• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il pepe "è una spezia tenuta in grande considerazione nella cucina di tutto il mondo, ottenuta dai frutti di una pianta arborea rampicante appartenente alla famiglia delle Piperaceae e coltivata in molte regioni del globo, dai climi tropicali a quelli subtropicali. Piper nigrum è il nome della pianta e i suoi frutti, quando maturi, danno origine ai grani di pepe. Di pepe esistono diversi tipi: c’è quello bianco, quello verde e quello nero. Tutti hanno origine dal medesimo Piper Nigrum, per poi differenziarsi in ragione del periodo di raccolta delle bacche o dei processi di lavorazione a cui queste ultime vengono sottoposte. Il pepe nero è certamente la varietà più nota e utilizzata". Al pepe è dedicata la puntata di questa settimana de 'Il Gusto della Salute', la rubrica online ideata e coordinata dall'immunologo Mauro Minelli, docente di elementi di nutrizione umana e nutraceutica alla Lum. "Sul piano nutrizionale, il pepe è fonte di fibre, vitamine e minerali. 100 gr di pepe nero apportano 296 calorie, ma la quantità consumata in un singolo pasto è dell’ordine di pochi grammi. Tra le vitamine contenute nel pepe nero spiccano la vitamina C e la A e, tra i minerali, ferro, calcio e potassio. Il pepe contiene anche terpeni, che conferiscono alla spezia il suo particolare aroma, e piperina, un alcaloide presente in abbondanza nei frutti, responsabile del sapore piccante", spiega Minelli.  E’ proprio in forza di questa sua ricca dotazione di composti che il pepe, oltre ad impartire alle pietanze gusto e aroma, è anche potenzialmente in grado di offrire molteplici benefìci per la salute. 1. Agevola le funzioni digestive  In ragione del ricco corredo di fibre, il pepe migliora il transito intestinale e la piperina, presente nella buccia e nel seme del frutto, stimola la secrezione tanto di saliva quanto di succhi gastrici che, a loro volta, stimolano e supportano la digestione.  2. La piperina è in grado di influenzare la biodisponibilità di farmaci e fitonutrienti come la curcumina, il resveratrolo, il beta-carotene, favorendone l’assorbimento intestinale, regolandone il metabolismo e il trasporto nell’organismo. 3. Studi effettuati in laboratorio, hanno dimostrato che la piperina è in grado di proteggere le cellule dall'azione ossidativa dei radicali liberi. In questo senso, il pepe può essere considerato alimento in grado di contrastare il cosiddetto ‘stress ossidativo’, tenendo al riparo i tessuti da anomali processi di invecchiamento cellulare. 4. Come conseguenza del potenziale antiossidante dei suoi componenti, dati preclinici attribuiscono al pepe una funzione antitumorale. 5. Le proprietà antidiabetiche del pepe, legate ad un miglioramento della sensibilità all'insulina, sono state confermate anche in vivo, così come l'attività ‘ipolipidemizzante’ legata alla capacità di questa spezia di ridurre i livelli ematici di colesterolo, trigliceridi e lipoproteine a bassa densità con aumento delle lipoproteine ad alta densità. 6. Il pepe nero rientra nella composizione di alcuni prodotti nutraceutici utilizzati per trattare i sintomi della vitiligine, poiché aumenta la produzione di melanina. 7. La capsaicina contenuta nel pepe nero ha proprietà espettoranti, fluidificanti e decongestionanti. Per questo motivo ancora oggi in India, dov’è tradizionalmente praticata la medicina ayurvedica, il pepe nero è utilizzato per trattare disturbi otorinolaringoiatrici nell’uomo. 8. Soprattutto nella medicina ayurvedica il pepe trova un'ampia applicazione nelle preparazioni antibatteriche. In particolare, è stato dimostrato che alcune frazioni attive isolate dall'estratto di piper nigrum sono risultate attive contro batteri sia Gram+ che Gram-. A tal proposito, differentemente da quel che si riteneva in passato, si è visto che la piperina, pur dotata di una certa attività antibatterica, alle concentrazioni utilizzate per la speziatura dei salumi, non ha alcun effetto antimicrobico. 9. La piperina sembra anche in grado di stimolare la produzione di endorfine nel cervello così agendo sul tono dell’umore, ed è considerato afrodisiaco grazie alle sue proprietà vasodilatatrici che potrebbero rendersi utili nelle persone con disfunzione erettile 10. Un ragionevole consumo di pepe non comporta particolari controindicazioni. Semmai, dovranno prestare attenzione nell’assunzione di questa spezia i soggetti con gastrite o con ulcera peptica o che patiscono il reflusso gastroesofageo. Anche i soggetti sensibili alle spezie devono accostarsi al pepe con cautela. "Si capisce da quanto esposto che il pepe non dovrebbe essere considerato solo come 're delle spezie', ma anche annoverato tra gli agenti medicinali, disponendo di un’ampia dotazione di composti bioattivi con potenziali applicazioni nutraceutiche e farmaceutiche", conclude Minelli.


