• il y a 2 semaines
01:00New froze, new clothes.
01:03And the news spread throughout the world.
01:06And in every nation and creation,
01:08tailors grabbed their finest garments
01:10and dashed off, hopefully,
01:12to the empire of Bibbentucker.
01:19The French tailors were fanatic.
01:25The English were very plutocratic.
01:30The Spanish were dramatic.
01:35The Arabs were erratic.
01:40The Chinese, Asiatic.
01:46The Venetians, aquatic.
01:51The Africans, pragmatic.
01:56It was very democratic.
01:59Competition, quite emphatic.
02:02For one million Gringolds,
02:03that's a lot of money for a new suit,
02:05don't you think?
02:09Who wins?
02:11Come along with me.
02:15It's the enchanted world of Danny Kaye.
02:20There's a world of enchantment to see.
02:24Come along with me.
02:27Through my ears you will hear different sounds.
02:31Through my eyes you'll see.
02:35We'll enchant your every single sense.
02:39Your imagination will become immense.
02:43Your capacity to dream
02:47will stretch to the extreme.
02:51There's a world of enchantment to see.
02:55Come along with me.
03:15There's a world of enchantment to see.
03:18Come along with me.
03:48Le but du film est d'avoir un regard autour.
03:51Pourquoi ne pas venir avec moi?
04:06C'est un magasin d'amusements.
04:09Albert Young Hans
04:10se lève contre la fenêtre d'un magasin
04:12comme ça
04:13et peut avoir l'idée
04:15d'un de ses fairy tales.
04:21Pouvez-vous deviner lequel?
04:31Oh, viens ici.
04:34Viens, viens.
04:37savez-vous ce que c'est?
04:38C'est un soldat.
04:39Oui, mais c'est un peu différent
04:41d'un ordinaire soldat.
04:42Mais pourquoi?
04:43Il a une jambe.
04:44Il a une jambe.
04:47Vous voyez ce petit bâtiment là-bas?
04:51Je pense qu'on va voir quelque chose.
04:54Monsieur Jensen?
04:56Vous m'avez rencontré?
04:58Je suis venu pour le tissu.
05:03Merci beaucoup.
05:06Regardez la texture de ce tissu.
05:09Regardez la peinture.
05:11Voyez la façon dont il drape et plie.
05:15Avez-vous déjà vu un tissu de cette taille?
05:17C'est magique.
05:19C'est parfait pour un empereur.
05:22Ce tissu est la partie la plus importante de notre histoire.
05:26Les vêtements nouveaux de l'empereur?
05:28Oui, les vêtements nouveaux de l'empereur.
05:30C'est la célèbre histoire de Hans Christian Andersen
05:32sur un empereur et une robe.
05:35Vous voyez?
05:36Il y avait un empereur.
05:42Il pèse un tonneau.
05:46Vous savez quelque chose?
05:48En fait,
05:50j'aimerais jouer le rôle de l'autre homme.
06:04Je serai...
06:12Une fois,
06:14il y avait un magnifique rôle
06:16qui s'appelait...
06:21le plus intelligent de Canaï,
06:23le plus suprême de Swindler
06:25qui a jamais dessiné un rouge bambouzouli.
06:28Je tournais le monde
06:30avec mon partenaire de galon,
06:32le noble Mufti.
06:36Je me souviens.
06:38Le noble Mufti.
06:46Nous avons été forcés de partir
06:48de l'empire de Canaï.
06:51Et de rester là-bas.
06:53Alors, Marmaduke, où est-ce qu'on va maintenant?
06:55Où est-ce qu'on va maintenant?
06:59C'est une bonne question.
07:01Nous avons été tirés de chaque nation et création.
07:04Tout, sauf celui-ci.
07:08L'empire de Bibbentucker.
07:12Oh, ce n'est pas grand-chose.
07:14Mais c'est tout ce qu'il reste.
07:17Penser que je devrais tomber aussi bas que Bibbentucker,
07:21moi qui ai déchiré toute la ville de Londres.
07:25Je ne peux simplement pas confronter Bibbentucker.
07:29Je devrais plus tôt devenir honnête.
