Shortland Street 8022 4th October 2024

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00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02You've got nothing to lose. I'm married with three children.
00:04Maybe you should have thought about that before you hooked up with some unhinged, slutty surgeon who made you feel young again.
00:09It's my fault, Maeve.
00:10No, it's not. Jo and Nick, they kissed.
00:13Oh, he's so adorable. I love seeing you pictures of Jo.
00:17You said Jo.
00:18No, I didn't.
00:19Maybe you're not doing as well as you thought.
00:21I'm meeting my friends.
00:23Hi, Nicole.
00:25It's time to stop playing games. It's time to get serious.
00:31Shortland Street
00:45Hey, Mullet.
00:46Hey, Drew.
00:47I guess you're just in ACL in record time.
00:49You, of course.
00:51I'm really glad you're in a good mood.
00:57Harper knows.
00:59About what?
01:00You know what.
01:01The kiss.
01:06Maeve, why do you hate me so much?
01:08I don't. I just...
01:10Wanted some payback?
01:11No, no. That's not it.
01:13Why did you tell her?
01:14Because Harper was in a bad way. She was beating herself up.
01:19What do you mean, bad way?
01:21She was upset about you guys, about your marriage.
01:25I don't get it.
01:26Drew, she thought she was going crazy.
01:28Okay? That she was the problem, so I set her straight.
01:32And yeah, I probably should have come to you and given you a chance.
01:36Yeah, you should have.
01:38Well, anyway, it's done now, so...
01:40Good luck.
01:43What was that about?
01:46I snuffed up, mate.
01:48How bad?
01:50Divorce court bad.
01:53Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit distracted.
01:55Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, I'm, um...
01:57I just...
01:59I just blabbed something that wasn't mine to blab.
02:01So it is something.
02:03Yeah, but I should have waited for Nick on this one.
02:07You're so sweet. You're such a devoted couple.
02:09On a good day.
02:12Who is it?
02:13Billy's school.
02:14Well, don't panic. Just take the call.
02:21Kia ora, Mae speaking.
02:24Oh, sorry.
02:26No, yeah, I'll get someone to pick him up immediately.
02:29I'm so sorry about this.
02:31Yeah, okay. Okay, bye.
02:33And thank you.
02:36Did you forget you were on pick-up duty?
02:38Uh, no, Nick forgot, not me.
02:40Well, you can go if you want. I can cover.
02:42No, it's okay. I'll get Cassie to pick him up.
02:44Poor little kid.
02:47Okay, I need a word.
02:49I told you I didn't really have any sort of chance with you anymore.
02:51I need you to hear this and to help me understand it, and it's confidential.
02:56Drew and Nicole have had a thing going on.
02:59I mean, not like a full-blown affair, just a...
03:02I actually don't know what.
03:05Yeah, so don't you understand? This changes everything for us.
03:09Well, it just means that the scales are kind of balanced now.
03:12He cheated, you cheated, so everyone's good to go?
03:14No, I just think it's good for you to know so you can move on with Billy.
03:18Poor Billy.
03:20What's happened?
03:21I'm icing him out.
03:23I told you not to do that.
03:24I can't look him in the eye.
03:26No, you can now because you're free of me, you're free of us.
03:30Because Drew had a fling.
03:31No, because I know how to fix my marriage now.
03:33I know where it's broken, and it's got nothing to do with you.
03:47I'm home.
03:50Hi. Is Billy OK? Was he upset?
03:53No, he's all good. He's having a sleepover at Jackson's place.
03:57Yeah, he went home with him after school.
03:59I told Nick and she said it was all good. Did she not tell you?
04:02Is she home yet?
04:04Maybe she's out with Harper or something.
04:11Straight to voicemail.
04:13Nick, call me, yeah?
04:17Can you text her?
04:20What should I say?
04:21I don't know. You could get her to bring something home with her, like bread or milk.
04:30Maybe that's her now.
04:39Hayley's invited some of us for dinner. It's a bit far, so I might be late.
04:43This isn't like her.
04:45She hasn't been herself for a while, though.
04:50Um, I told Harper that Nick kissed Drew.
04:57Yeah, so maybe Nick knows and this is my punishment.
05:01She wants to take me out for breakfast in the morning.
05:05She's been nana bragging about Knox and wants to show him off to her friends.
05:16I'm home. Sorry I'm late.
05:22Be down in a second.
05:35Cats are all tucked up in bed.
05:37Go, go.
05:39I talked to Maeve today.
05:42I talked to Maeve today.
05:44Yeah, I know.
05:46I just wanted to hear your side of things before I said anything.
05:51Leave all that. Come on. Come and sit down.
06:05What did Maeve tell you exactly?
06:08Um, you had some kind of fling with Nicole.
06:12It wasn't a fling.
