Hay's Way: Katharine is on the Isle of Lewis hearing about the impact of tourism

  • 2 days ago
Katharine visits Blackhouse Village on the Isle of Lewis to hear about the impact of tourism on one of the island's most popular attractions


00:00I've made it to the Black House village, which is on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis.
00:25And just behind me you can see, these were the last inhabited traditional black houses
00:30on the Outer Hebrides and it's a really popular tourist destination at the moment on the island.
00:37In fact, so much that this year there has been a bit more momentum building to try and
00:43encourage some developments to help support the number of tourists coming through to this
00:51Just travelling towards it myself, I can see that the road, it's a single track road and
00:55not in the best condition, grass growing through the middle of it.
01:00And yeah, just imagining large coaches of tourists and camper vans and motorhomes coming
01:06down that, it must be a bit of a struggle in the summer months, particularly in July
01:12and August when they get the most numbers of people coming here.
01:16My colleague Alison Campsey wrote a piece just recently about local residents kind of
01:21getting together and calling on the Scottish Government to help them address this infrastructure
01:28And the Scottish Government has said that it's not up to them, it's really up to the
01:33local authorities, so the Western Isles Council, to sort out the problem that they're facing
01:42I mean, one resident said it was a horrendous summer just because of the amount of people
01:46coming through and the developments at Stornoway Port, which is the main town on the island,
01:53they've developed the port so that larger cruise ships can arrive, which means more
01:58tourists coming onto the island.
02:00So it doesn't seem like it's going to be a problem that's going to go away.
02:04So there are still conversations being had over what's best.
02:08I just spoke to a member actually of a community council on the island who was saying that
02:14even if they did have the money to build a road, I mean, he was saying that this land,
02:20it's all built on peat.
02:23So to build another road would require millions, maybe more.
02:27And he was just saying that, is that really what the island wants anyway?
02:32Part of the charm to a place like this is because it is a single track road and people
02:36love the kind of authenticity of that and the fact that it's very traditional and old
02:41school and just like what it was.
02:42So to start building a bigger road is maybe not what people want anyway.
02:46Because the depth of peat, it would cost millions of pounds to upgrade the network of roads
02:53in these islands.
02:54And so when you've got places like Blackhouse Village that's so popular, I mean, I've had
03:00and seen people getting quite upset by just, you know, a lot of tourists coming in and
03:03concerns about the road.
03:04I mean, what is the solution?
03:06The solution is probably to build more lay-bys.
03:12Because to build a two-track road out there would take a lot of commitment and government
03:21And I don't think there's much cash going about for anything, to be quite honest.
03:25So you think just manage it kind of as it is?
03:29I think so.
03:30It appeals to tourists, this oldie-woldie kind of thing.
03:36Because I've got people from Canada here and our roads that we drive on are like a sidewalk
03:42to them.
03:43They've got massive wide highways.
03:46But do we want that?
03:48I don't think so.
03:50I'm quite happy to remain in the old world.
03:54It makes more sense to me.
03:57So what about the kind of influx of tourism?
04:00I mean, is there any way of maybe managing that?
04:03They would have to stir.
04:04Well, I think over-tourism is taking place right now, there's too many, with all these
04:13massive cruise liners coming in and buses going about everywhere with them.
04:19That's taking its toll on the road as well.
04:21And maybe they should be charged more for coming in here, these cruise liners.
04:26And the amount of caravans and mobile homes we see floating around, there's just so many
04:34of them, and maybe they should contribute, in a way.
04:41Because I can't see our own council getting that kind of cash to do what's needed, really.
04:47But if we're not the only people like that, I think most of the country's like that, to
04:50be very honest.
04:51Maybe we're better off than some parts of the country.
04:55We haven't got so many portals.
04:58He was also saying that maybe there could be a way of getting them to contribute a little
05:03bit more to the island, because at the moment a lot of the tours, of which Blackhouse Village
05:09is one of the stops on the itinerary, it's just a sort of quick pit stop, and come take
05:14a photo, walk around, and then head on again.
05:17So yeah, there's a lot going on for a little historic village like this, seems all sort
05:23of peaceful and quiet.
05:25But I've actually just chosen this moment to do a video, because there was a large tour
05:30group here just earlier, who'd come from one of the cruise ships.
05:35But yeah, there definitely seems to be a little bit of upset among some of the locals who
05:42are trying really hard to encourage some kind of change to help manage the influx of tourism
05:49in the area.
05:50Because also just down the road, you've got the standing stones as well.
05:54So the road is just one road, and it's particularly popular when it comes to the high season.
06:01I'm going to head up to a community centre slash shop, where I've heard that I can talk
06:06to a few more people maybe about this issue.
06:09Interestingly, I've tried to talk to a couple of people who work here at the Blackhouse
06:14Village, but they just don't want to say anything.
06:17They're just telling me that they just want to, yeah, not have any interviews.
06:22So that's completely fair enough.
06:24Managed to speak to a couple of others who have been saying similar things, that it's
06:28just been a very busy summer, and that that road isn't cut out for these large campervans
06:35and tour buses coming down.
06:36I mean, it's originally built for a horse and cart, so there's no surprise there.
06:41But yeah, I'll be hopefully writing about my experience here on The Scotsman, which
06:46you can find under a section called Hay's Way, which is where you'll find articles that
06:51I've been writing about my tour of Scotland that I've been doing over the last seven months.
06:57You can also find pictures and stories on my Instagram page as well, which is rural
07:03underscore cat with a K.
07:05But yeah, for now, I'm going to be heading up to the shop, which is about two miles,
07:11I gather, just to get a few more voices about the Blackhouse Village and just to understand
07:17a little bit more the picture of over-tourism and just tourism in general on the Isle of Lewis.