07:32Oh, ne dis pas quelque chose comme ça, mon ami.
07:37Tiens, tiens.
07:38Dépêche-toi de pleurer.
07:42Quel moustique légère.
07:44Oh, ce n'est pas le mien.
07:46Il restait là-bas.
07:47Qu'est-ce que c'est?
07:49Un million de Grinclans pour la réparation des nouveaux vêtements de l'empereur.
07:57Un million de Grinclans?
07:59Oh, oui.
08:00Oh, c'est trop mal.
08:01Nous ne sommes pas des réparateurs.
08:03Pas des réparateurs?
08:04Tu veux dire...
08:06Pourquoi pas?
08:07Tout homme bien vêtu peut être un réparateur.
08:10Qu'est-ce que tu sais de bien vêtu?
08:12Mon amour, les vêtements font l'homme.
08:16Tout le monde le sait.
08:17Pourquoi si je ne pouvais que l'afforder,
08:19pourquoi, avec mon goût,
08:21je pourrais être le plus gentil possible?
08:24Les vêtements font l'homme.
08:26Avec le bon vêtement,
08:28tu seras le plus impressionnant.
08:30Tu pourras être un gentilhomme.
08:32Les vêtements font l'homme.
08:35Les vêtements font l'homme.
08:40Si ses chaussures sont en tissu patiné,
08:42peu importe la température,
08:44si il porte une chaussure de pompier dans le soleil,
08:48si il a un bouton sur son cou,
08:50si son collant a un bouton,
08:52c'est ainsi que l'homme est fait.
08:56Les vêtements font l'homme.
08:58Avec le bon vêtement,
09:00tu pourras être le plus impressionnant.
09:02Je pourrais être un gentilhomme.
09:04Les vêtements font l'homme.
09:06Les vêtements font l'homme.
09:11Soudain, j'ai l'impression d'être très chauvin.
09:16À Bibintaka!
09:18Les vêtements font l'homme.
09:20Avec le bon vêtement,
09:22tu pourras être le plus impressionnant.
09:24Tu pourras être un gentilhomme.
09:26Les vêtements font l'homme.
09:28Les vêtements font l'homme.
09:32Liu Buxin
09:35Ciné Soviet
09:46Merci !
09:49Et bienvenue à la 174ème présentation de ce summeux
09:55pour les vêtements font l'homme à Bibintak
09:57Les contendants sont l'Empereur Clock & Locker pour son magnifique chapeau de matinée.
10:07L'Empereur Clock & Locker pour son suite spectaculaire en siècle et en été.
10:13L'Empereur Clock & Locker pour ses mignons et merveilleux chiens d'hiver de l'eau.
10:20Est-ce que je peux avoir le scroche-ferré, s'il vous plaît?
10:24Je n'y crois pas! Quelle surprise!
10:28Le gagnant est l'Empereur Clock & Locker!
10:38Au moment où j'ai vu l'Empereur Clock & Locker, je savais que j'avais trouvé mon marque.
10:45Il était un insolite ridicule.
10:48Et où qu'il y ait des règles de la vanité, le fruit est sûr d'être épais pour les règles de la scande.
10:54Il a été suivi par ses pets royaux.
10:57Archibald, le chat.
10:59Et Percival, l'ape.
11:02Et ils, en revanche, ont été suivis par le Conseil Impérial.
11:06Le Conseil Impérial, le Premier Ministre, le Premier Ministre et le Premier Ministre.
11:15Et derrière, il y avait une jeune dame enchantée.
11:20Je l'ai appris plus tard que c'était la princesse...
11:23Jane! Jane! Arrête de pleurer! Viens marcher avec moi!
11:28Maman, ne pleure pas!
11:30S'il te plaît, Jane, souris!
11:32Merci! Merci!
11:37Oh, merci! Merci!
11:40Qu'est-ce que je peux dire à un moment comme celui-ci?
11:43J'aimerais remercier mon designer et mes tailleurs et tous les petits couturiers
11:48sans lesquels ce moment merveilleux n'aurait jamais pu se passer.
11:52Merci! Merci!
11:54Et j'aimerais aussi remercier tous les petits silkworms
11:57qui ont travaillé si dur pour fabriquer le fil et...