06:15It was just a dumb kiss.
06:17That all?
06:18Just once and we both felt sick afterwards.
06:21I bet.
06:23I don't even know why it happened.
06:26You're pissed off with me, probably.
06:28I can't even remember.
06:31I wondered why Nick was so weird.
06:33Don't blame Nick.
06:35He wasn't. You just landed one on her.
06:39You really want to know all this?
06:42I think it might help, you know, to get it all out.
06:47She was in a bad place. So was I.
06:50And then it just happened.
06:53You like drunken mollies or something?
06:55No. Stone cold sober at work.
07:01I'm sorry.
07:02Yeah, I know you are.
07:04Don't take it too easy on Nick, okay?
07:06She's just as messed up as me.
07:07Yeah, of course.
07:08Actually, no. Cancel that.
07:10You can blast Nick all you want. And me.
07:12Let me have it. I've got no right to tell you what to do.
07:14I'm not blasting anyone.
07:17At least chuck a pot or something at me.
07:20I don't want to do that. I just...
07:22I want to move on.
07:27We've both been in shitty places and done stupid things.
07:32It's the end.
07:34Me too.
07:36I'm so sorry.
07:38Yeah, hey, just...
07:40Listen to me. It's all over now.
07:43Let's just draw a line in the sand, okay?
07:47Start fresh.
08:02That was 20 seconds.
08:04No, the stopwatch does not lie.
08:06My hand hygiene is impeccable. Take me off your list.
08:08No, not until you satisfy all requirements.
08:10Okay, what's going on?
08:12Nars thinks it's above the hand hygiene audit.
08:14I'm too busy for this.
08:16I've got my eye on you, Arshid.
08:18What are you doing?
08:20The job that you gave me.
08:21You're supposed to observe and to give gentle reminders,
08:24not drive the doctors crazy.
08:26The doctors have been very cooperative.
08:31Excuse me?
08:32Hope you're going to sanitise those hands
08:33before you drop off that prescription.
08:34I wasn't aware.
08:35Germs, Thad. They're everywhere.
08:37And their favourite place to hide
08:38are sweaty little fingers and sweaty little hands.
08:40Okay, stand down.
08:41Germs are nothing to be scared of.
08:43In fact, lots of scientists now think
08:44that not getting enough different kinds of germs
08:46into our body is actually bad for us.
08:48This is a hospital, Thaddeus,
08:49and germs will not be tolerated here.
08:52Yeah, I thought we'd done this already.
08:53No, no, no, I need to see your hand-drying technique again.
08:55No, you don't.
08:56Do you see what I'm up against?
08:58I've got this.
09:01I am relieving you of duty.
09:03Well, you delegated this job to me.
09:05And I am taking it back.
09:07Oh, thank God.
09:09Clipboards just bring out the worst in me.
09:11Be free.
09:13Nicole's not picking up my calls.
09:15I guess.
09:16Have you talked to her today?
09:18If you do, can you tell her I'm not on the warpath?
09:20I want to give her a hug.
09:24I wish Freckles was here.
09:26I don't know how much help he'd be to you right now.
09:28Yeah, I know that, but he helps me think straight.
09:31Maybe I'll give him a call.
09:33Just, you know, he might be struggling too, though, you know?
09:38You can if you want.
09:39I mean, he's your bestie.
09:41Well, I don't owe her now.
09:42Sorry, I didn't mean to put you off.
09:44No, you're right.
09:46I just want someone to talk to.
09:52Hey, um, do you know if Nick's in yet?
09:55Uh, no, I haven't seen her.
09:56Okay, thank you.
10:02Hey, hey, it's me again.
10:04Um, I hope you're okay.
10:07I hope you're not ghosting me.
10:09Can we, um, can we catch up when you get to work, please?
10:14Why would she be ghosting you?
10:16Oh, never mind, it's probably nothing.
10:18Morning, Maeve.
10:22Um, you haven't, you haven't seen Nick at all, have you?
10:25Oh, I just spoke to her on the phone.
10:27She's around here somewhere.
10:29Did she seem okay on the phone?
10:31Yeah, we had a really good chat, actually.
10:33Might catch up later.
10:36Is something wrong?
10:37No, no, all good.
10:39Thank you, Louisa.
10:40You sure you seem a little bit worried?
10:42I'm fine.
10:44Well, if you need to talk, I'm a great listener.
11:09Back shortly.
11:11Madonna's sending us two more nurses.
11:13How long do we have them?
11:14Only three hours.
11:15But Sage is being bumped from hand hygiene duty.
11:18Hey, um, have you seen Nick today?
11:21Not yet.
11:22You talked to Drew, though?
11:23Yeah, yeah, we've had a chat.
11:25I hope you've sorted it.
11:26I'm working on it.
11:28Was I wrong to tell you?
