Blues Clues S03 E19

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Figurez-vous qui devrait être le partenaire de la chanson de la blue.
00:02Nous allons jouer à Blues Clues, parce que c'est un super jeu, ouais !
00:08Alors, souvenez-vous, Blues Pawprints sera sur les Clues.
00:12Blues Clues.
00:14Et vous savez quoi ? Il vaut mieux ajouter « trouver un partenaire de la chanson de la blue » à notre liste de choses à faire.
00:20Nous allons jouer à Blues Clues pour trouver un partenaire de la chanson de la blue.
00:273 Blues Clues nous diront qui.
00:38Vous voyez ça ?
00:40C'est la chanson, elle a juste chanté la chanson de la blue.
00:44Je me demande qui chante.
00:46Chante ! Chante, ouais !
00:54D'où vient cette chanson ?
00:56Steve, j'ai quelque chose à te demander.
01:02Oui, table de côté ?
01:03Eh bien, je voulais...
01:07Est-ce que je...
01:08Steve ! Steve ! Je ne peux pas trouver la fleur !
01:11Essaye le bottom shelf, désolé.
01:13Qu'est-ce que tu voulais dire ?
01:14Eh bien, vous voyez, je voulais...
01:17Steve !
01:18Un instant.
01:21Oh oh !
01:22Je vais m'occuper de Mr. Salt dans la cuisine.
01:25Sacre bleu !
01:26Peux-tu t'attendre ici avec la table de côté ?
01:29Il vaut mieux qu'on l'ouvre.
01:30Super, désolé.
01:31Tenez cette pensée, je reviendrai tout de suite.
01:44Je ne sais jamais
01:51Je suis trop timide
01:57Pour même essayer
02:05Ok, maintenant, table de côté.
02:07Qu'est-ce que tu voulais me demander ?
02:10Est-ce que je... Est-ce que je... Est-ce que je...
02:13Est-ce que tu...
02:16Est-ce que je peux te donner ton livre ?
02:19Bien sûr.
02:21Merci, table de côté.
02:22Tu sais, je peux te dire que je vais vraiment avoir besoin de ton aide aujourd'hui.
02:26Je vais essayer de découvrir qui est le partenaire de la chanson bleue
02:28et de faire tout en temps pour le grand défilé.
02:31Tu m'aideras, n'est-ce pas ?
02:35Pour trouver des clous bleus, il faut trouver...
02:39Un papier !
02:40Oh, un papier !
02:42Correct, et c'est notre premier...
02:45Clou !
02:46Un clou ?
02:47Puis on le met dans le...
02:48Parce qu'il y a des clous, clous, clous, clous !
02:52On doit trouver un autre papier, c'est la deuxième clou !
02:55On le met dans le pas en ouvert parce qu'il y a des clous, clous...
02:58Les clous, les clous !
03:00On doit trouver le dernier papier, c'est la troisième clou !
03:03On le met dans le pas en ouvert parce qu'il y a des clous, clous, clous, clous !
03:07Tu sais ce qu'il faut faire.
03:08Sit down in our thinking chair and think, think, think
03:14Cause when we use our minds to take a step at a time
03:17We can do anything
03:21That's what I wanna do, do
03:33You know, I love songs
03:35I love singing songs
03:37I love making up songs
03:40In fact, that's what I wanna be
03:43In the big music show
03:44I wanna be a song maker-upper
03:47Yeah, do you wanna be a song maker-upper with me?
03:50Great, now all we need to do is make up a song
03:54Then we can sing it in the big music show
03:57Oh, great idea, Blue
03:59We better add that to our list of things to do
04:01Make up a song to sing with you in the big music show
04:13Oh, right
04:15And we need to find three Blue's Clues
04:17To figure out who should be Blue's singing partner
04:20Let's go
04:22We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:25We are looking for clues from Blue
04:27We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:30To figure out who should be Blue's singing partner
04:32Look, Steve, I'm putting up these posters
04:34To tell everyone about the show
04:36Oh, these are great
04:38We're gonna put the stage right there
04:41The whole neighborhood said they were coming
04:43Yep, the whole neighborhood
04:46Wow, we better keep looking for clues
04:48So that Blue has a singing partner before they get here
04:53We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:55We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:58Why can't I ever find a clue like you?
05:04Yeah, why is that?
05:06How come I never find the clues first?
05:08You know, just once, I'd like to find a clue first
05:11What was that?
05:14A clue!
05:16Yeah, that's what I'm saying
05:18I want to find a clue like you
05:20No, it's a clue
05:22Oh, you see a clue?
05:24On my shoe?
05:26A clue!
