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00:00What's up Wolfpack fam it's your boy Kid back at it again
00:13Hope you're doing well continue my journey of dad's army with the crew with adventures lie on this week's episode
00:17I got to stay tuned to find out ladies and gentlemen snacks. It's not included damn it
00:22You got to bring your own don't forget to Like comment subscribe absolutely free to do shout out to their patrons as well
00:27Thank you so much for your support. Let's get this journey started. Let's get it
00:30Snacks not included. Let's freaking go
01:00No, it's three this week my brother's home on leave from the army
01:12Have I got enough for a joint
01:17Hardly a joint mrs. Fox now unless your books dear unless you have brisket, that's cheap
01:22So you get plenty of it, but it's rather tough
01:25Whereas if you ask cutlets, you don't get too much of them or tooth them. I'll take the cutlets
01:36If you haven't got any what we blather on about fun, there's no call for you to be impatient, mr.
01:41Fraser there's a war on you know
01:44Let me think
01:45What about some nice champagnes?
01:47See you get plenty of those. They're not too tough. They're fairly tooth them. Oh, well, I'll take those
01:53I mean I want to feed him up because well, he was a Dunkirk, you know
02:01In that case, I'll let you have a couple of sausages
02:12Forum and I rolled bandages. Well, you can't have sausages for that. I've got to draw the line somewhere
02:20Three and seven, please. Sorry. Thank you. Mr. Jones
02:25Now mr. Fraser what the night you can hear I didn't get my corned beef last week. I've come for it now
02:30Well, you should become this morning. Look, that's all I've got left
02:34Them scrums. I'm not paying the sliced rate for a lot of crumbs
02:38Well, you can have the lot for six
02:44Have you heard about sergeant Wilson? No, what about him? They say he's not to be found
02:49He hasn't been in the bank all day. No, as you very well know
02:53I'm not one for tittle-tattle or gossip of any kind
02:57It's my belief. Yes, there has been a rift in the loot. What loot?
03:03Mrs. Pike's loot you all differ
03:06It's been a rift in mrs. Pike's loot
03:11Mr. Wilson
03:14No, you can rely on me that's all right
03:17It's no good you coming around here Joe. You're not registered with me
03:21Anyway, we've closed in the shop Raymond close up the shop cash up Doris. How about a nice bit of rabbit rabbit?
03:27You'll be lucky. I haven't seen one for six weeks
03:38Pictures for the war effort decide Bob. Oh, I don't want the skin back. What for I wouldn't have put it past him to have it
03:47Now I've got this friend he makes mint coats
03:50Well, you can't get me. Can you?
03:53Well, look one rabbits no good to me that make my life a misery soon
03:57They heard I got rabbit. They'd be a queue right up past Timothy Weitz
04:04Haven't had any offerings since Friday
04:07I've got less than half a sausage per book and two tins of corned beef was blown and they blame me
04:13You know, I can't sleep at night fish. I'm getting near to the thin end of my wedge and that's a fact
04:19Worry about it Jones is not your fault
04:21What I hear them talk you'd think it was now if I forget 50 of them that would restore their faith in me
04:27No, no chance of that. I'm afraid you can't get the ammunition
04:30Well, I've got to get something off the ration from somewhere Joe
04:35Something off the ration I yeah
04:37Well, I don't know. It'll be difficult. I mean these sources of supply are very limited, you know
04:43By the way, I think it's just possible that I might be able to help you
04:48Have you heard of a thousand? Well, you know what? Well, let it tell us all not a breed it to us all
04:54On a boat that is something to be proud of
04:58Anyway, I was coming out the library with another a flame delve at my sister Dolly and I saw sergeant Wilson at Alexander Park
05:05with this girl I
05:07Knew it. There's a woman at the bottom of this. He had his arm around it, but I'm sure there's nothing in it
05:13Oh, wait, we must deprive it here. No, I know his face
05:18Don't know the ruin of him. Yeah, he's got a mark
05:30Any news of Sergeant Wilson?