11:29No, no way.
11:32I just, I hope Nick's not avoiding me because of it.
11:35Avoiding you?
11:36Yeah, yeah, she stayed with a friend last night, won't return any of my calls.
11:39Oh, no.
11:40Strictly text only, if that.
11:42Thought it was men who were supposed to be rubbish communicators.
11:47You mean it's just as bad between two women?
11:50Welcome input, as always, Emmett.
11:52Glad to hear it. I appreciate it.
11:55Mr. Hahn's stable and booked for theatre?
12:00Right, no West for the irrelevant.
12:05Um, anyway, where is Nick right now?
12:08I think she's in surgical.
12:10Okay, well, we're pretty under control here.
12:12So go and find her and I'll page you if we need you.
12:14Thanks, Harper.
12:15Can you just keep an eye on Maggie's BP?
12:17Yeah, of course.
12:26Shouldn't even throw anything.
12:28Is that what you want?
12:29It's what I deserve.
12:31Well, it's just a kiss.
12:32These things happen sometimes.
12:34Do they now?
12:35This isn't about me.
12:37I am saying just be grateful that Harper can put it all into perspective.
12:40I'm her husband.
12:42She shouldn't have any perspective when it comes to me.
12:44She should be ranting and raving or giving me the cold shoulder, something.
12:48Or maybe she just wants the two of you to move on.
12:53Why is she being so forgiving?
12:55It doesn't make any sense.
12:57Mate, you are not making sense.
12:59She is being understanding, giving you the benefit of the doubt,
13:02and you want to, what, throw it back in her face.
13:05If I was you, I would put my head down and be grateful.
13:19Yeah, it's nice to see you too.
13:21What are you doing tonight?
13:23No plans.
13:25Just you, me, and bring your toothbrush.
13:27So now you have time for me.
13:29Yeah, sorry, just everything with Harper.
13:31But it's all sorted now.
13:33Yeah, it seems that way.
13:35What if you guys have another incident?
13:37It won't happen.
13:38How do you know?
13:39Because we squashed it, for good.
13:42Well, as long as it doesn't come back on you.
13:44It won't, okay? I promise, it's done.
13:47I just don't like seeing anyone give you a hard time.
13:49Oh, my protector.
13:51Yeah, yeah, I know you don't need it.
13:54Can we just focus on us now?
13:56I'd like that.
14:04Give me the tablet.
14:07Give me the tablet.
14:09Okay, what's going on?
14:11This is an intervention.
14:13Really, Thad, now?
14:15Vanselina needs our help.
14:17Vanselina is gone.
14:19She's still in there, we know that.
14:21Yeah, don't let this job crush your spirit.
14:23Your joie de vivre.
14:25I know what it's like.
14:26It's easy to let it all get on top of you.
14:28Thank you, but no thank you, give it.
14:30If either of us are apart more than 30 seconds, one of us dies.
14:33Not until you promise to go on a date.
14:36What date?
14:37I forgot to tell you,
14:38Selina's been chatting to someone on kinder.
14:40Ooh, what's his name?
14:42What's he like?
14:43Bradley something.
14:44You know, he's tall, nice eyes.
14:46Works in finance.
14:48He does sound rather dishy.
14:50Well, then why don't you date him?
14:52Well, what if he's the one?
14:53Oh, come on.
14:54She's right.
14:55This could be serendipity.
14:56You might not get this chance again.
14:58You have to go on this date.
15:00Break the D.O.N. curse.
15:02Be the first one of us to have the job and have a life.
15:05Will it get you both off my back?
15:19You good?
15:20Not exactly.
15:21Seeing Harper?
15:22She's with a patient.
15:23Okay, thanks.
15:25I'm sorry.
15:26Whatever's been going on with Harper and Phil,
15:28it's not your job to chase up my concerns about it.
15:31It's all good.
15:32I think it's over now anyway.
15:34Yeah, Phil said they've squashed it,
15:35so yeah, that's that.
15:38They don't believe it.
15:40Harper's in a very forgiving mood.
15:43Phil hasn't done anything wrong.
15:46No, not Phil.
15:47I'm the one who should be in the dog box,
15:49except I'm not.
15:50What have you done?
15:52Another time.
15:56Hey, actually,
15:58can I run something last year?
16:00Yeah, of course.
16:03When did you first say the L word to Harper?
16:06Right, um, early.
16:09She said, I know,
16:11when she was Han Solo or something.
16:14Then she cracked up and said it back,
16:16and then took it back after I made her sit through
16:18over six hours of Star Wars.
16:20Who doesn't know Han Solo?
16:21What do you ask?
16:22Oh, you know, just thinking about things.
16:25All right, good on you, pal.
16:29All right, then.
16:30Catch you later.
16:31Hey, how did you catch up with Mariko?