12:00Oh, mon amour! Ça va durer toute la journée!
12:04Oh, mon amour! Ça va durer toute la journée!
12:09Votre Highness!
12:11Oh! Un joli étranger!
12:14Et moi, avec mes chaussures!
12:16Euh... euh... euh...
12:19Est-ce que vous flirtez avec moi?
12:22Oui! Il flirte avec moi!
12:26Hi! Hi! Hi!
12:30Nous avons réussi à le faire splendidement.
12:33Pauvre chose! Elle a commencé à me raconter la plus incroyable histoire.
12:38Jusqu'il y a deux ans, l'Empereur était un bon et gentil leader.
12:43Mais ensuite, sa femme s'est éloignée et il est devenu déchiré et seul.
12:48Et sa gestion de la cour de foi, Jasper, était la seule qui pouvait l'amuser.
12:53Mais Jasper avait des ambitions.
12:56Il voulait gouverner l'Empire.
12:58Et il a pris l'avantage de la douleur de l'Empereur.
13:01Il l'a flatté, l'a cachoté, l'a fait intéressé par les vêtements.
13:06Et bientôt, tout ce que l'Empereur pouvait penser,
13:08était son vêtement ridicule et trop cher.
13:12Il a négligé les affaires de l'État.
13:15Out for a fetching!
13:18Ce qui faisait que Jasper, avec sa permission,
13:21était trop heureux d'en prendre soin.
13:23Non, non, non!
13:25Il a signé ça!
13:27Il a encouragé l'Empereur à dépenser de grosses comptes sur les vêtements.
13:31De l'argent pour payer les vêtements, il a dit.
13:35Mais les vêtements fonctionnaient pour Jasper.
13:38Et il leur a payé des salariés.
13:43Et le reste, il l'a gardé pour lui-même.
13:46Et maintenant, tout ce qu'il reste, c'est les millions de gringolins,
13:50qui seront utilisés comme des prizes pour le vêtement qui fait le meilleur costume.
13:56Il va trouver un moyen d'y arriver.
13:59Et puis, il aura tout l'argent.
14:01Il gouvernera l'Empire!
14:04Pas avec moi, ici!
14:07Jasper n'a pas encore rencontré le type de Marmaduke, le tailleur.
14:12Qu'est-ce qui se passe, là-bas?
14:14Oh, papa, j'ai enfin un vêtement!
14:17N'est-ce pas mignon?
14:19Hein? Mignon?
14:22Un grand vêtement de guillemets!
14:25Comment as-tu laissé te déguiser de telle façon devant un Empereur?
14:29Qui... Qui... Qui rime simplement avec chic!
14:35Hmm, tu as raison, Jasper.
14:37Arrête-les! Et tosse-les dans le boulevard des rogues!
14:41Papa, non! Pas mon vêtement!
14:47Tu n'as pas de sensibilité, mon bonhomme?
14:50Je suis un magnifique tailleur!
14:53Tu n'auras pas de chance de faire autant de tailleur dans le boulevard des rogues!
15:08Un million de guillemets pour les vêtements nouveaux de l'Empereur.
15:12Un million de guillemets!
15:14Le mien pour la prise.
15:16Et là, je suis dans les confins du boulevard des rogues.
15:22Quelle pitié!
15:35Et reste ici jusqu'à ce que tu apprennes à te déguiser de telle façon!
15:42Ce n'était pas un endroit mauvais, en fait.
15:44En fait, c'était assez fantastique.
15:46Un incroyable ghetto de bêteurs, de scoundrels et de pauvres.
15:50Où ceux qui ne pouvaient pas se déguiser comme le voulait l'Empereur
15:53étaient emprisonnés avec autant de magie
15:56et de collections de guillemets, de guillemets et de guillemets
15:59que jamais mes yeux n'avaient vu.
16:02C'est comme ça, Mufty, c'est comme ça!
16:04Pendant que je trouve plus de matériel.
16:11Qu'avons-nous ici?
16:14C'est un petit...
16:16Un petit...
16:18C'est un petit garçon!
16:22Qui es-tu?
16:27Ne t'inquiète pas, mon enfant.