05:32He's not at mums. Mr. Manry
05:34This is most unlike Wilson
05:35One thing you can all say about him is that he's dependable if he doesn't appear by this evening
05:39I shall have to contact the police. I
05:41Wouldn't do that. If I were you mr. Manry. Oh
05:44Why not?
05:45well, I'm
05:47I'm sure he'll turn up sooner or later
05:50You hiding something? No, mr. Manry
05:53Come on out with it boy
05:56Well the night before last he and mum had words
06:05Well, I was in bed at the time so I couldn't hear much leaning over the banisters
06:12He shouted at mum and she threw him out the front door and threw his ration book after him
06:17Go on well after a bit
06:22After he thrown pebbles at her bedroom window. She shouted
06:26Clear off you beast and then she chucked something at him and it broke
06:34Now I understand well, she got up early in the morning and picked up the pieces I see all except the handle
06:41Now keep this to yourself pike. Yes, of course
06:54So sergeant Wilson is still action without leave or at least not present without leave
07:19Your problems are over. I've got them got what feels the ration meat pigeons
07:27Pigeons where are they in the boiler house next to marines office?
07:30Well, we better put him in my cold room if I keep him in the boiler house. They'd go off. No, they won't
07:36They're not dead yet
07:40To me not dead. It's all flapping about they're not flapping about I've got them don't how do you think I called them?
07:52The two ready for inspections up Thank You corporal. Thank you, sir
07:56Fall in please
08:08Why aren't you wearing uniform Walker? I'm sorry, sir. I was out supplying essential to supplies. That's no excuse
08:14We're all doing essential work, you know, yeah, I know sir, but there was a bit of a flat on
08:33Ready now corporal. Yes. Yes giants. I'm ready for anything, sir
08:39On Sunday, there will be a voluntary church parade
08:43And I shall expect all to attend
08:47What do you have a word with the vicar asking to reduce his service the length they go on rather long sometimes it can be
08:52very inconvenient
08:56Yourself Godfrey
08:58Now your arms drill is getting very sloppy. You may not think this is very important, but I prefer to go into battle
09:06Tidy soldiers down with sloppy and shoddy so
09:10So we're gonna brass it up
09:13As sergeant Wilson isn't with us tonight. I should take it myself
09:18Right property's everywhere
09:46Didn't realize it was you I think I must have must have dropped off go to my office at once what into my office
10:19Would give a whole English plane to be a fly on the wall of that office it has really nothing to do with us
10:27Now what's the meaning of this hmm, I said what is the meaning of this
10:33Dizzy you look all in you better sit down. I thank you very much
10:38You must think all this is very strange
10:41You wouldn't think oh, yes, I have. I certainly been doing that. Oh my goodness me my head
10:46Hey, you must have had quite a skin. Yes, but is he Walker got me that bottle?
10:50It looks to me as if I'm nearly finished
10:53You better tell me all about it
10:56Last report I had of you was outside mrs. Pikes. Yes, that's right. Yes. Yes. It was a good thing. She missed
11:06She thought I'd been
11:16He thought I'd been
11:22You're getting wooly mind, but it all began to do many years ago you see a few years after the
11:34Few years after the
11:38Maybe you keep going off into a dream. Well, I keep seeing birds
11:44You'll take my advice you'll sign the pledge
11:47I'm not gonna sit here and listen to your meanderings
11:49There's a war on those troops are gonna be trained
11:51Okay, if you want to remain part of this platoon, you'll get out there and give them a half an hour's arms trip
11:56Yes, of course. I'm right. We'll pull yourself together. Yes. All right. Yes
12:00And we'll talk about this after the parade
12:12Do my best to try and take over this I can
12:18Squat now property these everyone squat and shut
12:23Come on, Pike. Come on, Pike. Pay attention, please
12:31Pack I said I'm sure I did I said slope arms. I'm not going to I beg your pardon
12:38I'm not going to
12:42You're not
12:47You've done it no lad that was a mutiny you'll be shot
12:56Pike says he's not going to not go to one slope arms
13:00What's all this about I'm sorry to bother you. Mr. Manning could I have a word of doing private please?