16:36Look, I just want to tell you I love you.
16:41And all this horrible mess and mistakes I've been making,
16:48it's all that really matters.
16:51I love you, too.
17:01Can we chat?
17:02My shift's about to start, sorry.
17:04Oh, I suppose not as I'm from the creche, is he?
17:06Mind if I pop up and see him?
17:08They have strict rules about access.
17:10Parents only.
17:11Of course they do.
17:12Very wise.
17:13Oh, maybe we can all catch up later?
17:17No promises.
17:20Madonna, hey.
17:22Um, do you know what time next you're out of her up?
17:25I'm sorry?
17:26She said it was going to be quite a long one.
17:28She's not here.
17:29What do you mean she's not here?
17:31She didn't turn up today.
17:32No explanation, nothing.
17:34Is she okay?
17:40But why lie?
17:42I mean, I feel like I'm going crazy.
17:45Where the hell is she?
17:46Well, maybe she just needs, like, time out or, like, a mental health day.
17:49Why not just say so?
17:50What was she mad at you?
17:52What are you guys fighting about, if it's not too personal?
17:55Well, first she was confiding in her online friends instead of me.
18:00Oh, Ben, that sucks.
18:02Yeah, and then there was this confidential thing and I told someone.
18:08The person had a right to know.
18:10I'm keeping the secret was killing me.
18:12But Nick feels betrayed?
18:14Well, that's all they can come up with.
18:16But she's never behaved as weird as this.
18:18It's just, it's not like her.
18:20So what's your next move?
18:22I don't know.
18:23I guess I just have to wait till she gains to show up.
18:26Just breathe through it, eh?
18:28I'll try.
18:29You guys are great together.
18:31We'll sort this.
18:34Well, plenty of time before we have to pick up those kids.
18:38Yeah, plenty.
18:40Come here.
18:42I like the way you think.
18:50Who needs date night, eh?
18:52When we can just sit and bask in the moment of life.
18:55It says he likes long baths, and you love long baths.
19:00It says he likes long baths, and you love long baths.
19:04Oh, well, we're practically soulmates.
19:06We can double date!
19:08Can you stop?
19:09I'm sorry.
19:10I just really want this for you.
19:12You are getting way ahead of yourself here.
19:14I know.
19:15It's just, you deserve to have someone who can love you the right way.
19:19As opposed to the Chris way.
19:21Well, no offence to Chris, but...
19:23I do deserve better.
19:26You look beautiful.
19:28Oh, I wish I felt it.
19:30I mean, check out those bags.
19:34They're going to charge me extra.
19:37You look great.
19:41Come here.
19:42Where would I be without you, my fairy godmother?
19:45Hey, Dad's one too.
19:47We love you, and we just want you to have fun.
19:49Thanks, but remember to get the budget forecast in to us by the end of the day.
19:53I've got it.
19:54Okay, forget about work.
19:55Just enjoy yourself, okay?
19:58Hey, and we'll need to know all the dates when you get home.
20:00What kind of girl have any secrets?
20:26Hi, Cassie.
20:27Finished work?
20:29Oh, I can give you a lift home if you like.
20:31We usually walk.
20:32Oh, I don't like the look of that weather.
20:33You don't want to get caught in the rain.
20:35Well, we will walk anyway.
20:37It's honestly no trouble.
20:38I mean, I'd hate Knox to catch a cold.
20:40And I won't expect to come in or anything like that.
20:43What's going on?
20:44Louise is giving us a ride home.
20:46No, she's not.
20:48Hey, it's fine.
20:49I'll just drop them off.
20:50Go back inside and wait for me.
20:51I'll give you a lift.
20:56Why did you do that?
20:57You know why.
20:58It's too soon for you to be hanging around Knox.
21:00Well, what does Nicole think?
21:01Hang on.
21:02You told me that you spoke with her today.
21:04I did.
21:06And what did she say to you?
21:07We had a long chat.
21:09She didn't show up for work, but you told me that she was here.
21:12Did I?
21:14Cut the bullshit, Louisa.
21:16What the hell is going on?
21:17I don't know what you're...
21:18No, drop the act.
21:19I don't know what this is, but I am over it.
21:22You know what?
21:23Me too.
21:24I want my baby back.
21:25Are you serious?
21:27We're really going to do this again?
21:28Give me my baby back or you'll never see Nicole again.
21:36You know what?
21:38Well, number one, you're gorgeous, sexy and amazing.
21:44That's three things.
21:46And two, I think we're finally back on track.
21:51Don't worry.
21:53I'll be back in a minute.
22:53Drew is that you uh?
22:55Yeah, just uh
22:57Checking your roster on for that osteotomy this afternoon. Yep sure I am
23:01Did you need me to pass on something?
23:04No, no, no all good. Just chicken