05:28A clue? Where? Where's the clue? I don't see
05:31On your notebook
05:37There's a clue
05:40There's a clue on the notebook
05:43Wow, our notebook is the first clue to who should be Blue's singing partner
05:48See, you're really good at finding clues
05:50I wish I was
05:52Okay, so we need to put our notebook in our notebook
05:57A loopy line for the spiral
06:00A square
06:02Then the thinking chair
06:10There, our handy dandy notebook
06:13So, we're trying to figure out who should be Blue's singing partner
06:17And our first clue is our notebook
06:21Well, who do you think should be Blue's singing partner in the big music show with our notebook?
06:29You think?
06:31Well, maybe, but we better find two more Blue's clues just to be sure
06:35And we still have a lot to do
06:37Where did I put that clipboard?
06:40Wasn't it just right here?
06:42You gotta see this trick! Come on!
06:49I, the amazing Periwinkle, am about to perform one of my favorite tricks
06:57I put this right here, and then I put this over here
07:00Look, it's Periwinkle from next door
07:02Hi, Periwinkle!
07:03Oh, hi!
07:04Where is my clipboard?
07:06Okay, I'm ready
07:08Say these magic words
07:14Okay, now you say that with me
07:19Watch this clipboard appiro!
07:23Do you think Steve will like my magic trick?
07:26You do?
07:27I'm gonna go show him right now!
07:29Steve! Steve, where did you go?
07:31I wanted to show you my big magic trick
07:33So I can be in your big magic show!
07:35Magic show?
07:37Did Periwinkle just say something about a magic show?
07:41Oh! Oh, he probably meant music show
07:48Look, it's our clipboard
07:50How did I miss that?
07:52Okay, let's take a look at our list
07:56We had our breakfast
08:01We still have a lot to do
08:03Make costumes, a stage and snacks
08:06And play blues clues
08:08And make up a song
08:11Steve! Where are the hats?
08:13Will you help me find the hats?
08:16Steve! I have something to ask you
08:19Come on, Steve!
08:23I'm really gonna need your help again
08:25Will you wait here with side table drawer
08:27While I go check out those hats with Slippery?
08:33Okay, I'll be right back
08:36Steve needs to hear
08:39I want to sing in the show
08:43I'm ready to ask
08:46He's got to know
08:53This time I'm gonna really do it
08:56I'm going to tell Steve I want to sing in the show
09:11Steve's got a silly hat
09:16Slippery's got a silly hat
09:20Side table's got a silly hat
09:30Steve, I want to do something in the music show
09:33Hey, that's a great idea, side table
09:36What do you want to do?
09:37I want to... I want to...
09:40I don't know
09:42Hey, I know
09:44I have a part that's perfect for you
09:47You do?
09:48Yeah, yeah
09:49You know how you're a side table, right?
09:52Well, you know how sometimes you hold things on top of tables, right?
09:59You could hold all our hats on top of your table
10:04That's what you could do
10:05That's a great idea, Steve
10:09See? You're a natural
10:13Side table gets to hold our hats
10:18Side table gets to hold our hats
10:29Being shy is also tough
10:35Now I'm stuck holding this stuff
10:44I'm not just a drawer
10:51A fact that's ignored
10:57Steve! Steve!
10:59Hey, nice hats
11:01Steve! Steve!
11:04What should we do with these paints?
11:06Well, those paints would be great to...
11:08Steve! Steve!
11:10I've got a stethoscope and a police badge
11:12What should I do with these props?
11:13Oh, well, you could take those...
11:14Steve! I have wood and a clothesline
11:16What do we do?
11:17Steve! Steve! Steve!
11:21Steve! What about these costumes?
11:23Oh, you could put those...
11:26Magenta, green, here
11:28And you brought more stuff
11:29Steve! Steve!
11:31What should we do with all this stuff?
11:36I think Blue has an idea
11:43So what is your idea, Blue?
11:47Oh, we can put these things together
11:50Yeah, when you put my stethoscope prop with my doctor's coat
11:54It makes a doctor's costume
11:57This is a great idea!
11:59Now we have costumes!
12:00Let's go see what else goes together
12:08We're putting it together
12:13Two kids are much more fun
12:18We're going to get the red book
12:20Yeah, come on!
12:21Okay, let's get ready!
12:26Paper! Paper will definitely be useful
12:29What should we put together with that paper?
12:36The scissors!
12:41Yeah, that's perfect!
12:42Now you can cut that paper with those scissors
12:45Good thinking!
12:46Like a scissor cuts paper
12:48Like a button needs a ruler
12:49Like a song needs a maker
12:51Every spatula needs a bowl
12:53A lampshade needs a lamp
12:55Like a letter needs a mailbox
12:57And a stamp, stamp, stamp
13:01We're putting it together
13:04Two kids are much more fun
13:09We're going to get the red book
13:11Yeah, come on!
13:12Let's go!
13:13Come on!