00:00It is an extraordinary species that is very important in the world cuisine and that we will talk about in today's episode of the Taste of Health.
00:07It is a species obtained from the fruits of a climbing arborea plant whose height can exceed 5 meters.
00:15It belongs to the family of the Piperaceae and is grown in different regions of the world in tropical and subtropical climates.
00:24Piper nigrum is the name of this plant and its fruits, which are trunks, give rise to black pepper seeds.
00:33Let's see!
00:54Black pepper is certainly the most used spice in the cuisine of the whole world, especially in the Italian one.
01:07Black pepper has an intense, hot aroma, it is neither sweet nor bitter, it is simply spicy.
01:14In this sense, it is used in the kitchen to arrange the most diverse recipes.
01:21It is so widespread that it has given its name to some dishes.
01:26I think, for example, of the pepper fillet or the fettuccine cacio e pepe.
01:31It is present in many sauces and it is present as an aroma in many salads.
01:37The black pepper seeds are obtained from the fruits of the tree, which are trunks.
01:42These trunks, which at maturation become red, are collected, still green,
01:48the pepper seeds are extracted, which are then subjected to an indispensable drying process
01:55to give the pepper its flavor, its long and noble aroma.
02:01The history of black pepper is that in the past it was even used to pay taxes and taxes.
02:09But let Marco Renna tell us about this.
02:19It is said that black pepper was already known since prehistory.
02:24Well, in India, in antiquity, it was certainly one of the most considered and most appreciated spices,
02:33especially in terms of marketing and sales.
02:37One of the most important and interesting markets for India was the Roman Empire.
02:45The Romans made considerable use of black pepper.
02:49Pliny the Elder also speaks of this spice in his Naturalis Historia, but he does not speak of it in slanderous terms.
02:59On the contrary, he styles a sort of critical note on this spice, which cost the Empire not a few resources.
03:09The Romans, in short, spent a lot just for a little bit of spiciness.
03:14And speaking of spiciness, we can say that in modern culture or in the common language,
03:19the word pepper is used when referring to a relationship that deserves to be enlivened.
03:28Putting pepper in a relationship means making it more interesting,
03:33making it more fun, perhaps even more lasting over time.
03:38And then there is certainly something that belongs to the collective imagination at the universal level,
03:45especially for the Italians or for those who decide to make a trip to Rome
03:50and when in the evening they go to one of the many splendid ghiottes and trattories of Trastevere,
03:57they cannot avoid ordering a pasta cacio e pepe.
04:09From the pepper plant, depending on the degree of maturation of the fruits to the harvest,
04:14you can get the green pepper, in which the grains are harvested before maturation,
04:19or the black pepper, which is the most widespread pepper in the world since antiquity,
04:23and in this case the grains are harvested in the middle of maturation,
04:27or the white pepper, in which the fruits are harvested at full maturation
04:31and the grains are deprived of the outer shell.
