
00:46:14The plan now was to lure one of the walking dead
00:46:17into the area where the pit had been dug.
00:46:20A direct attack by Major Jay was the quickest,
00:46:23though most dangerous, method of baiting the invader.
00:47:48They're coming. Get ready.
00:47:50All right, Dad.
00:48:18Are you all right?
00:48:20I'm okay. Get your father. I want to get our friend into the chamber.
00:48:23Major Jay!
00:48:25Major Jay!
00:48:27They're outside, all around us. I saw them on the monitors.
00:48:30They probably followed the truck.
00:48:47They're trying to smash down the door.
00:48:50Take it easy. This place was built to withstand an atom blast.
00:48:53Come on. Help me.
00:49:10Are you sure the pressure will crack that stuff on the body?
00:49:13It can crush anything not built to withstand it.
00:49:16All right. When the acrylic coating on the body splits,
00:49:19we'll be turning an invader loose in the chamber,
00:49:22if we've caught one.
00:49:24Let's find out. Pressure, Dr. Spinner.
00:49:47Nothing's happening.
00:49:49Now we've got one of those things in here.
00:49:52And a mob of those dead men right outside.
00:49:54If you hadn't gone out in that truck,
00:49:56they couldn't have followed us back to the bunker.
00:49:58Oh, John, shut up.
00:50:00Another point, Dr. Spinner.
00:50:27The thing is in there.
00:50:41Looks like we caught ourselves an invader.
00:50:55He's left the body.
00:50:57Let's hope we can keep it locked up in that chamber.
00:51:15Do not think you will succeed.
00:51:17There is no way on your Earth to make us visible.
00:51:21Your people are being destroyed,
00:51:24country by country.
00:51:27My unit has already received reports
00:51:30that many of your nations are considering surrender.
00:51:38We're going to have to get out of here.
00:51:44You're lying.
00:51:46You can check with your commanders for the truth.
00:51:49If they'd surrendered, you'd have said so.
00:51:53It is inevitable.
00:51:55If you will surrender to me now,
00:51:57your lives will be spared.
00:51:59Look, friend, you're the prisoner.
00:52:01And as long as we have you to work over,
00:52:03we still have a chance.
00:52:08Lamont, Dr. Penner, we'll continue on with the tests.
00:52:11You will die, then,
00:52:13as all the rest of you shall die.
00:52:19Dr. Penner and Dr. Lamont
00:52:21began immediate experiments
00:52:23in a desperate effort
00:52:25to make the invader visible to the human eye.
00:52:29The vast scientific knowledge of the two men
00:52:32was put to the test in a race against time,
00:52:35for they knew that with every moment of failure,
00:52:39thousands more people all over Earth would die.
00:52:46Time was running out for the Defenders.
00:52:49The world was nearing the end of its ability to fight back,
00:52:53for this was the third day.
00:52:56By midnight,
00:52:58the human race on Earth would cease to exist.
00:53:10They still trying to batter down on the garage door?
00:53:13No, they gave that up. But they're still out there.
00:53:16Probably trying to figure a new way to get at us.
00:53:19That thing in the chamber knows we're trapped.
00:53:22He knows we can't get out of here alive.
00:53:24If we surrender, you think they'd let us live?
00:53:27Maybe. Maybe. We won't know if we don't try.
00:53:30All our experiments have failed. What good is waiting?
00:53:33We're not giving up.
00:53:35Or do you two go along with it?
00:53:37Major, we've tested everything.
00:53:39Light, rays, every shade on the spectrum.
00:53:42Chemicals, mechanical devices, nothing.
00:53:46We can't make it visible. We can't hurt it.
00:53:49I asked you a question. Do you agree with Lamont or don't you?
00:53:53I don't know. I'm too weary to think straight anymore.
00:53:56Look, we can't hold out here forever.
00:53:58Let's take their offer, see what happens.
00:54:00Look, the three of you, that thing in the chamber is bluffing.
00:54:03The very fact that he's offering us our lives if we stop the test...
00:54:07proves that we're on to something.
00:54:09And he's afraid we're gonna find out.
00:54:11You're a fool. We're no closer down than we were an hour ago.
00:54:15You do what you like.
00:54:17I'm taking the offer. I'm letting that thing out of the chamber.
00:54:29Bruce, stop!
00:54:33Come on.
00:54:48Major, stop!
00:55:58John, I think we've hit on something.
00:56:00What then?
