Saban's Adventures of The Little Mermaid Ep 15

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Une nuit, il y a un an, quand cette même lune et ces étoiles brillantes étaient couvertes par des nuages de tempête fortes, et l'océan s'effondrait, la petite mermaide a sauvé son prince de l'intérieur et a trouvé l'amour véritable.
00:31I can't believe it's been a whole year since our first kiss. It's like an anniversary. We should be together all day. I know he has his studies, but this is more important.
00:46This will be a great night for catching a mermaid.
00:50Hello, Marina!
01:01Oh, get away!
01:13That's it!
01:14Oh, you'll never get away from Dudley!
01:22Oh, the oldest trick in the sea! Why can't I catch it at once?
01:45Don't be such a sore loser. There's always a next time.
01:49Oh, this ain't no game!
01:52See you around, Dudley!
02:02No, that won't do. It has to be just perfect. Go a little to the right. No, a little to your left. No, now to the right! Move!
02:09Of course, Your Majesty, anything you say.
02:12That's it, put it down!
02:14I said put it down!
02:17Anything you say!
02:21I distinctly told you to put the pot down, not fall down.
02:25Oh, can't you do anything?
02:27Boy, she's tough. Thank goodness the prince isn't anything like the queen.
02:31Hey, Chauncey!
02:33I'm coming!
02:37Chauncey, you didn't have to be so quick about it. I'm not my mother.
02:41Actually, that's just what I was saying. Now that I'm down here, why don't you tell me what all the fuss is about?
02:48I need you to give this to Marina.
02:51Why should I give her a gift, Justin?
02:54It's not from you, it's from me. It's a special present and she has to get it today. She'll understand.
02:59I'll be discreet.
03:00Tell her my heart is true.
03:03Tell her I love her.
03:04You can't get good help these days.
03:06Well, I do love her. Just go on.
03:08Do I have to say the part about loving her?
03:10My goodness, did I hear the word love? He's made up his mind.
03:15Well, if I must, I must. Us fellas have to stick together. I know you'd do the same for me if I had a lady as kind and beautiful as yours.
03:22Well, yes, of course.
03:24Thanks, I've got to run.
03:28Tell her I'll be with Anne Stone all day, but my heart's with her.
03:32And I'll see her tomorrow.
03:37Oh, my word, I don't know how I can even face her.
03:41All this love stuff is so embarrassing.
03:48Oh, Chauncey, isn't it marvelous that my darling son is in love?
03:52It's only appropriate that I take this to her.
03:55But Queen Margaret, you can't do that. I promised that I would...
03:58This is indeed a day to rejoice. My son's in love and I get to shoot Cupid's arrow.
04:04You can't say that. You just can't.
04:08I'm the Queen. I'll do what I want.
04:11It's going to be such a pleasure to light up Cecily's day.
04:16Cecily, ah.
04:24So, I hope I'm not all that late. Am I, Anne Stone?
05:00Oh, I'm at your mercy. Couldn't you just this once let a visitor hear your lessons?
05:04It's only for one day.
05:06Anne Stone, come on, please.
05:09Well, come along then. If you insist on joining us, you must participate.
05:14This is wonderful, a whole day with you.
05:17Oh, Anne Stone, thanks.
05:19So, tell me, have you seen Chauncey today?
05:22No, why? Does he need to talk to me?
05:25I don't think so, but you know Chauncey, you never know what he's up to.
05:29You certainly don't.
05:31Doesn't matter anyway, but if I'd known you were coming, I wouldn't have asked him to...
05:36Oh, never mind.
05:37Stop your lollygagging, you two.
05:39Justin, you can be so confusing sometimes.
05:45I remember when Charles wrote love letters.
05:55I was told you wanted to talk.
05:57Come in, child, come in.
06:02So, what was it you wanted to tell me, Margaret?
06:04I think you're going to enjoy this.
06:06Here, my dear, Justin asked me to give this to you.
06:10It's from Prince Justin?
06:12He's finally come to his senses. He says it's for his one true love.
06:17Oh, pinch me quick!
06:20It's not a dream, my child.
06:22Hurry, read it.