13:15I'm to ignore sergeant Wilson man said sir
13:21Right, yes, mr. Manning she said if I were to see uncle
13:24I'm sorry to bother you. Mr. Manning could I have a word of doing private please?
13:27Right, yes, mr. Manning. She said if I were to see uncle sergeant Wilson, I was to ignore him
13:33So I did now. Yeah, Pike. I'm running this platoon. Not your mom your mother
13:38Didn't say I was to ignore you. Well, that's very generous of her
13:42Well, you see she said that
13:45Sergeant Wilson was a bit of a casket
13:49She said
13:54Mr. Manning
13:56There's a pigeon in your pigeonhole
13:58You see this friend of mine was a pigeon fancier only you don't fancy him no more
14:29I thought you might be able to train them to take messages. Where are they coming from from the boiler house next door?
14:54Only if you take a dump
14:59I don't know. What's the matter with him? I've never seen him in such a tizzy. I thought he was gonna have me shot
15:05How much do I owe you five pounds?
15:07Five I had to give ten buck to Ted for topping them. Didn't I? All right. All right. I'll give you the cash in the morning
15:17Haven't you heard them jetty planes flying over? Well, they won't see a little light like that. How'd you know?
15:22Have you been up there to have a look? I'm gonna book you for this
15:26You're showing more light with that silly talk to you. Can we have a couple of pigeons and forget it for me?
15:35Well, well, I suppose it's it's not a very big light is he thanks very much
15:45Easy peasy
15:48It's a fine barrage of putting up the night
15:51Yes, three point sevens person
15:53What did noisy things aren't they?
15:58It's after nine o'clock, but the wiles are missing
16:02I'm sorry. We're late. Mr. Mary. I had to get those pigeons in cold storage
16:17The mysterious
16:53Want to do
16:56Just be listened to the wireless I've lost the taste
17:01Walk up
17:03You have my permission to fall out. Is there anything you particularly want to do? No, sir. I'm gonna stay here on duty
17:09Joe, here's the keys of my shop. I think you better get a move on go. Oh, that's nice. Pull up the rope Joe
17:14Mr. Mannery, I think my five will come round
17:18I can hear the headlines now. I can see them home guard commander arrested for chasing birds
17:40Please sir, mum says if you see uncle sergeant Wilson, would you tell him that she'd like a word with him, please?
17:46Well, I don't expect I shall see him I've given him a short compassionate leaves to sort himself out
17:51Oh, oh, well, see she's whitewashing the spare bedroom ceiling. I think she needs some help
17:59I wouldn't have thought that was much in his line. Well, he holds the stepladder for
18:08Seems rather a pity. No one rations are so short as some people might be quite glad of them
18:13Well, I don't know what he did but they'd all gone when I got to my shop this morning
18:21Listen I got rid of him, but it wasn't easy. I can tell you did anyone see you? No, of course not now
18:25Listen, I put free don't tell me about it. Don't tell me I don't want to know I'm gonna tell mr
18:30Mannery no put his mind at rest
18:32Joe Joey
18:33You've never destroyed them. Have you man? I couldn't bear the thought. Of course not. What do you think? I am a mug
18:40Listen in a few days time. I'll let you have a couple
18:43If we don't have an eek wave
18:48Mr. Manning sir, I thought you'd be interested to know that the things with feathers that we don't want to mention
18:55Have been put in a place
18:58That I don't want to know about and neither do you man who is going to remain anonymous
19:07You won't hear any more about it
19:09I see. Yes. Do I make myself plain, sir?