13:14What about my brushes?
13:16What should we put together with these brushes?
13:27That's perfect!
13:28Yeah, my brushes should go with your paint!
13:31Now we can paint things!
13:33Paints need a brush
13:34Like a doorknob needs a door
13:36Like a race car needs to run
13:38Every robot needs an oar
13:39Like a singer needs to sing
13:41And a local needs her bells to ring
13:47We're putting it together
13:52Two kids are much more fun
13:57We're going to get the red book
14:00We're putting it together
14:02Yeah, come on!
14:03Let's go!
14:04It's going to be a great stage!
14:10Right, Blue?
14:11It does look like our stage is missing something
14:15Do you see what we could put together with our stage?
14:23A curtain!
14:24A curtain?
14:26Magenta, you should put your curtain together with our stage!
14:29That's what it needs!
14:30Every curtain needs a stage
14:32Like a sailboat needs a sail
14:34Every book needs a page
14:36Every shovel needs a pound
14:38Like a fella needs his pants
14:40A dancer needs a song
14:41So he can dance and dance
14:46We're putting it together
14:50Two heads are much more
14:54Four heads are much more
14:58Six heads are much more
15:03We're getting together as one
15:07Great work, everyone!
15:08Great job!
15:10Right, Blue?
15:12Now, we get to check things off our list
15:16We made our costumes
15:20Our stage is ready
15:23So, what's next?
15:30We still have snacks to make
15:32We gotta play Blue's Clues and make our song
15:37It's a good thing we write all this stuff down
15:38Hey, Steve!
15:39There you are!
15:40I wanna show you something
15:41Hey, Perry!
15:42What do you wanna show us?
15:43Excuse me, Steve
15:44Where's the chocolate chips?
15:45Oh, they're on the bottom shelf
15:47Sorry, Perry Winkle, go ahead
15:51Bottom shelf!
15:55Bottom shelf!
16:00Oh, no!
16:01I better go see what's going on in the kitchen
16:03But you need to see my trick!
16:06Will you wait here with Perry Winkle while I go see what's going on in the kitchen?
16:11Sorry, Perry Winkle
16:12I'll be right back
16:20Do you wanna see another magic trick?
16:23Perry, perfect!
16:25I, the amazing Perry Winkle
16:28Will make this...
16:30This knob
16:34Nothing on my fur
16:35Nothing behind my ears
16:38Say the magic words!
16:51I did it!
16:52I did it!
16:53I did it!
16:54I did it!
16:55I made it disappear!
16:57I, am the amazing Perry Winkle
17:00This is my best trick ever!
17:02I gotta show Steve
17:05Where are you?
17:06Can I show you something?
17:07A clue!
17:09We found them
17:10On the bottom shelf
17:11Chocolate chips
17:12There's a clue!
17:15Did something happen out here I should know about?
17:18A clue!
17:19A clue!
17:20It's a clue
17:21Isn't it?
17:22Ok just wait
17:23I'll be right there
17:26Ok where is that clue?
17:28It's right there!
17:32It's right behind you!
17:41I can't find it
17:43Do you see it?
17:44Right there!
17:49Oh yeah
17:50It's right there
17:52You know
17:53I'd like to be able to find a clue
17:59Once, just once
18:01Like you
18:05Oh well
18:06Maybe next time
18:07Hey you know what we need?
18:08Our handy dandy
18:12You know what I left it over there
18:13Wait right here
18:15I'll be right back
18:23Why'd Steve leave?
18:25I know he'd like my tricks
18:27If I could only show him
18:33Ok so what is this clue?
18:36A knob!
18:37A knob!
18:40First an oval
18:42Then a line around like this
18:45A knob
18:48What was our first clue?
18:53Our notebook
18:55And now our second clue is
18:57A knob
18:59So who could be Blue's singing partner with a notebook and a knob?
19:07I think we better find our last clue to figure this out
19:09Before the big music show
19:11Which is really soon
19:13Come on
19:14How do they look?
19:17Alright so
19:18What do we have to do next?
19:20Oh great idea Blue
19:21We can look at our list
19:23See what we have to do next
19:26We had our breakfast
19:28We made our costumes
19:32Our stage is ready
19:34The cookies are done
19:37We made our snacks
19:40We still have to play Blue's Clues to find out who Blue's singing partner should be
19:44We already found two clues so
19:45We're getting pretty close
19:47We have our song
19:51Did I check by our song?
19:58We still have to make up a song that we can sing in the big music show
20:03What you have another idea?
20:06Blue's always thinking
20:11Hey is that a page of music?
20:12Hey is that a page of music?
20:17A page of music is a perfect place for us to make up our song
20:29Hey what's that noise?
20:33There it is again
20:38Where's that noise coming from?
