NECA Universal Monsters Frankenstein Head Knockers Reissue

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NECA Universal Monsters Frankenstein Head Knockers Reissue


00:00apparently when you're making monsters you got to add springs here's your
00:03spooky spot on the neck of toys Frankenstein head knocker
00:30genius crosses the line into madness when dr. Henry Frankenstein becomes
00:37obsessed with creating life out of death grave robbing with his hunchback
00:41assistance he pieces together the semblance of a man but what he reanimates
00:45is a wretched creature uncontrollable and ultimately doomed get a lot of this
00:50it's a monster that moves the first thing we'll do is we'll grab the tape
00:53measure to see how tall the neck is Frankenstein head knocker actually
00:57stands then maybe we'll bring in a couple things for comparison sake the
01:01figure though is first gonna stand about 8 inches in height or Frankenstein's
01:05monster stands about 20 centimeters tall for some creepy comparisons first here's
01:09with a head knocker Frankenstein looks like with the earlier looked at
01:13trick-or-treat Sam I don't know if anyone would look at the two and say
01:17that they're sized appropriately I mean obviously if you look at Sam Sam's
01:20obviously sitting on a rock but if Sam was to stand up Sam would be well off
01:24probably past the screen so they're not probably the best size to one another I
01:28don't think though if you're collecting the head knockers at least for me at
01:30least I don't know if I would be displaying the two together Sam would be
01:34off doing his own thing and Frankie I would like to have then display with
01:37other universal monster head knockers which NECA has done in the past speaking
01:41though of Frankenstein's monster I couldn't help but obviously bring in the
01:44ultimate version that we did get although I did bring in the black and
01:47white the one that we get for the head knockers full in color well well well I
01:51knew there was a stench in the air joining us now is of course the
01:54paranormal candle I don't know what messages we'll be getting from the
01:57afterlife but let's hope that they don't interrupt this review as I did say
02:01earlier NECA did release head knockers of all the universal monsters in fact
02:06what we're getting here with Frankenstein is essentially a reissue
02:09but I think there are some changes that they have made the initial run of head
02:13knockers from NECA toys I think consisted of seven characters which was
02:16Frankenstein bride of Frankenstein Dracula the creature from the Black
02:20Lagoon Wolfman mummy and the Phantom of the Opera those are though going for
02:25crazy stupid money online and think actually at the time of doing the record
02:28I just happen to look online and see what the prices were going for and
02:31somebody was selling and I still think of the listings up there a full set of
02:35seven for like $1,300 I can't justify that I could though justify some of the
02:41reissues that we've gotten the ones that at least have seen have been Wolfman
02:45bride of Frankenstein Dracula and of course yours truly the one thing I did
02:49say though is it I think they have made some changes to them more specifically
02:53in the neck from what I've seen at least in the images the earlier released
02:57Frankenstein head knocker had a notably shorter neck the one thing you can see
03:01it's drawing probably an eyesore here is the fact that Frankenstein's neck is
03:04considerably long I think most in fact of the head knockers we're getting now
03:09all seem to have longer necks I don't know why necessarily it I don't think it
03:13has anything really to do with the fact it has to be able to clear the spring
03:16which of course this being a bobblehead does have a spring function but the
03:21earlier Frankenstein I think had a slightly shorter neck maybe they also
03:23did that as well to clear the bolts that he has on his neck which are nicely
03:26painted has probably already mentioned this in the early review of Sam I'll
03:30mention this again that these are cast in resin very meticulously hand-painted
03:34you can really see there's a lot of work that went behind the scenes to make this
03:37guy reality on the front here of his display stand you can see it's cast
03:42Frankenstein we're not gonna feel the need to add creature we're not gonna
03:46even feel the need to add monster we're just gonna stick to the idea that this
03:48guy's name is Frankenstein on the bottom of this though you've got the Universal
03:52Monster logo and of course you've got NECA down below that as well off to the
03:57side I don't know if these would be diodes you know polled electron
04:02electro broads anything you'd like to call these these would basically do the
04:06thing that gives Frankenstein life this would have been nice if they had
04:09actually colored this a little bit brighter than what they did I mean
04:11they're they've only really painted this and almost like a brownish purple had
04:15they maybe perhaps painted this in a bright blue so it looks like maybe like
04:18the diode or the again the rod is perhaps maybe lit or illuminated or
04:24perhaps pulsating electricity I think that would be a nice touch and then
04:28we've also got this piece here also as well that's using a translucent clear
04:31plastic of course looking up from that we can see the back of Frankenstein's
04:35monster not probably the place that you can be looking at this especially if you
04:38got this on the shelf but let's spin this around so we can see this front and
04:40center head sculpt looks fantastic though bearing a good I feel a good
04:44likeness to Karloff although this again being done in color I would love to see
04:48what they could do this in black and white and I don't think yet we've gotten
04:51black and white versions of the universal head knockers but obviously
04:53that would be the best thing to do as a you know a spin-off from what they're
04:57already doing right now you've got of course the red there paint on the side
05:00of his face little staples and stitches and all the things that are keeping his
05:04head together and it's very somber look to Frankie it looks like he's almost
05:07looking off to the side is he looking at the candle I'm looking at the candle
05:10sorry what you silly candle nicely colored though for what it is it doesn't
05:16look like it's just simply using one color of green it's probably a few