19:16Yes, you do corporeals quite plain
19:21If you care to approve the hymns for Sunday
19:24I thought lead kindly light rock of ages God moves in a mysterious way and onward Christian soldiers
19:31Yes, they've seen more like me
19:34Nothing very controversial there. Well, the reason I ask is because we haven't had an organist since poor mrs
19:40West passed away. So we have to sing unaccompanied which means the congregation must know the hymns
19:45I always give them the first note, of course
19:53Permission to interject sir
19:56Yes, what is well, there's no need for the bigger to play on his pipe you mean you think I should lie light
20:02Oh, no, no, no, no
20:05Much better if he plays his pipe. Well, I quite agree with you captain Maverick. I'd much rather do this
20:10for this
20:13Yes, no, no, you misunderstand what I mean
20:16You see a vicar can play on his pipe for the first three hymns and then work for onward Christian soldiers. I can play the organ
20:24I know idea that you play the church organ. Oh, so I was driven to it by passion
20:34Fell in love with this beautiful lady
20:36Well, she wasn't beautiful. She had rather an acid face as a matter of fact
20:40So she had a very acid face, but notwithstanding that sir what attracted me to her so was her knees
20:47Yes, sir, she had very flat knees
20:51Never seen anyone with such flat knees
20:55And you know, I found out why it was she was very religious lady and she did terrific lot of praying
21:02Anyway, notwithstanding that I'm very sorry to say this sir, but she drove me mad with lust she did
21:09And I was determined to make her look favorable on me. You see so so haunted by desire
21:14I learnt to play onward Christian soldier on the organ. You see sir
21:18So there I was night after night day after day just haunted by desire with her flat knees imprinted on my brain
21:27Eventually, I've got it in my repertoire you see sir
21:30So I rushed around to her house filled with triumph, but didn't do me any good though. She'd moved to Bournemouth
21:41Thank you very much corporal Jones that should make a nice change shouldn't be Captain Maverick. Yes, I'm sure it will
21:52Saw my friend is from
22:35I'm glad you couldn't make it. Well, it's all been rather a trial, sir
22:40Could you spare time for a little chat after the service? Yes, of course. Yes. Thank you
22:51Forgotten you've got this heavy suitcase of dirty. I'm only sorry. I won't be able to see what that's all right
22:57I was afraid I was going to miss you. Yeah, well
23:01I'm glad I've seen you in your uniform it it suits you very well
23:06So does yours you think so? Yes. Yes, I do. I'm glad you like it
23:11Well, I must rush or I'll be late
23:14Goodbye, daddy. Oh my darling. Thank you for coming to see me
23:22Give my love to your mother
23:32Fine nothing. Yes, you see her
23:37Her mother left me when she was very young I
23:40Haven't really seen very much of her over the years, but I
23:43Well, I managed to get her to a good school
23:47She did you credit? Yes, sir. I
23:50Think it was worth it still. You see it's
23:54All in the past really I didn't
23:57Want anybody to know about this?
24:03I'm an old blether Skype Watson. I know that and so do you
24:06But I promise you
24:10Nobody'll ever hear a word about this for me
24:13Thank you. I won't forget that. It was very kind of you. Thank you. I'd better have one of these
24:19Better have one of these
24:33And so this makes it does it not even more necessary that we should look into our own hearts
24:41Gaze closely at ourselves
24:44Using the clear light of truth and ask ourselves
24:47Are we any better for that poor woman if she were to stand in front of us today?
24:54Would we be blameless?
24:57Could we be the one to cast the first stone? I?