20:44Oh this keyboard
20:48You're right
20:51This keyboard is making music
20:57Hey maybe we can use this keyboard to make our song for the big music show
21:03How about
21:11Yeah keep playing you're doing great
21:15You're good
21:20I'm Steve and
21:21I'm Steve
21:22I'm Steve
21:23I'm Steve
21:24I'm Steve
21:25I'm Steve
21:26I'm Steve
21:27I'm Steve
21:28I'm Steve
21:29I'm Steve
21:30I'm Steve
21:31I'm Steve
21:32I'm Steve
21:33I'm Steve
21:34I'm Steve
21:35I'm Steve
21:36I'm Steve
21:37I'm Steve
21:38I'm Steve
21:39I'm Steve
21:40I'm Steve
21:41I'm Steve
21:42I'm Steve
21:43I'm Steve
21:44I'm Steve
21:45I'm Steve
21:46I'm Steve
21:47I'm Steve
21:48I'm Steve
21:49I'm Steve
21:50I'm Steve
21:51I'm Steve
21:52I'm Steve
21:53I'm Steve
21:54I'm Steve
21:55I'm Steve
21:56I'm Steve
21:57I'm Steve
21:58I'm Steve
21:59I'm Steve
22:00I'm Steve
22:01I'm Steve
22:02I'm Steve
22:03I'm Steve
22:04I'm Steve
22:05I'm Steve
22:06I'm Steve
22:07I'm Steve
22:08I'm Steve
22:09I'm Steve
22:10I'm Steve
22:11I'm Steve
22:12I'm Steve
22:13I'm Steve
22:14I'm Steve
22:15I'm Steve
22:16I'm Steve
22:17I'm Steve
22:18I'm Steve
22:19I'm Steve
22:20I'm Steve
22:21I'm Steve
22:22I'm Steve
22:23I'm Steve
22:24I'm Steve
22:25I'm Steve
22:26I'm Steve
22:27I'm Steve
22:28I'm Steve
22:29I'm Steve
22:30I'm Steve
22:31I'm Steve
22:32I'm Steve
22:33I'm Steve
22:34I'm Steve
22:35I'm Steve
22:36I'm Steve
22:37I'm Steve
22:38I'm Steve
22:39I'm Steve
22:40I'm Steve
22:41I'm Steve
22:42I'm Steve
22:43I'm Steve
22:44I'm Steve
22:45I'm Steve
22:46I'm Steve
22:47I'm Steve
22:48I'm Steve
22:49I'm Steve
22:50I'm Steve
22:51I'm Steve
22:52I'm Steve
22:53I'm Steve
22:54I'm Steve
22:55I'm Steve
22:56I'm Steve
22:57I'm Steve
22:58I'm Steve
22:59I'm Steve
23:00I'm Steve
23:01I'm Steve
23:02I'm Steve
23:03I'm Steve
23:04I'm Steve
23:05I'm Steve
23:06I'm Steve
23:07I'm Steve
23:08I'm Steve
23:09I'm Steve
23:10I'm Steve
23:11I'm Steve
23:12I'm Steve
23:13I'm Steve
23:14I'm Steve
23:15I'm Steve
23:16I'm Steve
23:17I'm Steve
23:18I'm Steve
23:19I'm Steve
23:20I'm Steve
23:21I'm Steve
23:22I'm Steve
23:23I'm Steve
23:24I'm Steve
23:25I'm Steve
23:28Oh yeah, right
23:34Where are the
23:35Low notes
23:36On this keyboard
23:37There, right there
23:43And some notes are
23:48Put two notes together
23:53That's a harmony
23:54Who knows where they'll go
24:03Okay, let's pick some notes for our song
24:19Sounds great
24:20We have our notes
24:21You have them
24:22Oh, that's great
24:31Whoo, all right there
24:34You know
24:35I still think it needs something else
24:37That was beautiful, Steve
24:39You made some great rhythms
24:41I made rhythms?
24:42Yes, you did
24:44Every song's got a rhythm, Steve
24:46You just have to know how to use it
24:49I'll show you
24:53Now rest
24:57That means wait
25:00Now let's try this
25:02Rest, clap, clap
25:04Rest, clap
25:05Rest, clap, clap
25:07Rest, clap
25:09Hey, clap with us
25:17Excellent, Steve
25:19Now try to keep up with this
25:42Hey, this is great
25:43Let's try it again
25:50Make your note short
25:51And it makes your notes long
25:56Or it lets your notes rest
26:00And it's important your song
26:06makes your notes
26:10Short, right
26:12Or it
26:13makes your notes
26:20Short and long.
26:21I like it.
26:22How about some rhythm for us?
26:23I can't wait to have some rhythm.
26:25I love rhythm.
26:27You gotta have some rhythm.
26:30Let's pick a rhythm for our song.