05:19little colors and different contrast that they've added there so you can see
05:22like some lighter greens maybe playing around his area of his nose some darker
05:26greens more around the recessed sections of his eyes there is one little section
05:30right here you can probably see it for yourself there's a little bit of white
05:33that looks like it's blood Anna it already gives what would be as drooping
05:36I even more drooping s by the fact that now I'm drawing my attention to the fact
05:40he's got this little it almost looks like a little whisker a whisker of
05:44white that he has to the side of his eye but in that though it looks really quite
05:47good the coloring of his hair looks good I mean obviously when we get to the torn
05:51and tattered caution that he wears as well you got the stitches there on his
05:54hand those are nicely done you've got the even the fingernails as grimy and
05:58disgusting as they may look and we've got some additional wash of red added in
06:01there as well like it's a really nice looking bobblehead it's not though as
06:04heavy as the same that we looked at earlier primarily because obviously he's
06:08first of all on his own and because of course the nature of his body too he's a
06:11little leaner he's a little taller he's a tall drink of water of course this was
06:16carefully packed when I removed this from the tray there was the of course
06:20the little bit of plastic that was wrapped around his neck I already freed
06:23that so he has full freedom to move his head around being that this is obviously
06:27resin I'm sure it goes without saying to say this just be careful I've seen
06:31moving things back and forth if you are one that likes to have your bobblehead
06:34sitting in your dash of your car I would not probably recommend you maybe using
06:37a resin bobblehead simply just because again like if this is moving around in
06:41the car the likelihood of breaking it would be very potentially high I think
06:44if anything is gonna break on this it's likely gonna be his fingers because
06:47they're the smallest things of resin and maybe even like the bolts inside of his
06:50neck so just tread cautiously all in all though a nice-looking head knocker of
06:54Frankie love to have gotten my chance to get the original initial seven of these
06:59but for the what the prices are what they're being asked for now online
07:02there's no way I'm gonna be shelling over $1,300 when really now the reissues
07:06are going for around $40 online and that's just from regular online sites
07:12that normally stock and sell neck at neck ahead knockers the ones at least
07:16that I've been able to see from some of the sites is a bride of Frankenstein a
07:19wolfman Dracula and of course Frankenstein we've looked at in this
07:22review so at least if I can get the four yes I wouldn't be able to get the mummy
07:26and Phantom of the Opera and creature from the black black lagoon but hey you
07:29never know Nega may also reissue those down the road as well but there'd be the
07:34first issue or reissue really isn't an issue at all for me when I'm really
07:38collecting things from my own collection space I really have to look at a budget
07:41first and foremost so there's the option of going 150 to $200 for that first run
07:45Frankie or I could spend 30 to 40 dollars to get the reissue when really
07:50when you're having these on the shelf no one would be any bit the wiser the one
07:53thing I have noticed though is looking at more images online of the head
07:56knocker Frankenstein the first issue well I did think that the neck was a
08:00little shorter I think the neck is the exact same length it would make the most
08:04sense anyways if neck has got the mold why would they have to retool it when
08:08just recasting it would be so much easier more financially effective also
08:12to the coloring seems to change depending on what images you see some of
08:16the first run Frankenstein head knocker seemed to convey the idea that skin was
08:20a little bit more of a grayish green when I've seen other images where it
08:23looks like it's more of a green being that these are hand-painted resin
08:26bobbleheads I mean obviously some of the colors may change from one Frankie to
08:30another at the end of it though I really again have to look at this being
08:33a $40 head knocker it's much easier on my budget than spending $150 to $200 or
08:38hey if you have enough to fork over drop the $1,300 for the listing of the seven
08:42that's online right now as though a side note I did mention earlier I would love
08:46to have seen these done in black and white and apparently NECA did show in
08:51Toy Fair 2012 I believe black and white releases of those they got to exist
08:56they got to be circulating around somewhere online I would love to get my
08:59hands on black and white releases I'm providing of course dot dot dot they're
09:03not going for crazy stupid money as a side note though if you are the person
09:07that's currently listing those seven head knockers online I'm not trying to
09:10demean the fact that you were selling for $1,300 I mean if you think that
09:14that's what they're worth maybe hey they might even be worth that all the power
09:17to you if you can actually sell them for $1,300 I just I don't have the budget
09:20for that if you guys though are interested the good news at least is the
09:24reissues of Frankenstein Dracula Bride of Frankenstein as far as I know Wolfman
09:29are the only ones that I've seen online it doesn't mean that the reissues don't
09:32exist for the remaining three but those are the only ones I've been able to see
09:35and they're about thirty to forty dollars a far cry from what they're
09:38originally going for what do you guys think of the head knocker let me know
09:41down below in the comment section have you been collecting any of the
09:43universal monsters you even have Frankenstein and maybe you're even one
09:47of the lucky ones that have the initial first waves also if you guys did do it
09:51enjoy this video do it a solid throw it a like you guys want to stick around for
09:54more so I hope so hit that subscribe turn on that Bell of course the biggest
09:58thing is that you're coming back we may be wrapping up things right now for
10:02Frankenstein's monster but there's gonna be a lot more videos coming your way
10:05during the month of Spottober and I'm sure the candles gonna be joining us all
10:09that time anyways as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