25:02Hope you've been paying attention
25:14Why where's Jonesy go gonna play the organ for the last hymn on the Christian soldiers
25:21What's matter Joe you gone pale he can't do that
25:27Fifty pigeons in the pie
25:39I thought I'd help with the collection
26:56This bunch of goofballs don't disappoint man
27:00You know getting the bird episode that wasn't quite the birds that I wanted to see on this episode, but spectacular
27:06We got to talk about it. Thank you guys for hanging out that last hit. Yeah, what's great man? The look on Walker's face
27:14Ladies and gentlemen while we were wondering where Walker had stowed
27:19The pigeons the birds, and I'm glad that we found out towards the end to look on his face there when
27:27He he found out that you know what Jonesy was doing that he was gonna be playing the organs and shit
27:32I'm a recipe for disaster
27:35and you know a lot of times rumors are spread without somebody getting all the facts straight and
27:43Frazier is that guy man. You know one thing. He has really cool. I always love that
27:48He's kind of eavesdropping. He's got them beady eyes the eyes bulging out
27:52You know I was gonna pop out of this sockets man, so he was so excited
27:58when Pikey was basically
28:01You know being in so in subordinate
28:04I can't I can't say that you know what he was defying orders, and you know I loved his reasoning about it listen
28:11We've said it many times. You know Pike is such a great character. I've called him a mama's boy in countless occasions
28:18And listen you know he did what his mama told him to do and which was
28:23Not to listen to uncle Arthur. You know on this episode, so you know Wilson was in hot water
28:30Throughout the whole episode, but man's had the crazy hangover
28:35Mannering was pissed off
28:37You know cuz this guy is a reliable guy Wilson is such a reliable guys
28:42You know he gets the troops in order
28:46You know he wasn't there. You know for you know however many days. It was that passed and
28:51You know you see this guy. He's got his hangover. He's you know he's gone through something
28:56You know and you know as you as we on you know and uncover it
29:01And it was such a cool episode and then the meat rations
29:05You know things are hard during the war you know
29:08You can't get all this stuff that lady who got upset when the lady got some sausages
29:14you know because
29:16You know the guy was
29:18Did the Dunkirk so she got so pissed off and stuff. Well you didn't do anything so yeah
29:25That was a kind of funny moment there, and then with the meat rations you got Walker there
29:30You know you he was looking
29:32He was looking on that what is it like the calendar and shit
29:36And I guess that's where to look you know the locations of war where a lot of the pigeons
29:40Chill out so I was wondering because they would definitely put a little focus there
29:44Let me know if that was the reason because it was the pigeons in that spot
29:48Let me know in the comments down below make sure we got it if not if there is some other greater meaning to that
29:54Please tell me
29:55Yeah, as we may not have fully got that but um
29:59Yeah, it was really funny
30:01The pigeons and then you know you got this badass guy the warden
30:06You know who's put that light out put that light out, and how easily he is bought he go, bro
30:11It's here's some pigeons that feels like that's the first time that he's ever been
30:16Bought off for something like that
30:18You know you know keep keep hush hush and because he kind of lit up to like he had never gotten anything for free
30:25Before and that was cool to see but yeah when that radio station goes off
30:30You know he tells man a room tells bike. You'll put the radio on and
30:34Yeah, essentially man. You hear the news and stuff and walk. It's like. I didn't do it. I didn't take any monkeys, man
30:40Oh my god. That shit was cracking me up dope episode you hear a little bit of more
30:45Well, we had this mysterious not really mysterious ending, but we find out essentially who this lady was
30:52And it's his daughter. Holy shit, so you know again Frazier jumps the gun
30:58I think he also said that he put his arm around there
31:00So all these things would would you have jumped the gun let me know in the comments down below a firm believer that you should
31:07Forget all the facts before you you know you say anything
31:10Oftentimes better not to say anything, but you know it isn't our business to to you know do gossip and shit
31:16So Frazier was the equivalent for me. There was a show that came out a long time ago called gossip girls
31:23Frazier's that dude man his his facial expressions
31:27You know are just ace on this and you know one thing I get I know I give him shit
31:31I say it all the time, but yeah, he's a great character. You know just gotta
31:36He just had to just hold that a little bit, so I wonder now
31:40He said he's gonna keep his mouth shut for this
31:43Do you feel that he would?
31:45You know protect if if it's not answered, or you know it stays hush-hush don't say anything
31:50But do you think that he would be one that will keep it hush-hush after talking to to Wilson after this matter?
31:57I feel like he would after the fact that he kind of messed up spreading the word
32:02You know spreading the the you know the 411 on it. I feel like after that
32:06Maybe he might have been like I mean let me let me ease up
32:09But let me know what you think that would he be the still you know spill the beans
32:13Let me know in the comments down below definitely an enjoyable episode. You know the pigeon thing was funny
32:18You know these guys buying each other with hey, here's a pigeon for you
32:23You shut up everything, but with all those rations pigeon sounds right nice right about now during that time so anyways guys
32:29I enjoyed it look forward to watching another episode. Don't forget to Like comment subscribe. Hopefully you had a good day
32:35Enjoy the rest of your Friday. Enjoy your weekend, and yeah, we'll see you soon peace out take care
32:39Be well as always just thanks for hanging out appreciate y'all