16:30Où sont tes parents?
16:33Tu n'en as pas?
16:35Un enfant?
16:38Un petit enfant condamné au boulevard des rogues.
16:44Où sont-ils, Busky?
16:46Enfant, tu ne seras plus un enfant.
16:49Nous t'avons désormais enfanté.
16:52Tu as maintenant une famille.
16:54Maman, père et grand-père Mufty!
16:58Maintenant, est-ce que ça te rend mieux?
17:02Assez plaisant comme le boulevard des rogues était,
17:05l'idée d'un million de gringolins était encore plus plaisante.
17:09Et le jour suivant, nous avions terminé le costume.
17:13Et le soir suivant, nous avions prévu notre escape.
17:18Tiens, fais attention.
17:20Juste ici.
17:21Non, non.
17:22Juste ici.
17:23Non, non.
17:24Fais attention.
17:33Ça... ça... ça... ça va mieux.
17:38B-b-b-better work!
17:40We'll end up as their Halloween dinner!
17:45Oh, Mufti, pray come look at all these lovely creatures in the moat.
17:51I adore them all.
17:53Why, Mufti, nothing is greater than the proud alligator.
17:59Why, to me, he is more like a brother.
18:03And that's why I smile at each crocodile who in truth might be somebody's mother.
18:11And remember, Mufti, a puss, that is, octer, could perhaps be a victor,
18:19if the world only gave him the chance.
18:23And the toothy old shark might desire as a lot to learn how to sing and to dive.
18:32Yes, nothing is prettier or wiser or wittier or brings lovelier dreams when I'm sleepy
18:40than my comrades afloat in the splendid old moat,
18:46lovely creatures, all crawly and creepy.
18:54Ah, yes, a little sentiment in the right places
18:58can sometimes make blood brothers out of mortal enemies.
19:06Onward to the palace!
19:08There to deliver the Emperor's new clothes!
19:17You two, passing yourselves off as tailors, eh?
19:23Sir, we're not just tailors, sir.
19:29We're not?
19:30We are tailors, tailors.
19:33Tailors, tailors? What do you mean?
19:37When a tailor needs some button-holing, basting, hemming, collar-rolling,
19:44never does he do the job himself.
19:47For a tailor like a surgeon wouldn't ever do the work he couldn't,
19:52never would he do the job himself.
19:55When a tailor needs a tailor, it can't be just any tailor,
19:59it must be a tailor's tailor if the tailor's to be tailored.
20:02It must be a tailor's tailor if the tailor's to be tailored.
20:09When a minister is ministrating, much involved with head-up stating,
20:16he needs an advisor to advise.
20:19Even clowns with all their dilly-daffing need someone to keep them laughing,
20:23even bakers bake each other's pies.
20:26When a tailor needs a tailor, it can't be just any tailor,
20:30it must be a tailor's tailor if the tailor's to be tailored.
20:33It must be a tailor's tailor if the tailor's to be tailor.
20:40So it goes for doctors, lawyers, sellers,
20:44builders, bankers, ne'er-do-wellers,
20:47everybody needs an other's hand.
20:51For a necessary part of being has to do with you and me,
20:55am I seeing that you understand?
20:58When a tailor needs a tailor, it can't be just any tailor,
21:02it must be a tailor's tailor if the tailor's to be tailored.
21:05It must be a tailor's tailor if the tailor's to be tailored.
21:12Tailored? Tailors? Tailoring?
21:17What they say makes sense.
21:20Oh yes, of course, but what have you brought me?
21:26Your Majesty.
21:28Observe, the suit is ghastly, absolutely ghastly. Away with you.
21:34Wait, Your Majesty, perhaps they have something else to show you.
21:40Let me speak to them.
21:45I like your style, but if the Emperor paid a million for those rags,
21:50the people might revolt.
21:52No, this can't be just any suit.
21:55Have you something else in your bag?
21:58Something very special?
22:02Yes, of course.
22:06We do?
22:08We do.
22:10Then show it, and by doing so, prove yourself to me.
22:15Come, come, show me my new suit of clothes.
22:19Oh, the suit, yes, at once.
22:23Emperor, may I call you Emp?