26:42Not quite, but it's close.
26:44It's getting there.
26:45It's getting there.
26:52Hang in there, Steve.
26:53Almost, Steve.
26:54It's almost there.
26:55You're closer than you think.
27:00I like that one.
27:01I like that one.
27:02Oh, yeah.
27:03Great job, Steve.
27:05This rhythm's great.
27:10But I still think it needs something else.
27:13What you need, Steve, is tempo.
27:16Tempo is all about how fast or slow a song goes.
27:19It's like this.
27:23Oh, like a train.
27:26Be a train with me, Steve.
27:42As you go.
27:44Like the train that's leaving from the station.
27:51Or it might speed up a little at a time.
27:55Now the train's going fast.
27:57Chug, chug, chugging down the line.
27:59There's a ton of choices.
28:01However you go, it's about fast and slow
28:04when it comes to tempo.
28:10All right.
28:17So, what is tempo all about?
28:20Because it's about...
28:26Fast and slow.
28:28Because it's about fast and slow
28:30when it comes to tempo.
28:33Let's add some tempo to our song.
28:35Yeah, tempo.
28:36That's my favorite part.
28:37Gotta have some tempo.
28:38I love tempo.
28:41Let's make a tempo for our song.
28:51No, that's too slow.
29:00I like that one.
29:03Nice job.
29:05So, we picked our notes.
29:07We have a rhythm.
29:08Now we have a tempo.
29:24I like it.
29:25I really do.
29:26But maybe it needs a little something else.
29:32Excuse me, Mr. Clef.
29:34We still feel like our song needs a little something.
29:37It surely does, Steve.
29:42Nous avons choisi nos notes.
29:44Nous avons décidé sur un rythme.
29:47Et nous avons choisi un tempo.
29:49Oui, mais vous avez encore besoin d'une chose.
29:54Maintenant, vous avez les morceaux.
29:58Mais ils ne font pas un trou.
30:02Pour faire de la musique,
30:05vous devez donner votre esprit.
30:10Un peu.
30:41Si c'est notre chanson,
30:43vous devez ajouter votre esprit aussi.
30:47Vous êtes prêts?
30:50Répétez après moi.
31:10Nous l'avons fait.
31:11Nous avons fait notre chanson.
31:13Je savais que vous l'aviez fait.
31:15Je ne sais pas d'où ça vient,
31:17mais quand vous chantez...
31:40Je ne sais pas d'où ça vient,
31:41mais quand vous chantez...
31:44C'est là.
31:49Plus que les notes,
31:51vous devez donner quelque chose de vous-même.
31:55Quelque chose de vous-même.
31:57Vous devez donner quelque chose de vous-même.
32:00Vous devez donner quelque chose de vous-même.
32:03Vous devez donner quelque chose de vous-même.
32:06Vous devez donner quelque chose de vous-même.
32:08Quelque chose de vous-même.
32:12Plus que les mots.
32:15C'est l'esprit.
32:16C'est l'âme.
32:17Faites-le vous-même.
32:18C'est là.
32:21La musique me fait bouger.
32:23Me fait heureux.
32:24Je dois y aller.
32:26Quand vous l'entendez,
32:27si vous le ressentez,
32:28la musique est là.
32:29Vous avez l'esprit.
32:31Hey, hey.
32:32Hey, hey.
32:33Choubity day.
32:34Choubity day, oui.
32:36Bip bop bae.
32:37Bip bop bae.
32:38Bip bop bae.
32:39Hey, hey.
32:40Hey, hey.
32:41I can't say where it comes from,
32:43but when you sing,
32:45sing, there it is.
32:50You know what?
32:51I can't say where it comes from,
32:53but when you sing,
32:55sing, there it is.
33:01I can't say where it comes from,
33:03but when you sing,
33:05sing, there it is.
33:09Bye, G-Clef.
33:10Bye, Steve.
33:19Hey, we made up our song.
33:23I feel a lot better.
33:27Right, Blue?
33:28Let's check this off our list.
33:31We made up our song.
33:35We still have one more thing left to do.
33:39Still have to play Blue's Clues.
33:42We gotta find our last clue
33:44to find a partner for Blue.
33:48Maybe this time,
33:49I'll find the clue myself.
33:51Come on.
33:52Steve, Steve.
33:53There you are.
33:54Where should I put this chair?
33:56Right here.
33:57I need to show you something.
33:59What do you want to show us, Periwinkle?
34:01Don't move.
34:02Just let me go get it.
34:05Steve, come quick.
34:09Come on, Steve.
34:11I better go see what's going on.
34:13Will you wait here
34:15and tell Periwinkle where I went?
34:17Great, thanks.
34:23Behold my magic bag of tricks.
34:26Now for my first trick, I will...
34:31Did Steve leave again?