00:56:02You heard the alarm bell on the radiation counter?
00:56:04Well, the explosion and concussion made the creature react.
00:56:07Nothing else has.
00:56:11We've been looking the wrong way for our answer.
00:56:13It isn't in light waves or chemicals.
00:56:15The answer is in sound.
00:56:17Sound, John!
00:56:19Sound? To create sight?
00:56:21You said the device used by that creature that came to your house...
00:56:26caused a humming sound.
00:56:28Yes. The sound was low-key to our ears.
00:56:31But the device must have used sonic rays.
00:56:34Sound vibrations that created resonance...
00:56:37with the basic molecular structure of the metal ore.
00:56:40And that resonance caused visibility.
00:56:44I just hope it isn't too late.
00:56:53Sound is the answer.
00:56:55It certainly reacted during the explosion.
00:56:57Listen. When the chemicals in that flask hit the panel...
00:57:00it caused a short circuit.
00:57:02Jumped the breakers and blew up our entire air conditioning and filtering system.
00:57:06Luckily, our radio's still intact.
00:57:08How long can the air last?
00:57:10About an hour and a half.
00:57:12Then we're gonna have to open the air vents.
00:57:14We'll be sitting ducks for what's waiting for us outside.
00:57:17Major, I want to apologize.
00:57:19All right, forget it.
00:57:21Look, if you think sound is the answer, you better make sure and fast.
00:57:28There. That ought to do it.
00:57:30Now, both these pieces of equipment are identical.
00:57:34If one doesn't generate enough sound, we'll use both.
00:57:38We'll probably break our own eardrums.
00:57:46I'm sorry.
00:57:48It's all right.
00:57:50It's all right.
00:57:52It's all right.
00:57:54It's all right.
00:57:56It's all right.
00:58:26It's all right.
00:58:57Nothing. Nothing at all.
00:58:59Keep going.
00:59:26Keep going.
00:59:39Major, there's your weapon.
00:59:41It not only makes the invader visible, it destroys them as well.
00:59:45Could the army turn these out in a hurry?
00:59:47I could give headquarters all needed details in a matter of minutes.
00:59:50Good. Come on.
00:59:53Mayday, Homer. This is Able Fox Niner Six. Over.
00:59:56Able Fox Niner Six.
01:00:17Some kind of high-powered jamming signal in the area.
01:00:20Do you think the invaders are doing it?
01:00:22Deliberately, to kill our broadcasts.
01:00:24The spaceship must be close by.
01:00:26Major, we could use the jamming signal to find the spaceship...
01:00:29by tracking it on the direction-finding radio in the truck.
01:00:34That'd be our only chance to get your information to General Stone.
01:00:37Yes, but what about the invaders waiting for us outside?
01:00:40We're gonna crash right through.
01:00:42And if you have any special prayers for a job like this, you better start saying them.
01:00:51After you let us out, get to the transmitter.
01:00:53When the jamming signal goes off, call the general in a hurry.
01:00:56Good luck, Major.
01:00:58Don't miss with a sound gun.
01:01:00It's the only chance you have against radiation.
01:01:20Okay, Dr. Penner, open her up.
01:02:47The radio jamming setup by the invisible spaceship...
01:02:51was the only key to the location of the ship.
01:02:56The directional-finding equipment on the truck operated by Dr. Lamont...
01:03:01had to use this key successfully, or all hope would be gone.
01:03:11Slowly but surely, the radio jamming led the truck...
01:03:15to the immediate area of the invisible ship used by the invaders.
01:03:28Hold it.
01:05:08Mayday, Homer. Mayday, Homer. This is Able Fox Six. Come in, please.
01:05:12Mayday, Homer to Able Fox Niner Six. Come in, Able Fox Niner Six. Come in, please.
01:05:21Mayday, Homer. Mayday, Homer. This is Able Fox Six. Come in, please.
01:05:41In the United Nations building in New York, a special meeting was called.
01:05:47Present were Dr. Penner, his daughter, Major Jay, and Dr. Lamont...
01:05:53to receive grateful thanks from the countries of the world.
01:05:57Earth had been on the brink of disaster.
01:06:00But out of the Holocaust of war...
01:06:03in which a dictatorship of the universe had been defeated...
01:06:07a lesson had been learned.
01:06:10The nations of the world could work and fight together...
01:06:15side by side in a common cause.
01:06:40© BF-WATCH TV 2021