22:27Emp, I can see you're not the type for a ready-made right-off-the-rack, Emp.
22:31For you, what you need is a made-to-order.
22:36Obviously a tailor of taste and breeding.
22:40Really? Of course, but show me the material.
22:45I insist on seeing that.
22:47A sample.
22:51Mufti, he wants a sample.
22:55Very well, Emp, but first I've got to let you in on a trade secret.
23:00Oh, I love secrets.
23:03Yes, this cloth.
23:07This cloth.
23:11It's enchanted cloth.
23:34It's enchanted, of course.
23:36Then I must have it, I must.
23:39One moment, Your Majesty.
23:41How is it enchanted?
23:45How is it enchanted?
23:49What are you looking at me for?
23:51It is enchanted because...
23:56It's invisible.
23:59Invisible to anyone who is very stupid or unfit to hold office.
24:07Invisible to anyone who is very stupid?
24:10Or unfit to hold office.
24:13I must see it at once, at once.
24:15Show it to him, oh worthy tailor.
24:17Come on, show it to him.
24:19Very well.
24:20You understand, of course, this is just a sample.
24:23I will have to weave the rest once I get the commission.
24:27Oh, yes, yes.
24:28Oh, do get on with it.
24:31Behold, enchanted cloth.
24:36Magnificent, beautiful.
24:41Oh, mighty emperor, most fit to hold office in all the world.
24:45Is it not exquisite?
24:47Yes, it's quite, quite, yes.
24:51Well, make me a suit of that enchanted, whatever it is.
24:56I'm sure I should be able to see.
24:58That is, I'm sure that I shall just love the finished garment.
25:01Well, I'm not worried.
25:02Because quite frankly, imp, it's you.
25:10When a tailor needs a tailor, it can't be just any tailor.
25:14It must be a tailor's tailor, if the tailor's to be tailored.
25:17It must be a tailor's tailor, if the tailor's to be tailored.
25:32Poor Emperor Clockenlocker.
25:35The fact that he couldn't see our enchanted cloth
25:39meant only one thing as far as the emperor was concerned.
25:44It must be that I am stupid and unfit to rule.
25:51Who says so?
25:53I can see that cloth.
25:55It's as plain as the nose on my face.
26:00Oh, dear.
26:03What am I worried about?
26:05I am the ruler of this land.
26:07And if I choose to see the cloth, I will.
26:11I can do anything I please.
26:13That's the fun thing about being an emperor.
26:16I can see whatever I want to see.
26:19I see the tinsel, the sparkle and the glitter.
26:26It's never the bitter for me.
26:36Through rose-colored glasses, the pretty world passes.
26:44I see what I want to see.
26:55I hear the chatter, the sound and all the clatter.
27:02But none of it matters to me.
27:10I'm safe in my bubble from all of the trouble.
27:19I see what I want to see.
27:27I'm afraid and quite certain.
27:32If I raise the curtain, I'll see things I don't want to see.
27:46The tinsel will tarnish and sparkles cease to glitter.
27:54And sweet will be bitter for me.
28:03So give me my blinders and save your reminders.
28:11I see what I want to see.
28:19I see what I want to see.
28:37Jasper the Clown saw to it that we were set up in sumptuous quarters.
28:41We took the lad Busky on as our apprentice and our every wish was a command.
28:46It was, all in all, a delightful way to make a million.
28:57And one of the pleasantest things about living in the palace
29:01was getting to know the fair Princess Jane.
29:06That's 19 games for me and none for you.
29:10Let's try to even the score.
29:14Another game?
29:20And as we got to know each other better, she confided in me even more.
29:27I'm getting real uneasy about Jasper.
29:32Lately he's been making eyes at me.
29:36It's almost like he's in love with me.
29:40I ask myself, why would a clown fall in love with a princess?
29:52Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
29:56And I figured out why.
29:58Even if he has all the money in the treasury,
30:00he can't really rule the land unless he marries into the royal family.
30:04That's me.
30:05Stroke! Stroke!
30:08Have no fear.
30:10I won't let Jasper have you, my love.
30:14Oh, Marmaduke, I feel so safe.
30:20With a hero like you around.