34:33Steve's so busy.
34:35I'll never get to show him any of my magic tricks.
34:43I'm really gonna need your help.
34:45We've got a very serious situation over there with Slippery.
34:47Will you help us?
34:49Hang on, Slippery.
34:52Like a captain on a boat...
34:58Are you all right?
35:01Are you all right?
35:03I keep slipping.
35:05Let me try again.
35:08Like a captain on a...
35:10On a rolling...
35:15What if I slip on stage during the music show?
35:18That's a good question.
35:20I don't know.
35:21I know.
35:23When something goes wrong,
35:24don't give up.
35:30When Tickety couldn't sing, did that stop her?
35:34She went on and found something else to do.
35:37So, when something goes wrong,
35:39don't give up.
35:41Just go on.
35:49I can do that.
35:53If something goes wrong
35:59I won't give up
36:02I'll go on
36:04All right.
36:05Way to go.
36:06Great job, Slippery.
36:07You were great.
36:13Don't worry, Blue.
36:14We'll find you a partner so you can go on too.
36:17As soon as Steve finds a third clue.
36:29I better find that third clue.
36:32Steve, the neighbors are coming.
36:35The neighbors?
36:37Yeah, look.
36:40Oh, the neighbors.
36:43We have to go find the third clue.
36:45Steve, you need to collect the tickets.
36:48We can't do it.
36:49We got to find the third clue.
36:50Can't you do it?
36:51I can't do it.
36:52I got to practice my jokes.
36:53Somebody's got to do it.
36:54Somebody's got to collect the tickets
36:55while we look for the clue.
36:57I knew who could do it.
37:01Side table.
37:02You don't have to hold those hats anymore.
37:04I don't?
37:06I've got something else for you to do.
37:07You do?
37:09It's another job.
37:10You're perfect for it.
37:11Come with me.
37:12What kind of job, Steve?
37:17Okay, so here's my idea.
37:19You know how you're a side table drawer, right?
37:24You know how sometimes drawers hold things, right?
37:29Well, this is what I was thinking.
37:30You could stand by this post
37:32and collect everyone's tickets for the show
37:34and hold them in your drawer.
37:37What do you think?
37:38Think you can do that job?
37:40I guess so.
37:42Thanks, side table.
37:44Come on.
37:45Now we better find that third clue fast.
37:48I'm not just a drawer.
37:55I could do so much more.
37:57These things never start on time.
37:59Here you go.
38:00One ticket.
38:02Enjoy the show.
38:08This is it.
38:10This is my chance to find a clue.
38:17I'm gonna find the third clue.
38:19I'm gonna find that third clue.
38:21Hi, Steve.
38:22Have you found that third clue yet?
38:23Uh, no.
38:24I'm still looking.
38:26I'm still looking for the third clue.
38:28I wonder...
38:29Hi, Steve.
38:30What's the third clue?
38:31Yeah, have you found it yet?
38:33Actually, I haven't found it yet.
38:35Still haven't found the third clue.
38:41Still looking.
38:43Hi, Steve.
38:44Hi, Steve.
38:45Did you hear the one about the guy
38:46who was taking a really long time to find a clue?
38:52I'm still trying to find the third clue.
38:55Hi, Steve.
38:56You need to find that clue soon
38:58because Blue needs a partner real bad.
39:02I know.
39:03I know.
39:05I know.
39:06I know Blue needs to find a singing partner
39:09for the big show, but...
39:12But I can't find the clue.
39:39What should I do?
39:41We're not here anymore.
39:43We're not in the audience anymore.
39:59Don't give up, Just keep going
40:02When something goes wrong
40:04Don't give up, Just keep going
40:07I just gotta keep on
40:09I can find that clue! Are you with me?
40:12Yes! Yes!
40:13Come on!
40:19It's true, yes it's true
40:24When things went wrong
40:28You know I didn't give up
40:32Until I found my...
40:35I really did it!
40:36I found my very first clue
40:40Ok! All right!
40:42You know what we need?
40:43We need our handy dandy...
40:47Right! Because I found the third clue
40:49And you gotta draw the clues in the notebook
40:52All right!
40:53Our third clue is...
40:56Is a drawer
40:59So, a rectangle for the front
41:01And lines for the sides
41:03And the back
41:04And a curve for the handle
41:07A drawer
41:08Hey! We have all three clues
41:12That means...
41:13We just have to figure out who should be Blue's singing partner
41:15And the music show can go on
41:17We're ready to sit in our...
41:19Thinking chair!
41:20Thinking chair!
41:21Let's go!
41:22Boy, I hope we can hear the mailboxes
41:24Hi Steve!
41:25Hi! Hey! How are you?
41:26I didn't know you were going to be here
41:28Hey, big guy!
41:29Hi Steve!