06:28On the day we met, you touched me as the sea touches the shore.
06:31Since that day, my heart's been yours, love, Justin.
06:34Oh, yes! At last, he's mine!
06:39Oh, and this proves it.
06:42That's it.
06:43Oh, how could I have forgotten?
06:45It's one year ago today that I found him washed up on the beach.
06:49It's all perfect.
06:51It's absolutely wonderful.
06:53Cecily, you do know what this means, don't you?
06:56You don't think that he wants to?
06:58But of course! He was only waiting for the proper moment.
07:01Finally! My wedding!
07:06Boy, I've certainly made a mess of things.
07:13The forest can provide much.
07:15The herbs that you are picking have great medicinal value,
07:18but they should be used sparingly.
07:20Very becoming.
07:21Oh, Justin, I'll treasure it always.
07:24Yes, I'm going, I'm going!
07:28The scent is lovely. Does it have other uses?
07:31That's really a very astute question, Marina.
07:33We'll have Justin look up the answer later.
07:36You could learn from the young lady. She's very observant.
07:39I know that.
07:41Prince Justin! Prince Justin!
07:45I have to tell you something. News that cannot wait!
07:47Oh, here's Chauncey.
07:54This is important.
07:55All in good time. Give me the package.
07:57That's why I'm here! I don't have it!
07:59What's wrong, Chauncey?
08:04My goodness, those two are acting strangely.
08:11See you later!
08:12Oh, my! Justin, come back here!
08:17Would you kindly explain what's going on?
08:21Well, it's really kind of complicated.
08:23Try me.
08:26There's no good way to tell you this.
08:27The love letter Justin wrote was sent to Lady Cecily.
08:30Lady Cecily?
08:34I don't want to believe it!
08:36Justin would never be so cruel!
08:39It's mostly my fault.
08:40One of these days, I'm going to have to stand up to the Queen.
08:44How could he do this to me?
08:45He what?
08:47Tell me he loves me?
08:49Oh, and he always intended on going back to Lady Cecily!
08:52No, wait!
08:54You've misunderstood, Marina!
08:56You've got to help me out on this one, Master Anselm.
08:59Absolutely not.
09:00I learned a long time ago not to dabble in affairs of the heart.
09:08My dear, with you as Justin's bride, it will all be absolutely perfect.
09:12I just can't wait to see my beloved.
09:15Mother, we were just talking about you.
09:17What's going on around here?
09:21What's it look like?
09:22The preparations for your wedding, of course.
09:26And thank you.
09:27The gift is lovely. It shows off my eyes.
09:31I'm sorry, but there's been a terrible mistake.
09:33That gift was never meant for Cecily.
09:36I won't listen to this!
09:37You must listen.
09:38Chauncey should never have let you take it, Mother.
09:40I suppose this means you won't be getting married.
09:43Yes, that's right.
09:45I don't want your stupid necklace!
09:51Go on, take it!
09:53Thank you, Cecily.
09:56Justin, come back here!
10:02I'll get even for this!
10:04I've never been so insulted in my life!
10:07Cecily, wait!
10:08Oh, mon Dieu! Si ce n'était pas Cecily, qui serait-ce dans le monde?
10:22Je n'ai jamais senti ça.
10:24Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
10:30Regarde ce que la catfish a attiré!
10:32Henry va être heureux avec mon petit cadeau.
10:35J'ai fait un grand délire!
10:37Cecily est déçue. Je ne sais pas où est Justin.
10:40Quand apprend-je à ne pas member?
10:42Ne t'inquiète pas, chérie.
10:43Membering, c'est ce que tu fais d'autant mieux.
10:44Oh, Charles!
10:45Je ne peux pas!
10:46Je t'en supplie, ne me membres pas!
10:48Je ne peux plus, je n'y peux plus!
10:50Je n'y peux plus, je n'y peux plus!
10:52Je n'y peux plus, je n'y peux plus!
10:54Je ne peux plus, je n'y peux plus!
10:56Je ne peux plus, je n'y peux plus!
10:58Je ne peux plus, je n'y peux plus!
11:00Je n'y peux plus!
11:01Je n'y peux plus!