30:29I don't like you spending so much time on me.
30:33I don't like you spending so much time with the Princess Jane.
30:39Do as I tell you or I will have your head.
30:42Jane and the Empire will be mine.
30:47But what if she doesn't love you?
30:51She can be tricked into a wedding.
30:55You'll find that out when I want you to.
30:59Well, every day we continued to work on the suit that wasn't there.
31:05And every night, the Emperor studied his arithmetic and spelling and history until dawn,
31:11trying desperately to become less stupid and fit to rule.
31:19And every morning...
31:21Oh, I've got to see it.
31:23I've just got to be able to see it.
31:26Well, tailors, how goes the work?
31:30All silky and brocady, I trust?
31:32You can see for yourself, sir.
31:40Great simpering, Cyclops.
31:43I beg pardon, sir.
31:45Oh, it's lovely.
31:48It's quite...
32:00Quintessentially quite.
32:03Great progress.
32:04Your progress is progressing very progressively.
32:11How long will you take to finish?
32:14Well, making such a suit is quite an involved operation.
32:17How involved?
32:20Well, in my business, it's always the same every year.
32:25First we have the mind defining what to make and what designing.
32:32Then the sketching, thinking, thinking, lots of thinking, heavy thinking.
32:37Suddenly, from inspiration, we have got a new creation.
32:41Everything begins to bustle, everyone begins to hustle.
32:49Lots of scissors, snipping, snipping.
32:51Needles, knitting, clicking, clicking.
32:53If it's wrong, there's ripping, ripping.
32:54If it's right, there's color picking.
32:56Rating, pinning, finger splitting.
32:57For tomorrow is the fitting.
32:58Zip, a snap, perhaps a toggle.
33:00Oh, the mind begins to boggle.
33:12Finished every alteration.
33:15There it hangs, our new creation.
33:18Now begins the finger biting.
33:20Will they find the look exciting?
33:22Will the papers all be saying beautiful couturier?
33:26Soon the moment all is ready.
33:27Even Shannon nervous then.
33:39All that?
33:40Oh, but I wanted the suit by next week.
33:42Oh, don't worry, you'll have it, you'll have it.
33:48Great muddled madras.
33:50What does Marmaduke want?
33:52The hand of your daughter in marriage.
33:55But Jane is all I have.
33:57We belong together.
33:59I couldn't break up the set.
34:01Don't you want that enchanted suit?
34:03One would think you couldn't see it.
34:05Of course I can see it.
34:07And to see it is to want it.
34:08I must have it.
34:10Think of it this way.
34:11You're not losing a daughter.
34:13You're gaining a tailor.
34:18And then at last.
34:20It was time for the final fitting.
34:26Emperor Clock and Locker.
34:28Your new suit.
34:34What do you think?
34:36Oh, yes.
34:39Yes, indeed.
34:41Of course, it's still only basted together.
34:43We may have to order the sleeves.
34:45What do you think of the cuffs?
34:49Just fine.
34:50Silly man, that's the collar.
34:52How does it feel?
34:54Oh, lovely.
34:55Yes, as light as a thin air.
34:57Are the sleeves too long?
34:59I don't think so, no.
35:00Why, they hang down to your kneecap.
35:02Well, perhaps a little too long.
35:04Good gracious.
35:06I think I see a cross stitch.
35:08No, that's a mosquito.
35:11Got it.
35:16After that session, the midnight oil was really burned.
35:27This has gone far enough.
35:29I'm growing impatient.
35:31It's time that suit was finished.
35:35But, my dear Jasper, we can't rush the job.
35:38I mean, we're getting paid a million and a princess.
35:42I'm glad you brought that up.
35:44I've decided that you will give the princess to me.
35:48You? But she loves me.
35:51The princess shall be mine.
35:53Disobey me and the results will be disastrous.
35:57See that cannon outside the window?
36:02It is pointed directly at the boulevard of rogues.
36:05If you do not do as I tell you, my faithful Ivan will fire it.
36:10And all your friends will be destroyed.
36:14What can I say, old friend?
36:17At least we'll have the men.
36:19Oh, that's another thing.