41:30Hi! How you doing?
41:31I can't wait! I can't wait!
41:33When's the show starting?
41:39Now that we're in our...
41:40Thinking chair
41:41Let's think
41:44So, we're trying to figure out
41:46Who should be Blue's singing partner
41:48And our clues are...
41:53A knob
41:57A drawer
42:02I have a notebook!
42:03Maybe it's me!
42:05Wait, I don't have a knob
42:08Or a drawer
42:12Some drawers have knobs
42:15But then what about the notebook?
42:20Maybe the notebook could go in the drawer
42:24Who do we know who has a drawer
42:28With a knob
42:29And holds our notebook?
42:33Side table drawer!
42:37Side table drawer has a drawer with a knob
42:39And she holds our notebook
42:42Is that who you want to be your partner?
42:43Side table drawer?
42:46We just figured out Blue's clues!
42:50We just figured out Blue's clues
42:52We just figured out Blue's clues
42:54We just figured out Blue's clues
42:56Cause we're really smart
42:59Right, Blue?
43:00Now we get to check this off our list
43:03We played Blue's clues
43:05And figured out who should be Blue's singing partner
43:07In the big music show
43:13Hey, look at that
43:14We finished everything on our list
43:16That means the big music show can go on
43:19Hey, side table!
43:20Guess what?
43:21We figured out the...
43:23Side table?
43:28Oh, she's collecting tables
43:30Oh, she's collecting tickets
43:33Well, let's go tell side table drawer
43:35That Blue wants to be her partner
43:37In the big music show
43:38Come on!
43:41Hey, everybody!
43:42Guess what?
43:43I found the third clue!
43:45You did?
43:46Yeah, and we figured out Blue's clues and everything
43:47Who is it?
43:48It's side table drawer!
43:50Come on, let's go tell her!
43:52Yeah, let's go!
43:54Wait a minute
43:56Where's side table drawer?
43:57Where'd she go?
43:58Wasn't she right here?
44:01Side table drawer is missing
44:04We've got to find her
44:05Yeah, um...
44:06We better split up and look for side table
44:08Yeah, I'll look in the front yard
44:10We'll look by the sand table
44:11And the slide
44:12We'll look in the bedroom
44:13And the bathroom
44:15That's a great idea!
44:16Let's split up and look for side table
44:18Yeah, I'll look in the front yard
44:19We'll look by the sand table
44:20And the slide
44:21We'll look in the bedroom
44:22And the bathroom
44:25Blue and I will go check behind the stage
44:26And why don't you...
44:27Excuse me!
44:28There you are!
44:29Are you ready to see my trick now?
44:33Periwinkle, we can't look at your trick right now
44:35Side table drawer is missing
44:36And we've got to find her right away
44:38Will you help us?
44:40If we find side table
44:41Then can you look at my trick?
44:43Of course
44:46Okay, great
44:47Can you go with Periwinkle
44:48And check in the backyard?
44:53Now, let's meet back here
44:54In a few minutes
44:55Come on!
44:56Let's go!
44:57Come on!
44:58Let's go find side table drawer
44:59When we find side table drawer
45:00Then I can show Steve my magic trick
45:03Are you looking?
45:04Remember to yell out if you see her
45:06Come on!
45:10Side table!
45:12I've got to find you
45:13So I can show Steve my magic trick
45:21Do you see her yet?
45:23Where are you side table?
45:29Side table drawer
45:31It's side table
45:33It's side table drawer
45:35Hey side table
45:36Why are you over here all alone?
45:38Hi Periwinkle
45:40I'm sad
45:41Because I'm not going to sing in the show
45:43I never told Steve that I wanted to
45:45I know how you feel
45:47Steve never got to see any of my magic tricks
45:50I could sing
45:53I know I could
45:57I'm more than a drawer
46:00I'm not just wood
46:05I want to be in the show
46:12But they'll never know
46:16I really like your singing side table
46:19You do?
46:21Do you like my singing too?
46:25Do you think I should tell Steve I want to sing in the show?
46:29All right
46:30This time I'm really going to do it
46:32I'm going to tell Steve I want to sing in the show
46:39Side table wait!
46:41I have a great idea for a magic trick
46:43I'll make you appear
46:45And then everyone can hear you sing your song
46:49Quick, hide under my cape
46:51I'm going to sing, I'm going to ask
46:53Steve's going to see my magic at last
46:57I need you to yell
46:58Everyone come here
47:00Go ahead, yell
47:01Everyone come here
47:04Everyone come here
47:06Everyone come here
47:08Everyone come here
47:10Everyone come here
47:12Who's calling?
47:13Did you call us?
47:14What's going on?
47:15Steve, what's this?
