00:00You know what I just thought about? I barely see her smile. Granted, I'm not religious,
00:05but from the outside looking in, you know, she always testifies about how God had delivered her
00:11from being gay and stuff like that. And the grown woman in me is genuinely concerned, like,
00:16girl, are you really happy? If you want to be gay, just be gay. It's like every time I look at her,
00:21I just see sadness in her eyes. And I feel as if she uses her marriage religion to cover up that
00:28she's still, she's still like women. And I feel like she thought having a husband, having children,
00:35having a platform with will make her happy. But she's really not happy. Like you could
00:41look at her and tell. I don't know. That's what that's just what I think. This is my opinion.