04:33In this case, the grains have a less spicy and aromatic flavor.
04:37The pink pepper, on the other hand, is obtained from another type of white pepper
04:40and the flavor in this case is much more delicate and less spicy.
04:43In any case, all types of pepper, so I speak of black, green and white pepper,
04:47share the same nutritional profile, which turns out to be very interesting
04:51due to the fact that it is responsible for the numerous beneficial properties attributed to this spice.
04:57In particular, 100 grams of pepper provide 296 calories.
05:01They are rich in fiber and vitamins, in particular vitamins A, B3, B6 and even vitamin E.
05:07Among the minerals are calcium, iron and potassium.
05:11Pepper is characterized above all by the presence of piperine,
05:15an alkaloid present in the peel and seed of the fruit.
05:18This substance is responsible for its characteristic spicy flavor
05:23and therefore for its numerous beneficial properties.
05:25In the peel of the pepper there are also terpenes.
05:28Terpenes are sweeteners that give them a characteristic woody and floral aroma.
05:35In the kitchen, pepper is the king of spices.
05:37With its characteristic spicy and aromatic flavor, it gives a particular flavor to many dishes.
05:44The seeds are used to prepare broths or sausages,
05:47while as regards the seeds ground at the moment,
05:50they are used above all to flavor second dishes of meat and fish and also in some cases first dishes.
05:56The suggestion is always to grind the pepper at the moment before consuming it,
06:01so as to be able to preserve the aroma but above all the very important beneficial properties of this spice.
06:14Like all oriental spices, pepper in history has been both a seasoning and a medicine.
06:20This is due to the many health components that are present inside it
06:25and that now, as usual, we are going to analyze in our decalogue.
06:33The piperine of which I spoke previously is also able to influence the biodisposability of important drugs and phytonutrients,
06:43such as turmeric, resveratrol, beta-carotene, gallic acid,
06:49favoring intestinal absorption, regulating metabolism and also transporting it into the body.
07:00In laboratory studies in vitro, it has been shown that the piperine is also able to protect from oxidative damage
07:07by inhibiting or extinguishing the free radicals and the oxidative species of oxygen,
07:13which lead to a faster cellular aging and to all the pathologies that are related to that aging.
07:24Precisely because of the great antioxidant potential of the pipernigrum and its components,
07:29research on the antitumor effects of this substance is a very hot topic,
07:35as demonstrated by the large number of scientific publications that are produced in this regard.
07:40Of course, at the moment there is only preclinical data,
07:44waiting to have the results of clinical studies conducted on oncological patients.
07:53The black pepper also has a metabolic action, in the sense that it works a lot on the metabolism of sugars,
07:59as it tends to increase insulin sensitivity, which I recall is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels,
08:06and also tends to reduce cholesterol levels.
08:13The pipernigrum is included in the composition of some nutraceutic products
08:17that are used for the treatment of vitiligin because of its ability to increase the production of melatonin.
08:26Capsaicin is contained in the black pepper, which has a deodorant, fluidifying and decongestant property.
08:33For this reason, in India, black pepper is still used to treat otolaryngo-iatric disorders in humans
08:41and gastrointestinal disorders in veterinary medicine.
08:48Black pepper also stimulates the production of endorphins
08:51and can be found among aphrodisiac foods,
08:54as, thanks to its ability to induce vasodilation,
08:58which brings it to the pepper, it can bring benefits to patients with erectile dysfunction.
09:08A reasonable consumption of black pepper is not associated with particular contraindications,
09:13if they should ever pay attention to this substance,
09:16people who should suffer from chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux.
09:22As far as allergies are concerned, I only remember that black pepper is part of the large range of spices,
09:29so subjects with documented awareness of this category of substances should pay particular attention.
09:46Over the years, several scientific revisions have explored the potential properties of
09:52antidepressants, antispasmolytics, antidiarrhoids, antibacterial and antimicotics,
09:59and even anti-asthmatic properties of black pepper,
10:02but the scientific debate on these topics is still open.
10:16Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