47:16You're going to see my best trick ever
47:18Yeah, but Perry
47:19Trust me, you want to see this trick
47:22Say the magic words
47:24Perry, Pocus, Pocus, Crocus
47:27Perry, Pocus, Pocus, Crocus
47:30Side table's drawing coming to focus
47:34Side table
47:35Side table
47:37I just want to sing
47:39Sing, sing, sing in the show
47:41I just didn't know
47:43I just wanted to
47:44You just wanted to sing
47:46In the show
47:52Side table, that's why we were looking for you
47:54Blue wants you to be her singing partner
47:57Blue's singing partner?
47:59Yeah, really
48:01I'm so glad that I asked
48:04Now I get to join the cast
48:07Pretty trick, huh?
48:09Perry Winkle, that was a fantastic trick
48:12Now that we have side table drawing
48:14We can go on with the big music show
48:17Music show?
48:18You mean magic show?
48:20No, it's a music show
48:22Oh, a music show
48:26Is it really a music show?
48:29Yeah, a music show
48:31You know, we're going to sing some songs
48:32Do some dances
48:33Tell some jokes
48:34And wear costumes
48:35You know, me, me, me
48:37A music show
48:38Music show?
48:39I thought we were having a magic show
48:44I don't want to sing
48:50Perry Winkle disappeared
48:58Don't give up
49:00Maybe there's something else you can do
49:05Steve, what's going on back here?
49:12Steve, what's going on back here?
49:14When is your show going to start?
49:18I wonder what's going on
49:20Hey, are we ready to go on?
49:22I can't go on yet, I forgot my job
49:24I don't have my costume on yet
49:26And I still need my practice
49:28Hey, where'd you put the animals?
49:30Steve, we need more time
49:32Um, we're almost ready
49:34You know, just making a few last minute things to do
49:37We want the show
49:39We want the show
49:41We want the show
49:42Hurry up Steve, we can't wait
49:44We want the show
49:47Okay, we need more time
49:49You can go out right now while we finish getting ready
49:54Perry Winkle
49:56Of course
49:57Yeah, Perry Winkle, he can do his tricks
50:00Excellent idea
50:01That's a great idea
50:02Perry Winkle
50:04Will you go do your magic tricks
50:06While we finish getting ready?
50:08Do my magic tricks?
50:10I'd love to
50:11Great, Perry Winkle can entertain the audience
50:13While we finish getting ready backstage
50:16That way he can be in the show too
50:18Come on
50:26Okay, uh
50:28Before we begin
50:29The You Can Be Anything You Wanna Be show
50:32We have a very special opening act
50:34Starring the amazing Perry Winkle
50:38Perry Winkle appear
50:51Do another trick
50:54Hold on to your seats
50:56And get ready for a magic show
50:58Perry Pocus Pocus Crocus
51:01Now pick a card, any card
51:03No, not that card
51:08Is everyone getting ready?
51:09Slippery, do you have your costume on?
51:10I'm ready
51:11Great, shovel
51:15Okay, mailbox
51:16Ready Steve
51:18Blue, side tape
51:20La la la
51:21Wait, where's my partner?
51:23There you are
51:24Are you ready?
51:26Thank you, thank you
51:28Perry Winkle's finishing up
51:31Perry Pocus Pocus Crocus
51:35Gotta go kiss
51:45Nice going Perry Winkle
51:47Great magic show Perry Winkle
51:48Hey, thanks
51:49Are you all ready?
51:52Places everyone
51:55Okay, slippery
51:57You're on next
52:03Okay everyone
52:04Here comes what you've been waiting for
52:06That you can be anything you wanna be
52:19I can be anything
52:22I can be anything
52:33Oh no, slippery slipped
52:35That's just what he was afraid of
52:38What should we do?
52:40I know, I have an idea
52:42This is what we can do
52:52What should we do?
52:54We can do anything
52:56Come on, we can do anything
52:57Something goes wrong
53:02Something goes wrong
53:08Don't give up
53:13Don't give up
53:18Don't give up
53:21Just go
53:26Let's go
53:29I can be anything that I wanna be
53:32Like the captain of a boat on a rolling sea
53:35Don't give up, just go on
53:39Great job, Sabrina
53:41To the animal doctors is a race
53:44Killing dogs and cats and birds and fish
53:49Just go to the animal doctors
53:54I can be anything that I wanna be
53:58Don't give up, you know it's true
54:00I can do anything that I wanna do
54:07Steve, Steve
54:12Steve, I'm stuck and it's my turn
54:15Ok, Mailbox, don't worry, we'll get you unstuck
54:18Can you help me find what's stuck?
54:27Ok, Mailbox, here you go
54:37Don't give up, Mailbox, we know you can do it
54:40You're really funny, Mailbox, just go on
54:43Pretty funny move, huh?
54:47Knock, knock
54:48Who's there?