36:21You will be paid exactly one grinkling each for your trouble.
36:25The rest you will turn over to me.
36:29With the entire treasury in my pocket and the princess as my bride,
36:34I'll be sure to rule the empire.
36:44Well, you can bet your bobbins that we weren't gonna let Jasper
36:48get away with 999,998 grinklings.
36:54And one princess.
36:56So, we made secret plans.
37:14Got the message.
37:16Of course, we ate the evidence.
37:21Your Majesty, the suit is finished.
37:24You may pick it up at noon.
37:26Oh, wow.
37:30I then paid a call on the princess Jane
37:33who was being fitted for her wedding gown.
37:37Oh, jeepers, Marmaduke.
37:39I can't wait until after we're married.
37:42But do you really think you'll be able to carry it off?
37:45I mean, being a gentleman in court and all that?
37:48Why, whatever do you mean?
37:51Well, a prince consort has got to be a gentleman.
37:55My dear Princess Jane,
37:57with a million grinklings and you,
38:00I could be anything.
38:02I could be a gentleman, why not?
38:05Why not?
38:07All you have to do is look the part.
38:11Look the part.
38:13Watch your P's and Q's and learn to play croquet.
38:21All you have to learn is which is which.
38:25All you need is money to be rich.
38:29All you need is money to be rich.
38:37You could be a baron or an earl.
38:41Or an earl.
38:43And be part of all the social world.
38:47The social world.
38:49Learn to dance and do the minuet.
38:55You bet.
38:57All you have to learn is which is which.
39:01All you need is money to be rich.
39:05You'll spend your afternoons at tea.
39:09A gentleman refined you'll be.
39:14Never will I use a word like gent.
39:18Why, you might end up in Parliament.
39:22Be an admiral of the Admiralty.
39:28You'll say quite instead of yessiree.
39:35I could be a minister and sniff that stuff.
39:39That stuff is snuff.
39:43All you have to learn is which is which.
39:47All you need is money to be rich.
39:51All you need is money to be rich.
39:57Jane gave me the Emperor's brass statues and I had Muffy saw them into enough small pieces to fill a sack.
40:10Finally at noontime the Emperor calld to pick up his completed suit.
40:16Your Majesty.
40:18The Emperor's new clothes.
40:23Je n'ai jamais vu un vêtement si magnifique.
40:27Le million est à toi.
40:33Mufty et moi avons planifié de baisser la bague de vrai d'or dans le jardin
40:37et de l'emmener là-bas.
40:38Mais nos plans ont été un peu déroulés.
40:41Heureusement, on avait la princesse Jane posée en vue.
40:45C'est la première fois que j'ai vu la princesse Jane.
40:48C'est la première fois que je l'ai vue.
40:50Princess Jane posted as a lookout.
40:54Jasper is on his way.
41:01Oh my, oh he's early.
41:04Hide this gold.
41:08Oh my, my, how can you hide a million greatness.
41:11There's a way, there's a way.
41:14In the cannon.
41:20One million green clothes.
41:22I'll count it when I have the time.
41:25The emperor is about to show his new suit.
41:28Take it away.
41:37Well, I'm ready.
41:40Fully dressed.
41:43The moment of moments.
41:45The emperor's new clothes.
42:05Now nobody anywhere ever wants to be thought a fool
42:08or unfit for his office in life.
42:10And so wherever the emperor went that most curious afternoon,
42:14after they got over the initial shock that is,
42:17they all agreed that the garments were beautiful
42:19and that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
42:22Clothes make the man.
42:24With the proper dressing,
42:26you'll be most impressing.
42:28You could be a gentleman.
42:30Clothes make the man.
42:33Clothes make the man.
42:38If his shoes are patent leather,
42:40no matter what the weather,
42:42if the bumper shoot he carries in the sun,
42:45if he's buttoned to his chin,
42:47if his collar has a pin,
42:50well, that's the way a gentleman is done.
42:54Clothes make the man.
42:56With the proper styling,
42:58you can be a gypsy.
43:00You could be a gentleman.
43:02Clothes make the man.
43:05Clothes make the man.
43:16Clothes make the man.
43:19With the proper dressing,
43:21you'll be most impressing.