11:02My love, meddling is what you do best
11:04Oh, Charles!
11:05Save your outrage, dear, we seem to have a wayward son
11:08Yes, and probably an angry neighbor
11:12It seems we have company
11:16I said out of my way, I'll go wherever I want!
11:23Lord Ainsworth, welcome to my humble home
11:26Welcome! Cut the chatter, Charles, we have to talk
11:30It's always a pleasure conversing with you, dear neighbor
11:33Yeah, right, where's that no good son of yours?
11:37Justin? You can't possibly be talking about Justin
11:40Don't insult my intelligence, your son is responsible for turning my daughter into a lovesick nanny
11:45It was only a little misunderstanding
11:47Don't try to talk your way out of this one, Charles, I don't take insults lightly
11:51We've guarded each other's borders for many years, we need not fight amongst ourselves
11:55Your son should have thought of that before he insulted my daughter
11:59All because of your boy, she has become totally impossible and I get no peace!
12:03It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair! I want Justin! I want Justin! I want Justin!
12:09I'll never have a quiet castle again
12:12There, there
12:13Now, enough talk, go fetch me that no good thoughtless devil crossing Casanova, son of yours
12:19I've heard enough of your nonsense
12:24Let's talk about your spoiled daughter for once, she's gotten what she deserves, nothing!
12:28And it's all your fault, if you had not indulged her every whim since birth
12:32She might have become the kind of person my son could love
12:34You are the source of your own agony
12:38You are adding insult to injury
12:40It's a beginning
12:41Yes, the beginning of a war, when I leave I will gather my forces, prepare to defend your borders
12:47With a bumbler like you, I've nothing to worry about from your invasion
12:51Time will tell who the bumbler is
12:56That's right, run away little man, run away
12:59Affairs of the heart cannot be settled by war
13:07I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you
13:10I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you
13:14Don't leave the best
13:20Don't try to escape now
13:23There's not much chance of that
13:25You're making this easy, what's wrong with you?
13:27Nothing, I just love being shark bait, it's a mermaid's dream come true
13:33Is it really?
13:34Yeah right, it's almost as fun as being betrayed by the one you love
13:43Go Marina!
13:50This is going to be a habit
13:53That's that, let's go Marina
13:59I never want to speak to you again
14:00Come back Marina
14:09Hold it a second
14:12Hey stop it, will you please just listen to me
14:16No, I'm not going to listen to you anymore
14:18Why did you do this to me? You've been lying from the very start
14:21You've always loved her
14:23You're wrong, you've never been more wrong
14:27Oh please, I'm insulted
14:29You really thought I could send a love letter to Cecily?
14:32It was for you Marina
14:34Silly, I love you
14:37Oh, I'm really getting mad now
14:46I'm going to get those guys
14:49Yeah, enough is enough
15:00My daughter has been humiliated
15:02This infrontry has gone beyond all boundaries of friendship
15:05We will gather the troops
15:18I still can't believe all this
15:20You should have seen the look on mother's face
15:22Maybe this will teach her to stop meddling
15:25I doubt it
15:26Don't worry, she will when she finally gets to meet you
15:29I'm sure my parents will love you as much as I do Marina
15:33Abandon ship!
15:39This is an outrage, you can't leave me up here
15:42Oh no, Marina, that's Lord Ainsworth
15:44Who's that?
15:45I demand to be rescued immediately
15:49That's Lady Cecily's father
15:52You good for nothing scalawags can't do this to me
15:57Why is it sinking?
15:59Look over there Justin, it's Dudley
16:01Très bien, très bien
16:12S'il vous plait, sortez d'ici
16:14S'il vous plait
16:21Allons-y, allons-y
16:23Oh non, je commence vraiment à avoir faim
16:29Il est vivant
16:30C'est Dudley!
16:34Vite Marina, prends Ainsworth
16:37Oh Justin, attends
16:38Ne t'inquiète pas
16:39Fais attention
17:14Justin, je t'aime!
17:23Ces herbes devraient garder la soif
17:25Au moins tu as pris attention à l'enseignement d'Anselme
17:28Peut-être que je vais commencer à en recevoir tous
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