43:23You could be a gentleman.
43:25Clothes make the man.
43:28Clothes make the man.
43:46And now it is time to award
43:48the grand prize, Your Majesty.
43:50Eh? Oh, yes.
43:54Princess Jane.
44:00Go on with it. Go on.
44:02As we rehearsed it. Or else...
44:04Okay. Okay.
44:07Your Imperial Emperor.
44:09I find I cannot accept the hand of the princess
44:13as I have forgotten a rather minor detail
44:18waiting for me at home.
44:20My wife.
44:23Great Tropical Woodsturd.
44:26And so, I hereby transfer my prize
44:34I accept.
44:35But... But...
44:40It was obvious to one and all
44:42that Princess Jane was heartbroken.
44:44And beneath that veil,
44:46she was sobbing her eyes out.
44:50I now pronounce you
44:52clown and wife.
44:55Well, kiss the bride.
45:02What the... The apprentice!
45:05What are you doing here?
45:08Well, I don't see what you've got to laugh about.
45:11You've just married a clown.
45:13You're... You're laughing at me?
45:16Why? What's funny about me?
45:22Eh? Speak up.
45:24You're naked.
45:26I don't follow. I'm what?
45:28You're naked.
45:32don't have any clothes on.
45:35No clothes?
45:51Quit simpering, seersucker.
45:53I've been duped.
45:55Oh, for pity's sake.
45:57Oh, my.
46:06This is all your fault.
46:08Oh, dear.
46:10You encouraged that scoundrel.
46:12I... I can explain everything.
46:15You are banished from Bibbentucker forever.
46:18Away with him.
46:19And as for you,
46:21back to the Boulevard of Rogues.
46:23Take him away.
46:29Oh, is there no one I can trust?
46:32Where's me daughter?
46:34Where's the Princess Jane?
46:38Dear Daddy,
46:40first of all, don't get a chill.
46:43Second of all,
46:45I'm taking refuge in the Boulevard of Rogues
46:47where I'm to wed Marmaduke later today.
46:50Wed Marmaduke?
46:52I forbid it.
46:55Please don't forbid it,
46:57because I love him very much.
46:59She does?
47:01Yes, I do.
47:02Well, then, I suppose that changes things.
47:05Jane deserves happiness
47:07after the way I've ignored her.
47:10Go to them.
47:11Tell them they have my blessing
47:14and that I shall attend their wedding.
47:17Dressed in this outfit I now wear,
47:20I ordered these fool's raiments.
47:23I approved of them and put them on.
47:26And so I will wear them
47:29for the rest of the day.
47:31Sound the trumpets,
47:33beat the drums,
47:35so that the whole land shall know
47:37of my profound folly.
47:40Let the parade continue.
47:47The Emperor was true to his words.
47:50And all that day,
47:51as the trumpets blared and the drums rolled,
47:54he marched before the entire population of Bivintap.
48:02And without adding a stitch,
48:04he came to our wedding
48:06and gave his blessings.
48:08But you know, somehow,
48:10perhaps because he was finally being honest with himself,
48:14he was able to hold his head up proudly.
48:18And that silly Emperor
48:20achieved a certain grace and dignity.
48:24And everyone said
48:26that the Emperor's new clothes
48:29were the most magnificent he'd ever owned.
48:34He, and everyone else,
48:37certain to live happily ever after.
48:40That's what you think!
48:42Ivan! Ivan! Fire!
48:45Yes, old master!
48:50Go! Go! Go!
48:53Go! Go! Go!
49:03Oh, well. Easy come, easy go.
49:18Now, I've heard of fairy tales ending happily before,
49:21but that was absolutely wonderful.
49:24Especially for me.
49:36Well, it was absolutely wonderful playing Marmaduke,
49:40that cat of a conman.
49:43But now, back to reality.
49:47Well, it's me again.
49:49We do hope you've enjoyed it,
49:51and I'd like to thank our guest Cyril Richart,
49:53who played the Emperor,
49:54and Imogene Coca, who played Princess Jane.
49:56And as for you,
49:58you better come along with me.
50:49Véritables sous-titres réalisés pour la communauté d'Amara.org
